Bad Karma 1 

Bad Karma 1 

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For a long time, the editorial board did not want to bring some materials to a large circulation of the reader, due to the outright evil and cynicism of the material. But after lengthy consultations and several video conferences with colleagues from different jurisdictions, friends and colleagues were able to convince us to give some of the iconic thematic texts to start with. Let's face it, much earlier we considered these topics to be past misunderstandings in history and fatal mistakes that cannot be repeated in the 21st century. But everything happens as it happens. People have the ability not to learn from other people's mistakes, but to make their own. The editors made a difficult decision and proceeds to provide a massive amount of material in a new cycle of publications within the framework of our project

 ‘Memorial Day May 8’, giving the new cycle a resounding slogan suitable for all times and for all peoples:

 '' Never say never ''

 Cycle 1. (numbering in Telegraph format will be slightly different)

 In the first publication of the Rockefeller-founded General Education Co., Freud Gates wrote: “We will not try to make philosophers, scientists or knowledge workers out of these people or their children. We will not choose from among them writers, editors, poets, or people scribbling letters. We will not look in the embryo for great artists, painters, musicians, nor lawyers, doctors, preachers, politicians, statesmen, of whom we already have enough. The task that we set ourselves is very simple and at the same time very beautiful: to teach these people as they are, the most real ideal life. ”[39]

National Children's Vaccine Act - National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act From Wikipedia, Free Encyclopedia Of the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act (NCVIA) 1986 (42 USC q300aa-1 to 300aa-34) was signed into law by U.S. President Ronald Reagan as part of a larger health care bill on November 14, 1986. NCVIA's goals were to eliminate the potential financial liability of vaccine manufacturers in connection with claims about the harm of vaccines to ensure stable market supplies of vaccines and to ensure cost-effective arbitration on claims about the harm of vaccines. The NCVIA established the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (NVICP) to provide a federal impartial system for vaccine-related injuries or deaths by establishing a lawsuit filed by the U.S. Federal Court of Claims and Special Masters. In the 1970s and 1980s, controversy erupted over whether the whole cell component of whooping cough causes irreversible brain damage, known as pertussis vaccination encephalopathy, in rare cases. No studies have shown a cause-and-effect relationship, and more recent studies have shown no link between the ACDS vaccine and persistent brain damage. Suspected brain damage caused by the vaccine turned out to be an unrelated disease, childhood epilepsy. In 1990, the Journal of the American Medical Association called the link a "myth" and a "nonsense." Until now, however, criticism of studies showing a lack of communication and several widely publicized anecdotal reports of permanent disability, which were blamed on the ACDS vaccine, had sparked a movement against the 1970s ACDs. In the U.S., low profitability and rising vaccine lawsuits forced many manufacturers to discontinue production of the ACDS vaccine by the early 1980s. By 1985, vaccine manufacturers had had difficulty in liability insurance. The price of the ACDS vaccine has skyrocketed, forcing suppliers to reduce purchases and limit availability. By the end of 1985, only one company was still producing a whooping cough vaccine in the United States. In this regard, in 1986, Congress passed the National Children's Vaccine Act (NCVIA), which establishes a federal non-fault system to compensate victims of injuries caused by a mandatory vaccine. Loading... The NCVIA NcVIA Vaccine Reporting System also requires all health care providers to report certain side effects after vaccination in the Vaccine Side Effects Reporting System (VAERS). NCVIA has also established a committee from the Institute of Medicine (IOM) to review existing literature on the side effects of the vaccine that occur after immunization, regardless of whether there is a direct link between events. The Office of the National Vaccine Program as a result of NCVIA under DHHS was created by the National Office of the Vaccination Program (NVPO). NVPO is responsible for coordinating immunization-related activities among all DHHS agencies, including the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and the Office of Health Resources and Services (HRSA). Information about NCVIA vaccines requires that all health care providers who administer vaccines against diphtheria, tetanus, whooping cough, polio, measles, mumps, rubella, hepatitis B, Haemophilus influenzae type B and chickenpox, must provide information about the vaccine (VIS) to the recipient of the vaccine, its parent or the legal guardian of the vaccine. VIS should be done with each vaccination, including each dose in a multi-dose series. Each ICU provides a brief description of the disease as well as the risks and benefits of the vaccine. Each ICU is developed by the CDC and distributed to state and local health departments as well as individual suppliers. - "The Table of Vaccine Injury," U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) - "Frequently asked questions about the National Injury Compensation Program, Related to Vaccination," DHHS (last update - December 18, 2002) external references - "Vaccine Safety Review," National Immunization Program - "Vaccine Act: National Children's Vaccine Act," Louisiana State University - Vaccine Safety Institute, Bloomberg Johns University Hopkins School of Public Health Is Available Text Under License Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike; additional conditions may apply. Using this site, you agree to terms of use and privacy policy. Wikipedia® is a registered trademark of the non-profit organization Wikimedia Foundation, Inc. National Children's Vaccines Act -

No COVID vaccine is a vaccine. Everything that happens is the crime of the century.

These drugs can only be vaccines after all the testing has been put in place.

To date, these are biological products (see supply contract) with unclear efficacy, with unclear side effects, with unclear meaning for application, it is unclear from what. 

The world's population is a participant in the experimental actions of private companies, these experiments 🧫 under the budget rule can not be paid from national budgets. There is no good reason to direct budget funds for such experiments. Lawmakers have clearly overstepped their authority. People should pay for experiments by signing personal contracts with points of responsibility of the parties.

The responsibility of the manufacturer is removed by the legislator is not lawful, there are no valid documents justifying the abuse of office. There is no war, the population lives in a regular mode and does not die to justify such decisions. Before you get an injection, people are told:

"Here, sign Disclaimer."

This removal of responsibility due to any complications, up to the death of a person (citizen) is not a toaster, not a vacuum cleaner, not a coffee maker - the life of a citizen, a voter, a child.

Why do you line up in long lines urging them to take a shot out of all accounts and all screens in such strange circumstances? For what purpose do journalists consider the percentage of pricked and uncollected mentioning the two parties of the U.S. 🇺🇸 and the membership of the population to party preferences ? Vaccination for political preferences? 

You're not a democrat if you don't get shot? So understand? You're not a Democrat if you don't wear a rag on your face? So understand? 

In the world, no one has even isolated this virus, but still say "we made a vaccine" - guys, you show what you made the vaccine against, have you at least seen it?

The effectiveness of the vaccine is tested for years, from three to five, to seven years...

Mortality at the expense of what? This diagnosis does not mean PCR tests, the real diagnosis means that if we have :

(a) Sick;

b) the dead (it's not just an autopsy and macroscopic description of what we saw inside just eyes, and we take all the samples to get the most complete picture.

And then we make a list of all the diseases of this person and say: the cause of death was this.

Can you tell us which hospital generates mortality statistics?

The problem is that no doctor will say and no hospital manager. No one's going to say.

The World Health Organization told you not to? Don't do what and why? 

The World Health Organization told you to do ? What to do and why?

Documents with seals and signatures in the screen 📺 and on the table presented ! 

Annual statistics 📊 as a percentage of the number of side effects and other symptoms and lesions and the number of deaths in vaccinated present ? 

And what the figures are hundreds and thousands of times more than those with the flu or other known disease said ? Documents in the screen 📺 and on the table imagine ! 

"Vaccinations are a huge deception... They have not saved a single life, but have caused so many diseases and deaths, so many absolutely unnecessary, and therefore undeserved suffering, that the coming generation will be considered one of the greatest mistakes of the era of ignorance and prejudice, and their imposition under the fear of punishment is the dirt on the generally benevolent development of legislation in our century..." 

Alfred Russell Wallace (1898)


During the Egyptian campaign, Napoleon once abandoned the chemist Bertolle: "Chemistry is the kitchen of medicine, and medicine is a science for treacherous killers", it was this year when the official founder of vaccination Edward Jenner published his first works, which formed the basis of THE CUDITA, a term that came from the Latin word KOROVA.

There is less and less health in children, there are more and more serious diseases that occur at all ages, and moreover, those that were extremely rare before, for example, autoimmune diseases. And practically no one seeks to study the relationship of vaccinations with them. ”[4] - Dr. A. Kotok writes in his book.

 “As a virologist specializing in the manufacture and control of vaccine safety, having been dealing with chronic viral infections for a long time ... I take responsibility for considering ... the prevention of the immune system in all their diversity and complexity” - these words begin the book by G. P. Chervonskaya “Vaccinations : myths and reality ".

 You don't need to be a virologist to read her book, because she herself writes: “Any science is based on logic. Medical logic should be based on the general biological laws of human nature ”. So from her words:

 - "In no case can you bring all the children by vaccinating them with one drug - this is nonsense" ... "If the world were equally susceptible to these diseases, it would have died out of them long ago ... you need to help one out of a hundred against tuberculosis, or one out of five hundred is susceptible against poleomelite "

 - “any vaccine is necessarily an additional load on the immune system, and not only on the immune system on the entire physiology ... the vaccination system - twenty vaccines per child's body is not a fight not against infectious diseases, it is a fight against human nature, which begins with us in the hospital ... the immune system is paralyzed. Paralysis!.."

 - "improvement, perfection of a person in a similar way, in spite of his individual characteristics, by massive" prosthetics "of the immune system is antibiological."

 - "Nobody takes into account contraindications ..."

 - “It is quite obvious that medical intervention in human nature with the help of vaccines is impossible without understanding the general laws of human biological evolution ... a vaccine can be a provocateur of any chronic disease.” [2] [3]

 In addition, I would add several no less logical conclusions from Dr. A. Kotok: “diseases leave persistent, usually lifelong immunity, while vaccine immunity disappears rather quickly ...

 Vaccinating children gives rise not only to the problem of shifting the disease to an unfavorable age for patients, but also another, also very important. Vaccinated in childhood, girls are deprived of the opportunity to acquire lifelong immunity to infectious diseases and pass it on with milk or through the placenta to their future babies, since vaccine immunity to fertile age is very often not found. Children who do not receive maternal antibodies are not protected against diseases that are dangerous in early infancy ... "[4] Oncovirusologist L. A. Zilber supplemented and developed Mechnikov's doctrine by defining the state of immunity as the totality of all hereditarily acquired and individually acquired properties . [3]

 Is the logic supported by practice? In 51 studies with 294 thousand children, no hints were found that vaccinations for children aged 6 months to 2 years were more effective than a "placebo" ("Placebo" is a dummy - a dummy drug).

 Not in adults either, 48 reports of 66,000 adults show little or no difference between vaccinated and unvaccinated adults in terms of bulletins and fewer days off work.

 The elderly don't either. In 64 studies over 98 seasons in nursing homes, influenza vaccination did not appear to have any effect on the incidence of influenza, respiratory infections or pneumonia. [10]

 Then why such persistence in universal vaccination not only in some countries, but throughout the entire planet, regardless of the form of the state, contrary to even the usual human, and not medical logic? Why "vaccine antigens are introduced into the body, bypassing its defense systems, directly into the bloodstream, depriving the body of the ability to defend against them (Balashev V.D. Member of the Regional Committee for the Protection of Culture)"?

 The pioneer of vaccination, Edward Jenner, an English surgeon and pharmacist from Gloucestershire, never studied medicine in academic institutions. He was a specialist in ... cuckoos, paying 15 guineas, bought the title of Doctor of Medicine at the Scottish University of St. Andrews. In the late 1780s, rumors circulating in neighboring Dorsetshire reached Jenner that a disease called vaccinia could protect against smallpox. And although this disease, as his colleagues told the cuckoo researcher, had nothing in common with human smallpox except the name. But Jenner nevertheless inoculated his one and a half year old son with pus from a vial on the skin of a pig.

 The inoculation itself was not a discovery; the method of prophylactic infection by introducing smallpox pus was practiced in China since the 10th century. among the nobility, a clan of professional inoculators. In neighboring India, inoculation was the responsibility of a special group of Brahmins and was part of the ritual worship of the smallpox goddess Mata. [4] And Jenner himself also constantly mentioned in his publications about predecessors. Two years after the first experiment, Jenner repeated the experiment with his son, but this time, as a result of infection, he turned into a frail, sickly creature suffering from mental retardation and died of tuberculosis at the age of 21.

 Then Jenner continued experiments with the eight-year-old son of his gardener, James Phipps, as a result of which it was suggested that vaccinia protects against smallpox. Continuing the experiments in 1798, Jenner infected several more children with the horse biting midge, some of them required serious treatment for persistent festering ulcers. Not in the least caring about their fate and not even trying to inoculate them and check if there is any "protection". On April 24, 1798, Jenner went to London to publish sensational results.

 There, at the end of June of the same year, at his own expense, he published a brochure "Investigation of the causes and effects of Variolae Vaccinae, a disease found in some western counties of England, in particular Gloucestershire, and known as cowpox," containing the most incredible inventions. Many doctors and surgeons saw in Jenner's proposed vaccination business a source of fantastic personal enrichment, and 36 of London's leading doctors and surgeons published a statement in the Morning Herald on July 19, 1800, solemnly proclaiming that once a vaccinated person is perfectly protected (perfectly secured) against smallpox and that vaccinia is a much milder disease than inoculated smallpox.

 In January 1801, another 30 signatures were added to this statement. Similar statements were made by doctors in York, Leeds, Chester, Durham, Ipswich, Oxford and other large cities.

 Jenner himself wasted no time in petitioning parliament in 1802 demanding that he be rewarded for discovering a remedy that would provide lifelong immunity to smallpox. And by the decision of the committee, headed by the parliamentarian from Gloucestershire, Admiral Berkeley, a personal friend of Jenner, the latter received 10 thousand pounds sterling (about 2 million in today's money).

 The most annoying thing for vaccine advocates during the fuss around vaccine feeders, in the form of government-funded organizations and the private vaccination business, was that smallpox stubbornly "paid no attention" to successful and scientifically based control of itself. Although Jenner's most ardent followers had already suggested burning smallpox hospitals as unnecessary, the next outbreak of smallpox that began in 1804, which also captured Scotland and Wales, "paid very little attention" to Jenner's wonderful and well-paid discovery, successfully striking as "protected" by cowpox and unprotected.

 The declining authority of vaccinators demanded government lobbying, and in 1840 legislators passed legislation requiring all infants under three months of age to be vaccinated. In 1867, the Law was amended to ensure its implementation: now every infant under three months of age and every previously unvaccinated child under the age of 14 were required to get vaccinated on pain of a parental fine or imprisonment in case of failure of the latter or their refusal. to pay a fine. Neither the payment of the fine, nor even the imprisonment, however, the obligation to vaccinate was canceled.

 "... do not vaccinate children in the first weeks of life, as well as those with a poorly developed subcutaneous fat layer."

 E. Jenner. (Lecture 2, p. 29). [3]

 Having “bought” from a cuckoo researcher the idea according to which E. Jennir mutilated his own child, no one listened to Jennner himself, the state agreed to finance vaccinations for babies free of charge. It is significant that this was the first free medical procedure in Britain on a national scale. But the terrible, hitherto unseen epidemic of smallpox in the 1870s, which happened against the background of an almost totally vaccinated British population, completely dispelled vaccine illusions.

 This was the last straw in the bowl of public patience. In the same year, the Anti-Compulsory Vaccination League was created by Richard Gibbs, which opened many of its branches in different cities. In 1896 the London Society and its affiliates merged into the National Anti-Vaccination League.

 The flagship of the struggle was the industrial city of Leicester, which lost in the epidemic of 1871-1872, being one of the most vaccinated English cities - 358 people (with three thousand sick). Leicester went down in history with the most massive demonstration against compulsory vaccinations, which took place on March 23, 1885. Organized by the National League against compulsory vaccinations in response to the continued persecution of parents who refused to vaccinate their children (then 3 thousand people were expected to be punished in Leicester!) which was attended by over 80 thousand people carrying posters "Defend our freedom!" and "Let's save our children!" and the image of a skeleton vaccinating a child culminated in the burning of Jenner's portrait along with a copy of the mandatory vaccination order. After the actual refusal of vaccinations in the city, as if by magic, smallpox epidemics stopped forever. [7] In total, in Britain, demonstrations against vaccination violence swept through 135 cities and towns.

 Realizing that the parliamentary majority would continue to block attempts to repeal the law, opponents of vaccinations changed their tactics. By the end of the 1880s, they had 111 public associations and detailed statistics, from which it followed that the maximum infant mortality in Leicester fell during the years of maximum vaccination coverage (1868-1872). At the same time, infant mortality, according to Biggs' statistics, steadily decreased in the city from 1852 to 1860, when the sanitary and hygienic condition improved significantly; it began to grow only with the introduction of compulsory vaccinations. The British "Registrar General" sadly stated that at a time when typhus and other infectious diseases are gradually disappearing, only smallpox has recently been on the rise: after almost 30 years of compulsory mass vaccinations, in 1880 it was 50% higher than the average level of ten previous years! In response, the Imperial Vaccination League was formed in 1888, with active advocacy. Opponents of vaccinations were called maniacs, noisy fanatics, ignorant instigators, enemies of humanity. By the way, similar epithets were deserved by the "simply" unvaccinated, who did not even think to interfere in the vaccination debate: "bags of gunpowder", "sewage drains", "warehouses of combustible materials", "breeding grounds of infection", "rabid dogs".

 Charles Washington Nye, a shopkeeper in Chatham, whose two children died shortly after receiving a smallpox shot, refused to vaccinate a third, for which he was fined six times and jailed once. Worker Thomas Hay was fined and sentenced to imprisonment by the court in 1872, without even having time to open his mouth and explain that the child, whose health he "neglected", had already been in the grave for three months.

 The fight to abolish vaccinations in parliament continued with varying success until 1907 with the passage of a law that allowed for conscientious objection to vaccinations, which may have been influenced by the mass riots that led to casualties after the attempt to impose compulsory vaccinations in Rio de Janeiro in 1904. ...

 In the 1870s, the issue of the compulsory vaccination was also on the agenda in the Russian Empire. The doctors of the Russian Empire did not have their own strong and influential associations at all levels associated with common interests with the social elite of society, such as, say, the Royal College of Surgeons and the Royal College of Physicians in Britain.

 Thus, to the inquiry about the benefits of smallpox vaccination, set by the Kharkov provincial zemstvo council in 1869, representatives of the medical faculty of Kharkov University replied that “it is difficult to bring the doctrine of smallpox in agreement with the basics of scientific hygiene and pathology, and it is even more difficult to bring scientific evidence in favor of smallpox vaccination. ". Therefore, in the Russian Empire, the issue of vaccinations never acquired the acuteness that was characteristic of Western European countries. But then a revolution happened and the opinion of the academic community ceased to interest anyone. Already in 1919, Lenin signed a decree of the Council of People's Commissars "On compulsory vaccination", which established: "In order to more successfully combat the smallpox epidemic and to improve the current setting of smallpox vaccination, the Council of People's Commissars decided: to establish compulsory vaccination in the Republic on the following grounds:

 1) all born are subject to compulsory smallpox vaccination,

 2) all applicants to educational institutions of all types, shelters and boarding schools,

 3) all those entering and entering the army and navy,

 4) all workers and employees in all enterprises and institutions,

 5) all those entering prisons and other places of detention ...

 Persons evading compulsory vaccination ... are liable to the People's Court. " "In addition to sanitary propaganda ... a number of rather tough non-standard measures were used to evade vaccinations - deprivation of food ration cards, salaries, refusal of registration for visitors, etc. The fact of vaccination was confirmed by a special stamp in the work book, and in children - in the metric" .[four]

 The events described above are based on the book by Alexander Kotok "Ruthless Immunization", where the author explains the forced introduction of vaccinations by the presence of an influential lobby among the greedy scientific establishment, feeding on "vaccination troughs". But after all, among the Council of People's Deputies there were no people feeding from "grafting troughs", they were feeding there completely from something else.

 And if we add to this the fact that, FOR THE FIRST TIME IN THE WORLD, abortion was introduced precisely in Soviet Russia by the law "On artificial termination of pregnancy" in 1920, [5] and, prohibited during the period of "Stalinism", abortions regained legitimacy AFTER the end of the "bloody" Stalinist regime in 1956 [6].

 And if you also recall that at the same time, not only the already famous Margaret Sanger, but also her good friend, the founder of the US Communist Party, Julius Hammer, whose son not only met and subsequently worked closely with Lenin, but also founded the Allied Drug and Chemical Corporation? And if you also remember the sponsors of Lenin and the revolution in Russia ...? All of them in any way primarily cared about the health of citizens of the young Soviet Republic?

 Still, if in order: the final vaccination confrontation in the English parliament ended with the abolition of mandatory vaccinations only in 1948. Has the mysterious factor "X" disappeared as the causative agent of already completely infectious epidemics? No, it was transformed again in the person of the World Health Organization, created in the same year, 1948. [8], the same one that appears in the National Security Study Memorandum NSSM-200 on population reduction as one of the executive bodies. A little earlier, in 1946, another executive body of the aforementioned memorandum was formed - UNICEF (United Nations Children's Fund). The society has entered a new stage, where, with the creation of the UN, lobbying for the "scientific British medical community" will be carried out on a worldwide scale. I would like to note that since about 1965, shortly before the introduction of rubella vaccinations, all pregnant women who have been in contact with a sick rubella have been offered an abortion, to which most agree under pain of giving birth to a child with developmental disabilities. This, of course, has nothing to do with vaccinations. 

The 1962-1965 outbreak of rubella in the United States, accompanied by an increase in the number of cases of congenital rubella, gave rise to both a new policy to prevent congenital rubella, namely persuading pregnant women to have an abortion if laboratory tests confirm infection. It is not known how many healthy, normally developing fruits were killed... [4].

"Vaccination is not a personal matter. This is essentially a public issue, because the purpose of most vaccination programmes is to develop collective immunity." 

 From the statement of the 13th WHO Assembly

At the same time, vaccination has never stopped collectively mutilating children, which is not surprising, given what is included in the vaccines. G. P. Chervonskaya: "all modifications of the domestic vaccine against whooping cough, diphtheria and tetanus (DTP, DTP-M, ADS-M, AD) contain formaldehyde (its aqueous solution is formalin) and mercury salt is merthiolate", and further: " It has been proven that it (formalin) is one of the most famous mutagens, allergens, and has an embryotic effect. " Back in the 70s, it was published that “when examining pregnant women workers aged 18-30 ... who have been working in contact with formaldehyde for more than 3 years, a pathology of pregnancy was revealed. Spontaneous abortions, miscarriages and premature births were observed more often in primiparas. " "and ... our country is obliged to comply with these requirements." [3] These controllers recognize the drug as "high quality and safe" ... for infants, if 50% of the mice survive. [3]

 “Particularly toxic are organic compounds of heavy metals, in particular ethyl and methyl mercury compounds. Revealed their selective influence on the generative function ",

 "The hormonal system also suffers." Its use is all the more strange considering that "in Yekaterinburg ... production has been operating without merthiolate ... since the 60s" [3]

 “In addition, Dr. Larisa Iosifovna Brusina, as a result of her own long-term clinical observations, PROVED (!) The relationship of cerebral palsy with the vaccination of NEWBORNS with BCG vaccine ... A little-known fact, but awarded an international prize” [3]

 "Post-vaccination autism due to toxic damage to the nervous system has increased in the United States by 1500%. Because it is since 1991 that the number of vaccinations for children has doubled and the number of vaccinations is only increasing. Until 1991, only one in 2500 children had post-vaccination autism, and now one child is already only 166 children "In the United States since 1988, 1,322 families have received compensation for the brain damage of their children due to vaccinations. In England, as in the anti-vaccine struggle of centuries past since 1974, Rosemary Fox has been fighting the government to approve compensation payments for vaccine damages. She founded the Association of Parents of Vaccine Injured Children. [11] Before the start of the mass vaccination program in the 1950s. The United States ranked third from the bottom in the world list of infant mortality rates. By 1976, the United States had dropped to 17th place. In 1995, the United States was already in 23rd place. At the same time, the United States is the first in terms of the number of vaccinations given as directed by the government. Primary classes are overcrowded with children with symptoms of nervous or immune system damage. These are epilepsy, convulsions, various types of paralysis, autism, mental retardation, learning disabilities [9] 12,000 cases of severe damage to the nervous system and 1000 cases of infant deaths attributed by the authorities to sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) in the United States annually [4].

 The history of the American Vaccine Injury Compensation Program is a good example. Department of Health and Human Services officials were required to design and implement this program under the Childhood Vaccine Victims Act of 1986 and enacted in 1989. the latter was fast and guaranteed (non-default) compensation for the victims, the officials of the Department waged a real war of attrition against the plaintiffs, delaying the consideration of claims for many years (in some cases - up to ten years). The spreadsheets immediately began to "adjust" in the direction of reducing the number of unconditional indications of the connection between vaccinations and diseases, so that it became increasingly difficult for plaintiffs to prove their right to legal compensation.

 Payments for legal representation of the plaintiff (which, according to the same law, were also supposed to be provided by the Department of Health) began to decrease, which led to the fact that the plaintiffs lost the opportunity to contact qualified lawyers and experts.

But, not enough of all this. Instead of using, as the law commanded, independent experts to consider claims, the Department of Health began to invite its own pocket experts, who, of course, never, under any circumstances, did not see the connection between vaccinations and the subsequent illness or death, attributing everything to “ coincidences ".

 After nearly 70 years of uncontrolled use of mercury in vaccines, in 1999, in light of a public scandal, the American Academy of Pediatrics recommended that mercury be removed immediately. Two years later (!), The same recommendation was made by the American Institute of Medicine (YM). In addition, during the manufacturing process, vaccines are constantly contaminated with microbes, viruses, fungi and protozoa. [4]

 “No less confusion is noted in the question of" elimination "of tetanus, as if by" controlled vaccination "- tetanus toxoid. It is generally accepted that tetanus is a rare disease. Initially, and even now in international practice, it is about the inadmissibility of tetanus ... among newborns ”(G. P. Chervonskaya). [3]

 But in 1991, WHO announced a program to eliminate neonatal tetanus by 1995, spending $ 365 million of its meager funds by mid-1993 on "reproductive health" research. For a tetanus eradication test site, WHO has proposed a plan to actively vaccinate women of childbearing age in Nicaragua, Mexico and the Philippines. Tetanus vaccine was given only to women of childbearing age - between the ages of 15 and 45. Men and children were not vaccinated. The Catholic secular organization Comite Pro Vida de Mexico (Comite Pro Vida de Mexico) became suspicious of the motivating reasons behind this WHO program and decided to analyze numerous vaccine vials, finding that they contained chorionic human gonadotropin or Chorionic Gonadotrophin (hCG). It was a strange ingredient in a vaccine designed to protect people from tetanus, which results from infection of wounds from rusty nails or other contact with bacteria. The production of hCG begins at conception and soon stops, as it interferes with the normal development of the fetus, leading to the woman being unable to maintain a pregnancy - a kind of hidden abortion. Not a word was said about this to the vaccinated. In the Philippines, in addition to a huge number of complications, an unusually large number of miscarriages have been reported. When the Philippine Medical Association sent the samples to St. Luke in Manila, then all four tested positive for human chorionic gonadotropin. Both the WHO and local medical officials have vehemently denied the use of gonadotropin.

 Since this could not be attributed to anything other than the use of vaccines, the WHO had to admit the use - in secret from the vaccinees and from the doctors! - human gonadotropin in the vaccine. The WHO said that gonadotropin de was only an experimental part of the production process and should not have gotten into vaccines, but only because tests for its determination gave false negative results. Despite the fact that the obligatory informed consent of the person taking part in the experiment is a provision of the Nuremberg Code of Ethics 1947 [4]] [13], these violations occur regularly, it is just that the violators were not always caught by the hand and it got into the press. So the American agency CDC, part of the US Department of Public Health (HHS), in June 1996 admitted that parents of children, mainly of color and Hispanic population in Los Angeles, were not informed that the vaccine being administered to their children was experimental. [23]

The tetanus vaccine contender is certainly not a good one, so "The US has signed a government decree exempting vaccine manufacturers from possible lawsuits." [12]

 To prevent various independent researchers from getting involved in the composition of vaccines, the UN in the 90s released a brochure “Strategic Plan - Childhood Vaccine Initiative, Opportunities and Opportunities. Vaccine Prospects in the 21st Century ”, where on page 13 it says:“ Without a coherent system of protection and respect for IPRs, new vaccines cannot appear ”. vaccine formulations will now be protected by patent law: “Support and Protect Respect for Intellectual Property” (p. 5). What does this have to do with saving children's lives? Someone will steal the secret squad and start helping the children on their own?

 In general, the document is interesting, under paragraph 1 it says that the Childhood Vaccination Initiative is "a global coalition of public, nongovernmental and private sector organizations working together, including vaccine manufacturers ...", the main goal of which will be "to accelerate the development and implementation of new and improved vaccines ”(page 15) Community organizations there will be charged with the task of“ launching active information campaigns about the importance of vaccines and vaccines, and the risk of infectious diseases ”(page 22). “Encourage the use of media such as the Internet to highlight the importance of vaccinations and vaccines” (p. 21). and “social and behavioral research to better understand the factors that increase social acceptability and vaccine use” (pp. 6, 19). “Educating the public and decision-makers about the importance of disease prevention and the role of vaccines as an effective health care tool” (p. 16). The IDP wishes to explore the public's attitude towards “willingness to pay for protection” (p. 19). Because “ever more sophisticated production technology and high development costs mean that future vaccines will cost more” (p. 4). And governments need to take greater responsibility for funding their national vaccine needs, as well as for their immunization programs in general "(p. 15), while" creating a donor organization to support national governments so that they financial responsibility for the provision of vaccines and immunization activities in their countries ... ”(p. 16). The program seeks a “global marketplace for its products” (page 4), using “target groups of infants and women of childbearing age” (pages 6 and 20), including “supporting and developing the concept of vaccination as a preventive measure important at all stages of life - infancy, childhood, adolescence, adulthood and mature age ”(p. 20). [8] Among other things, on page 6 of this document there is a line describing the production strategy of this “public, nongovernmental and private sectors working together, including vaccine manufacturers”: “CREATING AND INCREASING THE NEED FOR VACCINATION”, which was reflected in reality. ...


NEW SACRED COW (end) News feeds reported:

 Britain, Italy, Canada, Russia, Norway and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation are investing $ 1.5 billion in a project set up by the World Bank, UNICEF, the World Health Organization and the GAVI alliance international vaccine agency. [21 ]

 “Today 25 laboratories are working on the creation of a vaccine against the new flu in the world. Laboratory tests are nearing completion. Mass production of the vaccine is expected to begin by late September / early October. To date, the pace of production will not allow for universal vaccination of all EU residents, so the community is already identifying the main risk groups. ... are pregnant women ... This decision was made on Tuesday evening, August 25, at a meeting of experts from the 27 EU countries on health [18] "

 The emerging "cutting edge science" this time invented new "experimental additives" to combat swine flu: "The USA and Canada are using experimental additives for the influenza vaccine" [14], "For the urgency of vaccination, experimental additives will be used" [15].

 “WHO is preparing to release 4.9-5 billion vaccine doses for influenza this year.” [19], “WHO's Chief Information Officer for Vaccines said all countries would be vaccinated.” [25]

 “Advanced science has also taken into account the experience of past“ mistakes ”:“ Due to the urgency of ordering trials and testing of the vaccine, there will be no implementation ”[16].

 We thought about how to deal with those who disagree to participate in the "fight against the pandemic":

 “The American parliamentarians of the state of Massachusetts passed a law that those who refuse compulsory vaccination - 1 month in prison and for each day of refusal - 1000 dollars a fine, ie. as long as you have something to sell a car, a house, etc., and then go to jail for non-payment of debts. In other states, those from whom there is nothing to take will be imprisoned for refusing vaccinations in special quarantine camps [17]. "It is hard to believe in the existence of such documents in a free country, but here they are," says the American commentator. In a word, we have prepared. And here is such an embarrassment:

 “This trust oversees global biotechnology research and development. Commercial healthcare is also almost entirely controlled by this trust, including almost complete control over the mainstream media used to promote and advertise the products and services of this criminal cartel. This trust also influences the regulation of the pharmaceutical and natural products market, mainly using the forces of media companies to shape public opinion and marketing. ”

 This affidavit was given by a leading American health product expert, Dr. Leonard Horowitz, for other activists to spread the word and warn governments around the world to stop mass vaccinations and become complicit in crimes against humanity.

 Together with journalist Sherri Kane, they published white papers showing that the owners of a private global biotech “trust” are behind everything you have ever heard about the pandemic influenza virus, INCLUDING ITS OCCURRENCE, and so-called vaccination prevention. These documents, handed over today by lawyers to the FBI, are incriminating evidence of how the New York Partnership's empowered industrialists are behind the spread of the H1N1 swine flu virus. And also for the preparation and dissemination of panic and misinformation through the media, preparation and an official advertising campaign for vaccination, which is now being carried out almost everywhere, from supermarkets to clinics. “David Rockefeller Trust, which includes a number of powerful Wall Street partners, including media moguls Rupert Murdoch, Morton Zuckerman, Thomas Glouser, and former head of the Board of Directors of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, Jerry Spreyer are accused of plotting a planned global genocide . " - Dr. Horowitz told the FBI authorities through a team of lawyers assembled to stop the mandatory vaccination of the population. “When I last contacted the FBI, I warned of impending anthrax outbreaks a week before the first cases were announced in the press.” Says Dr. Horowitz. “It took them 6 months to react. This time, I am warning the Justice Department a month before the deadliest genocide in history. I pray that they will take my information for consideration and order a full investigation, as well as obtain a court order to end the mass vaccination against swine flu. ”[20] Considering that“ The swine flu virus was patented by Medimmune Back Corporation in 2008 "[25], not a vaccine, but the virus itself, there is nothing surprising in this message.

By the way, in 1976 in the United States, a universal vaccination against influenza was already carried out. But it was interrupted due to the massive development of a neurological complication of "Juillien-Barré Syndrome" - this is a growing muscle paralysis when people die from respiratory paralysis. And then an epidemic of acquired immunodeficiency broke out in the United States.

 It can be assumed, of course, that Leonard Horowitz and Sherry Kane rushed to testify in order to weave intrigues for the glory of anti-globalization movements. But after all, they must understand that they should be held accountable for giving false testimony, and they are not opposed to general vaccination as such, but demand a police investigation, i.e. have a desire to understand the situation. It is naive to expect that this investigation will yield any results. It turns out that WHO declared an influenza A / H1N1 pandemic under pressure from a group of advisers of this organization led by the Dutch doctor Albert Ostenhaus, professor of virology at the University of Rotterdam, who is the head of the Dutch national influenza center and cooperating with EU government structures [37], and was paid immediately in several companies producing influenza A / H1N1 vaccines [38]. Many other WHO advisers who pushed for declaring A / H1N1 influenza a pandemic are also paid advisers to pharmaceutical giants Roche, RW Johnson, SmithKline and Beecham Glaxo Wellcome, who have received the lion's share of vaccine orders [39]. Indeed - the swine flu went on a walk around the world immediately after the merger of two pharmaceutical heavyweights: Swiss Hoffmann-La Roche and American Genentech. [37]

 In a word, it all boiled down to the banal: the guys wanted to make money. The guys may really "wanted to make money", they themselves do not make it. But companies that would like to make money - would spin something like a placebo, if there are such levers in government circles - would work, but the vaccines were distributed by the infected.

 The version that predatory pharmaceutical companies and “scientific circles of the English elite” are behind all this in pursuit of profit, in my opinion, does not correspond to reality. Rockefellers, for example, who own more than half of all the shares of the Federal Reserve System [26], are not interested in any earnings at all, because they simply print as much money as they need.

After the tetanus vaccine incident, there were also investigations conducted by the Catholic organization Mexican Committee for Life, with exactly the same conclusions as the Rockefeller Foundation, which worked in conjunction with the Population Council of John D. Rockefeller III, the World Bank, the United Nations Development Program, For 20 years, the Ford Foundation and others have worked with WHO to develop a contraceptive vaccine using human chorionic gonadotropin in tetanus and other vaccines. The list of “other” organizations contributing to funding for WHO research included the All India Institute of Health Sciences and a number of universities, including Uppsala University in Sweden, the University of Helsinki and Ohio State University. The list also included the US government through the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development. [13] By the way, the Swedish University of Uppsala has a remarkable history, and for a long time "in the subject": in 1921, the Swedish parliament unanimously supported the proposal of the Social Democratic faction to establish in the city of Uppsala the State Institute of Racial Biology, where almost all German geneticists trained. recognized international center for the study of racial issues. Later it was renamed the Institute of Human Genetics, and in 1958 it was completely absorbed by Uppsala University. [28]

 The testimony of Leonard Horowitz and Sherry Kane was preceded by a scandal when the drug distributor Orta sent a batch of influenza vaccine produced by the American international pharmaceutical company Baxter to the Czech Republic, Slovenia and Germany. A laboratory assistant at the Czech pharmaceutical company Biotest, near Prague, tested the obtained American vaccine on laboratory ferrets. Shortly after receiving the vaccine injection, all the animals died. A closer look at the vaccine revealed that it contains a live, active avian H5N1 virus and a human H3N2 virus. More detailed studies by the Canadian Chemical Laboratory have shown that the H5N1 component is one of the most dangerous biological agents on Earth, registered as a potential bacteriological weapon. The mortality rate for its use in humans is 60% .. [29]

 The Huffington Post later reported on a man named Joseph Moshe who was arrested after hours of confrontation with police, allegedly over threats to the White House. The man was able to withstand several rounds in a tear gas battle. Joseph Mosche was a Mossad bio-weapons specialist who called on radio shows to warn people about the bio-weapons that Baxter International is doing that will spread like a vaccine and cause an epidemic. Moshe said that the Baxter laboratory in Ukraine was engaged in the production of biological weapons. All this took place in early August, more than two months before the present situation. In other words, Moshe could only call Ukraine if he had inside information or, by an incredible coincidence, the probability of which, as everyone understands, tends to zero. [30]

 A little later, the Austrian journalist Jane Bürgermeister handed over to the US Federal Bureau of Investigation a dossier accusing the World Health Organization (WHO), the United Nations, Barack Obama, the Rockefeller and Rothschild clans, as well as several other institutions and individuals, in organizing a conspiracy to destroy a significant part of the world's population ... “There is documentary evidence that an international corporate crime syndicate, infiltrating the highest government circles of the country and individual states, intends to carry out an act of genocide against the people of the United States by using an artificially (genetically) created influenza virus and a compulsory vaccination program for mass the destruction of residents, harm to their health and the depopulation of America, followed by the transfer of power in the United States to the United Nations and the security forces under its command ...

 Documents show that many organizations - the World Health Organization, the United Nations, and vaccine companies such as Baxter and Novartis - are part of a single structure under the control of a criminal group that determines the strategy and financed the development, production and distribution of artificial viruses to justify mass vaccination. with the use of a biological weapon ... “In particular, it is documented that US President Barack Obama, UN Influenza Coordinator David Nabarro, Director General of the World Health Organization Margaret Chan, Secretary of the Department of Health and Humanitarian Aid Kathleen Sibelius, Secretary of the Department of National Security Janet Napolitano, banker David de Rothschild, banker David Rockefeller, banker George Soros and Austrian Minister of Health Alois Stoger, among others, are members of the aforementioned international corporate crime syndicate, which, Mar Leading a single column to the implementation of the genocide plan, he developed, produced, stockpiled and used biological weapons with the aim of destroying the population of the United States in his financial and political interests. " Jane Bürgermeister has made specific bioterrorism charges against pharmaceutical giants such as Novartis International AG (Basel, Switzerland), Baxter AG (Austria) and its parent company Baxter International in the United States (Deerfield, Illinois). [35]

 No one was particularly interested, the Chief Medical Officer of the country announced that "30% of the country's population will be vaccinated ... 27 million people will be vaccinated with the A / H1N1 influenza vaccine that will be produced in October." [22] If in the first it was the turn to vaccinate pregnant women, then 27 million provoked abortions is that a lot or a little?

Leaving aside the actions or awareness of the services, which probably did not know that “an influenza vaccine can be created only after the start of an epidemic, because the influenza virus is a new strain every time” [25]. Virus mutation - the effect is equally relevant for any virus. Taking the example of Holland, where children have been disciplined by their parents against whooping cough for many years and the coveted “coverage” is estimated at 96% - higher than any required percentage for strong “herd immunity” established by vaccinators in 1995, 325 cases of whooping cough were registered, in 1996 - 2778, by November 1997 - 3747. The patients were isolated ... strains of the mutated pathogen. [4] Should the Chief Medical Officer be familiar with such statistics?

 “In other words, a person is directly vaccinated with a disease in combination with the toxic components that make up the vaccines ... which also enter the body bypassing its protective barriers, in addition, vaccinations contain a large number of toxins, as well as genetically modified products ... and what is the most paradoxical results this impact is the most real, but extended in time and therefore it is not always possible to catch them. And this is what is obvious: diabolical puppeteers today need to have constant legal, voluntary access to the human body. "

 Balashev V.D.

 Member of the Regional Committee for the Protection of Culture. [2]

 In the meantime, Ukraine is introducing the first law on vaccination in its history, according to it, all Ukrainians must be vaccinated and issued a passport about this - a "special electronic card". Vaccination will become voluntary-compulsory, as Vasyl Knyazevich, Minister of Health of Ukraine, said: "We start with newborn babies ..." and added Vitaliy Korzh, the VR Committee on Health: "There may be justifications, refusals, but if this is a manifestation of private opinion. , please, but these children will be denied in camps, kindergartens, sections. "[31] In the right way, according to the American model, it remains to legalize quarantine camps and introduce judicial responsibility for refusal, but this will still come. Passions will subside, the accepted will return to normal - will be the next step.

 If we sum up those involved in an already quite infectious epidemic, then there you can find already familiar faces:

 -UN with the program: “Strategic Plan - Childhood Vaccination Initiative, Opportunities and Opportunities. Vaccine Prospects in the 21st Century ”and the“ Development Program ”, which included the distribution of the contraceptive vaccine, in accusations of the Austrian journalist Jain Bürgermeister“ of conspiracy to exterminate a significant part of the population ”.

 - WHO - World Health Organization, as a participant in the development of a contraceptive vaccine, a participant in the project to develop the latest vaccination against H1N1, in accusations of the Austrian journalist Jain Bürgermeister "of organizing a conspiracy to destroy a significant part of the population."

 - US Department of Public Health, as organizer of vaccination of the Hispanic population with an experimental vaccine without consent.

 - John D. Rockefeller III Population Council, as a contributor to the contraceptive vaccine.

 - International Vaccine Agency "GAVI alliance", as a participant in the project to develop the latest vaccination against H1N1.

 - UNICEF (United Nations Children's Fund) as an investor in the project of the latest vaccination against H1N1.

 - The World Bank, as an investor in the contraceptive vaccine and the latest H1N1 vaccination project.

 - David Rockefeller Trust as investor in the development of the latest vaccine against H1N1 (indicted by L. Horowitz)

 - The Rockefeller Foundation, as an investor in the creation of a contraceptive vaccine.

 - The Ford Foundation, as an investor in the creation of a contraceptive vaccine.

 - The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation as an investor in the latest H1N1 vaccination project.

 - UK Community Fund

 - CAI (Child Advocacy International), etc.

 Medimmune Back - as the holder of the H1N1 vaccination patent.

 Hoffmann-La Roche, RW Johnson, SmithKline (UK), Beecham Glaxo Wellcome, Genentech - as manufacturers of the H1N1 vaccine

 SmithKline, which recalled a batch of vaccine (172 thousand doses) this year due to six cases of anaphylactic shock (the standard statistics of such reactions to vaccination is one case per 100 thousand) [40].

 Procter & Gamble - which announced that it is removing 120,000 bottles of Vicks Sinex nasal spray because traces of bacteria have been found in this campaign product. The spray has already been shipped for sales in the US, UK and Germany [42].

Baxter AG (Austria), Baxter International (USA) - infecting vaccine material with two types of viruses, as reported by Joseph Moshe and confirmed by clinical trials by the Czech company Biotest.

 Novartis International AG (Basel, Switzerland) - charged by Austrian journalist Jain Bürgermeister.

 Albert Ostenhaus - as the revealed H1N1 vaccination lobbyist in the EU structures.

 UN Influenza Coordinator David Nabarro, Director General of the World Health Organization Margaret Chan, Secretary of the Department of Health and Humanitarian Aid Kathleen Sibelius, Secretary of the Department of National Security Janet Napolitano, banker David de Rothschild, banker David Rockefeller, banker George Soros and Austrian Minister of Health Alois Stoger


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