Documentary Tale of 'Madness' Chapter 4.

 Documentary Tale of 'Madness' Chapter 4.

the mAGaziNe 'ObVIoUSly increDIblE'

𝐓𝐫𝐮𝐞, 𝐨𝐧𝐥𝐲 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐭𝐫𝐮𝐭𝐡 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐛𝐮𝐭 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐭𝐫𝐮𝐭𝐡 𝐢𝐬 𝐚𝐥𝐰𝐚𝐲𝐬 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐲𝐰𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐞.

The capitalist madness is that by 2020, all the inhabitants of the planet will go crazy. Some of us tend to think that today's world is one huge madhouse where sane people are enslaved by the unsaged.

Nazism is as old as the world, the phenomenon and ideology has very deep roots going back centuries. Nazism cannot be defeated, this ideology wanders the world with enviable constancy. Nazism can doze off, or can be reborn at any moment. And that's his danger. And today it is very important for everyone to understand this, because the danger has come into our house, it has already crossed the threshold of our common home - the planet 🪐 Earth 🌍 🌎 🌏 

Theses of truth.


Coronavirus Covid-19 was planned in advance to establish the New World Order

Covid-19 is a false pandemic created for political purposes to establish a narrow group of individuals of totalitarian world domination. 

US Patent for Coronavirus Patent (Patent # 10,130,701 issued November 20, 2018)

US Patent for Coronavirus Patent (Patent # 10,130,701 issued November 20, 2018)

We've discovered a patent for coronavirus. On June 23, 2015, the U.S. Department of Justice filed a complaint with scientists at the Pirbrait Institute (England, Surrey) patent application No. 10.130.701 "a live attenuated coronavirus containing a variant of the resisea gene encoding polyproteins containing a mutation in one or more non-structural proteins (s) (nsp)-10, nsp-14, nsp-15 or nsp-16."

And on November 20, 2018, this patent was granted to the Pirbrait Institute for a ready-made "invention."

The project was sponsored by Bill Gates, who is actively involved in vaccine development programs to reduce the planet's population. Coronavirus is another link in the actions of the supranational world elite in this direction.

And low-cultural biologists have seen structural details similar to 2019-nCoV on the electro-microscopic image of the "English invention". This pathogen can be mutated into a very real biological weapon. With which, of course, we congratulate everyone, especially the officials responsible for the non-proliferation of chemical and bacteriological weapons. 


1. Bill Gates, six months before the pandemic, signed a $100 billion deal with a Democratic congressman sponsoring the bill.

The shocking revelations were made public by two investigators in a Thomas Payne podcast and Moore Payne's show at Patreon.

Ep. 27 -- The Investigators Who Dissected the Clinton Foundation’s Labyrinth of Global Fraud for Congress Break Their Silence in their First Interview; the Revelations are Disturbing. John Moynihan & Larry Doyle Join Paine to Break Big News 

Thomas Paine Podcast

Daily News 📰

Nine months after meetings with the Gates Foundation in Rwanda, Bobby L. Rush, a Democrat from Illinois, introduced the Verification, Coverage and Contact Act at COVID-19 (TRACE) for 100WK HR 6666.

All contacts and contracts must be checked immediately. In the leaked government video (10) we see a conversation between former U.S. President Bill Clinton and Andrew Cuomo, governor of New York State. They discuss how to create a large control system to test the entire population and verify all their contacts. They are discussing how to build an army to implement this system of government. 

A whole new level of global control. 

Bill Gates also made it clear and unfortunately not one Gates does: only people who have been vaccinated against Covid-19 should be allowed to travel, go to school, attend meetings and work. 

Bill Gates And Ellen Degeneres Discuss Vaccinating ‘7 Billion Healthy People’ In Order To ‘Return To Normal’ HAFHAFApril 25, 2020

Digital vaccine identifiers are already being developed (12), and Gates has a patent for technology that allows tracking of a person's body anywhere. 

This technology was called WO2020-060606 .

Microsoft Funds ID2020 And Files Patent For Device Attached To The Human Body For Buying And Selling Bitcoin – Patent #666 HAFHAFApril 20, 2020

It is also very important to note: an enzyme called Luciferase is what makes the implantable Bill Gates vaccine work.

An Enzyme Called LUCIFERASE Is What Makes Bill Gates Implantable Vaccine Work HAFHAFMay 13, 2020

In addition, Gates wants to create a global monitoring network that will track everyone who has contacted Covid-19.

2. The first mentions of the new totalitarian order we refer to 2010. The document is entitled "Scenario of future technologies and international development." 

This says it all: a scenario for the future. It contains a chapter called "LockStep," which reports on a global pandemic as if it had occurred in the past, but which is clearly intended as a rehearsal for the future.

Rockefeller Foundation’s Operation Lockstep: ‘Under The Guise Of A Pandemic, We Will Create A Prison State’ HAFHAFSeptember 21, 2020

Operation Lockstep of the Rockefeller Foundation: "Under the guise of a pandemic, we will create a prison state"

The "Scenario for the Future" continues by comparing two different reactions to their predictable pandemic: the U.S. only "strongly discouraged" people from flying, while China imposed mandatory quarantine for all citizens. The first response is accused of further spreading the virus, and the introduction of a suffocating blockage praises. It describes the implementation of totalitarian control: 

"During the pandemic, national leaders around the world showed their power and imposed strict rules and restrictions, from the mandatory wearing of face masks to body temperature checks at entrance to public places such as train stations and supermarkets."

It is clear that the desired answer is a show of authority. But it's only getting worse, according to this "Scenario of the Future":

"Even after the pandemic subsided, this more authoritarian control and oversight of citizens and their activities has been stuck and even intensified."

"In developed countries, this enhanced control took many forms: for example, biometric identity cards for all citizens and tighter regulation of key industries whose stability was considered vital to national interests." 

Global Control Handbook

Now that the declared pandemic has indeed come, the same Rockefeller Foundation has taken the second step: a guide to implementing new control systems during this pandemic. Only when all the necessary management networks are created can the world reopen.

When we combine the two Rockefeller documents, we see a plan:

A. First, they declare a global pandemic of coronavirus and say where this should lead: a whole new level of authoritarian control.

B. Second, they give practical steps on the application of this management system.

Illustrations, quotes from their ideological leadership:

"Digital apps and privacy-protected tracking software should be widely used to better track contacts."

"To fully control the Covid-19 epidemic, we need to test the majority of the population weekly."

According to their "Scenario of the Future" the entire world's population must obtain a digital identity card that indicates who received all the vaccines. Without sufficient vaccinations, access to schools, concerts, churches, public transport, etc. will be closed. 

In 2020, that's what Bill Gates and many governments around the world are calling for. 

3. Global isolation is forecast for 2008.

Author researcher Robin de Ruiter predicted global isolation in 2008. He said the aim of this would be to create a new world of authoritarian control. Much of what he wrote back in 2008 is now happening right in front of our eyes, this book has been reissued.

4. The pandemic during the 2012 Summer Olympics played a kind of psychological PR of the very idea of the possibility of a global pandemic. Then during the opening show of the Summer Olympics 2012 in front of the world played a pandemic of coronavirus. It is a psychological impact on the consciousness of billions of viewers across the planet and the preparation of consciousness for their plan and plot 2020-2021 . 

5. Apparently, some of the artistic projects promoting the same totalitarian medical philosophy were financed. Filmed 🍿 Films predicted a pandemic of coronavirus.

The film Dead Plague depicts a global pandemic of coronavirus and even mentions hydroxychloroquine as a cure. Another film, titled Infection, shows how coronavirus is spreading around the world as a result of social distancing, face masks, locking, hand washing and other psychological creep. De facto, the psychological impact on the world's population, by introducing into the consciousness of the inevitable scenario of the apocalypse was methodically and massively. These films show in detail literally everything that we see now. It remains to understand the talents of production companies and transactions.

6. Chinese biological experiments on infection of people with coronavirus, revealed in 2015 by Italian state media. Then the Italian state media company RAI - Radiotelevisione Italiana - exposed China's dark efforts to fight viruses. 


The November 2015 broadcast showed how Chinese scientists were doing biological experiments on a SARS-associated virus believed to be coronavirus derived from bats and mice, asking whether it was worth the risk of being able to modify the virus for compatibility with human organisms.

Below is a transcription

Italian english translation:

Chinese biological experiments 🧫 

Chinese scientists have created a pulmonary supervirus from bats and mice only for research purposes, but there are many questionable aspects. Is it worth the risk? This is, of course, an experiment, but disturbing. This worries many scientists: a group of Chinese researchers links a protein derived from bats with the SARS virus, an acute pneumonia derived from mice. The result is a super-coronavirus that can affect people. 

Source here 👇The you can read a few more material 👇

In 2015, Anthony Fauci donated $3.7 million to the lab. Imagine: The same U.S. official guaranteed a sudden outbreak of the virus even after Trump's event in the next two years, the same doctor evil Fauci gave nearly $4 million to a lab developing coronaviruses. We're going to come to this lab and China at the end of our big review today. 

7. An outbreak from China has been declared.

In 2018, the Institute of Disease Modeling shot down a video that showed how the flu virus originates from China, from the Wuhan region and spreads around the world, killing millions of people. They called it "Simulation of the Global Influenza Pandemic." That's exactly what happened two years later. Why is China 🇨🇳? Why not Africa, where there are many more diseases? Or why not South America 🇺🇸? Or India 🇮🇳? How could they know that the flu virus would come from China, and even point out Wuhan as a place of origin that would infect the whole world? 

Remember these virtual questions please 🙏 

Where did the virus come from? One of the world's leading experts in biological weapons is Dr. Frances Boyle. He is convinced that this came from the Biological Weapons Laboratory in Wuhan, a Level 4 biological security laboratory.

Chinese Biological Experiments To Infect Humans With Coronavirus Exposed In 2015 By Italian State Media HAFHAFApril 1, 2020

And remember this institution in Wuhan🇨🇳 

Dr. Li-Meng Yan, a Chinese virologist (doctor of medical sciences), fled the country, left her job at a prestigious Hong Kong university and became an informant. She appeared on British television, where she stated that SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19, was created by Chinese scientists in the laboratory, and she presented evidence to support her claims. You can learn more about 👇

8. Global Preparedness Monitoring Council in September 2019: 

"Be prepared for a global coronavirus pandemic." 

In September 2019 - also just before the outbreak - the Global Preparedness Monitoring Council published a report titled "Peace in Danger." 

It is unequivocally stated that the outbreak of coronavirus should be prepared. 

The cover has an image of coronavirus and masked men. 

In the report itself, we read the following paragraph:

"The United Nations (including WHO) conducts at least two system-wide trainings and simulation exercises, including one to highlight the deliberate release of a deadly respiratory pathogen."

Did you get it? 

They practiced the deliberate release of a deadly respiratory pathogen. De facto, there is no killer virus, it is an information virus 🦠. Used the World Network of Instant Information and thousands, tens of thousands of fake stories shot around the world from hospitals with extras of actors, cemeteries and other cinematic technology of ges and fear. Territories around the world have been turned into filming pavilions of nature, filmed fakes and driven around the world to sell fear with a deferred payment for the service. To see and imbue with fear, to fall ill with a virus unprecedented to the village and, of course, the opportunity to die without enjoying all the presalities of free and not very life, but still life! 

9. Preparing for a pandemic.

A few months before the outbreak Bill Gates - the world's largest operator - a vaccine dealer 💉 - organized an event in New York City, all in the same notorious huge complex of buildings in downtown Rockefeller Plaza . 

Guess what it was all about? 

These were "coronavirus pandemic exercises." Event 201 . Hopkins University, and maniac Bill later told the world to lie all-out, are conducting a coronavirus pandemic exercise right before it happened! Ready number one, so to speak. 

On a large display in the auditorium, you see the printed text: "We need to prepare for an event that will turn into a pandemic." 

This pandemic event was called Event201 and took place in October 2019, just before the outbreak. 

They concluded that all humanity should be vaccinated ...

10. Excitement about the sale of vaccines next year.

Shortly after this terrorist "exercise against the coronavirus pandemic," Bill Gates tweeted:

"I'm particularly excited about what next year might mean for one of the best health purchases in the world: vaccines." - Bill Gates, December 19, 2019

Think about it: The world's number one vaccine dealer is guaranteeing that there will be a global pandemic in the next few years, and his wife said we should all be wary of an artificially created virus that is "already on the way." They then organize exercises in response to the impending global pandemic and say that vaccines will be the only solution. Bill Gates then tweets how excited he is about selling vaccines next year. Immediately thereafter, a declared pandemic broke out.

11. In 2015, a testing method for... COVID-19.

In 2015, Richard Rothschild, together with the Dutch government organization, patented the COVID-19 Testing System and Testing Method.

Did you get it? In 2015, four years before the onset of the disease, a method of testing for COVID-19 was developed. 

Take a deep breath and let it dive a little into you! 

12. Millions of COVID-19 testing kits sold in 2017 and 2018 and 2019. 

Everyone seems to remember the new disease COVID-19, it is voiced and supposedly appeared in China by the end of 2019. Apparently that's why it was given the name COVID-19, it's an acronym for Corona Virus Disease 2019.

And the World Integrated Trade Solution data shows us something unimaginable:

This data was discovered on September 5, 2020 and published on social networks. As always, performers make mistakes. 

As early as September 6, WITS tries to hide the invoice and changes the original designation "COVID-19" to the vague "Medical Test Kits." It is forbidden 🚫 the rules of world trade, because you always need to be careful and very specific. There are many types of test kits for different diseases. The fact that they removed the COVID-19 specification after the data became known around the world proves that they don't want anyone to know about it. However, they did not take into account, or remove, one detail: the product code for these "Medical Test Kits" is 300215, which means "COVID-19 Test Kits."

Their cover-up of criminal acts happened too late: this critical information is recorded and this fact has been learned by millions of people around the world. You can watch the PDF file with the original data of this site.

And at the end of our material we give you for dessert 🍮 a democratic cake 🍰 with a cherry 🍒 without any numbering, implying our desire for freedom of conscience and the meetings of our shareholders of honor and truth. 

Apparently it is practical work with the Chinese population 👇 prevention of diseases

Shandong Province Justice Department. Urgent notice. 

Department of Lawyers (Departments):

On January 23 at noon, an urgent notification was received from the Department of Justice to carry out work to eliminate the outbreak...

<...>meat the implementation: we need to make a positive report. <...>

Municipal law offices must do the job, ... as an important task to strengthen the positive side of the local legal team to make sure that lawyers do not have a negative impact on the work of the entire bureau. Legal advice is provided to provide legal protection and legal services if necessary, in accordance with the government's party office.

Second, strengthen control over emotions. Municipal departments should fully strengthen monitoring and monitoring of the state of affairs during the epidemic. < ...> take responsibility for monitoring the situation so that locals do not give negative statements or speculations. 

<...> monitor, and remove negative information as soon as possible to eliminate all consequences.

Shandong Provincial Law Department Legal Department

That is, this guy said that the Chinese government (Shandong Province) has issued a document urging the public to monitor the fakes and monitor reports of "flash". 

But as we can see, the document is dated January 2019. Whether he meant that the Chinese government predicted the outbreak a year ago, I don't know, but I found this letter interesting.

Lack of beds at the hospital in Wuhan.

Back in January 2020, a video was recorded online, which is said to have been filmed in Wuhan, which is in a state of siege with some other parts of China due to an outbreak of an unknown coronavirus. In the video, a man wearing a medical mask calling himself Dr. Jin Gui claims to be working at a hospital in Wuhan. The video is distributed with the translation of the Doctor's Chinese speech into English and in the caption of the English video it is reported that the doctor says that the number of people who died due to coronavirus exceeded 90,000.

Calling himself "Jingui" and claiming to work at a hospital in Wuhan, he says the number of people who have died due to coronavirus is 90,000. If this is true, then we should really worry, because it will affect all of us," reads one tweet, under a video that has already gone viral and has already been viewed by more than 116,000 people in this account alone.

Then this video spread a note on social networks, which then said about 90,000 dead from the virus. 

Let's be clear: the video does not refer to 90,000 deaths due to the virus. 

Maybe it's a doctor, maybe not a doctor. Perhaps the video was actually shot in Wuhan, perhaps shot in a different location. The woman-like man in the video says not about 90,000 deaths, but 90,000 cases of possible infection. She said "z次" that is pronounced as "ren qi," which means "business." 

And this is very consonant and close in pronunciation and writing to the "human death" (z死), which is pronounced as "ren si." She speaks with a strong accent and, apparently, for this reason the video has gone to the people with data on 90,000 dead. 

If you believe the information about "90,000 cases" that this person speaks about, the real statistics on the virus by numbers are much ahead of the official one.

The scale of coronavirus spread and its consequences, the attitude of the citizens of the celestial empire to the threat, clearly shows a video from the subway of one of the Chinese cities located outside the quarantine zone. 

The guy pulls out a sign that says, "I just came from Wuhan." So I'd like to add, "Have you still given up your seat? Then we go to you!"

Everything must be remembered ! 

Advertising of the 90s and 2000s, which has to be remembered now under different circumstances, is not fun at all. 

Are you still boiling? Then we go to you !

"Then we come to you" - the advertising slogan from a series of commercials about Tide washing powder with "cleanliness expert" always lifted the mood. Even when it was 100500 time it was played on TV. The idea of advertising, by the way, at that time got not in the eyebrow, and in the eye, because the only option to achieve the ideal whiteness of the linen in those years was only boiling. And the very expression "Then we go to you" is firmly in the speech, de facto it became a popular expression and was used everywhere practically "on the machine of speech."

📹 Racism in a Chinese laundry detergent advertisement

📹 Top 10 Food Catchphrases from Commercials 

On January 28, Chinese leader Xi Jinping met with Tedros Adhan Ghebreyesus, Director-General of the World Health Organization (WHO). At a meeting in the Great Hall of the People's Assembly, Xi Jinping said: "I have always personally led and acted. With the right policies, we will surely defeat this epidemic. I believe that we are building our trust, working together, strengthening scientific control and conducting clear policies, we must overcome this outbreak."

According to media reports, the WHO Director-General said China discloses information "transparently," "identifies pathogens in record time" and "actively exchanges relevant sequences of viral genes with the World Health Organization and other countries." "In the face of the epidemic, the Chinese Government has shown strong political resolve and taken timely and powerful measures to preserve peace. I believe that china's measures will effectively control and ultimately help to defeat the epidemic.

That is, the very word epidemic began to be implemented before the official announcement of the epidemic . There was no de facto epidemic, except for the madness in the networks. Any epidemic is noticeable, people die in large numbers than in normal years. Such cases in real life did not happen, otherwise we buried people by the thousands and it would have seen the residents of cities personally, and not fakes on the screen. 

The 2019 outbreak didn't start with the seafood market in Wuhan and Jeffrey Epstein didn't commit suicide. 

So, in connection with the coronavirus outbreak, we have the following introductory data: 

"Event 201" in October 2019, sponsored by the banner of vaccination campaigns conducted not only in Africa, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. "Event 201" simulated a global coronavirus pandemic. At the end of 2019, the release of the January Netflix "Pandemic", starring Bill Gates, predicting the epidemic of coronavirus ... 

As a result, logically, there should be a pandemic. And it comes at the end of 2019 - China first tried to hide it from the world, hoping it wasn't that serious. Its epicenter is two BSL-4 laboratories that work with coronaviruses, and one of which has invested Soros: Soros has invested in a biotechnology laboratory in Wuhan, and it is located at 666. WuXi PharmaTech Inc., 666 Gaoxin Road, East Lake, Wuhan High-Tech Development Area 430075, China 🇨🇳 

In July 2019, the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) identified two China-linked researchers from the National Microbiology Laboratory (National Microbiology Laboratory) in the Canadian province of Manitoba, Winnipeg, and accused them of a possible "policy violation." Dr. Xiango Tsyu, who helped develop the treatment for the Ebola virus, her husband, Keingg Cheng, a biologist who published articles on coronavirus strains such as SARS-CoV, and Chinese students working under their guidance, were denied access to canada's only Level 4 (BSL-4- biosecurity laboratory, the same level of safety in laberia in Wuhan). A month after Chiy, Cheng and his students were escorted out of the premises, media reports that live Ebola viruses were sent to Beijing in March 2019 for research. However, Beijing does not have BSL-4 safety laboratories, so they were probably redirected to Wuhan. As for which viruses were actually sent to China, everything is murky, and their declaration is simply impossible, as it is not yet possible to say with a hundred percent certainty which viruses were actually sent.

Then there are reports that scientists at Harvard and Canada have been investigated/accused of having secret ties with China and sending or attempting to send some pathogens/cells to Beijing/Wuhan. It may not be related to coronavirus, but for some reason it seems that there is also a connection with the outbreak. 

The arrested Dr. Lieber made no secret of his work with Chinese partners, joining five high-ranking officials and scientists in 2013 to found the Wut-Harvard Nano Key joint laboratory at Wuhan Institute of Technology. Charles Lieber, head of the Department of Chemistry at Harvard University and bio-chemical lab, was arrested and charged with a crime. The U.S. Department of Justice says the 60-year-old Liber lied about his contact with a Chinese program known as the "Plan of a Thousand Talents," which the U.S. considers an intelligence project. In a affidavit unsealed Tuesday, FBI Special Agent Robert Plumb said that, according to the documents, Dr. Lieber received up to $50,000 a month in salary and $150,000 a year in living expenses at Wuhan University of Technology, and that the university and the Chinese government also gave him more than $1.5 million to build a lab in Wuhan.

Lieber was the principal recipient and investigator of at least six U.S. Department of Defense research grants, worth more than $10 million, issued by the National Institutes of Health (an organization currently working on a coronavirus vaccine).

In addition to Liber's arrest, the Justice Department also released the names of two other investigators, Chinese nationals, who were indicted on Tuesday in connection with aiding China. Yanqing E was accused of being an agent of a foreign government and conspiracy. The statement said you "lied about her ongoing military service at the National University of Defense Technology (NUDT), a leading military academy led by the CPC. Another team man, Saosong Jung, was also arrested and charged with stealing 21 vials of cages from the Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center in Boston and attempting to take them out of the United States. It is not known what these cells were or whether they were infected or not.

Importantly, this coronavirus is a SARS-type coronavirus. Its acute glycoprotein contains 4 inserts, none of which has ever been previously detected in any other coronavirus, and all four correspond to HIV-1 sequences. They may be "short" sequences, but they are long enough to perform each task that make the coronavirus more resilient and more effective. It is considered unlikely that coronavirus could mutate on its own to pick up 4 new inserts, and it is obviously very unlikely that all four correspond to HIV-1 sequences. These insertions provide the new coronavirus with an additional benefit in terms of survival and infection. The researchers express "surprise," describe the results as "supernatural," argue that these coronavirus is "unlikely to be by nature" and "suggest an unconventional evolution," concluding that their "work highlights new evolutionary aspects of 2019-nCoV." (Indian scientists: The virus 2019-nCoV embedded AIDS genes . China 🇨🇳 becomes the author and pilot project to launch, strange from a medical point of view providing measures: quarantine, mandatory wearing of masks, as well as electronic passes, and vaccines are widely welcomed as a solution to the problems they suggest vaccination can be a prerequisite for international travel, announce the first steps to universal mandatory vaccinations for everyone.

But at that time there was not the most important: there were no detailed quantitative analysis, because any qualitative analysis is based on a mass of clear data. And the assumption of scientists and non-scientists from TV, can last indefinitely about this event, we are well aware. However, just take all the "unlikely" theories and preconditions for coronavirus and call it one chance out of a hundred, multiply all odds one in a hundred on their number of all assumptions and analysis. 

All of you are very smart people, friends, and should understand that coronavirus 2019-nCoV did not start with the seafood market in Wuhany and Jeffrey Epstein did not commit suicide. 

Again, microsoft's "666" patent. 
Microsoft has registered a patent for an application to bind the human body to the cryptocurrency system. 

It is a cryptocurrency system that uses human impulses, such as brainwaves and body heat, to perform online tasks such as using search engines, chatbots and reading advertisements. 

"The user may unknowingly solve an arithmetically complex problem," the patent says. The goal is for us all to be immersed in reason, that is, what mining servers with cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin do can now be done by a "human biocomputer". 

In fact, it's a very brief description of the brain-computer interface that can read and record electromagnetic signals from the brain at such a fine-grained level that the brain literally becomes a biocomputer on the network. A unique feature of blockchain payment systems was that once you took the so-called wallet online, your computer formed a block in the network, resulting in your computer getting a kind of calculation program that calculates the coin security key. All computers on the network must receive the same key as they can confirm. Thus, if the entire network sees a transaction from a coin, all of these keys are checked, and if one is rejected, the transaction is illegal and rejected. This would provide unparalleled security. The problem, however, is that bitcoin mining requires a lot of processing power, and this requires power. That's why bitcoin mining has found itself in one of the most energy industries in the world. It seems that Microsoft's patent is aimed at eliminating this principle of blockchain, which not only consumes a lot of energy, but also puts a great strain on the Internet in terms of bandwidth (after all, all computers in the chain should always be tested for reliable encryption). Simply put, Microsoft wants to use the human brain as a block in the blockchain. The 5G network will provide enough bandwidth to implement this. 

Many are aware of the introduction of a model points system based on the Chinese system "Sesame Credit." The coronavirus pandemic provides the perfect alibi for implementing such a system. Specifically, this means that first of all, the assessment of your behavior (expressed in points) will be stored in the cloud. If you follow the rules carefully, you can use public transport or a plane. If you don't follow the rules, your account will collapse.

The forthcoming social isolation applications are a harbinger of such a system of behaviour assessment. After all, if you do not keep a sufficient distance from potential infections, you should be quarantined at home. There we also see that China plays a leading role. Although Bill Gates officially resigned from the Microsoft board this year, we can guess who is the main driving force behind the patent 2020-060606.

Notice the biblical number of the beast's sign in the patent from the biblical book of Revelation: 666. It says that there will come a time when no one will be able to buy or sell without the number to carry the "beast" with the assertion that this number is six hundred and sixty-six. So the same Bill Gates with his ID2020 wants to develop a digital ID to register vaccination. If you combine such a digital quality sign with a digital passport (ID) and with a 2020-060606 patent, you have fully enslaved people. 

Revelation 13: 16-18: And the mark will be set to all, both small and great, and rich and poor, and free and servants, on the right hand or on the forehead; And that no one should buy or sell, except who has this sign, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. Here is wisdom: the one who has understanding will count the number of the beast; for this number is human, its number is six hundred and sixty-six. 

... The Official Gazette of the Kingdom of the Netherlands published a change in the law that allows the introduction of a digital ID:

"The Kingdom Act of March 6, 2020 amends the Passports Act in connection with the introduction of electronic identification with publicly available means of identification and the expansion of the main travel document registry. We, Willem-Alexander, by the grace of God, the King of the Netherlands, The Prince of Orange-Nassau, etc., and so on and so forth... Thus, we considered that it is desirable to amend the Passports Act in connection with the introduction of electronic identification by public means and the expansion of the main travel document registry.

Past editorials of the Editorial are brief.

"Hazard stands for Trump. Trump is still pulling the strings in this case."

The FDA put pressure on the FDA to put the vaccine on sale as soon as possible. This is evidenced by emails from the European Medicines Agency (EMA). Just days after Pfizer published its first major clinical trial results, a senior EMA official, Marco Cavalryi, head of EMA vaccination strategy, warned the FDA that Azar and the U.S. government were "strongly pressuring him."

And yes, the Rothschilds are conducting human domestication experiments and biometric data collection operations. 

We may be shocked, but we've got a job like this today, Friends. We cannot but inform you that the Rothschilds are conducting human domestication experiments and biometric data collection operations. 

From the patent (download PDF (Rothschild: "The method of collecting and transmitting biometric data (e.g. vitality indicators) of the user is provided, in which the data is analyzed to determine whether the user is suffering from a viral infection, such as COVID-19. The method involves the use of a pulsoximeter to measure heart rate and blood oxygen saturation percentage, which is transmitted wirelessly to a smartphone. To ensure the accuracy of the data, the smartphone uses an accelerometer to measure the movement of the smartphone and /or user. Once accurate data is obtained, they are uploaded to the cloud (or host) where data is used (separately or together with other vital functions) to determine whether the user is (or probably suffers from) a viral infection such as COVID-19's 😷 

Gates: Giving back more than twenty. 

Epstein Gates, the planet's greatest "humanist" sperm collector, has revealed how much money he can raise on what he has proposed to reduce the planet's population on vaccines.

What a self-confident great humanist.

-You have invested about $10 billion in vaccination over the past two decades. And you calculated the return on investment for that. It stunned me a little bit. Can you guide us through this math?

- A return of more than twenty to one . . . So if you just look at the economic benefits, then it's a pretty strong number compared to

anything else.

- Think that the numbers that you voiced, this money was invested in the stock market, and reinvesting dividends, you get something about 17 billion dollars. But you can make $200 billion.

The chairman of a biotech firm that sells co-ort tests has admitted that all this covid nonsense and measures are a hoax.

Dr. Roger Hodkinson, Chairman of the Committee of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons in Ottawa, CEO of a large private medical laboratory in Edmonton and chairman of the Medical Biotechnology Company selling the COVID-19 test:

"There is a completely unfounded social hysteria caused by the media and politicians. This is the biggest hoax ever committed over an unsuspecting audience. There is absolutely nothing that can be done to contain this virus. It's just nothing more than a bad flu season. It's politics playing medicine and it's a very dangerous game. No action is required. Masks are completely useless. There is no evidence that they are effective at all. It is absolutely ridiculous to see these unfortunate, uneducated people walking around like lemmings/slaves, obeying their puppet governments without any evidence. Social distancing is also useless. The risk of dying before the age of 65 is 1 in 300,000. The answer is ridiculous."

The Italian doctor and statesman, ex-commander of the Italian Civil Protection Department Guido Bertolazo also told something about how things are going with the covid in his country:

"2,000 per day for every hospitalized person with COVID. If they're for a z35 per day per migrant going crazy, then what are they willing to do for a fee of 2,000 B in a day. That's what I say to Bertlazo. Now you understand the history of tampons, masks, hospitalizations, police outside hospitals. They don't want you to film, because all the hospitals are getting coy. Because they make patients with another pathology declare themselves coe-like in order to be able to receive treatment."

Judging by all, many of those who misunderstanding calls themselves a journalist, will be a little confused now and their propaganda in the broadcasts of the central channels of panic, total subordination under the absolutely false pretext of concern for the health of the plebs, as well as their sowing of hostility between the so-called masked, subordinated politicians, against sane people, will now be a little difficult

The sequel to the documentary 'Madness' follows into print very soon 🔜, almost immediately. There's still no way we're going to get to the planes ✈️. 

But it's very soon 🔜 

ℰ𝒹𝓂ℴ𝓃𝒹 𝒟𝒶𝓃𝓉ℯ𝓈 .

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