Clinical idiots are dedicated. 

Clinical idiots are dedicated. 

TRibUlE bUReaU

Putin's Collective Western Degenerates and Accomplices in War 

The Kremlin spends about €840 million a day on the war in Ukraine. This money comes from the export of fossil fuels, the amount of which exceeds the cost of the war by € 90 million per day. The lion's share of these exports is paid for by Putin's accomplices from Europe - the FT and the Centre for Research on Energy and Clean Air.

18 U.S. Code § 2332b - Acts of terrorism transcending national boundaries U.S. Code

A brief excursion into the history of the Kremlin, and how it lacked the three previous revolutions (1917,1991,1993) for complete happiness and he ordered Gorbachev and David Rockefeller the fourth, with a new Lenin aka Klaus Schwab.  The Central Bank of Central Banks is kind enough to tell us what happens next: 

"... Along with these developments, the world's central banks are stepping up efforts to prepare the ground for digital cash – the central bank's digital currency (CBDC)..."

WEF | Internet of Things|4IR 

Network of Centers of the Fourth Industrial Revolution

Currently, 16 countries are present in the 4IR network, covering four continents with the very important Moscow gasket Serbia, which joined last this year. The first industrial revolution used the energy of water and steam to mechanize production. The second used electricity to create mass production. The third used electronics and information technology to automate production. Now the Fourth Industrial Revolution is developing on the basis of the Third, digital revolution, which has been taking place since the middle of the last century. It is necessary to call the natural technological success of a huge number of people and business a revolution, since perverts of normal business words and knowledge in the heads of degenerates have never been and are not in the lexicon. 

... And these opportunities will be multiplied by new technological breakthroughs in areas such as artificial intelligence, robotics, the Internet of Things, autonomous vehicles, 3D printing, nanotechnology, biotechnology, materials science, energy storage, and quantum computing. 

Fascist Russia, or rather the Kremlin in Moscow, not only participates in 4IR, but also plays a leading and very dark role in this false project, which has engulfed the incompetent heads of the Eurozone and the American continent. 

"Moscow, Russia, October 13, 2021. Russia will take a leading role in shaping the trajectory of the Fourth Industrial Revolution. Today, the leaders of the Russian Federation and the World Economic Forum declared Russia the Center of the Fourth Industrial Revolution.", - so reported the WEF about the role of Moscow in this, "The Center of the Fourth Industrial Revolution in Russia will be organized by the ANO "Digital Economy" in Moscow.

It will work across the global network to maximize the benefits of technologies such as artificial intelligence and the Internet of Things, while minimizing the associated risks.

The main goal of the Center for the Fourth Industrial Revolution in Moscow is to raise awareness of Russia's role as part of the global expert community. This is an opportunity to share the experience and knowledge accumulated by the World Economic Forum and its partners around the world."

Deputy Prime Minister Chernyshenko noted that the center will begin its work on October 15, 2021, and that its key tasks for the next two months will be the formation of an executive committee and the preparation of a work plan for 2022. Why, after the outbreak of war in Europe, Russia's participation in the 4th industry. Revolution is a real threat to the national security of the US and the EU no one understands?  Yes, to what madness we have lived with these degenerates of the national administrations of the states of the world, the UN, WHO, the IB and so on. This is some new clinical case of schizophrenia. The Chamber of Dutch Deputies received "additional WEF documents" from the Cabinet of Ministers. According to MP Pepein van Houvelingen (FVD), these documents show that the relationship between the government and the WEF is very, very close. Among other things, ministers Kaag and Hextra are congratulated and thanked for carrying out the "fourth industrial revolution" that Schwab raves about.

"On December 17, your chamber received additional answers to questions from Member Van Houvelingen about the nature of the World Economic Forum and the relationship of cabinet members with this forum in response to previously asked questions. The Cabinet and the WEF exchanged written communications," Minister Kaag wrote in a parliamentary letter, "It has now become clear that a number of documents were missing from the package received by your House of Representatives. That's why I'm sending you these documents. So I'm also sharing reports from the last few months that weren't part of the previous set."

One of the documents concerns a letter dated January 31, 2019 to the then Minister of Finance Vopka Hextra. The letter says the Netherlands plays a "crucial role" in international economic cooperation and in maintaining flexible and stable global financial systems in the light of globalization 4.0 and the Fourth Industrial Revolution. Hoekstru is thanked for his participation in the 2019 WEF and his "vital support."

"It's official. The WEF and the Dutch government are working together on the 'Fourth Industrial Revolution,'" said former stock market columnist Willem Middelkop, shocked by the revelation. The Kremlin finally formalized the attack on the West and the special operation of the false pandemic together with Beijing. These two Communist fighters play a leading role in this project of coups d'état and the seizure of power in nation-states through the control of finances (new electric false money 💵) under the screen of the "4th Prom. Revolution" designed and served for dinner by the epic idiots of Western administrations and western conspirators from among individuals, the so-called Global - Cogal of David Rockefeller and the Rothschild family. Idiots, it's in Putin's fascist Russia leading a hot war in Ukraine and a Cold War in the west building the Center of the 4th Prom. Revolution. I would like to hope that your diagnosis of schizophrenia and insanity will somewhat comfort everyone, including the sailors of the Dutch, who have learned what we have known for 2 years.  Russia is a terrorist country has made a mega effort to organize a special operation pandemic, the Kremlin is working in a dark conjunction with the WEF, THE WORLD, UN, WHO and other global operators conspirators to organize the NWO project and is doing everything very well. The fascist government of the Russian Federation 404 has long ago signed a paper with a schwab about the 4th prom. revolution, on the creation in the Russian Federation of the CENTER of the 4th industry. revolutions to develop technologies for capturing nation-states and further exporting to nation-states and the world! Moscow, the covid special operation conducted personally by Sobyanin, a real Nazi guy who worked and is working with English consulting companies. There in England are two top kgb agents of the USSR Lord Lebedev (father and son). Moscow became one of the main Centers of the 4th Industry. Revolution. What else needs to be said and done so that the degenerates of nation-states understand what kind of project the Kremlin is. National administrations have surrendered all national interests and are CARRYING OUT THE AGENDA of the Kremlin and Beijing and their local criminal degenerates like Rockefeller and Rothschild, the globalist Satanists. The Government of the Russian Federation and the WEF signed a memorandum on the establishment of the Center for the Fourth Industrial Revolution in Russia. On behalf of the Russian side, on behalf of Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin, the memorandum was signed by Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Chernyshenko, and on behalf of the WEF by the President of the Forum Børge Brende. The Center will help in the implementation of weF global projects in Russia, as well as in adapting the best world practices for Russian digital business. The leaders of the global IT industry, industry, science and business, as well as leading Russian companies and government agencies will unite on one platform to study and implement the latest IT developments in Russia. Dmitry Chernyshenko noted that the Government, together with the regions and business, has already done a lot of work on digital transformation, which President Vladimir Putin has outlined as one of the national goals. This, for example, the transfer of public services online or the introduction of electronic document management, which simplifies the life of both citizens and businesses. Also, on behalf of the head of state, the Government is developing Russian software and working to increase the demand for microelectronics.

"Today, Russia is in an active phase of the formation of the digital economy, which affects all sectors of industry, the social sphere and public administration. We are now witnessing a breakthrough development that has no analogues before. The main purpose of creating the Russian Center for the Fourth Industrial Revolution is to increase Russia's recognition in the global expert community and the opportunity to exchange with the WEF and its partners around the world the accumulated experience and expertise. Next year, together with the WEF, it is planned to deploy projects in the field of application of experimental legal regimes, artificial intelligence and the Internet of Things. The first of them will be launched before the end of this year in the field of unmanned vehicles, medicine and data processing. Russia, by the way, has been actively introducing artificial intelligence technologies over the past few years. To date, there are more than 800 such solutions in the country, and some of them are already noticeable in international markets. In general, cooperation with the WEF will be carried out in various areas: data policy, urban mobility, export support and promotion of Russian IT technologies in foreign markets," said Dmitry Chernyshenko.

"The rapid development of technology is destroying former economic and social systems. Coordinated joint action is needed to manage these changes," said Børge Brende. "The new Center for the Fourth Industrial Revolution in Moscow will become an important part of the forum's global network. It is important to leave borders behind for the benefit of joint work, shaping the global technological future."

Dmitry Chernyshenko added that the center will be created on the basis of the ANO "Digital Economy". A corresponding agreement has also been signed between the autonomous non-profit organization and the WEF. 

"We are pleased to join the global network of centers of the fourth industrial revolution. Our organization unites the leading digital companies of Russia. Together with their leaders, we will study and adapt the best international practices in the field of artificial intelligence, the Internet of things, data regulation and other promising areas for the development of the digital economy, as well as contribute to the promotion of Russian practices to other countries," commented Evgeny Kovnir, CEO of ANO Digital Economy. The Center of the Fourth Industrial Revolution will allow building systematic joint work and constructive dialogue between Russian IT companies, state and international structures, as well as expert communities from around the world. The Deputy Prime Minister also noted that the center will begin its work on October 15. Its key tasks for the next two months will be the formation of an executive committee and the preparation of a work plan for 2022.

Yes you are worse than just clinical idiots, you are natural sheep 🐏 🐏 

Digital currencies of the Central Bank will buy our future without our consent

Is the fear of monetary collapse the driving force behind the elite's response to a flu-like virus? Unlikely. To mark the launch of the central bank's new G7 report on digital currencies, the Chancellor explains what CBDCs are and how they can benefit businesses and consumers.

"Today, the G7 published a set of Public Policy Principles for Retail Digital Currencies of the Central Bank (CBDC), together with the Statement of G7 Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors on CBDC and Digital Payments. CBDCs can be a digital form of central bank money that can be used in conjunction with physical banknotes and coins. The decision to launch the CBDC rests with each country, and no G7 jurisdiction has yet made that choice. This raises important questions about how people interact with money and payments. The report covers a number of important issues such as financial stability, operational resilience and cybersecurity, energy efficiency, privacy, accessibility and the fight against illicit financing. All these factors should be taken into account when designing and potentially implementing a CBDC suitable for the future.", – reported on the website of the British. Government.

The infrastructure being put in place to "control" Covid is permanent and is not about [COVID19] but something else entirely, and this is obvious to anyone. In the entire history of mankind, there has never been a political elite genuinely concerned about the well-being of ordinary people.  British asshole Indian and part-time Chancellor Rishi Sunak addresses delegates to the COP26 summit and promises to make the UK the world's first financial center with zero net zero: "We want to rebuild the entire global financial system to zero net income." Idiotic speakers are degenerates, wretched morons with a narrative about covid. Everyone who works in business or works in the financial system has never heard of anyone expressing that goal before, ever. This is the strangest, most self-destructive nonsense ever uttered by a degenerate chancellor. What is Net Zero Funding? Maybe he just wanted to seem smart. They focus specifically on capturing finances.  Are we entering the digital economy using green technology to unlock liquidity and cross-border transactions in real time? Then people really need to wake up and position themselves in the digital assets that will drive this new system.  This is the 4th Industrial Revolution, which Schwab spoke about, and which was officially joined by Moscow and the Kremlin, signing a memorandum with the WEF, ATTENTION! about the creation of the Center for the Fourth Industrial Revolution in Russia!  Can you name three digital assets in which people can position themselves? Bitcoin and the rest can't be one of three, as it's clear that governments are maneuvering to stamp out sanctions-exempt currencies and that everything is already under their control, as Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak said the other day, warning that governments will never let crypto get out of their control.  The moron guy, the cretin, what's more, this guy is nobody, he sees bitcoin as mathematical purity, praising its fixed supply, but at the same time he says that it's all under control, and that the government will never let it get out of their control. This is nonsense, you don't even control your laptop rams degenerate. Some believe XRP, HBAR and XLM will become digital currencies that will become a huge part of the new financial system. No of course not, it's not.  A net zero financial system is like saying that the reason we left the Stone Age is because we ran out of stones. In this context, pure zero can also mean what the Great Reset says: we have nothing, no money, no property, nothing, and we'll be happy. It's funny that these morons talk about the environment. Let's be honest, it's about a global financial reset, the velocity of money/assets, and more opportunities to make money and seize power for people and institutions in the highest echelons of power, that is, those who have already climbed where they are about to fall from, as was the case with everyone who broke the laws and moved into the status of Mega Criminals. 

In addition, if they were concerned about climate change, they would not appear in these armored hearses in a string of 66 private and infrequent aircraft in the number of 1000 pieces, as in Glasgow, and endless columns of processions. Cash is impossible to control, so all this fabulous labuda he said means the introduction of the digital currency of the Central Bank (CBDC) of central banks, which the Central Bank of the Central Bank recently stated personally, or programmable money. In any case, the result is one - a system that will very quickly throw governments, elections, people out of the loop of state management, especially since it will be quite simple, since there will be only two or three people in management. The current fiat system will not last long. She is already on life support. That's what Covid, green passports, Covid-ID and stuff like that really are for.  Schwab is a mind-blowing Nazi degenerate character, de facto, made of nothing by san Francisco assholes, a student of another Mega Degenerate Mikhail Gorbachev, morons wearing foil hats - Russian fascist crime Davos, Rockefeller, Rothschild aka Schwab, KGB agents of the USSR Kremlin with its office in San Francisco, Davos, MB, WEF, UN and other assholes.  We don't have sovereign national governments for at least a decade or more. And at the moment there are lookouts from the global kagal. Hence the endless signing of agreements for which NO ONE voted, some circulars, laws with incomprehensible subparagraphs, which no one agreed on before the law came into force, attending events such as COP26, etc. and so on ...

Our "Democracy" is a hoax, it's a hat for suckers.

Central banks have already ordered governments to sign the introduction of mandatory digital identity cards, which will form the basis of new financial and social systems. It's a conspiracy, everything happens in the open. Hence Putin's biometrics instead of passports, hence Putin's DNA base as well. They roll technologies on citizens of the Russian Federation and give ready-made technologies in San Francisco. Behind everything is Putin and the Kremlin. The collection of material for the DNA base is carried out using a false PCR test with deliveries from 2017, they are not designed to search for viruses, as their inventor Mullis said about them, but they are made for a special operation world corona 🤴 19 specially, this is the basis of the special operation, it is for such purposes that they are made. 

Everyone worked so hard to secure a life and standard of living for their family. But it's all useless. They're going to take it all away. They're just communist technocrats. The SDGs are just emerging impact markets under the guise of some kind of fabricated climate crisis. As if there is some other reason for this. It's called the Great Reset, and they're poking these fools in the face of the professionals. The freaks have a plan, they have included the whole world in it. Central banks have instructed governments to sign everyone up for mandatory digital identity cards, which will form the basis of new financial and social systems. It's not a conspiracy; it's just happening, everything is open.

The WHO has already released a guidance document for a digital vaccine certificate that will be based on the blockchain. This will be used to implement the vaccine passport in every country, friends. No need to entertain illusions. Without a struggle, we cannot avoid this. It is funded by the Gates Pedophile Foundation and the Rockefeller Foundation. The digital passport of the vaccine is much more dangerous than the paper one.

🌐 White Paper The Fourth Industrial Revolution Targeted ...

The main directions of the transformation of production during the fourth industrial revolution are determined by three global technological trends: ...

What was it fucking in the mouth? 

Yes, it is the fascists of the Kremlin and the World Fascists in San Francisco, on the issue of their creation and functioning of the Affiliate Center of the Fourth Industrial Revolution, who signed this pact in the form of pornography in an atmosphere of semi-secrecy in October 2021. This, if I may say so, is a document drawn up according to all the canons of the lengthy international communist fascist agreements of the UN, the WHO and other david Rockefeller detachment of illiterate degenerates. This pornography plunges us into the bleak future of the "Great Reset" together with the Kremlin, where Russian fascist puppets Putin and Prime Minister Mishustin are waiting and bringing us closer.

As befits the Kremlin's documents, the text begins with a vague preamble, from which, however, we all immediately understand in whose interests this agreement was concluded. Without jokes, it can reshape the fate of every inhabitant of nation-states. 

«... The Forum, founded in 1971 as a foundation located in Geneva (Switzerland), is an independent and non-profit organization and does not pursue in its activities any political interests, interests of individual groups or countries. "

«... The Forum concludes this Memorandum in order to implement the mission of the Forum and world Economic Forum LLC to improve the state of affairs in the world by involving business, political, scientific and other leaders of society in the process of forming a global, regional and industry agenda. " 

The WEF Foundation allegedly does not pursue political interests, but at the same time "implements its mission" and, to this end, "involves political leaders of states in the global agenda" (its own, of course). Doesn't this seem a bit strange and inconsistent with simple logic? 

By the way, the Government of the Russian Federation in the preamble to the memorandum does not write anything about its goals in the implementation of its own mission, i.e. de facto admits: the Russian authorities do not have their own mission and agenda in this memorandum? Is it just that Kremlin officials "suddenly" suddenly became eager to support and promote the development of the Affiliate Center of the Fourth Industrial Revolution from San Francisco in the territory of the Russian Federation? That's the whole motivation of Russian crime. And the other side has an agenda, and a very detailed and thoughtful one. Or maybe this WEF in San Francisco has a branch of the Kremlin? No one had that idea in an empty skull, no? 

What is this mission? The essence of "improving the state of affairs in the world", according to the founder of the WEF Klaus Schwab and the successor of his ideas Børge Brende, is revealed in detail in monographs and program articles and looks, frankly, peculiar. The ideas of globalist transhumanists can be found most fully in the book "COVID-19: The Great Reset (Reset)" by Schwab and futurologist Thierry Mallere. Theses from this work, which was published in the second half of last year against the background of the crackdown on the media and the authorities of the states of the next "wave of Covid", have already been dismantled by the bones by numerous experts, analysts, journalists, etc. We will not dwell on them in detail, just give a few quotes for understanding:

"The pandemic gives us that chance: it's a narrow window of opportunity to think, decide, and reset our world."

"Many people ask when we will finally be able to return to normal life. In short: never. Our history will be divided into two parts: before the coronavirus and after."

"If democracy and globalization expand, there will be no room for the nation-state."

"The world will no longer be the same, capitalism will take a different form, we will have completely new types of property, in addition to private and public. The largest multinational companies will take on more social responsibility, they will participate more actively in public life and be responsible for the common good."

"Businesses will comply with these measures not because they think they are right, but because otherwise they will have to pay too high a price."

"To end the pandemic, a worldwide digital control network must be created."

"The question of world government is at the heart of all other issues."

"The greater the demographic growth ... the higher the risk of new pandemics."

"With the introduction of lockdown, our attachment to loved ones increases, we value those we love more – family members and friends. But the flip side here is that it causes the growth of patriotic and national feelings along with dark religious views and ethnic preferences. And this toxic mixing brings out the worst in us..." 

The WEF website has a separate section called "Strategic Intelligence". We have materials on innovative positions of the Russian Federation, they have universally introduced the position of "senior officer of digital transformation" in all Russian power structures, specially trained to oversee the digitization of various spheres of life of the state and society. Military terminology here is absolutely not accidental – these characters openly wage their war against humanity, and humanity (99% of people) today is retreating on all fronts. So, in this section on the WEF website, you can see the infographic of the transformation of the world into a dystopia - it is made in the form of an interactive map.

The scale of the Kremlin is truly impressive – there is not a single sphere of life, not a single country, the future of which would not be calculated in detail. Here you will find artificial intelligence, global governance, digital identity of a person, the future of the planet's resources, biotechnology and vaccines, neural interfaces, the fate of the traditional family, the values of the new world, the reformatting of education, and sustainable development... in short, everything you want – you have already created a future that is transferred from layouts and graphs to the real dimension. The WEF website reports that the map was created in 2017, and in 2020 a new idol of globalists was placed in its very heart (in the center of the main circle, from which semantic connections diverge) - COVID-19. It is quite obvious to us that it was impossible to finish the picture so quickly and vividly – the strategy for the transformation of humanity was clearly prepared by the Kremlin fascists and their agent Schwab aka Gorbachev, as well as Western accomplices David Rockefeller for more than one year. All past LocStep documents, PCR test from 2017 with worldwide deliveries and so on, once again this confirms 

All the texts previously contained direct advice and appeals from many of the WEF defendants to the political, scientific, and economic reorganization of human society, so that only a very narrow-minded person who is not friendly with logic and common sense can recognize the absence of political interests (and global ones) among the owners and curators of the WEF. 

By the way, what kind of structure is this - World Economic Forum LLC, with which the fascist Government of the Russian Federation concluded an agreement? An LLC is a U.S.-specific hybrid form of legal entity that simultaneously has the characteristics of a corporation, an LLC, and an individual entrepreneur. The main characteristic that distinguishes an LLC from a corporation is limited liability. That is, once again, the Government of the Russian Federation signed a memorandum of cooperation with a private, commercial organization. The place of registration of the office of this office is easily located on the official website of the WEF: 350 Madison Avenue, 11th Floor, New York, NY 10017, USA. That is, in the absence of their own, national goals and objectives of the Russians (there is not a word about them in the text of the memorandum), the Government of the Russian Federation 404 concludes an agreement with the company with Madison Avenue, which designates its interests and sphere of influence quite clearly. Is there a direct threat to the national security of the United States, is it not like the surrender of key industries, which will now be developed according to the methods of the Kremlin and its structural unit WEF? 

We are waiting for answers. 

"Whereas the Forum and the World Economic Forum LLC have established the Center for the Fourth Industrial Revolution, located in San Francisco, as a new platform for cooperation dedicated to the development of public administration principles, policies and protocols that promote the application of science and technology for the benefit of all mankind in an era of transformation, which is called the fourth industrial revolution." 

Let's re-read several times to understand what kind of sheep, excuse me, the signatories of the Kremlin and the WEF, the main defendants in this memorandum, are holding us for. The head office of the network of Centers of the Fourth Industrial Revolution (by the way, also located in the United States, at 1201 Ralston Avenue, The Presidio of San Francisco, San Francisco, CA 94129, USA) develops the principles of unified public administration and policy in the era of transformation, and it is stated in our blue eye that the agreement with the WEF does not impose any political / legal obligations on the Government of the Russian Federation. What level of intelligence do you need to have to believe this?

Gorbachev Foundation USA, San Francisco, CA - - Seeds and Bulbs

According to our records, this business is located in San Francisco (in San Francisco County), California 94129, the location GPS coordinates are: 37.7749295 (latitude), -122.4194155 (longitude). Gorbachev Foundation USA is categorized under Seeds and Bulbs (SIC code 5261). Current estimates show that the unit has a sales volume of $540,000 and ...

Next, we proceed to the disclosure of the main definitions in the text of the memorandum. But in fact, we are also coming to an understanding of more serious things – for example, why Vladimir Putin, speaking before the Federal Assembly in December 2016, called for Russia to be transferred to the tracks of the "digital economy". The fact is that the status of the "Affiliate Center of the Fourth Industrial Revolution" in Russia is received by the ANO "Digital Economy" under the Government of the Russian Federation. The supervisory board of this NGO includes Deputy Prime Minister Chernyshenko, ministers Reshetnikov and Shadaev, as well as top managers of the largest Russian IT corporations - from state-owned VTB, Rostec, Rosatom, Russian Railways and Russian Post to private MTS, VimpelCom, Yandex, MegaFon, conditionally parastatal Sber, etc. All of them are involved in cyber exercises from the dark winter of Klaus.

Now the ANO "Digital Economy" of the Russian Federation receives the status (direct quote from the memorandum) of "part of the Global Council for the Fourth Industrial Revolution" and "launches projects aimed, among other things, at the joint development of regulatory practices for new technologies that will be tested in the Russian Federation." And then export to the world. "Regulatory practices" is already a legal concept, i.e. new legal regulation will be developed for new technologies. And all this will be TESTED in fascist Russia, which unleashed a war of aggression in Ukraine. These direct texts say that the Russian Federation is becoming a testing ground for the projects of the WEF and the Western globalist terrorist.

The Global Council for the Fourth Industrial Revolution is the integration of key communities of government representatives, leading companies, civil society and technology companies involved in joint responsible management and mutual cooperation on the issues of the fourth industrial revolution in the interests of all mankind. " 

How sonorous it sounds! The Kremlin, which attacked the independent state of Ukraine, which is not one iota closer to civilization, to solve its own problems with the law and international law, with a dying and impoverished population that has not improved its own socio-economic situation in Russia, cheerfully aims at "integration in the interests of all mankind." However, there is nothing new here, all this has been old for 105 years. Also their first Bolshevik revolution, and de facto coup d'état in St. Petersburg, had the goal of the World Socialist Revolution (coup) and now they see these interests and perfectly implement them. They were voiced at the infamous International Population Conference in Cairo (1994), in the report of the Club of Rome "Limits to Growth" (1972). In short, the gist is this (and the whole "Great Reset" of Schwab is about this): zero or negative growth in the population, industry, livestock and agriculture, carbon-free energy, eating GMOs, worms and insects, the "gender normality" of any perversions, the total digitization of everything that moves, genome editing and the transfer of most of the survivors of this obscurantism under the control of neural network algorithms created by the "chosen" programmers. 

Once again, we draw the attention of the special services of national states and responsible bodies, which seem not to be able to sleep - the actual national interests of the Russian Federation 404 are not spelled out in the memorandum, but there are "interests of all mankind".

The affiliated center of the CPR (also known as the ANO "Digital Economy") will be formally controlled by the Government, while, within the framework of the Partnership Agreement between the ANO and the WEF (a separate document that is not yet in the public domain), the conditions for interaction with the WEF are established, as well as "payment obligations and the amount of the annual payment" to the treasury of the Offices of Schwab and Brende. Here is such a wonderful "non-political" and "non-legal" memorandum, thanks to which "our" authorities will also regularly replenish the pocket of the office - headquarters in the United States 🇺🇸 An excellent treaty for Russia, isn't it?

But let's move on. In the paragraph "Interaction of the parties" finally begins the semblance of a specific action plan of the Government of the Russian Federation and the WEF: 

"Supporting the Affiliated Center in jointly developing regulatory practices in line with the objectives of the Global PPC Council". 

We remind you that the Global Council for PPR is the one that acts in the "interest of all mankind", the headquarters of the network is located in San Francisco. That is, the Russian side assumed the role of responsible for cooperation through the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation. It is this structure that intends, together with Klaus's WEF, to develop experimental legal regimes guided by the objectives of this Global Council. So, it will act in the interests of this structure with an office in the United States, to conduct experiments on the territory of the Russian Federation in accordance with its tasks. Again, there is not even a word about Russian tasks.

"The areas of interaction described above are not financial in nature. The interaction takes place on a pro bono basis." 

Another great example of the schizophrenic logic of the drafters of the memorandum. If the "Interaction of the Parties" does not talk about financial obligations, then just above in the section "Definitions" it is directly stated about the "obligations to pay and the amount of the annual payment of the Affiliate Center to the Forum (WEF)" under the Partnership Agreement. We do not have the text of this agreement, so there are no specifics about the amount of payments, but in any case – what kind of gratuitous partnership with the Kremlin can we talk about in general?

"This Memorandum is not an international treaty and does not entail any mutual legal and financial obligations for either Party." 

                Bravo 👏 

Getting acquainted with this pornography of the Kremlin for a long time, one can only laugh at all this. In form and content, it is obvious that we have an agreement between two criminal subjects - the fascist Government of the Russian Federation and its agent VEF. The final clause "Duration and termination of use" is also very surprising: the memorandum is concluded for three years, until October 14, 2024 The date is quite clear, it is the same for another revolutionary of this terrorist company, the Bulgarian whore Kristalin Georgiev. In this case, we are talking about the "initial deadline", and after the named date, the memorandum "continues to apply for an indefinite period of time." In other words, an intermediate, initial stage of cooperation between the fascist Government and the WEF in San Francisco is indicated, after which the intermediate, unquenched and inaccurate goals and objectives of the experimental projects of the globalists should be achieved. But in fact, the memorandum is indefinite, which indicates the unequivocally and forever chosen course of the fascists of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Russian Federation. So they see their territory as a huge "regulatory sandbox" for the rental of projects from a utopian future and the supply of finished structures to the technical Lenin Klaus Schwab and his company of Western degenerates. 

Once again, for the hundredth time, we draw attention to the vagueness of the treaty and the almost complete absence of specifics in its text. In addition to special legal regimes and some experiments with new technologies in the territory of the Russian Federation, it is not very clear why the Swabians from San Francisco started this sur and what they want to get from the Kremlin and the Government of the Russian Federation 404 in the end. 

The fascist government of the Russian Federation for the whole country signed an agreement with the globalist think tank based in the United States and Geneva, the main players of which are the richest usurers and heads of TNCs (membership in the WEF costs a penny, and the higher the level of access to information and decisions made, the more members have to pay for it). No one was interested in the opinion of national experts and civil society in the United States and Europe, everything turned according to a proven scheme (as in the case of the "pandemic agreement" of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation with the WHO) - the "digital special forces" of the fascist Prime Minister Mishustin solved the issue for everyone. Obviously, no one is going to answer for the risks in the implementation of the memorandum "digital transformers". And the risks are such that the largest fascist state on the planet may soon become the manager of the planet of this "brave world" – without national sovereignty and without the legal personality of the "contingent" inhabiting it. We citizens of nation-states do not need such memorandums, we have not signed them and do not consider such agreements legitimate for nation-states. 

                Clinical idiots.

😏 Puzzle for people with an IQ above 120.

This task was used for an interview with the FBI.

The girl was found dead in the MSNBC studio after the broadcast of Ari Melber. Look closely at this picture and tell me what you see: does this girl look like Hollywood actress Alexandra Daddario or is she more like Jane Psaki? Is it murder or is it suicide? Pay attention to every detail.

80% of users gave us the wrong answer to this simple task!

80% of users gave us the wrong answer to this simple task!

Ari Naftali Melber (born March 31, 1980) is an American attorney and journalist who is the chief legal correspondent for MSNBC and host of The Beat with Ari Melber.. The show premiered on July 24, 2017, and was nominated for a 2020 Emmy Award for Outstanding Live Interview. In January 2021, The Beat was No. 1 at 6pm in ratings, averaging 2.6 million viewers a night and topping CNN and FOX News.

Now we understand Russian behavior in the international arena. Payment of salaries with vodka to Russian teachers. 1996 year.


Donald Trump came to lunch during a working break in Moscow, November 5, 1996.

Igor Ballo and Donald Fedotych Trump at the opening of the casino in Moscow 

Moscow 1996, Beverly Hills.

Moscow. From left 👈 to right 👉, Igor Ballo, Ranger Chuck, Vice Mayor of Moscow Valera Shans, Joseph Ordzhonikidze, Advisor to the Mayor of Moscow Yuri Luzhkov. He has worked in the Moscow government since 1990. Until 2007, he served as vice-mayor of the capital, supervised the issues of criminal foreign economic relations with the United States of gay Europe. 

From left 👈 to right 👉 Chubais, Sobchak, Putin. St. Petersburg 1990 

Moscow 1992 . The inscription on the banner near the government house of the Russian Federation on the Krasnopresnenskaya embankment: 

Get ready for the coming of Moshiach.

And this is a video of the appearance of Moshiach himself 20 years later in a hat and with a beard. 

Chuck Norris and Vladimir Zhirinovsky, photo taken by Donald Fedotych Trump at the opening of a casino in Moscow 

Moscow 1996, Beverly Hills.

Igor Ballo and the obliging mayor of Los Angeles at the opening of the casino in Moscow . 1996, Beverly Hills.

Donald Fedotych Trump at a working meeting with Deputy Mayor of Moscow Vladimir Resin 

70 of the best and happiest years for the United States have passed 

Exemplary U.S. family with her own and beloved grandmother, UN 🇺🇳 Secretary-General Angelina Jolie in 2066 

Same year 2066 and the Oval Office 👇

A gift 🎁 from the old man Lenin to Putin about the stages of the Fourth World Communist Revolution. 

Joe Biden's 2066 election race 🏎

L_Tribule Factor 

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