Jacques Attali's Open Conspiracy Is Being Implemented."A new form of totalitarian society is created by medicine"

Jacques Attali's Open Conspiracy Is Being Implemented."A new form of totalitarian society is created by medicine"

24-ዘዐሀዩ ጠልፘልጓፗበይ 📓 'ናልናዘዓሀልዩ'

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It is easy to confuse a person with facts, but if he understands the trends, he can no longer be deceived.

Allen Dulles

The "pandemic" that was talked about in the spring of 2020 is not something spontaneous. This is a pre-planned operation aimed at global restructuring for the "global elite" ("world behind the scenes," "deep state"). There are plenty of facts about this. The EVAsive assumption of the HEAD of WHO on 11 March 2020 about a possible "pandemic" and what followed may be different associations; including the burning of the Reichstag on February 27, 1933, after which Germany imposed a strict restriction of freedoms and kicked off preparations for the outbreak of World War II.

A more amusing association, taken from the novel "Golden Calf" by Ilf and Petrov, is also possible. There was burned "Raven Slobodka" - a two-story house in the Black Sea lane. "The crow's suburb" burned not by accident, so it was conceived. Residents of the house insured housing and property from the fire, and then eagerly awaited the onset of the "insurance case" - fire. In this story, the figure of the former chamberlain Mitrich is important: he was the first to have the idea to insure the property. And then the gregarious feeling worked: all the inhabitants of the suburb followed the example of the former chamberlain. Mitrich and his neighbors did not share their expectations with each other, but understood each other without words. The "crow's suburb" was doomed and burned down as a result of arson committed by a janitor. Sociologists call such cases a self-reh commoling prognosis.

A "pandemic" and a global lockdown can be compared to a global fire. Many wonder who carried out the "arson." Who's the janitor? And I confess that I am more interested in another: who in this story portrayed the former chamberlain Mitrich?

And here's my version: "Mitrich" was Jacques Attali. He is a French economist, writer and politician. Born in 1943 in Algeria. In 1956, Jacques's family moved to Paris. He gained notoriety in 1981 when he became an adviser to President Francois Mitterrand. In April 1991, he became the first head of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD). Attali is one of the defendants in the case of illegal arms sales to Angola (Angolagate). Mason; according to some reports, the illusion.

Jacques Attali and Emmanuel Macron. 

French President Emmanuel Macron was heavily influenced by Attali. Macron's activities, the Strategic Culture Foundation wrote in 2017, see "a clear trail of influence... Jacques Attali, a member of the Bilderberg Club and fanatical ideologue of globalization, under whom Emmanuel Macron served for about a year (2007-2008) as deputy rapporteur on the Commission for the Improvement of French Economic Growth. The philosophy of Attali, a native of the Algerian Sephardic Jews, is that the omnipotence of money is the most just social order, and the "world nomads" tribe born of globalization must be decisively cut off from their national roots. Macron is not only fascinated by this dictator, since the time of the French Economy Minister ...


Attali is able to captivate florid, not devoid of wit reflections, demonstrating great erudition; in case of external non-casualness, it is able to exert a hypnotic influence on the audience.

Attali resembles not only Mitrich, but also Herbert Welles, a man who belonged to the British intellectual elite and was preoccupied with rebuilding an imperfect world for the benefit of the Anglo-Saxon elite. He expressed his ideas about what the "perfect" world should be and how to move towards it. A striking example of this concern is Wells's work "Open Conspiracy" (the first edition is 1928). Here Jacques Attali, being a high-degree Freemason, publicly discusses the imperfections of the world of the 21st century and explains how it should be changed. These Attali judgments can also be called an open conspiracy.

As far back as 1979, Jacques Attali, a little-known public, presented his concept of "health dictatorship": "We will establish an absolute form of dictatorship in which everyone wishes voluntarily ("freely") to meet the established norms. It is necessary that everyone voluntarily ("free") accepts his status as a slave... This new form of totalitarian society is created by medicine accepted notions of good and evil, attitudes to death."

Even then, Attali proposed to introduce special "health passports" to control people. Experts of the public organization United World International in the review of World-wide Fascism on the horizon? Globalist plans for 2021 (World Fascism on the Horizon? Globalist Plans for 2021), discussing the prospects of the emergence of such a document as "immunity passport" in the world this year, note: for the first time the idea of introducing such a document was expressed by Jacques Attali.

Even louder was the statement That Attali made almost 12 years ago in his column in L'Express. Let me remind you, against the background of world events it happened: the global financial crisis plus the epidemic of "swine flu" that has taken over many countries. On March 5, 2009, Attali wrote, "History teaches us that humanity develops substantially only when it is truly afraid: then it begins to create defense mechanisms..." Attali lamented that statesmen and politicians had missed an excellent opportunity to begin the global restructuring of the global financial crisis and swine flu (by the time the peak of both was published). Now, Attali noted, we have to wait for the next crisis and the next epidemic. 

"A great pandemic is far more successful than any humanitarian or environmental sermon that will convince people of the need for altruism...," Attali said. "Altruism" understood people's willingness to make sacrifices and self-restraint "in the interest of humanity." Attali called for "lessons to be learned so that before the next imminent event we will have established prevention and control mechanisms, as well as logistical mechanisms for the equitable distribution of drugs and vaccines. To do this, we will have to create a global police force, a global repository, probably a centralized stockpile of medicines and vaccines, as a consequence of global taxation."

For what? It is very simple: "Then we would be able to lay the foundation of a real world government much faster."

That was 12 years ago. And now the ideas of the hardened globalist, ideologically close to Klaus Schwab, are beginning to come to life.

In 2020, Attali gave a series of interviews, which show that he is very satisfied with what is happening ("pandemic", planetary lockdown, publication of the plan "great perestroika"). Attali hopes that the process will be brought to a logical end - to the creation of an openly functioning world government. 

Jacques Attali welcomes the world lockdown

An open conspiracy took place and carried out in front of everyone 

Some of Jacques Attali's revelations, made in interviews during 2020, deserve to be quoted.

For example, from his interview (May) to the Japanese editions of Sankei Shimbun and JAPAN Forward: "The crisis is very deep. This is just the beginning. Even the countries that have suffered the least will be overrun by a global recession, the strongest in a century." He wasn't wrong here. According to preliminary data of the IMF, the decline of the world economy amounted to 4.4% last year.

Attali is convinced that society can be changed in a given direction: "In the current situation, the awareness of the need for another form of society begins. We must redirect our economy towards "life-oriented industries" such as health, nutrition and hygiene, energy, education, medical research, water, digital sector, security and democracy..." The words about the "economy of life," "security", "democracy" sound at Attali constantly. However, all this is only "in the future." Before that, we will have to go through serious hardships (to show "altruism"), to agree to restrictions of democracy (self-isolation, lockdowns) and even to wars - cybernetic, economic and others.

One of Jacques Attali's most resonant books, A Brief History of the Future (2006, Russian translation 2014). This is neither much nor little prediction of the development of the world for the next half century. In the first stage (until 2025) America will lose the role of world leader, the U.S. will start internal conflicts, this country will turn into an ordinary state). Attempts by China and maybe Europe to "replace" America will end in nothing. The influence of TNCs will increase, they will increasingly dilute the foundations of nation states, privatizing states. Everything will end, promises Attali, a big, protracted, heavy world war, and only after that there will be a new just order. However, the idea of this order at Attali is blurred, and to give guarantees of the future "paradise" he refuses.

In the context of what is happening in the world today, it is curious that Attali insists on the following position: the more "altruism" (consent to restrictions) a person shows now, the more likely it is that the future war will not be too heavy and humanity will see the desired "paradise". In other words, submit to coercion and you will be happy.

And here are The Revelations of Attali to the Italian edition of FarodiRoma (July). The French ideologue makes no secret of the joy that the worldwide restructuring in the conditions of the "pandemic" is going well. According to him, more than 2.5 billion people switched to remote work overnight. Therefore, there is hope that humanity will also quietly accept other innovations. Now the most important thing is to put pressure on the state leaders, who sometimes stay in hibernation.

Attali is dissatisfied with the fact that instead of imposing rigid orders ("forced altruism"), the authorities are trying to mitigate the crisis by pumping the economy money. This prevents a radical overhaul: "I think that many people still do not fully understand what is going on. I mean, all the Western countries and many other countries in different parts of the world have put so much money into the market through their central banks that... this will "disguise" the crisis in the first stage, delay its consequences and make us think that there will be a simple solution with a simple monetary issue, but it is not so."

Jacques Attali is also dissatisfied with the fact that the authorities of many countries are trying to save the "dead" sectors of the economy. He proposes to focus all resources on what he calls the "economy of life": "health, education, nutrition, the digital world." As an example of the "dead" industries, Attali talks about the automotive industry and the aviation industry, offering to move qualified engineers and other professionals from these industries to the "life economy" sectors. This is reminiscent of the reasoning of the late Brzezinski in the book "Technotron Era" (1969), which proposed as soon as possible to move from an industrial society to a post-industrial, predominate services over production. Note that "post-industrial society" and "the economy of life" are not products of fantasy. These are the ideologems behind which quite certain goals are hidden.

In Jacques Attali's constructions, the "economy of life" coexists with the "economy of war." He doesn't have a clear definition of the "economy of war," but it's one of his favorite concepts. It can be assumed that by the "economy of war" this Freemason-philosopher understands the complete elimination of the model of the economy, which is called "liberal" or "market". Where there is a market, there is democracy, and in a democracy radical transformation of society is impossible. This requires a dictatorship. In a number of his books and articles, Jacques Attali hints that the model of mobilization economy created in the Third Reich deserves to be applied in the present. He laments the fact that even in the conditions of the "pandemic" the authorities did not dare to turn their economies into military-mobilization.

Another interview was given by the Mexican news agency Confabulario. He spoke about his book A Brief History of the Future and described the main steps that he claims humanity will have to go through in the next half-century. He repeated that the first stage would be the decline of America as a great power. According to him, this stage has already been completed. This was said on 26 December 2020; Accordingly, the sunset, according to Attali, occurred five years earlier than he predicted in "The Brief History of the Future." However, the main thing is that the global restructuring is ahead of schedule. An open conspiracy is carried out in front of everyone with the tacit consent of many elite groups and politicians of the first magnitude. 

They probably don't think it's going to touch them. Right, how naive are you, who only hired you for such a job? Your place is at the parachute with the mop. 

Eɗiᴛ᧐r-iᥒ-ᥴɦiᥱf ദ 🃏 รཞ୲ദບℓ౿ ℓ.

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