Fans of Bavarian.

Fans of Bavarian.

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At the opening of the exhibition "Planning and Building a New Order of the East" on March 20, 1941, Konrad Mayer (right) addressed the leading stewards of the Reich (left to right): Hitler's deputy Rudolf Hess, Heinrich Himmler, ReichsleiterBouler, Reichsminist Todt and Chief of The Imperial Security Directorate Heydrich:

"In Germany, cleanliness, accuracy and order - above all... for his monthly salary, the worker has the opportunity to dress, dress and spend time culturally - to go to the theater, which is so accessible for workers in Germany ... Lunches in restaurants are tasty and cheap. A German without beer never sits down to eat... Houses are buried in greenery and fruit trees." N. "Notes on Germany," November 1942.

This is a quote from a eulogy written by the editor-in-chief of the voice of the people newspaper, published in the territory of the Lokot Republic after a review visit by its administration in Munich. Then the rhetoric of enthusiastic collaboration disappeared along with the phenomenon itself and returned in the 90s. To describe the happy life abroad rushed after the tricolor of the Lokot self-government was raised over all the administrative buildings of the country, on the territory of which the "Ost" plan was naturally deployed. 

That's right, the master plan of "Ost" Konrad Meyer-Hellinger suggested: "Since now it is impossible to refuse cooperation with the indigenous population of the Eastern regions, the people's order created in this space should be aimed at appeasing the local people." This well-known plan is actually a ninety percent economic document and estimates the costs "that lead to investment, first of all should be taken into account the means of loans taken from the Reich, the funds of the private capital market means loans, and funds from the provided additional loans." Private loans in "income-generating investments" were estimated at a good 19.11 billion out of the required 45.7 billion Reichsmarks. At the same time, since 1941, the planning of the third Reich economy has been the Society of Southeast Europe under the leadership of the head of the economic intelligence department "Farben I.G." Max Ilgner, nephew of the financial architect of the concern Herman Schmitz. The Residence of the Society was located in Vienna and was a concentration of independent economic schools and institutions for the most part Austrian, the same ones that would later teach and prepare for the work of E. Gaidar. From the Second World War "private creditors" learned several lessons, which were recorded at their meetings by the German leadership: "Russia can be crushed only by the Russians" and "only with the help of "leadership". The Moscow office of the International Institute of Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA), whose alma mater was also based in Austria, took up the guide at the time:

Table from Konrad Meyer-HetlingGeneral Plan "Ost"

«... International Institute of Systems Studies in Vienna. If you read the biographies of young Russian reformers from Gaidar's team, a huge part of them went through this point." M.G. Delyagin, Ph.D., Director of the Institute of Globalization Problems, so that there are no illusions about 

90s, another quote by Dr. Conrad Meyer-Hetling: 

"Getting additional loans and cash issuing can be used as a suitable means of financing (wed. with the example of the Central Emission Bank of Ukraine) if the necessary national economic reserves (in the form of land, labor, raw materials, etc.) "It can be used productively" - from which it is clear that many of the details of the "restructuring" is the "Ost" plan, and these details were not born in the young reformer's heads. As Adolf Hitler's close friend, the subtle intellectual Robert Ley used to say: 

"Innovation is your main tool. Under the brand of experiments and borrowings of foreign experience boldly strikes with a crowbar" 

The document also refers to the "possibility of the introduction of universal labor duty" - first, credits will have to be given, secondly the Third Reich forcibly cloned the very "new social justice" about which Edward VIII dreamed and which was already established in the territories of the Third Reich, which had robbed so much that if Hitler had loved his people so much, he would have healed as Arab sheikhs. But the expropriated funds somehow ended up in Switzerland, and the "beloved people" were the first to become acquainted with the "new social justice".

"Our starting point is not the individual, and we do not share the view that we should feed the hungry, drink the thirsty or clothe the naked - that is not our goal. Our goals are diametrically opposed..."

Joseph Goebbers, speaking at the NSDAP convention in 1938. 

Despite the fact that the Imperial Agricultural Union in the second stage of the presidential elections of 1932 declared Hitler the candidate of agriculture of the country, a study of public opinion conducted by Kershaw, shows that it was in rural areas the rejection of the Nazi regime was at that time almost universal. The explanation may be an illustration of the social experiment to create caste neo-feudalism, which was subjected to the peasantry of Germany. We are talking about the creation of the Imperial Food Estate, by the definition of the Reichs minister of food and agriculture R.V. Darre: 

"a single conditional organization for the distribution and processing of agricultural products"

. Formed under the "Imperial Food Estate Temporary Organization Act" of September 13, 1933, it was to forcibly unite all professional sectors of agriculture and forestry. Despite what Darre called the "year of the victorious National Socialist Revolution" the year of the "glorious liberation of German peasants", the replacement of the contract system and the free sale of products was imposed strict regulations of the entire turnover of the agricultural sector.

Propaganda presented this step as an answer - "to the liberal mercantile trading spirit we oppose our worldview of blood and soil."

On the soil, it should be noted that although the economic program of NSDAP of 1930 stated: 

"German land will never be the object of financial speculation"

"German land will never be the object of financial speculation"

This was never implemented in practice, but now landowners who could not cope with duties in relation to the faterland or for political reasons could be deprived of ownership of the land at the discretion of the Reich Commissioner.

«... classical fascism was a modernization movement that, on the one hand, broadcast blood and soil, and on the other hand promoted modernization by radical methods." The ideological machine explained to the peasantry that it was "a bulwark against the destructive influence of civilization" and the "standard of the Nordic race", the conditions of conformity which Darre defined, speaking to representatives of the German industry in 1934: "We demand that every peasant consciously submit to severe discipline; We give him the order in the battle for food ... - in his opinion, the "rudimentary cells of the racial rebirth of the German people" were to become "hereditary courts", the law of which allowed inheritance only to one of the male children. Under the inherited inheritance of the other children, on February 1, 1940, the Imperial Youth Leadership established the "young generation ostanization service" - the basis of the settlement of the "eastern settlements" where, after a year's course, the examination for the assimilation of agricultural labor was passed. The Ostland division has operated in the Reichsministere Food and Agriculture since 1933, a continuation of Hitler's policy defined by the Fuhrer in Mein Kampf: "We ... pointing the finger towards the territories in the east ... When we talk about the conquest of new lands in Europe, we can of course only keep in mind Russia and those outlying states that are subordinate to it." 

«... Indigenous people will be forced into the swamps of Pripyat to settle on the fertile plains themselves..." "We have absolutely no obligation to have any remorse... We eat Canadian wheat without thinking about the Indians." The Ost plan did involve the numbing of certain territories, but before that the German consciousness itself had to be reformatted:

The Nazis are burning books. Berlin 1933

"The age of extreme intellectualism is now over, and the success of the German revolution once again paved the way for the German spirit. You are doing the right thing by betraying the spirit of the flame's past. It's a strong, great and symbolic act ... The past lies on fire ... The future rises from the fire in our own hearts."Joseph Gobbels, speech on May 10, 1933 at Berlin's Franz Josef Place. The incendiary speech of the Minister of Propaganda, accompanying the public burning of "unreliable" books, was observed by children's writer Erich Kestner, whose books burned along with 24 other "undesirable and harmful" authors. Kestner was published for six years in Otto Bayer's family newspaper Beyers f'r Alle (since 1928, klaus children's newspaper Klaus and Clara).

The "burning of books" was preceded by the removal from university libraries of textbooks and lecture courses that did not inspire confidence in the new leadership. This gave rise to the educational doctrine, which was described by the leading National Socialist educator E. Creek: 

"National socialism is a worldview that raises a total claim to reality and does not want to trust the formation of opinion by chance."

The leader of The Hitler Youth, Baldur Benedict von Shireh, proclaimed a "education revolution" in which the task of "renewing the German people's soul" was assigned to education. Parents who prevented their children from entering von Shirah's office were to be imprisoned and the children themselves were sent to orphanages.

Nazi youth burn books in Salzburg, Austria, April 30, 1938

Interference in family affairs is generally a recognizable sign of even the modern "new world order", so in the Third Reich was established the so-called "family book", where in addition to the standard information about parents was filled out data on their nationality, the couple's race was formed by a family tree indicating who was sick when sick, roughly what is known in modern Moscow schools as a "student health passport" resembling a parent's social passport. For ideological integration in schools, humanitarian disciplines, such as country studies, focused on the problems of geopolitics, living space, demographics, racial expansion and the importance of colonial territories. Implementing the 20th paragraph of the NSDAP program, which involved "a complete reorganization ... national education system ..." 

Under the supervision of various departments, national political educational institutions "Napoli" were established, closed schools of the Ordersburgs (Order Castles), "Adolf Hitler's Schools" and higher party schools, for which special textbooks were published and special educational programs were developed. In 1937, a manchester Guardian correspondent published his impressions of a visit to the Castle of the Order, in the educational library of which he came across an open atlas in which " ... German colonies are still German ... Alsace - Lorraine are not French! A note on the margins indicated that these areas had been stolen from Germany." It is noteworthy that in these institutions, giving the opportunity to "hard-working German ... take their place in the national leadership" training time has been redistributed in favor of physical training and breeding to the detriment of other subjects except English.

"Political soldiers in uniform will move to universities. The intellectual is afraid of such barbarism, but the younger generation wants to return to The Jungle"

 - stressed in an article in the German student newspaper.

Widespread divorce has led to fashion among teenagers to lighten their hair, since October 1933 in the final classes on "divorce" introduced an exam. The clock in favor of the new subject is redistributed at the expense of the foreign language and the same mathematics, which, according to A. Fursenko, "kills creativity", but its absence, apparently provides a more painless return to the jungle. Since the textbooks on rasology have not yet been written, teachers had to develop creativity on the spot. One of the biology teachers, guided by excerpts from the works of eminent rasologists, took to measuring the noses and skulls of his own students, meticulously recording the results. At the end of the research, he told the class that only 7.7% of those surveyed belonged to humanity's racial elite. One of the lucky ones asked whether persons of Jewish origin could be considered nordic. "Of course not, my boy. This is the essence of our work. Our new racial science allows us to identify and separate such people from the people's community", was the answer. "Then there must have been a mistake," the student said. "My mother is Jewish." These errors were so frequent that the prototype of the "perfect German soldier" for the Nazi press was the Wehrmacht soldier, the Jew Werner Goldberg.

"The strictest discipline, the daily brainwashing, the imposition of the image of the enemy allowed the Nazi leadership to manipulate the younger generation with a high degree of efficiency, skillfully directing its energy in the right direction."

E. A. Palamarchuk "Social Policy of the Third Reich" 

In order to improve the viability of the blond "Aryan race" and women's and men's schools have begun to give preference to physical training. "Less hours in the auditorium, more in the air," said Robert Ley, the head of the Labour Front. In addition, education aimed at teaching practical things, girls instead of naturally scientific disciplines began to teach economics and needlework, and future soldiers of the Wehrmacht explained that "the highest honor of a man - to fall in battle with the enemies of his country."

"We want to reach a level within a year where the weapon rests as calmly in the hand of German boys as the pen. ... Liberalism wrote on school doors that "knowledge is power." But we learned during the WAR and in the post-war years that the power of the nation is ultimately based on its weapons and on those who know how to use them." 

- explained in 1935 Obergebitsfuhrer X. Sttelrecht. Since 1942, members of the Hitler-jungen from the age of 14 have been undergoing seven-day courses of military training, since 1943, when they reach the age of 16, anti-aircraft batteries are equipped. Those involved in military service wore Luftwaffe uniforms and received 50 pfennigs daily. Since 1944, 11-year-olds have been involved in the fighting.

According to the statement of the Imperial Ministry of Science, Education and Culture: "The highest task of the school is to educate young people and the state", so on May 1, ten days earlier, the book autodafe, indicative of Labor Day, Adolf Hitler gave the following speech: 

"The many times extolled "academic freedom" should be expelled from German universities, because this freedom, being only negative, was not genuine. ... The first obligation is to the people's community... This commitment must be firmly established and implemented by Labour."

The National Socialist Voluntary Labour Service itself was established two years earlier and by the time of his speech had already managed to acquire two labour camps for young people, where in addition to work a lot of time was devoted to physical training. The Fuhrer of Imperial Labour, K. Hrill, believed that: 

"Labour duty will be a proud privilege of German youth and ... service for the benefit of all the people"

In fact, since 1934, it has become a six-month duty, the performance of which is recorded in the "Employment Passport" which in some cases was applied for examinations. "All young Germans of both sexes should serve their people in Imperial Labour duty, " - said in the "Imperial Labour Duty Act" of June 26, 1935. 

a special hess directive was issued to allow schoolchildren over the age of 10 to be involved in agricultural work. General Labour Fuhrer Dr Dekker welcomed the opportunity to leave the "stone poverty of cities" and "feel where bread is grown for the people" in special labor camps. . General Labour Fuhrer Dr Dekker welcomed the opportunity to leave the "stone poverty of cities" and "feel where bread is grown for the people" in special labor camps. 

“Anyone who fails in the camp loses the right to govern Germany as a university graduate,” the head of the Imperial Ministry of Science, Education and Culture, B. Rust, warned in advance.

 Now in universities, as in high school, instead of academic education, priority was given to physical education and character formation. It was believed that a two-semester law course was enough for a student to become a judge. Teaching was reoriented towards practical work in industrial enterprises and farms - closer to the employer [280]. In general, one gets the impression that the Germans attracted A. Fursenko to the development of a new educational system with his "future student will be" sharpened "for a specific employer" [305] ... or vice versa, because everything coincides up to the reduction of hours of mathematics. This practice did not fail to affect the level of graduates. The Wehrmacht command noted among the conscripts "an annual decline in the level of knowledge, the ability to think and express oneself logically", as well as "inadequate command of the German language in its oral and written forms", the total number of students decreased from 128 thousand people. in 1931-1932 up to 57 thousand people in 1937-1938 This was partly due to a decrease in the female audience: from April 1933, a ten percent quota was set for female students, which led to a sharp decline in their share in the pre-war period. The new regime initially declared a negative attitude towards higher education for women. According to the leaders of National Socialism, women were supposed to give birth to children, mothers who gave birth to four or more children were awarded with crosses of varying degrees, members of the "Hitler Youth" were obliged to salute them. But this is not about the Hohenzollern principle - a woman's business: Kirche, Kinder und Kuche.

 "Every child a woman brings into this world is a battle, a battle that is fought for the survival of her people," Hitler proclaimed on September 15, 1935, addressing a party congress with a speech entitled: "A woman also has a battlefield." ...

 “It is necessary to understand that marriage is not an end in itself, that it should serve a higher purpose - reproduction and preservation of the species and race,” he argued in Mein Kampf. Children for the Third Reich are primarily workers and soldiers, those who will implement the principle of serving the corporate state, in which there was more corporate than state. For example, newborns from Ostarbeiters were confiscated in an orphanage in Rüchen, owned by the Volkswagen enterprise, 70% of whose workers were forcibly driven from the eastern territories [280]. Delivery of children to the Reich to prepare for work in factories was the responsibility of the head of the "Hitler Youth", who until the summer of 1944 managed to bring about four thousand boys aged 10 to 14 years [264]. With regard to the new "Ostarbeiters", the juvenile justice system with a system of foster families is just a new, more hidden mechanism for the implementation of old plans:

 “Everything that nations can offer in the form of good blood of our type, we will take, kidnap their children if necessary and raise them here with us. ... Obviously, in such a mixture of people, there will always be racially good types. Therefore, our duty is to take such children, separate them from their environment, stealing them, if necessary ... So we will get all the good blood that we can use for ourselves and give it a place in our people, or ... we will destroy this blood "[266].

 Heinrich Himmler on the Slavic Nations, from a public speech in Poznan on October 14, 1943

 In the "Act on the extermination of 35,000 Soviet children by the Nazi invaders on the territory of the Latvian SSR", the data of the Ostland department are mentioned: "The Germans delivered Soviet children aged 4-12" ... "to the courtyard of the" People's Help "mountains. Riga, along Gertrudes street 5 "through which during 1943-44. transferred to Latvian farms up to 5,000 Soviet children [308]. Selected and delivered to Vienna, children from Serbia were used as servants. [264]

A definite blow to the family was the introduction of the law on "hereditary yards", under which in rural areas daughters were deprived of the right to inherit the property of their parents, and with it any prospects of getting married. The President objected to the introduction of the law by The Imperial Peasant Fuhrer, and his "Research Institute on the Essence of Settlements" was closed. The "New World Order" did not consider the family as a priority of society. "Family life is an out-of-life concept. We do not need it in our new life, which puts the state above all else. Don't trust anyone. Keep an eye on your wife. Keep an eye on your kids. Keep an eye on everyone. And report on their actions to the government" instilled in his wards the leader of Hitlerjugend von Shireh.

"In the Third Reich, not only the public, but also the personal life of citizens was subjected to state control and regulation. In particular, the borders that protected the inner peace of the family were eliminated. Marriage and motherhood have largely been deprived of their intimate character and have come to be seen as solely a public task ... In defining the socio-political strategy as a whole, the Nazis paid great attention to demographic policy, turning it into the most important tool for realizing the regime's goals. In this regard, they have established a mechanism for birth control, marriage, abortion, divorce, etc., which was under the total control of the State."

E. A. Palamarchuk "Social Policy of the Third Reich" 

The essence of procreation policy is revealed in Himmler's famous 1939 decree, where he encourages soldiers to conceive children before they go into battle. In January 1944, to increase the birth rate and compensate for the loss of the male population Hitler proposed the introduction of bigath. The idea was actively supported by the wife of reichsleiter, national socialist Gerda Bormann. As a result, her husband was developed a project "people's marriages": 

in April 1944, party services were ordered to create opportunities for "good communication" between those who had come on leave from the front, "tested in battle and a hereditary healthy man" and two or more unmarried women for the purpose of conceiving children. In the future, it was forbidden to publish any novels, short stories, plays, which would contain descriptions of conflicts between "legitimate wife" and "illegal rival". On the contrary, the Reichsleiter's memorandum stated, "we must skillfully and unobtrusively show" that according to genealogical studies, many prominent figures of the past had extramarital children. The very word "illegitimate" must be completely abandoned.

"Personally, I think that giving up monogamy will be natural for us. Marriage in its modern form is a satanic invention of the Catholic Church; Marriage laws are inherently immoral ... In the conditions of double-polygamy, each wife will act as an incentive for the other, and both will strive to become a dream woman for her husband - the sleazyness will disappear, the mess will disappear. They will strive for the ideals of beauty preached by art and cinema." 

Heinrich Himmler, in May 1943, from the memoirs of personal physician Felix Kirsten

This quote, among other things, shows that the attitude towards "Kirche" in the leadership of the new Germany was negative, immediately after coming to power it banned any youth church associations. Under Himmler's leadership, the rehabilitation of the victims of the Inquisition began, allegedly in collusion with the world Jewry destroyed the gene pool of the Aryan race. The editor of the People's Observer magazine, the future major ideologue of the Nazi movement openly declared the ideals of Christian Europe useless beliefs:

Meeting of Adolf Hitler and PopePius XI (Achille Ratti).

"What Europe needs is to free itself from the soft, abstract Christian ideals that originate from Asia Minor and the East, and to discover a new philosophy rooted in the bowels of the earth, to realize the racial superiority and purity of the Nordic man.

In 1935-37 there were demonstrative trials of clergymen and nuns on charges of sexual promiscuity and currency shenanigans. Since 1941, Hitler-jungen was deliberately obliged to undergo a weekly roll call during the Sunday service, which caused open protests among the population. Also, the introduction of the agricultural calendar, which did not mention Christian saints, caused a loud public outcry. The Catholic Church was particularly attacked with the weekly illustrated SS magazine Black Guard, edited by the head of the Insurgirung und Sabotage Mass Sabotage Service, and the specialist of information and psychological operations, Colonel Gunther d'Alcuen, who worked under the "purely intellectually suppressed Jew" Reinhard Heydrich. In the light of this, on the one hand, the stories of pandering to Nazism on the part of the Catholic Church will not correspond to the truth, especially as soon as Pope Pius XII tried to express indignation with certain actions of the Nazis, those dozen pater-kure sent to concentration camps. On the other hand, according to Dr. Karl Neuhaus, who oversaw relations with the church by the Imperial Security Directorate General: "Pius XII secretly pursued pro-Hitler policy during The World War", which in particular corresponds to his encyclical curse of communism.

 "Kuad-gesimo anno"

Regarding the "kitchen" with women, too, did not work out, very quickly replaced the motto "A woman's place is at home!" came the slogan: "Our home is Germany, wherever she needs us!" And under the motto: "German women help to win!" they were sent back to production. After the proclamation of total war, women were forced to work at night, despite the fact that the eight-hour working day for anyone had been canceled since 1935. Goebbels expressed confidence that "after the initial difficulties, all women, primarily from the upper strata of the population, with a special sporting passion will start to work." The May Day holiday of the National Labor Day was held with constant and special solemnity, while in 1933 the working week was 43 hours, then in 1939 it reached 60 hours at some enterprises (even bank employees had to work 53 hours a week). and from 1944, the 60-hour workweek was set as the minimum. In key industries such as aircraft manufacturing, the bar reached 72 hours, and the ceiling was set at 88 hours. In addition, the entrepreneur could oblige his workers to work in excess of the maximum working hours established by law, since work was understood as "a self-evident reciprocal service for ... a duty of care taken upon by the Fuehrer of the enterprise."

 In the summer of 1933, in Hitlerite Germany, the number of workers, increased by only 7.5%, produced industrial products by 22.4% more than a year ago, and only 4% of this additional amount of production was paid additionally. The intensification of exploitation took place against the background of a fall in the real income of citizens, if in 1929 the weekly earnings were 42.2 marks, then at the end of 1933 only 21.6 marks, having decreased by half.

 In April 1934, in his radio speech, Joseph Goebbels remarked: “The worker, setting up our production, was forced to be satisfied with such wages, which were in no way sufficient to maintain a standard of living corresponding to the high cultural level of our people. And he carried out the task assigned to him with unparalleled heroism. "

 As a result of overwork, strikes took place throughout the country, even though they were outlawed. In addition, since May 15, 1934, free movement around the country in search of work has been outlawed, and since 1936, according to the Seventh Order of the Four-Year Plan, employers had the right not to issue work books to their employees, thus depriving them of the opportunity to leave the enterprise ... At the same time, the heir to the trade unions, the German Labor Front, did not have any powers, its head Robert Lei, defining the position of the labor front at the beginning of 1934, “stressed three times that German workers should never forget that they are soldiers who are obliged to obey the state unquestioningly and think less about earnings ... the worker is absolutely devoted to his master and does not even think about protesting or organizing strikes. " One of the reasons for the growing exploitation was the fall in the real incomes of the monopolies caused by the crisis. The export industries of Farbenindustrie I.G., which posted 89 million net profits in 1930, reported a sharp drop in 1933 at 49 million marks. However, the intensification of production and the increase in the duration of working hours due to overwork had the opposite effect - in 1938 the average decline in labor productivity was almost 20%.

 When Hitler invited Robert Leigh to start providing the economy with "slave power", the violinist, connoisseur of Salvador Dali and the poetry of Paul Eluard, the head of the Labor Front refused in a very original way: he asked Himmler to send him to a concentration camp in order to "calculate the efficiency of forced labor on his own skin. ... After two days of dragging boulders out of the swamp, constructions on the appellplatz, Robert Ley drew up an analytical note that slave labor was “not productive” [264]. Accordingly, it was necessary to act by other methods of coercion, taking into account the fact that the Third Reich gave the world the first television advertisement and it belonged to the Kraft Durh Freida organization controlled by the Labor Front.

 In 1936, A. Hitler's decree "On the Struggle for the Productivity of German Enterprises" introduced various forms of competition into the production process, as a result of which the enterprise "can be awarded the title of" National Socialist Model Enterprise "as a reward. The organization Kraft Freude has developed a vacation system. Only these vacations had one interesting feature - they could not be refused, because "we send our workers on trips, we build swimming pools for them not only for entertainment ..." - wrote the press secretary of the Labor Front G. Starke. According to the Nazis, the population had to remain under the control of the authorities even during leisure hours, which could be effectively used to unite the nation. Vacation meant compulsory attendance at ideological circles, therefore, they were sent to it by directive.

 On the one hand, the propaganda deployed in the Third Reich said that the society "Beauty of Labor", which is responsible for organizing jobs and decorating production facilities, was created "not for economic reasons, but solely to help the German working man", on the other hand, in 1938 the head of the Labor Front, Robert Ley, cited statistical information provided to him by the owners of enterprises that "aestheticization of labor" is not a luxury item, but only contributes to an increase in production efficiency [264]. In general, the attitude towards the working class expresses Goering's sarcastic remark about the activities of the Kraft durch Freude organization (“Strength through joy”): “The labor front should have produced more strength and less joy” [280].

 It was under the activities of his, Goering's four-year plan, that on July 15, 1933 Hitler issued a law according to which all industry must establish fixed prices, which were determined by the Reich Commissioner for Pricing, directly subordinate to Goering. In addition, this official could raise the question of the existence of the enterprise depending on the production rates. Further, despite the fact that the 13th paragraph of the NSDAP program provided for the "confiscation of all capitalist cartels", "every competitor or outsider who dares to bring down these prices or organize a new factory can - in order to combat" economic sabotage "- be subjected to collection by the board of the syndicate, may be arrested by state authorities, may be imprisoned in a concentration camp ”[121]. The July 15 law allowed the government to forcibly form cartels, and an additional "legal reform of joint-stock companies" liquidated all firms with a capital of less than 100 thousand marks, allowing further the opening of enterprises with an authorized capital of at least half a million. Although this measure closed a fifth of all small businesses and directly contradicted the point of the original NSDAP program: “creating and maintaining a healthy middle class, it was presented as temporary and was explained by the need to overcome the consequences of the economic crisis. An article published on November 28, 1939 in the Neue Zuricher Zeitung about the situation said: “The owners and their family members lost their independence and were forced to go into the military industry, construction or the administrative apparatus. Due to the lack of goods, many small shops became unprofitable even before the outbreak of the war. The introduction of the card certification system for the distribution of goods with its beginning only aggravated their situation. " Thus, the economy, which would be based on the principles of self-government, turned out to be a mirage. The consequences of the reforms were that a significant part of the old middle class either underwent proletarianization, unable to withstand competition from the monopolies, or was put under arms, thus losing the opportunity to remain in business - “This law has terribly contributed to the death of the economically independent middle and small bourgeoisie ". The "new social justice" did not envision a "middle class" caste.

 In August 1933, Schroeder introduced a plan to nationalize all the large banks in order to then divide them into 12 "district banks", which would then gradually go into private hands. As a result, the six largest banks and 70 joint-stock companies controlled over 2/3 of the country's industrial potential [247] [280]. On October 15, 1933, the Management Board of Bank Allgemeine Deutsche Creditanstalt in Leipzig will promptly report at the Annual Meeting of Shareholders: “The Bank will try in the future to conduct its business according to the principles of National Socialism; this will only be possible if the bank enjoys the confidence of the National Socialist Party ”[121]. Also, the most prepared, the most united syndicate IG Farben, which issued on September 30, 1934, the message "We have reached a development phase that corresponds to the basic principles of the National Socialist economy," responded to the Fuehrer's call.

 "In fact, the" enterprise community "was a strictly hierarchical structure in which the state with its interests dominated, followed by the" enterprise Fuhrer ", while the workers occupied the lowest level."

 E. A. Palamarchuk "Social Policy of the Third Reich"

 Like the ideas of "Central Europe", the ideas of National Socialism were born in the "rutabagan years" of the Second Reich as a social compromise. An employee of the "patriarch" of German National Socialism, the I.G. Farben "- Werner Daits predicted in his essay back in the days of Kaiser Wilhelm:" A new type of state socialism is emerging, completely different from what each of us thought about it or how he imagined it. Private economic initiative and private capitalist economy will not be harmed, but it will be systematized in terms of the needs of state socialism, so that fixed capital will be concentrated in the national economy and will be directed outward, obeying internal requirements ... This change in capitalism dictates with natural categorization reconstruction of the former international socialism. This will turn it into national socialism. "

 In reality, this symphony of private economic initiative and state socialism was instantly turned by the monopolies into a tool for preventing competition. The American economist, Robert Brady, correctly described the German fascist state as “the dictatorship of monopoly capitalism.” His “fascism” is the “fascism” of business entrepreneurship organized as a monopoly that commands the military, police, all legal and propaganda power. [39] which is the New World Order in essence. From socialism in the "new social justice" there was nothing left but propaganda slogans, just like nationalism. The German philosopher Oswald Spengler, seeing the coming to power of Hitler's party, publicly declared that the new German state is built on the "principles of Asian collectivism" [194].

The lack of competition inflated the prices and profits of monopoly companies, whose profits had already reached astronomical amounts in the pre-war period. The Krupp concern for five years - 1934-1939. they have grown more than three times: 1934 - 6.65 million Reichsmarks; 1935 - 10.34 million; 1936 - 14.39 million; 1937 - 17.22 million; 1939 - 21.11 million, and his personal income increased tenfold [247]. At the same time, the oldest workers of the crystal factory in the Bavarian Theresiental, complaining about the meager wages, noted that they would not remember more terrible times. The share of all German workers in the national income fell from 59.6% in 1932, the crisis year, to 53.6% in 1938, then the profits of capitalists and businessmen jumped from 17.4% to 26.6% of the national income during the same time [280].

 “This is the background of all events in Germany, this is the background of the historical mission of Hitler, Goering and Goebbels. This is the final result of the "national socialist petty-bourgeois revolution": the transition to neo-feudalism of the kings of raw materials and energy "

 Henry Ernst "Hitler over Europe?", 1936

 The fall in income in real terms led, according to G. Kerl, who held high posts in the Reich Ministry of Economy, to a consistent decline in retail trade: from 37.8 billion marks in 1939 to 35.7 in 1940, 35.4 in 1941, 33.7 in 1942 and 33.0 billion Reichsmarks in 1943. Already the beginning of the war brought food rationing to the German civilian population. Published on August 27, 1939, the "Order on the Temporary Rationing of Agricultural Products" introduced a rationing system for the distribution of 14 types of goods, 10 of which were food. This measure led to a reduction in fat consumption per capita, in fact, with the outbreak of the war, the "swede years" of the First World War returned to Germany: at the end of 1939, Goebbels issued an order that cards giving the right to purchase a new coat should be issued only in exchange for free worn outerwear provided. Explanatory work was carried out among the population of the main public health service in Munich: if a mother complains about the fact that her child eats 100 g of meat, calculated for a week, in one day, then “you don’t know what should be more surprised - primitive thinking or obvious failure to distribute meat appropriately. "
The situation of the First World War was repeated with precision to the details: remember the fate of the head of the military department Kriegsamth General Grener, who tried against the background of the trouser diet of the population to convince the Chancellor to limit the profits of the military-industrial complex, because "the war is not a case for profit, ... that everyone demands sacrifice" and not just from the population. After such a requirement, he did not hold his post for several months. In the new situation, the Reichsminister of Arms and Military Industry Albert Speer tried to demand to give the entire defense industry under his control. Hitler gave a speech on this occasion, promising everyone to return everything after the victory, and at the same time scaring the confiscation of property, the Allies and Siberia in case of defeat, which should have had effect. The prevailing companies with foreign participation were primarily interested in returning investments invested in the German military industry, and therefore in further strengthening of exploitation.

To increase the exploitation and fall of real earnings added still constant deductions from wages in order to release the funds necessary for rearmament, instructions about which were given to the Reichsministra of finance as early as 1933. According to official statistics, the total amount of fees started with 351,127,000 Reichsmarks in 1936 and reached a record result of 1.6 billion Reichsmarks in the winter of 1942/43. Behind these impressive figures was the coercive nature of the contributions levied under the threat of severe sanctions. A worker who had not been able to make a contribution or whose contribution was deemed insufficient risked losing his job. The predominant share of the fees was for the organization "Winter Aid", the acronym of which received the sarcastic transcription "We continue to starve" from the population. It is also noteworthy that in 1936 M. Bormann in writing asked Goebbels to give up financial control over the expenditure of funds raised for charitable purposes, and indeed control over the expenditure of "Winter Aid" funds was limited. In addition to the prevailing fees, clothes and fuel were handed over, and every second Sunday of the month, families of all "true Volksgenossen," regardless of their wealth, had to limit their daytime meals to one cheap dish. If the blockwalter, who regularly bypassed the apartments under his control, found more than one pot on the stove on these days, the perpetrators were subject to public condemnation. In accordance with the decree of Goebbels of October 30, 1941, "Sundays of one dish" were called "sacrificial" and were steadily observed in restaurants, cafes, hotels, dining cars of the German Railway and on German ships.

“Thus, the totalitarian nature of the Nazi system of social security and charity manifested itself in the fact that, to a large extent, it operated at the expense of the citizens themselves, most of whom were forcibly confiscated from them in the form of various contributions. The latter actually represented a form of additional taxation, making it possible to remove the financial burden from the shoulders of the state. "

 E. A. Palamarchuk "Social Policy of the Third Reich"

 Due to the impossibility of open resistance, the German population turned to quiet sabotage: according to the Freiburg branch of the Labor Front, in October 1941, in the vast majority of enterprises, 30% of workers were truant from work every day for unjustifiable reasons. Other statistics show that daily absenteeism in 1942 was 20%. Absenteeism was especially frequent among women, who faced the need to combine household management, work at the enterprise and the queues accompanying the distribution of food. Although in the overwhelming majority of cases it was not necessary to speak of a political motive for the protest on the part of women, truant women were equated with asocial elements and were sent to concentration or labor educational camps [280]. So argue after that that the rigidity of the laws is compensated by the non-binding nature of their implementation only in our country. In fact, the fascist regime was an occupation regime for the Germans themselves, who were the first to know what a 'new social order' is.

 A report from the Garmisch gendarme office, dated August 1941, reported the low state of morale of the middle strata, their lack of faith in the imminent end of the war and distrust of government promises to improve the economic situation in the post-war period. The rapid decline in the prestige of NSDAP became apparent in the late 30s and was expressed in the refusal of certain categories of citizens: officials and teachers from membership in the party, and at the end of 1943, the benefits of NSDAP members looked so defiant that many of them stopped wearing a distinctive badge and refused the official greeting "Heil, Hitler!"

Given the limit of exploitation, and as a result of the decline in productivity, which led to a decline in the profitability of cartels and monopolies, in 1940 Goering advocated not to cause "too much concern among the population", noting that the country's labor needs could be covered by prisoners of war. In February 1942, the ministerial director Mansfeld lamented the simple availability of 3,350,000 Soviet prisoners of war: "The real difficulties in entering the work would not have arisen if the general entry of Russian prisoners of war had been decided in a timely manner."

The Fuhrer himself will initially be delighted with the idea: "You only need to calculate how much profit can be derived from the fact that a foreign worker, unlike a German, receives not 2000, but 100 Reichsmarks per year." As the German population mobilized, the labour shortage reached 2.6 million between May 1940 and May 1941, and the failure of the blitzkrieg against the Soviet Union forced the imperial authorities to abandon the original doctrine of non-use of the occupied population and Soviet prisoners of war in The German economy.

The first labour recruiters were Poles and French, with more than half a million of them volunteering, and 10% of the first eastern workers volunteering. 
"If it is not possible to acquire the necessary labor on a voluntary basis, it is necessary to immediately begin their arrest, namely to compulsory obligatory" - was written to the Program of the Commissioner for the Use of The Workforce F. Saukel, who in the circle of employees stated: "I received my assignment from Adolf Hitler, and I will deliver millions of otbeiters to Germany, regardless of their feelings, regardless of whether they want to do so. or not." Therefore, since the spring of 1942, the occupation authorities are increasingly resorting to threats, organization of raids and forced hijacking of Soviet citizens to Germany, with the main blow to the territory of modern Ukraine, and that part of it, where often in our time it became accepted to treat the memory of the Third Reich with such undisguised petite.

"Ukraine is only an object of exploitation for us, it must pay for the war, and the population must be to some extent used as a second-class people to solve military tasks, even if it must be caught with a lasso."

Reich Commissioner of Ukraine Erich Koch,

from a speech to the heads of the press

Ukrainian girls were especially valued, their need was estimated at half a million, as Speer later assured, "everyone was snapped up for themselves by the families of party functionaries". The decree of the March 1942 decree of the saukel referred to the "mobilization of all the non-employed workers in the Great German Reich and in the occupied areas": "All prisoners of war already in Germany, both from the western and eastern regions, should, if this has not yet happened, also without a trace to be introduced into the German economy of arms and nutrition, their productivity should be brought to the maximum possible level." The latter was repeated in the decree, which came out a month later: "they can be required to optimal labor achievements and squeeze all of them out." The task of "squeezing everything" received the correct ideological reinforcement: among the eastern workers was established a racial hierarchy, on which the least infringement were exposed to the natives of the Baltics. Although their conditions left much to be desired:

«... Then they began to recruit new ones. This recruitment was successful because Latvians were sent to work in Germany and Estonia in a heightened order. These works are all feared as death. Therefore, many of them registered with the police in order to evade the parcel to Germany.

Message to the Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Latvia

Kalnberzini on the situation in German-occupied Latvia. 1942

RGASPI. F. 69. Op. 1. D. 450. L. 2-27.

The rest of the racial categories had to be even more difficult: Poles, according to the special instruction, were intended to work low-paid jobs with a salary not exceeding 70% of the earnings of a true Aryan. The citizens of the USSR were in the worst position. At Krupp's factories, their earnings were half the earnings of even a Polish worker, they were obliged to wear on robes special stripes with the designations "Ost" and "SR" ("Soviet Russia"). Posters were hung in the workshops reminding German staff that "Slavs are slaves", which is why they were "strictly separated from the German population, from other foreign workers and from all prisoners of war" and kept "in isolated camps, which they would leave only when they left to work under an armed escort". To the appeal of one of the heads of the enterprise for an increase in rations for Soviet prisoners of war, the official of the department of the city replied "Bolsheviks - soulless people. If hundreds of thousands of these people die, hundreds of thousands will take their place." In accordance with the thesis of "destruction through labour" of "inadequate races" in the Reichsministere food were established inferior to food standards, which resulted in a high mortality of "Eastern workers" in addition to poor treatment. In the german Goering Werke coal mines, one in ten died of exhaustion.

« ... the death of tens and hundreds of thousands of prisoners from exhaustion and starvation is deplorable because it has led to the loss of workers ... The fate of the Russians or Czechs does not interest me in the slightest... Whether nations live in prosperity or starve to death, I am only interested in it, because it determines the supply of slaves for our Culture; I don't care about anything else. Whether 10,000 Russian women will die digging anti-tank ditches, I wonder only from the point of view whether the anti-tank ditches for Germany will be finished ... We are a product of natural selection."

Heinrich Himmler on Slavic nations,

from a public speech in Poznan on October 14, 1943.

It is noteworthy that racial ideas were unsatisfactory, because of the frequent alliances between Germans, mainly from rural areas and "ostarbeiters" it was necessary to publish a pamphlet explaining to women that Hitler attracted foreigners in the Reich not to "create one large European family" but to "solve the problem of serious labour shortages". The tougher penalties for "desecration of race" that included the death penalty by hanging for "eastern workers" responsible for the "crime" and imprisonment for a period of several months to six years for "sinners" did not help them.

In general, the fate of more than 600,000 of those forcibly involved in the work subsequently remained unknown: they either died or were released home on disability, or joined the ranks of concentration camp inmates, the transfer to which took place either because of the slightest misconduct, or by direct dissolution. Sick, exhausted, unqualified, unskilled, unskilled and deadly "slaves of the 20th century" were more expensive than what they were able to produce.

The decree, dated December 17, 1942, stated: "For military-significant reasons... by the end of January 1943, at least 35,000 able-bodied prisoners should be sent to concentration camps, primarily "eastern or foreign workers who tried to escape or break the treaty." Such workers accounted for 44% of Mauthausen in March 1943, and 57% of the total prison population in Buchenwald in July 1943. And here the former citizens of the USSR found themselves in the most difficult conditions, even in comparison with their Polish comrades in misfortune. According to the testimony given to the International Military Tribunal B. Durrfeld, who from the end of 1942 was the head of construction and installation works belonging to the chemical concern "Farbenindustrie I.G." of the auschwitz plant, and in the spring of 1944 became the director of this enterprise, from the wages of the Poles employed here was deducted 15%, and from the earnings of Russians and Ukrainians, according to a special legislative order - from 30 to 40%. The fact that there were, although reduced wages, in concentration camps shows that, as a phenomenon, they were only a tool for exploiting those who resisted. The tool to ensure that the exhausted, unqualified, uns knowing the language of their masters and their deadly "slaves of the 20th century" were not more than what they were able to produce. Therefore, the reasoning about The Bavarian beer is untenable, because it is very doubtful that the leadership of the Reich was going to drink them at least the German population, however, there is a certain connection between beer and the New World Order...

For example, government officials, get out of business, privacy citizens, get out of sex, including sex at school and teaching children sex. To teach something, you need to pass a medical examination for sanity to pass, have a document on sanity and admission to work with the population and children.

Collected their condoms the rest of the sex wardrobe items and left out of schools, apartments and houses. Engage in your erotic fantasies and hobbies for your personal money 💴 after hours. 

Everyone's free. 

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