Bad Karma 3.

Bad Karma 3.

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 The simplest, longest and most doubtful in terms of effectiveness method is to wait for a long time for the bad karma to leave on its own. But she does not leave on her own, she is comfortable and, in general, why should she leave such a respectful attitude towards herself.

 For many cumulative factors, the layman is not at all a topic of the issue of phenomena, he is not able to cope on his own even with part of such problems.

 Time has stretched indecently, and the price of the issue is growing every day, the price consists of health and other resources, it is very high this price and promises to become too large, unacceptable value.

It all starts with small talk at receptions over a glass of good wine, drowning in perfume aromas, rustling silk and on-duty smiles. It all starts on the golf courses, over conversations at the table at the dinner party. So comes ideology, then sit down at the table and write books 📚 and plans. 

And then the implementation of the plan .....

Shaming and zombification through ideology. One thing is absolutely clear: without the grandiose power of propaganda, it is impossible to explain what happened then, now, above and below. That's why huge, unthinkable funds are spent on fooling the masses in countries. It's the forerunner of an even more hard-hitting narrative. 


And the procedure of concealing the true owners of "Farben I.G." took place within one of the internal provisions of the concern, which read: "After the First World War, we increasingly came to the decision to "distribute" our foreign companies ... so that I.G.'s participation in these firms does not appear. Over time, such a system will become more perfect ... Of particular importance is ... that the heads of agency firms should be sufficiently qualified to be citizens of the countries where they live..." This document fell into the hands of the Supreme Commander of the American Occupation Area, General Eisenhower, who set up his headquarters at the headquarters of I.G. Farben in Frankfurt. Bomber pilots were instructed to avoid entering the group's buildings on the grounds that U.S. forces would need an office building when they entered the city. Just as the industrial equipment of the concentration camps was not bombed. A member of the Board of Military Emigrants Pichle (Pehle) addressed the Military Department with a written proposal to destroy the Auschwitz production base. The refusal was based on the fact that such an attack would disrupt departures to other previously planned targets. Perhaps other targets meant the population of Dresden. But Auschwitz is also "Farben I.G."

From the surviving archives of the I.G. Farben office, it was obvious to Eisenhower's staff that they were located in the chambers of the world's largest chemical company. The list of businesses that Farben I.G. managed directly would take too many pages, not to mention cartel agreements, which, according to General Eisenhower, the Supreme Commander of the American Occupation Area, were more than 2000. In all, the cartel operated more than 380 German firms and had shares in 613 corporations, including 173 in foreign countries, including the ones mentioned in the Narration by Hoffman-LaRoche and Ciba-Geigy, as well as Nestle's, Shell Oil and Gulf Oil. In the United States, the group included Dow Chemical, DuPont, Eastman Kodak, General Electric, General Motors, Ford Motor, Monsanto Chemical, Proctor'Gamble, Standard Oil, Texaco and hundreds of others.

Such a developed network was the logical conclusion of the "IG Farben Industrie Aktiengesellschaft" founded in 1925. Throughout 1925, IG Farben's financial adviser Hermann Schmitz prepared the ground for this new structure.

Herman Schmitz himself was born into a poor family in 1880, and by 35 he had served in the Ministry of Economy. There he became close to Yalmar Schacht, who had "infected "his idea of a global financial community that is not subject to empires or wars". Thus he became a personal adviser to Chancellor Bruning, and after A. Hitler came to power his personal lawyer and honorary member of the Reichstag. In addition, the future cavalier of the Iron Cross of the 1st and 2nd class, together with Carl Bosch, Karl Krauch, Carl Duisberg stood at the foundation of "I.G. Farben", managing a huge segment of the economy, as the group's assets grew steadily and, despite the economic downturn, tripled in 1926. The sectors of his direct competence included the following economic structures: BASF (Badishe Anilin und Soda Factories), Ammoniakwerke Merseburg GmbH, AG fur Stickstoffdunger, Deutche Celluloid Fabrik AG (Eilenburg), Dinamit AG (Troisdorf), Rheinische Stahlwerke AG (Essen). At various times, Herman Schmitz will serve as Director of the Bank for International Settlements, Imperial Bank, Deutche Landerbank AG (Berlin). It is a great experience in the banking sector that will help him easily manipulate bank accounts, hiding the real owners of assets. With access to unlimited financial resources, the group first absorbed germany's major explosives leaders, Dynamit AG, Rheinische-Westfaelische Sprengstoff AG, and Koeln-Roettweil AG, incorporating them into a vertically oriented structure. The group also strengthened its position in foreign markets by joining Imperial Chemical Industries in England. By the way, the founder of Imperial Chemical Industries, Lord Melchett, is the grand nephew of Adam Miller, a Jew by origin and at the same time the "Great Keeper of the Monarch of Mystery", a Freemason 32 degrees lodge in Cincinnati. Notably, Adam Miller, whose real name is Adam Mond, was an immigrant from Hessen.

I.G. Farben then absorbed the Italian Montecatini, and in France it faced resistance to the takeover by Kuhlmann. This was probably the result of a long-standing confrontation between the French and German military-industrial structures, which continued after the signing of the peace treaty, where the issue of reparations with Germany after its defeat in the First World War took a special place.

Initially, a fantastic sum of these reparations of 226 billion evils was established. Brands. After much discussion and bidding of the quarrelling winners, the amount was reduced (April 1921) to 132 billion evils. stamps with payment indefinitely. Under the Treaty of Versailles, Germany was deprived of all colonies and spheres of influence, property and privileges abroad, it reduced its territory by 1/8, some lands passed to France, Belgium, Denmark, newly created Poland, Czechoslovakia, Lithuania. The Saarland Coal Basin and the Saarland region were transferred to France and under the control of the League of Nations, which Yalmar Mine estimated to be between 80-100 billion mark. The territory of the West from the Rhine was occupied by Allied troops for a period of 5 to 16 years. The Treaty of Versailles deprived Germany of the navy and air fleet, and allowed the army in the form of a volunteer militia of only 100,000 people. British Prime Minister D. Lloyd George described how the German Empire would have been caught by a man who knew it before the defeat: "Now instead of a self-confident, powerful and audacious empire, he would see a timid, fearful and eternally apologetic republic... The ministers of this republic send diplomatic notes in order to propitiate Belgium and receive them back, like a backward schoolboy, forced to rewrite his pathetic exercise at the behest of the teacher ...".

“The reception we were given vividly reminded me of an illustration in a school history textbook:“ Persian satrats receive a delegation of the defeated Athens ”. The members of the union commission were clearly obsessed with medieval arrogance. It is about the complete absence of not only chivalry, but even ordinary politeness. I recall the episode when the German delegation was not provided with enough chairs, so that many of its members were forced to participate in the discussion while standing ”- these are the recollections of the representative of the other defeated side, the future head of the Reichsbank, Hjalmar Schacht. The harsh conditions of peace divided the political elite of Germany: some representing the "export" industries - chemical, electrical, mechanical engineering and related banks considered it possible to start fulfilling its conditions, gradually seeking its revision, pulling apart the "formidable" articles and pushing each other winners. This position has been called the "execution" policy. “I ask you,” Rathenau persuaded his listeners at a secret meeting in Berlin, “not to talk about the Versailles Treaty, from which piece by piece falls away. If we look like we have achieved success, then our most furious opponents will cling to the letter of the treaty ... Then when big gaps are made in the treaty ... we can say, "now this shameful act has also been turned into a piece of paper." In October 1921, Walter Rathenau came into contact with the French Minister of Reconstruction, a major industrialist L. Luscher, and "negotiated" the "Wiesbaden Agreement". Rathenau made sure that Germany paid most of the reparations in kind (coal, sugar, alcohol, ships, dyes, etc.) for a billion gold marks annually. The loss of colonies reduced the source of funds for paying reparations, in fact turning Germany itself into a colony, so a plan was also proposed "to invade the basic values ​​of the German economy." It was supposed to confiscate in favor of the reparation fund evenly in all categories - landowners, homeowners, owners of industrial and commercial establishments, including banks - 20% of the value of their property. The government program proposed to impose a special tax on corporations on turnover. It was then that shouts were heard in the streets of Berlin: "Kill Rathenau, the accursed Jew." The reaction to the situation with reparations was the "disaster tactics", whose leader was the "coal king" Hugo Stinnes, who became the richest German capitalist during the war and the first post-war years. Refusal to pay reparations, which came mostly in coal, was chosen as a means of struggle for his adherents. It was France that adamantly demanded strict compliance with the Treaty of Versailles and an annual payment of reparations. French Prime Minister A. Briand said that he intends to take Germany with a firm hand by the collar and curb German revanchism [186] [214]. On January 10, 1923, US President Harding withdrew American accupation troops from the Rhineland, which was the beginning of the so-called "War for the Ruhr" - the main industrial territory of Germany.

 By mid-May 1923, BASF, which had joined the policy of “catastrophes,” had already been idle for four months, without supplying dyes and nitrogen fertilizers, which were supposed to be delivered on terms of reparation payments. On May 22, Karl Bosch received an urgent report, the meaning of which was that the warning from the French prime minister was not an empty threat and that the French troops would be on the territory of the factories in Ludwigshafen and Opau. Bosch urgently managed to dismantle and transport valuable equipment to a safe place. The board members fled to Heidelberg and hid under false names, which was extremely prudent, since by the decision of the French military tribunal, all BASF officials who refused to cooperate were fined 150 million marks and received ten years in prison. Karl Bosch and Hermann Schmits "got off" in eight years.

 Thus, the acquisition of the French colorant manufacturer Kuhlmann was for the employees of I.G. Farben "is something of a revenge. Throughout the summer, Farben Industrie employees have been buying up Kuhlmann shares in seven weeks, raising their value from 450 to 1,000 francs. In response, the French went for a trick: with the support of the French Minister of War, the Chamber of Deputies hastily passed a law that allowed the issuance of an additional 100,000 shares restoring the balance, which only French citizens had the right to own. As a result, a cartel agreement was signed between IG and Kuhlmann in 1927, providing for joint sales agencies, exchange of technical information and joint pricing of products. [97] None of this meant that “I.G. Farben "abandoned the French enterprises, there were still not enough weighty arguments in the form of tank divisions. In his Deutsche Bank, headed by Herman Schmits [39] and controlled by the Warburg family [80], Abwehr 1 will be directly financed [89]. A letter from the head of Abwehr-1, Colonel Pickenbrock, addressed to the head of the bank since 1938 Hermann Abs, dated March 15, 1943, was removed from the archives of Deutsche Bank: “It is my duty to thank you for your kind and very valuable cooperation with our management ". On March 22, Abs replies: “Thank you for your friendly letter of March 15th. Please accept my congratulations on your new appointment. I am willing and at any time ready to render my services to your successor, Lieutenant Colonel Hansen, to whom I ask you to recommend me. Please accept my heartfelt congratulations. Heil Hitler! Herman Abs, faithful to you ”[89]. And not only "Abwehr-1", in the late 30s Schmitz will establish close contacts with Walter Schellenberg, the future head of the SD [92].

 In the meantime, in terms of the connections of the growing octopus “I.G. Farben ”, a notable figure is Hermann Schmits’s nephew, Max Ilgner, who was personally supervised by the head of the Abwehr-1 department, and Ilgner himself until 1945 headed the I.G. Farben "-" Bureau NV-7 ", with the help of which the Abwehr and the political intelligence of Germany (RSHA) in 1933 began to form the economic vector of agent intelligence among the dynastic elite of Europe. Bureau NV-7 was located under the roof of I.G. Farben "at the address: Berlin, Unter den Linden [89] and used the aircraft of the company [92]. In 1939, employees of the "HB-7" were drafted into the Wehrmacht, but in fact remained in their places and performed the same work. Among the employees of the intelligence center worked Prince Bernard of the Netherlands, who joined the ranks of “I.G. Farben ”in the early 30s, and later took over as chairman of the meetings of the Bilderberg Club [127]. Therefore, one should not exaggerate the significance of the Bilderberg Club as a meeting of "world rulers", its meetings are nothing more than a tool for working with the dynastic, and now all other Western and pro-Western elites.

Max Ilgner's brother, Rudolf, became chairman of the German-American Chamber of Commerce created by Fritz Wiedeman, whose post was held by Julius Meyer. Rudolph also held a senior position in the group headed by his uncle and an independent firm, The I.G. Statistics Division, which was officially responsible for data collection and economic intelligence in the United States. Max Ilgner and Fritz Wiedeman founded a "foreign organization of Germans" financed in the United States through General Analin and Film. The organization was headed by Ernst Wilhelm Bole, which included the owners of 1,036 small firms, including numerous export import companies. Fritz Wiedeman commanded the company where Adolf Hitler served during World War I. As consul general in San Francisco, Wiedeman led the "Eastern Group" of the SD intelligence network, which operated in the Pacific, including the coast of the Americas, mainland China and Japan, and the "German organization" became a provider of information. 

Farben IG headquarters in the 1930s 

The roots of the intelligence network built on the basis of "cultural centers" lie in Ed's plan. Schuler, adopted on March 19, 1920, in which the German Foreign Ministry divided the world into six large "cultural zones", the work of which focused on attracting the sympathies of ethnic Germans through the dissemination of cultural, especially educational policy. Speaking in the "foreign organization of the Germans" Fritz Wiedeman led a frankly subversive policy, resting in his speeches on the German identity of the members of the organization. And Max Ilgner, the nephew of the financial director of "Farben I.G." Herman Schmits, head of economic intelligence of the corporation "Farben I.G." was the first to make contact with Adolf Hitler by the concern. And in 1931, "Farben I.G." finally became politically oriented and began to invest in the National Socialist German Workers' Party (Nationalsozalistische deutsche Arbeiterpartei - NSDAP). Now, "Farben - meaning Hitler and Hitler - meant Farben", Senator Homer Bowm, from a speech before the U.S. Senate Armed Services Committee on June 4, 1943.

Walter Ratenau's admiring assessment of the events of 1917 was not due to the support of the ideas of the German socialists represented by Karl Kautsky, Rosa Luxemburg, Karl Liebknecht, Franz Mehring, Rudolf Gilferding, etc. In his opinion, the wealth created by people in sweat is heartlessly squandered, so "if half of the world's wasted world labor were to be put on the right track, every poor man in civilized countries would be fed, clothed, and had a home."

At the same time, Ratenau strongly rejects the achievement of "earthly well-being" as the goal of socialism. He strongly criticized the socialist ideals, believing that "the domination of socialism is based ... in the depreciation of a sense of freedom. Socialism set the task of liberating peoples depending on money and well-being and thus received masses, but destroyed the idea: out of the desire for independence became greedy, irritated the bourgeoisie, touting the republic and communism."

The theory of surplus value of K. Marx was particularly criticized, about which Ratenau wrote: "The meaning of surplus value and profit in general is not in exploitation and enrichment, but in economic accumulation. It does not matter who takes it or who controls it, it cannot be abolished, because without this source it is impossible to improve the life of any individual. With each increase in the economy is associated with the increase in power, to whom the increase in power falls that produces a section of consumption ... the state should be connected to the problems of the economy, it is quite able to level the process of consumption."

The main thing for raising the living standards of German citizens, Ratenau considered not a change in the relationship of property, and modernization of production, through "mechanization", understood by him as a form of material life of mankind, which unites the world in the common production and economy, because the future rests on the commonality of the struggle against the forces of nature, which is neither good nor bad, but necessary. He denies Nietzscheian individualism because "with the expansion of the field of struggle of intellectual forces, the possibility of gambling, intellectual deception, moral comedy is growing." The means of achieving Freedom, Ratenau proclaimed technological progress. In his understanding of freedom, Ratenau laid down the idea that "human freedom is the self-elected and respected responsibility of every person in relation to society." Perhaps, influenced by the old-time beliefs of Ratenau believed that "not only one person can have a soul, but society can have one single "common soul", in any case, its concept of "middle society" - "Mittelvelt" which will rest on the material, and will achieve perfection in the sublime, can be considered the forerunner of the Western concept of "middle class." Although The personal biographer of Ratenau- G. Kessler, who accompanied him on all trips believed that the realization of Ratenau's ideas involved the construction of a classless society "in which there is no proletariat, no property oppression and will not be born of a privileged caste." In the "free people's state" the right to self-determination of workers and employees will be guaranteed by participation in the profits of entrepreneurs. The author of the monograph about V. Ratenau - P. Berglar emphasizes: "The popularity and power of Ratenau's works is that he was not a poor man, a revolutionary, a proletariat, a socialist. The great thing is that no slave overthrows slavery."

So, the German elite converged in their views on the main purpose of the world war as the creation of the "Middle Europe", this is the project defended by Chancellor Batman Holweg throughout the war in negotiations with Austria-Hungary. But within itself, this elite diverged in views on the methods of achieving the goal. The watershed was designated before the war, the conservative extremist wing, which was based on the Rhine-Westphalia miners Krupp and Thyssen on August 28, 1914, adopted the program of annexation of northern France, all of Belgium, Poland, Ukraine, Lithuania, Kurland, Lifland, Estland, Finland by direct capture. At the same time, representatives of the banking capital, the electrical industry, large shipyards tended to direct annexation only in the East, but not in the West and sought to create the European Economic Union as the basis of world domination under the German leadership. As a representative of the second liberal wing, Walter Ratenau in 1914 sent a memorandum to the Chancellor proposing the organization of the military and raw materials department at the Prussian military ministry, taking over its leadership. To compensate for positions in the world market dominated by the United States and England, Ratenau proposed a customs union of European states. He correctly calculated that the protracted war would only greatly enrich the Anglo-American upper powers and was inclined to think of peace with the continental powers, but not with England, which with its economic and maritime power considered the main enemy of Germany and "for taming" which offered to systematically bomb from the air for "influence on the nerves." Add to this a clear anti-zionist stance by Ratenau and it will become very obvious why this person would be killed by anti-Semitic terrorists. But during the First World War, his ideas and ideas of Friedrich Nauman on the state regulation of the economy were consistently implemented, as early as August 4, 1914, the Reichstag passed the law "On strengthening the role of the Bundesrat in economic activities." Paragraph 3 of the Act stated that the Bundesrat had the power to prescribe during the war the measures necessary to resolve economic problems. The number of trade unions between 1914 and 1919 increased from 3 million to 8.5 million. Both sides advocated state regulation in the sphere of economy, for some it was a guarantee of stable employment, for others stable profits. However, the protracted nature of the war did not allow to fully load the production military capacity, which prompted industry representatives to non-marketing stimulation of sales of their own production. Representatives of the steel industry - G. Krupp, electrical engineering V. Ratenau, pharma-chemical K. Duisberg agreed that military actions should go into a hot phase, for which the post of Chief of The General Staff should go to Paul Hindenburg.

The conspiracy was preceded by a note from Major Max Bauer, who was the link between industrialists and the military, which said: “We are in a state of hopeless defense, and thus in the greatest danger ... We can probably only be saved by a man of strong will, who, thanks to the trust that he uses, will inspire the people to extreme sacrifices ... ". In August 1916, Chancellor Bethmann Goldweg already categorically demanded that the Kaiser remove the Chief of the General Staff E. von Falkenhein and appoint P. Hindenburg von Benckendorff to this post. Wilhelm II burst into tears when he was informed that the army no longer trusted Falgenhein. The new chief of staff was distinguished by his popularity, which could always cover up an unpopular decision and the well-known in certain circles trait of the "old Hindenburg" "art, in fact playing the role of a blind executor of the desires of his advisers, to pretend that he is a boss acting of his own free will." ... Two days after his appointment, Hindenburg did not disappoint his protégés, sending a letter to the War Ministry demanding "to double the production of shells and mortars, guns, machine guns and aircraft threefold." Now the group of monopolists has stopped sabotaging the work of General Groener, who was in charge of the military department during the Fangengelm period. The desire of the ruling circles to continue to economically support the conduct of the war demanded a new military-economic policy. Also, changes in the military economy demanded military events: the entry of Italy and Romania into the war on the side of the Entente and the unprecedented battles of Verdun and the Somme unfolding unprecedented in scale. For example, near Verdun, in 30 weeks of fighting, 1,350 thousand tons of steel were consumed, that is, 50 tons per 1 hectare of territory. The monthly production of guns, which at the beginning of the war was 15 pieces, in 1916 amounted to 600 pieces, there was an increase in the monthly production of coal by 1 million tons, iron ore by 800 thousand tons, in addition, blast furnaces and steel mills were to be used up to to the absolute limit of their power. These measures were later called the "Hindenburg Program", the implementation of which was possible only by limiting production for civilian consumption in favor of military consumption. This is how the Kriegsamt military department appeared, responsible for all forms of the war economy from raw materials to labor up to the right to unite and stop enterprises. The Kriegsamt was formally subordinate to the War Ministry, it was in charge of the procurement of raw materials, ammunition, weapons, the labor department for the recruitment of workers for military enterprises, the import and export department, the consumer department and the permanent commission for the unification of enterprises were subordinate to it. At the end of the war, the Kriegsamt had 65,000 employees and controlled 3 million workers. On November 1, 1916, by decree of the Kaiser, the department came under the command of General Groener, which meant a new future conflict with industrial circles. The reason for this conflict will become clear at the moment the general is removed from the post, which he accepted without much pleasure: “I was not a person fit for this post ... I have never been a member of any party in my life. In the parental home I was brought up in a conservative spirit, but my conservatism was different from Ostelbe, or than the selfishness of heavy industry. " The claims of the military to become a superior body in relation to industrialists did not come true. Entrepreneurs dreamed of using the kriegsamt to provide themselves with raw materials, necessary materials, labor and, of course, they thought more about increasing profits than about military needs. The cuts in civilian industries under the Hindenburg program led to the closure of a significant number of "superfluous", non-military enterprises, which ultimately amounted to 75% of all industrial production in Germany. These closures were carried out both officially and by depriving the relevant enterprise of raw materials and labor. Under the slogan of more efficient loading and pointing out the lack of raw materials, labor and, in part, modern equipment, the largest monopolists sought through the military department to concentrate the relevant production on the large enterprises declared to be especially efficient, mainly controlled by them, which meant the halt of numerous small and medium-sized firms. Between 30% and 70% of previously operating such enterprises were closed. Wages, pensions and benefits have not kept pace with prices. The real wages of German workers in those years were the lowest in Europe.

The restriction of civil consumption under the Hindenburg Program has hit the working class of Germany. Even before the war, 50% of the need for cereals and fats was met by exports. During the war, agricultural production decreased by one third, including grain production - by 36%, livestock production by 40%, potatoes by 35%. Since the beginning of the war, the state has been organizing rationing, setting fixed prices. Since the beginning of 1915 bread cards were introduced first in Berlin, and from June throughout the empire. Since May 1916, the civilian population has been supplied with 270 grams of food per person per person, Meat - 35, fats - 12.7 grams, potatoes - 400 G Germany turned into a country of "brilliantly organized hunger", winter 1916-17 called trouser, all basic food: milk, oil, fats animals and vegetable, bread, etc. were replaced by a trouser. Which led to protests in many cities. In the last two years of the war, child mortality has increased due to food shortages. In February 1917, the future Chancellor Georg Michaelis became the State Commissioner for Food Supply. From August 1, 1916, clothes and underwear could be bought on the presentation of a special permit certificate, which was issued only to the person who would prove to the agents that he really needed a new thing. In the autumn of 1916, a wave of anti-war demonstrations and strikes swept across Germany. On October 28, 1916, Grener informed Batman Holveg that the headquarters intended to discuss a draft "domestic service law and directive for its implementation" under which it would be possible to prosecute males from 15 to 60 years of age and women. Such a picture unfolded against the background of the increasing profits of enterprises - monopolists serving military supply. German historian K. Gosweiler noted: "Dividends of 25% or more were not uncommon, but even a curiosity. 100% dividends were commonplace." General Grener tried to convince the Chancellor: "Enterprise must finally understand that war is not a case for profit, but that everyone is required to sacrifice if necessary." In the summer of 1917, Grener sent a memorandum to the Chancellor entitled "On the need for state intervention in the regulation of businessmen's profits and workers' earnings." Such a position cost him dearly: on August 16, 1917, at the urging of Kaiser, he was dismissed from his post as the head of the Kriegsamt. But earning in the war is not long.

The Great March 1918 German offensive turned out to be a bloody miscalculation, and the counteroffensive of Allied troops in August 1918 brought them victory. On September 19, 1918, the Bundesrat passed the Law on Economic Activities for Transitional Management, which retained state control over the most important economic activities, but events developed at a rapid rate. There was again an attempt to reform the government: on October 1, the government of the German Empire received the resignation, the new government included the Socialists, and the chancellor was Prince Badensky, who was considered a liberal. The next day, the new government asked the U.S. government to start peace talks, distributing the internal balance of power towards the liberal-socialist wing of the German aesthetic, as the conditions of surrender would deprive the economic base of the annexationists in the first place. The causes of the German military catastrophe lie not so much in the huge military and material superiority of the Entente, but in the internal contradictions caused not only by the greed of industrialists-monopolists. In 2003, Hans-Ulrich Veler, a professor at the University of Bielefeld, published his work ,2003, from the beginning of World War I to the founding of two German states. 1914-1949" in five volumes, where the author argues that the collapse of Germany in the war was caused by the regime's incompetent policy in solving financial, economic, social problems. Economically and financially, Germany could not win the war, "because in the last year of the war half of the people's wealth was to cover debts." Mysterious creditors, whose repayment of loans became more important for the empire than its own existence remained behind the scenes of events. The First World War ended on November 11, 1918, in the Compiegne Forest, when a truce was signed between Germany and the Entente countries. The war lasted 4 years and 3 months and claimed the lives of almost 10 million people. The armies of 38 states were involved. The biggest losses were suffered by Germany - 1.9 million killed servicemen, Russia - 1.7 million soldiers and officers, France - 1.4 million, Austria-Hungary - a million, Great Britain - 760,000. The result of the First World War was the fall of four empires: the Russian, Austrian, German and Ottoman empires. The November Revolution ended the fall of the Mid Europe project. Attempt to repeat the October Revolution in Germany ended in failure on January 12, 1919, some revolutionaries were beaten to death, some shot. On January 14, the leaders of K. Liebknecht, R. Luxembourg, and V. Peak were killed. In February 1919, the first democratic parliament met, sitting in the quiet city of Weimar, which is actually under martial law, away from the bustling Berlin, and elected the socialist F. Ebert as president. In the military company of the First World War, the German Empire was quite able to implement the nationalist fuse, but even the presence of the socialist F. Ebert at the head of the government or Walter Ratenau in its composition will not allow it to realize the component of the really socialist.

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