If some Isham and covid 😷 morons do not yet understand who you already have a problem with and will have proceedings in the near future and court cases in the future, then this is a tour for you. To prepare an alibi, if under such circumstances it is even…

If some Isham and covid 😷 morons do not yet understand who you already have a problem with and will have proceedings in the near future and court cases in the future, then this is a tour for you. To prepare an alibi, if under such circumstances it is even…

24-ዘዐሀዩ ጠልፘልጓፗበይ 📓 'ናልናዘዓሀልዩ'

⏳ƬɼⅈᎴʋℓɛ ℵ 🔬Ꮥɑℽʂ 🎙

Prepared for the tour)

Meet the editorial group of tourists on a tour of the museum of elite crime of the first half of the 21st century today.

Today we will have a tour in 2015. The last year of the Democrats in power . In this remarkable year under the curtain of democracy, the unforgettable Rothschild family decided to register tests for the 19th 😷. You can imagine what a European patent is and that in order to submit documents documentation for it must be submitted along with the application, which means that everything must be developed and formalized in a way. It's like a lawsuit in court, it needs to be properly filed. So we will begin our tour in order to facilitate the introduction of world masterpieces of criminal art for our resourceful and inquisitive tourists. 

So the Ladies and Gentlemen, Richard Rothschild in 2015, together with some government organization and some physical body on the documents registered officially patent in the Netherlands . And different countries of the world began to buy this test COVID -19 in 2017 . All this information will be in our criminal excursion dear tourists. This is a small surprise from the Editorial Board for new tourists. 

Well, who would have thought? 

Is the whole grandiose staging of the "pandemic of coronavirus" performed by the authorities of most states turned out to be a powerful scam? 

Another proof, along with many others ! 

Do you think the criminals are going to get out? 

The editors do not know until the end of their plans to perform ritual dances in the arena, but so far they pretend that none of this knows and circling the waltz Boston . Such a melody 🎶 and the words are tender, we will sing at the end of our excursion necessarily cats 🐈 ⬛ mouse 🐀. 

We look at the links and see in the original source 



US2020279585A1 System and Method for Testing for COVID-19

Bibliographic data

Global Dossier







G06K9/00; G11B27/031; G11B27/10; G16H40/63; H04N5/76; H04N9/82;


G06K9/00892 (US); G11B27/031 (US); G11B27/10 (US); G11B27/102 (US); G16H40/63 (EP,US); G16H40/67 (EP); G16H50/20 (EP); H04N5/76 (EP,US); H04N9/8205 (EP,US); G06K2009/00939 (US);


US201562240783P·2015-10-13; US201615293211A·2016-10-13; US201715495485A·2017-04-24; US201916273141A·2019-02-11; US201916704844A·2019-12-05; US202016876114A·2020-05-17





Published as



System and Method for Testing for COVID-19


A method is provided for acquiring and transmitting biometric data (e.g., vital signs) of a user, where the data is analyzed to determine whether the user is suffering from a viral infection, such as COVID-19. The method includes using a pulse oximeter to acquire at least pulse and blood oxygen saturation percentage, which is transmitted wirelessly to a smartphone. To ensure that the data is accurate, an accelerometer within the smartphone is used to measure movement of the smartphone and/or the user. Once accurate data is acquired, it is uploaded to the cloud (or host), where the data is used (alone or together with other vital signs) to determine whether the user is suffering from (or likely to suffer from) a viral infection, such as COVID-19. Depending on the specific requirements, the data, changes thereto, and/or the determination can be used to alert medical staff and take corresponding actions.




Do you see the numbers tourists? 

2015 is the first patent mention, followed by 2016, 2017, 2019 and 2020.

The first is the year of patent registration. Then follow with him actions. Be sure to consider the pictures of sightseers, they have the whole scheme of the devil's invention - tracking the sick covid-19 through their mobile phones with the transfer of data to remote devices and accumulating them in one place. Everything is in diagrams and details, everything is taken into account and predetermined.

Illustrations with very eloquent drawings-schemes, this application of September 2020, tied already to biometric surveillance of citizens now, when the project "pandemic of covid-19" is implemented in full program and the herd is almost in the paddock or at the slaughterhouse, see how the data about you will be transferred to third parties and structures from your cell phone -

REFEREE US2020279585A1

A method of collecting and transmitting biometric data (e.g. vitality indicators) is provided, in which data is analyzed to determine whether the user is suffering from a viral infection, such as COVID-19. The method involves using a pulsoxymeter to measure at least the pulse and percentage of blood oxygen saturation that is transmitted wirelessly to the smartphone. To ensure the accuracy of the data, the smartphone uses an accelerometer to measure the movement of the smartphone and /or user. Once accurate data is obtained, they are uploaded to the cloud (or host) where data is used (separately or together with other vital functions) to determine whether the user is (or probably suffers from) a viral infection such as COVID-19. Depending on the specific requirements, the data, its changes and/or definition can be used to alert medical personnel and take appropriate action.

If among our tourists there are not understanding American, English and 16 languages of Slavic with foul language, you can look to the French, they also ball she la fam bred on this topic 


so. What do we have on hand citizens sightseers, or rather experts?

The tests are patented by a certain R. Rothschild. Is the last name known? 

Do you remember the name of the mega-rich, WHO sponsor, accomplice Gates? 

A rich nomenclature series of masterpieces for the exquisite lover of the work of the insized Rothschild family below the 👇



Purchased by the list of states in 2016-2017👇



In parallel, you can also look at the falsifications of the history of the 2020 deaths. This is useful for calculating the terms of imprisonment under particularly serious articles of criminal law, previously almost unknown to the world on such a huge scale. Are you planning a vacation? On the behold, it is also possible to plan and type books in the prison library👇


The covid-19 pandemic in our ancestors began at the end of 2019. 

They day and night told not to get out of TV screens in the whole wall supposedly the epidemic came from China, quickly slooping on the then Russia Europe, the United States, and other districts . 

The world mega-quarantine is introduced in 2020. Introduced amicably and harmoniously, as a team, with typical hysteria in all the world's media 

In our museum everything is documented. You can walk through all the halls of the museum and see for yourself, with your own eyes. We are not dealing with an injection designed to test the reaction of society, we have a significant dossier of hundred (100) halls with a picture of the crime of that 21st century .

All the states, with their powerful intelligence agencies and staff analysts - could not find any of this ?

All this is not a grandiose worldwide scam of the rulers of the world and their vassals from the districts, how can you even think about it?

All the construction of the world digital concentration camp by the owners of money, figures-eaters, is it "conspiracy"?

Citizens, don't you think that in the air, at last, clearly smelled of the new Nuremberg, we called it Nuremberg 2-0. 

It's long overdue! 

The museum's administration and editorial board are not surprised. You're not surprised by readers and citizens either, are you? 

Kovididiotes in masks let them explain to themselves how they believed the cobidobes and what is wrong with them, if they can be bred as sheep, bringing to voluntary vaccination practically.

Maybe the world's ghouls and cannibals, as well as their local Gauleiters, have fallen into the trap they have set for humanity?

Or will we start again, console ourselves and interpret in the studios about "all this conspiracy", just not to get out of your comfort zone and not shit in the pants of 👖?

Yes, it is scary to discover that there are some forces that can easily launch the world fake and they intend to destroy you.

Yes, it is terrible to feel like a tiny grain of sand at the mercy of a global hurricane, carrying you to an unknown direction.

Yes, it is easier to believe that your government cares about your good and protects your country from external enemies.

And of course, WHO and the UN, Finintern and Bigfarma, are all the structures that care about the preservation of humanity? 

Even if everything is absolutely different, we will still grasp this saving thought. 

Even when we are presented with evidence, we prefer not to see them, so as not to come face to face with the truth. 

Even recent events, when there were no options for explanation, except - the world is ruled by haters, not convinced. 

Then it remains only to "relax and have fun", of course, realizing that this is your last pleasure in life.

Or still try to remember that man - it sounds proud! Especially since there is almost nothing to lose! 

Those who have made no secret of their plans to destroy most of humanity have gone all in and out and are doing so at an accelerated pace.

Is it possible, even in the face of obviousness, that today's humanity is not able to at least try to defend itself ??? 

Is the panic fear of an unbearably bitter truth stronger than even the basic instinct of self-preservation ??? 

Then they calculated everything correctly - and humanity, which has lost its human form, worthy of its fate in the paddock.

COVID-19 is not a disease. This is the name of the special operation in the transition to a new world order and a single world government. This is a special operation of the globalists. In Russia they are a state program, in the U.S. - Editorial does not know what it is? In China - Komsomols ... Whatever you call it, you have the same essence, and the goals are the same. If you dig deeper than the name, it's representatives of the Kagal in all countries of the world. And that's their generalizing sign of scumbags. Their huge advantage is that they have power and the police 👮 ♀️, perhaps the army. The planning horizons they consider great, count them for centuries, but it is by their own stupidity and ignorance they believe that they played with us a game of long, played without historical analysis and deep knowledge of the nature of all that we have accumulated to today. 

At all known times in the history of peace on earth there was slavery. For there was always a bunch of parasites who wanted to live at someone else's expense. The method of enslavement of large masses of people was determined by the technological way of life. At first, slavery was frank, physical. Then it was replaced by a new technological way, and forms of hardening became different, without chains and overseers, but with possession of means of production. The vast majority of people worked for food and minimal satisfaction of their needs. But the genetic slaves were just like their masters. They also multiplied, also wanted to live confidently and well-to-do, and sooner or later society gave birth to Spartacus, Robespierre, Cromwell, Bolivars and other Lenin, who raised the crowd and rushed to power. There were changes of local elites. Of course, representatives of the "black aristocracy" leading their ancestry from the time of the Egyptian priests, it did not suit. In the second half of the 20th century there were prerequisites for the next change in the technological way of life. The advent of computers has become an important milestone not in the development of mankind, but rather, changes in the ways of enslaving the population and controlling it without any supervisors, bosses, officials and leaders of all ranks. When artificial intelligence is introduced into the control system, there is no need for a huge number of white-collar workers. They can't do anything else, just bad to lead. At the same time "eat" for ten, the aristocracy has to share strongly with the middle class earthly resources. In the new technological way, the middle class, numerically much larger than the ranks of the aristocracy itself, and consuming much more resources than workers, has become a burden for the ruling real elite of the world. These fucks decided under the new technological way of life the population of the earth can be reduced by the size of the middle class - the size of "slackers and gift-eaters", i.e. representatives of the population, which do not produce benefits for the elites. They estimated that 1-2 billion people were enough to produce benefits for them with artificial intelligence. 

In order to ensure that those who "go under the knife" do not suspect something wrong before the time, a whole special operation of the world scale was developed. It was called KOVID -19 and should cover ALL sectors of society. And many representatives of the middle class, and even those on the upper floors of this layer, believe that they are definitely part of the elite, and the distribution will fall. But that's why the special operation is done, that for each level of its participants invented its own version of what is happening. Just do not think primitively that here the plumber Petya is needed, and he will not be touched, and the head of the Office Ivan Ivanitch is doomed. The elites don't care who will disappear from the system. Michael disappears, so he'll be replaced by Davil or his children. Or the descendants of Louise's neighbor. Disappear should NOT BE CLASS, balamut. It will be replaced by artificial intelligence, which does not need food, treatment or training. Klaus's industrial revolution is exactly what the editor says now. And all "antimonies" in the form of assistance to the poor, humanity and so on should disappear. For the aristocracy will be out of reach for the layer of slaves. And to rebel against BIG DATA, whose servers will be located in Sweden and, apparently, especially carefully guarded, it is difficult, you know, considered ghouls 🧛 blocking for a different truthful opinion all American social networks. You can't burn and plunder the estate. So there has to be a huge population decline. 

Is this part clear?

If we recall the speech of the Russian Toli Chubais (certainly it is better to have a personal idea and a conversation with this democrat - a moron) so it was possible to know for a long time (10 years) about plans to reduce the population. The reasoning of the former chief energy officer of the Russian Federation has stolen everything that can be banal: there will be no need for so many sources of energy, which is necessary now. This also applies to American geniuses recycling the world's population. Besides, other sources of energy have not been made public yet. The need for hydrocarbons has already fallen, and over time it will disappear altogether. So the world is waiting for other technological processes. The oil and petroleum should give way to a different form of money. As a result, it will not be the national currency of any of the countries, but cryptocurrency - digital money, watching the bitcoin market. Is growth clear? Direct reliance on infusions of national budgets into fake vaccines 💉 and other costs. They had a question, if there are no hydrocarbons bringing huge wealth, what other natural resource will form the basis of the profits of slackers ?

Only a person in this world is able to produce added value. Robots are secondary. How to make people not multiply at their own discretion, work, do not rebel and unconditionally obey any orders? 

It seems already all in the know and not only one Elon Musk and his cute mom in the know : the U.S. automaker stopped auto production due to the lack of electronic components?! 

Modern technology development allows under the pretext of convenience and security to introduce into the human body nano-chips, which can exchange information with the server, which is in the hands of the owners, and manage them. That's what we saw from Richard Rockefeller's patents. Later, the remaining bull-people are planned to expose genetic modifications, to grow new breeds of service people - dogs (Michael Bulgakov's novel "The Dog's Heart") 

Only in Russia three genetic centers have been created/created. But these are the prospects of the future, until the time has not come before genetic influences, so in the present nano-chips... It is known that nano-chips can be embedded in various organs, including patients. And to replace the regulatory function in the sick organ, they can initially perform a therapeutic function. But if the nano-chip is turned off, which is probably possible remotely, it will stop supporting the ailing organ. The result, I think, we do not need to explain ? In Russia, the nano-vaccine was created in 2019. In the U.S. much earlier.

But not everyone is sick enough to voluntarily give themselves a vaccine with a nano-chip. Then you have to get people to do it. And again voluntarily. Green passport vaccination, border crossing states, customs control, visiting everything that is available (schools, shops, bars, work, universities ...) How is all this possible to implement? 

COVID-19 sale of fear and 3 email addresses, two of which have the ending of an ode to the famous 📺 broadcaster in the spring of 2020 had this slogan from our Editorial Board with a transcript of the event - special operation COVID -19. The third address is e:Mail. All three characters are not wipers and not sellers of turnips, all three top characters and you three should get ready! 

No emotion, no feeling, never compares to its influence with fear. Fear is an instinct that goes from the depths of the unconscious. Not to experience fear is given only to clinical idiots, and that is not always. And to act against fear, to conquer your fear is given to very few. Therefore, the way of managing a person through fear is known for a very, very long time.

Since the special operation was planned for a long time, it went to more than one decade, almost all the media included in the orbit of this plan through the appointment of certain people to key positions, through bribery, blackmail and other methods. One way or another, the media was given the role of a mouthpiece, able to inspire the general public the necessary information. According to the tactics of the special operation, one of the seasonal diseases was used, which was called, as well as the operation itself, KOVID-19. Only the lazy doesn't know how the massive attack in the media about the "terrible pandemic that engulfed the whole world" was inflated. And also lockdowns, masks, gloves, fines, restrictions of freedom. And all this is almost voluntary, they say, people themselves should take care of each other. The mask is a display of concern for one's neighbor. Beautifully played on the best feelings of the human soul. There may be a fourth character from Hollywood, seen by the editors in advertising through his official Instagram account advertising the mask 😷. It is advertising as a lifestyle muzzled. And this Hollywood character had or has a close relationship with a top character from the TV company, and also familiar and seems to be friends with the third informed editor of the character (first education medical ) is now not Hollywood but close .... 

People panicked, really started dying, killed in hospitals, for example New York! 1-0 in favor of the aristocracy? Did you think so? 

You didn't take into account the main fucks. This time you again did not take into account, did not calculate your frail ability of thinking and analysis. You haven't taken into account the Internet and everyone else who uses it much better than you. To date, it has competed with traditional pred upon media. On the Internet breaks the real truth on your criminal acts, and with a good knowledge of analysis and quality investigative actions, as well as other technologies from the category of know - how to convey it to each star body of the Editorial was not a technical problem, although physical and moral conditions are not spent. It is your merit that large masses of people have mass mental disorders, a huge number of suicides. You have not been able to isolate the population of different states, so that it has no contact with each other. We have made you as children in kindergarten, only the responsibility of you is not childish! 

To date, a huge number of people, your broadcasters with tens of millions of posts stretched you were able to psychologically prepare for vaccination 💉 . They do not know about the composition of the vaccine and will not know, but at first the vaccine will not kill millions. In this way, the population is brought under control. These are huge masses of people through the special operation KOVID-19. 

The black aristocracy has learned to profit from everything over the centuries. Their professional and highly paid staff worked for many years. In 2020, an interesting document has appeared, deserving of the most close attention. 

Microsoft Technology Licensing, LLC, under the direction of Bill Gates, on April 22, 2020 received the INTERNATIONAL patent WO/2020/060606 (note what number ! 

Doesn't it remind you of anything? 

The name of the patent is "Cryptocurrency system using body activity data."

So how can I get body activity data? That's through the nano-chip and you can. We'll stop producing cars, but chim will make Bill. Now there is also the ability to convert this data into currency. In cryptocurrency which has been growing lately both by leaps and exchanges. Who and how can they be bought and used? 

That's why there is a race in the creation of vaccines involving the advertising campaign of the first persons of the states . Although there is no terrible mortal threat to the population. There is a great opportunity to cash in on chipping people in the face of declining oil revenues. 

The more people get a vaccine of one or another production, the more people (read, slaves) will be able to manage the owner of the vaccine, the more cryptocurrencies in the FUTURE he will receive. What we are all seeing today is a stage of accumulation of slave consciousness. How to deal with this, we told more than once and more than one star body ! 

One way to convert slave data we see in this patent is below 👇


For possible problems in some bodies with the opening of links, the Editorial board simplifies today some difficult moments and gives complete deciphering of the fascist project. It also makes it easier for ordinary citizens to communicate fragments of this activity in the usual American and European chat not blocked by zuckerberg. Mark's hands are short. You also didn't know about these short-handed brand and were sure to block everything safely in the networks of Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, TV 📺 newspaper 📰 and so on....

(12) International Application Status Report

Received at International Bureau: 05 July 2019 (05.07.2019)

Information valid as of: 25 August 2020 (25.08.2020)

Report generated on: 09 April 2021 (09.04.2021)

(10) Publication number: (43) Publication date: (26) Publication language:

WO 2020/060606 26 March 2020 (26.03.2020) English (EN)

(21) Application number: (22) Filing date: (25) Filing language:

PCT/US2019/038084 20 June 2019 (20.06.2019) English (EN)

(31) Priority number(s): (32) Priority date(s): (33) Priority status:

16/138,518 (US) 21 September 2018 (21.09.2018) Priority document received (in compliance with PCT Rule 17.1)

(51) International Patent Classification:

G06Q 20/06 (2012.01); G06Q 20/32 (2012.01); H04L 9/32 (2006.01); G06Q 30/02 (2012.01); G06N 3/08 (2006.01)

(71) Applicant(s):

MICROSOFT TECHNOLOGY LICENSING, LLC [US/US]; One Microsoft Way Redmond, Washington 98052-6399 (US) (for all designated states) 

(72) Inventor(s):

ABRAMSON, Dustin; Microsoft Technology Licensing, LLC One Microsoft Way Redmond, Washington 98052-6399 (US) 

FU, Derrick; Microsoft Technology Licensing, LLC One Microsoft Way Redmond, Washington 98052-6399 (US) 

JOHNSON, Joseph Edwin, JR.; Microsoft Technology Licensing, LLC One Microsoft Way Redmond, Washington 98052-6399 (US) 

(74) Agent(s):

MINHAS, Sandip S.; Microsoft Technology Licensing, LLC One Microsoft Way Redmond, Washington 98052-6399 (US) 



(57) Abstract:

(EN): Human body activity associated with a task provided to a user may be used in a mining process of a cryptocurrency system. A server may provide a task to a device of a user which is communicatively coupled to the server. A sensor communicatively coupled to or comprised in the device of the user may sense body activity of the user. Body activity data may be generated based on the sensed body activity of the user. The cryptocurrency system communicatively coupled to the device of the user may verify if the body activity data satisfies one or more conditions set by the cryptocurrency system, and award cryptocurrency to the user whose body activity data is verified. 

(FR): L'activité du corps humain associée à une tâche fournie à un utilisateur peut être utilisée dans un processus de minage d'un système de cryptomonnaie. Un serveur peut fournir une tâche à un dispositif d'un utilisateur qui est couplé de manière à communiquer avec le serveur. Un capteur couplé de manière à communiquer avec un dispositif de l'utilisateur ou compris dans ce dernier peut détecter l'activité corporelle de l'utilisateur. Des données d'activité corporelle peuvent être générées sur la base de l'activité corporelle détectée de l'utilisateur. Le système de cryptomonnaie de la présente invention couplé de manière à communiquer avec le dispositif de l'utilisateur peut vérifier si les données d'activité corporelle satisfont une ou plusieurs conditions définies par le système de cryptomonnaie, et attribuer une cryptomonnaie à l'utilisateur dont les données d'activité corporelle sont vérifiées. 

International search report:

Received at International Bureau: 22 August 2019 (22.08.2019) [EP]

International Report on Patentability (IPRP) Chapter II of the PCT:

Not available

(81) Designated States:


European Patent Office (EPO) : AL, AT, BE, BG, CH, CY, CZ, DE, DK, EE, ES, FI, FR, GB, GR, HR, HU, IE, IS, IT, LT, LU, LV, MC, MK, MT, NL, NO, PL, PT, RO, RS, SE, SI, SK, SM, TR

African Intellectual Property Organization (OAPI) : BF, BJ, CF, CG, CI, CM, GA, GN, GQ, GW, KM, ML, MR, NE, SN, TD, TG

African Regional Intellectual Property Organization (ARIPO) : BW, GH, GM, KE, LR, LS, MW, MZ, NA, RW, SD, SL, ST, SZ, TZ, UG, ZM, ZW

Eurasian Patent Organization (EAPO) : AM, AZ, BY, KG, KZ, RU, TJ, TM


Declaration made as applicant's entitlement, as at the international filing date, to apply for and be granted a patent (Rules 4.17(ii) and 51bis.1(a)(ii)), in a case where the declaration under Rule 4.17(iv) is not appropriate

Declaration made as applicant's entitlement, as at the international filing date, to claim the priority of the earlier application, where the applicant is not the applicant who filed the earlier application or where the applicant's name has changed since the filing of the earlier application (Rules 4.17(iii) and 51bis.1(a)(iii))

And to convince the designs of these ended, the tour and Mama Editorial expects all the time to return to the first hall of the Museum of Crime with Richard's patents. And here's one patent dated May 17, 2020. You will see the date and applicant of this patent, Richard A Rothschild, looking at this masterpiece. 

Have you ever seen this smack in the way of caring for the population, not about your income? 

For those who do not know English until now you can look carefully at the schemes and pictures, you will already understand that it is patented, and the European regulator has put a stamp on it. I wonder why this animal 🦔 swam across the Atlantic to Europe? So the FBI wouldn't take 🥚 🥚 for eggs? 

"The system and the method of testing on KOVID-19." It's tinsel, candy fantasist 🍬 'Alenushka' for fools, beautiful. But the meaning of "stuffing" is a system of tracking the human body in all conditions and circumstances. For now, it's an external sensor. After the total vaccination of the population, do not doubt, just as quickly, just in a few weeks there will be patents for internal sensors for the same purposes. They have everything ready and they act very quickly and smoothly.


What's going on? How do you like Elon Musk and Mama Ilona! 


Our dear writer and lover of stylish Ukrainian girls Mae Musk ! 

If some Isham and covid 😷 morons do not yet understand with whom you already have a problem and will have trials and court cases in the future, then it is you to prepare an alibi, if in such circumstances it is even possible to 🤔 

U.S. automakers demand help from the authorities to eliminate the shortage of semiconductors in 2021 ! 

The U.S. auto industry because of its concentration in the North American countries suffered from the semiconductor crisis the most, because the limited production capacity added problems with logistics ? Now the local market participants want the authorities to oblige local component manufacturers to allocate some part of the capacity to the needs of the automotive industry? 

Reuters , representatives of the automotive industry asked the U.S. authorities to guarantee financing of the production of semiconductor components in the country in volumes sufficient to ensure the smooth supply of local automakers. The current crisis, according to industry representatives, will reduce the volume of car production in the U.S. by 1.28 million units by the end of the year, and the disruptions with production can continue for another six months.

And President Biden recently proposed up to $50 billion to finance the construction of semiconductor facilities in the United States. Are automakers now claiming a certain part of these funds? 

In their view, they should be targeted at the production of automotive components used in the production of cars in the country. U.S. companies such as Ford and GM were joined in this appeal by Toyota Motor, Volkswagen AG and Hyundai Motor? 

The 🎬 camera 🎥 filmed. 

𝚼𝖔𝖚𝖗 𝕵𝖔𝖐𝖊𝖗 🃏

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