Bad karma 2.

Bad karma 2.

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Rupert Murdoch, Morton Zuckerman, Thomas Glouser - deliberately involved in the provision of information support for vaccination against H1N1 vaccinations (accused by L. Horowitz)

 Jerry Spreier, former head of the board of directors of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York - (charged by L. Horowitz)

 Larry Silverstein, head of Silverstein Properties Inc., former general tenant of the World Trade Center (WTC) in New York [20] - (charged by L. Horowitz)

 David Southall, head of Child Advocacy International (CAI) [21]

 Let me remind you that all journalistic statements are supported by supporting documents. What makes all this even less like random coincidences, for example: "... the specified concentrations of formalin and merthiolate are" required by WHO "and ... our country is obliged to comply with these requirements." “Particularly toxic are organic compounds of heavy metals, in particular ethyl and methyl mercury compounds. Revealed their selective effect on generative function ", or that, Procter & Gamble sponsors" sex education "and sells contaminated sprays, not to mention the introduction of Chorionic Gonadotrophin (hCG) immediately after refusal, but rather instead of mercury merthiolate.

For the new part can come down to the creation of the same Basel geniuses - Ritalin. Carl Elliott, a bioethicist at the University of Minnesota, once remarked, "To sell a drug, you have to sell a psychiatric illness." In the 1960s, while conducting experiments with LSD, psychiatrists found that the introduction of very small quantities of this drug into the human body causes euphoria in some people, and in some - psychosis. From these observations, the experimenters concluded that strange behavior is caused by the violation of chemical equilibrium in the brain, and, therefore, if you pick up substances that restore this balance, the mentally ill will be cured. The new theory was called "chemical imbalance of the brain." It was this assumption that in 1987 led the American Psychiatric Association to decide that attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD-ADHD- Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder) was a real-life disease caused by a chemical imbalance in the brain. In 1987, the diagnosis of ADHD was born literally by voting by members of the APA committee and was immediately included in the psychiatric directory DSM-III.

The history of advertising tranquilizers and sedatives provides sufficient confirmation of how the pharmaceutical industry successfully attaches medical character to ordinary life situations and promotes the use of benzodiazepines, especially for women.

Andrew Chetley, Troubled Medicines

The Association of American Psychiatrists has developed "criteria" for a new "disease" that appears in the directories as "attention deficit disorder." Statistics show that within six months of this decision in the U.S. alone, 500,000 schoolchildren and kindergarteners were diagnosed with new diagnosis, and today the number of American children diagnosed with ADHD has grown to 6 million. Between 1989 and 1996, the number of children enrolled in "hyperactive" in France increased by 600%. In the UK, the volume of stimulants prescribed to children increased by 9,200% between 1992 and 2000. Today, in schools in THE nsw (Australia), children are lining up not for milk, as they once did, but for drugs for "behavioural disorders." 

"Thousands of children who are put on psychiatric drugs are simply "smart." " These students are bored to tears, and those who are bored, begin to twirl on the spot, fuss, stretch in all directions, and, if it is boys, - look for trouble on their head.

Dr. Sidney Walker, "Trick with Hyperactivity"

Under the new diagnosis, the children were found to be in need of treatment and their parents fed them 1 to 3 pills of the former sleeper every day. As a result, children became sedentary and apathetic, and this suited parents, chemically "compensating" their gaps in the upbringing of the child, teachers who received stupid, but obedient students, and, of course, pharmacists with psychiatrists. The slowed reaction is quite expected from patients, as amphetamine, derived from which is "Ritalin", was released on the market in 1887 as a means of overwhelming appetite, in the 40s of the next century was used as a sleeper, but was banned due to side effects. In our country, it is banned as a drug, which it really is: in Belgium it is "suspended" with mixtures of psychostimulants and pushed as a synthetic drug "yellow powder". Go to a regular high school in the UK, Australia, Canada or the United States, or some schools in Mexico - you'll think you're in a mental health clinic because kids here are lining up for a daily dose of stimulant drug. Looking closely, you will be able to notice how the schoolchildren themselves illegally trade drugs. He sells the same drugs he is prescribed in order to cope with the perceived learning difficulties. Addictive drugs form a culture of drug distribution and abuse. Ritalin and other stimulants are sold illegally in schools in many countries for between $2 and $10 per pill. These pills, more potent than cocaine, children are crushed into powder and inhaled. In the United States, drug abuse among children and adolescents jumped by more than 2,900% between 1965 and 2001.

“Ritalin has minor side effects ... Another thing that worries parents is when the child appears to be over-focused while the drug is acting. He seems disconnected from what is happening around him, and parents use expressions such as: "He behaves like a robot or a zombie." In these cases, you can reduce the dose. If the medicine helps the child noticeably at school, many parents put up with this phenomenon. A very unpleasant side effect is "ribound". This is a condition when, after the cessation of the action of the drug, changes in mood appear, which manifest themselves in crying, irritability and intense anxiety ”[34].

 Dr. Yehuda Barak,

 pediatric neurologist, Meir Hospital, Kfar Saba, Israel

 Among other side effects, Yehuda Barak describes: "rapid pulse and high blood pressure", some "may develop tics while taking Ritalin." The correct explanation for these symptoms was given by the staff of the American National Institute, when they found that "Ritalin" leads to such changes in brain cells, which are observed in drug addicts who use cocaine [32]. By 1995, when the US Drug Enforcement Administration declared that “no animals or humans can tell the difference between cocaine, amphetamines and 'Ritalin,' there were already about 5 million high school and senior kindergarten students in the United States. And although to date the use of the drug is limited in the United States and European countries, the Israeli Knesset is still trying to find out by special commissions whether it is legitimate to practice the suspension from school of schoolchildren whose parents refuse to give them Ritalin [31]. In April 1996, the Australian and New Zealand Psychiatric Journal published a study showing that "legacy tricyclic antidepressants are a major cause of suicide." In 1958, the suicide rate among adolescents aged 15 to 19 was 3 per 100,000 adolescents. By 1990, it jumped to 11.1 (an increase of 267%), and in 2000 the growth of this indicator was 800% [69], in Israel for the period from 1981 to 1994. the suicide rate among young people between 15 and 19 years of age has increased by approximately 183% [67].

 "As with all mental disorders, there is no biological test or biological indicator for ADHD ... as with all emotional disorders, researchers have been zealous for evidence that ADHD is caused by a chemical imbalance, but they have not been able to prove it." ]

 Ty Colbert, “Violence of the Soul. How the "chemical imbalance" model of modern psychiatry deceived its patients "

 At the beginning of the 21st century, a scientific conference of the US National Institutes of Health acknowledged that at the moment "there is no objective evidence that ADHD exists as a disease." The Oregon University Health and Science Center of Practice published a report in 2005 that looked at 2,287 studies - virtually all studies ever conducted with ADHD medications. No test was determined to be effective, prompting American Psychiatric Association President Stephen Scharfstein to admit publicly that there is no "purely laboratory test" to determine a chemical imbalance in the brain.

 "There are no tests or analyzes that can be used to determine what is the state of the brain of a living person in terms of the content of chemicals." In addition, "no biological, anatomical or functional features have been found to distinguish the brain of a healthy person from the brain of a mental patient [67]."

 psychologist, PhD Elliot Wallenstein Chairman of the Board of Public Affairs of the American Psychiatric Association, Dr. Mark Graff admitted that the theory of the existence of a "chemical imbalance" in the brain that antidepressants were supposed to "correct" was probably created by the pharmacists themselves.

 "If in any court of any country any scientific opinion turns out to be inconvenient for someone, it is only because he was stingy to buy two experts."

 Charles Fort "Volcanoes of Heaven"

 However, although the 1,000 consultants who worked on the fourth version of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, which psychiatrists can use to prescribe antidepressants, stimulants and antipsychotics, could not clearly define the mental disorder, they added 21 new mental health problems to the new version. disorder. “To sell a drug, you have to sell a psychiatric illness,” sales of stimulants alone to control ADHD symptoms reached $ 1.3 billion a year. Plus, American schools spend at least a billion dollars a year on psychologists who diagnose students all day long. 15 billion dollars are spent annually on diagnoses, treatment and research of “disorders” [67]. To keep this lucrative business alive, books are being published that promote unsubstantiated claims by psychiatrists about childhood mental disorders and advertise dangerous drugs to “cure” them. [69] While the first edition of the DSM psychiatric reference book, published in 1952, included a list of 112 diseases, the 1994 edition (DSM-IV) already described more than 370 disorders [67]. If in 1952 there were no diagnoses for infants and children in the DSM, with the exception of three "adaptation reactions", then by 1980 the number of categories of child psychiatric "disorders" had increased almost tenfold [69]. Today, probably, there is no longer any everyday problem that would not have been diagnosed: a child who is restless or too enthusiastic while playing is “hyperactive”; if a child refuses to take mind-altering psychiatric drugs, he or she “disagrees with treatment”; a person who stops drinking coffee suffers from "caffeine withdrawal". If a child has low grades in math, this is a "math disorder", if he has problems with writing a written text or breaking the text into paragraphs, then, by psychiatric standards, this, by psychiatric standards, is not a problem that the teacher should fix, but a "writing disorder" [ 66], if he argues with teachers or parents, then this “behavior disorder” is called “oppositional defiant disorder” [69].

 “Antidepressants are nothing more than a chemical straitjacket. No wonder the number of psychologists and psychiatrists today exceeds the number of police officers in the country. ”[163]

 Noam Chomsky,

 Professor of Linguistics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology

In the 1980s, the patent for basic types of psychiatric drugs expired, they became much cheaper and their use ceased to be profitable, so they all suddenly became ineffective. Pharmaceutical niva was as best prepared for the timely appearance of the new brew of Swiss alchemists - "fluoxetine." According to the established pharmacological tradition, the drug is obliged to the occasion. In 1957, a radically new drug for schizophrenia was delivered to a small psychiatric hospital in Switzerland. Patients dutifully swallowed pills, but the new medicine did not help against schizophrenia, but patients of the clinic suddenly became cheerful and active. Five years earlier, at another clinic, doctors tested a new TB drug, Iproniazid, but it turned out that the drug did not cure tuberculosis, but, like the Swiss one, relieved depression: "patients who were given the drug became more cheerful, optimistic, and even more active in the physical sense." If in ancient times the problem of depression was filmed by the application of leeches to the back aisle of the melancholic, then in the late 1980s, two types of antidepressants were introduced to the world, one of which is based on the effect of SSRIs (selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors, i.e. drugs that hold serotonin in the brain, which include prozac, paxil, selex, gold, effexor and reveron).

According to the official version, thirty years of clinical trials have passed, after which the largest global concern with 130 years of history, the inventor of insulin - Eli Lilly - was entrusted to spread the innovation to the masses. Psychiatrists have used their influence to convince society that next-generation drugs can better treat symptoms of schizophrenia and depression, and prozac's active advertising has contributed to a record 54 million people being prescribed. George W. Bush himself, before his election to the White House, was a member of Eli Lilly's administrative board, and it was later revealed that five of the eight "health experts" who gave the go-ahead in 1987 for the sale of Prozac were in business dealings with Eli Lilly. The innovation came to its consumer with record speed. Newsweek immediately dedicated an article to the event on the cover page, where the drug was called a "breakthrough drug for depression".

"Prescription drugs are advertised as if they were cosmetics or sweets. Allegations go beyond the real effect of the product. Artificially inflated demand exceeds medical needs. Advertisements are made that are neither healthy nor reasonable.

David Jones, Ciba-Geigy

If in 1981 tranquilizers were accepted by 15% of The French, in 1989 - 35%, and in 1992 - 42%. From 1995 to 1999, the use of antidepressants among children under 6 years of age increased by 580%, and among children 7-12 years of age by 151%. IMS America reported that from 1995 to 1996, the number of cases in the United States when doctors prescribed prozac to children between the ages of 6 and 12 doubled, but the number of prescriptions for psychotropic drugs in the United States doubled, exceeding the turnover of $1 billion in 1992. It became so popular that it received the attention of cinema film "The Nation of Prozac." Many Americans have come to call it "drug-in-law", and the slang term "happy fool" has appeared for users. It is impossible to say with certainty whether this is a planned strategy, but, as in the case of thalidomide, The drug is distributed worldwide by dozens of names: in Russia "proflusac" and "fluoxetine", in Hungary "framex" and "floxet", in Norway "nicomed" and "fluoxetine", in the Czech Republic "deprex", in Finland "fluxonil", in Slovenia "portal" and "fluval", in India "prodep" and "fluul" in India "flup" Abuse of tranquilizers and antidepressants in industrialized countries is an integral hallmark of modern society. It's beyond comprehension. These medicines (if they can be called so) have brought and continue to bring large income to laboratories around the world. There was even a disease due to the frequent use of tranquilizers of a cyclical nature. It can be said unmistakably that one-third of Europeans regularly use these drugs. These new "addicts" seem to have forgotten or are unaware that alternating arousal and depression is a completely natural phenomenon characterized by varying intensity depending on the circumstances of each individual.

Louis Brower "Pharmaceutical and Food Mafia"

Six years after the drug entered the market, 170 lawsuits were filed against the manufacturer for compensation for the damage caused to health. The harvest was catastrophic both in terms of the number and quality of the victims collected. Six years later, there were 26,623 cases of unwanted side effects behind the drug. The American Epidemiological Journal has published two studies that have shown that "paxl" increases the risk of breast cancer in women by 720%. In addition, first the developer of neuroleptics, psychopharmacologist Dr. Frank J. Ade, followed by Dr. A. Morali Dorzewali of Duke University and researchers at the FDA's Center for Drug Evaluation, confirmed the causal relationship between "ziprexa" and diabetes: drug-taking patients are 10 times more likely to have the disease than others. In 2005, Eli Lilly agreed to pay $690 million to settle more than 8,000 lawsuits against the drug, and by 2008 the number of lawsuits had increased to 30,000 with a total payout of $1.2 billion. 

The study, published in the Journal of the Emerite Medical Association, found that women who took prozac had a risk of miscarriage or having children with pathologies twice as high as those who did not take antidepressants. In 2003, a Finnish study published in The Archaves of General Sikayetri found that infants whose mothers had SMRS during pregnancy may have had neurobiological problems, including irritability, convulsions, eating disorders, eating disorders and sleeping during the first week of life. The study was supplemented by a publication in the New England Journal of Medicine linking pregnancy pathologies and the use of SSRIs, a life-threatening condition in which the child's blood is not oxygen-sufficient. But it wasn't until 2005 that the developers of one of the antidepressants "GlaxoSmithKline" issued a warning that pregnant women taking "paxil" or other antidepressants during the first trimester of pregnancy are at risk of giving birth to a child with serious birth defects. In addition, a study published in Arcaves of Pediatric and Adolesent Medicine found that about a third of newborns whose mothers took the antidepressantS SSRIs during pregnancy experienced symptoms of breakdown. The British BBC reported that "paxil" causes severe breakdown, which, according to Dr. Hilly, is confirmed by clinical trials. 

Even before it was found that antidepressants have a narcotic effect, the drug effect itself revealed itself from a specific side. It is claimed that within the first six years since the start of sales, the drug led to 1,885 suicides. Japanese researchers also reported antidepressant users who "developed a keen sense of hostility to the surroundings and irritability, and who were subjected to acts of violence against others". The most famous contender was the mass murder committed in 1988 by a calm and law-abiding Swiss citizen Josef Wesbecker. The employee, who used Prozac all the time, killed eight and wounded twelve of his colleagues at the Standart Gravure. The first claim for such a strange side effect prozac filed Rhonda Hala claiming that "Prozac" can cause a strong desire for suicide and self-destruction. She claimed that because of the use of Prozac, she suffered from the drug-induced nervous restlessness, she mutilated herself, stuck sharp objects in her body, which she could reach: screws, scissors, hooks for towels, rivets of carpets, razors, pens. "I couldn't do it any other way," Hala told Newsweek, "you're sitting there, and every nerve of yours has to move. It's like you're going to jump out of your skin." In Prozac's Response, Dr. Joseph Glenmallen, a psychiatrist at Harvard Medical School, said that up to 50 percent of patients taking antidepressants suffered from "breakdown" and 60 percent had sexual dysfunction. He also believes that "there is evidence that they can lead to a "chemical lobotomy" by destroying nerve endings in the brain ... patients taking drugs are increasingly concerned about neurological disorders, including distorted miki, tics of the whole body, which indicates possible brain damage." Vera Sharav's 2003 article in the American Journal of Bioethics states: "In reality, these treatments damage the anterimen of the brain, which performs special functions. Neuroleptic drugs, which began to be used in the 1950s, disrupt normal brain activity: they extinguish psychosis, but cause a pathology far worse than the original condition for which they were prescribed - in a similar way, lobotomay was replaced by treatment with psychotropic drugs."

In 2003, a government official, Dr. Andrew Mosholder, reviewed 22 studies that showed that children who were given antidepressants were about twice as likely to commit suicide. A study of 87,650 patients by epidemiologist Dean Ferposson and colleagues at the Ottawa Health Research Institute, with the participation of McGill University, was agreed to by a study published in the British Medical Journal. The internal clinical trials of Paxila conducted by GlaxoSmithKline (named after the merger of Glaxo Wellcome and SmithKline Beecham) gave an even higher ratio, by which the symptoms of suicide attempts in those who took the drug were 2.8 times higher than those who took a placebo, and then the question arises: how were clinical trials conducted? Particularly unpleasant was the 2005 controversy that included the provision of a copy of "Eli Lilly" by U.S. Rep. Maurice Hinch to CNN in 2005, which showed that in 1987, when Prozac was approved, the company already had evidence that among the negative reactions to the drug suicide and violence are much more common than with the use of other drugs. One of the documents reported 14,198 negative effects. The lead specialist in one of the four Prosaic placebo-based trials, Minnesota psychiatrist Frank Abuzhab, whose results Eli Lilly provided to the FDA for approval of the drug, was found guilty by the Minnesota Medical Practices Commission of falsifying study reports in order to create the appearance of positive responses to the drugs. The Hartford Courier-Mail reported that in the 1990s, Eli Lilly's managers worked closely with THE FDA chief Paul Leber to help draw media attention away from the fact that anti-dessants could lead to suicide. At the same time, in September 1991, at a meeting of the Advisory Committee on Psychopharmacological Drugs at the U.S. FDA, it was decided that there was no "credible evidence" in favor of the conclusion that the use of antidepressants in general and Prozac in particular causes the emergence of intensification of suicidal acts or other types of aggressive behavior. Thus, it is obvious that the negative effects were known, but the typical practice for pharmaceutical companies is a policy aimed at concealing the negative effects. When reports of increased suicide trends drew attention to fluoxetine and 70 lawsuits were filed against Lilly in the U.S., none of them went to trial, the company also took care to provide additional evidence of charges where criminal defendants argued that the use of Prozac caused them to resort to violence. 

According to GlaxoSmithKline's 1998 internal document, the company's response to the completely negative results of study No.377 was "effective management of the dissemination of this data to minimize potential negative commercial impacts." According to the trial, Karen Wagner, a psychiatrist in Texas, could not hide that he received $ $160,000 sum from GlaxoSmithKline while he studied the dangerous properties of Paxil regarding the effects on children's organisms.

Some researchers have pointed out that the new antidepressants appeared neatly at the time of the expiration of patents for typical old drugs. Perhaps they were referring to the Valium, Librium, Mogadon tranquilizers, which another Swiss company, Hoffmann-La Roche, had built its monopoly on since 1945. "Thanks to its monopoly position, which was granted to it by patents, and through the extensive advertising of products," wrote Francois Hopflinger in his book "The Empire of Switzerland" - in each country Roche was given complete freedom in determining the prices of librium and Valium in order to extract as much profit as possible." The cost of raw materials and Valium production for the company was 3 dollars per kilogram. She sold it to distributors for $20,000 per kilogram. When Valium reached the end consumer, its value increased to $50,000 per kilogram. As a result, the company was able to sell drugs at inflated prices, contributing to "the blunting of patients who face life problems on a daily basis and are unable to tolerate them due to lack of courage and will." It is noteworthy that the active part of valium - diazepam depending on the circumstances of one patient calms down, the other makes aggressive, one causes drowsiness, the other excessive arousal. Thus, it can be noted that the German-Swiss companies have planted humanity on all sorts of drugs, as if we take into account the first factory for the industrial production of cocaine "Merck q Co", since the end of the 19th century, almost achieving total coverage of children through the system of "school psychologists".

L. Brower's mention of "such a phenomenon as the rejection of the mother's breast" in the host of psychotropic benzodiazepines, draws attention to the side effects of other antidepressants: impotence and sexual dysfunction, bloating of the breasts. Even if the selective effect on the reproductive functions of drugs is only a coincidence, how were 30 years of drug trials conducted? Or was it not a trial, or was it a 30-year development of a drug with predetermined functions? Otherwise, how could sandoz's laboratory create an appetite stimulant in the mid-1980s, the side effect of which was inability to concentrate, dizziness, hypotension, weakness, nausea, vomiting, headache, blurred vision, nightmares, and loss of appetite. Are you sure that this is the result of trying to invent a stimulant of appetite?

According to the conclusion of the pathology of pregnancy when using antidepressants "GlaxoSmithKline" is connected with the fact that "the blood of the child receives insufficient oxygen." Again, you can recall the fantasies of Aldous Huxley: "... gives the embryo less oxygen. And nothing reduces mentally the level of the mentally bodily level, but the lack of oxygen" only achieves the same effect not by vaccination, but by a simpler way. By the way, the population of "The Brave World" at Aldous just sits tightly on mood stimulants, though the lower castes give them only as a reward for good work. 

A truly effective totalitarian state will be one in which the all-powerful political bosses at the head of the management army stand over slaves who do not want freedom because they like to serve.

Aldous Huxley "Oh Brave New World!"

Thomas Moore, author of Recipes for Unhappiness, believes that the use of drugs such as Ritalin poses a "threat" to a generation of children: "The drug is given for short-term control of behavior, not to reduce the real danger to the child's health. Such large-scale chemical control of human behavior has never gone beyond shelters and homes for lunatics in our society before." Huxley himself, too, during his entire biography did not get off with various psychotropic substances, "LSD" - was the last word that hardly brought out the hand of a dying fantasist.

But was the English writer an ordinary fantasist? After all, it is not for nothing that he suggested to the president of the Para psychological foundation Eileen Garrett to use drugs in the study of paranormal phenomena. Is it by chance that Albert Hofmann will co-author R. G. Wasson's book "The Way to Eleusin" on the narcotic aspects of ancient mystical rituals? It is necessary to understand well what the Eleusin mysteries themselves were, and Hofmann, who experienced the action of LSD, will remember later how it seemed to him that a demon had "instilled in him". Regarding the origin of the strongholds of the modern pharmaceutical industry, it is necessary to pay attention to another strange circumstance: in the second half of the 19th century in Basel suddenly there was an acute need for dyeing factories, according to the official version and "Sandoz" and "Hoffmann-La Roche" in 1886, only two years earlier "Ciba-Geigy".

The opening of these dye factories is only the second wave, begun on the outskirts of Frankfurt am Main, when Hoechst and Bayer opened in 1863.

 Further, by a strange coincidence, instead of dyes in laboratory flasks of companies, all kinds of narcotic substances that change the state of consciousness begin to appear: Bayer gives the world heroin, Hoechst - cocaine, Sandoz - LSD, Hoffmann-La Roche - tranquilizers based on Valium. Maybe there is nothing in common between psychotropic drugs and the study of the paranormal, or maybe there is. One way or another, the confirmation of the existence of the esoteric tradition of the city of Basel will be described in the chapter about the famous psychiatrist Carl G. Jung, who also worked in this Swiss city, and who had not the last relation to the Rosicrucian society.

 Witches and sorcerers always had a hard time until they, having changed their name, became decent members of society. "

 Charles Fort "Volcanoes of Heaven"

 Moreover, taking into account the fact that the last burning at the stake of a heretic (Jew) by the verdict of the "court of faith" took place in 1826 [74], one can at least assume that, hiding behind the signboard of a chemical laboratory, the "dyeing concerns" initially set themselves broader tasks of finding their own "Philosopher's stone". At the same time, a rather narrow circle of people united by geography, time and, possibly, by a deeper connection, is involved in the process invisible to an outside observer.

 So Friedrich Hoffmann (1660-1742) was the founder of the concept of the dynamic movement of vital "tones", which for the first time linked the processes of blood circulation and digestion into a single complex, subordinating them to "nervous fluids (or ethers) emanating from the cerebral stomach." The famous novelist wrote about the author of the famous Nutcracker, Ernst Theodor Wilhelm Hoffmann:

We will not claim that Hoffmann's imagination was vicious or perverted, we only emphasize his unbridledness and excessive addiction to all things unhealthy and terrible. ... These visions he had generated were sometimes so per life in his eyes that he could no longer bear them, and at night ... Hoffman often woke his wife to sit at the table while he wrote, and by his presence protected him from the phantoms of his own sick imagination.... Indeed, Hoffman's images are so close to the visions that arise from the immoderate smoking of opium that, speaking of them, it is impossible not to consider all his work as a case that requires rather medical intervention."

Walter Scott,

"On the supernatural in literature and, in particular, about the writings of Ernst Theodore Wilhelm Hoffmann"

According to Walter Scott, "nervous fever attacks" spread "and to Hoffman's mind" during his life, thus repeating the fate of his mother's mind, resulting in his brought up uncle Otto, a talented lawyer and mystic. It is noteworthy that his best friend and classmate Theodore Gottlieb von Hippel was also his uncle, the mayor of Koenigsberg, a friend of Immanuel Kant and a Freemason of the lodge "Three Crowns" - Theodore Gottlieb Hippel, who by his multi-volume novel "Life Paths on the Ascending Line" will make "love to death" - "a feature of the German novel"

Further: August-Wilhelm von Hoffman was elected President of the Chemical Society of Germany 14 times in a row from 1868 to 1892, and he discovered and researched the same formaldehyde. General Max Hoffman is the author of Hoffman's Plan, which included the invasion of Soviet Russia by the combined forces of Germany, France and Great Britain. Behind Hoffman's plan was Arnold Rechberg, a "private politician" and a representative of Germany's potash (again chemical) industry. In The Book of Wolfgang Ruge (How Hitler Came to Power), Paul Hoffman (Hoffman) is described as a Nazi financier "from the chemical industry." In the bright list of Hoffmans of that time there is even a lama Anagarika Govinda, born Ernst Lothar Hoffman, a German Buddhist of the 1930s.

In 1971, Abby Hoffman (Hoffman) issued detailed instructions on shop robbery and cannabis cultivation under the title "The Book." The publication will be banned in Canada and the United States for promoting crimes. And our contemporary, Bruce Hoffman, is vice president of the infamous Rand Corporation. Of course, this does not mean that all Hofmanns are relatives of the founder of "Hoffmann-La Roche", but the namesakes and often colleagues are at least. In addition, the popularization of LSD world owes to Albert Hoffman, heroin Felix Hofmann. In 1891, the latter graduated from the University of Munich, where he studied with the future Nobel laureate Adolf von Bayer, on whose recommendation he worked all his life in the company "Farbenfabriken vorm. Friedr. In Switzerland, until his death in 1946. In the laboratory of Adolf von Bayer in Munich, the pioneer of Novocaine Alfred Einhorn, who was a teacher in Darmstadt, when Merck was setting up the world's first industrial cocaine production, the fundamental research of which in Einhorn's laboratory was started by his student, colleague and then head, future Nobel laureate Richard Martin Wilstetter, when both of them collaborated with "Hochst."

Map of medieval Hhohst 

The story of "Hoechst" is the story of another dye factory. In 1863, two brothers-in-two in the town of Uchst on the Main River: Eugen Lucius and the Hamburg-based businessman Carl Meister, married to the daughters of The Frankfurt-on-Main artist Jacob Becker, founded a factory for the production of stone resin dyes. Two years later, the post of technical director was taken by the student friend of Lucius chemist Adolf Bruning and the hoechst concern was born, its creation in 1894 of anti-diphtheria serum that laid the foundation for mass vaccination in Germany. A year earlier, the company had released "analgin" (antipyrin), a product that provided Hoechst worldwide fame, whose derivatives still account for about 50% of the production of all antipyretic and analgesic products, including "baralgin," "pentalgin," "spasmalgon." Later, such popularity of the drug rather negatively affected the image of the company. It turned out that "analgin" leads to the loss of a large number of white blood cells and the termination of their reproduction with all the ensuing consequences, including a 28-fold increase in the risk of fatal bone marrow damage. 

Even "analgin" or more familiar for Europe "dipiron" has a teratogenic effect and can lead to various pathologies of the fetus, such as polydactyly, when the child has more than 5 fingers. It also causes drug dependence in newborns. The use of naproxen (finalgel, fastum, etc.) causes high blood pressure, which will lead to cardiovascular diseases of the newborn. From the first days of life, the child is doomed to suffer from convulsions, high blood pressure, rapid heartbeat, which leads to various kinds of cardiovascular diseases. Although in 1976 the French Minister of Health transferred "noramidopirin" -"analgin" into the category of "very toxic substances", it took another ten years to catch all analogues of the drug.

Two years after the decision of the French Minister of Health, the Department of Drug Epidemiology at Boston University set a task to collect all data on patients received with agranulocytosis - a change in white blood cells caused by dipyronicovic analgesics (analgin). The experiment was to cover all patients enrolled with these conditions in seven cities with a total population of 22.3 million: Barcelona, Ulm, West Berlin, Milan, Budapest, Sofia and Stockholm, as well as in Israel, Brazil and Indonesia.

After the project was involved in the financing of the patent holder of analgin - the firm Hoechst the results of the international study turned out to be absolutely absurd, and the question of the connection of the deadly bone marrow disease with the "dipironom" only became confused. In Barcelona and two German cities, where researchers started work without funding from the corporation, shocking results were obtained: the risk of agranulocytosis using "dipiron" was 23.7 times higher than without the use of this drug. But in Israel and Budapest, the deadly side effect of the drug was negligible - 1.1 cases per million users per week. In Brazil and Indonesia, research was simply thwarted, allowing the company to publicly state that "the underlying issue with the diproon has now been removed." However, the American medical community that initiated the study described the interpretation as "misleading" and issued a statement explicitly stating that, given the actual use of the drug, the corporation's fault for the corporation was more than 7,000 deaths each year. Nor did the tycoons believe the German drug regulator, the BGA, who also found The interpretation of Hoechst's Boston study results unacceptable. In 1983, the Israeli health agency removed all combined products with "dipiron" from the market, causing a huge loss to its manufacturers, merchants and pharmacies, but keeping a much larger number of citizens healthy. Between July 1981 and July 1986, 94 people died in Germany after taking medication containing "dipiron", followed by a hearing in September 1986 that German officials broke all arguments against Hoechst and in early 1987 the company "voluntarily" removed the analgesic "baralgin" from the German market. Following the United States, the United Kingdom and Germany, the "dipiron" was banned by the state authorities of Australia, Norway, Canada, Sweden, Denmark, Greece, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Japan, Bangladesh, Egypt, Fiji, Malaysia, New york, the Philippines, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, Venezuela, Pakistan. 

One of the most spectacular collapses in the history of pharmaceuticals was coming. But then, for the good fortune of Hoechst Corporation and its partners, the collapse of the USSR occurred, and all the produced tons of "analgin" - "dipiron" went to the post-Soviet space. Soon after, in 1996, the group itself joined Novartis, where he joined the Swiss brothers in the shop, forming Sandoz and Ciba-Geigy with his laboratory. This is not the first time that Hoechst has been invited to the New World Order. At one time, the company's victorious procession ended with the First World War, although the founding families managed to preserve the majority of the capital until the founding in 1925 of the islamic chemists' company IG Farbenindust.

The redistribution of the results of the First World War led to the change of owners of German companies, and until 1938 the director of "IS Farbenindust" was Max Warburg. His banking dynasty, according to D. Coleman's book "Committee 300" financed the Basel laboratory "Sandoz". This clan hails from Frankfurt on the Main, where the famous Rothschilds originated, and in 1814 the families were born. The founder of the Rothschild clan, by the way, was called the same as the famous pharmacological company - Bayer, by the name of the area in Germany, however, as well as the Warburgs, there is something in this criminal practice to associate their own name with geography, in which the new world elite imitated the former aristocracy. 

Rothschild's first home in the Frankfurt ghetto on the Main 

On September 21, 1769, the founder of the mayeur Amschel Bayer clan nailed a sign on one of the houses of the Jewish quarter of Frankfurt on the Main. The sign depicted the coat of arms of the land of Hesse-Hanau, which included Frankfurt on the Main, and below was the text: "M.A. Rothschild, official court sales agent of His Highness Prince William of Hesse." The electors william (Wilhelm) IX, landgraf Hesse-Cassel, whose coat of arms was known in Germany since the Middle Ages, was the grandson of George II of England, a cousin of George III, as well as the nephew of the King of Denmark and son-in-law of the King of Sweden. Obviously, his relatives were influential people, but what was much more important for Mayer Rothschild was the fact that most European monarchs were indebted to the humble rule of the land of Hesse, and this will play a decisive role in the formation of the Rothschilds themselves. After Mayer Amschel's sons settled in different countries to create a future empire, the eldest son and his father moved into a five-story Frankfurt mansion, which he shared with the family of another banker, Schiff. If you paid attention, the Hofmann clan was also a native of Hessen, before moving to Basel, where one of the Merkovs studied. But that's not all: the main business of the Hesse electors were, as would be said now by private military companies, which brought him a very, very substantial income. The United Kingdom paid $40 million for the use of 16,800 Gesse soldiers during the American Revolution. This is how the Rockefeller ancestor, the Hesse raider Roggenfelder, came to America, which means "rye field" in German.

Hessen coat of arms 

This story about "pharmabarons" has another "Hesse trail." "Inherited," as it should be "Hoffmann," albeit indirectly. Heinrich Hoffman ( Hoffman), whose photographic studio was located next door to the headquarters of "NSDAP", became a "court" photographer of the head of the Third Reich. Eva Brown was a worker at his studio. Hess introduced Hoffman to Dr. Morell, and he brought Hitler with him. Igor Bunich in the book "Labyrinths of Madness" calls both Hoffman and Morel "dark personalities." In fact, little is known about the "Hasan al-Sabbach" of the Third Reich, he was born in Hesse, the same year as Hitler, Albert Speer in his memoirs remembers that Theodore Mojrell was a student of the Russian scientist Ilya Mechnikov. Dr. Theodore Morell appeared near the Fuhrer in 1935 and did not part with him until the very end. Hitler did not trust any man as much as he did, and Morel's country house was the only one where Hitler without protection used to "drink tea." The secret of this "drink tea" was that back in 1941 Hitler found swelling on calves, caused by problems with the cardiovascular system. To solve this medical problem, it is Morell who takes the first step to strong drugs. Werner Mather, who studied their composition in detail, from 1936 to 1945, gained more than 30 items, found confirmation that Morel really made on his own recipe from pervitin and corimin so-called "golden tablets" that the Fuhrer had dropped. Stimulants had a serious impact on Hitler's psyche. In his article "Adolf Hitler the day before and after death" alexander Kalganov, a specialist of the Central Archives of the Fsb of Russia, describes the subsequent period of the Fuhrer's life: "From the consequences of Hitler's nervous shock, Professor Theodore Morell, who was described by his contemporaries as a charlatan, quite far from any scientific ideas about medicine. He actively regaled the Fuhrer with snare and medicines of his own invention, composed on the basis of strychnine, hormones, belladonna, morphine and other narcotic substances. The secret of Morell's success and unquestionable authority was explained by the rapid effect of his drugs, which Hitler immediately felt a huge surge of power. During 1944-1945 he was given daily injections of "miracle drugs". As a result, all witnesses of Hitler's last days noted his swollen face, graying, hunch, shaking hands and feet, hoarse, interrupted voice and dim eyes." The Minister of Propaganda, the chief ideologist of the Third Reich Joseph Goebbels sat on morphine, because he believed that he was ill resolutely to all, So, on April 13, 1943 Goebbels writes in his diary about "terrible colic in the kidneys" and "barbaric pains" "that manage to remove only Professor Morel, who gave me a prick of morphine." Paying attention to the excited reactions of the Fuhrer to the "miraculous" injections of Dr. Morel, the first to "burn" Hermann Goering, as he got hooked on morphine after being injured during a beer putsch. As a result of his addiction, Goering went to the clinic in 1925, but it ended with a series of attempts to commit suicide.

But this story already crosses the line of the story of a real "secret dictatorship", one about which Benjamin Rush could not even think, but very aptly noticed in 1938 Henry Ernst in the book "Hitler against the USSR":

The brown "International" without world war is absurd. The people behind the scenes of this movement work inaudibly and thoroughly. They don't spread secrets like Professor Banze; they don't beat drums like Hitler; they are almost always silent, but they see and count with mathematical impassiveness every change in the setting, every new perspective. The devilish crime of the world war, the spectacle of gas poisoned and dying the world for them is only one of the components - the last thing before summing up." 

The following materials are expected to announce:

"I do boring work - I suggest to the perplexed that they are the salt of the earth, the race of lords, the future lords of the world!.. Ours are just like the others. The main thing was to give them a job... Our worker, while he works, is indoctrinated and manageable like a pimply teenager. He will wear military uniforms without even noticing, being sure that he was simply moved to another place on the conveyor belt of national labor."

Chairman of the organization. NSDAP, head of the German Workers' Front

Robert Ley in a letter to Albrecht Haushofer on April 19, 1935.

The racial ideology of the Third Reich is an absolutely cardboard structure in which not only "Jewish" but also "Aryan" themes were propaganda, changing from circumstances and having nothing to do with the then fashionable scientific rasology. For example, Houston Steward Chamberlain, whom many include in the forerunners of "German fascism", wrote that peace in Europe for the benefit of the entire white race can only be achieved on the basis of the Celtic-German-Slavic Union. In addition, after the war, rechecking the measurements of German skulls, scientists were surprised to find that their Aryan traits were significantly erased. Whether the circulars were broken, or whether the new ideology was so affected, but the degree of lobocephaly of the Germans, considered a hallmark of the "Nordic race", was greatly exaggerated. One way or another, the New World Order had a very pragmatic approach to racial preferences, followed by the reformatting of the social structure and worldview for which ideology played a decisive role.

In China's Fujian province in the south of the country, a 34-year-old woman was beaten to death by birth control officials, and a mother of two refused to undergo forced sterilization. And in the book of the American author Edward Polman "How to kill the population", describes the sterilization of Hindus in a variety of public places up to the railway stations, in the villages caught 15-17 year old guys, stuffed in the back of trucks and carried on a "small simple operation", forever depriving them of the right to become parents. In each sterilization point, up to 20 male sterilizations per hour were performed, voluntarily. Volunteering of the action was quite conditional: in one Indian village 100% of couples of childbearing age agreed to "plan a family" in exchange for... a new well. In other villages, poor peasants were given a small aid for the fact that 75% of men agreed to be sterilized. It ended with the murder of Indira Gandhi's son, who was particularly "active" in the implementation of forced sterilization, and whether the mysterious "X" factor disappeared? No, he was transformed in the person of Muhammad Yunus, the Nobel peace prize winner of 2006, for his efforts in creating the economic and social development of the society from below. 

MMargaret Sanger was born on September 14, 1879, in the small industrial town of Corning near New York, in a poor large family of Irish immigrants. As soon as the opportunity presented, Margaret left the bosom of the family and enrolled in claywrek College - small, inexpensive, cozy - the dream of the average American . In those Puritan times, for a poor and not too hard-working girl, a worthy way out was one: and she married a wealthy architect, who introduced her to some radical friends of his youth. At that time, New York was literally boiling with the "left" ideas of all sorts, from the proletarian revolution to Suffragism and anarchism. When Margaret plunged into this land of the unknown world, her fate was decided. She announced the break-up with her bourgeois past, turned an apartment in Manhattan into a nearly round-the-clock functioning club "left" where the projects of social and political reconstruction of the world were discussed. When Margaret joined the Socialist Party in 1912, it was a powerful political force that achieved a significant victory in local elections: 1,200 public office in 33 states, 160 cities in America held protege of the party, which by that time had more than 116,000 members. Margaret attracted the Socialist Party sexual program: suffragism, "free love", state birth control, note that birth control - an idea that grew from the communist circles of the United States. 

The acceptability of Hitler's figure for monopolistic tycoons depended primarily on whether he wanted and was able, as Gilza wrote, "with all responsibility", i.e. having all the government power, to create those political frameworks in which a large bourgeoisie could "fit the way" to host by its arbitrariness. For this purpose, in the summer of 1932, the new head of the press center, with the assistance of Karl Duisberg, Karl Bosch, introduced Hitler to another of the directors of "Farben I.G." - Heinrich Butefish. At that meeting, the head of the Nazi Party promised to promote the group's projects, in particular the production of synthetic gasoline, after the transfer of government powers to him. Hitler organized monopolistic circles as a man ready to do "all the work" in domestic and foreign policy for them, and most importantly he demanded the implementation of the "Fuhrer's principle" in the field of armament. At that time, many still had a fresh memory of how the internal problems of the "bruck years" stopped the Second Reich on the way to world domination, and that the war is the new "bruck years" and without "Fuhrerism" can not do. Hitler earned his ultimate trust, stating in an interview with an American journalist: "American capital in Germany will be in a much more reliable state under the National Socialist government than under any other."


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