What is biological terrorism?

What is biological terrorism?

TRibUlE bUReaU

🌐 18 U.S. Code § 2331 - Definitions | U.S. Code | US Law | LII / ...


 › lii › u.s. code › title 18 › part i › chapter 113b › § 2331

foreign terrorist organization by the Secretary of State under section 219 of the Immigration and Nationality Act (8 U.S.C. 1189); or ... specially designated global terrorist (as such term is defined in section 594.310 of title 31, Code of Federal Regulations) by the Secretary of State or ...


16:55 17.11.2021

In Russia, two more vaccines are being tested, created on the principle of "Sputnik V"

Murashko: two vaccines on the principle of "Sputnik V" are undergoing preclinical studies

MOSCOW, Nov 17 - RIA Novosti. Two Russian vaccines, developed using genetic technologies on the principle of the Sputnik V vaccine, are undergoing preclinical trials today, in addition, genetic tests have been created in the country that allow non-invasive determination of the presence of tumor DNA in human blood, said the head of the Ministry of Health Mikhail Murashko.

During a meeting on the development of genetic technologies with Russian President Vladimir Putin, the minister spoke about a number of breakthrough decisions that were made in 2020-2021.


A 2012 patent application for a flu shot from the Gamaleya Institute, which used the same Ad5 adenovirus vector as That of Sputnik V and which was never approved for use, described the drug as a "genetic vaccine." 

The Russian Ministry of Health does not disclose data from clinical trials of Sputnik V, saying that this information is a "confidential trade secret". 


Sputnik V is a genetic vaccine. Its own developer says it is nearly identical to AstraZeneca’s (highly suspect) shot


The patent for a “genetic vaccine” listed on Sputnik V’s official website


PCR in these three homeless people in Russia appeared 5 days before the strain, and the registration of the PCR test began 5 days before the appearance of the virus strain and 10 days before the appearance of the first cases! 

- Is that possible? 

- Well, why not? Terrorists can do anything. 

Bioterrorism is a type of terrorism, consisting in the use of biological weapons by a government, organization or individual against a population. Biological terrorism is the use of bacteria, viruses and microbes to infect people and spread mass panic. In attacks by biological terrorists, only a small number of people can become infected with a particular disease, but a very large number of people begin to experience fear of possible infection, as a result of which their behavior also changes.

Before you, Ladies and Gentlemen, is a digital copy of a very interesting document of the Kremlin. This is a registration certificate for one of the first in the Russian Federation, PCR tests for a well-known false virus. Not only did the Russians bring the COVID19 PCR test to Russia in 2017, they unloaded as much as 170 kg, but they also managed to register their alleged product. Already on 6.03.2020, the certificate was already received by the manufacturer, the Center for Strategic Planning and Management of Medical and Biological Health Risks of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation. And if we pay close attention to the second date - the date of the registration dossier, we will see - 21.02.2020. 

Let's turn to the chronicle of events. 

On December 24, the Wuhan Central Bank sent a sample of fluid for bronchoalvelyar Lavan (rather than purified virus) from an unauthorized clinical case to the sequencing company Vision Medicals. On December 27 and 28, Vision Medicals informed the Central Bank of Wuhan and the Chinese CDC about the results of the test that showed the new coronavirus. And on January 3, communist accomplices from the Chinese services reported 44 cases of pneumonia to the WHO (TOTAL) in the city of Wuhan, Hubei Province. The pathogen turned out to be a new coronavirus, which had not previously been detected among the human population. On January 30, 2020, in connection with the outbreak of Covid-19, WHO declared a state of emergency of international concern in the field of health (which is not so rare). No one has declared a pandemic, except for the mouths of those sitting in the studios of nation-states and considering themselves journalists. This is also important for the investigation. February 26. /TASS/. Russian scientists have received a strain of coronavirus, now they are developing an appropriate vaccine, Russian Deputy Prime Minister Tatyana Golikova told reporters on Wednesday. "We have a strain. We received it," Golikova said, adding that the strain was not obtained from China. 


STOP 🛑 Tanya . On February 26, sitting in Russia, you received the strain, and the documents for registration of the PCR test were submitted to it five days before? How can this be Tanya? After all, the test should not only be done with an understanding of what exactly it is being performed, but it should be checked, undergo clinical trials. And at that moment, you did not yet have any accelerated registration procedures in the unwashed one. And what to register, Tanya, if you already have tests since 2017, and there is no virus. After all, the first false patient you have in Russia will appear only on March 2 thanks to your manipulations. Your cosmonauts Gagarins from the FGBI "DSP" managed in 21 days from the launch without any virus not only to come up with their own PCR test, but also to prepare a whole package of documents for a new medical device. How is this possible for Madame Arbidol? For many decades, you can not even create a remote control from the TV, and here you are a whole test for a completely new virus. Maybe Kristalina Georgieva helped you in Davos 2020? And can there be a virus in nature that has not yet been isolated by anyone and the plume of which we have seen since 1989 in David Rockefeller's laptop? What is the whole world testing? There can be no real, verified PCR test for such cases. Only a theoretical model of lies. This is what you decided to play, but we do not play speckled cards, we have a chess tournament. 


Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation dated January 31, 2020 No. 66 "On Amending the List of Diseases That Pose a Danger to Others"

The Government of the Russian Federation decides: The list of diseases that pose a danger to others, approved by The Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 1, 2004 No. 715 "On Approval of the List of Socially Significant Diseases and the List of Diseases That Pose a Danger to Others" (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2004, No. 49, Article 4916), should be supplemented by paragraph 16 of the following content:



coronavirus infection (2019-nCoV)


Prime Minister

of the Russian Federation

M. Mishustin



coronavirus infection (2019-nCoV)



Like Russian terrorists naked in a bathhouse, they were in a hurry. Now we do not understand at all whether the WHO did not declare an emergency or the Russians announced and gave the name ? 

By the way, such a story 👆 with a false experiment in all administrations - they have everything mirrored and nowhere this potion has not passed clinical trials. 

The WHO did not declare a pandemic, this is the usual style of the Soviet Ethiopian Gates - Goebels red - brown vyser, diagnoses our doctor, a great specialist in analyzes. This is about nothing, so, a banal go-ahead for all participants in the conspiracy and the media to enter into a game with the population of nation-states and the world to intimidate. 

LIES OF GLOBAL PROPORTIONS ARE FULLY EXPOSED! Covid-19 tests have been procured by countries since 2017! 

We open a specialized website of the Bulgarian revolutionary Kristalin Georgiev and the chief physician of the world 


"Use WITS to obtain commodity trade statistics (exports, imports) by country from UN COMTRADE, tariff profiles from UNCTAD TRAINS and WTO CTS IDB. The World Integrated Trade Solution (WITS) software provides access to data on international trade in goods, tariff and non-tariff measures (NTM). View the Country Profile section for country statistics on exports, imports, and tariffs, as well as relevant development data." 

So, let's get started:

Import covid-19 testing kits (300215) by country in 2017 (click on the link to make sure) 


Additional product information: diagnostic reagents based on immunological reactions

Category: COVID-19 test kits / Tools, diagnostic testing equipment

Please note that in the table of the COVID-19 Test kits product, which was imported by countries, including the Russian Federation, the code is indicated: 300215. We look at the reference book of HS codes (HS FEA - commodity nomenclature of foreign economic activity of the Eurasian Economic Union, a classifier of goods used in customs operations).


Description: "Immunological products packaged in dosage forms or in forms or packaging for retail sale."

So there is no discrepancy. It was immunological products that were purchased, i.e. tests for coronavirus since 2017. And what is also important: in the name of the coronavirus, the number 19 (COVID-19) does not carry the meaning of the year 2019, when this virus was allegedly detected. After all, its name was given to him long before the onset of 2019.

By the way, here we can see how many, from where and for what amount of covid-19 tests were imported in 2017 by the Russian Federation:



Additional product information: diagnostic reagents based on immunological reactions

Category: COVID-19 test kits / Tools, diagnostic testing equipment. 

The Russian Federation imported COVID-19 testing kits worth $40,161,150 and 179,789 kg.

We look further into 2018 and 2019, when purchases of tests were already made in large volumes.



Additional product information: diagnostic reagents based on immunological reactions

Category: COVID-19 test kits / Tools, diagnostic testing equipment.



Additional product information: diagnostic reagents based on immunological reactions

Category: COVID-19 test kits / Tools, diagnostic testing equipment

Famous plagiarism. Nothing new except the chosen technologists. 


"Dark Winter": Not only was the Russian savings account spotted. 

Open the original document "Country cooperation strategy for the World Health Organisation and the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation 2014-2020" in English:

        What do they want?


The Ministry of Health should rely on the "knowledge and competence" of the WHO.

The false covid special operation 😷 is a 100% communist fascist project of real demon degenerates.


The false covid special operation 😷 is a 100% communist fascist project of real demon degenerates.


The false covid special operation 😷 is a 100% communist fascist project of real demon degenerates. And the Bulgarian international revolutionary terrorist chief doctor of the world hospital 🏥 (bank 🏦) Kristalina Ivanovna Georgieva is one of the main sponsors of national biological - agricultural state terrorists. 
Additional materials on special operation World Crown 🤴 19 here ⬇️ 


















🇩🇪In Germany, a 101-year-old former concentration camp guard was sentenced to five years in prison. 

He was found to be an accomplice to the murders of 3500 prisoners.

Thus, Josef Schütz became the oldest person convicted of Nazi crimes committed during World War II.


Charles Darwin's Cane


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