An epidemiological memo to develop collective immunity. The end. 

An epidemiological memo to develop collective immunity. The end. 

Ͳɦε Ɗαʝɭγ Ɠαʐεʈʈε'ʂ 'Βεɾϻμɗα Ͳɾʝαηɠɭε Ѕαγʂ'🎙

Borrowing designs (theft) in the auto industry is a business known and Porsche de facto stole from the Czech Tatra design, apparently hastened to fulfill the will of the Fuhrer. In the mid-1930s, Hitler challenged Ferdinand Porsche to develop a "people's car" project in record time. Then Porsche was inspired by the banal theft of the design of the Czech car. Tatra-T97 sued Porsche. The German car designer was going to pay Tatra for the use of its design, but then Hitler asked Porsche not to hurry and promised that he himself would solve the problem.

And Adik sorted it out. He occupied Czechoslovakia and the production of T97 was immediately halted, and the lawsuit remained unsatisfied.

After the war, Czechoslovakia moved to the Soviet zone of occupation of the USSR and Tatra resumed the lawsuit against Volkswagen. In 1967 the issue was resolved , the Germans paid the Czechs three million marks in compensation.

We have changed the name, in connection with the change of location of the main office. 

"Hitler, who wrote a book called "My Struggle", in the life of this very struggle almost did not know. To the top of power he arrived in the soft seat of the car, like Al Capone surrounded by bodyguards."

The last hurdle was that only a German citizen could be considered as a candidate for the Reichspresidents, and Hitler had no citizenship. Both attempts to obtain him as a gendarme commissioner or professor in the specialty of "organic teaching about society" failed. At that time, the Minister of the Interior of the land of Braunschweig specifically established a new position for Hitler, the government's co-branch on economic affairs at the Brunswick mission in Berlin. Particularly comical in his new position is what Hitler least understood in economic matters, seeing in the economy "only a maid needed in the life of volksk'rper (a term coined by the Nazis to refer to national-racial education)." But that's what was required of him, Yalmar Sakht agitating for Hitler's industrial circles, wrote to one of their representatives that from a recent conversation with the Nazi chief he made a "calming impression ... that he will not do anything stupid about economic policy." 

"The trust that German economic interests feel towards Reich Chancellor Adolf Hitler has shown itself to be a powerful factor in the revival of the German entrepreneurial spirit... To sum up, I, as an industrialist responsible for a huge enterprise with hundreds of thousands of workers, rightly of my own experience, declare that only the firm will of the National Socialist Government has managed to achieve results in such a strikingly short time, to come close to the final solution of the crisis in the near future and in accordance with the word of the Fuhrer Adolf Hitler to give the German people bread and work again." 

Carl Bosch, Managing Director of Farben Interssen Gemeinschaft, "Where there is a will, there is a way," an article in the 1933 Work Front newspaper.

NSDAP's electoral lists include Farben I.G. CFO Herman Schmitz and steel magnate Fritz Thyssen. The first subsidies of Thyssen to the Nazi pair came back in 1928 and amounted to 1 million marks. The party was funded by Thyssen through Bank Of F. Handel und Schiff. Thyssen himself presided over the Bank Industries, of which Walter Grantsov, the brother-in-law of Hitler's closest squire, Goebbels, was elected director. Since the early 1930s, Thyssen has transferred money to an assistant Fuhrer Hess, through an account of a Dutch bank affiliated with Union Banking Corporation, where he worked as manager of Prescott Bush, and the literature includes a sum of 100 million stamps transferred in December 1931. "Without Thyssen, there would be no Hitler. But only with Hitler's help can Thyssen continue his business." With Hitler's help, Thyssen will regain control of his coal basin, which owes Deutsche Bank 95 million marks. Relatives and friends of nazi party leaders, including Hitler and Goebbels, will take the leadership positions in the enterprise. Also with the help of Hitler Fritz Thyssen gained control of the Westphalia steel trust "Vereinigte Stahlwerke A.G." - the work of almost 200,000 workers and employees, "working towns" of the concern numbered 60,000 dwellings. Their inhabitants produced 10 million tons of steel and half of all German coal annually, plus Vereinigte Stahlwerk, which has 14 of its own harbors and 209 power plants. At the same time, the trust was directly credited, and therefore dependent on "Farben IG", as well as Hitler himself. G. Filatov's book "The History of Fascism in Western Europe" as a sponsor of NSDAP from 1933 to 1944 by "I.G. Farbenindustrie" gives an astronomical amount even taking into account the inflation of the Weimar Republic amounting to "about 80 billion marks". The debt of the Vereinigte Stahlwerke A.G. trust was held by the Bank "Dillon, Read and Company" of Varburgov, with the money of which the head office of "Farben IG" was built. Not Hitler, Goering or Goebbels, but the directors of Vereinigte Stahlwerke A.G. formed a real core, the largest material force behind the growing German National Socialist Party. ... Currently, the German chemical trust and the German coal and steel trust, Thyssen and Duisberg, the head of I.G. Farbenindustry are closely related. It is a whole. Duisberg's right-hand man, CFO of I.G. Farbenindustry, Schmitz is a member of the Thyssen Steel Trust directorate, and the Chemical Trust owns many millions of shares in the Steel Trust."

Henry Ernst "Hitler over Europe?", 1936  

On July 21, 1931, the chairman of the Union of German Officers, retired General Rudiger von der Goltz, filed a petition to Hindenburg demanding the establishment of a dictatorship, endowed with Pharisei phrases about democracy. According to it, the "highest principle" supposedly is that "government power is transferred to the strongest national party." Among the signatories are many prominent managers of world-renowned German firms, such as Krupp's factories and the "Farbenindustrie I.G.106" concern.

On October 10, 1931, Hitler met with Hindenburg, making his claims to power. After the refusal, on October 11, 1931 in Bad Garzburg was followed by an awesome march of private armies, from the podium which was hosted by Adolf Hitler, and in the nearest surrounding on the podium stood the former head of the "Reichsbank" Yalmar Schacht, according to the memories of which foreign delegations are present at the parade. On August 10, Hitler met with Hindenburg and again demanded the post of Chancellor. September elections in 1932 brought the Nazi party the loss of approximately 2 million votes, followed by a special decree on the temporary dissolution of the SS and SA. The situation was complicated by the arrival of the last Reich Chancellor of the Weimar Republic, Kurt von Schleicher, and his program of a large-scale attempt to create jobs, which could have led to the failure of NSDAP. In response, in December 1932, despite the fact that the directors of Farbenindustrie I.G. were already the most influential advisers and ministers of Strezeman and Bruning, an appeal was made to President Hindenburg's 160 industrial corporations and banks with an ultimatum to oust Bruning and hand over the Reich Chancellor's post to Hitler. What happened next was not even "black" pre-election technologies, it was an unprecedented step in usurping political power: the arson of the Reichstag, in which Adolf Hitler, who arrived on the scene without understanding, blamed the Communists. The provocation was the formal reason for the liquidation of the Communist Party of Germany. Catholic parties self-dissolved in exchange for Hitler's concorad with the Pope. Following with one blow, the entire leadership of the Social Democratic Party of Germany was arrested and the organization was destroyed, which had 184 billion marks and 4 million workers in its assets. Now for "Farbenindustrie I.G." the need to negotiate with representatives of the political field, exposing the concern as a tool of "international Jewish capital" has been eliminated. The disbandment of paramilitary nationalist organizations such as Stahlhelm ("Steel Helmet") was dissolved. The introduction of the "Schutz von Heim und Reich" decree the day after the arson was in fact abolished civil rights and the sanctity of correspondence. As F. Papen acknowledged in his memoirs: "In order to justify the temporary abolition of certain rights and freedoms imposed by this decree, it was necessary to present the communist threat extremely seriously". In this vein, another is seen as the sad fate of Hitler's rival - former pharmacist Gregor Strasser, killed on June 30, 1934. He was joined by his "NSDAP Emergency Economic Program", based on the ideas of the Austrian economist of Jewish origin, Robert Friedl'nder-Prechtl, and postulated independence from abroad and price control. 

«... On June 30, 1934, we did our duty without hesitation and put our comrades against the wall and shot them, but we never talked about it and never said it."

It would be no surprise if it ever revealed that strasser had signed a death sentence for himself. It is also noteworthy that his younger brother and associate published the Red Leaf, combining unacceptable sympathies on the part of "Farben IG" to the Soviet regime in the USSR, the Leninist slogan "On the United States of Europe", which the Germans had been bearing since The First World War. "Night of the Long Knives" has robbed the history of many possible alternatives. The German philosopher Oswald Spengler writes about how the socialist "conservative revolution" was brewing, which was thwarted by the fascist reaction: "German conservatives come to the idea of the inevitability of socialism, because liberal capitalism meant for them to capitulate to the Entente, the world order in which Germany was prepared for the place of the colony."

Now, after the elimination of the alternative in the National Socialist movement will be less and less socialist, because "the Strasser brothers embodied the anti-capitalist tendency of part of the German petty bourgeoisie " .

That night, all the alternative leaders of German National Socialism, Rem, Gaines, Ernst and hundreds of their associates, were killed in the barracks and on the outskirts of Munich and Berlin, and it is believed that between 300 and 1,200 people were killed during the purge. Two or three days after June 30, when the echo of the shots had not yet quieted down, the reactionary Deutsche zeitung published an article containing the following phrases: "The events involved a "capitalist clique, with extensive international connections, hidden behind the scenes". The revelations were openly and explicitly blamed on Farbenindustrie I.G.. 

In the first half of 1934, 20,000 people were excluded from the assault squads, some of the stormtroopers were in concentration camps, there were cases of secret executions and prisons, and even then the brown-shirts were excluded. In May 1941, a hearing of the Committee on Anti-American Action, where the listener Richard Krebs, who had already visited both a communist and a Nazi, showed: "I know from personal experience that farben-industry in 1934 was completely in the hands of the Gestapo . They went so far as to have their Gestapo prison in the factory grounds of Lane, and ... began their expansion, especially after Hitler's rise, internationally through its auxiliary factories." 

On October 10, 1931, Hitler met with Hindenburg, making his claims to power. After the refusal, on October 11, 1931 in Bad Garzburg was followed by an awesome march of private armies, from the podium which was hosted by Adolf Hitler, and in the nearest surrounding on the podium stood the former head of the "Reichsbank" Yalmar Schacht, according to the memories of which foreign delegations are present at the parade. On August 10, Hitler met with Hindenburg and again demanded the post of Chancellor. September elections in 1932 brought the Nazi party the loss of approximately 2 million votes, followed by a special decree on the temporary dissolution of the SS and SA. The situation was complicated by the arrival of the last Reich Chancellor of the Weimar Republic, Kurt von Schleicher, and his program of a large-scale attempt to create jobs, which could have led to the failure of NSDAP. In response, in December 1932, despite the fact that the directors of Farbenindustrie I.G. were already the most influential advisers and ministers of Strezeman and Bruning, an appeal was made to President Hindenburg's 160 industrial corporations and banks with an ultimatum to oust Bruning and hand over the Reich Chancellor's post to Hitler. What happened next was not even "black" pre-election technologies, it was an unprecedented step in usurping political power: the arson of the Reichstag, in which Adolf Hitler, who arrived on the scene without understanding, blamed the Communists. The provocation was the formal reason for the liquidation of the Communist Party of Germany. Catholic parties self-dissolved in exchange for Hitler's concorad with the Pope. Following with one blow, the entire leadership of the Social Democratic Party of Germany was arrested and the organization was destroyed, which had 184 billion marks and 4 million workers in its assets. Now for "Farbenindustrie I.G." the need to negotiate with representatives of the political field, exposing the concern as a tool of "international Jewish capital" has been eliminated. The disbandment of paramilitary nationalist organizations such as Stahlhelm ("Steel Helmet") was dissolved. The introduction of the "Schutz von Heim und Reich" decree the day after the arson was in fact abolished civil rights and the sanctity of correspondence. As F. Papen acknowledged in his memoirs: "In order to justify the temporary abolition of certain rights and freedoms imposed by this decree, it was necessary to present the communist threat extremely seriously". In this vein, another is seen as the sad fate of Hitler's rival - former pharmacist Gregor Strasser, killed on June 30, 1934. He was joined by his "NSDAP Emergency Economic Program", based on the ideas of the Austrian economist of Jewish origin, Robert Friedl'nder-Prechtl, and postulated independence from abroad and price control. «... On June 30, 1934, we did our duty without hesitation and put our comrades against the wall and shot them, but we never talked about it, and we never said it." It is also noteworthy that his younger brother and associate published the Red Leaf, combining unacceptable sympathies on the part of "Farben IG" to the Soviet regime in the USSR, the Leninist slogan "On the United States of Europe", which the Germans had been bearing since The First World War. "Night of the Long Knives" has robbed the history of many possible alternatives. The German philosopher Oswald Spengler writes about how the socialist "conservative revolution" was brewing, which was thwarted by the fascist reaction: "German conservatives come to the idea of the inevitability of socialism, because liberal capitalism meant for them the surrender to the Entente, the world order in which Germany was prepared for the place of the colony." Now, after the elimination of the alternative in the National Socialist movement will be less and less socialist, because "the Strasser brothers embodied the anti-capitalist tendency of part of the German petty bourgeoisie " . That night, all the alternative leaders of German National Socialism, Rem, Gaines, Ernst and hundreds of their associates, were killed in the barracks and on the outskirts of Munich and Berlin, and it is believed that between 300 and 1,200 people were killed during the purge. Two or three days after June 30, when the echo of the shots had not yet quieted down, the reactionary Deutsche zeitung published an article containing the following phrases: "The events involved a "capitalist clique, with extensive international connections, hidden behind the scenes". The revelations were openly and explicitly blamed on Farbenindustrie I.G.. 

The editorial board on April 8 updated the totality of the nuremberg 2-0 perspective. In our view, we have provided a full vision of this perspective. In this link below, the material is exchanged in chronological sequence with the German pedantry inherent in the team of our Editorial and you can familiarize yourself with the basic and essentials of the provisions. It's convenient to have everything in one place, we take care of the comfort of our reader.

Nuremberg Code (1947)

To balance possible national issues, so that the editorial board is not suspected of bias, we provide the material below, which is about the same hysterical period, the difference is only in the geographical location on the political map of the world.

Say the grandfathers of the USSR fought against fascism? And what do you know about fascism? 





🕯 🕯

The same is the same - between these adult scum games ...

 There are children! 

Fascism is very simple. Boris Strugatsky (1995) 


An epidemiological memo to develop collective immunity.  

Source: Nevsky Time (St. Petersburg). – 1995. April 8 (first publishing).

The plague is in our house. We can't treat it. Moreover, we are not even able to make the correct diagnosis. And those who have already become infected often do not notice that he is sick and contagious.

It seems to him that he knows everything about fascism. After all, everyone knows that fascism is: black SS uniforms; Barking speech; snub in the Roman greeting of the hands; Swastika; black and red banners; marching columns; skeletons behind barbed wire; fat smoke from the pipes of crematoria; the besy Fuhrer with his bang; Fat Goering; Glittering glass Pence Himmler - and half a dozen more or less authentic figures from "Seventeen Moments of Spring," from "The Scout's Feat," from "The Fall of Berlin" ...

Oh, we know very well what fascism is - German fascism, a.s. - Hitlerism. It does not occur to us that there is another fascism, the same bad, just as terrible, but its own, homegrown. And that's probably why we don't see him at point-blank range when he grows in the body of the country in front of us, like a quiet malignant tumor. We do, however, distinguish the swastika camouflaged under the rune signs. We hear hoarse wails calling for the execution of foreign people. We sometimes notice the bad slogans and pictures on the walls of our houses. But we can't admit to ourselves that this is also fascism. It all seems to us that fascism is: black SS uniforms, barking foreign speech, greasy smoke from the pipes of crematoria, war...

Now the Academy of Sciences, fulfilling the President's decree, feverishly formulates the scientific definition of fascism. It must be assumed that this will be an accurate, comprehensive, for all occasions definition. And, of course, fiendishly complex.

Meanwhile, fascism is simple. Moreover, fascism is very simple! Fascism is the dictatorship of nationalists. Accordingly, a fascist is a man who professes (and preaches) the superiority of one nation over others and at the same time is an active advocate of "iron hand", "discipline-order", "hedgehog mittens" and other charms of totalitarianism.

And that's it. There is nothing else at the heart of fascism. Dictatorship plus nationalism. Totalitarian rule of One Nation. And everything else - secret police, camps, bonfires from books, war - sprouts from this poisonous grain, like death from a cancer cell.

It is possible to have an iron dictatorship with all its coffin charms - say, the stressner dictatorship in Paraguay or Stalin's dictatorship in the USSR - but since the total idea of this dictatorship is not the idea of a national (racial) - it is no longer fascism. Perhaps a state based on a national idea - say Israel - but if there is no dictatorship ("iron hand," suppression of democratic freedoms, omnipotence of the secret police) - it is no longer fascism.

Expressions such as "demofasist" or "fascist democrat" are completely meaningless and illiterate. It's as absurd as "ice boiling water" or "flavoring stench." A democrat, yes, may be a nationalist to some extent, but he is, by definition, the enemy of every dictatorship, and therefore he simply cannot be a fascist. Just as no fascist can be a democrat, a supporter of freedom of speech, freedom of the press, freedom of rallies and demonstrations, he is always for one freedom - the freedom of the Iron Hand.

I can easily imagine a man who, having familiarized himself with all my defianism, will say (with doubt): "It turns out that about five hundred or six hundred years ago all the fascists in the world were fascists - and princes, and kings, and seniors, and vassals..." In a sense, such a remark hits the target, for it is true "to the contrary": fascism is a delayed feudalism, a surviving and age of steam, and the age of electricity, and the age of the atom, and ready to survive the age of space flights and artificial intelligence. Feudal relations seemingly disappeared, but the feudal mentality turned out to be survivable and mighty, it turned out to be stronger and couple, and electricity, stronger than universal literacy and universal computerization. Its survivability, of course, has the reason that the roots of its feudalism goes back to pre-feudal, still cave times, in the mentality of a flea-like herd of tailless monkeys: all strangers living in a nearby forest - disgusting and dangerous, and our leader is magnificently cruel, wise and defeats enemies. This primitive mentality, apparently, will not soon leave the human race. And that is why fascism is feudalism today. And tomorrow.

Just, for God's sake, don't confuse nationalism with patriotism! Patriotism is love for one's people, and nationalism is dislike of others. Patriot knows perfectly well that there are no bad and good peoples - there are only bad and good people. Nationalist always thinks in terms of "their-aliens," "our-non-nashi," "thieves-fryers", he easily writes into scoundrels, or fools, or bandits.

This is the most important sign of fascist ideology - the division of people into "ours and the non-our." Stalin's totalitarianism is based on such an ideology, which is why they are so similar, these regimes - killer regimes, regimes - cultural destroyers, militarist regimes. Only fascists divide people into races, and Stalinists - classes.

A very important sign of fascism is lies. Of course, not everyone who lies is a fascist, but every fascist is necessarily a liar. He just has to lie. Because the dictatorship is sometimes still somehow possible, poorly, but still reasonably, to justify, nationalism can be justified only through lies - some false "Protocols" or rantings that de "Jews russian people singed", "all Caucasians - natural bandits" and the like. That's why fascists lie. And they always lied. And no one more accurately Ernest Hemingway said about them: "Fascism is a lie uttered by bandits."

So if you suddenly "realize" that only your people are worthy of all the benefits, and all the other nations around - the second grade, congratulations: you have made your first step into fascism. Then it dawns on you that your people will achieve high goals only when the iron order is established and the jaws of all these shouters and paper-breakers ranting about freedoms; when they put to the wall (without trial and investigation) all those who go across, and the aliens will be mercilessly taken to the nail ... And as soon as you accepted all this, the process was over: you are already a fascist. You don't have a black uniform with a swastika on you. You don't have the habit of yelling "heil!" You have been proud of our country's victory over fascism all your life, and maybe even yourself, personally, brought this victory closer. But you have allowed yourself to join the ranks of fighters for the dictatorship of nationalists - and you are already a fascist. How simple! It's just that.

And do not say now that you are not an evil man, that you are against the suffering of innocent people (only enemies of order should be put to the wall, and only the enemies of order should be behind barbed wire), that you have children-grandchildren, that you are against war ... None of this matters, as long as you have accepted the Buffalo Communion. The road of history has long been rolled over, the logic of history is merciless, and as soon as your Fuhrers come to power, the well-established conveyor belt will work: the elimination of dissenters - the suppression of the inevitable protest - concentration camp, gallows - the decline of the peaceful economy - militarization - war ... And if you, having come to your senses, want to stop this terrible conveyor belt at some point, you will be mercilessly destroyed, like the most recent democrat-internationalist. The banners you will have will not be red-brown, but - for example - black and orange. You will shout not "heil" at your meetings, but, say, "glory!" You won't have a stormtrooper, you'll have some Yesaul Brigadiers, but the essence of fascism - the Dictatorship of the Nazis - will remain, which means that there will be lies, blood, war - now, perhaps, nuclear.

We live in dangerous times. The plague is in our house. First of all, it strikes the offended and humiliated, and there are so many of them now.

Is it possible to turn back history? Perhaps it is possible - if millions want it. So let's not want that. After all, a lot depends on us. Not all, of course, but a lot.

"Reporting with a noose around the neck" is a book written in a Nazi prison by a Czechoslovak journalist, anti-fascist Julius Fucik.


April 1942 - June 1943 .

Executed on September 8, 1943.

Julius Fucik was awarded the International Peace Prize in 1950 for this book.

This "report" was the last for the journalist Julius Fuchik, and the day of his execution since 1958 is celebrated as the International Day of Solidarity of Journalists. 

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