Urgent statement from the Editorial Board ❗️

Urgent statement from the Editorial Board ❗️

24-ዘዐሀዩ ጠልፘልጓፗበይ 📓 'ናልናዘዓሀልዩ'

⏳ƬɼⅈᎴʋℓɛ ℵ 🔬Ꮥɑℽʂ 🎙

After lengthy discussions with colleagues from several jurisdictions, the Editorial Board came to the opinion to provide additional confidential information to a limited number of individuals. A very small number of people have this information exactly since the dates below. Apparently, at that time did not consider this a significant event? 

We affirm once again: the last decision to start the special operation "COVID-19" was taken in Davos by three defendants - Putin / Trump / Merkel . Open, translate, study. 

All we can comment on personally for you in this article below. No comment on the 👇

  [ The editorial board held a number of consultations with colleagues. We have come to the conclusion that the lawyers involved in this case should think about forming claims against an unidentified group of persons about a biological attack on the world and an undeclared war with the introduction of information blackmail in the mode of turbo - bio with elements of large-scale psycho-sabotage. 

In our deep conviction, the documented defendants who have uttered and released the phrases "pandemic" , "coronavirus," "COVID-19" based on the array of documents at your disposal, are active members of a criminal group of global scale and are subject to arrest. These defendants are numerous, some fund owners, WHO director, some de facto are first-class officials and even presidents. The epic consequences and proportions of the information attack that occurred cannot be described in a clear way. The current terms of the moment, compromising documents available to us dictate to us the following names of applicants for an international arrest warrant 🚔 

to apply for an international arrest warrant: 

1) Tedros Adan Ghebreisus 

2) Claus Moptin Mwab

3) William Henry Gates III

4) Anthony Stephen Fauci

5) Herman Oskarovich Gref (Sberbank) 

6) Anna Jorevna Popova (Rospotrebnadzor) 

7) Miyail Albertovich Murashko pulled out of the criminal corruption case by Putin's order of January 21, 2020 appointed Minister of Health of the Russian Federation. 

8) Peter Aven 

9) Oleg Deripaska 

10) Naila Vagif Kiza Askeur-zadeh 

11) Margariya Simonyan is a Russian journalist and media manager. He has been editor-in-chief of RT since 2005.

12) Vladimir Rudolfovich Solovyov (Russian: Vladimir Rudolfovich Solovyov, born October 20, 1963)

13) Alexei Repiek (August 27, 1979, Moscow) 

In terms of the totality and proportions of harm to the health of the world's population, increasing exponentially every day, the facts of many deaths, the development of terrible and unpredictable consequences from injection by an unknown substance have not passed the proper procedures of clinical trials when vaccinating against a virus that does not exist in nature, which no one has singled out and still cannot be defined and determined, are impossible to further predict the stability of the world. We also feel it is necessary to communicate our personal opinion. We see no reason why we should make our proposal to the first persons of any state. Law enforcement officers have all the legal rights to act independently without interfering in this sacred matter of the political situation. We see the inaction of all the first persons without exception. We do not comment on this situation because we have seen that such appeals are inconclusive. 

Law enforcement officers are obliged to apply the law in these extraordinary circumstances regardless of anything. ]

Kristalina Georgieva was born on August 13, 1953 in Sofia.

In 1976 she graduated from the Karl Marx Higher Economic Institute in Sofia (now the University of National and World Economics), receiving a master's degree in political economy and sociology.

We will not say much and comment on such world appointments, only briefly remind everyone, including the U.S. intelligence services 🇺🇸: WHO, director of The Ethiopian Marxist and agent of the KGB of the USSR, Kristalina agent of the KGB of the USSR. It's just really strange for us to see all this during the Trump administration, also a Soviet agent since 1987. What is so important for all U.S. intelligence agencies 🇺🇸? And you have a lot of count and budgets you have colossal. 

Have you decided to win out Americans and American businesses as a Soviet cow in a collective farm before fainting in a stall with manual milking? 👇


Feedback: @NailyaA_bot

We begin this Sabbath with predictions about the future of the world economy from the DIRECTOR of the IMF. Spoiler: nothing good.

The Managing Director of the International Monetary Fund, Kristalina Georgieva, warned of a new round of the global economic crisis, linking it to the spread of inequality and instability in the financial sector.

"In some ways, this alarming trend is reminiscent of the situation of the early 20th century, when the development of technology and integration first led to the first "gilded age," the "roaring twenties", and then to the financial catastrophe," the IMF website quotes the director as saying.

No one:

No one at all:

Absolutely no one: Global economy:


On January 20, 2020, the train 🚆 travels to the gathering place of the coe-persons, at the location of the conference hall in Davos. On the train is Andrew Costin's mistress. In Davos she was in diplomatic status and had the opportunity to be in the most intimate zones 



January 21.

What can this woman do with a Russian TV cameraman in the basement of Trump's house? 

The editorial board has data on the meeting in a narrow circle of key figures of the covid, which moved into a closed meeting Of Trump /Putin / Merkel . 


"The American delegation stopped in Davos with style, taking up all possible space. So much so that even the exit from the hotel is not easy to find. And Oleg and I were looking for a bomb shelter, but we never found it."

January 22 

Oleg @olegderipaska about Davos stability and good news from Russia.


"It was not easy to catch Vladimir Selensky today, but only our film crew managed to do it today. The President of Ukraine answered my question about the impendin exchange of prisoners."


"The most important female financier in the world, the newly appointed head of the International Monetary Fund Kristalina Georgieva not only agreed to give an interview to our channel, but also preferred Russian to English. Here is an excerpt from today's issue about the probability of Ukraine receiving the next tranche from the fund."

January 24. No masks were worn during this period. They weren't even on sale until April 2020. 


"In Davos, there is only talk about viruses and epidemics. Both virtual and real. It seems that it is too early to remove the masks."

We are very aware that a small and not healthy child is exploited. Let me tell you, we've talked about it loud enough: it's stupid, it's not serious, it's funny, it's ugly, it's deceitful and it's mean. And it is extremely dangerous for the states of the world, to use a sick child exploited for a narrowly selfish commercial purpose in order to knock out state budgets for dubious projects for outspoken biological terrorists. And taxpayers are asked to raise taxes to exorbitant % . People over $1,000,000 will go to other jurisdictions. And even bigger incomes are long gone. People are leaving U.S. citizenship. Check out the stats. Don't be fooled. Taxes have a psychological scale of 20%, a maximum of 25%. dot. 


Surprised me in Davos and Greta Tunberg. She accused the media of silencing data on carbon dioxide emissions into the atmosphere and subsequent climate change. But she did not communicate with the media. Moreover, one journalist was so pushed away by a guard of a young eco-activist, that the desire to approach Miss Tunberg fell away from many.


More and more traits of outright socialism we see in the United States. Collect a budget, encourage business and give to your own. It's short and simple. And that's how it is, as we formulated. And you can wrap this shenanigans in any fantasies, the essence is still the same.

 We are not against helping poor countries and children. We are against the theft of the U.S. budget 🇺🇸, and in fact the theft from the pockets of U.S. citizens and especially wealthy Americans working for the welfare of the owners of American funds Soros, Gates, Clinton, can continue this account 🧾 on their own. 

The U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), the State Department's financial aid unit, spends more than $50 billion annually. The agency's main areas of work include support for trade, agriculture, economic growth, health, emergency humanitarian assistance, conflict prevention and support for democracy in poor countries.

We emphasize, gratuitous assistance to dozens of underdeveloped countries. 

Transactions and contracts let's see? 

Over five years, the U.S. spends on "assistance"

 underdeveloped countries over $250

for example, Russia's 2018 budget is $254 billion. 

Russia is 16th in the world, smaller than Italy, Brazil, Spain, Australia, the Netherlands,

South Korea, Mexico and even tiny Sweden, the population of 

which is 14 times smaller than in Russia. 

This is Russia's problem. 

We just gave the numbers. 

50,000,000,000 : 360,000,000 along with infants, unemployed, non-tax funds and Trump never paying taxes in his life. 

A cube for close billionaires or an attraction of unprecedented generosity? Or is it a great reboot of the neo Marx Shaab ? Yes, this is what socialist banter turned out, I believe, not intentional, but very revealing) to determine the list of important projects that will be financed by the money of the U.S. budget 🇺🇸 

Needless to say, as in the days of developed feudalism with the favorites who liked to fumble in the treasury of some rapidly impoverished from their appetites kingdom, and on accumulated in the national cup money 💰 to muddy the project "ecology " ? Close the sun 🌞 release with an unclear composition of vaccines and it is not clear from what . Roads in the desert build for camel 🐫 🐫. In general, it is very familiar to us not from the books and speaking hot speaker for the happiness of everyone and everywhere . You can't buy us for that cheap tuft. 

... Where the budget goes is a big secret, a big secret, 

And we look with longingly to him after...

People don't need to know all this! 

We need to maintain funds! 

Vaccines 💉 go well ... 

Our state budget sucks the vaccine octopus 🐙!

U.S. 🇺🇸 

From $1 million, almost doubled, to 39.6%.

In real life, it is enough to limit the simplest three-step table, dividing all taxpayers into three categories of income: low, medium, high.

Here's what we're going to do:

Low-income incomes - 0%

For the average income level, 13%

For high incomes, NDFL 25%

And cut costs. all. 

This is the only sure way to stimulate economic production and the entire economy of the country. If you get into the consumable part, the hair on the teeth will start to grow and stand on end. 

❗️ Deconfirmed Pfizer vaccine causes neurodegenerative diseases

A shocking new report on COVID-19 vaccines found that the Pfizer coronavirus vaccine has a long-term health impact previously reported, including "ALS, Alzheimer's disease and other neurological degenerative diseases."

"The current SARSCoV-2 RNA vaccines have been approved in the U.S. as emergency care without rigorous long-term safety testing," the report said. "In this article, the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine was evaluated for the ability to cause prion-related disease in vaccine recipients." 

According to the CDC, prion-related diseases are a form of neurodegenerative disease, meaning that the Pfizer vaccine can cause long-term damage and negative health effects on the brain.

This is particularly troubling because the Pfizer vaccine is a mRNA vaccine, an untested type of vaccine that creates new proteins and can actually integrate into the human genome, according to a report by the National Library of Medicine. In other words, degenerative brain conditions can appear at any point in your life after vaccination.

This is particularly troubling because the Pfizer vaccine is a mRNA vaccine, an untested type of vaccine that creates new proteins and can actually integrate into the human genome, according to a report by the National Library of Medicine. In other words, degenerative brain conditions can appear at any point in your life after vaccination.

"The sequence of vaccine RNA, as well as the interaction of the target protein spike, were analyzed for the possibility of converting intracellular RNA-binding proteins, DNA-binding protein TAR (TDP-43) and sarcoma (FUS) into their pathological prion conformation," the report explains. According to Alzheimer's, TDP-43 is a protein that causes dementia, ALS and even Alzheimer's disease. Similarly, the FUS protein is known to cause ALS and hereditary essential tremors, according to the Human Genome Database.

The experiment for the report was to determine whether these two harmful proteins were embedded in our DNA, as expected by the mRNA vaccine. The report determined that "the RNA vaccine has specific sequences that may encourage TDP-43 and FUS to fold into their pathological evidence of prions," which means that both proteins can be embedded in our DNA and cause harmful neurological diseases.

The summary of the report concludes: "The attached result, as well as additional potential risks, lead the author to believe that the official approval of SARS-CoV-2-based RNA vaccines was premature and that the vaccine could do much more harm than good." The report itself ends with a warning: "The vaccine can be a biological weapon and even more dangerous than the original infection."



India are fully engaged

April 23. India recorded 332,730 new cases of Feyco virus infection in 24 hours, the second consecutive global anti-record of daily infection. The Indian Ministry of Health and Family Welfare said on Friday that the number of people infected in the country had reached 16,263,695.

The total number of people infected in India is now growing at a rate of about one million people in four days: the country's 15 million-strong border was announced on April 19 and 14 million infected on 15 April. At the same time, the Indian Ministry of Health announced on April 9, when the next million took six days.

India has become the world leader in the number of cases per day. The country was already leading the way in September last year, when more than 90,000 infections were reported in 24 hours. Now this figure has increased significantly: for the second day in a row in India there are more than 300,000 infected (on Thursday 314,835 cases were detected), and for the second time in a row this is the world anti-record.

The number of deaths associated with coronavirus infection increased by 2,263 in 24 hours to 186,020. At the same time, the number of recoverers increased by 193,279 per day to 13,648,159. There are 2,428,616 patients with coronavirus in treatment, which is 137,188 more than the days before.

In the past 24 hours, 3,147,782 people have been vaccinated against coronavirus infection in India, bringing the total number of vaccinated citizens to 135,478,420.

The Raji regularly perform the ministry ......

Infected with PCR tests 

All passengers of the plane from India to Hong Kong were tested before departure - 100% were with a negative result. On arrival, 53 people tested positive.

53 passengers tested positive for the "crown" after a flight from Delhi ,India) to Hong Kong. This is reported by several local media. Before the flight, all passengers were tested for the virus - all of them gave a negative result within the established 72 hours.


There have been many times when people have fallen ill after testing


Infa from Odessa. Started...

Just got the information, the veracity of 100%.

A mobile team of vaccinators arrived at 5 a.m. and school officials announced that they must make vaccines if they want to stay to work 💉

The journalists of Stremousov came there, and the director spoke exclusively about "voluntary vaccination" on camera.

Putin is the first contender for Nuremberg 2-0 . Words are put into the case of the gentlemen investigators 🕵️ ♀️ 


Collective immunity from Putin.

1947 Nuremberg Code

The Nuremberg Code - Was adopted by the Nuremberg Tribunal after the Nuremberg trials of Nazi doctors in August 1947.

In this process, the glaring facts of monstrous medical experiments on millions of people were revealed.

Children, women and prisoners of war in concentration camps were "animals" for Nazi medics. Well, who will ask the animal his opinion or desire to participate in scientific research? Who will explain to the animal about the possible consequences of this or that experience? Of course, no one will do that.

The Nuremberg Code was the first international document to describe the principles of human medical experiments, introducing ethical standards for medical experiment scientists.

The basic principle formulated by the Nuremberg Tribunal under the Nuremberg Code is that a person must have voluntary informed consent after providing him with complete information about the nature, duration and purpose of the experiment; How and how to do it. about all the perceived inconveniences and dangers associated with the experiment and, finally, the possible physical or mental health consequences of the subject who may be involved in the experiment.

The principles outlined in the Nuremberg Code have become the basis for many international and national human health research legislation.


Nuremberg Code

The gravity of the evidence before us leads us to conclude that certain types of medical experiments in a person meet the ethical standards of the medical profession as a whole only if their conduct is limited by the appropriate, well-defined framework. Advocates of human experimentation justify their views on the grounds that the results of such experiments are extremely useful for the whole society, which cannot be achieved through other research methods. Everyone agrees, however, that certain fundamental principles that satisfy the considerations of morality, ethics and the law must be respected.

1. Voluntary consent of the latter is absolutely necessary for the experiment on a person.

This means that the person involved in the experiment as a subject must have a legal right to consent; be able to exercise free choice and not be influenced by any element of violence, deception, fraud, cunning or other hidden forms of pressure or coercion; have the knowledge sufficient to understand the essence of the experiment and make an informed decision. The latter requires that, prior to an affirmative decision on whether or not to participate in an experiment, the subject should be informed of the nature, duration and purpose of the experiment; How and how to do it. about all the perceived inconveniences and dangers associated with the experiment and, finally, the possible physical or mental health consequences of the subject who may be involved in the experiment.

It is the responsibility and responsibility to find out the quality of the consent received by everyone who initiates, directs or conducts this experiment. It is the personal responsibility and responsibility of every such person who cannot be transferred with impunity to another person.

2. The experiment should bring positive results to society that are unattainable by other methods or methods of research; it should not be accidental, optional in nature.

The experiment should be based on data from laboratory studies on animals, knowledge of the history of the disease or other problems studied. It should be organized so that the expected results justify the very fact of its holding.

4. All unnecessary physical and mental suffering and damage should be avoided during the experiment.

5. No experiment should be conducted if "a priori" is suspected of the possibility of death or disabling injury of the subject; exceptions may be cases where researchers act as test subjects in their experiments.

The risk associated with the experiment should never exceed the humanitarian importance of the problem targeted by the experiment.

7. The experiment should be pre-trained and equipped to protect the subject from the slightest possibility of injury, disability or death.

The experiment should be conducted only by those with scientific qualifications. At all stages of the experiment, those who spend it or are engaged in it require maximum attention and professionalism.

9. During the experiment, the subject should be able to stop it if, in his opinion, his physical or mental state makes it impossible to continue the experiment.

10. In the course of the experiment, the researcher in charge of the experiment should be prepared to discontinue it at any stage if the professional considerations, integrity and caution required of it suggest that the continuation of the experiment may lead to injury, disability or death of the subject.

Download the Nuremberg Code 1947.



 Ethical Principles for Medical Research

 involving humans as research subjects

 Adopted at the 18th General Assembly of the World Medical Association (WMA), Helsinki, Finland, June 1964, as amended and supplemented by:

 - 29th WMA General Assembly, Tokyo, Japan, October 1975;

 - 35th General Assembly of the WMA, Venice, Italy, October 1983;

 - 41st General Assembly of the WMA, Hong Kong, September 1989;

 - 48th WMA General Assembly, Somerset West, South Africa, October 1996;

 - 52nd WMA General Assembly, Edinburgh, Scotland, October 2000;

 - 53rd WMA General Assembly, Washington, USA, 2002;

 - 55th WMA General Assembly, Tokyo, Japan, 2004;

 - 59th WMA General Assembly, Seoul, South Korea, October 2008

 A. Introduction

 1. The WMA has developed the Declaration of Helsinki as the basis for ethical principles for medical research involving human subjects as a research subject, including research that uses biological materials obtained from a person or personal data that can be identified with a person.

 The Declaration should be read as a whole, and each of its paragraphs should not be applied without considering all others related to it.

 2. Although the declaration is directed primarily at physicians, the WMA encourages the use of these principles by other participants in medical research involving human subjects.

 3. The physician's duty is to improve and protect the health of people, including patients, who participate in medical research. His knowledge and conscience should be directed towards serving this duty.

 4. The Geneva Declaration of the WMA defines the duty of a physician in the following words: "the health of my patient will be my top priority." At the same time, the International Code of Medical Ethics states: "when providing medical care, the doctor should act only in the interests of the patient."

 5. The basis of medical progress is research, which ultimately should include research involving human subjects. Patient populations that are under-represented in medical research should be given appropriate access to participate.

 6. In medical research involving a human subject, the participant's health prevails over all other interests.

 7. The main goal of medical research with human participation as a subject is to understand the causes, development and effects of diseases, as well as to improve preventive, diagnostic and therapeutic interventions (methods, procedures and therapy). Even the best current interventions must be continually evaluated through research into their safety, efficacy, availability and quality.

 8. Most of the interventions in medical practice and in medical research involve risks and inconveniences.

 9. Medical research is based on ethical standards that promote respect for all people and the protection of their health and rights. Some populations of research participants are particularly vulnerable and require special protection. These populations include patients who cannot independently consent or refuse to participate in the study, as well as those who can give consent under duress or under someone's adverse influence.

 10. Researchers should take into account the ethical, legal and administrative requirements, as well as the standards for conducting research with people from their own country, and relevant international norms and standards. No national or international ethical, legal or administrative requirement can prejudice or nullify any remedy for research participants set out in this declaration.

 B. Principles for all medical research

 11. The duty of physicians involved in medical research is to protect the life, health, dignity, integrity, the right to self-determination, the right to privacy and confidentiality of the personal information of the research participant.

 12. Medical research involving humans should be in accordance with generally accepted scientific principles and based on maximum knowledge of the scientific literature, other relevant sources of information, the results of appropriately conducted laboratory tests and, where applicable, animal studies. It is also necessary to show humanity towards the animals used in the research.

 13. Particular attention must be paid when conducting research that may have a negative impact on the environment.

 14. The design and procedure for each experimental procedure involving human subjects should be clearly stated in the research protocol. The research protocol must contain a statement of the ethical rationale and an indication that it complies with the principles of this declaration. The protocol should also include information on funding sources, sponsors, institutional affiliation, other potential conflicts of interest, incentives for research subjects, and provisions for treatment and / or compensation for research subjects who have been harmed as a result of participating in the trial. The protocol should describe the arrangements for providing research subjects, upon completion, with access to interventions identified in the research as beneficial, or access to other appropriate medical care or other benefits.

 15. The research protocol must be submitted for review, comments, recommendations and approval to the research ethics committee prior to the study. Such a panel must be independent of the researcher, sponsor, or any other influence. The Commission should take into account the laws and regulations of the country or countries in which the study is to be conducted, as well as relevant international norms and standards, which, however, should not prejudice or override any protections for research participants set out in this declaration. The Commission has the right to monitor ongoing research. It is the investigator's responsibility to provide the panel with the information to be monitored, especially information regarding serious adverse events. Changes cannot be made to the protocol without consideration and approval by the commission.

 16. Medical research involving human subjects should only be conducted by qualified, scientifically trained personnel. Research in patients or healthy volunteers should be supervised by a competent physician or other suitably qualified healthcare professional. The health of the research participant is always the responsibility of the physician or other healthcare professional, not the research subjects, even though they have given their consent.

 17. Conducting medical research involving a population or community of disadvantaged or particularly vulnerable patients is only justified if the research meets the health care needs and priorities of that population or community, and if there is a reasonable likelihood that the population or community will benefit from research results.

 18. Any medical scientific research involving a human subject must be preceded by a careful assessment of the foreseeable risks and inconveniences for the subjects and communities involved in the research against the expected benefits both for them and for others and communities affected by the disease under study.

 19. Any clinical trial must be registered in a publicly viewable database prior to recruitment of the first subject.

 20. Physicians should refrain from participating in scientific research involving humans unless they are confident that possible risks have been adequately assessed and can be adequately controlled. Physicians should discontinue any research if the risks are found to outweigh the potential benefits, or if there is compelling evidence of a positive and beneficial outcome.

 21. Medical research involving a human subject should be conducted only when the importance of the goal outweighs the known risks and inconveniences for the subject.

 22. The participation of capable subjects in medical research should be voluntary. While it may be appropriate to seek the advice of family members or community leaders, no capable person can be enrolled in scientific research unless he or she has given his or her free consent.

 23. Every precaution should be taken to protect the confidentiality of research subjects and their personal information, and to minimize the impact of the research on their physical, mental and social well-being.

 24. In a medical research involving a human subject, each potential participant should be appropriately informed about the goals, methods, sources of funding, any possible conflicts of interest, affiliation of the researcher to the institution, expected benefits, potential risks of the research and inconveniences that may arise from participation in the research, as well as any other relevant aspects of the research. A potential research subject should be informed about his right to refrain from participating in the research and the right to withdraw his consent to participate at any time without any negative consequences. Particular attention should be paid to the special information needs of individual potential subjects, as well as the methods used to convey information. After making sure that the potential subject understands this information, the physician or other qualified person should ask the potential subject for free informed consent, preferably in writing. If the participant's consent cannot be obtained in writing, his oral consent must be properly recorded and evidenced.

 25. In order to conduct medical research using biological materials obtained from a person or personal data, the belonging of which to a person can be identified, doctors should, as a rule, ask for consent to the collection, analysis, storage and / or reuse of such materials. and data. There may be situations in which it is impossible or impractical to obtain consent for such research, or consent will threaten the credibility of the research. In such cases, the study can only be conducted after it has been reviewed and approved by the ethics committee.

 26. In obtaining informed consent to participate in a study, the physician should be particularly careful when the potential subject is dependent on the researcher, or when there is a risk of coerced consent. In such a case, informed consent must be obtained by a suitably qualified person who is completely independent of the given relationship.

 27. In the event that a potential research subject is incapacitated, the physician must obtain informed consent from a legal representative. Such individuals may be included in research that is likely to be of no benefit to them only if it is aimed at improving the health of the population represented by the subject, cannot instead be conducted on capable individuals, and the risk and inconvenience to the subjects are minimized.

 28. When a potential research subject, found to be incapacitated, is able to express his consent to participate in the research, the investigator must obtain his consent in addition to that obtained from the legal representative.

 29. Research involving individuals who are physically or mentally incapable of giving consent, such as unconscious patients, can only be conducted if a physical or mental condition that precludes obtaining informed consent is characteristic of the study population. In such circumstances, the physician must obtain informed consent from the legal representative. If no such representative is available and research cannot be postponed, research may continue without informed consent, provided that specific reasons for recruiting subjects in a condition that makes it impossible for them to obtain informed consent are specified in the research protocol and the research has been authorized by the Commission on Issues ethics. Consent to continue to participate in research should be obtained as soon as possible from the subject or legal representative.

 30. Authors, editors and publishers have ethical obligations regarding the publication of research results. Authors must disclose the results of their human studies and are responsible for the integrity and accuracy of their reports. They should follow generally accepted ethical guidelines when providing information. Both positive and negative and controversial research results should be published or otherwise made available to the general public. The publication should identify funding sources, institutional affiliations and conflicts of interest. Research reports that do not comply with the principles set out in this declaration should not be accepted for publication.

 C. Additional Principles in Conducting Medical Research Associated with Medical Care

 31. A physician may combine medical research with the provision of health care only if the research is justified by its potential prophylactic, diagnostic or therapeutic value, and if the physician has good reason to believe that participation in the research will not harm the health of patients acting as subjects. research.

 32. The benefits, risks, inconveniences and effectiveness of a new intervention should be tested against the best proven interventions currently in use, unless:

 use of placebo or no treatment is acceptable in studies where no proven intervention exists; or

 when there are compelling evidence-based methodological reasons for the need to use a placebo to determine the effectiveness or safety of an intervention, and patients who receive placebo or do not receive treatment will not be at risk of serious or irreversible damage to health. Extreme care must be taken not to overuse this option.

 33. At the conclusion of the study, the patients who participated in it have the right to be informed about the results of the study, as well as the right to benefit from any benefits derived from the study, such as access to interventions identified by the study as favorable or access to other appropriate medical care. , or other benefits.

 34. The physician must provide the patient with complete information about which aspects of medical care are associated with the study. The patient's refusal to participate in the study or the patient's decision to withdraw from it should never be reflected in his future relationship with the doctor.

 35. When treating a patient, if there are no proven interventions or they are ineffective, after the examination, the doctor, with the informed consent of the patient or legal representative, may apply an unproven intervention if, in the doctor's opinion, it gives hope for saving life, restoring health or pain relief. Whenever possible, such an intervention should be the subject of research designed to evaluate its safety and efficacy. In all cases, new information should be recorded and, where appropriate, made public.

No comment today. 

Eɗiᴛ᧐r-iᥒ-ᥴɦiᥱf ദ 🃏 รཞ୲ദບℓ౿ ℓ.

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