The Tale of the Crown 👑 termination. 

The Tale of the Crown 👑 termination. 

ㄒ卄乇ㄖ尺丨丂ㄒ 爪尺. 卂几Ɗ乇尺丂ㄖ几 В+

The scrapping of supply chains is organized by Chinese globalists and American (Clintonoids).

Considering such a level and scale of events as this most expensive sea traffic jam in history, breaking many chains, it is necessary to understand, Friends, that events of such a global scale should be considered in isolation from the narrative with the existence of countries and their interests.

On a planetary scale, the battle is between good and evil: the globalists present in all countries and the anti-globalist disparate forces, also present in all countries and on all continents.

No less interesting is the call sign of the mega-container ship, which continues to break supply chains - H3RC. 

H3RC - Hillary Rodham Clinton. 

Hopefully now you understand, Friends, why the container ship before getting stuck painted the male penis.

Hillary is certainly a talented and great fictional, for us in this fascinating erotic story of the Suez cork there is only one unsolved mystery - whose device is Hillary's depopulation? 👇

DeepState, Clinton and Co.-Breaking Supply Chains: "Worst Scenario for World Trade"

The fact that the most expensive in the history of blocking the Suez Canal in history, which can take a week, is organized/initiated - it is an obvious fact for any person who monitors the background of what is happening in the world together, and not separately, that there is short-sightedness ...

If someone suddenly does not know, the name of the mega-container ship "EVERGREEN", which arranged all this and applied across its board, coincides with the nickname of Hillary Clinton - Evergreen ,- which uses the upped paedophiles in their correspondence.

"Thank you for coming. The disappointment is very great. Can physically delete texts, tapes, etc. ??? We have everything. The right people have the information. Reliable dudes operate on the basis of information. I think Gug. I think so. Think about many projects. Many common users are "foreign and domestic." Variable access. Codes. Fake letters. The game is a forum commi. Today there is new information. Gmail (emails) comms. Identify the Evergreen. When do you call a plumber? Ongoing investigations require this," Hillary Clinton said in a letter to DeepState operatives when it was revealed that emails from Dem's server had been leaked. Party.

Hillary Clinton Email Archive. On March 16, 2016 WikiLeaks launched a searchable archive for over 30 thousand emails & email attachments sent to and from Hillary Clinton's private email server while she was Secretary of State. The 50,547 pages of documents span from 30 June 2010 to 12 August 2014. 7,570 of the documents were sent by Hillary ...

Bill Clinton's code name is Eagle, Hillary Clinton is Evergreen, Chelsea Clinton is Energy.

By the way, in the photo below next to the stuck vessel is also visible another vessel and its name is also entertaining - "Baraka."

We hope, Friends, the reality has become at least a little clearer and you begin to understand what and when to prepare. Reality, though not always clear signs, but always lets you know about the coming

Whose farm is this? 👇Owner come out 😂

Pictured is China and also "EVERGREEN"-code name H.R. Clinton. The tractor with the container, as you know, could not have had another name.

The new yacht of one of the richest people on the planet founder, aerospace company Blue Origin and owner of The Washington Post. Jeff Bezos is seen off the coast of Turkey.

Bezos's yacht was located in the Great Bitter Lake, where the mega-container #EverGiven/#EverGreen


Yacht S.Y. Vertigo, which is owned by american entrepreneur, media mogul, owner of media, film companies and publishing houses in the U.S., Australia, Europe, Latin America and Asia, founder, chairman and CEO of News Corp holding companies and Rupert Murdoch's 21st Century Fox was also in the Big Bitter Lake.

#Suezcanal #Suez #EverGiven #EverGreen

Information on yachts and the Suez Canal will become even more interesting if you rewind the time a little and look at the previous geolocations of the Murdoch yacht Vertigo and its trace .

#Suezcanal #Suez #EverGiven #EverGreen

Guys on the cargo ship managed to break supply chains: the tanker slowed down the passage of goods long enough. Such a task is to slow down. One covid and the measures against him, apparently, do not cope very well with the organization of the autumn famine .

If we don't understand, we'll do it again: 

Brazil. "Sea" of corpses in the Brazilian cemetery, workers sew up and do not have time to dig graves.

In general, it is very surprising and at the same time sad to see how the world media pick up the globalist agenda without any fact-checking. Journalists do not understand that they will be among the first to fall prey to medical fascists.

🇺🇸 And you still remember that video from Buffalo, New York, in which a police officer pushes a 75-year-old man to the ground, causing him to fall and die? 

So, the fall of this elderly actor - a man is also a hoax, as well as rows of corpses of people who died from a cooida, which was folded by a woman with one left hand 🤚👇

Let's lower the force of the jolt, from which even the child would not fall and touch the most visual inconsistencies on the video. In a slow-motion replay of the moment, the video from 6 seconds. 16 seconds. You can see how the fallen continues to hold the phone in his hand, looking at the fact that he is already dead, and his hand is in a particularly tense state, otherwise it could not be after a fall on his stomach. 

Further, despite the fact that he has already "died", the man, apparently assessing the unnaturalness of his game, gently lowers his hand with an expensive phone in a more appropriate position of his death (from the belly to the asphalt), after which the brush is gently pressed and the phone is also neatly placed on the asphalt.

🇺🇸9/11- 100% operation under a fake flag?

The taxi driver, who has publicly stated that his taxi was damaged when the plane hit the Pentagon building on 9/11, admitted when he was recorded by a hidden camera that the attack was an internal work of U.S. intelligence agencies, that his wife works for the FBI, and that he himself damaged his car with a baseball bat, smashing his windshield. As he himself told, when he was recording a hidden camera, "Big People" came to him.

At first, on camera, Lloyd confirmed the version of damage to the car in the crash of the plane and the impact of it in the Pentagon building. However, later, when he did not see that the camera was continuing to work, he explained that he had smashed the windshield of the car with a bat, and explained the reasons why he had to publicly lie about the plane crash and claim that the car had been damaged by shrapnel in the crash.

✈️ 🇺🇸

Controlled demolition of 🧨 9/11🧨 ?👇

"Another man named by the FBI as a suicide bomber in Washington and New York was alive and well. Saudi pilot Walid al-Shehri was one of five people the FBI called a hijacker... He admits that he went to a flight training school in Daytona Beach in the United States, and that's really the Waleed al-Shehri that the FBI was talking about. But he said he left the United States last September, became a pilot at Saudi Arabia and is currently undergoing a refresher course in Morocco.

The second screen from the FBI report with his photo, where he is accused of theft and declared dead. 

#COVID19 training strategy, response program, proposals, 25 projects in Phase 1. Phase 1 was scheduled until 31.03.2025.

The document has all precautions: Vaccine passports, lockdown until the age of 25, resistance control.

There is also a list of all the World Bank (WB) partners that are forced and must adhere to such rules.

For internal use. 

WB, IBRD and the International Development Association. Total funding of $600 billion of that to $4 billion for health care.

⚰️💉 Agency for Medicines of the EU (EMA) has officially confirmed that the vaccine Astra'eneca can cause thrombosis. Marco Cavaleri, Head of Vaccination Strategy at the European Medicines Agency (EMA): "In my opinion, it is now clear that there is a link with the vaccine. However, we do not yet know what causes this reaction. To sum it up, in the next few hours we will say that there is a connection, but we still need to understand how it happens. We're trying to get an accurate picture of what's going on, to pinpoint this syndrome because of the vaccine (...) There are more cases of cerebral thrombosis in young people than we expected. We have to say that."

One of the other, despite the fact that the representative of the EU regulator confirmed the link between the vaccine Astra'eneca and the formation of blood clots, the British regulator recommends the continued use of the vaccine Astra'eneca. Sorry Brits.

The "exercises" under the SPARS pandemic scenario were launched by Gates for the same purpose as the previous "Event 201", which preceded the kovid pandemic: to signal in advance how the pandemic should be managed by the establishment, including latent neurological effects of vaccines and appropriate responses to the medical responsibility that needs to be abolished, mandated opposition (people in positions that understand what is happening) that can be eliminated or silenced somehow, by "conspiracy theorists" and other disobedient activist groups.

💉Medical fascism and segregation was not invented by Gates, it was Hitler who invented them.

Gates is not the first to introduce a passport of health/passport vaccination/covid pass, but as it happened with his notorious Microsoft, whose story with his words began in a dusty garage, where he, being an unknown boy, the son of supposedly unknown parents, with the likes of amateur programmers and enthusiasts who wanted to change the world, began to change the world's perception of computers. 

In fact, Gates comes from the richest Luciferian family, where there was hardly dust in the garage, as well as where the garage itself was unlikely.

Gates's base was such that you have to be without hands and without legs and a complete idiot, so as not to become what he became. For example, Gates' father was a well-known man, co-founder of Planned Parenthood with Margrethe Sanger, who in a television interview in 1957 answered the question of whether she believes in something like sin: "I believe that the biggest sin in the world is to have children."

This mental maniac and pervert-eugenicist Bill Gates Sr. not only stood at the origins of the Planned Parenthood campaign, which promotes the murder of children in the womb, engaged in abortion vaccines and all the like and procured underage girls for sex and unlimited amounts of cocaine for school girls back in the early 1970s, but he was also a member of the three-line commission, which is the prototype of a single world government and was friends with the paedophile Epstein, as there is a record in Epstein's book and in the bearded magazine of his plane, with sadist Soros, who served in the SS and other Rothschild Rockefellers ...

Both Gates and, by the way, Bezos, both come from the outstanding families of the Deep State. And the whole story of pulling themselves out of the gloom of the middle class is a common deception. Bill Gates Sr. was not only a well-known Seattle lawyer and had close ties to the eugenic movement after World War II, which was later renamed "Population Control." The head of Planned Parenthood has many recognizable names in the New World Order since the mid-1970s, including Walter Rothschild.

The mother of the planet's main cutter from the "dust garage" is even more deep than his father. She comes from Maxwell's banking family. That her father was once on the Board of the Seattle branch of the Federal Reserve, should also give you an idea of the fact that Gates Jr. came well not from the abyss of poverty and the "dust garage."

Bill Gates - a narcissistic killer, one of the most massive killer maniacs in the history of mankind. Respect for Parents, Friends, the wrong, the only thing that "rodneyes" Bill with the human race, and otherwise, judging by his not once voiced by his own plans, he is an ordinary animal, which, as they are accepted because of the lack of any rudiments of spirituality, tends to expansion, in this case power-mental.

If someone was unlucky and Bill was across the street, he'd love to move your grandmother if he was told he'd get a $20 bill for it. In short, Bill Gates is a commonly ill, completely deceitful smack, who thinks about himself bride what. 

So, going back to the main topic of the post, I will continue. Gates is not the first to enter using his WHO pocket pocket, where he is the main and main mega-donor, a health passport/passport vaccination/covid pass. His brain is simply incapable of producing, he is focused only on murder, lies and theft. He stole the idea of boiler-stolen vaccination passports, which he now very zealously promotes around the world, from the Nazis. The Nazis did so before him back in the 1930s, when the 3rd Reich introduced the notorious discrimination between "sick" and "healthy."

"In Hamburg, doctors passed the information to the Central Archives of Health Passports (circa 1934) entitled "General monitoring of life-related health." This folder was to contain reports from doctors, as well as courts, insurance companies, sports clubs, The Hitler Youth, the military, the labour service, colleges, etc. 

So, Friends, what we're seeing now was and Gates is just a successor to Hitler's cause. 

The only thing that is interesting, Friends, in connection with all this, as the calls of some of our Russian politicians to introduce vaccination passports/covid-passports in our country, in the country of victorious fascism, in a country where the winners of fascism are still alive, in a country where a legislative ban on the justification of fascism has been introduced, in the heads of these very "our Russian politicians" will be joined by their proposal to introduce this hell and segregation with the passports of our own. Moreover, such nonsense as the initiatives proposed by them are directly and unequivocally condemned by the "Nuremberg", which puts the callers themselves to introduce covid passports on a par with criminals, many of whom were executed. 

Can someone answer this question of interest to us alone? 

Friends, if you agree with what is said in the article and you would like something to help to change the state of affairs in Russia-Mother and abolish this ambivalence, this schizophrenia at the state level, then do not be silent, make a repost. 

Let's make a noise. 

Very tired of watching as our already long-suffering Motherland with its promoted segregation, medical fascism, pederasty (on a wide screen will be released a film, where the Ministry of Culture did not see anything out of the radiance out, and allowed to show the physical act of pederasty) and others collide in the Hell of Nothing.

Only our word and the reaction of society can stop this, in truth, the hellish lawlessness created in our world of victorious Fascism, in a world where veterans are still alive, with the complete silence of those who would have to shout ...

🇺🇸Camalla Harris intends to stop providing services and benefits to veterans; she's going to give these benefits to "refugees" and advises veterans to "get a job"

"The United States Government cannot continue to pay for all the needs of what has become a special class of citizens. 

Veterans are equal to us, they are no better than us. Veterans are babysitting. This creates an dependence on us that does not benefit these former soldiers. 

They need to learn to live independently and be responsible adults. 

The easiest way to help them on this journey is to cut them off from contentment. 

Over the next four years, payments to veterans will be terminated. 

The money saved will be used better in aid of refugee families. 

These poor people seek refuge with us and need support, and it is our duty as a nation to provide it. 

So here's a message for fellow soldiers: "Find a job!" 

Microsoft, Bill Gates, Patent 666, & Microchipping Humans Explained

Microsoft files "Patent 666", leading conspiracy theorists and anti-Bill Gates internet sleuths to draw conclusions about the coronavirus' origins. There are corners of the internet that are very upset about Microsoft filing "Patent 666" to microchip humans. The growing narrative implies that Bill Gates and a number of other people in the tech ...

🇮🇱Israil, where probably the largest number of Jews affected by fascism lives, now goes ahead of the Planet and leads the promotion of medical fascism, apparently forgetting that in Germany, too, once introduced passports discriminating on the basis of "sick" and "healthy". And this is in the same way saris, which, according to the CDC, has a survival rate of more than 99%.

"Only for the vaccinated." 

Not for nothing, the former head of the Israeli intelligence service "Nativ" Yakov Kedmi called Israel a testing ground for Pfizer. At this rate, Israel will soon become a testing ground not only for Pfizer, but for all other Members of BigPharma.

🇺🇸 Joe is getting worse and worse every day.

In the video, he is told to wear a mask, wash his hands and lean toward the man, reducing the social distance to a minimum, says to have a social distance. 

🇺🇸Children in Biden's cages: Kamala on the border.

Friends, Kamalla was lying when she was asked when she would go to the border.

Reporter: "Do you have plans to visit the border?"

Vice President Harris: "Not today! Boo-ga-ga-ga, oh-ha-ha-ha (loud laughs)"

Alex Jones and his team stop smugglers from illegally transporting children

💉 Friends, very briefly the scenario of work on the "boiler pandemic" of the WB, IBRD, the International Development Association and other total funding of $600 billion, where one of the points until 2025 of the first stage was "resistance struggle."

Judging by the so far rare media coverage of the topic, the "resistance fight" has begun and so far it is most actively concerned with "white evangelicals" who are accused of ending the pandemic of the new SARS with survival, according to the CDC.

yahoo'news: "How white evangelicals' rejection of the vaccine could prolong the pandemic.

Stephanie Nana, evangelical Christian in

Edmonde, Okla., refused to get the couid vaccine #COVID19 because she believed it contained "abortion cell tissue."

Apparently, the time when such a publication will begin to concern Orthodoxy, Islam and other just around the corner and closer than anyone would like to think. 

Add to the two two and get the right answer to the question of how vaccination, the most active promoter of which is Gates, who has invested the largest amount of both money and administrative resources through WHO, where he is the largest donor, whose dream to reduce the world's population through planned parenthood, vaccines and other things, as he himself has said repeatedly, has become a parable of the voyages associated with this kind of manipulation in the media, we will provide readers.

We are interested in the answer to the question of how politicians and the media are connected with all this and whether they are what they call "useful idiots" who spread fakes with horrors about the covid, with survival, on the off. data of the CDCD, more than 99%, or is Rockefeller and Gates and Co. really so omnis almightyly tied in this world ? 

      Shut your mouth, the joke's over. 

Symbolism could be their destruction. The informed public owns all the keys to reset the impending.

Ethiopia (WHO) : "WHO and China enjoy a long and productive partnership. WHO is proud to have supported foreign training for more than 2,000 Chinese health workers. I am grateful to China for its commitment to strengthening health systems in other countries as part of its One Belt and Road initiative."

If on the table of the WHO-ov figures a statue of Shiva, the ritual at CERNE was performed at the statue of Shiva. 

🇮🇱🎚Watikan digs a secret tunnel in Jerusalem to exhume King David and resurrect the Messiah through his DNA. This is stated by the rabbi of the Regavim movement, a group dedicated to the protection of Israel's national resources, which last week filed a petition against the Jerusalem municipality demanding action against the tunnel.

The petition alleges that under the Church of the Assumption of Our Lady on Mount Sion there is an underground passage about 1970 feet (about 600 meters) long and 5 feet (about 1.5 meters) wide, which was completed about 12 years ago.

The Israeli group Regawim alleges that the Catholic authorities built a tunnel from the main building of the Assumption Abbey to the residences of the clergy in the Beit Yosef building and demanded that the church be held accountable for the construction of an illegal tunnel in Jerusalem. 

The panel also claims that the passage was built without permission and may have damaged archaeological artifacts during an uncontrolled excavation process. Their spiritual leader is convinced that the purpose of the tunnel is far more sinister than simply transporting. 

Rabbi Daniel Asor of the Janar Institute claims that it was built so that members of the Church of the Assumption of Our Lady could exhume the remains of King David (the king of Israel who killed Goliath), who is believed to have been buried on Mount Sion. 

Asor claims that the church is acting on the instructions of the Vatican, which, he says, plans to collect DNA samples from the remains of King David, and then the Vatican uses his DNA to clone a completely new man, whom they then try, deceiving the whole world, to pass off the Messiah.

The Israel Antiquities Authority (IAA) has long denied that there is a passage under the Assumption Church at all, but the tunnel does exist and is located where King David's tomb is believed to be located. Recently, the Jerusalem municipality succumbed to pressure and also confirmed that there was an "old tunnel" in the underground area. Official documentation showed that it was not a 600-metre tunnel but a 150-metre tunnel, and that it consisted of several underground rooms containing ancient artifacts. 

Wouldn't the name Tuberculosis look more aesthetic than some, already in all order, the nineteenth? 

Or take the same "Tripper", it would certainly look much nicer and more expensive than this rotten and rotten product ...

WHO, the pocket organization of paedophile Gates, both live on Newsmax founder Clay Clark said: "Bill Gates is a paedophile. He says hello to paedophiles. Why would you listen to a paedophile about what to do with your children?"

When Ethiopia needs to increase the number of "sick" patients, it demands to increase the number of cycles of pcR amplification tests and, accordingly, vice versa. 

In March 2021, WHO spokeswoman April Baller said "you don't need to wear a medical mask like this" and that the masks do not protect against cooids, as "masks can give you

false sense of protection."

Now this video has been deleted. 

Friends, it's the obvious schizophrenics, the video and its subsequent removal ruin the whole Gates' coe-like narrative. If we had sane media, they could certainly be interested in this fact and as widely as possible covered in the press and on TV 📺 would be logical.

But, alas. We don't have any sane media of the world's ocean level 😂

💉🌎Plan of technocratic game of obscurantists from the WEF

🔹Sed control of the media and political parties in all UN countries. 

🔹Snance the lab virus, which is slightly more deadly than the flu. 

🔹Bombing the world with round-the-clock kovid propaganda. 

🔹South the whole world will be wearing masks. 

🔹Dehicited algorithms that can identify masked people. 

🔹Dept the Agenda for 2030. 

🔹To join the 2030 Agenda as an opportunity to RELOAD the WORLD, systematically destroying the economy and "killing" as many jobs as possible (using a re-blocking strategy). 

🔹Snring the first placebo vaccine. 

🔹Use low-ampleification PCR to prove that the vaccine worked. 

🔹Saved people feel that normality is coming back. 

🔹Induly digital currency, vaccineed pass and social scores. 

🔹Insw the basic living wage for millions of unemployed. 

🔹 Monitoring of the population with the help of digital money, AI, 5G and other

🔹Insive legislation requiring constant social distancing and the use of masks. 

🔹Scatuat a mutated new strain of the virus or release a terrorist-related biovirus. 

🔹Sing a higher PCR amplification to justify new locks. 

🔹Deapped real vaccines, plus a sterilization vaccine. 

🔹Redecising about who's worthy of reproduction. 

🔹To reduce the population to 500 million (1 billion). 

🔹We enjoy full control of a "sustainable" orderly humanity. 

🔹A 2030 agenda is complete.

At what point, Friends, we are now, as you think, you all understand and see. 

Now let me say a few words without protocol:

What do family and school teach us, so to speak?

That life itself will punish such severely.

Do we agree, Say, Bratello? 

We don't need plots and intrigues - 

We know everything you give. 

We are, for example, the best book in the world 

We consider the Code criminal ours. 

And if we don't have it and can't sleep 

Or with a hangover there is no face on us, 

Let's open the code on any page - 

And be sure to read to the end. 

We didn't give anyone that advice. 

But we see that the robbery is in their honor. 

Here's just read about it: 

No less than three, not more than ten . . . 

Details in large case materials 👇

💉Insured Company refuses to consider an insurance case of complications after an "experimental" anticosure vaccine, but agrees to cover the cost of treatment if a covid test occurred during the collection of biomaterials for PCR. 

March 23, 2021,

Thank you for contacting me. I confirm that the side effects associated with the COVID-19 vaccine do not fall under coverage...

If you are injured while carrying out a smear on COVID-19, you will be given coverage to treat the injury. 

Any attempt to authorize an experiment or any medical procedure by applying coercion is a crime as well as criminals are those who, as "talking heads" through the media, promote this crime against humanity.

Suggestions from the category "No injection/passport vaccination, no travel, no work and other" - it's nothing but, Friends, as coercion. This is what was mentioned in the Nuremberg Code. This is a crime against humanity.

Anyone who imposes this experiment on the general public, including the media, who want to implement this coercive policy, criminals. 

What happened to all of humanity? 

Why did everyone suddenly decide to forget what was condemned by ALL THE WORLD in Nuremberg? 

Why did everyone suddenly, including journalists, politicians from the cohort of "talking heads" and other decided to become criminals? 

Why, more recently, the extermination of people called fascism and the people who promoted it, condemned as criminals worthy of death, and now all of a sudden forgotten that in the same process was condemned and "coercion" as one of the aspects of fascism?

Why doesn't anyone promoting vaccination passports consider themselves a criminal?

The world is definitely rolling to its last point. 

Why the police, special services, justice and other are not interested in people calling to enter this fascist moment with passports of vaccination, with forced vaccinations (impossible to travel, work and other). All this is condemned by the Nuremberg, which is enshrined in the Nuremberg Code. 

What's going on in our country, Friends?

Are we rolling in tar-tar with the ugly and re-welcoming world?

Why, then, did all these amendments to the Constitution be introduced, which we all welcomed so much? 

What would, under the pretext of SARS with a survival rate of more than 99%, introduce a covid passport instead of "stars of David", that is, the same "coercion" referred to in the "Nuremberg"?

What's going on in the world?

Can anyone answer that?

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