Fascism will not pass.

Fascism will not pass.

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Jung's popular (Volkish) worldview and his love of pagan symbolism and mythology contributed to the fact that at first the National Socialist movement in Germany seemed to him quite attractive. In the center of the National Socialist flag there is a white solar disk or mandala, inside which is another solar symbol: Hakenkreutz or swastika - a symbol of eternal return and ability to rebirth. The National Socialists used rune symbols and in the development of special emblems for various political and military organizations. Jung was always interested in the spiritual rebirth of the Aryan race. 

He was looking for ways to restore the "archaic man" or "German barbarian" within his tribe. According to Ernst Geffstangl (one of Hitler's closest associates of his ascension to power), "we began to discuss the flag of the party, which he really wanted to come up with himself. I told him that I would not like to use black to depict a swastika, for it, as a solar symbol, should be red." Ernst Hanfstangl, Hitler: The Missing Years (New York: Arcade, 1994 [1957]). It was in the house of Gefstengl Hitler took refuge after his Munich putsch in 1923. One of the last esoterics of the Third Reich, Miguel Serrano, writes, "One day I spoke with Professor K. G. Jung at his home, near zurich, about Christ and Christianity, and he said that his efforts were aimed at "making possible in the West the resurrection of Christ within man." Because Christos is The Self, the transcendental "I," it's Selbst." and then "Adolf Hitler resurrected the Gods, because He is God himself, Avatar of God, Wotan-Vishnu" (M. Serrano RESIVE HERO) Later "... Jung published an article called "Wotan" in which he drew clear parallels between Hitler and Lord Valhalla. Jung believed that Wotan emerged as a living archetype of the German collective consciousness and that the stormy wind he had sown had now turned into a hurricane..." ... He called Hitler the greatest prophet since Muhammad. All German, they say, unconsciously speaks it with his mouth. He is "a kind of spiritual vessel, a semi-divine or, better yet, a myth," as well as "Jung offered him (A. Hitler). The consequences of the Jungian abdication of Freudianism and Christianity were harsh. Wild visions from within and insulting attacks from the outside began to cause him heavy damage. Jung became at times paranoid, emotionally unstable, prone to sudden fits of anger and rage. His followers, especially his male collaborators, began to notice intolerance towards their own ideas, and therefore he became intolerable to them. Many of them broke up with him. He held a loaded gun near his bed and solemnly swore to brainwash them, if only he felt that he had finally lost his mind, though he himself might have seemed quite the opposite: 

"But <разум>freedomed and declared himself a gentleman" Carl Gustav Jung "Spirit of Mercury" 

Edith soon after arriving in America returned to her "bastion" on 1000 Lake Shore Drive and came out only to slowly walk through the grove of trees located on the territory of her possessions and which she called "shrub." 

She lived with her servants and Edwin Crenn. She continued to make cash donations to Chicago philanthropic organizations and somehow managed to get a small private practice. She occasionally conducted sessions and interpreted the astrological maps of her patients. Her faith in reincarnation grew. After reading about the discovery of the tomb of Pharaoh Tutankhamun, she began to tell her family what is the reincarnation of his bride - the young princess Anknesenpaaten. She died of cancer on August 25, 1932. Her son Fuller walked up the job ladder in his father's company and in 1946 became chairman of its board. While everything was going well, he consulted with "Yi Jing" and kept detailed records of the oracle's advice. However, in 1951 the board "asked" him to resign. Fuller died at the age of seventy-five in Palm Desert, California, in 1974 after thirteen years of surviving his teacher, who later in his life tackled the phobias of his degeneration, becoming the founder of the pcio-esoteric teachings of the path to a "new state of god-likeness." Otto Gross died all alone on the streets of Berlin as a result of opium addiction, and jung's sister Helen Preiswerk left the world alone, opening the doors and inviting countless disembodied voices and clairvoyant beings with whom Jung had to consult, and to teach others to do so. Helly died of tuberculosis, a few days before her thirtieth birthday in November 1911, Jung claimed that during the last few months of the disease her consciousness gradually degraded and Helly regressed to the level of a two-year-old child. Thus ended the story, which began with a spiritual session in the June summer of 1895. 

At that time, spiritualism was extremely popular, the commission on spiritualism in Russia was headed by D.I. Mendeleev, wrote about it in his "The Diaries of the Writer" by F.M. Dostoyevsky: 

«... Gogol writes to Moscow from the other side of the world that they are devils. I read the letter, the syllable of it. Convinces not to cause devils, not to twirl tables, not to communicate: "Do not tease devils, do not yaks, sin to tease devils ... The voices of the shepherds are being picked up, and even the science itself is advised not to associate with magic, not to explore the "magic of this" 

As the American researcher Anthony Sutton wrote, the Rockefeller Foundation in 1946 released 134,000 dollars in order to present to the public some official version of the Second World War, completely concealed and Occult-Mystic background of Nazism, and the actual establishment of the Nazi regime by American bankers (YuVorobevsky Step Snake. Under his influence, both men and women dared to risk spiritual well-being - their own and their partners," wrote Marianne Weber, and now left to him in the legacy of the Age of Aquarius, will return in the form of juvenile justice, mapping the genes of certain human races, destroying Christianity with the transition to goddesses - mother Earth and Mother Nature, or liberated "own self", many signs can be seen ...

Summing up some interim results, although the Editorial Board is quite well understood vector and quite long clear. Some readers have not yet been born 💡, and some were surrounding the color of children's surprise in strollers for children. 

Everything we have with the coVID-19 project and special operation (the corona 👑 virus 🦠) has nothing to do with health, virology and medicine. Common only in medical terms used to attack specific countries around the world. 

- Why the problem all over the world? Perhaps you'll ask 🤔 

And how can you use the virus 🦠 attacking individual countries selectively? 

"No way. 


- A fairly large list of tasks, from banal enrichment with the help of space budget theft, to the ultimate goal of 🎯 

What is the purpose of 🎯? 

- Below 👇read and try to understand. It's a long time ago to do ! 

Original source

 From the Introduction to the book by I. Garin "Russian Fascism"

 Fascism is not only a socio-political phenomenon, but a negative property of the human soul - a pathogenic and destructive property. Erich Fromm believed that the human brain lives in the twentieth century, while the hearts of most people live in the Neolithic. Therefore, totalitarianism and, in particular, fascism is born from within, from the depths of dark souls, which need victims and enemies, intrigues and conspiracies, strangers and traitors.

 Fascism, fascizoid consciousness is always the inner choice of the okhlos, cattle, rabble, the dark and ignorant part of the population. Striking the consciousness of the masses, after short-term "victories", it inevitably leads to the collapse of states and empires. History teaches that peoples and countries that have embarked on the path of totalitarianism, fascism and communism are moving into oblivion. Today we are faced with a unique phenomenon - the transformation of Russian communism into Russian fascism. Although both of these phenomena have the same psychological nature and are inherent in the same human type of man-masses, Russia cannot withstand the "second coming" of fascism, whose homeland it is in many respects. The country stands at a crossroads: either the long-awaited transition to a normal, global path of evolutionary development, or another failure into the abyss <...>.

 Although books have little influence on the choice of the historical path, the author's overarching task was to do everything possible from the writer in order to warn thinking Russians about the danger and prevent an impending catastrophe - the collapse of Russia, which for centuries has given erroneous answers to the challenges of history.


 In this book I will not go on about our historians of fascism, brought up on the primacy of social relations. I will be interested in <...> not external symptoms, but the deep pathology of the psyche, the inner impairment of consciousness. And I will interpret the very phenomenon of fascism not so much as a socio-political phenomenon, but as a phenomenon of a dense soul, as primitiveness that has survived to this day or evidence of the ailment of a mass person and a mass society. In this respect, I am a supporter of K. Popper, who in "Open Society and Its Enemies" interprets the "tribal spirit" and the totalitarianism that grows out of it as phenomena that permeate the history of mankind. After all, the inherent features of fascism, in particular, and totalitarianism in general - aggression, heartlessness, violence, intolerance, hatred, anger, xenophobia, the need for revenge, irresponsibility - are components of the consciousness of an undeveloped personality, inclined to get lost in a flock and enjoy the suffering of the victim. In this respect, fascism is indeed deeply rooted in history and has far from exhausted its primitive tribal resources. To one degree or another, it is inherent in many ethnic groups with delayed development and is an expression of a serious social ailment.

 When I talk about the embeddedness of the psychology of fascism, I mean the following. Erich Fromm, in his Anatomy of Human Destructiveness, expressed an interesting idea that Hitler did not die, because Hitler necrophilia swarmed and continue to swarm around us: they could be your neighbor in the staircase, or a school teacher, or a neighbor's prosecutor - they have the warehouse of Hitler's soul, and only circumstances save humanity from these infernal types, do not allow their necrophilia to develop to the full, limiting misanthropy to a narrow habitat. I fully share this opinion, especially when I hear about the existence of the Party of Stalin's supporters or about Stalin - a brilliant manager. The homicide manager? A nerophile manager? The manager who raped Russia? ..

 Alas, Russian society is a sick society with a severely neglected disease. For many centuries, this disease was treated with priestly chants, poetic dithyrambs, magic spells, ideological cries - approximately in the same way as shamans used their fellow tribesmen in primitive tribes. But if shamans were often successful, the political shamanism of "social relations" or "Russian idea" only drove the ailment deeper, bringing closer what in medicine is called "lethal outcome." Russian culture and the trace left by it in human spirituality are too dear to me in order to accept the fascisation and death of the country, without trying to save what can still be saved.

 We do not realize that not only a separate human life is flimsy, but also the life of both “small” and “big” people, all the more so - the states created by such peoples. A. Toynbee and J. Huizinga found out that the overwhelming majority of the once existing states and peoples disappeared without a trace from the face of the earth, leaving only archaeological remains and shards. Arnold Toynbee also diagnosed the main reason for the disappearance of states and peoples - the systematic erroneous responses of the power and cultural elite to the challenges of history.

 I would reformulate this idea: just as individuals, states and nations can get sick and die, and the causes of serious ailments and deaths lie again in generic genetics, in the “genetics of history,” so to speak, in the “genetics of ideas ”, That is, in those deeply hidden structures of mental, unconscious, mental life, which I, in fact, mean when I speak of the“ depth ”of this or that social phenomenon. For example, the German people in the twentieth century were seriously ill with Nazism, and the Russian with Bolshevism. But there is a significant difference between them: in the first case, almost complete healing occurred, and in the second, the disease of communism, which was not completely cured, was burdened with many symptoms of the disease of fascism. Diagnostics and treatment of deep social ailments are necessary for states and peoples not only to restore health, but to prevent death, which, as I said, has led to the complete disappearance of a huge number of peoples and states.

 The physical, mental, socio-political health of a people is determined by many factors: genetics, heredity, lifestyle, adequacy to the nature of things, habits and morals, mentality, natural and social conditions of existence - in fact, the same factors as the health of an individual person. Nations and states come and go depending on genetics, and in the broad sense of the word - from heredity, determined by historical prerequisites and way of life for centuries and millennia, and also from the correctness or incorrectness of the responses of an ethnic group or society to historical challenges. In any case, the desire to maintain the status quo, drag the past into the future, the reluctance to change ...


 I will not beat around the bush: fascism, Nazism, xenophobia, deep hatred for me - not what they usually mean when talking about Mussolini or Hitler, but the unity that unites not only Russian Black Hundreds, Italian Fasho, German Nazis, Spanish Phalangists, Hungarian Salashists, etc., but - fascists and Bolsheviks, devotees of "soil and blood", fans of the swastika and the star, gas chambers and Stalin's torture chambers and concentration camps.

 R. Lifton in his book "Technology of" Brainwashing ": The Psychology of Totalitarianism" on the example of the Chinese "correction of thinking" showed how easy it is to draw the masses into bloody and cruel actions. Psychology dominates politics here because any kind of totalitarianism begins precisely with “brainwashing” or “correcting thinking” and ends with “curing” with the help of mass murders. Power parasitizes on the totalitarian mindset that emerges in a mass society. This is facilitated by many features of the mass psyche: partial or complete paralysis of consciousness, caveman conformism, narrow-mindedness, a deep tendency of the mass man to despotism and violence, aggressiveness, absolute disregard for the personality of another person, brutal lack of control and licentiousness.

 I am convinced that fascism and Nazism did not appear from the "crisis of the capitalist system" or some "inadequate reactions" of people, fascism and Nazism invariably appear from the human insides, from the chthonic depths of human consciousness, from mass psychology and the deep properties of huge human masses, from the remnants of tribal consciousness and division of the world into "us" and "aliens." Nazism and communism are a tragic result of the development of mass society, in which Kirkegaard's massacre manifests itself not only at the everyday level, but is transformed into the politicization of the population and a dictatorial system of repressive institutions of state power. Nazism, fascism, Bolshevism are painful outbursts of caveman nationalistic and xenophobic prejudices provoked by social demagogy and irresponsibility of necrophiles and tyrants. Should millions of people create the illusion that social problems can be easily solved by indulging their national or group prejudices and passions - Nazism and fascism are evident.


 The phenomenon of massacre, obsession, zombie underlies any totalitarian regimes and, by the way, Hitler never really concealed his bet on carefully thought out obsession with the masses. A very eloquent letter from the Fuehrer to Gauleiter Rauschning has survived, in which he wrote:

 “… The lack of critical thinking among the masses is undoubtedly one of the explanations, but not in the sense that our Marxists and our stupid reactionaries understand it. The masses have their own organs of criticism. Only they function differently from the individual. The mass, like an animal, obeys its instincts. For her, logic and reasoning do not matter. If I managed to create the largest national movement of all time, it is because I have never acted in opposition to the psychology of the crowd, never teased the sensitivity of the masses. This sensitivity may be primitive, but it has a permanent, unchanging character of natural strength. If the masses have experienced something unpleasant, like bread cards or inflation, they cannot forget it. The masses have a very simplified thinking and sensory apparatus. Everything she cannot understand scares her. Only taking into account natural laws, I was able to master it. I was accused of bringing the masses to fanaticism, arousing them. Expert psychologists advise us to calm down the mass, to keep it in a state of sleepy indifference. No, gentlemen, just the opposite is needed. I can lead the masses only when they are in a state of fanaticism. An apathetic mass is the greatest danger to any policy. Apathy is a protective agent of the mass, its temporary refuge, it is dormant forces that will explode with a sudden unexpected reaction. The statesman who does not take quick action, seeing that the masses are becoming indifferent, deserves a state court ...

 I drove the masses to fanaticism in order to turn them into an instrument of my politics. I awakened the mass. I made her rise above me, gave a sense of her activity. They condemn me, they say that I encourage the basest passions of the masses. This is not entirely true. When I turn to the masses with reasonable arguments, they do not understand me, if only her feelings are touched, she immediately begins to perceive the slogans that I put forward. There is no room for thought at a mass meeting. And since I need just such an environment, because it is only on it that my speeches have a lasting impact, I gather as many different listeners as possible and force them, whether they like it or not, to mingle into a single mass: intellectuals, bourgeois, and also workers. I stir the people and do not communicate with them until they turn into a mass.

 I have an inner conviction that in the art of influencing the masses, no one can compete with me, not even Goebbels. That which can be achieved by calculation and cunning is the Goebbels sphere. But real power over the crowd is something that cannot be learned. And notice, the more numerous the mass, the easier it is to own it. The richer the mixture of human elements - peasants, workers, officials, the more impersonal the resulting dough becomes. And nothing comes from limited gatherings of cultured people, representatives of professional organizations, etc.: what you convince them today by logical explanations, tomorrow will be destroyed by diametrically opposed evidence. And what you say to the people when they are a mass, when they are in a state of receptivity and fanatical devotion, is imprinted and remains as a hypnotic suggestion; it will resist any reasonable argument. But be careful: just as there are individual neuroses, which the doctor does not dare to approach, the masses also have their sore spots, they cannot be irritated. "

 Nazism, fascism, Bolshevism, Maoism - all these are the fruits of the mass consciousness about which S. Kirkegaard wrote so much and which was studied in detail by G. Le Bon, G. Tarde, H. Ortega y Gassett, M. Weber, E. Kenetti, J. Baudrillard, E. Hoffer, H. Arendt and others. They not only analyzed the nature of mass consciousness and mass behavior, but predicted the onset of a flawed era of the masses, an era of total anonymity, hysteria and domination of a wretched and malleable mass man who does not know what he is doing ... ... His success is explained by the fact that fools prevail over smart ones in society, his defeat is due to the fact that the triumph of the rabble invariably leads to a breakdown.

 Fascism is a combination of Fuhrerism with the massive deception of the rabble and its seduction with primitive slogans. If a democratic society relies on personality, creativity, creativity, then fascism - on the zombie rabble. The defeat of fascism is as predetermined as the ease of seduction.

 Yuri Afanasyev in the article "We are not slaves?" writes about this *: (* Yu. Afanasyev, "Continent", 2008, No. 138, "Are we not slaves?"

 “Hitler's Nazism, Lenin's Bolshevism, Stalinism, like all the other“ isms ”I have mentioned, have one common basis inherent in all of them, which makes them all typologically comparable. Actually, this is precisely what became clear thanks to the entire set of analyzes, substantiations, interpretations and conclusions made and carried out by all of the above authors on the basis of their comprehension of the nature of mass consciousness and mass behavior and their identification of that world-wide phenomenon that ... can be terminologically defined (maybe to be somewhat arbitrary and, of course, not indisputable) as the massification, or de-elitization of the planet. "

George Orwell, in his article What is Fascism ?, published in 1944 in the Tribune, writes about the difficulties of defining this concept, but at the same time refers to the scientific school (Rauschning, Peter Drucker, James Burnham, Voigt), which refuses to recognize differences between the Nazi and Soviet regimes and claims that "all fascists and communists strive for approximately the same and even to a certain extent are the same people." “The leadership of the pre-war The Times called the USSR a“ fascist country ”. Again, on the other hand, this is repeated by the anarchists and Trotskyists, ”he writes.

 According to experts on totalitarianism, Soviet communism and German Nazism are similar in that they appeared in a mass society, appealed to primitive mass psychology and came to power relying on mass enthusiasm. Both are the result of the self-development of mass society, culminating in totalitarianism in Germany and in Russia.

 This massification coincided in time with those shifts in the internal structure of man and society that arose as a result of the imbalance between nature and culture. The coincidence of two so different, but closely related processes determined the drama and tragedy of the twentieth century. This coincidence makes explainable the massive actions of people, in whose heads and souls the vacant place of God and morality was taken by the cults of Hitler, Stalin, Mussolini, Franco, Salazar, Mao, Fidel, Tito, and the violation of this balance liberated the animal instincts hidden in human nature. As a result, the massacre was accompanied by a rampant passions; the planet was shaken by civil and world wars, massacres, collective punishment of peoples, deportations. I will continue to quote Yu Afanasyev:

 “… We have learned something for ourselves, as they say, with mother's milk: socialism and fascism are generally incomparable, like fire and ice, like light and darkness. In the worst case, if there is absolutely nowhere to go and it would be possible to compare these regimes as in some way related, then, as we always knew for sure, the best would be, of course, our Stalinist: he is for equality and justice, on us the Nazis attacked, they wanted to conquer and destroy us, we suffered. And here, in the course of in-depth comparisons, everything turns out almost quite the opposite. In general, the comparison (albeit, albeit with a slight margin) still turns out to be in favor of the Hitler regime: there was also a successful construction of socialism, but there were no massive repressions against the Germans themselves, and they were not destroyed by the millions. There they tried to make all of their own people rich and happy, and if someone was persecuted, then only strangers. And they attacked others to prevent their own destruction.

 If the two modes, after all, as a result of their comparisons, somehow differed from each other, then only, it would seem, in details. And according to the cherished goal for each of them, according to the direction of their highest aspiration for happiness, they differed only in some "trifle": he wanted world domination for the Germans at the expense of all others, and this one wanted the same world domination, but for all others - and to begin with at the expense of the Russians, or, more precisely, at the expense of the Soviets. "

 My reader has long understood that in my books I do not pretend to be "scientific" and that it is not my task to build an integral and consistent theory of the subject of research. Those who wish to get acquainted with Nazism and Fascism as political or social phenomena can refer to the books of R.D. Griffin, S.J. Payne, R. Itvel or A.A. Galkin. I will not define Nazism and fascism "in science" - say, as palingenetic (expressing the idea of ​​rebirth) ultranationalism (R.D. Griffin) or right-wing conservative revolutionaryism (A.A. Galkin). I will not because I am not interested in the ideology or sociology of fascism, but in its essential roots, which lie in the human psyche and ensure the mankurtization of the masses.

 The deep essence of both Bolshevism and Nazism is the possibility and ease of zombifying the human masses by promising to ensure "the eternal happiness of a great people" by destroying entire classes and nations, at the expense of their property and resources.


 In this book, I will not talk about political movements or ideologies, but about the types of consciousness of people, types that make some biological or class racists, fascists, Nazis, Bolsheviks (in fact, this is, by and large, one type), and others - democrats, liberals, neophiles, open-minded people of the world (this is also, by and large, a different type). Here we will talk more about the approach of Freud, Jung, Reich or Hannah Arend than about political teachings. Sigmund Freud's student Wilhelm Reich found out that ideology and the entire social superstructure in general are rooted in the depths of the personality, in the depths of the individual and mass psyche of the individual. Even economics cannot be efficient without aligning its principles with human qualities and motives.

 Wilhelm Reich traced the connection between the German mentality with its hypocrisy, pedantry, church cult, petty economy, and the emergence of the phenomenon of "Fuehrerism". The system of upbringing the Germans included the suppression of the emotional world of the child, not to mention sexual suppression. As a result, it was here that the subordination complex, on the one hand, and the sadistic principle in relation to the weak, on the other hand, became widespread. Like C.G. Jung, W. Reich believed that the individual and the nation can have not only a common psychology, but also a common psychopathology, contributing to the rise to power of necrophiles, maniacs and ghouls.

 In the book "The Mass Psychology of Fascism" W. Reich explained the triumph of misanthropy by the fact that fascist propaganda managed to crack the "biological core", releasing from it the evil demons of the unconscious. The human qualities on which the Fuhrer and leaders parasitize are contained in the man-mass of H. Ortega y Gasset. It is not so much the fascist parties that create the fascist person, as this kind of people - similar parties. Fascism is a monster dormant at the bottom of the mass human soul and waiting to be awakened. There are many definitions of fascism, but I am impressed by what I myself have invented: fascism is a dragon parasitizing on the human propensity for cannibalism (that is, on primitiveness, savagery, rapacity, spiritual inferiority, predation, lack of developed signs of the spirit).

 Authoritarian ideology, aggressiveness, ruthlessness, cruelty, uncompromising, conformism grow out of the integral structure of the character of the people of a given era. The authoritarian in man gives rise to the totalitarian in society. Fascism arose in the psyche of a patriarchal (dense) family with its well-manured soil for the manifestation of authoritarianism, with a perverse and repressive ethics, suppressed by sexuality and an ambivalent, dual attitude towards power. Elimination of these factors, especially repressive morality, should, according to Reich, contribute to the elimination of repressive regimes fed by the unconscious of the people. "Fear of freedom and reactionary mentality" - these are the reasons leading to fascism.

 The practical problem of mass psychology is, therefore, the activation of the passive majority of the population, always ready to support political reaction, as well as the abolition of prohibitions that prevent the development of free expression of will generated by the socio-economic situation.

 All over the world, freedom means movement towards progress and culture, but for us Russians, it turns out that freedom leads to a "behavioral syndrome accompanied by the need to destroy nature and culture." (Do you know who said? No, not one of the German or Russian Fuhrer, but our venerable scientist-patriot Lev Gumilyov).

 According to Wilhelm Reich, fascism is "an organized political expression of the characterological structure of the average mass person, whose existence is not limited to certain races, nations and parties, but is universal and international in nature."

 From the point of view of a person's character, "fascism" represents the basic, emotional attitude of the "suppressed" in a person to our authoritarian, machine civilization and its mechanistic-mystical understanding of life. The mechanistic-mystical nature of modern man gives rise to fascist parties, and not vice versa.

 The outward expression of fascism as a pathology, as a purulent abscess on the body of a pride society, is the dictatorship of a small reactionary clique. Internally, the characterological personality traits inherent in man of the masses lead to fascism, and therefore it is the deprived, envious and wishing for revenge defective individuals who invariably act as the bearer and champion of fascism. Fascism is the ideology of the poor, weak, deprived, which is why Nazism (like Bolshevism) values ​​strength so much. Fascization of a society is the degree of its dehumanization, its frustration according to Ionesco. Fascism is the intellectual and spiritual moronism of flawed people, which appears even on their faces. Physiognomy almost never fails me here. V. Reich testifies:

 “In its purest form, fascism is a collection of all the irrational characterological reactions of an ordinary person. The scale and breadth of "racial prejudice" suggests that it is originated in the irrational realm of the human character. Racial theory does not stem from fascism. On the contrary, fascism arises on the basis of racial hatred and serves as its politically organized expression. It follows that there is German, Italian, Spanish, Anglo-Saxon, Jewish and Arab fascism. Racial ideology is a purely biopathic expression of the characterological structure of the orgastically impotent personality.

 The fascist mentality is the mentality of the "little man", enslaved, striving for power and at the same time protesting. It is no coincidence that all fascist dictators come from a reactionary environment of "little people" ... In the form of fascism, a mechanistic, authoritarian civilization extracts from a suppressed "little man" what for many centuries it has been planting in enslaved humanity with the help of mysticism, militarism and automatism.

 Extensive and thorough research into the character of the suppressed "little man", as well as a close acquaintance with his behind-the-scenes life, are absolutely necessary to understand the forces on which fascism rests. "

 Although we left the caves a long time ago, the caves have not yet emerged from us - this is manifested not only in our blinkering, but also in our bombast. The remarkable Russian philosopher Vladimir Soloviev, back in the last century, proposed a formula that is a "master key" to understanding any kind of fascism. This is the "master key": "National self-awareness - national complacency - national self-adoration - national self-destruction." The most striking example - Hitlerism and another formula, this time - Rosenberg: "genius is characteristic only of the Germanic race." Everything is clear here: the next step is self-destruction ... Transformation of pride into arrogance, then into megalomania; self-blinding; loss of a sense of reality, collapse ... And the inevitable ending: unheard of defeat, unprecedented humiliation, national catastrophe ... The author of the wonderful book "Weimar Russia" A. Yanov called the above formula "Solovyov's ladder":

 “... Soloviev could observe the initial stages of this rebirth from the inside. He was a Slavophile, he saw how his adherents slide from the first to the second step, and this forced him to leave their ranks. The transition from self-righteousness to self-adoration had not yet taken place, but knowledge of human nature was generally enough to predict it. But only a brilliant seer could discover the monstrous potential of nationalism, which revealed itself to the world only two generations later. However, even now, a hundred years later, when every schoolchild knows the tragic history of Germany and Japan, the "Solovyov ladder" has not become an axiom. The mass consciousness resists, it is difficult for it to link together fascism (or, in the language of Solovyov, “nationalism brought to its logical end”) and patriotism (national identity). Indeed, recognizing such a connection, we seem to compromise love for the fatherland - a highly positive feeling, unconditionally respected, as natural in a modern person as, say, love for parents or children, and just as necessary for his moral value. But Soloviev did not encroach on the high status of patriotism among other human values. He only spoke about the terrible danger of degradation, which is fraught with the very nature of this feeling, directed, in contrast to love for loved ones - specific people - at some kind of abstraction. There is not even a generally accepted definition of what a nation is. Therefore, perhaps, this emotion is subject to the most unnatural psychological connections and deformations. Like parental love, true patriotism is a deeply intimate and self-sufficient experience. It does not shout about itself from all the bell towers, and even less does it require recognition. Indeed, you love - well, love, what is there to boast about? Therefore, the very desire to show off this experience should seem strange and alarming, even more so - to make it a sign of your special valor. Publicity, the transformation of a sacred feeling into a means of self-affirmation is the first step towards the transition from the first to the second rung of the "Solovyov ladder". Man is limited in many of his manifestations. He cannot give free rein to complacency, he is forced to mask his aggressiveness. If he shouts: I am the best, I am the greatest, all the others do not suit me, - what good, they will bring him to a psychiatrist. If he threatens with murder, they will complain to the police. But as soon as he speaks on behalf of the nation, everything changes miraculously. You can give yourself any compliments you can imagine. You can threaten other peoples with violence. And you can arrogate to yourself the right of control, accusing everyone who does not want to do the same, of treason, complicity with his enemies, or even belonging to some subversive "small people" that sleeps and sees how to sell at a higher price fatherland. It is not without reason that August Bebel once called patriotism "the last refuge of scoundrels." Public aggressive "patriotism" - the embryo of fascism - is absurd from the standpoint of elementary common sense ... But on the other hand, this is a typical line of thought of any professional "patriot": to attribute any misfortune of the homeland to the intrigues of foreign intruders and their internal agents.


 The success of Hitler's psychological influence on the masses was the result of the coincidence of his ideas with the personality structures of the masses, who readily accepted these ideas. Hitler made no secret of his intention to implement nationalist imperialism using methods borrowed from the Marxists. Here, however, it is not the similarity of methods that is more important, but the same as that of the Bolsheviks, reliance on the deep psychology of the masses, which made it possible for Lenin to come to power in Russia, Mussolini in Italy and Hitler in Germany. For the propaganda of Lenin, Mussolini and Hitler could take root in the minds of the masses solely due to the authoritarian structure of the mass personality, experiencing a craving for the herd and fear of freedom.

 Both Lenin and Hitler treated the masses with absolute contempt, but since they could realize their personal imperialist aspirations only with the help of large masses, all their activities were aimed at zombifying the people, at unleashing the vile herd instincts of the crowd, for, according to the frank admission of the German Fuhrer, "... the mood of the people has always been conditioned only by how public opinion was processed from above."

 In fact, the Bolsheviks, fascists, Nazis (like the current Russian professional "patriots") parasitized on the unconsciousness of the masses, on the rootedness in the human depths of cave cruelty, aggressiveness, expansionism, authoritarianism, envy, anger, xenophobia, national (tribal) feelings and resentment, racism, hierarchy, but, above all, irrational principles, as well as secret, dark, viscous, sucking passions and desires.

 Both the Bolsheviks and the Nazis loved to appeal to the human mind, although their theories were deeply irrational and anti-scientific. For example, Hitler's theory of racism was based on the ideas of racial purity of great nations and their loss of greatness as the blood “diluted”: “The only reason for the extinction of cultures was the mixing of blood and, as a consequence, a decrease in the level of development of the race. For people do not die as a result of lost wars, but as a result of the weakening of the resistance force inherent only in pure blood, "Hitler wrote in Mein Kampf. This is all absolute nonsense! So in the twentieth century, with the achieved level of genetic knowledge, only illiterate or malicious fools could reason. Particular attention is drawn to the fact that Hitler mentions "incest" in connection with mixed marriages between Aryans and non-Aryans, while incest is usually understood as sexual relations between relatives. Everything is turned upside down here: sexual relations between close relatives really contribute not to the preservation of the purity of blood, but to degeneration, while mixed interracial marriages enrich the genetics of the genus. This is just one example that clearly illustrates the anti-scientific nature of the ideas that infected the masses in the twentieth century. In fact, all the other ideas of the Bolsheviks and fascists are of the same, low-grade, most primitive level ...


 All my life experience suggests that too many people behave like programmed machines: the output is only what is embedded in unsuccessful, long-obsolete software. Arguments are powerless, facts are ignored, statistics are not convincing. What is the cause of human blindness and deafness? As I said, in a certain structure of consciousness. But that's not all. The biological is supplemented and expanded by the social: very often primitive human interest, career considerations, vanity, conformism are added to the individual properties of consciousness. Now you become a member of a party and instantly turn into a clockwork orange: thresh and thresh like a talking machine.


 In this book you will not find the "characteristic features" or "species differences" of Nazism or Fascism, I will be interested in the exact opposite - their deep unconscious unity; interior essence; human destructiveness; the demon is in us; government and servile "patriotism" corrupting a person and society. <...> I will also be interested in the mirroring of "right" and "left" fascism, which hides their uniqueness.

 The latter needs clarification. The very names of the flanks of the political spectrum ("right" and "left") - are derived from the symmetry of human organs, in particular the hands. But if you look at your hands, you will be convinced of their mirror-like symmetry. What do I want to say? I argue that the corresponding ultra-right and ultra-left political ideologies are not just “symmetric”, but “mirror”, that is, they are again of the same nature, reflecting the same deep inner unity: depending on small fluctuations, people of the same type of mental nature are nailed there or here under the influence of what they prefer more - nostalgic myths of the past or euphoric tales of the future, archaic or utopia. Reality, process, movement, evolution, diversity are not for them, it is, in their opinion, for a standing swamp, for the middle ... Well, this is democracy, human rights, freedom of choice. But tell me what you choose and I'll tell you who you are ...

 By the mirror image of the right and left ultras, I again mean their profound unconsciousness of the same nature: for example, both do not tolerate democracy, they reject with every fiber of their souls, because democracy is tiresome, requires tremendous efforts and centuries of work, and "piety is more ancient," utopia, patriotism, Cocaine country, Shlaraffia, "Holy Russia" - here they are, an immediate paradise, right out of the spit out gateway. As one of ours said, three years of work and ten thousand years of happiness. What is in Christianity - at the end of time, we have - take out and put: “... As if I already see clearly our future: for it will happen that even the most depraved rich man will end up being ashamed of his wealth before the poor, and the poor seeing his humility, he will understand and give in to him with joy and affection will respond to his glorious shame. Believe that this will end: that's what it goes for. " Do you think it's Saint Simon, Fourier, Owen? No, this is ours, domestic, this is Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky, this is bliss, which is from ... service. I can continue: "I want to see with my own eyes how the doe will lie down next to the lion and how the slaughtered man will get up and embrace the one who killed him." Very natural, very Russian, very patristic ...

 In this book, I am not faced with the question of whether we have a vaccination against fascism, whether the Russian people, who won fascism, are capable of coming to Nazism or fascism. There is no such problem because Russia is the birthplace of fascism: fascist ideology, Black Hundreds, police provocations, terrorism originated in our country, and it was Russia that generously supplied all this for export. <...> But this question does not exist for me for a more serious reason - Russian communism, Italian fascism and German Nazism grew out of the same root, they have one genetic basis, they are all just different mirror images of one Platonic eidos, derived from the same type of national and mass consciousness.


 Building a highly productive, prosperous society requires not so much material and technical means and not even a high economic level of development, but mental preparation of the masses for liberalism and democracy, for a market economy, for the rule of law ... Such preparation is a slow, long, creative process that requires gigantic mental effort. Every time there is a desire to "jump over" history, to build skyscrapers on the sand or in a swamp, Bolshevik and fascist regimes arise, a priori doomed to historical defeat. "Jumping" inevitably ends in falling into a deep hole. Throughout its history, Russia has “jumped” more than once, has fallen more than once, but has not drawn any conclusions ... Perhaps this is the biggest danger: not to learn from the mistakes of the past, to constantly drag its past into its own future. ..

 There is one more transcendental circumstance that prevents the normalization of life in Russia. In addition to the negative genetics of history, Russia belongs to the pathogenic zone: so much evil has been created, so much blood has been shed, so many people are supposed to make the earth groan, that the hand itself reaches for a glass or an ax, that horror becomes the norm of life. That thickening of evil, which is seen as the main trend of modern literature, its post-Soviet decadence - necrorealism, sadism, aggression, sexual deviations, absurdity, gruesome and porn, violence, werewolf, cannibalism, corpseism, physical and intellectual terror, partocracy, ideocracy, rigid hierarchy etc. - from Y. Mamleev, V. Sorokin, L. Petrushevskaya, V. Narbikova, V. Sharov, Vik. Erofeeva, V. Pelevin - all this is just a mystical mirror, into which everyone looks, but no one wants to see himself ... *

 P. 19. * Hidden citation of M. Epstein's book "Russian culture at the crossroads", "Zvezda", 1999, No. 1, p. 216.

 Rejection of the lessons of the past plus heavy heredity - this is what lies at the core, this is what pulls Russia into the Neolithic, this is the best soil for totalitarianism and fascism. The "Russian idea" first paved the way for the "Russian character" and then paved the way for "Russian fascism." This is our "third way" ...

 Once fascism and socialism met in mortal combat, and after the Second World War, the choice between them seemed obvious. My task in this book is to show, firstly, that the extremes converge, and, secondly, that today the old opponents are again ready to unite and are already uniting. However, discerning thinkers never saw deep, fundamental differences between them. Y. Afanasyev testifies:

 “… One can cite more convincing evidence of the ideological and social closeness of Nazism and Stalinism - right up to their doctrinal identity… The doctrinal closeness is also evidenced by the fact that for Hitler, as well as for Stalin, the enemy number one was democracy. Accusing his opponents of "democratic sins", Hitler wrote: "I learned a lot from Marxism ... National Socialism is what Marxism could become if it were free from absurd and unnatural ties with democratic systems."

 One of the confessions of Goebbels is even more expressive in the meaningful sense and from the point of view of the doctrinal closeness of the two regimes. In his article “National Socialism or Bolshevism?”, Written in the form of a letter to a “leftist friend,” he called on his ideological opponents to unite: “Today, no honest-minded person would deny the justice of the labor movements. Rising from poverty and insignificance, they stood before us living witnesses of our disunity and helplessness ... We both honestly and resolutely fight for freedom, and only for freedom; we want to achieve final peace and community, you - for humanity, I - for the people. The fact that this cannot be achieved under this system is clear and obvious to both of us ... You and I - we both know that the government, the system, which are deceitful through and through, must be overthrown ... You and I - we are fighting each other without being enemies really. By doing this, we only dissipate forces and will never reach the goal. Probably the most extreme situation will unite us. Probably!"

 The correctness of the assumption of Goebbels about the probable unification in the future is confirmed, for example, by the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact, which took place in 1939. Karl Radek actively supported the long-standing and essentially joint Soviet-German political movement of National Bolshevism from the Soviet side.


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