Gold mine 2. We remember and will not forget (1939-2021).

Gold mine 2. We remember and will not forget (1939-2021).

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The head of the Scudrists, the Italian version of the red guerrillas originally an ally of Mussolini, the aristocrat D'Annunzio publicly stated that he was acting according to the covenants ... Lenin. His guerrillas openly opposed the legionnaires of the fascist militia under the slogans: "Down with Mussolini! Long live Lenin! Long live Bolshevik Russia!" Catholic priests in the streets sang the hit season "Red Banner!" [192] And Mussolini sent a former friend and associate into political oblivion, and why not the other way around? - as well as the German National Socialism, fascism is essentially an exploitation of the protest mood of society caused by the pulls of the First World War. It is fraught to fight the protest mood, but it is much more profitable to lead it. Soviet journalism of the mid-20s openly called Mussolini "a direct tool in the hands of the French capital", finding that Mussolini's first personal printing body was the socialist "Poppolo d'Italia", through which Benito Mussolini encouraged the Italians to participate in the war on the side of the Entente, was based on the funds of The French Capitalists, closely associated with the operations of the Accounting Bank. Modern English historian Peter Martland, studying the archives of MI-5, concluded that Mussolini during the First World War worked for British intelligence. The Agent "Duche" received approximately 5,000 pounds a week in current money for articles in the same "Poppolo d'Italia" which had a great resonance, as the publication was extremely popular among the workers of Milan. In short, it is difficult to call the ideological wrestler Benito Mussolini, the guy did not hesitate to take money from everyone. He also came from "chemists" - at the front he held a modest position as a teacher of military-chemical courses, so he was considered a veteran.

Fascist ideologue Giuseppe De'Falco wrote: "Analysis of the ideas of fascism is impossible for the simple reason that it is impossible to consider the existing one. Fascism has neither completeness nor clear aspirations."

It is understandable that fascism grew out of protest communist sentiments, as the fascist writer Robert Michels observed: "As the Roman wolf fed the twins Romulus and Remus, and the general discontent that ensued after the war fed the two twins - Bolshevism and fascism." The Bolshevik slogan "All power to the Councils!" Mussolini remade into "All power to fascism!" The difference is only that the Bolsheviks used the slogan to disperse the Constituent Assembly, and the fascists for the Parliament. And yet from the same ingredients of the dish turned out to be fundamentally different.

To understand whose interests Duche lobbied, it is necessary to pay attention to what else he called for in addition to war on the side of the Entente, for example, in the preface he wrote to the "Statutes of the National Party of Fascists": "The state must be sovereign, and its sovereignty cannot and should not be touched by the church " ... 

In the heyday of the fascist movement, only one non-revolutionary party of Italy, the Catholic People's Vigorously opposed the dominance of fascism. 

From the first day of his stay in power, the fascists were quick to eliminate the beginning of proportionality in taxation, now the rich and poor paid equal taxes. 

A tax on the wages of workers and employees has been introduced.

The economic downturn caused by the war led to a deterioration in the situation of the italian labor class: on the one hand there was a thirty percent decline in the average wage under the fascist government on the other, the increase in the high cost. The Italian worker received an average of 15-20 liras, in translation to the Italian currency the French worker received 44 liras, English 75 liras, and American 100 lira. While the previous governments were fighting unemployment in the village by organizing public works, the Nazis accused them of going to the Socialists and began to reduce public works. The economic recovery should have taken place by attracting foreign capital. 

 To improve the state balance, the fascists began to reduce the composition of civil servants and administrative bodies, any subsidies or privileges from the state to consortia, industry, cooperative and other enterprises that were unable to exist independently. At the same time, subsidies were widely provided to large factory-producers in order not to go bankrupt, or to go bankrupt in case of deviation from the party line. 

The first thing that Mussolini hastened to perform, coming to power - is to hand over to private entrepreneurs telephone service and railways, and also made a rejection of the monopolies of mail and telegraph in the spirit that "a private initiative can make and if it is quite to replace the public service." It's a good deal to improve business efficiency. 

The first impression is that the board of "Duche" we see today everywhere around the world under the management of the biopharmacology virus common sense . 

The second thing that comes to mind: in 2020 -2021 came to power "Italian fascists" sample of the beginning of the last century, so striking parallels, even the result is predictable :

"After 18 years in power, the leaders of the fascist gang, who in 1922 lived under the laws of the criminal world, became capitalist tycoons, owners of houses and palaces, owners of huge real estate. They sit in the administrative councils of trusts and concerns that have monopolized the entire national economy in their hands... A traitor, a beggar like a church mouse, journalist Benito Mussolini, who begged for subsidies from foreign embassies and major industrialists, became... one of the country's largest capitalists." 

The fascist party insisted on the state's interference in the educational process to introduce a national bias into the school curriculum. What is the national bias of becoming clear from the statute of the fascist militia, where young members of the fasio joined: "The fascist soldier has its own special, only inherent, morality":

"The impure includes one who will show any weakness of character, who does not use all the means at his disposal for a courageous attack on the internal, obvious or secret enemies of Italy, the one who fails to fight these enemies to stand on the principle - life for life, eye for eye, tooth for tooth, hand for arm, arson for arson, blow for blow, wound for wound , in whom there is any hesitation in faith, in the soul of which will be the slightest skepticism or doubt at the moment when the military speech has already been undertaken.

The rhetoric of the tenth point is very revealing. There are the following testimonies belonging to a member of the Communist International of Youth, and, it is believed, to the Agent of the Soviet Intelligence Leonid Hent (Henry Ernst), the son of a wealthy Jewish flax trader from Vitebsk. Published before the outbreak of world war II, both of his very prophetic books were reissued for the 100th anniversary of the author's birth with the assistance of Boris Nemtsov, who was killed in 2015 under the walls of the Kremlin.

In Italy, the military-industrial bloc was actually headed by only two people : Giuseppe Teplic (or his immediate heirs) and Benito Mussolini.... The de facto master of modern Italy for a number of years was a former Jewish refugee from Galicia . Teplik himself recently (in April 1934) officially left the Bank of Commercial, having received many distinctions, but his son Signor Lodovico Teplik, former Managing Director, along with other directors continues the great dynasty and politics of Milan oligarchy and the politics of fascism.

Giuseppe Teplitz directed not only the military industrial complex, the bank "Commercial" in less than half a century became the "authentic embodiment of New Italy" as a whole. The son of a rabbi from Triesta Giuseppe Teplitz built his financial empire - 16 branches banks abroad and 10 billion lira of assets - with the help of "funds of the big banks of Berlin, Vienna and Paris", and judging by this geography of creditors, it can be assumed that these were banks of the Rothschilds. At that time, the Bank of Commerce was identical to the most important industrial enterprises in Italy , for example, with almost all railway companies, with the Adriatic electric trusts, Edison, Sip, Meridianale (controlling billions), Montecatini chemical trust (28 thousand workers, vice-president of Teplik), Ilva Steel Trust, large thermal plants of Terni (which also includes the English group Vickers), the largest textile companies (cotton trust "Stabbilimenti Tessili Italiani", 23 factories and 43. Moreover, it is probably the only private bank in the world that fully controls and controls the nerves of the country's economic life and even its public finances. By the way, the only person allowed to date two "superhumans" - Mussolini and Hitler - was Count Volpi, a representative of the Bank "Commercial". The oft-repeated claim that Jews would be as easily Nazis as their German compatriots if they were only allowed to join the movement, just as they had joined the Italian fascist party before the Italian fascists introduced racial legislation, is only half-right. It is true only in relation to the psychology of individual Jews." 

A. Harendt "The Origins of Totalitarianism"

This ideology does not apply at all to peoples and nations as a whole, it is more relevant to the specific individuals of elite groups of politicians and financial capital, leading some dances of corruption and leading their peoples on the same enchanted circle of the history of the fascist ring of boa constrictor. 

Professor of New York University, Anna Harendt, like Henry Ernst, was born into a Jewish family of immigrants from Russia, that is, certainly not a revisionist. It is necessary to speak not so much about the psychology of "separate Jews" as about their other qualitative characteristic - about financial viability. "Separate Jews" is distinguished not so much by participation as by the ubiquitous sponsorship of fascist orientation parties." Mussolini also has his Thyssen: he is called Giuseppe Teplitz, CEO of the Bank of Commercial; This Giuseppe is a Jew from Poland. Sir Oswald Mosley's Thyssen is said to be called Cohn. Western fascism hardly needs or needs anti-Semitism in a very small measure... On the other hand, fascism is very interested in the domestic Jewish capital. He sees the Jewish large bourgeoisie as an ally, and a very important ally, in the fight against a liberal rival. That is why Mussolini is a friend of the Jews and a staunch opponent of anti-Semitism."

Henry Ernst "Hitler over Europe?", 1936

As for the head of the English fascists Oswald Mosley "Daily Telegraph" in the issue of September 30 claimed that at the London conference of the fascists on September 29, 1933 it was read out: "As you probably know, the grandfather of Lady Tsintia Mosley was a Jew and was called Levi Leiter. It is also well known that a certain Cohn, a Jew, funds the organization of Sir Oswald Mosley. In England, anti-Semitism is a critical point in the fascist movement. And Sir Oswald Mosley has already categorically instructed all members of the organization, many of whom are staunch anti-Semites, to abandon their anti-Semitic position." 

Then where did it come from?

"Britain had to split, so to speak, into anti-Nazi and pro-Nazi factions, both of which were part of the same scam..."

Guido Giacomo Drug "Hitler Inc."

Needless to say, the above-mentioned English prime minister had no university education and did not even graduate from high school? He composed his origins from the Venetian medieval aristocracy, which was true only in terms of geography, but not the aristocratic origin. And perhaps it is these stories about himself that will lead him to the dinner table of the hospitable Rothschilds, where he will become a frequent guest. Benjamin's rich grandmother, Sarah, who came from the City of London, blatantly disliked her grandchildren for her Jewish roots, which was one of the strongest memories of the future prime minister and reflected on his worldview, but it is not the most vivid intrapersonal conflict based on racism." We are our misfortune" - the members of the Union of National-German Jews (Ferband National Deutschery) were rumoured to have taken part in the Nazi marches. The organizer of the movement, Dr. Max Nauman, rejected the zionist postulates, believing that Germany is home to national-German Jews loyal to the German fatherland. He called for a vote for Adolf Hitler, whose party is the only political organization capable of reviving the German nation. Indigenous German Jews, Nauman argued, are racially close to the Aryan Germans and can enter the German "people's community" where there is no place for "semi-Asians", "pathetic creatures of the inhuman level" - Jewish immigrants from Eastern Europe, along with communists and avant-garde artists, who, in the person of the Union of Culture of German Jews - "Culturbund" he also subjected to harsh criticism. At the "Ferband" rallies, where black-and-white-red imperial flags were flying to Wagner's sounds, "Deuter Alles" was performed.

Ten years later, in 1933, another right-conservative-oriented "German avant-garde" (Deutsche Forrupp) appeared. The founder of which, the religious mystic Hans-Joachim Schoeps, unlike Max Nauman, rejected assimilation, considering the Jewish blood holy since the adoption of the Sinai revelation. According to Schops, the national renewal of Germany is impossible without the participation of Jews. Both Jews and Nazis must understand this. Schoeps was an opponent of democracy, zionism and bolishivism, being a monarchist, a hater of industrial bourgeois society with its rationalism and class war. Like Nauman, Schoeps believed that the "East-Yuden" and the Jewish left had nothing to do with Germany. But both organizations, as well as the Union of Jewish Front-Line, put only the Jewish elite and their own members under protection, neglecting the Jewish community in general.

The fact that fascism, even being interested in "jewish capital" encouraged the persecution of Jews, has its own logic, confirmed by the tragic fate of Walter Ratenau, who stubbornly considered himself a German, which did not coincide with the zionist program of division, which was to be implemented. It is significant how quickly the German government reacted to the Jewish pogroms: in two days three laws were ready. The first only changed the state flag to the Nazi, but the second read that "the citizen of the Reich is only a citizen of the state of German or close to her blood, who proved by his behavior that he is ready and worthy to faithfully serve the German people and the Reich ... only a citizen of the Reich has all political rights, in accordance with the law."

They're going to have a relationship with a Jew.

On September 15, 1935, the next NSDAP Congress approved the third law on the protection of German blood and German honor, which prohibits marriages between Jews and citizens of "German or related blood". Jews were forbidden to hire female servants from Germans under 45 years of age and to hang state flags. Until December 31, 1935, all jewish officials were to retire. Meanwhile, the described events have its own consistent logic. The format of this narrative will not allow to reproduce the analysis of the situation in its entirety, but some aspects are worth mentioning. The emergence of such a political force as zionism develops against the background of opposition from the "Jewish capital" of assimilation of Jews into European society, which it is served as a threat to Jewry in general. Against the background of the emergence of supra-government structures of the "world order" a project embedded in it "world ghetto" is born. But as of 1933, the Jews of Germany had a lucrative property worth 12 billion gold stamps, so no one was in a hurry to move out of the "klondike", and to fill the "world ghetto" in European society Jews deliberately began to make outcasts, pushing "to the exit". For resettlement from Germany to Palestine in 1933, a plan is approved in Berlin. The "Palestinian Bureau" of the Palestinian colonization trusts, Keren Gayod and Keren Gasmet de Israel, is being established, in which, among other things, one of the future founders of the State of Israel, Levi Eshkol, worked.

"Jews are our misfortune." Germany 1935 

While some were eradicating Jewish origins, others got rid of the German, and in Berlin and several other major German cities, "re-education camps" were organized, in which young Jews were undergoing zionist "training" and were being prepared for use in the zionist settlements of Palestine. In cooperation with the Nazi authorities, the zionist organizations established some 40 camps and agricultural centres throughout the country, where those who intended to move to the promised land were trained. White-blue flags with the Star of David proudly fluttered over all these centers and camps. The future head of the American Jewish Congress, the Berlin rabbi Joachim Prind in 1934, writes the book "We the Jews", in which he rejoices in the National Socialist Revolution, "thanks to which the assimilation is over and the Jews will become Jews again." "The zionist activity has reached an unprecedented scale in Germany," the American Jewish Encyclopedia noted. When the NSDAP Congress and the Reichstag passed and approved the Nuremberg racial laws in 1935, Judishe Rundschau rushed to support them: "Germany's interests align with those of the world zionist congress ... The new laws give the Jewish minority their cultural and national life ... Germany gives us a happy opportunity to be ourselves and offers state protection for the individual life of the Jewish minority." 

"An important part of the appeasement of Europe is the settlement of the Jewish issue. By concluding the European Convention, the necessary regulations for this part will be developed, as well as an organization that will ensure the implementation of these regulations. The organization must exist at least until the issue is resolved by the complete removal of the Jewish element from Europe."

From the speech of the German diplomat Hans Freven on June 7, 1943

NCA, Potsdam, film library, No. 5582, L. D 514492 and trace.

According to the Encyclopedia of the Third Reich, a meeting of the top Nazi leadership on the Jewish question took place in the Berlin suburb of Grossen-Vansee on January 20, 1942: "During the meeting, it was decided to exterminate European Jews, the so-called "final solution" to the Jewish question. The keynote address on the issue was made by R. Heydrich, who stated that the cancellation of the plan to deport Jews to the island of Madagascar envisaged the relocation of the Jewish population of Europe to the Middle East" and did not bother anyone that the Middle East was an English colony, Jews were steadily pushed to emigrate there. On March 26, 1938, a decree was adopted banning the registration of Jewish property worth more than five thousand stamps. November 12 - Decree to exclude Jews from German economic life, december 3, a law mandating the arization of Jewish enterprises forced Jews to sell businesses. 

Goering himself managed to put his hand to the resettlement, under his patronage Yalmar Schacht, in active consultations with the head of the English bank M. Norman develops a "mine plan" on which Jews are divided into economically active, who are subject to emigration on a month-long schedule, their wives and children, who must emigrate as the breadwinners can provide them with maintenance in the places of the new settlement. The latter category is made up of economically passive people who remain in Germany, those of whom the head of the international zionist organization Haim Weizmann will say: "No. The old ones will leave... They dust, economic and moral dust of big light ... There will be only a branch left." This is his response to a request from the British Royal Mission to resettle 6 million Jews from all over Europe to Palestine. A prominent English figure at the time, S. Schoenfeld wrote, "We agreed to grant asylum and help to Jews who were threatened by fascism, but this came across the opposition of the zionists, who recognized only one form of assistance - sending all Jews to Palestine." The Jewish population of Palestine increased from 238,000 in 1933 to 404,000 in 1936 and to 600,000 in 1947.

Deported Jews at the Drancy transit camp

 near Paris, France, on the way to German

 concentration camp. 1942 year

 All these events were tacitly supported by the "world community", which at the Evian conference practically unanimously announced the end of the limits for Jewish emigration, the gates of which are open only through Zionist channels. In 1939, there was a story with the motor ship "St. Louis" and the rejection of the US Congress of a bill allowing entry from Germany to twenty thousand Jewish children under the age of 14 years [140]. Regarding the emigration of Jews to the United States, F. Roosevelt will say: “This plan cannot be implemented. The influential leaders of the Jewish communities in the United States will not allow this ... The Zionists understand that it is now the most convenient way to cut coupons for Palestine ”[196]. The travel agency of the Labor Front, Kraft Durch Freyde (Strength through Joy), offered bus excursion tours to the Warsaw ghetto [280], where one could get acquainted with the life of those awaiting departure to Palestine.

 “The evacuation of Jews from Germany from 1933 to the end of 1941 was especially successful. The government at this time not only did not prevent the resettlement of Jews, but, on the contrary, in every possible way contributed to this. At the time, it was believed that for Germany the Jewish question would be resolved only when the last Jew left the country. At the end of 1941, the evacuation of Jews was stopped. ... The military reasons given in favor of stopping the resettlement consisted in the consciousness that the Jews who had moved to Palestine, predominantly worked in industry, and were also called up to carry out military service on the side of the Allies. It was also known that the entire Jewish industry and economy in Palestine worked for the allies and that the Jewish side made attempts to withdraw from Europe, first of all, those Jews who were specialists ”[238].

 Gustav Richter "Solution of the Jewish Question"

 Handwritten testimony of the SS Sturnbahnfuehrer Moscow 10.10. 1944 g.

After the restriction of emigration, the remainder will be used in works in concentration camps, about which German Foreign Minister Joachim Ribbentrop showed the following "When one day from the diplomatic mail I learned about the mistreatment of Jews in concentration camps in Poland and that in diplomatic circles abroad on this occasion there was a fuss, I took the documents and immediately went to the Fuhrer and insisted on the immediate correction of the case If that's true. The Fuhrer left the papers to deal with the matter, but made it clear to me that it was the competence of the internal affairs authorities." On January 6, 1942, in the official note of the SOVIET NKID "On widespread looting, the ruin of the population and the monstrous atrocities of the German authorities in the Soviet territories they captured" in addition to the description of "the terrible massacres and pogroms committed in Kiev by the German invaders" also referred to the mass murders of unarmed and defenseless Jews. The world zionist organization immediately reacted to the document by announcing it ... "Bolshevik propaganda", that is, what was evident for the departments of Molotov and Ribbentrop in the statements of the "Jewish Agency" of July 7 and September 28, 1942 was called "implausible fictions".

 "Economic and moral dust" was brought by SS groupfuhrer Odilo Globochnik, head of Einsatz Reinhard, the "Reinhard" action to eliminate Jewish ghettos in the territory of the governor-general in Poland. The report was sent to G. Himmler: 53 million Reichsmarks, about half a million dollars, 1.8 tons of gold, about 10 tons of silver (estimated at 5 million Reichsmarks), jewelry and personal belongings (including about 65,000 hours) with a total value of about 26 million Reichsmarks, "advanced raw materials" estimated at 13 million Reichsmarks. The total of 100,047,983 Reichsmarks 91 pfennig is evident to be led by effective owners and creative managers.

According to the SS Sturnbandurer Gustav Richter, who was responsible for solving the Jewish question in Romania, the emigration of Jews continued and after the above-mentioned events, the zionist agencies continued to "cut coupons for Palestine" by selecting to evacuate mostly wealthy Jews. So who is there to more extent to breed the "race of lords" by the methods of social selection is a question. As the German journalist G. Hene observed: "As soon as the zionists and the National Socialists built a race and a nation in the scale of all things, there was bound to be a common bridge between them." By the way, none (!) of the court German rasologists, such as Hans F. K. Gunter, Fritz Lenz, Egen Fischer, and Ludwig Ferdinand Klaus did not sit in the dock in Nuremberg. All of them continued to teach after 1945 and head the department. And Ludwig Ferdinand Klaus even received a commemorative stele in his honor at the Jerusalem Holocaust Museum "for protecting Jews at risk for their lives." It was later the notions of the Holocaust and eugenics that became firmly associated with each other. Philosopher and zionist member of the Jewish Academy Leo Strauss came up with the following sillogism: "Hitler believed in eugenics, X believes in eugenics, hence X - Nazi." At the same time, Leo Strauss does not mention that race has become a measure of all things in the first place for zionism, when the movement faced the need to select candidates for return: who is considered a Jew, and accordingly having the right to return, and who assimilated irrevocably for the Jewish race.

Vladimir Jabotinsky reasoned as follows: "Territory, language, religion, common history - all this is not the essence of the nation, but only gives it some form... The essence of the nation, the only pillar of its uniqueness are its special physical properties, that is, its inherent only one racial characteristics ... After all, if we deprive the nation of a variety of covers woven from historical events, special climatic conditions, the natural environment and other external factors, the only thing that will remain is its racial core." Jabotinsky's conclusion is a derivative of the postulates of the first zionist intellectual, who introduced the term Nathan Birnbaum's term 'zionism' in 1891, according to which the emergence of the nation is determined solely by biology. Otherwise, it is impossible to explain the nature of the existence of the Jewish nation, whose sons belong to different cultures and speak different languages.

The perception of the nation as an "ethnic" entity was common to all areas of zionism. Although the true founder of the zionist movement, Theodore Herzl, held the view that Jews are a "historical community, a nation within which various anthropological characteristics coexist", for many they have become the criterion for return. It was started by one of the founders of the Faculty of Biology at the University of Jerusalem, In 1911, the first issue of the Journal of Genetics published his article describing the "Jewish allele" (allele) responsible for the inherent appearances of the Jew, which can be recognized by the shape of the skull, facial features and body size. 

Dr. Mordechai Borokhov, who lived in Palestine in 1922, suggested that "in the secret war of cultures between peoples, the one who cares about racial purity and improves the biological qualities of his descendants wins." The right hand and confidant of Theodore Herzel, Meir Simha Sudfeld, taking the more arrogant name Max Nordau, became the author of the popular book "Entartung" ("Degeneration"), warning the world against modernist art, homosexuality and other mental illnesses. At the second zionist congress, he talked about the "lost muscular Jew" (muskul-judentum) and the need to create a physically developed race. "For no race, for any people, physical culture is not as important educational as it is for us Jews. It will help us straighten up both physically and spiritually." Max Nordau's conservative ideas were so popular that eugenics clubs bearing his name were even founded in the United States.

Dr. Aaron Benjamini, who worked as a doctor at the famous Herzliya Gymnasium, weighed and measured his students in an attempt to substantiate the theory of natural selection, and in 1930 the first edition of "Jewish Sociology" was published in Hebrew and German. Its first two chapters were cited as "The Racial Composition of the Jews of Eretz Israel" and "The Racial History of the Jews Outside Eretz Israel." At the end of the first volume are numerous photographs of typically "Jewish heads" that illustrate the book's main thesis on the special relationship between racial unity and diversity among Jews in different communities.

Scene in the Warsaw Ghetto where Jews in white armbands

bandages with the Star of David board the tram through the

separate entrance. February 17, 1941

The facial features and skull sizes are designed to prove the fact that all Jews, without exception, come from ancient Asia and therefore claim land in Palestine. Up until the beginning of the Second World War, the author of the collection, Arthur Ruppin, maintained academic contacts with theorists of "racial hygiene" and it was his ideas that were adopted by the Nazi regime. After Hitler came to power, the Jerusalem associate professor visited Hans Friedrich Karl Gunther (Gunther, 1891-1968), one of the pillars of racial theory, a member of NSDAP since 1932. At the same time, the community of German eugenics never called for the Holocaust directly. Even the publication "Racial Biology" by The Mentor of Joseph Mengele Otto von Vershooer, published in 1938 in Hamburg describing the racial characteristics of Jews, concludes that Germans and Jews need to remain separate from each other groups and no more. In 1932, the leadership of the Nazi party turned to E. Fischer, F. Lentz, offering to participate in the work on "hygiene of races", so Fritz Lenz, probably one of the most influential German eugenics opposed to anti-Semitism. 

On the contrary, initially, even in the Weimar Republic there was an influential school of eugenics, and the German "League for the Improvement of People and the Study of Heredity" was attacked by the Nazi publisher Julius F. Lehmann as an element of subversive Jewish activity. As a science of eugenics really owes to a great deal to the Jewish naturalist. When the revolutionary anarchist and publisher of Moses Garman's American Eugenics Bulletin died in America in 1910, Emma Goldman's Mother Earth magazine took over the Bulletin. Emma, also a medic, though of low rank, as a nurse she underwent a course of psychoanalysis at Sigmund Freud. Psychoanalysts also contributed to the history of the disease, for example, Avraham Rabinovich, who worked in Jerusalem, in the history of the disease referred to Jews from Bukhara, Georgia and Persia as "primitive races". In his view, they were less prone to mental illness: "Their consciousness with scant content does not make special requests for life and is slavishly subject to the external environment." 

The only child in the family of a wealthy Jewish alcohol dealer Charles Gabriel Seligman was a prominent member of the British Eugenie Society, he was one of the first to address the study of national and racial pathology through psychoanalysis techniques. The sharp and inquisitive mind of the anthropologist formulated such a concept as "the status of paca" (the status of gase), which was a transition from physical anthropology to psychology and culture. According to his theory, wild societies are societies of aggressive extroverts, but no society of extroverts can survive without the introduction of a saving percentage of introverts capable of being leaders and disobeying the power of circumstance. Thin matter needs to be felt, and this requires a complex and refined mechanism of perception, which extroverts are deprived of by nature. "The history of South Africa and the Sahara clearly shows us that the Negroes and The Bushmen owe all their cultural achievements to the impurities of Hamit blood. In the life of the black continent, the Hamits have always been a powerful civilizational principle," said Charles Gabriel Seligman.

But it is Emma Holman who will become the spiritual mentor of the founder of the "Family Planning Institute" Margaret Sanger, whose internship was conducted by a leading psychiatrist at the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute Ernst Rudin, architect of Hitler's program of medical eugenics and president of the World Federation of Eugenics. In 1916, Rabbi Max Reichler published an article, "Jewish Eugenics," linking the concepts of eugenics and Judaism, and another rabbi, Louis Mann, served on the board of directors of the American Eugenie Society. Thanks to the Nobel laureate in medicine in 1946, the Jew Hermann Mahler, who held the post of leading geneticist of moscow University of Eugenics could become the official political doctrine of the USSR. But Stalin in 1937 rejected Mahler's proposal, after which the latter safely left for Scotland. In Germany, it was the socialist newspaper Vorwarts that published articles loyal to eugenics. Eugenicsa was considered a popular science, the future of which was strongly believed by the mayor of Munich Max Levin and a prominent member of the German Socialist Party Julius Moses. The list of outstanding German-Jewish eugenics includes geneticists Richard Goldsmith, Heinrich Poll and Kurt Stern, statisticians Wilhelm Weinberg (co-author of the Hardy-Weinberg Law), mathematician Felix Bernstein, physicists Alfred Blashko, Benno Chayes, Magnus Hirschfield, Georg Lowenstein, Max Markuze, Max Maks. 

Such attention to eugenics among Jewish scholars of that time is not accidental. The Jews of Eastern Europe, who at that time had been engaged in predominantly related marriages for centuries, are relatively often carriers of a dozen recessive genetic diseases. The most famous - autosomatic disorder associated with the destruction of fatty deposits in the brain and described in 1881 by the British ophthalmologist Warren Tay, was called the disease Tay-Sachs. If both parents carry this gene, the child in twenty-five cases out of a hundred suffers from this deadly disease. This is what Gideon Bach, dean of the Faculty of Genetics at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, writes: "We now know that if not all, most human diseases have genetic backgrounds, and we master the methods of studying, treating and ultimately preventing these diseases ... Israel, with its many ethnic groups, within which children are often born from blood relatives, has proven to be a rich laboratory for genetics researchers."

The modern historian Rakefet Zalashik, in his book "Ad Nefesh: Refugees, Immigrants, Newcomers and the Israeli Psychiatric Establishment", is surprised to describe that in Palestine in the 1930s," "most local psychiatrists advocated for eugenics. They believed that a healthy nation was needed to realize the zionist ideals in Israel. Childbearing should have been prevented among people who are already a burden of society. Homosexuals and frigid women fell into the same category." "The doctors of the day," she continues, "jews and non-Jews" believed that Jews were more prone to mental illness than people of other nationalities. The dispute was only about what the reason was - in racial characteristics or living conditions. ... As a result, the Jewish minority, especially in Germany, has come to be considered a medical problem rather than a social one." In Palestine, psychiatrists adapted their theories to new conditions: for example, they argued that the susceptibility to mental illness was indicative of the superiority of the colonists over the Jews of the community that existed before the proclamation of the State of Israel. According to Artem Kirpichenkok, a professor at the University of Jerusalem, "the head of the health department, Professor Cifra Schwartz, was the head of the department of health, famous for his zoological hatred of immigrants from the East."

"In eugenic clinics, doctors sought to cure not so much the patient as the Jewish people. For example, if a child with disabilities was born, the parents were persuaded not to have children anymore," Zalashik notes in this regard. Psychiatrists also approved of the sterilization of the mentally ill. They also offered the so-called "mental hygiene" advocated by the International League of Mental Hygiene, which fought against poverty, crime and high morbidity through strict preventive measures. In the 1930s, counseling centers were established in Tel Aviv and Jaffa for marriage and couples who might carry unhealthy genes. Unwanted pregnancies were ordered to be terminated. "Do not give birth if you are not sure that your children will be healthy in mind and body!" - called a native of Vienna, Dr. Josef Meir, 30 years head of the health organization Clalit and the health insurance fund of the trade unions. His eugenics-praising articles have been on the front pages of Davar, the main Zionist socialist newspaper. Researchers have subsequently found a number of unpleasant parallels between Dr. Meir's ideas and the recent practice of Dr. Mengele [255] [262].

The arrival of the echelon with the Jews from the Carpathian Russia, 

auschwitz 2, also known as Birkenau,

in Poland, May 1939

Check 🧾 

"The death of a huge number of Jews is an indisputable fact; but to consider the eugenic movement as the ideological mastermind of the Holocaust is a mistake. There is no doubt that Hitler, partly influenced by the manual written by E. Bauer, E. Fischer and F. Lenz guide on human genetics, sympathized with eugenics. But he hated Jews not because the Eugeniists taught him to classify Jews as mentally disabled. On the contrary, he considered them dangerous rivals of the Aryan race, which was to become dominant. Jews were blamed for the defeat of Germany in World War I and for the humiliation of the Treaty of Versailles. When it became clear that a new defeat awaits Germany as a result of the Second World War, revenge was on the agenda."

Glad D. "Eugene of the Twenty-first century. The future evolution of man."

Examining the documents, the Editorial Board comes to the opinion that "eugenics itself was not the driving force of National Socialism", and the law on forced sterilization of hereditary diseases was adopted until 1932, that is, before the seizure of power by Hitler's Aloisic. Subsequently, sterilization was seen as an alternative to social security by "effective owners", which the Catholic Church, for example, openly fought. Hitler's secret decree of the 39th year on the national program of ephtasia also had an absolutely pragmatic goal: to free up to 800,000 hospital beds for the wounded expected from the theater of war. Adolf is an "effective manager" representing the financial circles, who invested money in Germany not for the state to spend it on social security. The use of eugenics methods continued when moving to the Holy Land, in 1944 psychiatrist Kurt Levinstein in his report at a scientific conference in Tel Aviv recommended to prevent childbearing in persons with a number of mental and neurological diseases: alcoholics, epileptics suffering from manic-depressive psychosis. 

In 1985, Rabbi Joseph Eckstein, based on the Bible and the Talmud, founded an international genetic testing program called Dor Yesho-Rim ("Generations of the Righteous"), which aims to protect future children from congenital diseases. 

The work uses open sources and 2006 Tehran International Conference

«... who is still opposed to the racial politics of German fascism in terms of the "Jewish question" will never understand the very essence of Hitlerism. ... the concept of the continental state's foreign policy. ... It's not about the Jews. Jews - Hitler's favorite bogeyman for propaganda purposes, scarecrow for home use. Jews are a kind of drug used by the Nazis to euthanize the masses. ... It would be the greatest political mistake to see anti-Semitism as the essence of Nazi "racial philosophy". The point is more: the enemy in this struggle - not a handful of unfortunate inhabitants of the old and new ghetto in Berlin and Frankfurt, and other and very powerful groups. The future of Europe is at stake. ... This is the true political meaning of the "racial manifesto" of the Nazis, for whom the "Jewish problem" serves only as a smokescreen."

Henry Ernst "Hitler over Europe?," 1936

 "I.G. Farben" is just one of the real motivations and engine of the Third Reich. Financial power and power are more than an ideological machine, it is the economic interests represented by corporate clans for whom Jewish origin was not the determining factor. The stories of participation in the founding of the Third Reich by the Wallenbergs, The Warburgs, the Rothschilds or Giuseppe Terpitz are not unique, because it was not based on racial preferences at all. 

For example, the history of the third Reich's collaboration with the brainchild of the Oppenheimer family - the company "De Beers Group." At the base of the company was an odious figure named Cecil Rhodes, known as the founder of the prototype of all the overpriced non-advertised structures - the "round table" behind which "located" Lords Balfour, Rothschild, Miner and Ashler. The second co-founder of the famous diamond monopoly was a circus clown, a native of the Jewish circus family Isaacs (Barney) Barnato or Barney Barnato. In 1888, their assets were joined by De Beers Mining Company Ltd. By this time it turned out that diamonds are not rare, but on the contrary the most massive gemstone, far ahead of the extraction of others, and therefore profits on diamonds can be obtained only by monopolizing the diamond market. The tool of monopolization was the partner company "Charted Company" which had the right to purchase new territories with deposits to take any actions up to military operations, which, incidentally, deprives "I.G. Farben" of historical primacy in this matter. The second component was finance, going on another loan from Cape Town to English Southampton, Barney Barnato, despite the absence of any signs of a storm, fell overboard, and Cecil Rhodes remained the sole steward of the business until his death in 1902. At this point in the game appears Ernst Oppenheimer, born in the family of a wholesaler of cigarettes from the suburbs of Frankfurt. His family was not so much rich as famous: in the Frankfurt branch of the bank Oppenheimer began his career founder of the Rothschild dynasty - Mayer Amschel. Ernst founded the gold mining company Anglo American Corporation of South Africa and, thanks to his sister protection, got a job as a manager at De Beers, gradually buying up the company's shares. In 1926 he joined the management of the company, and in 1929 in his hands was a controlling stake, which was greatly facilitated by the crisis, the age-old tool of impoverishment of some and enrichment of others. The English King George V cemented the life success of Ernst Oppenheimer by knighting him. Remembered peer billion-dollar Lebedev in the style of history, which is repeated twice: once in the form of tragedy, the second time in the form of farce from Boris Johnson and the House of Lords, perhaps the queen, untimely became a widow. 

May god be the good queen Elizabeth! 

It was a backstory, the story begins in 1927 with a patent "Krupp AG" for the alloy of tungsten and cobalt, called "Widia" ("wie Diamant " as a diamond), the analogue of which was later the Soviet "victory". This alloy made a technical revolution in metal processing, firstly, it became much faster, incisors, tools made of "visia", had great strength, there was an opportunity to significantly intensify mechanical production, but most importantly, this composition allowed to do the processing of rubbing pairs with such precision, with such purity, that the resource and power of internal combustion engines, that is, the basics of future operations, increased. It was possible to produce engines of cars, planes, tanks, etc., quickly, massively and of such distinctive quality that it is enough to compare the models of equipment of the First and Second World Wars. But sharpening the incisors from the "like-diamond" Widia could only be diamond tool, in addition, there were diamond filers under the wire for electronics and dozens, if not hundreds, of diamond applications in the military-industrial complex. It is not surprising that from the rise of A. Hitler to the complete promotion of the economy of the war machine in 1940, the world production of technical diamonds jumped three-plus times. All this time, Germany was not only the main consumer, but also the supplier of the diamond instrument, and 94% of the world diamond production was controlled by De Beers, i.e. only Ernst Oppenheimer's company could deliver in the required volumes. Some Brazilian miners of the Gornpeiros were physically unable to even provide such a volume and their mining efforts focused on more expensive diamonds. 

Given that technical diamonds have become a true military-strategic resource, they became interested in a number of meetings held in 1940 by the Franklin D. Roosevelt administration. It was recognized that the U.S. stock could cover no more than an annual requirement and it was necessary to purchase at least 6.5 million carats from De Beers as a matter of urgency. Offering to the company, and later directly to Winston Churchill to move strategic reserves in the U.S., "De Beers" under various pretexts frankly sabotaged, which gave the reason for the Office of Special Operations (prototype of the CIA) to launch a large-scale investigation to determine such strange behavior of the ally. The result was an open chain in which in 1943 the Third Reich's MIC received an eight-month supply of technical diamonds from the Belgian Congo. Developments there were engaged in the controlled "De Beers" digging "Forminiere." Agent Teton gathered evidence that Congolese diamonds were shipped to Germany through Cairo and Tangier under the guise of Red Cross parcels. Based on the "Belgian dossier," the U.S. Department of Justice initiated the prosecution of De Beers, which ended in nothing in 1945, when the Third Reich itself ended. De Beers' shipments ceased in 1944, and there is a certain synchronicity in the closure of the Wallenberg bearings. Thus, without strategic supplies, the Third Reich lasted less than a year, which means that everything that is put into the concept of the "holocaust" could be stopped within a year by the abandonment of a number of families from the seductive Gesheft in the war, after which Henry Ernst can come to the conclusion that the "Jewish problem" serves only a smokescreen."

After all, no one was confused by the origin of the descendant of the Spanish Marrans on the paternal and maternal line of the Spanish caudillo Francisco Franco Bagamonde, what is there: the Jewish origin of Adolf Hitler began to talk at the dawn of his ascent. Himmler's insistence: "Not to publish any decree concerning the definition of "Jew", with all these stupid obligations, we will only tie our hands" (Nuremberg Doc. The letter to Berger, dated 28.07.1942, a copy of the Centre de Docllmentation Jllive, is understandable, otherwise parts of the Third Reich's leadership would not only have to tie their hands, but also "finally resolve the issue" of themselves. One of the founders of the science of racial hygiene of the Third Reich, "a world-renowned scientist": Max von Gruber, after the failed putsch of 1923, painted a portrait of Hitler: "The face and head of the lower type, the half-blood, the low slotch, the ugly nose, the small eyes". Thyssen wrote of Hitler: "It is hard to believe that a native of an Austrian peasant family is endowed with such a high intellect", he further concludes that Hitler was the illegitimate son of Rothschild, who was served by the mother of the future Fuhrer. 

"Dear Frank, it's not that my "dark point," the possibility that I'm a quarter Jewish, makes me mad. I want clarity and clear separation, and I instruct you, as my Commissioner of Justice, to resolve all legal issues..."

And not so long ago there was information that tests, saliva samples of relatives of Adolf Hitler showed: their DNA has a marker haplogroup, the owners of which are carriers of Hamito-Semitic languages. The study was conducted by journalist Jean-Paul Mulders and historian Marc Vermeerem and published in the Belgian journal Knack.

On December 19, 1937, Hermann Goering caused a scandal at a meeting of the highest party court - the Investigative and Arbitration Committee. "Get out of this party..... blah ...!"

- he yelled, pointing to the editor-in-chief of the newspaper "The Stormtrooper" Julius Streicher. Goering Streicher's offensive epithet has earned a program of "compulsory sports education" of ten-year-old boys, where one of the points was ... raping Jewish girls. It was further explained: "The action will naturally cause a boy who does not yet have a tool to be very unhappy and irritated. <...> Boy will remember how disgusting everything happened to him with a Jewish, and it was with her. After only four or five years, the same young man will get with the Aryan unexpected pleasure." 

But Goering was not fighting with Streicher about this, he wanted to see the Jew Erhard Milch his State Secretary and Inspector General Luftwaffe. I note that Erhard Milh is another "patron" of the Third Reich with pharmaceutical roots - Anton and Clara Milch kept a pharmacy in the town of Gelsenkirchen. Under the six-year patronage of Professor Hugo Junkers by 1922 Milch became the executive director of Lufthansa, and in 1935 the pacifist Junkers was declared a state criminal on the basis of the denunciations of Erhard Milch.

From the court and a possible concentration camp professor will save only that he died in time. The "racial inferiority" of the future head of the Luftwaffe was obscured by a "special" investigation, which found that Erhard was the fruit of his mother's love affair with the Aryan - Baron Herman von Beer. "Yes, we made Milh a bastard, but we made a bastard aristocratic," Goering joked. There was no need to make an "aristocratic bastard" from Goering himself. The family history of a former Air Force captain who was awarded a Kaiser Wilhelm II gold watch for bravery does not require "special" investigations. His official father, a graduate of the Universities of Bonn and Heidelberg, Heinrich Goering was a personal friend of Chancellor Bismarck and served as Governor-General of the German Southwest African. His youngest of ten children, Albert and Herman, were illegitimate sons of Baron Herman von Epelstein, and their mother's lover, Francisca Goering, born Tifenbrun. A Jew by nationality, the baron patronized his illegitimate son, and the financial flows of "German Goering Werke AG" were managed from the castles of Mautendorf and Veldenstein, Epelstein's own residence, near Nuremberg. And these financial flows would have to be quite full-flowing, in 1938, German Goering Werke AG produced 400,000 tons of ore, including: "Middle German drilling mines," 177 plants, 69 mining and metallurgical pre-production, 146 trading companies, 46 transport and 15 construction firms.

Herman Goering's famous phrase about Air Force Field Marshal Erhard Milch, "whoever is a certain and who does not decide, I decide myself!" has widespread use, alluding to which, Goering said, "Herhard is my right hand. And what if she's Jewish?! 

I only have a hand, and others have whole heads and asses."

The lover of the former commander of the company A. Hitler, who headed the direction of the intelligence network SD Fritz Wiedeman - Countess Gauguinloe the title of honorary Aryan received personally from Dr. Goebbels, despite its Jewish origin. At the same time, the Aryan origin of the Ph.D. itself caused great doubts, even among ordinary members of the party. Paul Joseph Gebbels (German. Paul Joseph Goebbels) in 1922 joined the NSDA and joined it to the left-socialist wing, whose leaders were the Strasser brothers at the time, likened himself to "the new Moses" and offered "10 Commandments of National Socialism," the eighth of which read: "Don't be a scandalous anti-Semite, but be on the lookout for "Berliner Tabebat"! [202].

Adolf Hitler handed the Countess of Hohenlohe a diamond brooch and touchingly signed the photo when the owner of the Daily Mail, Lord Rothemere, handed over $5 million in cash to the Countess for the Fuhrer's needs. In 1937, she visited the United States with Wiedeman, and met members of the "brotherhood" Ofstenes Ben, Walter Tieglo and Edzel Ford. Herman Schmitz so highly "appreciated" the services of the Countess that she was handed a solid pack of shares of "I.G. Farben". The Countess's Jewish origin also did not prevent her from keeping in touch with the baronet William Wiseman, the head of British intelligence during the First World War, among other things. 

And now a partner of Kuhn, Loeb and Co., which according to Treasury Department documents, was closely associated with a group of the largest companies operating in the Third Reich in Latin America. 

In February 1943, a confidential meeting was held in Switzerland between her husband, The Special Commissioner of the VI Office of the RSC, Prince Max von Hohenlohe, and the head of the European Bureau of strategic services (USS) Allen Dulles. During the war, Dulles continued to hold the lucrative position of official advisor to Schroeder's Anglo-German banking empire, one of the many branches of which, Stein Bank in Cologne, led personally by Kurt von Schroeder, provided all of Himmler's secret financial operations and those of the SS elite.

A. Rudakov's book on the secret programs of the Third Reich, published by the Committee of Veterans of Special Services, mentions the Jewish origin of Rudolf Hess, his sister Margarita Hess, who grew up in Alexandria, where Hess had a thriving trade and export firm. At the age of twenty, she married Robert Leia, Farben I.G., chairman of the NSDAP organizing office and head of the German Workers' Front. As a staunch communist, she emigrated to the United States with her children in 1938 after a "crystal night" and returned to Germany in May 1945. During the formation of the Third Reich until 1938, Farben IG was under the sensitive leadership of Max Warburg. Evil tongues were called "Farben IG" "a tool of international financial capital" as key positions in it were distributed among Max Warburg's tribesmen: Arthur von Weinberg, Alfred Merton, Ernst von Simpson, Otto von Mendelssohn-Bartoldi, and Kurt Oppenheim. Jacob Schiff's son-in-law left Holland only in March 1941 under the protection of a special escort of the SS, as well as one of the Rothschilds, whose special train to the border with Switzerland was accompanied personally by Himmler. Under the protection of Lt. Col. Ernst Bloch, by the way, the son of a Jew left the occupied Poland Lubavich Reb. 

The same officer carried out a route link between the German intelligence service and the Chabad sect, which Stalin expelled from the Soviet Union. 

At one time, the closest assistant and associate of the Fuhrer Martin Borman interacted with the Love Reb, during his stay in Kharkiv from 1920 to 1921. In this city, Bormann's grandfather owned a large confectionery business and a confectionery shop , Vedvedic, at the address: Constitution Square, 1.

Today it seems like a factory 🏭 "Roshen" by Petro Poroshenko. 

Continuation of the 'Golden Mine' cycle in the next part 3. 

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