Good day! 

Good day! 

𐌴D𐌹𐍄𐌏𐍂-𐌹𐌽-𐌾H𐌹𐌴𐍆 ദ 🃏 รཞ୲ദບℓ౿ ℓ.

It is very easy to refuse the writer's opuses of the Editorial Board, insulting your high honor of the Lords and Duchess. It is enough to send us an application to disable your honor from our list of subscribers. As a rule, we always satisfy the requests of our clients - subscribers on the nearest board of the tripartite group of the editorial board of the magazine. 

International Nazism. 

retreat :

Not everyone withstood our last tango, asked not to invite 💃 🕺🏼 to dance. This is also not a bad thing, such a natural selection of readers. We are very happy to admit that we get to the heart and commit to dance 🕺🏼 and further even more emotionally and substantively, considering all models of the dress 👗 and the color of ties 👔 personally, because the overall fitting of the suit is clearly less quality. Whether it's the last tango of broken hearts! We resume the production of commercials and placement in our channel. Texts and visualization is fine. Hurry to unsubscribe from the torso and did not record his masterpiece - advertising injection, look for no desire, believe our experience and the aesthetic component of the eye 👀 the word 👇

In some part with the quote below, the Editorial agrees, especially after a cursory instagram viewing after the awakening of our eyelids. Disconnected from one crazy and manic torso, constantly advertising jabs with stupid expressions of the faces of American passengers. In general, such faces should not be given to your account at all, and to advertise potions even more so. It's unconvincing to advertise with down's stupid faces. Although, for such advertising probably other persons spiritualized by some intellect do not agree. It is worth noting, the editorial team is very difficult to surprise, but America as a whole succeeded in 2020-2021 . Such a primitive spectacle we have not seen and did not expect for a long time, even the landing of Ilona missiles faded compared to what we see. You're so obviously caught up in the hidden advertising of the epidemic, masks, Instagram jab, that it's not clear how some of the defendants will later launder this criminal dirt. Sad and funny to watch at the same time on some famous characters. If only you understood how stupid it all looks in all the scenes where you try to look confident, knowledgeable of the theme and fun plastic smiles. Believe me, this is an extremely cheap representation of 🎭. Yes we have talked about it a little less earlier. Without the director and the technology of Hollywood you do not get a quality scene, and your script is not very. And the money 💵 from advertising you decided to save and not pay professionals, like ourselves make a story and everything else will come up. Viktor Chernomyrdin had this phrase that became winged: "We wanted as best, but it turned out as always '" in this context of the phrase everything is clear about whom and what Stepanych wanted to say. Well, Russia never does well. Here we have waited for this bright time in 2020-2021 from the collective west, it has come this time winged phrase and for you. 



One soothing, we did not buy tickets 🎫 to this show, they we got free, and all free is always of poor quality, so it's a sin for us to complain and we do not complain, just commented on this U.S. performance under the name

""Epidemics of reason and Voluntary Vaccination with the same problem mind' and advertising agents - journalist - polythes . No healthy doctor advertises, one thing would be to alert the consumer. But before, for decades in a row, you've intentionally made Americans complete morons. Finally, we achieved results in 2020-2021. Americans have stopped feeling 100% lies and deceit, they don't have this critical threshold of feeling cheated, you've successfully erased it since high school 🏫. 

Bravo 👏. Long live the madness of morons! 

 "I do boring work - I suggest to the perplexed that they are the salt of the earth, the race of lords, the future lords of the world!.. Ours are just like the others. The main thing was to give them a job... Our worker, while he works, is indoctrinated and manageable like a pimply teenager. He will wear military uniforms without even noticing, being sure that he was simply moved to another place on the conveyor belt of national labor."

Chairman of the organization. NSDAP, head of the German Workers' Front

Robert Ley in a letter to Albrecht Haushofer on April 19, 1935.

The racial ideology of the Third Reich is an absolutely cardboard structure in which not only "Jewish" but also "Aryan" themes were propaganda, changing from circumstances and having nothing to do with the then fashionable scientific rasology. For example, Houston Steward Chamberlain, whom many include in the forerunners of "German fascism", wrote that peace in Europe for the benefit of the entire white race can only be achieved on the basis of the Celtic-German-Slavic Union. In addition, after the war, rechecking the measurements of German skulls, scientists were surprised to find that their Aryan traits were significantly erased. Whether the circulars were broken, or whether the new ideology was so affected, but the degree of lobocephaly of the Germans, considered a hallmark of the "Nordic race", was greatly exaggerated. One way or another, the New World Order had a very pragmatic approach to racial preferences, followed by the reformatting of the social structure and worldview for which ideology played a decisive role.

In early 1941, Adolf Hitler returns general A. Yodl's Instruction on Special Issues (annex to The Barbarossa Plan) to the Chief of Staff of the Wehrmacht High Command, General A. Yodl, with the following remark: "The upcoming campaign is more than just an armed conflict. It's a clash of two different ideologies. Because of the scale of the territory involved in this war, it will not end with the defeat of the enemy's armed forces. The whole territory must be divided into separate States, each with its own government, with which we can then make peace. The formation of these governments requires great political skill and must be based on well-thought-out principles... Today, the socialist idea in Russia can no longer be destroyed. From the point of view of internal conditions, the formation of new States must be based on this principle. The Bolshevik-Jewish intelligentsia must be destroyed, as to this day it is an oppressor... Our goal is to build as soon as possible and using the minimum of military force, socialist states that will depend on us. This task is so difficult that it cannot be entrusted to the army."

young people go to the formation of

Légion des Volontaires Français contre le Bolchévisme -

a French unit formed

for the war with the USSR 

This remark was reflected in the "Barbarossa Propaganda Instructions" of June 6, 1941, which stated that "the enemies of Germany are not the peoples of the Soviet Union, but only the Jewish-Bolshevik Soviet government."

The propaganda use of the Jewish theme to fight Bolshevism as an "oppressor" illustrates the Europeans' perceptions of Jews in general, otherwise they would so easily believe in the oppression of the peoples by "Bolshevik-Jewish intelligence". Thus, "Hitler's favorite bogeyman for propaganda purposes" will be used to justify the new "crusade."

But the Scandinavian divisions of the SS "Nordland I - II", the Belgian "Wallonie", the Flemish "Langemarck", the Spanish "blue divisions" are the same fighters with the "reactionary peoples" of the East, to the colonization of which called F. Engels, only now their colonization is furnished as a necessity to fight the followers of the ideas of K. Marx. The French division was called the "Legion of French Volunteers Against Bolshevism" (LVF - L'gion des Voluntaires Fran'ais contre le Bolshevisme) - the future division of "Charlemagne" - in French Carl the Great, who, incidentally, the medieval founder of the single European economic space. As The German Professor K. Pfeffer wrote, "Most of the volunteers from Western Europe went to the Eastern Front only because they saw it as a common task for the whole West... »[198].

But this task could not be only nationalistic or racial, because such a task, for example, could not solve the LVF "African Phalange Africaine" (Phalange Africaine), consisting strictly of tunisian blacks, who are classified as "pure-blooded Aryans" as difficult as the battalion of Bosnian Muslims "Verst'rken Kroatischenie Regiment" to "carriers of European values". Each time the manipulation turned under the circumstances:

"Then unpleasant for the Russian population will be held, for example, not a German, but used for this by the German administration Latvian or Lithuanian, that with the skilful implementation of this principle, undoubtedly, will have a positive impact for us. It is hardly necessary to be afraid of the obsaviation of Latvians or Lithuanians, especially because their number is not so small and they will occupy positions that place them above the Russians. Members of this segment of the population should also be instilled with a sense and awareness that they are something special compared to the Russians."

Dr. Wetzel "Remarks and Proposals on the Master Plan" Berlin 27.4.1942.

«Vierteljahreshefte fur Zeitgeschichie», 1958, № 3.

Even before the war began, the special services, together with the Ukrainian "Thhtigal" and the West Ukrainian "Roland", created the Estonian battalion "Erna", later there were six Latvian regiments, the Latvian and Estonian legions of the SS. Although in a special document "Instructions on the use of propaganda under the variant "Barbarossa" of June 6, 1941 it was emphasized that "as long as propaganda aimed at dismembering the USSR into separate states" national legions were created as the core of armies of future "independent" states. According to the plan presented by Rosenberg at the Berlin meeting of the german supreme military and political leadership on June 20, 1941, the future of the administrative and political system of the "Eastern Territories" looked like the five Reichskomissariat(Reichskomissariat):

📌Moscow (Central Regions of Russia)

📌 Ostland (Baltic and Belarus)

📌caucasian (North Caucasus, Caucasus and Kalmykia)

📌 Turkestan (Central Asia, Kazakhstan, Volga region and Bashkiria).

Bosnian militants of the Muslim division "Hansar" 

Therefore, when on July 22, 1940 at a meeting in the General Staff of the Army discussed the question of the future war against the USSR, Hitler set before his generals the following political tasks: "Ukrainian state, Federation of Baltic States, Belarus ... ». Then the plans were prevented by the failure of the blitzkrieg in the autumn of 1941.

At the same time, some conclusions were made: on December 18, 1942, after the final collapse of hopes for a lightning war, a conference of representatives of the military and political leadership responsible for the conduct of "Eastern" policy was held in Berlin. "Russia can only be crushed by the Russians" - such was, as the English historian A. Bullock wrote at the conference.

At the end of 1941, Hitler ordered the formation of four national legions (Ostlegionen) - Turkestan, Georgian, Armenian and Caucasian-Mohammedan, and in the Georgian Legion Georgians fought shoulder to shoulder with the Ossetians. The Turkestan Legion was manned by Uzbeks, Kazakhs, Kyrgyz, Turkmens, Karakalpaks and Tajiks, but the Armenian Legion had a homogeneous national composition.

In the following 1942, the "carriers of European values" will be added to the "carriers of European values" formed by the Volga-Tatar Legion, which gathered in its ranks the Volga Tatars, Bashkir, Maris, Mordva, Chuvash and Udmurts, at the same time the Kalmytsky Legion (Kalmucken Verband Dr. Doll) appeared.

"People who have achieved such successes in the war, as demonstrated by the Red Army, are already at too high a stage of development to allow themselves to be plunged into a colonial state. Attempting to do this by force of arms is so clearly doomed to failure in advance that for this reason alone it should be refrained from it... And here the goals can be achieved only with the help of "guidance" ... all this should be seen not as a soft-hearted desire to ennoble the whole world, but as a manifestation of sober realism in politics. It goes without saying that, given the character of the Eastern peoples, the Reich cannot really count on their gratitude and devotion."

From the proposal on the policy of the Imperial Ministry

For the occupied eastern regions of June 26, 1944.

NCA, Potsdam, film library, No. 4105.

It is clear from this note that nationalist ideas are serviceable, constantly changing and adjustable depending on the course of the war. On the one hand, Poland accounted for six of the 45-47 million Slavic "untermensch" on the other, in the Soviet camps there were 60,277 Polish prisoners of war who fought on the side of the Third Reich, almost ten thousand more than, for example, the real Italian fascists. There was the Polish "Abverkommando-204" and the Sventokshitsa Brigade, in some similar Polish unit of the Wehrmacht served Josef Tusk, grandfather of Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk. And this is not nonsense, it is the continuity of the New World Order under the specious kind of care for the population in the form of incorporated into the masses of lies about the existence of a global contagion with the sonorous advertising slogan "COVID-19.

Number 19 is not accidental, the draft provides and involves changing this figure depending on the decision of the moderator and the calendar year of the calendar 🗓 

“Despite the great importance attached to the Polish problem abroad, the inclusion of Poland in the confederation of [European] states as a member is not envisaged. If this topic becomes the subject of international discussion, it will be possible to declare that the solution of the Polish question has been postponed, because it depends on how the Polish people will show themselves during the war. One could think about creating some kind of puppet government in Poland ”[207]

 Note by diplomat Cecil von Rentte-Finck dated September 9, 1943.

In the classic agitation of G. Himmler's department "Der Untermensch" the list of subhumans is headed by "mulats and Finn-Asian barbarians", which does not prevent the Finns themselves from dying for the Third Reich. By necessity, yesterday's "untermensch" formed SS units with all their pathos of name-making and other ideological delusions. After the surrender at Stalingrad, Gebbels stated unequivocally: "To win, not only the cash and the forces of the German people at our disposal must be mobilized, but also the forces of the peoples who inhabit the countries occupied or conquered by us during the war."

The instruction sent out on February 15, 1943 to all the highest functionaries of the Nazi party and local propaganda leaders stated: "You cannot call the Eastern nations waiting for our liberation, cattle, barbarians, etc., and in this case expect them to be interested in german victory."

Goebbels at a meeting with representatives

eastern formations. 21, 12,1944.

Exclusively "Eastern" volunteers: Russians, Ukrainians, Belarusians were equipped with a number of units of the special SS "Dirlewanger" and the Special Russian Brigade of the SS "Druzhina". In 1944, from the "People's Brigada of Kaminski" (German Volksheer-Brigade Kaminski) there was an assault brigade of the SS "RONA" (German Waffen-Sturmbrigade der SS RONA), formed XV Cossack cavalry corps of the SS and special amphibious Belarusian battalion "Dalvitz" (Landung Bataillon zur0eren Representatives of Asian republics will form the "military elite of the Third Reich" as a division of the SS "New Turkestan" (Neu Turkestan), the future 1st East Muslim Regiment of the SS. The total number of representatives of the peoples of the USSR who served in the Wehrmacht, SS troops and police amounted to 1.2 million people. Captured territories at an accelerated pace took an ideological turn, held conferences of oppressed peoples of Eastern Europe and Asia, the first of which gathered 12 delegations representing various "national-revolutionary organizations."

On June 3, 1942, by decree of the Minister for Occupied Eastern Regions, Rosenberg established a special youth department, whose members of the Russian, Ukrainian, Belarusian and Lithuanian nationalities were given the official status of "SS assistants" (SS-Helfer), since 1944 the term of the subjugated SS youth will be replaced by "SS pupils" - "SS-glinge." From March 25 to September 20, 1944, 21117 people (18917 boys and 2,500 girls) were recruited for the "prestigious service", including 1,383 Russians, 5,933 Ukrainian, 2,354 Belarusian, 1,012 Lithuanian, 3,000 Estonian and 3,614 Latvian boys.

"By the end of the war in 1945, there were already 35 waffen SS divisions, most of whose soldiers were recruited in the occupied countries."

Manwell R., Frankel G. "Henrik Himmler."

Commander of the 5th Don Regiment Ivan Kononov 

In the ideological manipulation, the true attitude towards conquered peoples has never changed. At a meeting in 1934, Hitler noted that the goal of German policy in the East should be "an alliance with Ukraine, the Volga region, Georgia, etc., but not an alliance of equal partners, but an alliance of vassal states without a separate army, politics and economy." These were the goals of the New World Order, which he was able to achieve only half a century later and, in accordance with his doctrines "only with the help of "leadership" because "Russia can only be crushed by the Russians.27 July 1941, reasoning that Germany will have to govern a vast territory, Adolf Hitler addressed the history of England: "Let us learn from the British, who with the help of 250,000 people, including 50,000. " 400 million Indians" management, and, developing this idea, remarked: "What India was for England, will be Russia for us." Finally, the attitude to colonial politics took shape in his mind in 1942: "I stand on the point of view of the British Tories: if I subjugate a free country just to give it freedom, what is the point?" The British were the ones to whom the Fuhrer of the Third Reich was so diligently imitated, and the plans of his imitation will include a "big game" for Central Asia and the Caucasus.

At one time, English teachers skillfully played the Muslim card, not for nothing instead of Carl Linnaeus' term "Homo europaeus". At that time, the operations of the mountain units were commanded by officers of the British special services Longworth (Alkeb Bay), David Urpart (Daub Bay), Nantes (Nadir-bey). Jakub-bey, who died in 1839, was the captain of the English schooner Ugnel, who was arrested for smuggling weapons into the region. Naturally, then and now, ideological grounds for subversion are needed. Now that the Germans needed the Caucasus, the Koran became the book that Himmler always had with him, and the Central Asian regiment Bergmann appeared. But the "free Caucasus" is only an element of the game for the Middle East, and it should be noted here that the idea of creating an "Arab arc" is still the development of the resident of the 6th Office of the RHSA in Iran, SS navigator Franz Meyer. The Caucasus was to become a springboard for the offensive against India and East Asia as a whole.

Georgian battalion as part of the Wehrmacht

Plans for expansion to the region, as expected, were preceded by the expansion of banking: in East Asia worked German Asian Bank - a subsidiary of Dresden and German Bank. In 1939, Yalmar Shakht visited India. In the same year, the Chief of the General Staff of the Army, Colonel-General F. Galder, was instructed to develop a plan for the invasion of the Middle East and India, from North Africa - in cooperation with the Italian army - and through the Balkans, Greece, and Anatolia to Iraq, where the two factions were to join. But in India, the "great Aryan race of the Germans" faced the "great Aryan race of the Japanese." Before the conclusion of the Anti-American Pact between Germany, Italy and Japan, the thesis of the "yellow danger" threatening the white race did not go off the agenda of German propaganda, classifying the Japanese as "lower race". Japanese racial theory proved that the ancestral home of all Aryans - Japan, that it is the center of the world, that the real Aryans - only the Japanese, that the Germans - Ersatz-Aryans. I wouldn't be surprised if one day found out that one and the other was financed from the same pocket.

The children of Japan, Germany and Italy met in Tokyo,

to celebrate the signing of Triple

union between their countries, 17.12.1940

Japanese expansion began earlier, in 1933 under the leadership of Prince Fusimar Konoe created the "Society of Great Asia." As an instrument of the General Staff and Intelligence of the Japanese Army, society had to develop a theoretical justification for the mission of the creators of the "new order" and liberators of the peoples of "Asia from the White Imperialists" for the Japanese invasion. In the occupied territories there was noisy pan-Asian propaganda "three A": "Japan is the leader of Asia, the patron saint of Asia, the light of Asia." Widespread in the militaristic program was the expression "living space" "life line" of Japan. Before the seizure of the territory it was proclaimed that it is the very "life line" on which the life and death of the Japanese people depends. On the day of Singapore's fall, Prime Minister Tojio said that India had a brilliant opportunity to participate in the creation of the "Great East Asian Prosperity" sphere and it was time to implement the slogan "India for Indians". It is significant that the idea of self-determination with the Indians began to be played out within the framework of plans to drag India from one sphere of influence to another.

 "Even the lightning-fast Japanese invasion of northern China is, in fact, not a war against China, but the messianic belief of Japan's ruling circles that this country is meant to be the leader of the world's races of color in their fight against white supremacy and must therefore take control of a disorganized China for this great purpose."

Basil Mathews "Clash of Races," 1938

Japan's victories caused concern and excitement of another "Aryan" race. On January 24, 1942, at its 13th meeting, the East Asian Committee "Farbenindustrie I.G." expressed the wish that Japan "in its economic planning in the East Asian economic space is guided by The German wishes and that we do not come too late." At that time, a German delegation headed by the commissioner of the East Asian Committee "Farbenindustrie I.G." economist G. Voltat was already working in Japan. The conditions of German monopolies were so harsh for the Japanese that the negotiations dragged on until January 20, 1943, when it was decided that German firms could operate in Greater Asia unhindered, and the German property seized by Japanese troops would be transferred to the German side after the inspection. In terms of the operation against India, which was developed at Hitler's direction by the headquarters of the Operational Directorate on 11 June 1941, directive No. 32 was issued entitled "Preparing for the post-Barbarossa period." When the German-fascist troops rushed to the passes of the Main Caucasian Ridge, they consisted of the Special Forces "F", named after the commander of General Felmi, the future Gauleiter of India, but the introduction of Soviet and British troops in 1942 in Iran significantly placed the expansion plans "I.G. Farben", at that time already launched in Asia". owned by the dye group in conjunction with Deutsche Bank.

In order to create a "large German banking institute for East Asian entrepreneurship" the merger of the German Asian And German Bank for East Asia was prepared, and the Imperial Credit Society was formed.

Preparations for the invasion of India were as serious as possible. As early as 1937, the commercial department of Farben IG decided that all representatives of the concern abroad should be supplied with Nazi literature and maintain close ties with foreign organizations of the Nazi Party. From November 1941, for three hours a day in Hindi, Persian, Pashto, Tomi, Timru and English radio "Free India", which was branded "British plutocrats" who enslaved the country, the people called to resist, and Germany was portrayed as the "midwife" of Indian freedom. Responsible for "propaganda to India" was a German Foreign Ministry official, Secretary Kepler, who was directly involved in the intelligence services, as was most of the six employees of the "Special Bureau for India" with "special knowledge of the country" formed under the leadership of Adam von Trott zu Soltz. In 1942, Foreign Minister Ribbentrop, through his deputy Weizeker, demanded that subversive work be forcing among Muslims living in India and South Asia to the extent that comprehensive action could be launched within three months. In one of the Country's Muslim centers, Aligarh, the german money was used by the magazine "The Spirit of Time" published by a German, wife of a professor at a local university. In India, German clubs were established and even pro-it-20 organizations were formed, such as assault units, led by a local fellow Urk. With the help of the Muslim fifth column, it was planned to dislodge the "pearl of the British crown" from the British hands, for which the "Arab arc" was created. As part of the Wehrmacht, 19 companies were formed to conduct special information and psychological operations on the fronts. The Service of Mass Sabotage "Insurgirung und Sabotage" (Rebellion and Sabotage) Colonel Gunther d'Alcuen, his service planned and promptly accompanied all operations of SS troops and punitive actions in the occupied territories. It has become a model for the management of modern U.S. information and psychological operations systems.

At the same time, it is obvious that no one was going to release the Indians. On January 15, 1942, Hitler made his attitude to India very clear "I read today that India has 385 million inhabitants, which means an increase of 55 million over the last 10 years. It's disturbing. Women give birth there children every year ... What do our doctors think?" he was also perplexed about the English colonial policy of establishing universities in India, where young people "learn things that they don't know better" and in general, "If they gave The Indians freedom, it wouldn't be enough for 20 years... England's dominance has benefited India greatly." The true attitude towards the Indians will become clear to the Indian "Netaji" (exact correspondence to the German "Fuhrer") - Subhas Chandra Bosu.

Subhas Chandra Bos and Heinrich Himmler 

Although, to the latter's credit, he never had much illusions about Hitler and drew Ribbentrop's attention to those places in Mein Kampf, where Hitler speaks humiliatingly of the Indians. The leader of Indian fascists in general was not so much fond of fascism as ... Lenin (!) and his decisive role in the October Revolution, as well as planned industrialization. Chandra Bos' failed alliance with Hitler was initially dictated by interests on both sides and no more. German troops captured in Africa about 10,000 Indian prisoners from the British troops, of which in 1941 under the leadership of the Indian Netaji formed the "Indian Legion" ("Azad Hind"). Although Bos insisted on using the Legion solely to liberate India, after his departure from Germany, the fascist leadership ignored this condition and ordered the sending of Legion soldiers to Holland to guard the coast.

What was England to do, in a difficult situation, when on the one hand was prepared another plan of invasion of India with the participation of the unit "Brandenburg" developed by the department of Canaris, and on the other approach japanese troops with ideas of "India for Indians." It was up to England to secretly haggle with Japan offering to recognize the gains in China in exchange for Singapore's return, but the deal failed. Then the cunning British government promised India as a concession to the status of dominion with the right to defend India from aggression by external enemies, while starting was offered directly with defense from German and Japanese encroachments. The Indian National Congress rejected the proposals and called for the signing of an agreement with the United Nations, as well as its declaration of independence, which the Japanese Government had promptly responded to, in addition to arming Indian prisoners to fight the "white demons".

Then, appreciate the beauty of the political game of the old colonizers, the British also began to play the national card in India. In the summer of 1942, the Anglo-Indian government legalized the Communist Party of India by printing the newspaper "Piples Ware" ("People's War"), and the newspaper began to be published in Hindi, Urdu, Marathi, Malayalam, Telugu, Tamil, Bengali and Punjabi. The Communists of India opposed the National Congress, calling for the right to self-determination up to secession, for "those parts of the Indian people who have as their homeland solid historical and traditionally established territories, common language, culture, psychological features". "Self-determination of peoples" is the most hackneyed trick of the scheme of the British colonial system.

But all these plans were not destined to be realized: the heroic resistance of the Soviet soldiers and the third front of the U.S. Allied forces 🇺🇸 England 🏴 and France 🇫🇷 did not allow the Wehrmacht and the nazi troops to create a foothold in the Caucasus, without which the invasion of India became impossible, the Japanese disarmed the captive Indians as soon as it turned out that they are not ready to fight against the "white demons" in general.

And if someone does not understand how it is possible today in 2021 to falsify the Indian "corpses from the pandemic of the 😷" then this material will shed light 💡 for those who do not know the nature of fascism . And the nature of fascism is banal and simple: lies, lies and once again lies 🤥 

And if someone does not understand how it is possible today in 2021 to falsify the Indian "corpses from the pandemic of the 😷" then this material will shed light 💡 for those who do not know the nature of fascism . And the nature of fascism is banal and simple: lies, lies and once again lies 🤥 And even below without comment.


📌What the lie is believed, it must be horrific.

📌All genius is simple, and everything is simple genius. The little man likes to hide his insignificance behind complicated things.

📌What you're going to be more monstrous, the more they're going to believe you. Ordinary people believe a big lie rather than a small one. This corresponds to their primitive soul. They know that in small they are able to lie, well, very much to lie they are shy. Big lies just won't occur to them. That's why the masses can't imagine others being able to lie too monstrous.

📌Why the more monstrous the lie, the more willing the crowd is to believe in it.

📌Y's not getting the truth, we're trying to get the effect.

📌If you say a big enough lie and repeat it, people will eventually believe it.

📌Propaganda is always addressed only to the masses, not to the intelligentsia, so its level should be guided by the ability to perceive the most limited among those to whom it should affect.

📌Propaganda can and should, especially in times of war, give up humanism and aesthetics, no matter how much we value them, because in the struggle of the people it is nothing else, as it is about its existence.

📌It obliges and binds tightly.

📌S get me the media and I'll make a herd of pigs out of any nation.

📌Courage is courage inspired by spirituality. The perseverance with which the Bolsheviks defended themselves in their dotas in Sevastopol is akin to an animal instinct, and it would be a profound mistake to consider it the result of Bolshevik beliefs or upbringing. The Russians have always been like this and most likely will always be.

📌The worst enemy of any propaganda is intellectualism.

📌America grew up on being brought from Europe, and Americans are obsessed with money; so they are trying to get the results of research and creativity here, without paying a cent for it. They have only one decent opera house in the whole country - the Metropolitan Opera, and that stands closed, and their leaders still have the audacity to declare that we (and in our face - European culture) threaten them! They're dragging their people to the wild! Meanwhile, we have to live with them in this crazy world!

Joseph Goebbeels 

Only the plans of the "Farbenindustrie I.G." were not changed, in the minutes of the meeting of the East Asian Committee of the Imperial Union of German Industry of 26 May 1943, India was still noted as a special element of the "expansion of activities in the East Asian space" of the German Bank for Asia, that was actually the reason for the Indian "orange" movement, and the history of India illustrates how difficult it is to escape from the colonial state, how easily it is managed by the protest moods of a country with long experience of colonial rule using all the tools of provocation and political play.

Later, the continuation of Hitler's dream of a dismembered territory, "with his own government with which we can then make peace", was law No. 86-90 "On enslaved nations" adopted by the U.S. Congress on July 17, 1959. The postulates of the Third Reich report are "only with the help of "leadership" because "Russia can only be crushed by the Russians." This definition applies to almost any territory, if we take a historical retrospective and carefully examine the course of events of individual countries, it turns out that in the end every people has the system and leadership of the country that he deserves. 

The propaganda move of the agitators of the Third Reich was later skillfully used by the Soviet system until the collapse of the Soviet Union, today the works of Gobbels desktop book 📖 the Kremlin and Russian propaganda. 

The Third Reich created the New World Order in which Nazism is present

Socialism, The Workers' Party 

 which is the least of the workers. A similar story was with the USSR. Today, 30 years after the collapse of the Soviet Union, it is clearly visible against the background of the total lies of Western media and Western politicians that all the worst of the USSR and present Russia without any visa to cross the border and approval of stay in the territory, moved to the administration of Western countries, and the world as a whole. 

Diagnosis process: 

The parents - journalists, government agencies, politicians and police forces - have taken on the medical problem of the world's media studios. The strange construction of the stability of the Health Society is based on a purely medical problem. And where are the medics themselves with big names, where are the scientists? Themselves, that is, officials were instructed to deal with a narrowly professional business to treat people - the state. That's why you killed a lot of people putting them under the ventilator and still ran around the studios with questions: - where to get the ventilator? It is for this reason that the powerful of this world have been willing to part with most of the freedoms and their own oaths on the constitution. Class interests prevailed over the interests of small and medium-sized businesses, individuals.

States have been directly involved in large-scale and unprecedented lies and economic processes. 

What could that mean?

If the profits of an enterprise are divided between two entities in a four-to-one relationship, which of the entities owns the enterprise? After reflecting on this, it is easy to come to the conclusion that more than half of the means of production in the United States are owned by the state. Nominal owners only manage their enterprises completely, and own - a smaller share. You reasoned like this: the state does not risk trusting the biofactory of lies: the entrepreneur sells to share with the state the buyer, if the entrepreneur goes bankrupt, too, is not afraid - the vacated niche of demand will take another firm and will also have to share profits with the state.

So, in the U.S. more than half of the means of production is owned by the society in the face of the state. Isn't that a familiar formula? 

This is the most important sign of socialism.

In the U.S., the state system of regulation of the economy according to Keynes is adopted consciously. Many capitalist countries came to similar decisions under the influence of the needs of the Second World War. By the way, Keynes participated in this and personally, having held since 1942 as an adviser to the British treasury. One way or another, elements of socialism have strengthened in the economy of all leading states. And history, the order of events shows that this is exactly the case, and not vice versa, as some economists now seem. And unprecedented state programs of squandering of state budgets, exorbitant plans to increase taxes will inevitably lead to an average urgent future of 7-10 years, will lead to protracted stagnation and possible revolutionary events and as a result the country's seedlings. Our opinion is not an unexpected diagnosis of 🩺, we voiced it earlier. The current program of democrats, given the moratorium on truth, the policy to hush up the false pandemic, the financial program of space public appropriations of various programs (Potemkin villages), all this one way to nowhere, or rather into the abyss. After the fall, a narrow path to the disintegration of the country . There will be no choice.

It is not so important from which country these two videos above, this can only comment a psychologist with a license. And our conclusions are simple: you disfigure the psyche of people, in society as a whole, the business climate and the established society is better than any external enemy could do it. De facto in 14 months destroyed democracy and peace order . And it is the invisible hand of the enemy that does this with a smile 😄, certainly with your hands and with the help of your own unimaginable stupidity. 

We consider ourselves to be good diagnostics of social processes, with a good knowledge of history and the presence of analytical abilities for research.

This is our diagnosis 🩺 for the U.S. and Europe on 02/04/2021 . 

Thank you attention. 

𐌴D𐌹𐍄𐌏𐍂-𐌹𐌽-𐌾H𐌹𐌴𐍆 ദ 🃏 รཞ୲ദບℓ౿ ℓ.

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