The concept and factors of capturing spheres of influence in Western jurisdictions through the creation of a human robot idiot. 

The concept and factors of capturing spheres of influence in Western jurisdictions through the creation of a human robot idiot. 

TRibUlE bUReaU

We were sent a video and photo invention of Kremlin terrorists to the bot. We can't vouch for this story, but it makes us an eerie impression, we don't even use the common word anxiety as it doesn't fit this video. It's just the creepiness in the form of biological weapons. Our translator says that unknown young Russian scientists or doctors are talking off-screen about biological weapons. 

We were told that the video was shot by Russian honest scientists 6 months ago. In the video, they show microscopy of the contents of an ampoule with an alleged solution for injecting a vaccine against [COVID19], which, according to one of the people behind the scenes, contains Staphylococcus aureus, a koch stick and many other things, which makes the solution look like a "biological weapon".

Another Mega Investigation by Bureau Tribule. Yes, we argue: it was Russian intelligence that drove the world crazy. 


Coronavirus is its goal, authors and owners

Hegemony is the credo of the Communists. 

November 28, 2018

Statement on Claim of First Gene-Edited Babies by Chinese Researcher

CRISPR-Cas9 is a customizable tool that lets scientists cut and insert small pieces of DNA at precise areas along a DNA strand. This lets scientists study our genes in a specific, targeted way. Image Credit: Ernesto del Aguila III, NHGRI.

NIH is deeply concerned about the work just presented at the Second International Summit on Human Genome Editing in Hong Kong by Dr. He Jiankui, who described his effort using CRISPR-Cas9 on human embryos to disable the CCR5 gene. He claims that the two embryos were subsequently implanted, and infant twins have been born. This work represents a deeply disturbing willingness by Dr. He and his team to flout international ethical norms. The project was largely carried out in secret, the medical necessity for inactivation of CCR5 in these infants is utterly unconvincing, the informed consent process appears highly questionable, and the possibility of damaging off-target effects has not been satisfactorily explored. It is profoundly unfortunate that the first apparent application of this powerful technique to the human germline has been carried out so irresponsibly. The need for development of binding international consensus on setting limits for this kind of research, now being debated in Hong Kong, has never been more apparent. Without such limits, the world will face the serious risk of a deluge of similarly ill-considered and unethical projects. Should such epic scientific misadventures proceed, a technology with enormous promise for prevention and treatment of disease will be overshadowed by justifiable public outrage, fear, and disgust.

Lest there be any doubt, and as we have stated previously, NIH does not support the use of gene-editing technologies in human embryos.

Francis S. Collins, M.D., Ph.D.

Director, National Institutes of Health

Coronavirus is the goal, the authors and the hosts. 

Lockdown saved no lives and may have cost them, Nobel Prize winner believes

Professor Michael Levitt of Stanford University predicts that the UK will be rid of Covid-19 within weeks


Tom Morgan

23 May 2020 • 9:30pm

Max Klinger. Philosopher. 1885

On May 23, 2020, Tom Morgan, a correspondent for The Telegraph, interviews Michael Levitt, And The Telegraph immediately introduces readers.

Let's go through the interview in full program without denying ourselves anything under the headline: "Lockdown did not save lives, but may have ruined them, the Nobel Prize winner believes."

A journalist interviewing Levitt informs the reader that Levitt, unlike Ferguson and his accomplices, gave correct estimates of Covid-related deaths in the UK and other countries. And that he gave those estimates at the same time as Ferguson, that is, in March 2020. And then he sent Ferguson a message in which it was said that Ferguson overestimated the estimate of potential mortality by 10 or 12 times. But for some reason, Ferguson and Co.'s estimates were accepted. Why, of course, is clear to us.

Though it's not clear who Ferguson is? He's nobody to Levitt. But if he has a powerful group of conspirators behind him, led by David Rockefeller, and he needs his assessments, his assessments will be accepted. The groups are powerful, they lobbied Ferguson, and the bias of these assessments is no longer surprising. And the fact that they reacted too quickly, recklessly, as they react only when it is necessary to muddy something worthwhile in David's plan, and reacted quickly, almost instantly, this is also quite understandable. Everything is going according to plan, yes David Rockefeller Plaza? 

A journalist interviewing Levitt also said: "Professor Levitt has now analysed data from 78 countries that have reported more than 50 cases of coronavirus. His research proved that infection with the virus will never achieve the exponential growth that researchers at Imperial College predicted at the same time." 

At the same time, it is worth remembering that they sent the flu on an erotic journey 🧳 on Jeffrey Epstein's plane to Antarctica and sent with a one-way ticket, no refund. Influenza flew on a flight to Lolita and did not return to any country in the world, the flu disappeared for 2 years, as well as their information field disappeared all other diseases and the corpses of people who died for other reasons also disappeared. And everyone who died stupidly was recorded in COVID19. Here we put a minus to David and especially his ideologue Mikhail Gorbachev, in this paradigm one of the performers sorted out alcohol and cocaine. So to speak: The cocktail 🍸 learned to be too strong. 

Can you hear? His research — a man who is also an authority in mathematical forecasting, which is a Nobel laureate — his research proved that infection with the virus will never achieve exponential growth, the exponential growth that formed the basis of the forecasts of representatives of Imperial College and, above all, Ferguson. Never achieve what was taken as a basis.

Regarding whether this same COVID-related isolation was necessary in the UK and elsewhere, Levitt said: "I can seriously assume that by the time isolation was finally introduced in the UK, the virus was already widespread. By this point, it could have remained open, like Sweden, and nothing would have happened."

Can I extend the list of countries?

In his assessment of the usefulness of isolation, Levitt shows a toxic reticence.

"There is no doubt," he says, "that isolation can stop the epidemic, but this very blunt and very medieval weapon and the epidemic could be stopped just as effectively with other sensible measures (such as masks and other forms of social distancing)."

Why was this isolation necessary?

Unlike us and many of Ferguson's opponents, Levitt does not call Ferguson an adventurer or a criminal. He simply states: "A lot of things went wrong, but I think the main thing is that we just needed to think and discuss a little bit."

Levitt doesn't want to ask why no one wanted to "think a little bit" or "discuss" anything about Covid. He just says it should have been done. But they didn't. And then he adds: "I've been told repeatedly: 'You're not an epidemiologist – shut up.' I don't care. I was just looking at the numbers. I looked at the cruise ship, I looked at Wuhan. The same numbers were recorded in these places."

See what Nobel laureates say? I, he says, "just looked at the numbers." The scientist just looked at the numbers and gave the correct forecast. The thing here is that he gave the correct forecast - unlike Ferguson and at the same time with him. And also that he's much more respectable than this Mr. Nobody Ferguson. But they listened to Ferguson. Which, unlike Levitt, didn't just look at the numbers, but turned Covid into this most custom transformational event.

It's a nifty scam model and it's already become a reality. 

Here's how Michael Levitt assesses everything at once – both the results of this transformation of Covid into a transformational event, and the role of Mr. Ferguson.

"I think," Levitt tells the reporter, "that isolation will cause much more damage than the mortality that this isolation will reduce. When I saw the briefing (by Professor Ferguson), I was shocked. I had a run-in with him when I actually saw that Ferguson's mortality data was given in a year-over-year basis — and double the normal mortality rate. I saw this and immediately said it was completely wrong. I think Ferguson overestimated the score by 10 or 12 times. We should have seen in China that the rise in the number of people infected with the virus is not exponential (as Ferguson says). From the very first time you see, exponential growth is actually slowing down very much."

"The problem for epidemiologists," Levitt continues, "is that they feel that their job is to intimidate people into isolation, social distancing. So you say "there's going to be a million deaths," and when there's only 25,000, you say, "It's good that you've heeded my advice." Such was the case with Ebola and bird flu. It's just (you listen to what he's saying) part of the madness."

In the interview, Michael Levitt mainly talks about the effectiveness of the measures generated by Ferguson's assessment. But he doesn't shy away from a more general assessment of what happened.

"I think," Levitt says, "the real virus was the panic virus." And then the main thing.

"For reasons that weren't clear to me, I think the leaders panicked and people panicked, and I think there was a very lack of discussion."

A Nobel laureate in science and natural sciences has the right to say that the leaders of most states have panicked for reasons that are not clear to him. But people need to discuss precisely these reasons, without exhausting this discussion with the statement that the reasons are not clear to them. 

Of course, they have long been clear to us these reasons. 

Quote Levitt because he's reserved. Because he doesn't say: the reasons are malicious, terrible. He says it's unclear why they panicked. I'm not a political scientist, I don't know. Something weird happened. At the end of the interview, Levitt tells a journalist who is interested in his attitude to entering the so-called risk group. I like the way people think: 

"I'm 73 years old," Levitt says, "and I feel very young. I don't care about risk at all. As you age, the risk of dying from disease is so high that it's time to buy a motorcycle, ski!"

Smell this beautiful man. Michael Levitt does not speak of Covid with extreme disdain, does not claim that Covid does not deserve attention at all. He merely insists that this very lockdown did not save lives, but on the contrary, it cost many lives, causing enormous social damage and sentencing to death those who were not treated for other diseases. This assessment is given on May 23, 2020 by a very highly authoritative Nobel Prize winner.

In the spring of 2020, we combined many statements of doctors from around the world and we got this joint opinion of doctors from hospitals: "The population is frightened by a terrible infection and everyone is afraid to go to doctors."

Attention! What an interesting phrase: "And everyone is afraid to go to the doctors." Wow? Wow covid hysteria, huh? They are frightened by a terrible infection and are afraid to go to the doctors. It would seem [it should be so] – and everyone wants to see a doctor, they say: "Doctor! Do I not have this disease?" But doctors from different countries say the same thing, people are afraid: "No, no! We know that you are doing god knows what, we will not go to the doctors, even if something hurts us. You're going to get us somewhere and you're going to infect us there." Whether that's true or not is irrelevant. If this view prevails, it is already a source of unnecessary deaths.

As a result, there are more serious patients and the mortality rate of April-May 2019-2020 went up by 15-20%. 

What we say is easily verifiable, doctors work on the ground. All the chief medical officers have the information, they know it. 

A doctor can be accused of not understanding scientific intricacies. But Mr. Levitt is well versed in them.

Mr. Levitt can be accused of being far from practice. But a doctor from hospitals around the world knows the practice better than anyone. And they all say the same thing. And there are many such statements. But the reaction to them is zero. Weird, isn't it? 

Luc Montagnier, eternal memory to him, with his opinion we also got acquainted earlier.

On May 19, 2020, the countries participating in the World Health Assembly (the governing body of the World Health Organization - WHO) unanimously approved a resolution calling for an analysis of the international community's response to the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic.

The resolution refers to the need "as soon as possible and in cooperation with the participating countries to begin a step-by-step process of impartial, independent and comprehensive assessment of the experience that the international community has gained in the fight against [COVID-19]." 

Actually, wrestlers on the tatami are fighting. 

The resolution also calls for the identification of the origin of the virus and the circumstances of its infection of people. So they're not identified? So why do all sorts of officials scream that we know everything? Who knows? A what? 

And on May 26, 2020, Chinese CNN operating in the United States informs us that British Prime Minister Boris Johnson, during talks with who Ethiopian Director Tedros Adan Ghebreyesus (finally the girls gave me the full name of the terrorist) stressed the importance of conducting an independent investigation into the causes of [COVID-19.]

So this investigation did not happen and still does not exist?

This means that both the World Assembly and the British Prime Minister do not believe that the causes of Covid are known. So, nothing is known. And somehow, for a very long time, we've been waiting for you, gentlemen. With so much money invested, with such a rush.

Too many, not decently large number of specialists, institutions of the most authoritative have strong doubts about the presence of COVID in nature. Moreover, the disease exhibits completely unexpected properties. And why do we have to question everything if the situation is so clear and characterized by everyone as such? We have been hearing the same voices for 2.5 years without medical education, without a diploma and without a license. And where did the prohibitions on doubt and other opinions come from? 


Enough of the emotion!

She's not grace at all.

Naivety can be from laziness,

From the unwillingness to understand.

From indifference to losses.

To love... And that's laziness, too.

Where is it calmer to believe,

How to live and think every day.

So fear those in whom the spirit is ironclad,

Who blocked the path of doubts.

In whose heart is the fear of seeing the abyss

Stronger than the fear of stepping into it.

And this is addressed to Soviet communist fanaticism. And right now we see that the iron spirit, indifference to loss and love, laziness of thought and so on is demonstrated by the anti-Soviet Western elite. But is that the only thing she demonstrates?

Michael Levitt in his interview says that he is not clear about the reasons why certain elites panicked, and then political leaders dancing to their tune, who suddenly realized that they can only lead the panic – and what to do? Because they can't counteract it. Levitt is not a political scientist, he is a biophysicist. And it is quite appropriate for him, by occupation, to talk about the ambiguity of the causes of the panic that, as it develops, began to turn Covid objectively into a statement for a transformational event.

And we investigators and analysts understand the reasons for that panic, it was included in the option of a special operation and gave birth to what we all clearly see today – far-reaching consequences and they are ready for even more. And with the same figures that spawned it all. 

Billions and billions of people are moving in a certain direction – walking, fleeing, creeping in this direction, dictated by their attraction to the simplest well-being. And then came an even more vile one, it followed this transformational event – the war in Ukraine, and this is Europe. 

Real heroes are needed to curb evil. And we are witnessing the exhaustion of everything and everything, including these heroes. Released Nazis, who headed large corporations and corporations and showed amazing longevity, yes, they leave this world one by one. But it seems that it has managed to provide a black relay race for generations. And the instinct to return to primitive forms of well-being so far wins out for everything else. It's like chickens in a chicken coop. They cackle for a long time, discussing how good they are, and how everything is for them: the sun is shining, and food is all for them, for their splendor. Then one of them turns her head, sends it to the kitchen, where the cook must make a delicious dish by the order of the client. The rest of the chickens are indignantly cackling at first. Then they calm down and begin to cackle with the same satisfaction with which they cackled before one of them was seized for purposes incomprehensible to them. One can and should mournfully believe in the great saving power of such cackling, which will defeat all the tricks of various kinds of Gates aka Barry. Although, they are still too small compared to Dr. Mengele. 

Bill Gates in this story is just a talking head and a cash register through which money passes. He's not an all-powerful lone villain like Professor Moriarty. And the ability of the most deranged and powerful villain to stuff a nanochip vaccine and try to control the mind is nonsense. They are eager for money and control. Gates is only an indicator that allows you to understand what is happening. Bill's subpoena and actions are imputed to the more powerful David Rockefeller. This is the project of his elder brother and Mikhail Gorbachev, they are the initiators of the project. 

On April 30, 2020, Bill Gates wrote in a blog post: "Our foundation — both through our own funding and through CEPI — has been supporting the development of the RNA vaccine platform for nearly a decade. 

We planned to use it to create vaccines for diseases that affect the poor, such as malaria, but now it looks like one of the most promising options for COVID. The first candidate for human trials was the RNA vaccine developed by Moderna."

This text, posted by Gates on his blog, was completely reprinted by the World Economic Forum website.

                 666 days 

So, Bill tell us what Moderna is. How does this Moderna relate to something even cooler that Bill is developing.

What is Moderna? This is an American biotechnology company engaged in the development of drugs and vaccines based on work with the so-called matrix ribonucleic acid - mRNA. 

In the quantitative composition of the protein and its reproducing structures, messenger RNA does not dominate. But it is it that allows the protein to be reproduced, transmitting information from DNA, this keeper of codes, to the actual reproducing structures. Therefore, messenger RNA is sometimes called messenger RNA. And if you don't come across an mRNA, but an iRNA, it's the same thing. The main function of messenger RNA is to transmit genetic information from DNA to the site of protein synthesis. Therefore, messenger RNA, on the one hand, rewrites information about the primary structure of the protein from the genome in the process of the so-called transcription, and on the other hand, interacts with the apparatus of protein synthesis, the so-called ribosomes, prescribing to them what is needed for this synthesis. Can you imagine what her role is? If you start doing something with it, do you understand what it's like? It's not nanochips in the mind, it's cooler. After a brief introduction, let's deal with boring questions that allow us to reveal the details of the operation that a truly powerful force has entrusted to Bill and his accomplices.

Moderna was founded in 2010. Once again, read Gates' phrase about his support for the development of an RNA vaccine platform for nearly a decade. 

This support spawned the creation of Moderna.

That in the channel will be the end of this investigation material. 
On December 30, 2019, Rebrikov said in the Program "Vesti": "There are couples already with a disease, for example, deafness or dwarfism, in which all children will have the same disease. And then the only way for a child to be born normal is to correct the mutation, to fix it."

Clinical trials of edited blood stem cells are already underway. The trials are being carried out in order to dramatically advance the therapy of cancer and AIDS. The American scandalous company Netflix under Barry released a four-part documentary "Unnatural Selection" (parodies Darwin's "natural selection"). The film discusses everything related to editing the human genome. The trailer for the film says: "How many injections have you given yourself? Now we control our own destinies. If you're really playing on, you don't care what other people think."

As for editing the genome of plants or the genome of animals, then everything unfolds in full swing. And the champion in terms of this direction, on which the entire GMO industry is based (GMOs are genetically modified - or edited - organism), is the same company Monsanto, which we felt superficially along the line of Bill Gates. But this pawn ♟ master, whom very large sharks 🦈 have appointed as a shooter in an extremely large game, acquires a variety of tools. One is Monsanto, the other is Moderna, which should not be confused with Monsanto. 

Fr. Deleiderrier. Echo du Concours Galland. XIX century.

If there were no Kremlin in this investigation, we would be very surprised and, of course, the Kremlin is here and Putin's daughter is standing here in full growth, although she hides behind all sorts of Russian homeless people. March 25, 2019 in the fascist Russian newspaper Izvestia.

In translation, thanks to the well-coordinated work of our collegial partners and teams, with the best translator Lou, in a joint creative process to analyze the mass of details and nuances today, in the dead of night, in these details we found a lot of entertaining trifles in these materials. Here's an example, the title itself and the subtitle of this article. The headline goes like this, if Lou is to be believed: "A Comfortable Dystopia: How the World Comes to Terms with Genetic Modification of Humans." You see that the world is not reconciled, the headline says that it is reconciled. No less interesting is the subtitle: "Five months ago, scientists and physicians criticized the editing of the genome of the embryo – now they call for sharing experiences."

The author of the article is a certain Russian Ignat Shestakov. First, about the author's drawing a certain ideological line, and not just where, but in the authoritative state fascist newspaper of the Kremlin "Izvestia".

Shestakov informs his customer and reader that Comrade Hae's experience of disabling the CCR5 gene caused a negative reaction and that venerable scientists attending the session of the Second International Summit on Human Genome Editing in Hong Kong in November 2018 called Comrade He's experiment irresponsible and increasing the likelihood of death from influenza of twins who became victims of this experiment.

The author of the article briefly notifies the reader about the misadventures of Comrade He and that it is not clear on whose money this experiment was conducted. And also reports that after the experiment, the Chinese government announced a ban on editing the genome of embryos and that it was precisely because of the absence of such a ban that China was chosen as the site of He's experiment (there was a ban in China, but Shestakov writes that it was introduced only after the experiment), and the choice was made by Both He himself and his head, physicist and bioengineer Michael Dim from Rice University in Houston.

And then the author of the article points out that there are a lot of people on the side of Comrade He. And he lists these many, including his fascist compatriots. The list of these Russian Nazis is unconvincing. It's not 107 Nobel laureates. But Shestakov is doing everything possible to give exaggerated importance to the listed successors to the work of Comrade He Jiankui. And to this end, he lists all the experiments that will be conducted in this direction. The author integrates the Kremlin into this narrow-eyed crime of the Beijing Communists with the project for the development of genetic technologies for 2019-2027, focusing on the prevention of biological emergencies. At the same time, she did not state anywhere that she would be engaged in editing the human genome. But the Russian author of the article says: we are obviously ahead of the rest of the planet, we are going in this direction, we are spitting on ethical susyukanya and everything else. Go ahead and have a song! Neither China nor the National Institutes of Health have us! Drang nach genome editing !

The author, referring to the publication "Hi-Tech", informs the reader that within the framework of their Russian project, carried out jointly by the Ministry of Education and Science and the Russian Academy of Sciences, laboratories for the development of genetic editing technology will be opened. What is the publication "Hi-Tech", to which the Russian Nazi author so pathetically refers? And what exactly has been said about this topic?

"Hi-Tech" is a publication, the founder of which, according to official information, is the Autonomous Non-Profit Organization "Innopolis Media".

In this Ruthenian "Innopolis" - Innopolis University, it was created in order to train Russian personnel engaged in high technologies.

Well, the Russian devil is always detailing. This university is engaged in training personnel for high technologies? How is it created? It was created with the intimate participation of Carnegie Mellon University. 

The Russian fascists have an American university as a partner and the Kremlin produces high-tech personnel according to the scheme of Putin Peter the Great. They go to the West, steal, buy everything and bring foreigners to themselves and supposedly do something of their own. But in the time of Peter the Great, there was no American de facto hegemony and no White House! And Peter on American hegemony did not say that the U.S. enemy number one could get a nuclear strike on Washington and New York. Peter I went to Sweden to see Charles XII to be trained there. He went to other places, relatively neutral ones to Holland and so on.

And in December 2013, Innopolis University became the federal innovation platform of the Russian Federation. The construction of the buildings of this new high-brow fascist citadel of knowledge and training in the field of high technologies of the Russian Federation began. In 2015, they began training their own and foreign students.


Current organization



on December 10, 2012




Registration Date


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420500, Republic of Tatarstan, Verkhneuslonsky district, Innopolis, Universitetskaya str., 1

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Semenikhin Kirill Vladimirovich

from 12 October 2015

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#14 of 9145

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Tax Authority

Interdistrict Inspectorate of the Federal Tax Service of Russia No. 3 for the Republic of Tatarstan

from 30 December 2017

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OKPO 26762138

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Organizations established by legal persons or citizens, or legal persons and citizens jointly

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ANO HE "Innopolis University" - head: Semenikhin Kirill Vladimirovich (INN 165504733110). INN 1655258235, OGRN 1121600006142. OKPO 26762138, registered on 10.12.2012 at the legal address 420500, Republic of Tatarstan, Verkhneuslonsky district, Innopolis, Universitetskaya street, 1. Status: valid from 10.12.2012. Learn more

Tatarstan, Kazan start of scandalous WHO military exercises 

There in Kazan of Tatarstan, the opening ceremony of international exercises of rapid response teams to emergencies of a sanitary and epidemiological nature was held. This was reported by the press service of the Kazan Kremlin.

The head of Tatarstan Rustam Minnikhanov, the head of Rospotrebnadzor Anna Popova and the representative of the World Health Organization (WHO) Melita Vujnovic took part in the ceremony. The event was held on the territory of Kazan Expo.

Popova read out the welcoming speech of Russian President Vladimir Putin to the participants, Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation Tatyana Golikova also made an appeal. Minnikhanov said that the exercises are especially relevant during the spread of the coronavirus COVID-19.

The exercises became known at the end of September. Later, an unauthorized picket against the event was held in Kazan. Activists were confident that the exercises could be dangerous. They later called them "fascist."


           DEAR FRIENDS!

I am glad to welcome you to the family of cities of the World Organization "United Cities and Local Authorities", the history of which dates back to 1913. For more than 100 years of its existence, the organization has become a powerful tool for influencing cities and local authorities in the process of making global decisions. Another proof of this can be considered the recognition of UCLG as a key UN partner on local government issues and the inclusion, at the initiative of UCLG, of the autonomous sustainable urban development goal in the list of Sustainable Development Goals until 2030. UCLG is the only organization in the world that recognizes the Eurasian geopolitical region, and the Eurasian branch has been actively working towards Eurasian integration from the very beginning. We really have a wide and representative geographical coverage of cities in our region, serious organizational potential and high motivation for the consolidation of local authorities in the interests of promoting the Eurasian integration process. In modern conditions of the global political crisis, cities bear a colossal responsibility for the preservation and development of municipal and intercultural ties, which is facilitated by UCLG, finding such ways of international cooperation and exchange of best practices that can be useful to all members of the UCLG organization. Participation in UCLG provides an opportunity to gain access to international experience, to enter the world community of cities, and also to present their socio-cultural and industrial potential. Since 2004, we have enriched ourselves with significant experience in solving urban problems, entered a new stage of growth. Today, the Eurasian Branch is the main engine for the development of public diplomacy in the Eurasian space. We have big plans ahead. I am confident that, being together, united, we will achieve all our goals. The world organization with the Tatar Khan headed under the brand "United cities and local authorities" is located under the roof of the mechanic of the ORN, the socialist Guterres and sees himself as the ruler of the world in the image of the future kingdom of the Antichrist. The mechanisms for the utilization of the world's population have acquired a wide scope especially brightly this process started after the WHO exercises in the Republic of the Russian Federation Tatarstan, the city of Kazan and the opening in Moscow of the neo-Mars office Klaus Schwab with the loud name of the center of the Fourth Industrial Revolution in Moscow, and of course the membership of Kazan Khan and Mayor Ilyasov in the global organization at the UN - "United Cities and Local Authorities" played an important role. Why the WHO military exercises were held in Kazan. These are military joint exercises of the Government of the Russian Federation and some unidentified persons from the WHO, exercises with the use of military equipment camouflaged as virus equipment and why it is in Kazan that the globalist - members of the UCMW (political international organized crime group) implement their agenda. 

The first in the USSR industrial production of biological weapons based on the smallpox virus was organized in Zagorsk-6. The standard Soviet stock of "gunpox" was about 20 tons.

‼️🏴 ☠️ No. 060012000526 was registered on September 😎 11, 1991. 📣‼️Territorial body — State Institution — Pension Fund Administration of the Russian Federation No. 12 Sergiyevo-Posadsky District of the Moscow Region.

Omarova was born in Kazakhstan - where exactly and when exactly - is not known and this is very strange. Lenin scholarship holder, graduated from Moscow State University in 1989 Went to train on exchange in the United States, remained in 1991. At the University of Wisconsin, she defended her thesis on the topic "Political Economy of Oil in Post-Soviet Kazakhstan".

Then the law faculty of Northwestern University. She worked for six years at davis Polk & Wardell. For a time, she served in a relatively high position in the Treasury Department under the Bush administration; Mystic, who could invite a rabid communist radical to the Republican administration? After civil service, Omarova returned as an assistant professor at the law school of the strong University of North Carolina in Chapel Hill, from there she moved to an even stronger Cornell University, taking a name professorship there. And now the honorary nomination for the banking regulator. Omirova, according to the Wall Street Journal, is eager to liquidate the banks whose activities are designed to regulate. And together with the banks, the whole country is usually covered with a copper basin. Of course, the Communist Omarova was going not to liquidate, but to nationalize the banks 🏦. However, the difference between one and the other sometimes turns out to be purely formal.

By 2015, they had started educating students.

On October 1, 2015, our sources told us Dmitry Kondratyev was replaced as director of Innopolis University by Kirill Semenikhin, a member of the board of directors of Microsoft in Russia.

We all fix, Russian footage will clarify a lot for us in this dark forge of Russians in the field of high technology and Bill Gates prepares the right people for these high technologies. And now for these "right people" Gates employees. Regional Head and Member of the Board of Directors of Microsoft in Russia Kirill Semenikhin.

I read the materials in the translations of the translator Lou a lot, God bless everyone so much health to translate at night and still work together on these materials. "Innopolis", I understand what it says. Innopolis University has a very vague idea of what exactly Innopolis Media does. And Innopolis Media itself looks with melancholy indifference at the High-Tech publication, which is supposed to advertise Innopolis...

Kirill Semenikhin's long work at Microsoft we will still look closely, but we are already clear enough about the Russian connections of Bill the Kremlin, Apollo Soyuz, the Russian Ministry of Defense and his friend aide Alexander Galitsky. Yes, bill Gates, Bayer AG, and Monsanto are on the territory of the Russian Federation, and it seems that everything is even worse than we can still see from the documents. Why are you pretending to orderly Joe & Barry that you don't know this and don't notice it? Already everything is in these hands of the GRU fsb of Russia, they still stretch their hands and everything is teeming with the capitals of national states. Kirill Semenikhin's work at Microsoft is a 100% favorite pastime of the Kremlin and Russia's foreign intelligence agencies, which are engaged in complex compositions in terms of implementation and the game "friend" / "alien". But no matter how much these Russian structures are abused and no matter how much they think that they know better who is who, I must state: Microsoft is the leading target and link of Russian intelligence. And who is the wingman here? And please, the paramedic from the lawn, San Francisco with the office of the Shab and his neighbor teacher Gorbachev, the Rockefeller and Clinton Foundation, the Barry Obama Foundation, THE UN, the MB and all the other lovers of kremlin money and complex dark schemes "friend / foe", we do not need to make surprised eyes 👀 and pointedly wink with a nervous tic of the insanity of vulgar faces, do not need, do not pretend, that you don't know that. You know this as well as we do. Kirill Semenikhin is a worker with a much larger caliber than just Bill's employee. And it's not about what exactly is useful inscribed in the US Constitution. And in what was imprinted or inscribed in an Ethiopian WHO - the goal of the "genome". That is hammered into every cell of American life in a long history and who are insanely sensitive to the Kremlin's most immoral and far-reaching ventures, including such ventures as war and genome editing. Here everyone should immediately come to their senses and start working. Not journalists chattering in the American media complete nonsense for 2.5 years, this is the third grade of people - whores, counterintelligence and the military should start working, those who are in the topic for real! A little later, perhaps through other channels, we will explain the departing unreasonable individuals and send a signal in other, more effective ways to bring many to their senses, obviously unearthly beings and inhabitants of the offices of national administrations. See what you do. You will not be afraid to see the consequences of your joint scientific discoveries with the Kremlin. Naturally, the Russians decided to become more faithful than the Pope. And any of their immoral ideas of a fascist persuasion and technocratic spill will move forward. And the more immoral the venture is, the more jubilantly these Russian citizens will perceive it. There are already a lot of them, you know? Very much! They are mostly semi-wild people. And none of their stay in any advanced Western universities does not change anything. And no civilization changes them either. What we see from the materials is savagery, what the administration of the orderly Joe, the administration of Merkel/Scholl, the Bundestag, the EU, Paris, the G7, then there is simply nowhere else to go the idiots. Absolutely immoral, omnivorous to any, the bloodiest criminal regimes and their money. You imagine a person in front of whom virtually all brilliant prospects are closed in the Russian Federation. And suddenly this person is told: there is an opportunity to break directly into Western institutions and heights. Here's the money, go ahead. You can imagine how he feels about it internally. He was already desperate, and suddenly - the only hope, the only opportunity! He falls into an indescribable inner ecstasy. He digs the ground with his nose, he does whatever it takes. That's his only hope of escaping that Russian shit. He suddenly "met with hope — a pleasant meeting."

They despise the West because deep down they envy and despise themselves. They are semi-wild, but very tenacious, very assertive and cunning. And they are not deprived of the ability to convert Western citizens (recruitment). 

What, in addition to his publications in Izvestia, is this very little mermaid Mr. Shestakov famous for glorifying the crimes of He Jiankui? He is recognised as a producer of Izvestia. And as such, together with the editor-in-chief of Strelka Mag magazine, Sonja Elterman, held a journalism school for local teenagers in the village of Sardayal in the summer of 2019. Sardayal is one of many villages that have actually been thrown to the margins of Russian life. It was chosen by the citizens of Shestakov and others, equipped in this life, in contrast to the inhabitants of Sardayal. And for some reason they call the village Sardayal pagan. And this is most likely a tip from Gref from Sberbank rf 404. 

Visits to Sardayal are part of the Krug project, which is being implemented by Strelka Mag and its associates. Strelka Mag magazine, directed by Sonia Elterman, is a publication of the Strelka Institute. And the Strelka Institute, recommended as the "institute of social changes" (transformations). It was founded in 2009 by philanthropist Alexander Mamut.

Who is Alexander Mamut? One member of the club of dollar billionaires of the Russian Federation. At the origins of this fame is a certain Soviet past. Mr. Mamut is associated with the family of Leonid Ilyich Brezhnev and, accordingly, Mikhail Gorbachev. But the main thing is that he is a member of this club of dollar billionaires, most of which are very firmly inscribed in the West and consider this inscription a great happiness and a sign of his chosenness. How many such "Shooters" of the GRU / FSB in Russia and abroad of the Russian Federation they instructed - have you not thought about it? And it would be worth it. And the name "Strelka" would be worth thinking about. What kind of arrow? Who goes to the shooter with whom? Russia in Putin's post-Soviet period has adopted a certain version of its own development – the seizure of former Soviet territories and the restoration of the USSR's borders. And these are also the current members of NATO. The Russians are going in a clear direction – the destruction of everything around, they are savages. Their fairway is gene editing. According to the accepted version of the development of WEV and the friend of the Russians Klaus Schwab in the west, they fit into this trend. Everything is created by man and set by his conceptual core. Remember this! The work of any special service is that an employee of this special service is ready to do what he is instructed to do. And it needs a decision-making hub in the world's capitals.

The Communist Party of the Soviet Union issued directives to its special services, which had to carry them out. It was the Center in Moscow. And he broadcast his will to agencies and individual workers. And the departments and employees, not without justice, said, of course, different things. We live there, look, we have a hate and love attitude to hate and love. So we, most importantly, admire! There's all the way ...

Together with the overthrow of the Soviet Union and the CPSU, the special services of the Russian Federation fit into all the structures of the West, entering everywhere possible: in business structures, and in Masonic lodges, anywhere. And this is now a single new Center, which Moscow incorporates into itself. And this new Center gives out all the signals. That's the ideal. Here it is – a crystal dream.

But when it was suddenly said: "My dear, who will we introduce into our structures? Are you to spoil the breed? Who are you? You are a mandated territory. You are losers who lost the Cold War. Get out!" — that's where the insult came in. How so? That is, someone said: "Come on, let them talk - it does not matter. You still have to move in that direction, and move." And someone is like, "What other words are these? What's that?"

Meaningless atavisms of the Soviet era arose. The process went its own way. It was aimed at fitting in. So that they have all the "buyers", all the "microsofts". "Hooray! Came! Come on, procrastinate! Who else? Monsanto? Awesome! Gates is a great man, come on! What are we focusing on? To what they have! Whoever doesn't orient himself is an idiot!"

All the processes went like this. And the resentment grew. And this process is thirty years old. And what is this direction? This is the direction according to which it is good in the west, they Russians must quickly and quickly take everything for themselves. And faster, faster. So, gene editing should also be taken away. And the leading part of society should be made such "takers". Therefore, on the one hand, the de facto ideology is becoming increasingly militant and conservative. And on the other hand, it keeps attacking. And as long as this whole misunderstanding is not eliminated and cut out as a malignant tumor, everything will continue according to plan, otherwise it can not be. That's what a conceptual communist core and capture is all about. And from this conceptual core, everything else follows – finances change DNA. 🧬

The end

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