Bad karma 4.

Bad karma 4.

24-ዘዐሀዩ ጠልፘልጓፗበይ 📓 'ናልናዘዓሀልዩ'

⏳ƬɼⅈᎴʋℓɛ ℵ 🔬Ꮥɑℽʂ 🎙


The acceptability of Hitler's figure for monopolistic tycoons depended primarily on whether he wanted and was able, as Gilza wrote, "with all responsibility", i.e. having all the government power, to create those political frameworks in which a large bourgeoisie could "fit the way" to host by its arbitrariness. For this purpose, in the summer of 1932, the new head of the press center, with the assistance of Karl Duisberg, Karl Bosch, introduced Hitler to another of the directors of "Farben I.G." - Heinrich Butefish. At that meeting, the head of the Nazi Party promised to promote the group's projects, in particular the production of synthetic gasoline, after the transfer of government powers to him. Hitler organized monopolistic circles as a man ready to do "all the work" in domestic and foreign policy for them, and most importantly he demanded the implementation of the "Fuhrer's principle" in the field of armament. At that time, many still had a fresh memory of how the internal problems of the "bruck years" stopped the Second Reich on the way to world domination, and that the war is the new "bruck years" and without "Fuhrerism" can not do. Hitler earned his ultimate trust, stating in an interview with an American journalist: "American capital in Germany will be in a much more reliable state under the National Socialist government than under any other."

Such a splice is understandable given the situation in the party, described by Goebbels in December 1932 in his diary: "The financial situation of the Berlin organization is hopeless. Some debts and obligations," when describing the prospects, there is a real panic: "Money is not enough everywhere. No one lends us," as a result of which, in his own words, "there was a deep despondency in the apparatus, monetary difficulties hindered constructive work, we all lost our spirits, especially now, as the party can fall apart and all our works will be wasted". And then there was the "miracle" which Richard Saluzai describes in his testimony as follows: "Hitler received such support, which he did not dare to hope for. Germany's industrial and financial leaders, with I.G. Farben in charge, closed ranks and said yes to Hitler... Relying on them, he was quickly able to create a bloodthirsty fascist state known to all of us."

The NSDAP was sponsored by: the largest German industrialist Friedrich Ernst Flick, who in 1932 allocated 50,000 stamps to the movement, and in 1933 - already 120,000. The private tranches of the Nazis of the head of the "Royal Dutch Shell" of the oil king Henry Detherding sucked 10 million Dutch guilders. At the same time, a significant share of the oil company founded by Marcus Samuel since 1911 belonged to his fellow Rothschilds in exchange for the abandonment of oil operations in Russia. Not only did the money go in unlimited quantities, but now many of the leading German newspapers, which either owned or were grateful to the cartel because of its advertisers, are also lined up behind Hitler. On March 29, 1933, by that time, Gestapo officer Max Ilgner of Farben I.G. sent a message to the head of exports to South America, Max Voyan, who led the export of "Sterling Drug" to the countries of South America: "We ask you to resist public protests against the "evil deeds" of our government ... Immediately upon receipt of this letter, you should join the dissemination campaign, taking into account the situation in the country and the views of the editors of influential newspapers. It is also recommended that appropriate circulars be sent to doctors and consumers. It is especially necessary to pay attention to the part of our letter, which states that in all these fictions about the horrors taking place in Germany, there is not a word of truth." In July of the following year, Ivy Lee, a leading expert on advertising, propaganda and PR, arrived at I. G. Farbenindustrie, and at one time he was the one who was able to present John D. Rockefeller as a prominent philanthropist. Now he had to advise Hitler. 

How to title the Editorial Board does not know . Maybe X Factor 

For most Americans and for much of the world, the very idea that some of the wealthiest families and most influential universities are deliberately promoting mass secret sterilization of all groups was too implausible to be believed. William Endgal 'Seeds of Destruction' "People simply do not want to accept the idea that the genetic basis on which their character was formed is inferior and should not reproduce in the next generation. They do not agree with the idea that they are all, in the basic, second class..." Frederick Osborne is president of the American Eugenics Society, co-founder of the Rockefeller Population Council. 

It is clear that behind the organizers of American Stonehenge is some very influential group. It is clear that these people are steadily trying to cover the human life support system with their control. While in 1983 the 20 largest pharmaceutical companies controlled only 5% of the world market, by 2003 the 10 largest companies controlled 40% of the market, and the process of concentrating market control is accelerating. India had been buying virtually all medicines until 1970, and India had adopted a law prohibiting the patenting of the product, so that licensing was only the manufacturing process, today it is 70 per cent supplied with its own medicines and employs 250 large and 16,000 small pharmaceutical companies. A significant number of the Russian market is exactly cheap analogues of Indian production. But Western corporations, through their governments, force WTO member states to patent medicines. On average, the creation of one drug today takes 200 million dollars and several years of work of a huge team of specialists of the highest level in dozens of areas. And this is in an already established, well-established system. To gather these specialists in one place and provide everything necessary for quick and effective work will cost already under a billion dollars. 

Putting the life-supporting industry under control, someone immediately turns it into a life-destroying industry? No? 

Recently, 150 names of medicines with negative side effects have been identified, among which there are also negative consequences on children. In the U.S. against the same aspartame there are entire social movements, people collect statistics, about its poisonous property writes books, as for example neurosurgeon Dr. Russell Blaylock - author of the book "Exciting toxins: taste that kills." However, the drug is still part of more than 5000 products, despite the fact that when heated aspartame turns into formaldehyde, part of the same group of poisons as arsenic cyanide, it is recommended to be consumed "in hot form".


Well, yes, the sanctity of private business and the protection of investment is sacrosanct. 

I have always said that private interests hide behind official vaccination policy. I was wrong. They're not hiding, they're open. The forces behind these interests do not even feel the need to keep it a secret. They feel so powerful that they publish their vile intentions in "official" messages without any resistance. They ruthlessly use our sympathies for the weak and our health concerns for their gigantic businesses. ... The scientific world is hopelessly crushed by them. Let us not underestimate the forces that support the global vaccination strategy. I do not believe that the anti-vaccination movement can be considered an equal opponent to their influence and strength. Dr. Chris Goblom (Belgium) 

Only 20 plant species (out of 220,000) make up more than 90% of humanity's diet and almost all exist in the genetically modified version, in addition, all of them are patented, i.e. have an owner. At the same time, the owners of patents on crops, pharmacology bizarrely intersect, flashing in scientific articles, news feed, which unites exactly one thing - the destruction of the population living on the planet. With such control, you can reduce the population in different ways: you can not give food, as in Africa, and you can give it too much, as in the U.S., the main thing to approach the process creatively. In 1970, Americans spent $6 billion a year on this food, in 2001 more than $110 billion, which is more than on higher education, computers, cars. More than books, movies, magazines, newspapers, videos and music combined. At the same time, 28,000 people die from obesity in the U.S. every year, and there is a lot of creativity in the destruction of the population. 

If you fold and place so far without numbers on the chest in a single table of all who in one way or another appeared in the previous articles, the table will be something like this:

NSSM-200 Memorandum

Rockefeller Foundation

Rockefeller Foundation

Rockefeller Foundation

Rockefeller Foundation

Rockefeller Foundation

Rockefeller Foundation

World Bank

World Bank

U.S. Federal Reserve             

Open Society Institute (Soros Foundation)

Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation

Kwantum Foundation (J. Soros).

UN Population Fund (UNFPA)

MODS (CAI, Child Advocacy International)

The UN International Agricultural Development Fund 🇺🇳 

The Mellon Foundation, the Pew Foundation, the Hewlett and Packard Foundation, the John D. and Catherine T. McCartur Foundation

Caption Memorandum NSSM-200 ACCINATION GMO WHO WHO WHO UNICEF UNICEF American Agency for International Development (USAID) American Agency for International Development (USAID) Population Council John D. Rockefeller-Third Population Council john D. Rockefeller-Third Agricultural Development Council John Rockefeller III UNESCO UN IFPS - International Federation of Family PlanningInternational Vaccine Agency "GAVI Alliance" International Institute of AgricultureIntiut of Resources Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Associates for Voluntary Surgical Contraception by the U.S. Department of Public Health 🇺🇸

caption NSSM-200 Memorandum



Procter & Gamble 

Procter & Gamble 

Bayer Crop Sayens


Syngenta + 


"Medimmune Back" 

DuPont/Pioneer Hi-Bred

Hoffmann-La Roche

Monsanto’s Dekalb

Beecham Glaxo Wellcome



Dou Chemical


Novartis International

Novartis International


British Myers Squibb

Heinz, McDonald`s, Danone,

Stimorol, Heinz, Pepsi

Some of the names may have actually appeared on the list by accident, some matches can also be random, Well, as Nestle (Switzerland) actively uses GMOs in children's nutrition and patents some varieties of rice in its name, and the fact that it was at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology created a vitamin A-enriched "golden rice" whose interest escalated when "the commission recently re-examined the report on a child with congenital microcephaly and dystonia, whose mother inadvertently took too much vitamin A. The child later died." The fact that the rights holder of the key gene series of rice reproduction, including "golden" and many other plant species - is the famous Syngenta also hails from Switzerland. Syngenta is the result of the merger of Novartis (Switzerland) and Astrazeneca in 2000. Novartis produced the pesticide Target in the 1970s, which is recognized as a dangerous carcinogen by Lund University research. And it was to Novartis that Dr. Leonard Horowitz handed over the documents to the FBI and testified under oath that, like Baxter, the companies "are part of a single structure under the control of a criminal group that determines the strategy and financed the development, production and distribution of artificial viruses to justify mass vaccination..." Could British Myers Squibb have anything to do with Myer, known as the "Chicago Poisoner," sentenced to an electric chair for poisoning wealthy clients with the intent of cheating on their insurance. Or SmithKline, which withered a batch of the vaccine this year because its users had an abnormally high level of adverse reaction in the form of anaphylactic shock. Well, with the vaccine, let them overdo it, But when Dr. Pushtai made his inadvertently adequate assessment of GMO products, pressure began to come from all sides, including professor Peter Lachman, who is a member of the scientific advisory board of pharmaceutical and GMO giant SmithKlineBecham, and Beecham Glaxo Wellcome, the largest producer of the vaccine against A/H1. Professor Lachman was also vice-president of the Royal Society of Science, which set up a special "group of objectors" to push the position in favour of GMOs and discredit anti-scientists and organisations, with the professor not too lazy to make a "threatening" call to the editor of the Lancet magazine, who was going to publish the data of The Pushtai study and threaten the editor that he was risking his job. Coincidentally, DuPont buys the founding company of the "Green Revolution" Pioneer Hi-Bred, coincidentally, the post-war society of eugenics had the Pioneer Foundation, among the grantees of which was the Nobel laureate William Shaklei, who justified the forced sterilization of all with a ratio below 100. "Procter and Gamble" accidentally sponsors a sex education program in Russia, and also accidentally releases this year for sale in the U.S., UK and Germany nasal spray Vicks Sinex, infected with live bacteria. "Procter and Gamble" - a company, if I am not mistaken, earned start-up capital on military supplies of the First World War, as a manufacturer of bandages and gauze bandages. Clarence Gamble, one of the founders of Procter and Gamble, is a member of the American Eugenics Society, which funded experiments on forced sterilization of "lower people" and the application of various forms of population control. 

"The antidote is to accept with all our hearts our responsibilities and the capabilities of the strongest and most resilient nation in the world and subsequently to exert the full impact of our influence on the world for the purposes we deem necessary and by means that we deem appropriate." 

Along with names like Harriman, banker G. pi. Morgan Jr., Mary Duke Biddle of tobacco family, Cleveland Dodge, John Harvey Kellogg with the fortune on cereal breakfasts. Their counterparts in the English Eugenics Society at the time were British Finance Minister Winston Churchill, who carried out a project to sterilize 100,000 "inadequate" compatriots and put them in special concentration camps, English Foreign Minister Arthur James Balfour, author of the Balfour Declaration, which became the basis for the creation of the State of Israel. Among the "eugenics" also includes the famous economist John Maynard Keynes, Julian Huxley, who will become the first head of UNESCO after the war, the UNESCO, which, according to the NSS-200 memorandum, is responsible for school and preschool sex education in Russia. But the key figure was the Rockefeller family. As early as 1894, at the dawn of the family's oil state, John D. Rockefeller Jr., as a student at Brown University, wrote an essay, "The Dangers to America Growing As a Result of Unlimited Immigration." In it, he wrote about immigrants arriving then mainly from Italy, Ireland and the rest of Europe, calling them "the foam of foreign cities, parasites, vagrants, beggars and lazy... illiterate and hardly better than animals." Later, in 1928, when his son would be a senior fellow at Princeton University, he appointed him to a commission in the Family Social Hygiene Bureau, an organization that dealt with birth control. In 1913, the founder of the Standard Rail Trust, Sir John D. Rockefeller, was advised to hide his wealth in a tax-exempt fund that distributes grants that support the right lines of action. One of the first grants from the Rockefeller Foundation was given to the Research Council of Sociology to study birth control methods in 1923. 

"Wealth in the hands of the few can be a much more powerful means to exalt our race than if it were distributed little by little among all people." Andrew Carnegie 

By the 1920s, Rockefeller, Carnegie, and other very wealthy Americans had raised the notion of Maltusianism, which was then called "social Darwinism," and legitimized their accumulation of vast fortunes, arguing that this was a kind of divine proof of higher-species signs of survival compared to less fortunate mortals. In 1931, GDIer Iii directly joined the board of directors of the Rockefeller Foundation. In 1934, a year after Hitler came to power in Germany, GDIer-third wrote to his father that he wanted to devote his energy to the problem of overpopulation. In the same year, the Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research, later renamed Rockefeller University, funded cancer experiments by Dr. Cornelius Rhodes in Puerto Rico. Rode was an unusual scientist. As it turned out later, Rode deliberately infected his objects with cancer cells, 

to see what happens. Eight of his objects died. A pathologist at the Rockefeller Institute, Rode complained in November 1931: "Puerto Ricans are undoubtedly the dirtiest, most lazy, mostly degenerate and thieving race of people who have ever inhabited this sphere. What this island needs is not health care, but a tidal wave or something else that will completely destroy this population. I made every effort to further the process of extermination, killing eight..." Experiments were supported and continued by the Rockefeller brothers in the 1950s. Puerto Rico was an unhappy island whose sovereignty was lost somewhere in the nooks and crannies of American diplomacy. It was an actual American colony under the unconditional legal control of distant Washington, which made it an ideal experimental station. Through its newly established Population Council, The G.E.U. first conducted some of the population reduction experiments that would later become global politics. 

State Department in Kissinger Memorandum-200 on national security analysis. Beginning in the 1950s, G.D.E.3 turned Puerto Rico into a huge laboratory, testing its ideas for mass population control. According to a 1965 study by the island's Ministry of Health, by that time approximately 35 per cent of Puerto Rico's women of childbearing age had been sterilized. The Rockefeller Population Council and the U.S. Department of Health, Education and Welfare (where Brother Nelson was deputy minister) legitimized this sterilization campaign. They used the false argument that it supposedly protects women's health and stabilizes incomes, saving families from unnecessary mouths. Poor Puerto Rican peasants encouraged to give birth in new U.S.-built sanitary hospitals 

where doctors were ordered to sterilize mothers who had already given birth to two children by tying their pipes and usually without informing the women themselves. By 1965, Puerto Rico had become a world leader in at least one category. It had the world's highest percentage of sterilized women. Rockefeller could directly manage the process without government intervention. The John D.J. Third forced sterilization program was by no means a radical deviation from the common family interests. The Rockefellers have long regarded Puerto Rico as a convenient human laboratory. Alan Gregg was the head of the Medical Unit, which headed the Rockefeller Foundation for more than 34 years. Having remained almost unknown to anyone in the outside world during all these 34 years in the medical division of the Rockefeller Foundation, his unit was about 

He was vice president of the Foundation until his resignation in 1956, and his ideology permeated the institution decades after. Gregg once wrote in an article for the scientific journal On Population: "There is a disturbing parallel between the growth of cancer in the body and the growth of the population in the environmental economy of the earth." Gregg wielded enormous influence, being most deeply involved in funding Nazi eugenics at every stage. It was an ideology of Maltusian cruelty and racist predestination. Hitler once wrote to the American eugenic Madison Grant to personally praise his 1916 book "The Creation of a Great Race." In it, Grant wrote, among other things, that America is "poisoned by a large and increasing number of weak, squalid and mentally retarded of all races." Hitler apparently recognized his soul mate in the co-founder of the American Eugenics Society Madison Grant, and American society recognized her as Hitler. 

"Today there is one state in which there are at least weak advances towards a better concept of immigration. Of course, this is not our exemplary German republic, it is the United States" A. Hitler Mein Kampf 

The relationship between American bankers and German Nazism is generally a separate page, so full support used Hitler's Germany on Wall Street. According to the American view, a strong and at the same time in the American financial dependence Germany was to become the main armed force of the United States in Europe. 

Even after the declaration of war by the United States on December 11, 1941, Nazi accounts in American banks were frozen only for a short time. And their "friendship" first opened in 1925, when one of the cashiers of the Nazi party was robbed after receiving money from a bank. He was stolen a decent amount in dollars. The state authorities began checking the accounts of the NSDAP and it turned out that the information that the party provided about their income was inaccurate. Huge sums came to the accounts of the Nazis from abroad. It seemed that a huge scandal was about to break out. But these days negotiations were underway on a new big loan for the German government. Suddenly, the American side has set a strict condition: if Berlin wants to get money, it must hush up the scandal with Nazi accounts and lag behind the NSDAP. Because the current situation, they say, infringes on financial freedom in the country and causes distrust on the part of creditors. The Times published an article in 2004 about how in 1936-1941 the Nazi government collected more than $20 million in foreign currency with the help of American banks, in particular the National (now J.R. Morgan Shase). U.S. banks' commissions amounted to more than $1.2 million. 

Financial assistance was at the state level in the form of loans and privately:

"The Friends of Germany" Society recognizes that key scientific research is being carried out today within the walls of the Special Research Institute "The Legacy of Ancestors." The successful development of these studies is vital to German science. In this regard, Friends of Germany is funding the most important research carried out within the institute. A Heritage of The Ancestors Fund is being set up to implement this treaty. The fund's capital is formed by subsidies from friends of Germany. The Heritage Of The Ancestors Foundation is based in the United States and appoints a representative in Germany to select research that deserves funding. Each subsidy is consistent with the German side. The total amount of subsidies granted by the Heritage Of The Ancestors Fund annually may not be less than US$ 1 million in gold equivalent. 1936 Friends of Germany was formed in 1923 as a branch of the Chicago Club, which was an association of big business - industrialists, merchants and bankers. Among its founders were Ford, Morgan, Rockefeller, Vanderbilt... He was the head of the Henry Ford Society. In addition to the money, the correct media accompaniment of Adolf and the NSDLP was provided, his image does not go off the cover of Time magazine, which called Hitler the man of the year in 1938. 

This is the maximum that the magazine is capable of 📓 - drawing and excellent printing, flooded with a mountain of money 💵. Everything .

 ... the cover of Time magazine, which named Hitler the man of the year in 1938. On March 29, 1933, Max Warburg's son, Erich, sent a telegram to his cousin Frederick Warburg, who was the director of the Gariman railroad system. He asked Frederick to “use all his influence” to stop anti-Nazi activities in America, including “terrible news and hostile propaganda in the foreign press, mass rallies, and so on. Frederick did not hesitate in answering, and in a telegram to Erich said: "No responsible groups here demand a boycott of German goods, only exalted individuals." Two days later, on March 31, 1933, the American Jewish Committee, controlled by the Warburgs, and the Salzberger-influenced B'nai Brith Masonic lodge (New York Times) issued an official joint statement by the two organizations, which recommended “not to encourage any boycott against Germany ", and also gave advice" not to hold more mass rallies and not to arrange other similar forms of agitation. " The American Jewish Committee and B'nai Brith continued this tough line of suppressing any attacks on Hitler throughout the 1930s, turning a blind eye to the struggles that many Jews and anti-fascists began.In February 1950, Robert Williams published an article in the Williams Intelligence Summary about "Jace Warburg's conspiracy against Christendom."

It said general Ludendorff's widow explained why her husband had moved away from Hitler. This was due to the fact that in the early summer of 1929, James Warburg made an agreement with the financial circles of America, who wanted to establish sole control over Germany by unleashing a national revolution there. Varburg's task was to find the right man in Germany, and he came into contact with Adolf Hitler, who subsequently received $27 million from him until January 30, 1932, and then another $7 million to finance his movement." The Rothschild-controlled English bank awarded Hitler for taking Prague, giving him reserves of Czech gold, which were stored in London. On August 28, 1937, one of the last Reich Chancellors of the Weimar Republic, Heinrich Bruning, sent a letter to Winston Churchill: "I did not want and do not want to reveal now, for understandable reasons, that since October 1928, the largest and most permanent donors to the Nazi Party have been the chief executives of two major Berlin banks, both Jewish denominations, one of them the leader of the zionists in Germany."

Targeted money from the Roquefeller Foundation played an important role in financing German eugenics during the 1920s. From 1922 to 1926, the Rockefeller Foundation donated an incredible sum (a total of $410,000) to hundreds of German eugenics researchers through its Paris office. In 1926, he donated an impressive $250,000 to the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute of Psychiatry in Berlin. That was equivalent to about $26 million in 2004, 

the sum is generally unheard of for Germany, devastated by Weimar hyperinflation and economic depression. During the 1920s, the Roquefeller Foundation's money dominated and managed German eugenics research. In 1929, the year of the great collapse of Wall Street, Rockefeller gave the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute a $317,000 grant to conduct brain research, the first of a string of subsequent Rockefeller grants. It was later revealed that in the late 1930s the Institute received "brains in batches of 150-250" from the victims of the Nazi euthanasia program at Brandenburg State Hospital. Brain research was carried out thanks to Nazi experiments on Jews, gypsies, mentally retarded and other "defective". In 1931, the Rockefeller Foundation approved the next ten-year grant of $89,000 to the Rudin Institute of Psychiatry to investigate the links between blood, neuralgia and mental illness. Rockefeller's money financed the purest water's eugenics. 

In 1936, the Foundation established and provided the first Office of Population Studies at Princeton University, led by Eugenics Society member Frank Notenstein, to study the political aspects of population change. It was Rudin and his staff who, as part of the SS Task Force on Heredity, chaired by SS Chief Heinrich Himmler, drafted this sterilization law. It is clear that the money must be worked out: in July 1933, the "Sterilization Act" was passed, described as "made on the American model" and proudly printed in the edition of "Eugenics News" (USA) for Hitler's signature. Rudin called for the sterilization of all members of the extended family of the unfit individual. Rudin was twice honored by Adolf Hitler for his contribution to German eugenics and racial cleansing. According to his Sterilization Act, approximately 400,000 Germans were diagnosed as manic-depressive or schizophrenic and forcibly sterilized, and thousands of disabled children were simply killed. Declaring racial hygiene a "spiritual movement," Rudin and his partners found a diligent associate in the person of Adolf Hitler. "It was only through the "Fuhrer" that our more than thirty-year-old dream of applying racial hygiene to society became a reality," Rudin said. The lead psychiatrist at the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute at the time was Ernst Rudin, a man who later made a stellar career as the architect of Hitler's systemic program of medical eugenics. Paid by the Rockefellers, Rudin was appointed in 1932 by the president of the World Federation of Eugenics, whose basic provisions openly advocated the killing or sterilization of people whose heredity made them a "public burden." By 1940, thousands of Germans from nursing homes and psychiatric hospitals were systematically sent to gas chambers, a necessity that had been justified twenty years earlier in the United States by Mr. Popenoy. In 1940, having just returned from a trip to the German institutes of eugenics, Leon Whitney, the manager of the Rockefeller-funded American Eugenics Society, said of the Nazi experiments: "While we were walking around and about.., the Germans called things by their names." While in the U.S., Margaret Sanger composed her "Peace Plan" according to which the "noble human material" should have been forcibly sterilized, resettled under the mandate system and, in the end, collected in concentration camps all blacks, Spaniards, Italians, Jews, Slavs, etc. in Germany, the work was already in full swing: the noses were measured, skulls were checked for compliance with the ari. 

As in Germany itself, not everyone was lucky in the east with the shape of their nose and skull. Those who were unlucky expected a different, but always unenviable fate.

 "The first method that seems to be execution... Its value in maintaining high levels of racial standards should not be underestimated." Paul Bowman Popeau The author of the textbook "Applied Eugenics" 

Human eugenics demanded sacrifices that were ruthlessly offered. The head of the German Institute for Eugenics in Berlin was Otmar Freiher von Verschuer. His research on twins has been a long-standing dream of American eugenics apologists needed to validate their theory of heredity.

In 1942, in the German Nazi eugenics magazine Der Erbarzt, in which he was editor, von Ferschuer promoted a "complete solution to the Jewish problem." In 1936, still receiving funding from the Rockefeller Foundation, von Furschuer was invited to Frankfurt to head the newly opened Institute of Genetics and Racial Hygiene at the University of Frankfurt. The largest of its kind, the Frankfurt Institute was responsible for the mandatory medical curriculum on eugenics and racial hygiene. Von Ferschuer's longtime assistant was Dr. Josef Mengele, who headed the Jewish ghetto in Warsaw.

Experiments on people in the Auschwitz concentration camp after May 1943. Von Furschuer was delighted when Mengele, who was nicknamed "Angel of Death" by his deadly experiments on prisoners, was assigned to Auschwitz. Now their "scientific" research could continue without any conventions. 

Von Furschuer wrote to the German Research Society at the time: "... my assistant, Dr. Josef Mengele (Doctor of Medicine, Ph.D.), joined me in this part of the research. He now works as a Hauptsturmfuhrer and camp doctor at the Auschwitz concentration camp. Anthropological testing of a wide variety of racial groups in this concentration camp is performed with the permission of the SS Reichsfuhrer (Himler)." Before the end of the war, Ferschuer fled to Berlin and escaped the Nuremberg Court. By 1946, he had signed off with his old friend, American Army Eugenit Paul Popenoy, in California. Old Nazi friends managed to retouch Auschwitz in the past of Ferschuer, for which were the inhabitants of the occupied village of Kalininskaya 

area with tags around the neck with the village name 

all records are conveniently destroyed. In 1949, Auschwitz doctor Otmar Freiherr von Furschuer was appointed a correspondent member of the American Society of Human Genetics, a new organization founded by leading eugenics in 1948, which hid compromised eugenics under the new label Genetics Avoid nuremberg Court Otmar von Ferschuer was helped by colleague Ernst Rudin 

Franz J. Cullman. Because of his Jewish roots, Franz J. Cullman left Germany in 1936. After the war, he helped rehabilitate the German eugenicist Otmar Freicher von Furschuer, gave him respectability and provided a good reception in the American scientific community. Cullman's enthusiasm for eugenics was in no way shattered by his own experience of Nazi persecution of Jews. Leading zionists - Nordau and Unencense children in the concentration camp Maidanek . Poland 🇵🇱 

Ruppin's founders of the idea to bring out a new type of Jew - a tall blue-eyed blond, a circumstance poorly inscribes into the advertised theory of the Holocaust. In addition to lecturing at Columbia University, Cullman was a psychiatrist at the Institute of Psychiatry in New York State, and in 1948 became president of a new eugenics organization, the American Society for Human Genetics. At the New York Institute of Psychiatry, Cullman continued the same research in genetic psychiatry that he did with Rudin in Germany. Cullman was a thorough propagandist of the practical elimination or forced sterilization of schizophrenics. He demanded the forced sterilization of even healthy offspring of schizophrenic parents to kill this genetic line. 

The American Human Genetics Society of Cullman later sponsored the Human Genome Project. The choice of the term "human genetics" reflected an attempt to mask the eugenic agenda of the new organization. Most of its founding members were members of the American Eugenics Society of Frederick Osborne at the same time. By 1954, his old friend von Ferschuer had also become a member of this great happy eugenics family. The American Society of Human Genetics Cullman soon gained control of all medical eugenics, recognized by the American Medical Association as a legitimate medical field. 

The first president of the American Society for Human Genetics was Hermann Joseph Möller, a fellow at Rockefeller University who in 1932 worked at the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute in the brain research program. Von Verschuer obtained his membership in the American Society for Human Genetics on the recommendation of another German, his old colleague in eugenics, Dr. Franz J. Kallmann, who worked with Ernst Rüdin in the field of "genetic psychiatry." One of the episodes of von Verschuer's "second life" was the position he received after the war in the newly created Bureau of Human Heredity in Copenhagen. The Rockefeller Foundation provided the money to open a new Danish office where the same eugenics activity could continue without hindrance. The Bureau of Human Heredity received a letter from von Verschuer mentioning that he sent the results of the "research" at Auschwitz in 1947 to Copenhagen under the supervision of the Danish director of the Tej Kemr Institute, also a member of the American Eugenics Society. Kemp has worked in the field of eugenics with the Rockefeller Foundation since the Rockefeller Foundation financed his 1932 stint as a researcher at the Cold Spring Harbor Bureau of Eugenic Records. The Kemp Institute also hosted the first World Congress on Human Genetics after the war in 1956. In 1946, Frederick Osborne became president of the American Eugenics Society, he was also president of the racist Pioneer Foundation and co-founder of the Rockefeller Population Council. Among other projects, the Pioneer Foundation “supported a highly controversial study by a dozen scientists who believed that African Americans were genetically less intelligent than whites” (according to a December 11, 1977 article in the New York Times). Among the recipients of the Pioneer Foundation money was Stanford University Nobel Laureate William Shackley, who justified the forced sterilization of all people with IQs below 100. He received more than $ 1 million in research funding from the Osborne Pioneer Foundation. Osborne, the son of a wealthy American railroad family and graduate in 1910 from Princeton University, which would later become the school of John D. III, Osborne was a member of the wealthy American upper class. Under the guise of philanthropy, Osborne will pursue policies designed to maintain the hegemony and control of society by his wealthy partners. John Foster Dulles, then Chairman of the Rockefeller Foundation and later Secretary of State Dwight D. Eisenhower, along with Frederick Osborne, the first director of the Council, played a key role in the creation of the new Population Council of John D. III. Osborne remained a central figure on the Population Council until the late 1960s. During the Third Reich, Osborne openly expressed his support for German sterilization efforts. In 1937, Frederick Osborne personally endorsed the Nazi eugenic program as "the most important experiment ever conducted." The strategists around this Rockefeller eugenic organization clearly intended to pursue the same agenda that was essentially pursued by von Verschuer and the Nazi eugenic gang, but according to the deliberate strategy of what they called "cryptogenetics." A key American proponent of hiding the eugenic nature of this work called "genetics" and "population control" was the head of the Rockefeller Council on Population Frederick Osborne. Osborne pointed to research showing that with the right approach, “less intelligent” women can be persuaded to voluntarily reduce their births. He argued that birth control among the poor would help improve the population “biologically”. And for families experiencing chronic unemployment. According to Osborne, “These couples cannot be denied the opportunity to use the new methods of contraception that are available to wealthy families. Reducing the number of their unwanted children would be further both a social and biological improvement of the population. " With regard to racial minorities, he explicitly called for "making new forms of contraception available to more people at lower economic and educational levels."

A close friend of Frederick Osborne of the Population Council was Blaker. In 1960, the English Eugenics Society agreed to Blaker's proposal and adopted a resolution stating that "the Society's objectives in crypto-eugenics should be pursued vigorously, and especially in the fact that the Society should increase its monetary support to the Family Planning Association (the English branch of the Federation of Family Planning of Mrs. M. Sanger) and the International Federation of Family Planning, and should come into contact with the Society for the Study of Human Biology..." In the late 1950s, Dr. Carlos P. Blaker, former chairman of the English Eugenics Society, suggested that "Society should pursue eugenic goals by less obvious means, i.e., the policy of crypto-eugenics, which was obviously successful in the American Eugenics Society." Osborne agreed with him, he stressed that the reason for making birth control "equally accessible" should be masked: "Measures to improve the hereditary basis of intelligence and character are most likely to be carried out under a different name, not "eugenics." Eugenic problems are most likely to be solved under a different name, not as eugenics." As early as 1952, when it was decided to create the Population Council, Rockefeller carefully avoided the term "eugenics." Population control and family planning were to become new terms for the old policy after 1952, attracting significantly increased international resources. Old talk of racial purity and the removal of underhumans are a thing of the past. However, leopard eugenics have not gone anywhere since the war. It became much more deadly under the John D.J. Population Council. At the time of the founding of the Rockefeller Population Council, the American Eugenics Society made a low-disclosure move of its headquarters from Yale University directly to the offices of the Population Council at the Rockefeller Center in New York. Rockefeller shrewdly repackaged his discredited racial eugenics and class ideology in the garment of "population control." Now, instead of focusing on domestic policy issues such as American poor immigrants or the mentally retarded, he has turned his sights on all developing countries, the vast sea of humanity. Eugenics was now to be sold on the mass market in a new package. Instead of talking about eliminating "lower" people through forced sterilization or birth control, we must now talk about the "freedom of choice" of the size of the family and its quality. In 1952, having joined John D. Rockefeller III on the Population Council, Osborne saw great potential for eugenics in contraception and mass education, albeit disguised as freedom of choice. One of his first projects was to invest the Population Council's money in research into new "contraceptive pills." "Foreshadowing the future work of the Population Council and the Rockefeller Foundation in population control," Osborne writes again in his Eugenics Review, "there is certainly the possibility that... pressure can be given a better direction (for birth control) and it can be applied to the majority of the population instead of a minority." And if such pressure is put in place, Osborne adds, people will believe that they themselves do not want to have children, "if family planning has spread to all members of the population, and effective contraception is already available." Osborne will then call for what he called an "unconscious voluntary choice." Ordinary people would take the path of eugenics and racial selection without even knowing where they were going or what they were doing. Osborne argued that the way to persuade people to make "voluntary" choices was to "welcome children." He said, "Let's base our proposals on the desirability of having children in homes where they will receive gentle and responsible care." In this way, he argued, the eugenics movement "will finally move towards the lofty goal that Galton set for her," namely, to create a higher race and reduce the lower races. Already in 1946, after the war and the horrific revelations of experiments on people in Auschwitz and other concentration camps, Osborne, then president of the American Society of Eugenics, published in his journal "Eugenics News" the so-called "Genetic Manifesto" entitled "Genetic Improvement of the World Population." "With the end of the Second World War, genetics made great progress, and the real science of human genetics emerged. Eugenics is finally taking a practical and effective form." Genetics has become a new name for eugenics. "At the end of the day, it will be much easier and more reasonable to produce a whole new person... from the raw materials chosen accordingly, than to try to convert into human form those pitiful remnants that remained." 

The Rockefeller Population Council has granted grants to leading universities, including the Princeton Bureau of Population, led by Rockefeller eugenicist Frank Notestin, a longtime friend of Osborne's who became president of the Population Council in 1959 to promote a science called demographics. His task, then, was to design the horrifying statistics of a world awash with darker peoples, and thus to prepare the basis for international birth control programmes. 

The Ford Foundation soon joined the funding of various studies of the Population Council, providing them with an aura of academic respectability and, above all, money. The Population Council grants were intended precisely to create a new cultural vision of a growing population, as they funded demographic studies, such as those carried out by Notstein of Princeton. According to John Sharples, who studied the history of population control using the archives of the Rockefeller Foundation in the 1950s, in 1952, the same year john D.-third founded the Population Council with Osborne at the helm, Margaret Sanger, thanks to the money of the Rockefeller Foundation, created a global version of his American Family Planning Federation. 

Perhaps it was not necessary to burden our material with such a detailed description of the events in Germany at the beginning of the century, but after communicating with Michel, as part of the book day 📚 or library, we forgot the name from the excitement of the Editorial, our time shifted in space and distance of the poles, we wanted to supplement a lot, based on the inner excitement of the cap, penetrating conversation.

And that's what 💭 thought, the Third Reich acquired its main features while still being the Second. This is both the "Hitler-Jugend" - "Jugendver") and Slavophobia as a justification for the infamous "Drang nach Osten" and even the concept of "Fuehrer" and "Fuehrerprinzip" (fuehrerprinzip), which began to be used at the beginning of the last century in the company "Bayer" - a stronghold of the corparative monster "I.G. Farben". The employee of whom, chemist Werner Daitz, even before the First World War, performed philosophical treatises in the "National Socialist" spirit, and then, in 1931, he became a member of the imperial leadership of "NSDAP".So it is not surprising that it was "I.G. Farben" and the forerunner of the concern - the firm "Bayer" became the basis, laid down in "NSDAP", and the ideas of the socialists of the beginning of the century were realized exactly the opposite: the state did not establish control over corporations. and the corporation has absorbed the state with all its giblets, including domestic political games. Inside the NSDAP itself, the "Foreign Policy Division of the National Socialist Party" (Aussenpolitilys Amt der NSDAP) is formed with a long-range view, organized as the General Staff. It is divided into "main controls" and numerous sections. Offices bear the names of all almost foreign countries. There is "the main management of Austria." There is a "management of foreign trade" and even "youth." "The former National Socialist Party, which has millions of members, with all its branches and organizations, thus becomes only a dependent vassal movement, devoid of its political role; in fact, the lot is absorbed by the state." From now on, "NSDAP" is nothing more than a political tool "Farben I.G."

"I. G. can rightly be called "state in state" ... Without the capital of Wall Street "I.G. Farben" would not exist at all, and perhaps there would not have been and Adolf Hitler and World War II Nicholas Hagger "Syndicate" and Dzhugashvili Stalin would not have existed, because the USSR would not have taken place, would not have taken off the U.S. so early blockade with the USSR . And then the U.S. business also built the economy of the USSR, so that then 80 years to resist Russia. Bermuda Triangle sort of, or the cycle of money 💵 taxpayers in the nature of the American budget of private investors and funds ...

Another reason to believe that the National Socialist movement owes its origin precisely to the pharmaceutical industry is the fact that Gregor Strasser, "who can be considered the creator of the National Socialist ideology, the creator of the National Socialist Party with more rights than Hitler," was a pharmacist by profession , director of the chemical concern "Schering-Kalbaum A.G." He played a significant role in the National Socialist Party until the end of 1932, being the leader of the North German organizations and one of Hitler's most dangerous rivals [121].

Adolf Hitler, aged 35, after his release from Landesberg prison on December 20, 1924. 

How cute he is in this photo, not yet quite a confident young man, but clearly falling high hopes is not? Car amateur, auto - maniac Adik. 

But I.G. Farben ", or rather the head of the intelligence structure of the concern" Bureau NV-7 "- Max Ilgner chose Adolf Hitler. In principle, the concern did not care who would achieve greater success in the political arena, because the Political Committee “I.G. Farben ”established contacts with all four political parties of I.G. Farbenindustry "controlled the largest German concerns of the liberal press (Ulstein and" Frankfurter Zeitung ") and had its secret agents in the central committees of virtually all" Weimar "parties ..." Henry Ernst "Hitler against the USSR", 1938 The two main democratic newspapers Frankfurter Zeitung and Fossiche Zeitung were funded by the head of Farbenindustrie IG Karl Duisberg [247], who also served as head of the American Bayer. Together with Karl Bosch, the founders of the Political Committee did not hesitate to use cash to bribe participants in the political process. Baron von Schnitzler testified at the Nuremberg Trials that each election cost the cartel about 400,000 marks, which was a significant amount in the 1930s, but Farben I.G. remained under patronage in any political scenario, maintaining the semblance of a democratic struggle between political currents. Farben I.G. relationship and the NSDAP was overseen by a personal assistant to Duisberg and later Bosch named Heinrich Gattineu, a former graduate student of renowned geopolitical scientist Karl Haushofer. He turned to the professor with a request to change the rhetoric of the Nazi party about "Farbenindustrie I.G." Farben I.G. Leaders were supposed to be presented as self-made Christians, descended from small traders, engineers and scientists. This succeeded, and Gattenau took over as head of the Farben I.G. press center. The passing of the Nuremberg Laws re-identified "Farben I.G." as a "Jewish enterprise" about which the concern's lawyer hastened to report to Herman Schmitz. "What do you have against working for a Jewish company?" Schmitz asked calmly [97].

NSDAP Office in New York on April 1, 1932 

New York Nazi Community

February 25 to remember we asked very fondly ... 2 months is a lot ... it's very much in such circumstances. 
The acceptability of Hitler's figure for monopolistic tycoons depended primarily on whether he wanted and was able, as Gilza wrote, "with all responsibility", i.e. having all the government power, to create those political frameworks in which a large bourgeoisie could "fit the way" to host by its arbitrariness. For this purpose, in the summer of 1932, the new head of the press center, with the assistance of Karl Duisberg, Karl Bosch, introduced Hitler to another of the directors of "Farben I.G." - Heinrich Butefish. At that meeting, the head of the Nazi Party promised to promote the group's projects, in particular the production of synthetic gasoline, after the transfer of government powers to him. Hitler organized monopolistic circles as a man ready to do "all the work" in domestic and foreign policy for them, and most importantly he demanded the implementation of the "Fuhrer's principle" in the field of armament. At that time, many still had a fresh memory of how the internal problems of the "bruck years" stopped the Second Reich on the way to world domination, and that the war is the new "bruck years" and without "Fuhrerism" can not do. Hitler earned his ultimate trust, stating in an interview with an American journalist: "American capital in Germany will be in a much more reliable state under the National Socialist government than under any other." 
Such a splice is understandable given the situation in the party described by Goebbels in December 1932 in his diary: 

"The financial situation of the Berlin organization is hopeless. Some debts and obligations, when describing the prospects, there is a real panic: "Money is not enough everywhere. No one lends us a debt", as a result of which with his own words: "In the apparatus there was a deep despondency, monetary difficulties hindered constructive work, we all fell in spirit, especially now, as the party can fall apart and all our works will be wasted." And then there was the "miracle" which Richard Saluzai describes in his testimony as follows: "Hitler received such support, which he did not dare to hope for. Germany's industrial and financial leaders, with I.G. Farben in charge, closed ranks and said yes to Hitler... Relying on them, he was quickly able to create a bloodthirsty fascist state known to all of us." Not only did the money go in unlimited quantities, but now many of the leading German newspapers, which either owned or were grateful to the cartel because of its advertisers, are also lined up behind Hitler. On March 29, 1933, by that time, Gestapo officer Max Ilgner of Farben I.G. sent a message to the head of exports to South America, Max Voyan, who led the export of "Sterling Drug" to the countries of South America: "We ask you to resist public protests against the "evil deeds" of our government ... Immediately upon receipt of this letter, you should join the dissemination campaign, taking into account the situation in the country and the views of the editors of influential newspapers. It is also recommended that appropriate circulars be sent to doctors and consumers. It is especially worth paying attention to the part of our letter, which states that in all these fictions about the horrors taking place in Germany, there is not a word of truth." In July of the following year, Ivy Lee, a leading expert on advertising, propaganda and PR, arrived at I. G. Farbenindustrie, and at one time he was the one who was able to present John D. Rockefeller as a prominent philanthropist. Now he had to advise Hitler. ... 

Demonstration in Support of Hitler on Park Avenue

Offensive newspaper tactics were also used in the United States itself. If an American newspaper was unfriendly to the Nazi regime, the I.G. denied it advertising - which was a powerful economic lever. In 1938, Farben I.G. sent a letter to one of its American subsidiaries, Sterling Drug, instructing that in the future, all advertising contracts contain "... the legal point by which the contract can be cancelled immediately if the newspaper's attitude towards Germany is suddenly changed." The film company Twentieth Century Fox presented a swanky propaganda film about Hitler. Winston Churchill, in his book "Great Contemporaries", notes: "He not only restored the position of his country, but even very much changed the results of the First World War ... Whatever these efforts may have thought of, they are certainly among the most outstanding achievements in human history." The book will be published at the same time as the Nuremberg Laws (1935), which restrict the rights of Jews. Buchenwald is already in operation, but no foreign journalist has questioned the humanism of Hitler's reforms. No one boycotted the Olympic Games in Berlin, moreover, at the opening of the Games, the French delegation marches with the characteristic gesture "heil!" For its conduct A. Hitler will be considered by the Nobel Committee in the category "Peace Prize" for 1936. The British daily Daily Mail chokes with delight: "The outstanding personality of our time is Adolf Hitler (...) stands among those great leaders of mankind who rarely appear in history." "Outstanding Personality" is featured on the cover of the first issue of 1939 magazine "Forbs". Thus, they created the portrait of popular popularity, which in turn convinced the people of Germany to accept Hitler as their leader, who to this day remains an honorary citizen of 179 West German cities.

Aloizysic knew a lot about cars and good autobahns. Autobahns, by the way, are the brainchild of the Fuhrer. And in the mid-30s Adik set a task for Ferdinand Porsche to develop a project of "people's car" in record time.

Then Porsche was "inspired" by the design of the Czech car Tatra-T97. In general, to lead everything in the world, to get into the production of something, to set tasks for business and to see their own representation of life and the rules of this life purely dictatorial style, a dead-end path in the middle - the urgent perspective always ends in a fiasco. Our century has only accelerated the passage of historical segments. If today's crisis of lies 2020-2021 20 years ago, it would have gone through the paradigm conceived by criminals. And today they are not, they are caught from the very beginning of the special operation by the hand. Right now, we only call them specific names, addresses, and appearances. Note, it took only 14 months to know even the approximate number of defendants - the Crown 👑 criminals. There are about 3,000 major individuals and several dozen Mega multinational companies. The question as always is rhetorical: will these individuals and companies have enough to pay our claims costs? 

Continuation follows...

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