Lend Delivery - Liz 2-0

Lend Delivery - Liz 2-0

𑁗ᤇ𐌠᥌ჩ Ⴚჿᤇძէ / Օ᥉էᤉᤇ

Land - Liz allowed to shorten the terms of the massacre and the number of victims, intensified the struggle of peoples against fascist enslavement.

🌎🇫🇷New normality in France.

The family decided to relax on the beach, but not here it was: came people in uniform and cordoned off the area around the picnic. 



Humanity will never break out of the vicious ring of History. 

Many people know that IBM worked for Germany during the war and the computers of this firm "participated" in the Nazi extermination of Jews in Germany.

Today, IBM and Ubirch have signed a contract to obtain a digital vaccination certificate. And Germany, in turn, signed a contract with IBM and Ubirch to create a digital passport vaccination from #COVID19.

Thus, the practice of introducing passports discriminating on the basis of "sick" and "healthy" were introduced in Germany under Nazism, and this is directly and unequivocally condemned by the Nuremberg Tribunal, which in turn puts now calls to introduce covid passports on a par with the criminals-Nazi fascists, many of whom were executed, we can testify that history repeats again, Friends.The cause of the malformation, Friends, sin and its consequence-degradation. To suppose what and for whom this coe story will end can be already here and now ☠️












💉 2018-07-16. The patent application was filed by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Tattoo patches with microneedles and their use. 

We have developed patches with microneedles that can be used to deliver therapeutic, preventive, diagnostic and/or dyes. Microneeds encapsulate the product (a) that is delivered. The patches are used to create a tattoo or to deliver a therapeutic, preventive or diagnostic remedy in combination with a tattoo. 

Unlike decorative tattoos, marking on the skin to encode medical history or medical information is challenging. 

The dye for skin marking is made from a material which can pass through pigmented skin, be resistant to photo-disassembly, be safe for the object on which the micro-needle is applied, have a relatively high quantum output, be download in the form of particles, have a high level of loading, have low background noise and/or be resistant to temperature fluctuations, pH or oxidation in the environment vi invo for at least one year, 2 years, 3 years, 4 years, 5 years or longer.

It is desirable that the markings are not visible to the naked eye.

Semiconductor nanocrystals with customizable wavelength have high quantum outputs. An example of a semiconductor nanocrystal is a fluorescent inorganic crystal that radiates in the near-infrared region (NIR). 

One of the variants of a suitable fluorophore is a quantum dot.

The quantum dots are very small semiconductor particles, usually only a few nanometers in size, so small that their optical and electronic properties differ from those of larger particles. 

The quantum dots are suitable for use as a dye in micro-needles due to their customizable wavelength, low tissue absorption, high quantum outputs and less toxicity than dyes containing lantanoids. 

Tattoos can be visible or can be "hidden" so they can only be seen under the influence of infrared, ultraviolet or other special light.

Tattoos can be used to create any image and/or to identify or unique signature.

Microneeds can be designed to identify a specific vaccination or other specific medical information. For example, the number of microneedles, their organization/orientation, the distance between them and/or a specific type of dye (s) included in the microneedles, can individually or in combination correlate with the specific information that should be stored under the skin, i.e. the signature of the beast in the form of a zR code with three sixes, as the technology of its reading is already a creature interface.

A lighting or visualization device is used to visualize a dye or tattoo on the skin. For example, a portable device or a cell phone.

Alternatively, patient information, including his/her medical history, is stored and downloaded from a database with data collected and interpreted by tattoos on the patient.

pdf description 👇


Atomic Bombshell: We Have Proof That Rothschilds Patented Covid-19 Biometric Tests In 2015 And 2017 Luis T Bill Gates , Biometric Tests , Coronavirus , COVID-19 .



The Rockefeller Foundation published a report in May 2010 in cooperation with the Global Business Network of futurologist Peter Schwartz. It was called Scenarios for the Future of Technology and International Development. The first scenario, titled, "Lock Step", describes a world of total government control and authoritarian leadership. It envisions a future where a pandemic would allow ...


March 31, 2020 The World Bank's 2017 pandemic response fund isn't working ... Most of the PEF-eligible countries are reporting cases of covid-19 ... the PEF puts extra onus on countries to test widely to get ...


🌎 There have been a number of very suspicious things this year. Charles Lieber and several Chinese nationals were arrested for fraud and scientific espionage. China supports a program called the "Plan of a Thousand Talents" program, which is designed to recruit foreign scientists who are forced to disclose confidential information to the Chinese through bribes and persuasion, giving them a strategic technological advantage.


Charles Lieber has worked at Harvard on silicon nanowire technology for the past 22 years, and nanotechnology and nanoscale structures in general have been even longer. He was arrested. All its publications are available: 


Many of his articles describe the use of silicon nanowires as the basis of BCI or brain-computer interfaces, also known as "neural lace" technology, such as Neuralink (which is similar but uses electrodes that are much larger and much more primitive than nanowires).





Field transistors made of silicon nanowires, or SiNW-FET, are transistor silicon nanowires. They are extremely small, about a few micrometers by several nanometers. They are small enough to be covered with peptides and slip right through the cell membrane.



Once inside, they are able to read signals (and modulate activity) of individual neurons. How can they be soaked if they are inside cells and do not have batteries, capacitors or other power sources? simply. RF induction.



Which device is capable of directing the RF of the desired frequency directly into the head? A phased antenna with beam formation, capable of directing radio frequency rays to anything with high accuracy. What uses antennas with phased antenna grille? Fifth-generation wireless cellular networks.



600 MHz can penetrate the fabric very deeply (millimeter-band frequencies penetrate the skin only to a depth measured in millimeters).


There's only one small problem left. How to carry nanowires into the brain through the blood-brain barrier. Usually GEB does not allow foreign objects to enter the brain tissue. However, there is one thing. SARS-CoV-2 and Spike Squirrels. COVID-19 is vascular endothelyitis. This virus affects the mucous membranes of human blood vessels. This is why it causes blood clots, heart attacks, pulmonary edema and all these strange symptoms that are impossible to expect from pneumonia. Its manifestations are varied because blood vessels are everywhere. That's why it seems like a "virus of everything" that can hit every organ; it can cause viremy and inflammation in many vital organs, as well as cause aggressive coagulopathy and neutrophilia.


SARS-CoV-2 Spike proteins on their own, even without the rest of the virus (even the reset proteins), can damage the blood-brain barrier and make it more permeable.



Hopefully, Friends, now you understand why you need to poke a tampon in your nose and climb this stick deep into the brain 🧠 

Vaccines with SARS-CoV-2 mRNA contain mRNA, presped in a lipid capsule. They get into your cells, and then your ribosomes take mRNA and produce copies of the Spike SARS-CoV-2 protein. This Spike protein acts as an antigen, teaching the immune system to detect it and form antibodies against it, like a typical vaccine, however, as described above, these free-floating Spike proteins can also endanger BBB.

So, what do you think would happen if someone with a broken blood-brain barrier was accidentally injected into the bloodstream by a bundle of silicon nanowires?

Klaus Schwab openly professes transhumanist views in his books, even describing the use of mind-reading to determine the level of threat to people's safety:


Canada's "global reboot plan" included confiscating property and sending people to cities.


Here's how it works: The federal government will propose to write off all personal debts (mortgages, loans, credit cards, etc.) all funding of which will be provided to Canada by the IMF under the so-called World Debt Reset program. In exchange for accepting this complete forgiveness of the debt, the person will permanently lose ownership of all property and assets.

All this nonsense about the "Great Reboot" seems pretty pointless until you realize, Friends, that the goal is to force people to move from rural areas to more densely populated areas, making it easier to influence them with Smart Grid (creating the necessary infrastructure in rural areas is too expensive).

On 4chan someone claiming to be part of one of the richest families explicitly stated that mind control with smart 5G networks is already on the way, and people should be forced to go to cities for precisely this reason:


This year's bonus frenzy with mind control is due to Betsy DeVos (sister of Eric Prince, famous for Blackwater/Academi), Neurocore, Blackrock and the use of arrays of old-school Utah Arrays:


COVID-19 is a global special operation and a beautiful medical smokescreen for the implementation of the total control plan. This creates an international emergency justifying the use of emergency powers. This creates an excuse for people who are injected with unknown substances without their knowledge or consent, believing that they have been vaccinated. This pretty accurately demonstrates why 5G and anti-vaxxers have been subjected to such media harassment than they have ever been; although 5G technology alone does not pose much harm, and although vaccines are a proven technology that really gives immunity to viruses, this particular application of 5G and vaccines may have nefarious intentions. Namely, to act like a Trojan horse for nanotechnology control over the mind. Silicon nanowires break down over time, so, of course, immunity to SARS-CoV-2 can not be long-lasting; there should be an excuse for continuous annual "vaccinations" that would contain both the actual mRNA vaccine protecting against the virus and silicon nanowires. Spike proteins break the blood-brain barrier each time, allowing nanowires to penetrate the brain tissue. The 5G towers then excite and control the nanowires with high-frequency induction. All the necessary elements of a functioning mind control device are present, and they are openly described in public scientific articles.

The Internet is a decentralized global system that serves humanity's collective efforts to create, process and store data, much of which is processed by the rapidly expanding cloud. A stable, secure, real-time system can enable the cloud to interact with the human brain. One promising strategy for creating such a system, referred to here as the "human brain / cloud interface" ("B / CI"), will be based on technologies called "neural nanorobotics." opportunities. A specialized application may be the ability to participate in a fully immersive experience / sensory experience, including what is referred to here as "transparent shading" (TS). Through TS, people can experience episodic segments of the lives of other willing contributors (local or remote) to hopefully encourage and inspire better understanding and tolerance among all members of the human family. Other anticipated applications include many opportunities for enhancing education, intelligence, entertainment, travel and other interactive experiences ... A specialized application may be the ability to engage in a fully immersive experience / sensory experience, including transparent shading (TS). Through TS, people can experience episodic segments of the lives of other willing contributors (local or remote) to hopefully encourage and inspire better understanding and tolerance among all members of the human family.

No calculations will be performed on the nanowires themselves. They will simply act as a brain-computer interface. All actual mind control will be done through the cloud computing architecture, likely using machine learning programs that monitor social stressors and manipulate people to make them more obedient, more compliant, less likely to join populist movements, and less likely to the likelihood of rebelling against an unjust economy and so on and so forth ...

💉Wof all celebrity vaccination centers. 

A retractable needle syringe, with a hollow plunger for the effect of injecting fluid into the body. Otherwise, we cannot explain the seven-time vaccination of the Prime Minister of Bavaria, Marcus Thomas Theodor Seder on camera.


💉 #COVID19 Test Maker says pandemic is the biggest scam ever committed 

I wonder what the Patriots, the fans of TheAnon, will say about their idol Doni Fedotych Trump, who asked Americans to get vaccinated more actively, launched "Operation Warp Speed", supported Gates for more than $1 billion, and thought about himself the bride that neo Marx Schwab, which Karl and in the sweeps and even on the gum of the underpants 🩲 is not good. We know : the meeting of these guys in January 2021 in the ski resort of Davos is not fleeting and not accidental. 

What's more, we have interesting materials and videos throughout this forum - a gathering of elite crime. Maybe we'll make a separate dark room for that meeting and lay it out.They have Plan A, Plan B, Plan C, D and other. But we've already opened it up. It's too late to drink Borjoomi when the kidneys fall off. 

Maniac Bill with other people's ears and The Premier of Bavaria and CSU leader of Bavaria Marcus Thomas Theodor Seder 


💉Paralized after anti-cat poison, otherwise it is impossible to name the vaccine, after which there is such, from johnson and johnson, which is still fighting for his name in several protracted trials because it was discovered that for decades it knew that in its baby powder was asbestos. Imagine how many children who became adults could be disabled, how many will never live to old age and other 👇


Police pays home a visit to Twitter users after a tweet criticizing AOC.

A Twitter user with the nickname Human Rights Watch Watcher: "On April 1, AOC conducted a live broadcast with Michael Miller, head of the Council for Jewish Communities relations in New York. She was asked about "peace between Israelis and Palestinians." Her response was incredibly disappointing, to say the least.

I'm really shocked right now. I just got visited by two plainclothes cops from California. A traffic patrol outside my house. They said they came here on behalf of the Capitol Police and accused me of threatening AOC on Twitter yesterday. This is provably false. It's absolutely outrageous. Two police officers came to my house because of a harmless tweet about Cortez. I felt scared, intimidated and offended. They knew my name and where I lived. This was done on behalf of a congressman who opposes the tactics of the police state.

I would be very grateful if AHC could sort this out. I understand that she probably gets a lot of threats, but I shouldn't have been harassed by the police for criticizing her policies. To be honest, I feel very insecure in my home right now."

The fact that the police did appear at this man's door because of a report of AOC is confirmed by Friends, but it remains an open question who sent them and why. The Capitol Police statement on the incident tweeted: "THE USCP investigates all threats reported by congressional offices. The Department also monitors open and classified sources to identify and investigate threats. This is the standard procedure of the Division. As for this incident, the congressmen did not ask the USCP to initiate an investigation." 

So, it turns out, no one asked them, but they showed up and scared the man? That's crazy. It seems that they were still asked, at least, the tactic of knocking on the so-called liberals who disagree with fascists, who have nothing to do with freedom, standard and wrote about it herself Alexandria Ocasio-Cortes in her communication with another same schizophrenic: "Yes. Our offices are also inundated with fanatical appeals - so much so that we have to invest energy in finding real voters. We're handing over all threats to the Capitol Police to collect the files. For all those who think that your bigoted calls are anonymous: Enjoy!".

"On Wednesday, I tweeted a critique of a government official, and on Thursday the police arrived at my house. Will you cover up this blatant violation of my fundamental rights and condemn the authoritarian tactics of the U.S. government as if I lived in an American "enemy state"?" - writes now a frightened user to all U.S. politicians on Twitter, trying to somehow protect themselves (until unsuccessfully, no one answered), apparently denting the infamous story of Seth Rich, the most famous victim of #deepstate, namely, Hillary Clinton.


In general, the guy should be glad that so easily got away. Many were eliminated for smaller "misconduct."

We hope you understand why the so-called "Ministry of Truth" was organized, how it will act, why vaccines are stated, and why Gates and Soros became its main donors.

Chief Pathologist Dr.

Roger Hodkinson said during a conference call that the pandemic

Coronavirus is "the greatest hoax ever committed over an unsuspecting public." Hodkinson, who is the CEO of a biotech testing company, said: "There is a completely unfounded public hysteria caused by the media and politicians." We see a politics playing in medicine, and it's a very dangerous game. Positive test results do not mean clinical infection. All tests must stop, because the false numbers they produce and cause public hysteria... risk

the death rate for people under 65 is one in three hundred thousand and it's outrageous to shut down society because there was just another bad flu' 

Miss Midwin Charles urged everyone to get vaccinated, but she would no longer need her vaccine.

"Just got vaccinated (qualified because of my asthma) at the FEMA center. Everyone on the court is in uniform. It's nice to see our serving men and women! The process was organized, effective, and everyone is kind and in a good mood.

Let's do it! 

I'm a deadly peanut allergy, and I wanted to have an Epi pen with me when I got vaccinated in case I had anaphylactic shock. Turns out my "insurance" won't cover it, and that's $387?

Nira was right.

"Nira Tanden criticized the daughter of the CEO of the pharmaceutical company Joe Manchin. Joe Manchin is one of several senators who have publicly opposed Nira Tanden's nomination as director of the Office of Management and Budget.," Ms. Midwin Charles, the famous American radio host, wrote on Twitter in early March, "OK, there's a little soreness at the site of the vaccine injection. The soreness at the place of vaccination on the hand has disappeared!".

It is necessary to sum up here, as the "pain in the place of vaccination" about which wrote Midwin Charles, Esquire, lawyer, legal analyst of CNN/MSNBC, radio host and founder of the law firm Midwin Charles and Associates, as it turned out, disappeared as midwin Charles herself disappeared from this world, about whose death, 37 days after the first announced experimental vaccination, her family said. Ms. Charles was only 47 years old and had excellent health, except for an allergy to peanut butter, which, however, does not make it impossible to declare to BigPharma that her death is not the cause of vaccination, and the temporary conformity of vaccination and her death is just another coincidence. In the media, predictably, almost nothing is written about it.

💉Google knows what he's talking about: Who is the most powerful doctor in the world?

And yet, despite this search engine response, Friends, we understandably prefer to believe the facts and, for example, the founder of Thrive15.com, a company offering online training for entrepreneurs, Clay Clark, who live on Newsmax called this guy a paedophile:

"Bill Gates is a paedophile. He says hello to paedophiles. Why would you listen to a paedophile about what to do with your children?" 

💉Invacine mRNA can force your body to produce PRIONS that "eat your brain" like mad cow disease.

The outer shell of the studded protein coronavirus contains "pri-like areas" that give the virus a very high adhesion to ACE2 receptors in the human body. 

This was documented by a study called SARS-CoV-2 in studded proteins that provide a higher affinity for ACE2, published by the Institute of Human Microbiology.The mRNA vaccine works by capturing (making you GMO) your body cells and forcing them to produce proteins modeled on the protein-spikes in the SARS-cov-2 coronavirus. Because this structure includes pre-level areas, random errors in mRNA sequences, which can be truncated by the human immune system before they reach ribosome in cells, can cause mRNA vaccine recipients to produce prions in their own body.The risk of this was assessed by Dr. J. Bart Klassen, author of an article in the journal Microbiology and Infectious Diseases: "Vaccines based on Covid-19 RNA and the risk of prion disease." 


The study concludes: "The results show that the vaccine's RNA has specific sequences that may encourage TDP-43 and FUS to fold into their pathological evidence of prions."It is known that the folding of TDP-43 and FUS into their pathological evidence of prions causes anterior temporal lobe degeneration, Alzheimer's disease and other neurological degenerative diseases.

The Mayo Clinic states that CJD, a disease caused by prion, is 100% fatal. Some of the symptoms of CJD (prion disease) described in the Mayo Clinic include:

🔹Symptooms similar to stroke

🔹Worked speech

🔹Siness of consciousness

🔹 Strange Movements

🔹Emotional changes, 

🔹sful loss of cognitive function 

🔹Change personality. 

It all ends in death. When the symptoms become apparent, it's too late. There is no cure and the opposite effect is not possible.

💉Taherta vaccines from CDC Fauci .

It's hard and scary to think how much died because of blood clots not on off. data, and in fact. After all, vaccinators even after the deaths continued to prick the poor ignorant plebs and did not stop this bacchanalia even now . 

💉 This is Professor Dolores Cahill from University College Dublin - She received a degree in Molecular Genetics from Trinity College Dublin (1989) and a doctorate in immunology from Dublin City University in 1994.

In this video, she predicts that people who take the so-called mRNA vaccine, which can't actually be called a vaccine in our usual sense, will die in 5-10 years.

Gates' plan for depopulation through vaccines, as he himself said, and not once, but what, however, many for some reason do not want to believe), now does not look so unrealistic, right, Friends?


But no one asks us to believe that there is a depopulation plan and it is put in place, it does not require faith at all, and it takes only five minutes to study this topic, because everything is still in the public domain, including Gates' speeches about reducing the population of the planet through vaccination and "planned parenthood."

🇺🇸 Plan to mix white Europeans with other races through migration, the Calergery plan in America is not a conspiracy theory, it's a reality. Note, on the door of the bus in which the migrants were brought to the camp, outside the latch. 


And the plan is carried out by the whites themselves - it is hard to imagine.

💉That's not expected even we, Friends, who have seen much in their research life, expected such a cruel gesto.

These freaks are used to vaccinate children with cartoons, and cartoons where there are their pedo symbols. Logo pedo at 0:09. 


And it's not a joke or a conspiracy theory. The symbols of paedophiles were reported to the FBI a few years ago. In general, you can see everything.

Neo-Marx, Klaus Schwab, head of the World Economic Forum/Davos Agenda: "Biological evolution has been going from generation to generation. But imagine whether this process can be accelerated by surpassing Darwin's gradual changes in the issue of individual experience. So-called "transhumanists" dream of this. Transhumanism has begun to mean different things to different people, from belief systems to cultural movements, from research to technological fantasy. You can't get a degree in transhumanism, but you can subscribe to it, invest in it, explore its actors and act according to its principles."

The main actor and physical embodiment of Swabian philosophy in life, one of the most massive killers of reconciliation, on whose conscience at least 400,000 mutilated his gender.-1 vaccine Indian children, vaccine maniac Gates: "Thanks to the development of tools such as artificial intelligence and gene-based editing technology, we have the opportunity to create this new generation of health solutions to make them available to everyone on the planet. And I'm very happy about that."

The banter turned into a magnifying glass and a mirror of reality, and its supporters: My palm turned into a fist- What if the sheep understood their human purpose in life and the universe and the power of their cohesion will realize that the message of Isaiah Berlin, to which Schwab once referred: "Freedom for wolves often means death for sheep?," is it and easy to abolish, eliminating the lousy sheep from their community?

😈 Klaus 🤶, this neo-Marx who summed up the "philosophy" under the New World Order and the Great Reboot, is a real complete type, let's tell you, Friends, with a great knowledge of the subject of dialogue. 

If she has eyes, he'll see. And having a brain and the ability to use it, let him understand what he saw correctly...)

France: Winemakers in Chablis light thousands of torches to protect their vineyards from freezing overnight.

Use the search 🔦 just find the "Sunny Minimum" and continue to prepare for the future, Friends. Soon Gates will close part of the sky/


The greatest crime of the 21st century is the abandonment of its people for the sake of the nascent class of "exotic" cosmopolitans without the flag and the Motherland, but with an unbridled desire for what is called the Great Greatest Sin: human capital in exchange for "economy", life in exchange for things.

🇩🇪 Words by Dr. Heinrich Fichtner: 


"Let them put on their masks and suffocate from it."

💉 European Medicines Agency (EMA), among other things, is responsible for allowing vaccines. In the course of the planning of the boiler strategy, some vaccines were approved, including Pfizer, Johnson and Johnson, and Astra'eneca, the deaths of which have already been recognized on the off. Level.

If you look closely who is currently speaking from the EMA, you will come across the name Emer Cook. 

She is also director of drug and other health technology at the World Health Organization, run by the Gates maniac.

Cook worked for many years in the pharmaceutical industry. In doing so, she worked, in particular, for the aforementioned corporations, whose vaccines have now been approved by this very EMA, where it now works.

Corruption knows no bounds.

💉🇩🇪Propagandist file. 

This propagandist of vaccination, the German actress Ears Glas Band-Aid is on the wrong hand...

In April, an Irish Army unit was deployed to Dublin. The reasons for such unexpected nonsense are not yet known, but perhaps to help in the vaccination of plebs.

The deployment of troops in Dublin is due to the fact that the Irish Prime Minister trains to discriminate against unvaccinated citizens.

Irish Deputy Prime Minister Leo Varadkar confirmed that the government is developing a digital certificate of vaccine with a green certificate so that people can prove that they have been fully vaccinated:

"The government will introduce additional measures for fully vaccinated, more freedom for those who have been vaccinated. We are developing a digital vaccination certificate with a green certificate so you can prove that you are fully vaccinated."

He also said that the Irish vaccination program will accelerate in the coming weeks, telling the public:

"Ireland is now on track to overcome the million-dose mark this week. Implementation will be accelerated in the coming weeks. We expect that most adults will receive their first dose by mid-May, and people over 70 will be fully vaccinated. And by the end of June, the vast majority, more than 80% of people, will be offered the first dose, so, you know, it's actually a phase of acceleration -- it's April, May and June."


Waiting for you. 

🇺🇸 Migrant children are sexually abused at the old Biden camp.


"These problems are a byproduct of President Biden's open borders policy and lack of planning in case of the consequences of this disastrous policy... Children in this facility are being sexually abused," Abbott said, urging Biden to immediately close the Freeman Coliseum facility, "In short, this facility is a health and safety nightmare. The Biden administration is currently leading child abuse."

🇺🇸Starik is back in his style and calls the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives -- "AFT" (American Federation of Teachers-Teachers Union of Teachers in America.). And my grandfather does it twice.


He rearranged the letters in places, correctly ATF. 

🇺🇸Staic mobilizes federal government forces to disarm white Americans: 

"No amendment to the Constitution is absolute. You can't shout "fire" in a crowded movie theater and call it freedom of speech. From the beginning, you couldn't own the weapons you wanted to own."


It's the finish line, Friends, and the full final, which is not subject to revision.

According to his famous article, which describes how a minority works:

An unapologetic minority, a certain type of unapologetic minority who put the skin (or better soul) on the line, is enough to reach a minimum, say, 3-4% of the population, and the entire population will change its attitudes. Moreover, the dominance of the minority creates an optical illusion: the naive observer (he looks at the averages) will have the impression that the installation is dictated by the majority. This may seem absurd, but only because our scientific intuition is not designed to understand such mechanisms.

What is happening now is what we see...

Patriss Cullors, a graduate of the University of California, Los Angeles, married about five years ago to public figure (and amateur boxer) Janai Khan, co-founder of Black Lives Matter Toronto, and created the hashtag #BlackLivesMatter in 2013 in response to the acquittal of George zimmerman in 2012. Since then, this largely decentralized movement has been at the forefront of the fight against police and whites and everything related to them, especially after floyd's black drug overdose death last summer, which sparked mass protests in the United States and around the world.

B - Bafomet

L - Lucifer

M - Moloch

Another sur about our World, more like a global snoptitic, from our mailbox:


Brazil Hospital informs the woman that her relative and their patient died of a covid. She calls the funeral home, he's buried. However, family members suspect and check all the messages and it turned out that the patient was alive in the coffin.

’’999’’ ‘’666’’

The deceased Prince Philip in Nazi Germany, 1937.

German propaganda poster for blocking and other anti-scientific, anti-medical nonsense: 


Pfizer-first 5 shareholders:

-Vanguard Group 8.2% shares

-Blackrock 7,7%

-State Street Corporation 5,5%

-Capital Group 4,6%

-Wellington Management 4,5%.

These 5 financial giants control 30% of the shares. The rest are in the hands of 100 major financial and speculative banks in the Western world, including: Bank of America, Deutsche Bank, Morgan Stanley, JP Morgan, Ubs, Goldman Sachs, Royal Bank of Canada, Barclays.

The infamous Astra'eneca, whose vaccines have caused the deaths of more than one hundred, if not tens of thousands of people, and its first five shareholders (except for Sweden's Investor Aktiebolag with its 3.9% stake) are the same as Pfizer's:

-Blackrock 7,7%

-Wellington Management 5,9%

-Capital Group 4,9%

-Vanguard 3,5%.

This is followed by 110 shareholders (Western financial groups and Western and global banks, see above).

The same "world finances" as it is easy to guess, control Johnson and Johnson, Moderna, Glaxo, Sanofi, Roche, etc. and other, other, other. 

The common denominator is always the same, Friends, as well as the main goal: to make a profit and divide dividends. 

Like any real crisis, the crisis with the #COVID19 is a great opportunity to raise money, to make the masses even more impoverished and to climb even higher to the top of the pyramid of power. 

The sad truth, also, Friends, is that all these financial organizations have in their hands the states, their governments, universities, hospitals, health systems and the information system: they have reached such a level of power that they go through the lives of entire nations without even noticing it, dictating to the world their agenda from above.

This information is in plain sight, in front of the whole World, but few people see it, and even less, who want to understand it, calling the obvious things conspiracy theorists. 

The reality is also that people will continue to walk around the fence built by the world's finances as ignorant and sad lemenings and wonder why their lives are getting worse and worse day by day, even though the answer is written on this very fence, which will sooner or later turn into a cemetery fence of entire nations.

A good point in all this is the fact that the person who has accepted reality for what it is, and at the same time is not angry and not shaken in impotent anger, but does everything in his competence, legitimate from the point of view of the Commandment, in order to somehow facilitate the lives of people and complicate the life of freaks, who have passed their way to the end and using all the talents given to him to do all the good, acquires the crown of Eternity, while those who enjoy all the benefits already here freaks and people seeking to join their number, and even though unconsciously interfering with the mouthpieces of reality to enlighten the ignorant, calling them conspiracy theorists, often receive retribution. Well, the future of their offspring as something happy at all is not necessary, because everyone knows what happens to such up to the seventh tribe, and what happens to them themselves upon detachment from the body. Their fate at detachment from the bonds of the physical is unenviable and irretrievable. 

A free set of options for everyone can be selected here 👇

Nuremberg 2-0.Medical crimes







And that's not all. We have very fascinating stories ahead of us. 

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