Gold mine 1. The memory of the victims of the Second World War is dedicated.

Gold mine 1. The memory of the victims of the Second World War is dedicated.

Ͳɦε Ɗαʝɭγ Ɠαʐεʈʈε'ʂ 'Βεɾϻμɗα Ͳɾʝαηɠɭε Ѕαγʂ'🎙

People are the new oil. 

Big Pharma Shareholders' Returns for 2020 (US$ Billion)

In 2020, a record number of new electric cars - more than 3 million - are registered in the world, so now about 10 million electric cars are rolling on the roads. According to the International Energy Agency, by the end of the decade there will be at least 145 million. 

Last year, more than 3 million new electric vehicles, including cars, trucks and buses, were registered. This is already 41% more than in 2019. The share of electric vehicle sales in 2020, despite psychosis and lockdown, increased by 70% and reached a record 4.6% of sales of all vehicles.

We have taken such data in the report of the International Energy Agency (IEA) with a review of the current situation in the global and regional electric vehicle markets, as well as forecasts for these markets for the next decade. And then we have enough of our own brain 🧠 in order to formalize another motivation for the special operation crown 👑 19 indicated in the title of our material. 

Maybe everyone's heard the Rockefellers are moving away from the oil business. Why now? 

Euronews reported that the Rockefeller family no longer wants to focus on oil and petroleum products and is starting to invest in green technologies. Apparently the crown 👑 this is the new green cow 🐄 the crown 👑? The Rockefellers came to such wealth and power precisely because of oil, the extraction of which they controlled to varying degrees for about a hundred years. It is as if the wolf suddenly declared that from today he becomes a vegetarian and will not eat sheep 🐑

And take a closer look at the second passenger of our tour today.

Microchip Technology

The largest technological asset in Soros' investment portfolio is the American microelectronics manufacturer Microchip Technology.


Another technology asset of the fund is the American software developer NortonLifeLock - former Symantec. 

Transdigm Group

The new asset of the fund is TransDigm Group. The company manufactures, designs and supplies aerospace components for commercial and military aircraft.

The fund first bought TransDigm Group shares in the third quarter of 2019 and then sold them. And in the first quarter of this year, Soros acquired 149.3 thousand shares - the value of this package as of March 31 was $47.81 million. Since the beginning of the second quarter, the company's shares are growing steadily, and at the closing price of the market on May 20, the value of the asset in Soros's portfolio reached $54.56 million.


The only asset in Soros's top ten portfolio from the healthcare sector is the Spanish company Grifols. It is the world leader in the production of blood plasma-based drugs, as well as a supplier of devices, tools and reagents for clinical and laboratory tests.

Soros began buying up shares of the Spanish company in early 2019, and in the first quarter of 2020 finished more. As of March 31, the value of the asset, which collected more than 2.33 million shares of Grifols, was $46.94 million, and as of May 20, the asset was worth $47.43 million.

During the pandemic, the investor focused on the pharmaceutical business, the entertainment industry, software developers and paper utilities, which are traditionally considered "protective".

The value of soros' top ten assets has risen from $1.13 billion to $1.35 billion since the beginning of the second quarter, by $0.22 billion.


Hospital staff in Bratislava, Slovakia, conducted an investigation into the PCR tests. Doctors have concluded that cotton swabs, which are injected through the nose, are designed to be implanted into your darpa hydrogel body.

The analysis was carried out between November 2020 and March 2021 on test tampons in kits: SD Biosensor, Abbott and Nadal, in - for safety reasons - an unnamed hospital laboratory in Bratislava, Slovakia. 

At the ends of the test sticks were found hollow Nylon fibers with DARPA hydrogel - these substances are brought into the body, during tests. This "material" now remains in the back of the nasal cavity! Built-in hydrogel sensors,

continuously measured

chemistry of the body and give you the opportunity to see in real time what is happening to the person. 

Here's a link to the PDF study:

DARPA's website 

you can find information about the hydrogel there. 

Link to an article about the test study:

Toxic ethylene oxide in all COVID test tests - governments deliberately poison people! (Part 2) And it is a "only" toxic substance that is even openly advertised on the packaging. This is what I would like to encourage again to encourage certified laboratories to study test smears as well as FFP2 masks to study all types of toxic substances. Now we need to make a big round. Governments will be held accountable and pronto !Advocates send "happiness letters" - lawsuits and start fan trials against governments and health care institutions. 

The mRNA injection delivers a synthetic inorganic molecule (medical device) that programs your cells to synthesize pathogens in the form of a spike protein that your immune system will have to constantly fight for the rest of your life. Some call it information therapy, which hacks "life software." In fact, you become GMO with software. 

The mRNA injection does not prevent you from contracting Covid19 or passing it on. 87 million Americans were vaccinated as of 20.04.21, of which 7,157 contracted covid after vaccination, resulting in 88 deaths. In addition, imperfect "vaccination" can increase the transmission of highly virulent pathogens. 

The CDC overstated the death rate from Covid19 by telling practitioners in its March 24, 2020 directive to attribute the cause of Covid19's death to all deaths, regardless of whether patients had positive results on Covid19 or not. 

60,000 Americans died weekly always, before and after panic. However, these figures are now frightening, despite the fact that they have not changed. It's amazing what the right propaganda can do...

The CDC acknowledged that 94% of the deaths were due to comorbidities. This means that of the 527,000 deaths attributed to the COVID19 influenza variant, that's 6%. 

Hospitals in the U.S. pay an average of $13,000 for each covid hospitalization and $39,000 for each patient who was connected to the ventilator, after which few are left. That is, the treatment is more like a contract killing with a certain customer algorithm : 1300-39000-52K U.S. dollars for one corpse with a covid.

When I hear people say, "I believe the virus is real, but..." and "I believe that the vaccine will save and help," I feel like I'm listening to religious testimony. It really exposes and exposes everything you need to know about science and medicine, which is dipped in BigPharma, which shoes sad with every day plebs on the money. Medicine has become the new "religion." I like to say, "I don't know. I know. People live, get sick and sometimes die. ”. 

Meanwhile, this is what Dane Pascochello wrote on April 26, 2021. I think you should know about it. Since this kind of information comes across to us not the first and not the second time and shared it not only scientists are truth-teller, but it passed and some media 

"... Can unvaccinated people get sick from contact with vaccinated people?

The vaccine produces many trillions of spike protein particles in the recipient. Patients who are vaccinated may shed some of these particles (spike protein). Particles have the ability to cause inflammation and disease in these contacts. In other words, spike proteins are pathogenic ("painful") as a complete virus. What's most troubling is that the human body is suddenly filled with 13 trillion of these particles, and the spike proteins bind more tightly than in a completely intact virus. Because of biomimicry (similarities) on the thorn, shedding appears to cause a wide range of autoimmune diseases (when the body attacks its own tissues) in some people. Worldwide, cases of pericarditis, shingles, pneumonia, blood clots in the limbs and brain, Bell's palsy, vaginal bleeding and miscarriages in individuals close to vaccinated individuals have been reported. 

In addition, we know that adhesions can cross the blood-brain barrier, unlike traditional vaccines..."

It must be said that the above omitted question as to how vaccines help the virus become more "flexible" and, as a result, more virulent, contagious.

In connection with the above, as well as a lot of other materials that clearly indicate the criminal nature of the false pandemic, given that only one company Pfizer expects to raise $15 billion in 2021 alone from the sales of its experimental vaccine against kovid COVID19, and that it is clear that in BigPharm there is an unstoppable economic incentive to release children's vaccines, The accelerators/boosters that have already been talked about in Moderna and J and J, public health experts and country leaders, if they really believe that it is still difficult for us to notice, if we watch everyone look at the mouth of the global kagal and its governing bodies, including WHO, the UN and other criminals, should start commenting on their inactions on the massive side effects of the vaccine and related issues of post-vaccination until it was too late for the people of the countries and the World. No need to think that you have found an alternative income going into the 21st century in the non-existence of oil . 

      Gold mine in exchange for oil.

In the run-up to the shareholder meetings of the giant pharmaceutical corporations People's Vaccine Alliance, it has calculated that in the last 12 months, Pfizer, Johnson and Astra'eneca have paid $26 billion in dividends and redemption payments to their shareholders, PSI (international federation of public service unions) reports. 

This amount would be sufficient to vaccinate 1.3 billion people, or the entire african population.

While the global economy remains "frozen" due to the slow and uneven deployment of vaccinations around the world, the rapid growth in the incomes of vaccine manufacturers has created a new wave of billionaires. At the same time, the International Chamber of Commerce predicts a $9 trillion loss in global GDP due to global vaccine inequality.

"The Nightmare Story of Big Pharmaceuticals: Why We Can't Trust Pharmaceutical Corporations to Lead the Role in The Fight Against Coronavirus" states that the profits of the six largest corporations in the "coronavirus" market last year amounted to $46 billion. And judging by the revenue, Johnson and Johnson are richer than such non-poor countries as New zealand and Hungary. 

Pfizer's revenues are greater than those of oil-rich Kuwait or Malaysia.

The report examines the history of some of the corporations producing these medicines:

Pfizer and its UK distributor hiked the price of on anti-epilepsy drug which 48,000 NHS patients relied upon. As a result, NHS annual expenditure on their capsules rose from about £2 million to £50 million in a year. UK wholesalers and pharmacies faced price hikes of 2,300% – 2,600%.

GlaxoSmithKlein was handed a $3 billion fine after it admitted to giving kickbacks to doctors in the US and encouraging the prescription of unsuitable antidepressants to children. Doctors and their spouses were flown to five-star resorts, given $750, and access to snorkelling, golf and deep-sea fishing.

Gilead introduced a Hepatitis C drug to the US market at $84,000 per course. A US Senate investigation concluded: “it was always Gilead’s plan to max out revenue, and that accessibility and affordability were pretty much an afterthought.” Gilead corporate profits increased fivefold to $21.7 billion after the release of this and another very highly priced Hep-C drug.

Pfizer and GSK produce a vitally important pneumonia vaccine, which health NGO MSF claim has earned the companies over $50 billion while 55 million children are unable to access to the pneumonia vaccine, largely due to high prices.

Campaigners claim these examples are inherent in a model driven by the need for very high returns, and that these trends are already at play during the pandemic: 

Pfizer has made no promise to limit profits, and has pre-sold over 1 billion doses to rich governments, representing just 14% of the world’s population.

Moderna’s corporate executive have made tens of millions of dollars this year in automated share sales which former US regulators have called “highly problematic” and worthy of investigation. Moderna’s vaccine has been made with public money, yet the company is expected to charge between $64 and $74 per person for immunisation.

Gilead made an extraordinary application for ‘orphan status’ on its drug remdesivir, which would have given it special protection owing to the fact the drug would be useful to a tiny number of patients – the very opposite of a pandemic. A public outcry led to withdrawal of the request.

The vaccine being developed by Oxford University was to be produced on a nonexclusive, royalty-free basis. However, on entering a deal with AstraZeneca, the situation changed. The deal is now exclusive and while the company maintains it will not profit during the pandemic, it has failed to release details of its contract and how it calculates research costs.

Nick Dearden, director of Global Justice Now, said:

“What’s been achieved during this pandemic by dedicated scientists and researchers is incredible. It’s amazing that they’ve discovered these potential vaccines in just under a year. That’s thanks to unprecedented amounts of government money poured into research. But given the public has paid for most of this research, any vaccines that come out should be owned by the public – true people’s vaccines. That would mean we could get vaccines out to those who need them in a fair way, prioritising the most vulnerable wherever they live.

“It’s beyond disgusting that a group of wealthy corporate executives and hedge funds are using this opportunity to further enrich themselves. Sadly, coronavirus has shown, once again, that the way we research and develop new medicines is not fit for purpose. We have a bunch of companies more interested in raking in massive profits than they are in providing for the needs of people around the UK and around the world. We must change that.”

We must not allow corporations to decide who survives and who dies while increasing their profits. Vaccine apartheid is not a natural phenomenon, but a result of governments retreating and allowing corporations to do business on blood, bypassing science 🧬 and laws. 

One of the reasons why pharmaceutical corporations were able to make such a large profit was the breach of antitrust and intellectual property protection laws, thus the legislator limited the possibility of producing potions to several companies.

More than 100 low- and middle-income countries, led by India and South Africa, are calling on the WTO to abandon the protection of intellectual property for products aimed at combating "Covid-19", a de facto non-existent influenza virus, since no one has yet presented us with the isolated virus 🦠 COVID-19. In fact, fighting on the carpet tatami wrestlers 🤼 ♂️, in this case there is a process of cosmic level of deception and manipulation. 

Moderna, Pfizer/BioNtech, Johnson'Johnson, Novovax, and Oxford/Astra'eneca received government funding and guaranteed privileged orders for tens of billions of dollars, including $12 billion from the U.S. government alone. They also used years of state-funded research and discoveries. A team of researchers from UAEM found that only 3% of research and development costs for the Oxford/Astra'eneca vaccine and the underlying technology were privately funded. The vaccine, developed by the University of Oxford, was to be produced on a non-exclusive and gratuitous basis. However, the situation has changed since the deal with Astra'eneca. The deal has become exclusive, and although the company says it will not make a profit during the pandemic, it has not disclosed details of its contract and how it calculates research costs, according to the Global Justice Now report.

These vaccines, which by all known criteria are not vaccines, were funded by public funds, desperately stealing the national federal and local budgets of the world. For governments around the world, this action has become a massive criminal crime and moral bankruptcy - to allow a small group of corporations to deceive the world and keep the technology of the product and its formula 💉 from the non-existent virus in secret. 

Moderna and Pfizer/BioNTech have become two of the three best-selling pharmaceutical products in the world. The companies forecast that in 2021 the revenue from their vaccines (product) will be 33.5 billion dollars.

It is their product the most expensive: from 13.5 to 74 dollars per rate, and both firms seek to raise prices. Thus, it became known that in a conversation with an investor, Pfizer named from 150 to 170 dollars per dose as the usual price it receives for vaccines. Whereas a study by Imperial College London found that the cost of producing new products (mRNA vaccines) can be between $0.6 and $2 per dose.

Both companies sold the vast majority of the vaccine's liquid doses to rich countries (for Moderna it is 97% of doses, for Pfizer - 85%). The estimated profit from Moderna products, developed in conjunction with the National Institutes of Health under the U.S. government, is $5 billion in 2021.

All major pharmaceutical companies are vehemently opposed to open technology exchanges and the suspension of intellectual property protection. And we understand that very well. How could a vaccine be made if no one had provided the virus with 🦠? 

Pfizer CEO Albert Burla, commenting on WHO's actions to share technology to allow other qualified manufacturers to release vaccines, said it was "nonsense and... it's also dangerous."

And he's certainly right. Is this what an MBA is taught in prestigious business schools? "If you have an exclusive and highly sought-after product, give the technology of its production to another for free"? And really nonsense. It's going to be kind of communism! Any business school graduate will tell you, "crisis is a time of opportunity." For some - at the expense of others. And the main secret of the "rel"nofollow" target"_blank">mifical "entrepreneurial abilities" from which profits are taken - it is among the first. Here someone naively may ask: what about the fact that most of the research was funded by the state, i.e. society - is there no certain elements of communism, only one-sided direction? When a corporation receives everything it needs from the state - "by its needs" and gives something in return to society, it is already most profitable for itself. And this - for those who have forgotten - is the most that is classical capitalism: "public nature of production and private distribution" - on very few private pockets. As for stories about "money from entrepreneurial abilities", it is that sales of business consultants' services went better (demand for them, by the way, in the crisis especially increased).

However, if we talk personally about Mr. Burla, the head of Pfizer, we do not know whether he studied in business school; known only that he is a veterinarian and a Ph.D. Try to look philosophically at the herd that needs to be cut. Especially if behind the back are the owners of the farm, who, not getting enough wool, quickly find a replacement for you, and you will join the number of "trimmed." That's the same thing! Here, perhaps, any sheep (believing that one day she will be knocked out by shepherds or ringers) will shine from its corner: "Right, nonsense!.. How can you give up the profits?"

Well, what will the population of countries and the world, as well as a specific person tell us in this situation? 

The protest 🪧 a general and unequivocal protest against lies and violence against the person, our rights! 

De facto taxes are not just stolen, they are still used against the population and people's health! 


We draw historical parallels.

"As can be seen in all historical examples, it was the cartels that were behind the scenes of every conceivable form of totalitarianism. They supported the Nazis in Germany; they hugged the fascists in Italy; they financed the Bolsheviks in Russia. And they are the driving force behind that unnamed totalitarianism, which is increasingly becoming a grim reality in the United States of America."

J. Edward Griffin's The World Without Cancer Is the Story of Vitamin B17

The word 'fasio' means in Italian beam, the speaker's fascia in ancient Rome. It first appeared on the political scene in 1898 as a symbol of the cohesion of the revolutionary workers of Sicily, who performed as it should be under the red banners. The effect of the Bolshevik Revolution in October 1917 in Russia swept into the cycle of ideas of many across Europe. In 1917, a bloc called Fasio appeared in the Italian parliament from representatives of various political organizations. Great October in Russia five years later gave birth to the Great October in Italy. The Fascist Revolution or the March on Rome also took place in October 1922. Theorists of fascism" - Cerbolio, Grandi, Gravina and others - former socialists. The blacksmith Alexander Mussolini - a notable propagandist of the I International organized in Italy revolutionary cells - "fasio" - was such a scheme for Trotsky: to stray into the revolutionary fives. "Fasio" or "section" was to consist of at least twenty members. There is a head and a political secretary at the head. The ligaments in each province are united in provincial federations, which, in turn, keep in touch with each other. One of the "fascists from the first hour" Edoardo Frosini, who presided over the first congress of the Nazis with Mussolini, wrote to him in an open letter: "I was the apostle of the first program of the fascists ... There were no black shirts at the time. But you wore our badge in the loop: a red cockade over a tricolor flag" - this is the historical embodiment of Stalin's formula "go left , come to the right, go to the right - come to the left."


2098. History textbook: in 2021, the planet fell, before the onslaught of unheard-of-so madness, mental insanity covered millions of people day after day, it was a very dark page in the history of the Earth . 

Corruption scandal in Brussels: vaccine manufacturers bribed European Commissioner ?

One of the biggest corruption scandals in the history of the European Union is gaining momentum. Because the story is so unpleasant, most of the European media do not see or hear anything.

Stella Kyriakides, the European commissioner for health and food safety who signed EU vaccine contracts, appears to be embroiled in a corruption scandal of enormous proportions. Many observers are already sure that it was bribed by vaccine manufacturers, reports Unser Mitteleuropa.

In the joint account of the European Commissioner and her husband suddenly appeared 4 million euros. The Cypriot press has already quoted verbatim about passive bribery. The money went through the state bank Cyprus Cooperative Bank to the account of the family of the European Commissioner; To avoid the scandal, the transfer tried to disguise the loan.

This is far-fetched, as the European Commissioner for Health does not have collateral for such a loan. Stella Kyriakides tries to apologize in every way possible after the revelation. It tries to give the impression that money has nothing to do with vaccine agreements with the EU. 

Meanwhile, more cautious Cypriot newspapers continue to write about passive bribery. This is not the first time that the European Commissioner for Health and her family have been involved in a health corruption scandal. 

It was they who many years ago privatized all cancer procedures on the island of Cyprus, and then, as usual, raised the price of treatment. She is now expected to explain how 4 million euros ended up in her bank account.


34 cases of spontaneous miscarriages and stillbirths after COVID-19 vaccination

Thirty-four cases of pregnant women who had a spontaneous miscarriage or stillbirth after being vaccinated with the COVID-19 vaccine were reported in the Vaccine Side Effects Reporting System (VAERS).

VAERS is a passive reporting system that allows people to report adverse reactions to vaccination, and is managed by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). A CDC-funded study found that less than 1% of adverse reactions to vaccination are reported to VAERS.

Many spontaneous miscarriages occurred during the first trimester or first 12 weeks of pregnancy, with 25 occurred after Pfizer was vaccinated. Four cases of stillbirth occurred in the second (13-27 weeks) or third trimester (28-40 weeks).

Verywell Health, an online health-related resource, said: "Research shows that between 10% and 20% of women with medically confirmed pregnancies end in miscarriage. Eighty percent of this is in the first trimester."

Dr. Shelley Cole, M.D., a member of America's Frontline Doctors, said it's alarming that the vaccine, which is still in its experimental stage, is recommended for pregnant and lactating women. "As an obstetrician-gynecologist, I'm worried about that," Cole said. We throw science and scientific medical methods out the window and jeopardize pregnancy and future pregnancy."

There is also no evidence of "the effects of mRNA vaccines on infants or on milk production/release" but "it is considered that the vaccine does not pose a risk to infants."

The World Health Organization (WHO) said in a press release dated January 8 that they do not recommend the Pfizer vaccine for pregnant women unless they are at high risk of infection as a practitioner. 

"Pregnant women are at a higher risk of serious COVID-19 than non-pregnant women, and COVID-19 is associated with an increased risk of preterm birth," the WHO said. "However, due to insufficient data, WHO does not currently recommend vaccination of pregnant women." 

WHO initially issued the same recommendation for the Moderna vaccine on 26 January, but changed it three days later, stating, "We have no particular reason to believe that there will be certain risks that outweigh the benefits of vaccination for pregnant women."

Pregnant or lactating women were initially excluded from Pfizer and Moderna COVID-19 vaccine tests, but Pfizer is currently conducting a Phase 2/3 study involving 4,000 healthy pregnant women who will be injected in the second and third trimesters.


Thousands tested positive for the crown after being vaccinated

A new publication by the CDC of the U.S. Health Service shows that many thousands of people have contracted the crown after vaccination. Hundreds of them were taken to hospital and 74 died.

According to California physician Brian Tyson, common side effects of the vaccine are death and flu symptoms. Also diarrhea, vomiting and dehydration.

Pfizer says its vaccine is 95 percent effective. 

According to Dr. Tyson, we don't need a corona vaccine at all. He said the corona vaccine has already caused more cases of side effects than all other vaccines combined.

Amazingly, the CDC expects many thousands more to become infected and possibly die after taking this experimental vaccine.



FALSE - the media burned! A brazen lie about the situation in India !

According to media reports, the situation in India is completely out of control, hospitals are not enough places, dead people on the street, ... Today, however, we have incontrovertible evidence of how the media create fake news.

Old photos of past disasters are used to convincingly demonstrate the seriousness of the situation. However, we took screenshots as these leaks are quickly censored.

This photo has appeared several times in the media lately. The tweet is dated May 19, 2021 and has already been deleted.

We made this screenshot of a YouTube video about the gas disaster in India, dated July 4, 2018. You can watch the video here

A few days ago, the New York Post published this photo on the front page of this article.

This photo was taken during another gas disaster in India and dated 05.07.2020. It is clear that it was done almost simultaneously with the photo on the front page of the NYP a few days ago.

Can you still view two photos of different gas disasters as an unfortunate mistake or rather as a deliberate manipulation?

As well as the Editorial Board are interested in the comments of these three videos from India in our telegram channel. 

In the EU database almost 354,000 cases of suspected side effects of coid vaccines

As of April 24, the European Medicines Agency (EMA) database contained about 354,000 cases of suspected adverse reactions from coe vaccines. Side effects mainly occur in the 18-64 age group.

In most cases, the vaccine is used by Astra 'eneca (184,833), followed by the Pfizer vaccines (151,306) and Moderna (17,265). In the case of Moderna and Pfizer, the side effects are mainly suffered by health care providers. This is probably due to the fact that many doctors and nurses have abandoned the Astra'eneca vaccine after reports of blood clots.

The EMA found a link between the astra'eneca vaccination and a combination of blood clots (thrombosis) and low platelet count, but is convinced that "benefits outweigh the risks".

Denmark has now completely discontinued the use of this vaccine. Norway plans to lend or give the remaining doses on the shelf to neighbouring countries.


Potentially toxic masks are spreading in schools and kindergartens in quebec

Mouth masks provided to schools and kindergartens in quebec can be dangerous to the lungs because they contain a potentially toxic substance.

Radio-Canada obtained documents showing that Health Canada warned of the possibility of "pulmonary toxicity" of masks SNN200642 produced in China. They are sold and distributed by M'tallifer, a seller from quebec.

"If you have these types of masks in stock, we ask you to stop distributing them and keep them in a safe place," reads the provincial government directive sent by three ministries: education, family and higher education.

Some kindergarten teachers were suspicious of these grey-blue masks for some time because they thought they were swallowing cat hair.

Health Canada conducted a preliminary risk assessment showing that inhaling microscopic graphene particles could cause lung damage. Graphene is a durable, very thin material used in its production, but it can harm the lungs by inhalation and cause long-term health problems.

Patrick Byardjon, who is responsible for the purchase of laboratory supplies in quebec, warns in an email that Health Canada has not received data confirming the safety and efficacy of face masks with graphene particles.


Italian fascist leader Benito Mussolinis representatives of the fascist party in Rome on October 28, 1922

Continuation follows in the second part of the material. 

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