The Tale of the Crown 👑 

The Tale of the Crown 👑 

ㄒ卄乇ㄖ尺丨丂ㄒ 爪尺. 卂几Ɗ乇尺丂ㄖ几 В+

Lived in the kingdom of the Looking Glass Knight. His worldly path was hard. Hikes, jousting tournaments. The Lady of his Heart was transfixed. She wished to see her Knight in the brilliance of glory, the winner, it seemed to her so: his nobility has no limit. Love gave him strength, inspired new feats. He came to her tired, sat down at her feet, put his head on his knees. And she gently stroked his hair, kissed graying whiskey, whispered tenderly: I will never stop loving you, you are the best. It seemed to her that this was a moment of happiness. I thought it would always be like this. Her belief in the devotion to the knight's ideas became a man-made Crown. She glowed on his jaws with his jewels. The Lady of His Heart saw this Light from everywhere she had to be. Everything was dark around him, and only Faith in him remained unshakable. The used Knight of the Crown to wear. The habitual soon depreciates. She began to stir, to put her weight on. He pulled out the stone of the precious Trust with his hand, threw it on the table carelessly. I didn't notice how the tinsel of life suddenly blinded his eyes: everything around him is so bright, new... Hand stretch out - you can take ... The temptation of the holiday is the permanence of joy. From afar, the brilliance over his head began to attract different butterflies of one-day multi-colored. They circled his head. Words sweet from his lips flew off - honeyed speeches spread. He was intoxicated by his confessions. Only the stones in the Crown became less and less, and its Light became a dim gleam. The sanctity is gone. There is one charisma left crowned ...

Monomakh's hat.

The end of the 13th - the beginning of the 14th century. Gold, silver, gems, pearls, fur; scan, grain, casting, chasing, engraving. Height 18.6 cm; Circumference 61 cm. The Armory. Moscow The most famous of all the regal hats of the Russian tsars is the Monomakha Hat. It is in the Armory; all Russian tsars and princes were crowned to the throne with this hat, up to Fyodor Alekseevich. What is interesting : the fact is clearly established: it has nothing to do with Byzantium or the 11th century! The hat was made in Central Asia, in Bukhara, in the first half of the 14th century, 200 years after the death of Vladimir Monomakh. It also turned out that there was no connection between the headdress and monomach until the early 16th century; and the Moscow princes, leaving it to their heirs, were talking about the "golden hat." It is also proved that the first owner was Ivan Kalita. Both the hat and the horse harness ("golden horse tackle") were presented to Ivan Kalita by his contemporary, the Golden Horde Uzbek Khan.

Mid-16th century. Gold, gems, fur; casting, chasing, carving, the mobile of Shapka Kazanskaya - a golden filigree crown, made, circa 1553, for Ivan the Terrible immediately after the conquest and annexation of the Kazan Khanate to the Russian state and the consolidation of the title of Kazan tsar. There is no exact information about when and by whom the wreath was made. There is a version that it was made by jewelers of the subdued khanism.

The crown of the Russian Empress Anna Ioannovna is a precious crown made in St. Petersburg in 1730-1731, presumably by the master Gottlieb Wilhelm Dunkel. About two and a half thousand artfully selected diamonds, rubies and tourmalines are mounted in the silver skeleton of the crown. Most of them previously decorated the crown of Empress Catherine I, as well as placed under a diamond cross irregularly shaped dark red tourmaline. It was bought in 1676 from the Chinese Bogdykhan on the orders of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich and subsequently decorated in turn several crowns of the crowns. The weight of this onicum is a hundred grams. 
The crown is a hat that is a symbol of the monarch's power.

English crown of royal blood princes. In this case, the crown of Princess Margaret of Connaught, which she wore at the coronation of King Edward VII

Crowns could have different shapes: hats, crowns, hoops, crowned with leaves, prongs or plates.

Crowns were made from various precious metals (often from gold or silver) and decorated with precious and semi-precious stones.

Depending on the title, their crown holder is divided into:





County, etc.

There is also a papal crown - tiara.

Tiara (Greek τιάρα, ancient Persian headdress) is a triple crown, a distinctive high egg-shaped headdress, topped with a small cross and three crowns and has two descending ribbons at the back worn by the pope from the early 14th century to 1965.

Pope Francis and Pope Benedict XVI received a coronavirus vaccine, the holy see's press service chief, Matteo Bruni, said on Thursday.

"I can confirm that as part of the Vatican City Vaccination Program, the first dose of coVID-19 vaccine from Pope Francis and the honorary pope has been introduced to date," a Vatican official told reporters.

Nora Bernard was the first Aboriginal Canadian who decided to sue the Catholic Church for crimes committed in the boarding school where she spent her childhood. Bernard was killed in December 2007 before she could testify. Her murder remained unsolved.

 Jony Bingo Dawson of the Tsimshian tribe witnessed the removal of 10 children from a Catholic boarding school in British Columbia by Queen Elizabeth and Prince Philip in October 1964. Dawson planned to testify before the ICLCJ and was picketing the Anglican and United Church in Vancouver, denouncing the Canadian government's refusal to investigate the killing of children in orphanages. On December 9, 2009, Dawson was beaten by the police and died the next day. The official cause of death was alcohol poisoning, but the autopsy report indicated that no alcohol was found in his blood.



          Is everyone noticed? 

State capitalism - the economic system in which the state acts as the leading entrepreneur - owns the means of production, hires workers, managers and other personnel, manages profits.

A variant of state capitalism is state-monopoly capitalism, a form of monopolistic capitalism, which is characterized by the connection of the resources of capitalist monopolies with the power of the state. 

By such an encrypted pandemic painted up by an international bank (the world hospital 🏥) method, the current false-medical pandemic crisis named the crown of 👑 19 becomes a prime example of New Neo-feudalism and acts as the new moderator of the evil reincarnation of medieval feudalism .

The people are now drawn in check in the form of a mask 😷 distancing and other horrors having nothing to do with medicine and science, the people are saddled, and under the cheerful radiance of the blue screen monitor and personal accounts of politicians and other false medical services, the world of 🗺 in a bright, feudal-oligarchic future ➿🔣🚳🚯🚷🔞

Marx and Engels, Ulyanov Lenin Such a living Klaus Schwab, known to experts of critics of capitalism and theorists of the change of economic formations, did not foresee, did not know and continue not to know the ignorant that after socialism - communism will follow neo-feudalism. And not in theory, but in practice. The realities of our day are the clearest evidence not only of the degradation of historical processes, but of the scoop state stupidity, in comparison with which the Dark Ages sometimes seem to us not just natural, but in something superior to modernity. 

In order to demonstrate this, we will list and comment on the features of the current world neo-phobia.

In New York, fake corpses were worn in one hand 

         That's the plan by 2030👇

Consolidation, merger, absorption, ruin. The circus 🤡 the circus enters the arena several (4-5) large players and form a cartel exactly corresponding to the model of state monopoly. Such actions, taking into account the existing documents and textures, can be safely called a coup d'etat under medical overlap and justification, with the aim of changing the economic, social, political system of nation states. 


The slumber of a medieval man, believing in sand-headed people and the need to burn witches, fed on ignorance. Illiteracy, uneducation, primitiveness were a natural state of the masses: the absolute majority had no access to education and was in the world of chimera and religious dope.

The current slumber is much more flawed and tragic than medieval: the masses not only have access to education, including the higher, but live in a vast ocean of information, which can be obtained at the touch of a key. And what is the result of superinformation? Not just zero, but negative: having unlimited access to information, most feed on the pathetic primitive primitives of the state-paid propaganda of the virus and believe not just incredible stupidity and exorbitant lies and the new religion crown 👑 became the world premiere of staging 🎭 with their prophets doctors, so we are very close to the crucified boys, emerging in the sick minds of psychopaths.

Terrorist Ulyanov - Lenin arrived from Germany in a sealed wagon with his associates in St. Petersburg to carry out the October coup (1917). For the beauty of sounding and sweet sounds in the ears of 👂 👂 called the proletarian revolution. 

Read 'Fourth Industrial Revolution' neo Marx Klaus 🤶 Schwab 

The convex feature of medieval society was caste, most pronounced in India and the eastern despotia. Social ethologists view this subject more broadly than it is inherent in slavery or feudalism, considering human relations at low stages of development largely similar to hierarchical relationships in animals.

Practically all organizations of the Dark Ages - power structures, political movements, church, army - were hierarchical in nature and had no social elevators allowing people to change their position in society. Caste also implied isolation, isolation, isolation of different social strata, as well as material and social inequality, the practical impossibility of changing the social situation.

The monstrous shamelessness of openly demonstrated money 💵 and bribing everything and everything from the UN 🇺🇳 and mainstream media to national politicians of police and medicine and other, monstrously scale the arrow of the compass in the direction of total corruption. 

The current inequality in comparison with the medieval in general is insurmountable : the notorious "vertical of power", the oligarchy - unique: up to 90% of the national wealth is in the hands of 1-2% of the population, which is much cooler than in the days of medieval emperors and kings. We do not mention the incomparability of the possibilities of the current "bull-elite": not just to have real estate in one place, but also to have different on different continents, including farmland, grandiose yachts, luxury planes, accessibility of all the wonders of the world and super-beauty of the world.


In the near future, just as feudal lords received land from the monarch, the oligarchy receives large assets from the delivered presidents. Oligarchy is inherent in medieval kleptocracy, in which the government controlled by fraudsters uses the advantages of power to increase personal wealth and political influence through the embezzlement of public funds, sometimes even without attempts to imitate the actual honest service of the people. Kleptocracy is characterized by vertically integrated corruption.

A cursory search on the Internet will allow you to find out that the children of today's top officials are literally soaring up the career ladder, while talents are prepared only one thing - no one. 

An important feature of neo-feudalism is the closure of the ruling elite into a certain unchanging and uncontrolled caste, the possession of power in which is inextricably linked with the possession of property. Extra-economic coercion is increasingly being used in this society. Personal and kinship connections are becoming increasingly important in the upper social strata. Corruption is gradually being legitimized, becoming something ordinary, legitimate, necessary. And all this - against the background of medieval economic, cultural, social stagnation and degradation. The creeping archaic of society. 

In 2020 and especially in 2021, the world 🗺 fell into feudalism. Not in capitalism, but in feudalism jumped. Every day gives us examples. 

Caste feudal lords in fact becomes in the establishment of a new world order hereditary and transmits power and money to children. 


The feudal warrior, who received the land in the property, could in the Middle Ages maintain and preserve it, arming his unit. In the new post-imperial reality of the world 2020-2021, the only significant resource was the brute force that replaced the laws and all legal mechanisms. However, here - also a radical difference from medieval feudalism. Instead of "feudal" and "squads" we are talking about criminal pharma corporations and foundations, de facto authorities and organized criminal groups. The purpose of medieval seizures was mining, purchased on the conquered lands, now it is about bankruptcy of medium and small businesses through an organized false pandemic, further raider seizures of local assets and criminal redistribution in their own national territory. 

Modern society is thus forced to leave behind the illusions inspired by the thinkers of the Enlightenment. 

Thus, the current neo-feudalism acts as a bad reincarnation of medieval feudalism.


"Neo-feudalism" in the narrowest sense of the word is often called the socio-political situation, when some "strong" figures are no longer controlled by the law, public opinion, higher legitimate bodies. Feudalism is characterized by legal inequality, which is actually enshrined in law.

A medical passport is one of the necessary options for this action. 

Jurisprudence in the current hierarchical society seems to exist, but gives way to the dominant role of the right of the strong. Neo-feudals as an absolute arbiter need a "monarch" for the proximity to which there is a stubborn struggle. A special place in this struggle is occupied by the "yard" and "pretorians" serving the immediate needs of the First Person. Hence the mafia state, wrongful convictions, cruelty, injustice, crime, lack of civil society and the difference between the activities of official and criminal structures, the return of the Dark Ages.

Capitalism has disappointed the elite. They don't benefit from it. The bottom line is that capitalism by composition includes: order, legality, stability and guarantees for survival... They do not need fair competition, they see that they lose in a fair fight, due to their incredible stupidity and included: developed a long-standing pandemic, lawlessness, crime, chaos, fees of fines, massive theft of national and local budget funds and personal property of citizens directly by the government, and no hope for the future they do not leave. That is, rolled back the national states for five centuries ago, and brazenly build for themselves - SOCIALIST FEUDALISM! With greedy and greedy thieves at the helm of power. Who call themselves the saviors of the world, and de facto they are oligarchs, although by their level they are banal - feudal lords. 

The transition to neo-feudalism was noted by many modern thinkers. In 1916, John Galbraith published an essay, Neo-Feudalism, and in 1992 Immanuil Wallerstein defined neo-feudalism as the presence of political abracs, using violent methods of feudalism, the transition of power to the organs of violence and coercion. S.G.Kara-Murza called Soviet socialism a branch of feudalism.

Reboot, New World Order, new reality, all these sounding phrases actively, more than a year from each iron and refrigerator, from each crack sound from the promoted media faces, repeating each other these phrases with the persistence of the parrot, all this is nothing but a smokescreen, and will lead this new reality - normality is what 👇

➕Uzurpation and immutability of power and complete dismantling of the social state.

➕Destruction of the institutions of elections and the change of power.

➕Inding dictatorship.

➕Decesing of capitalism and its replacement with bandit neo-feudalism.

➕Work of professional, social and political lifts strictly on the principles of negative selection and ideal astocratic.

➕Political repressions and political prisoners.

➕Recesment of the people in the population, dipping more than half of the population into poverty and more than a quarter in poverty.

➕Protation of the majority of the population in zombie cattle.

🇺🇸What may end the fake coronavirus outbreak in terms of the global strategy of the New World Order. And why is the current epidemic so publicized by American politicians? 

 Obama signed the FEMA Act. The North American Union, also known as the U.S. is becoming or may become the birthplace of a totalitarian world government. Since 2015, america has a martial law, where the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) under certain circumstances can become the executive body of the State Military Police.

In the event of an artificial crisis, the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) is empowered to turn the United States into a police state and has the power to take full control of the United States. FEMA has the power to suspend the laws, move the entire population, arrest and detain citizens without a warrant and detain them without trial, impose an arrest on property, food supplies, transport and much more. 

Obviously, the real purpose of FEMA's counteractions in the crisis is to unite all the lands under one leader, omitting empty talk about the threat to individual freedom. According to the actors of the New World Order, they want the world to be largely "private land" for the sake of "sustainability", which is probably just a thinly veiled attempt to take full control of the planet. This agenda should be implemented in the period up to 2030. 

"We are on the verge of global transformation. All we need is the right major crisis, and the nations will accept the new world order", - the notorious David Rockefeller broadcast at the UN dinner in 1994.👇

🇺🇸 Hillary Clinton's Forgotten Revelation. 

Hillary Clinton represents George Soros at the "America's Return Conference, Clinton not only represents Soros, but also argues that the U.S. needs people who are "fearless" and ready to "rise up" when it matters. 

"We have to be better citizens again," Clinton said, "You know, it's not enough for America's future to have someone participate and someone doesn't. We have received an extraordinary blessing, and at the moment our country needs us, and we need people like George Soros who are fearless and ready to rise when it matters."

Of course, her speech caused a flurry of thunderous applause of the assembled Marxists. In fact, Friends, we see the Revolution, "which the Bolsheviks have been talking about for so long," and which raved Lenin/Trotsky and other fans of the son of hereditary rabbis Marx, who wrote his "Capital" at the request of his cousin Rothschild 👇

A Dutch member of parliament talks about the Rockefeller Foundation's Lock Step project. He sarcastically congratulates the House of Representatives and tells them that Klaus Schwab will be proud of them! But conspiracy theorists have been shouting for a considerable time that Schwab, who thinks of himself as an elderly clown-idiot in costumes a la Darth Vader, and his cod with a paedophile whether Gates or without him soon all ringed, it's us, Friends, not this member of the Dutch Parliament. 

"In the good of the beginning, can there be something bad, such as limitations. And if there is something bad in the good beginning, is it a good undertaking?" 👇

🌎😈8 WEF forecasts for the world by 2030

All products will become services. "I have nothing. I don't have a car. I don't have a home. I don't have any equipment or clothing."

There is a global price for carbon. China has become a leader in 2017 with a market to trade the right to emit a ton of CO2, putting the world on the path to a single price for carbon and a powerful incentive to abandon fossil fuels. 

3 . U.S. dominance is over. There are several global powers. Instead of a single force, several countries - the United States, Russia, China, Germany, India and Japan.

4. Goodbye, hospital. The hospital, as we know it, will soon disappear - "scalpels and organ donors are missing, tiny robotic tubes and organs with bioprinting are inside the human..." (about the same and on the Sobyanin website of the Moscow City Hall in the section, which describes nanorobots in the veins that crawl and when it is necessary to signal to the center (AI) about the disease of the individual and the Center including self-isolation and other such)

5. We eat much less meat. We will treat meat as a treat, not as a food. 

6. Modern Syrian refugees, leaders of 2030. Highly educated Syrian refugees will reach adulthood by 2030, an argument for the economic integration of those who have been forced to flee the conflict. Climate change will displace 1 billion people.

7. The values that the West has built will be tested to the limit. We forget the system of checks and balances that our democracies face in our danger. 

8. "By the 2030s, we will be ready to move people to the Red Planet." Moreover, as soon as we get there, we will probably find evidence of alien life.

Crazy house of nursing 🖐🏿🌑

19 Patents by inventor Richard A. de ROTHSCHILD

Richard A. ROTSHIELD filed 19 patents to protect the following inventions. The list includes pending patent applications as well as patents already issued by the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO).

In 10-15 years a fully developed feudal-monarchic system of peace will be formed, in which the absolute majority of citizens will be in the mossy serfdom and modernism.

Visualization of what we have said with our previous materials, parts of documents, photo screenshots other justifications 👇

Ordinary coincidences. It's nothing personal.

Ordinary coincidences. It's nothing personal. 

♟ ♟ Party

The date on the product named vaccine 💉 March 15, 2020.

Logistics warehouse potion 👆, a worker of the demonstrator 🪧 a blank sheet of the alleged annotation to the product, called "vaccine". De facto it is a serious state crime. 

COVID-19 (abbreviation of COronaVIrus Disease 2019 - coronavirus infection 2019), formerly coronavirus infection 2019-nCoV...



The present invention provides a live, attenuated coronavirus comprising a variant replicase gene encoding polyproteins comprising a mutation in one or more of non-structural protein(s) (nsp)-10, nsp-14, nsp-15 or nsp-16. The coronavirus may be used as a vaccine for treating and/or preventing a disease, such as infectious bronchitis, in a subject.

US Patent for Coronavirus Patent (Patent # 10,130,701 ...

DISCLAIMER: Coronavirus is a broad name for a family of viruses. This patent is NOT for the new COVID-19 virus and The Pirbright Institute does not currently work with human coronaviruses. If you share this patent online, be aware you are in fact sharing a separate patent for avian infectious bronchitis virus and porcine delta-coronavirus.

Chicken Cells for Improved Virus Production

Atomic Bombshell: We Have Proof That Rothschilds Patented ...

Atomic Bombshell: We Have Proof That Rothschilds Patented Covid-19 Biometric Tests In 2015 And 2017 Luis T Bill Gates , Biometric Tests , Coronavirus , COVID-19 , deception , History , History is a lie , Know Your History , lock-down , Pandemic , Patent , Quarantine , Rothschilds , The Future , The WHO , The World We Live In , Timeline ...

The secrets of the Bavarian Illuminati were not immediately revealed, because this secret society carefully concealed the real goals. To understand the meaning of the doctrine of Adam Weishaupt, who became the prototype of the main character of Shelley's book "Frankenstein, or the new Prometheus", and what is the ideology of the Bavarian Illuminati, you need to consider a document known as "Satan's New Testament." The Illuminati kept it in the strictest secrecy, and it became available only in 1875, when a courier of the Bavarian Illuminati on the way from Frankfurt to Paris was killed by lightning.

THE company "ROTHSCHILD COORATE FINANCE, AO, consulting company" is located in the Company is located at: 123242, Moscow, Novinsky Boulevard, house 31, A sector, TDC Smolenskaya (615 m.) location_on Moscow, Novinsky Boulevard, 22, office 209.

There 🖕is no answer to one interesting question - why did they need it?

Maybe you have the answer to our children's question..? ! 

Victor Rothschild and his company NM Rothschild Asset Management founded Biotechnology Investments Limited (BIL) following the Uk Cabinet Commission, which he led to the reorganization of British research and development. This insider trading gave him the lead in building biotech research firms that were the first to use "new" products to manipulate DNA - and even patented their crazy science.

2010: Rockefeller's 'Operation Lockstep' Predicted 2020 ...

In 2010, in the wake of the 2008 financial crisis, the Rockefeller Foundation, one of Our major "philanthropic" organs, convened what is called a "scenario planning exercise" …

All Banks are closing their branches around the world, blaming the cowid, but as we know, a social credit/cashless society does not need places to deposit cash. This is the first sign of the formation of a "new economy." It's amazing what kind of freaks these freaks think of as the cause of the closure.

Around the time Rockefeller's report was published in 2010 with his infamous "Lock Step" script, from which we live now, Bill Gates was speaking at the TED show in California, "Innovating to zero" about the use of energy.

He used this TED presentation to promote his vaccination programs, literally saying, "If we do a really good job of vaccinating children, we can reduce the world's population by 10-15%."

4:19 - "There are 6.8 billion people in the world today, or about 9 billion. Now, if we do REALLY more work on new vaccines, health care, reproductive health services (abortion), we could reduce that rate by perhaps 10-15%."

We were very surprised at first why this maniac wasn't arrested. Now that it is clear that this is one large criminal group including the leaders of the countries and the special services, it becomes clear the activities of this "doctor "

Instead of a needle 💉, a syringe 💉 with a melting cap was sent to the hand of the Speaker of Parliament. Although we can't vouch for the plastic, perhaps it's a personal syringe of Nancy with a gold cap of yellowish color. We don't know. 

The White House is the official place of work and residence of the President of the United States. It is one of the most famous and recognizable buildings in the world. But behind its majestic neoclassical facade is hidden a lot of little-known details and secrets. The history of the construction of the White House is also shrouded in a variety of myths and speculations. Answers to six of the most common questions about this iconic building, which served as home to all but one of the U.S. presidents, went on in the review.

The White House was actually built by slaves. 

First photograph of the White House, 1846.

According to the National Archives, the U.S. government never owned slaves. But it paid slave owners to hire them to build the White House. According to the White House Historical Association, city commissioners in Washington, D.C., originally planned to bring workers from Europe to build. It began in 1792 and took eight years. When the desired result was never achieved, except for free workers were engaged and enslaved African-Americans. They worked with local white workers and craftsmen. The Europeans, on the other hand, had a pathetic handful. Not only the president's house was built, but other government buildings, such as the Capitol.

The first project of the residence of American presidents was created by James Hoban, an Irish immigrant and architect. He was personally chosen by President George Washington for this work. After the British burned down the White House in 1814, during the war, it was Hoban who was involved in the restoration of the building. 

The official report of the world media 👇

Pandemic Coronavirus, 21 Dec 2020 

and Biden was vaccinated against coronavirus live

At a hospital in Newark, Delaware, the President-elect of the United States was given the first dose of the vaccine from Pfizer and BioNTech. In a few weeks the vaccination will need to be repeated. His wife was also involved in COVID-19. 

Photograph: Leah Millis/Reuters

U.S. President-elect Joe Biden has been vaccinated against coronavirus, Reuters reports.

Biden was vaccinated at ChristianaCare Hospital in Newark, Delaware. The procedure was broadcast live.

Photograph: Leah Millis/Reuters

U.S. President-elect Joe Biden has been vaccinated against coronavirus, Reuters reports.

Biden was vaccinated at ChristianaCare Hospital in Newark, Delaware. The procedure was broadcast live.

A German analyst talks about Biden's vaccination. We don't take an unscored German translation. This video is without comment by the 👇

A German analyst talks about Biden's vaccination. We don't take an unscored German translation. This video is without comment by the 👇

Victor Rothschild Soviet agentThe largest Jewish families diligently and with all their strength helped first the Bolsheviks and the emergence of the Soviet power - and then also by all means helped the USSR in economic industrialization and during the 2nd World War.

The "reforms" of the Society of Pilgrims of Victor Rothschild led to the creation of people from the Joint Chiefs of Staff of the United States and the CIA to implement the "Internet of Things" SERCO, the "Internet of Things" SERCO, the Pirbrait Institute with IBM, Lockheed, RCA, NBC, CBS, Facebook, Google. This plan was greatly facilitated by the theft of inventions on social networks of Leader Technologies, an innovator columbus-OH. SERCO and "eineti" gained control of vast swathes of America's critical civilian and military infrastructure. SERCO, the Pirbrait Institute and the Pirbright Institute are controlled by the Monarch's Golden Action (Iron Control). 

Friends, can any of you explain to us if COVID-19 appeared at the end of 2019, why were countries' orders for testing kits placed on the World Integrated Trade Solution (WITS) website back in 2018?

The Russian Federation placed an order for "COVID-19 diagnostic test tools and devices" worth $20,843,01 and requested 35,111 units of what was called "COVID-19 Diagnostic Test Instruments and Apparatus"

COVID-19 on the shelves of the criminal case : In 2015, Rothschild patented the method of testing COVID-19.

In 2015, Richard Rothschild, together with a Dutch government organization, patented the COVID-19 testing system and method four years before the introduction of the covid-19. Also, millions of COVID-19 testing kits were sold in 2017 and 2018. So it was called COVID-19, which is, in their words, an acronym for Corona Virus Disease 2019, not CowID.

WASHINGTON, December 29 (S.C.) Vice President Kamala Harris vaccinated her for a vaccine against coronavirus live and urged all Americans to follow suit.

"I'm now vaccinated... I want to encourage everyone to get vaccinated. It's relatively painless, it's really fast, it's safe... My husband will do it today. I'm waiting to get the second part of the vaccine. It's literally about saving lives. I trust scientists," she said after the minute-long procedure.

She said she was vaccinated with Moderna.

The minute-long procedure of Kamal's injection when reviewing and analyzing the video by professionals, turned out to be a tough divorce or a banal deception of fake 👇

The minute-long procedure of Kamal's injection when reviewing and analyzing the video by professionals, turned out to be a tough divorce or a banal deception of fake 👇

In 2016, Kamala Harris used her position to help Planned Parenthood emerge from a scandal involving the sale of tissues and parts of aborted babies. 

Back in 2016, David Dalyden and Sandra Merritt of the Center for Medical Progress (CMP) introduced themselves as businessmen and businesswomen who wanted to buy organs from abortion babies, and they were able to attend the National Congress on Abortion.

      Shut your mouth, the joke's over

Read the 👑's sequel to the story here and now👇🎭

Teresa Elizabeth "Teri" Polo is an actress, starring Pam Burns in the trilogy "Meet the Parents", "Meet the Faker" and "Meet the Faker 2". 

Knowledge, Memory, Modern Technology, 🌶 🧠, Reaction, Hand sleight of hand and no fraud. 

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