Golden Mine 3 

Golden Mine 3 

Ͳɦε Ɗαʝɭγ Ɠαʐεʈʈε'ʂ 'Βεɾϻμɗα Ͳɾʝαηɠɭε Ѕαγʂ'🎙

In total, in the Third Reich, only thanks to the Fuhrer personally, there were more than 150 "honorary Aryans" of Jews, the vast majority - large industrialists, but there are also figures quite odious. Ignac Trebic-Lincoln, at 19, fled his home in Hungary and visited the deacon of the Anglican Church in Canada, the vicar in Kent, the Liberal Party candidate in Darlington, the secretary of the English chocolate king Benjamin Rauntree, the double agent of German-British intelligence, the Buddhist monk Chao Goon, the provocateur and the "true political mastermind of the plot." The German Communist Party newspaper Die rote Fahne dubbed him "the god of the machine of national Bolshevism", and he became the "midwife of Nazism". Eventually, as a German banker, Trebic Lincoln became a friend of Hitler. Such subjects are not atypical for the closest environment of the Fuhrer. On May 25, 1946, the State Adviser to the Ministry of the Interior, Wilhelm Stuckart, testified to the American prosecutor at the Nuremberg Trials, Robert Kempner, about the Jewish origin of Reinhard Heydrich (whose father was a music teacher named Bruno Suss), the very one who was responsible for the solution of the Jewish question and was, in Shellenberg's words, "a hidden axis around which the Nazi regime revolved." He also mentions the origin of the head of the RSCA in his memoirs. An origin that did not prevent Heydrich from controlling all the intelligence and counterintelligence of the Reich. "He suppressed the Jew in himself purely intellectually ... Himmler said.

"Only after Heydrich's death, Himmler confessed in a conversation with Kersten that he had power over Heydrich because he knew of the presence of Jewish blood in his family; Hitler decided that the knowledge and abilities possessed by Heydrich were needed by the party, whereas the need to atone for the shameful in their eyes would make this Nordic officer a braver fighter of the Jews than the so-called pure-blooded Aryans."

Manwell R. Frankel G. "Henry Himmler" 

The leadership of the Third Reich so valued the rising star groupfuhrer Heydrich that after a successful attempt on him in the village of Lidice, the village itself was leveled with the ground, all the men were shot, women were sent to a concentration camp for life. The children were tested for their fitness for Germanization. The unsuitable were sent to Lizmanstadt for distribution to Polish camps. 

The official spokesperson of the Fuhrer since 1931, and he is also the deputy head of the press bureau at Hess headquarters - a graduate of Harvard 1900 and an expert in the field of antiques - Ernst Franz sedgvik Ganfstengl (Putzi "Chistyula") - a member of the NSDAP and the son of a New York Jew Heine, since 1937 adviser to Roosevelt. In his mansion Hitler hid from the police after the failure of the "beer putsch." Ganfstengl not only composed the melodies of marches for SA and SS. He snuffed out the budding ephraitor, introduced him to the respectable salons of Munich, and helped the future Fuhrer roll out the phrases of "Mein Kampf". Hermann Rauschning, one of Hitler's closest friends of the pre-war period, quotes the head of the Third Reich in his book "Hitler Told Me": "Jews have made an important contribution to my struggle. A huge number of Jews have given me financial support in my movement." Significant financial infusions into NSDAP were made by influential Jewish industrialists Fritz Mandel and Reynold Gesner. The Imperial Association of Industry was run by their tribesman and member of the fascist circle Ludwig Castle. Among other bankers of Jewish origin who have spared no money for NSDAP, Hans Privin and Oscar Wasserman (head of Deutsche Bank), whose son is indebted to the world, are the term "Wasserman's reaction". In 1936, when information about the persecution of Jews in Germany was spreading around the world, Wasserman telegraphed to the New York Stock Exchange, imploring his colleagues and tribesmen to do everything possible to "stop spreading harmful and completely unfounded rumors". In the fascist circle was the chairman of the supervisory board of the syndicate "Reinishe Braunkole" and the Bank of German Industrial Securities, a large Jewish "coal magnate" Paul Silverberg, in whose circles long "there was a project to create a continental steel trust, by merging French and German enterprises." In addition, Thyssen's steel trust included the Alpine Mining Company, of which the directors of the four bankers were Jewish: Georg Solmsen (Salomonzone) of Deutsche Bank, Hans Furstenberg of Berlin's Handels Heselshaft, and Jakob Goldschmidt, etc.

In addition, U.S. Marine and IDF officer Brian Mark Rigg counted two Field Marshals and fifteen generals of Jewish origin in the Third Reich Armed Forces, as well as 150,000 soldiers and officers of the "mishlinge", as in the Reich they called people born from mixed marriages of Aryans with non-Aryans, 20 of whom were awarded the highest military award of Nazi Germany - the Knight's Cross. Some can be read in Dietrich Bronder's book Before Hitler Came - Dietrich Bronder.

Even before the adoption of racial laws on the initiative of the leader Leo Leuenstein pre-call training of Jewish youth was going to take up the Union of Jews-front-line "Reichsbund", a solid organization of 30,000 people. In the early thirties, the Jewish youth organization "Schwarzes Phenlein" ("Black Squad" - similar to Hitler Youth, with the same attributes and terminology - functioned in the country. The black-haired "Bundesfuhrer" was the nephew of the famous Hamburg steamship magnate Gunther Ballin.

The Jewish military is by no means the nonsense of the policy of the Third Reich, it is much more pragmatic than is customary to think. Popularization of the idea that it was led by fanatics obsessed with empty metaphysical pathos, although there is a place for this, favorably harbours rational and pragmatic, above all economic reasons of those who stood behind the Third Reich, directing and coordinating its policy and does not allow to separate the games of propaganda from the real goals and objectives, including such as the push of Jews to resettle on the land of British Palestine. The desire of the Jewish thinkers of the new age, such as the author of the play of the same name, who gave birth to the term "melting cauldron of nations" Israel 3angville to the creation of a Jewish state, is caused by the realization that with the destruction of the ghetto system ,Jews may lose their individuality and nationality within one century". It was also reported in the press that the yellow Star of David had offered to sew Admiral Kanaris to the Jews' clothes, and the chief of military intelligence was from Greek Jews. 

"I would like to add that all this chatter about the race of gentlemen, which was engaged by some party leaders, was the subject of caustic sarcasm on the part of the German public. This is not surprising, since most of the leaders of Hitler's party were far from ideal Nordic types, and as far as I know, the undersized Goebbels was given the nickname German Pygmy. If there was only one trait that most party leaders had with the ancient Germanic tribes, if only one thing that was true, they were always ready to intercept an extra portion of alcohol."

Yalmar Schacht, memoir "Chief Financier of the Third Reich"

R. Aron, a French liberal and Jew by origin, wrote in his Memoirs that if Hitler had died in September 1938, he would have remained one of the greatest figures in German history, as what he had done clearly exceeded Bismarck's achievements. So, at least until 1938, there were no contradictions between the Jews and Adolf Hitler's regime, "it is no coincidence that the rare protests against Nazi mass atrocities against Jews and Eastern European peoples did not come from the military or any other part of the organized masses of decent philistines, but from those early associates of Hitler ..."

quote from the Origins of Totalitarianism by A. Harendt.

Further, the fate of the Jews of the Third Reich will depend on under whose superiors the "hidden axis of the Nazi regime" Reinhard Heydrich worked. Heinrich Himmler ordered a halt to the emigration of Jews in 1941 "except in certain cases where it is beneficial to the Reich." Guderian described Himmler as "an invisible man with all the hallmarks of racial inferiority." In February 1942, a memorandum sent by Hitler to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs stated the official rejection of the Madagascar Project for the Resettlement of Jews. Jol Brand, a resident of the zionists in Budapest, testified during Eichmann's trial: "Himmler, I was told, is actually a good man and does not want further eradication of the Jews." At the same time, the personal physician Kersten Himmler admitted that the Jews would have to be exterminated, as they were and always will be the cause of an intractable dispute in Europe. "The Jewish race is being exterminated ... this is our program and we are fulfilling it," he said at a meeting of major generals in Poznan on October 4, 1943. But a year later his instructions will be said: "This order, which takes effect immediately, I forbid any elimination of Jews and order that, on the contrary, it is necessary to take care of the weak and sick. 

You are personally responsible for violations of this order by your subordinate officers" ... "Jews working in the Reich give out normal rations to Eastern workers. In the absence of Jewish hospitals, they are allowed to be treated with Aryan patients.

Thus, if the decision to exterminate the Jews was taken, it was not before February 1942, when the Madagascar project was closed, and continued no further than 1944, when the order of G. Himmler was issued. And next year Himmler will have a meeting with the director of the Swedish section of the World Jewish Congress Nobert Mazur, at which all the necessary guarantees of the safety of Jews were given, which is understandable: it was 1945. Thus, it should be noted once again that racial theories were serving the task of pragmatic and far from any really racial, but science. That is why in the Third Reich, those who possessed 1/16 jewish blood could not hold large positions in public administration or head the media, that is, was deprived of career prospects, but even 1/2 of Jewish blood was not an obstacle to participation in hostilities.

And another example, is the situation with the Crimean Karaites, which according to the Rabbi. A. Steinzaltz "received full recognition from the Nazis, who confirmed their innocence in the community of the Jewish people, and they were recruited without restrictions. 

Why would I? 

Document 📄 

It is strictly confidential to U.S. Secretary of Commerce A. Harriman .

Dear Averell! The president approves of your plans. He added: The existence of the Base of the Soviet Black Sea Fleet and the Jewish Republic, open to the free entry of Jews from all over the world, is an inconsistency, fraught with unpredictable consequences. This from the very beginning caused him doubts about the reality of the Crimean project. Crimea should become a demilitarized zone. Let Stalin know that he must be ready to relocate the fleet from Sevastopol to Odessa and the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus. Then we will believe that the Crimean Jewish Republic is a reality, not a propaganda myth


Click marshall

What kind of Jewish republic are we talking about? 

It turns out that in 1920 Ulyanov - Lenin not only changed the status of Alaska from an urgent lease to an eternal concession, but in 1920 laid Crimea in one of the Rockefeller banks at 5% per annum, accrued on 200 government bonds, including roosevelt and wife, Hoover, Marshall. The Crimean project "Second California" included Kherson, Odessa region, Sochi to the border with Abkhazia. There was still a lot, but the decision of the Nazi rasologists, who recognized the Karaites as uninvolved in the community of the Jewish people are becoming more logical: there was no need to evict them anywhere, the Karaites had to stay in Crimea and wait for the implementation of the project "Second California".

Fascism and communism (Leninism) two brothers. Only Leninism wants to rule like this: all people will forever be turned into cattle, and to live the chorus in the role of mule chasers. Fascism wants to rule "the "post-for": as long as people are cattle, they are driven like a herd of such." 

And even if Hitler managed to capture and conquer the USSR , nothing new you would not see: part of the people would be destroyed, some would work for pennies, and also would find many adapters, who please the new government, approving and supporting the "new order." And from the high stands there would be boastful wails about "great achievements" and "achievements

The experience with the philosophy of Marxism was almost perfect. Many completely different peoples were taken for the experiment... Well, now name at least one country or even an area where Marx's teachings have planted earthly paradise?.. The conclusion is obvious: the ideas of communism are poison. Both communism and National Socialism are poisons that have long been thrown into the dustbin of history by all progressive mankind. And only the most backward, first of all in ideological terms, the country, like a fallen homeless man, get out of the way of this carrion and taste.

Bolshevism and Nazism were the most heinous ways of debilitating, splintering and zombifying the masses. 

The degree of self-deception and obscurantism of people is directly proportional to their gloom and ignorance. Ingenious Swift once invented wise guine and evil yehu, to demonstrate how hard it is to fool horses and how easy it is to fool people. What the poor zhehu do not believe - the end of the world next Friday, the collapse of the most advanced and developed country of the world, the world conspiracy or flood, the malice of the nearest neighbors, the omnipresent enemies, preventing to become on the normal path of civilization, the race that is to blame and must be destroyed, the class of elites who have sunk and snug, the special path of the country marching down the abyss. Why did God limit the possibilities of the human mind and not limit mind-blowing? How does the faith of the Gehu or zombies in communism or Nazism differ from their rejected belief in the Immaculate Conception? Once savages disfigured bodies, and the leaders of the New Age disfigure minds and souls. Looking at the "intellectual majority", you are convinced again and again that human destructiveness and ignorance are inseparable. Yeshu and zombies do not even realize that, supporting The Saturnian ghouls and bloodsuckers, on account of which tens of millions (!) of victims, share with necrophiles the responsibility for the genetic castration of entire peoples, for bringing their "great leaders" to the state of bestiality ...

No one confirms or denies, the topic is closed. Precisely because the topic was closed, it was repeated in a different technological quality, but with the same semantic overtones. Only the sums of financial resources became with a different number of zeros. 

"People who do not know their history are doomed to relive it" 

Click Santayana 

"People who have forgotten their past have no future"


Who does not remember his history, he has no country .

All this Conrad 👆, your adopted in 2021 called voluntary vaccination. 

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