Attempt of communist revenge of the Kremlin - USSR 2:0 on a global scaleย 

Attempt of communist revenge of the Kremlin - USSR 2:0 on a global scaleย 

โ€˜๐ˆ๐Ÿ ๐ฒ๐จ๐ฎ ๐ฌ๐ญ๐š๐ซ๐ญ๐ž๐ ๐ฅ๐ฒ๐ข๐ง๐ , ๐œ๐จ๐ง๐ฌ๐ข๐๐ž๐ซ ๐ญ๐ก๐š๐ญ ๐ฒ๐จ๐ฎ ๐ก๐š๐ฏ๐ž ๐š๐ฅ๐ซ๐ž๐š๐๐ฒ ๐ฅ๐จ๐ฌ๐ญ ๐ญ๐ก๐ž ๐ฐ๐š๐ซ.โ€™

๐€๐๐ฆ๐ข๐ซ๐š๐ฅ ๐ˆ๐ฌ๐จ๐ซ๐จ๐ค๐ฎ ๐˜๐š๐ฆ๐š๐ฆ๐จ๐ญ๐จ

And this is the building of the former communist institute of public relations (ION) and we also know it very well, as well as the scumbag of the harvester thief Gorbachev Misha. By the way, he hasn't been arrested in the U.S. yet? They didn't come to him with a search and confiscation of documents? No? And in vain! Since this is Gorbachev the ideologist of the coup d'รฉtat in the United States and the world. A good communist is a dead ๐Ÿชฆ communist.ย 

Gorbachev Foundation

International Foundation for Socio-Economic and Political Studies

โ˜… 5 Closed until 10:00

Reviews (1)ย 

Mode of operationย 


On the mapย 

How to get there?ย 

Similar placesย 


+7 495 945-51-31





Northern Administrative Okrug

Moscow, Leningradsky Prospekt, 39 st14

And you know that you can find it only knowing how to make a request? They hid everything!ย 

Institute of Social Sciences under the Central Committee of the CPSU




The Institute of Social Sciences (under the Central Committee of the CPSU) (ION) was a research and higher educational institution of the Central Committee of the CPSU that trained cadres for the communist and left-wing radical movements of non-socialist countries, including national liberation movements that were in an illegal situation in the Third World countries, and studied the problems of these movements. It was founded in 1962. He worked in closed mode, directly subordinate to the leadership of the International Department of the Central Committee of the CPSU. Training was conducted in foreign languages (teachers who did not speak the necessary foreign languages worked with translators). It was liquidated in August 1991.[1]



The reason for the creation of the ION was the search for flexible ways to influence the Communist parties, since Moscow's direct policy influence on their leadership weakened in the post-Stalin period. The ION was formed in the building that had previously housed the Moscow Regional Party School. Simultaneously with the performance of educational functions, the ION was a research center subordinate to the International Department of the Central Committee of the CPSU. The first rector F. D. Ryzhenko received complete freedom in hiring capable and non-standard thinking people, even if their reliability could cause doubts in the KGB. Merab Mamardashvili, Yuri Zamoshkin, Nelly Motroshilova, Igor Kon, Erich Solovyov, Boris Grushin, Eduard Batalov taught under him. Postgraduate studies of the institute trained personnel who could teach in foreign languages[2]. The need for creatively thinking employees was due to the heated discussions that unfolded by the beginning of the 1970s in the left movement on the one hand with the Eurocommunists, on the other hand with the left-wing radicals, including supporters of F. Castro, who created in Latin America a network of parallel communist organizations that focused not on Moscow, but on Havana[3].

The Institute of Social Sciences, or the International Lenin School, was the most closed of the party educational institutions, where cadres for foreign communist parties were trained. The fact that I was taken there was quite amazing, and the place itself looked unusual. Here, great importance was attached to the quality of work, which was not paid attention to in other places. ...

Listeners were also demanding, the usual propaganda lectures given by high-ranking party officials failed miserably in the ION. My sociological training and, especially, my interest in the social problems of young people, in which the international communist movement was interested, turned out to be really in demand here.

โ€” Kon I.S.[4]

Young people from Western Communist Parties were popular with anti-bureaucratic sentiments, external forms of protest against the establishment (long hair, beards, torn jeans) and ideas of the sexual revolution. Ryzhenko issued an order prohibiting teachers and translators of the institute from wearing black suits and short haircuts, it was recommended to let go of beards and long hair, to wear jeans. A special store was opened at the institute, where employees of the institute could buy fashionable clothes of Western models.[2]

To train students from illegal organizations in the practice of armed struggle, branches of the ION were created on the outskirts of Moscow: in Serebryany Bor and Litvinovka, as well as in the village of Nagornoye[2]. In 1962-1978, P. K. Ponomarenko, who was the chief of the Central Staff of the partisan movement during the Great Patriotic War, was engaged in teaching work at the institute.

After the liquidation of the Institute in 1991, the complex of ION buildings (houses No. 49-55 on Leningradsky Prospekt) was assigned to the Gorbachev Foundation, but on October 7, 1993, most of the area occupied by the fund was transferred to the Financial Academy, and the Gorbachev Foundation had 700 mยฒ of the 5,000 previously available[5]. On the territory of the former branch of the ION in the area of the village of Nagornoye, Pushkinsky District, Moscow Region, there is a suburban training center of the Academy of the State Fire Service of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia[6].



1963โ€“1975: Fyodor Danilovich Ryzhenko

1975-1978: Nikolai Matkovsky

1979โ€“1987: Yuri Nikolayevich Pankov[7]

- 1987โ€“1991: Yuri Andreyevich Krasin



Dimitris Christofias โ€“ President of Cyprus (2008โ€“2013).

I need an investigative team! โ€ผ๏ธโ€ผ๏ธ

And this is an old building and I know it very well too. They moved from here to Vernadsky Avenue 84ย 

The Higher Party School (VPS) was a higher educational institution in the USSR in 1946-1991 for the training of leading party and Soviet cadres, as well as the training of media leaders. Schools were established and were under the leadership of the respective Central Committees of the Communist Party of the Union Republics, regional committees and kraikoms of the CPSU. Educational and methodical management of the VPS system was carried out by the Higher Party School under the Central Committee of the CPSU and the Correspondence Higher Party School (ZVPSH) under the Central Committee of the CPSU.

History of the CPSU


There were full-time (VPSh) and correspondence (ZVPSH) party schools. The educational process of schools was based on the level of preparation of applicants:

on the basis of higher education, higher party-political education was given (with a 2-year period of study at the VPS and a 3-year period at the SZPSH)

on the basis of secondary - higher general and party-political education (with a 4-year period of study in the VPS and 5-year in the SBPSH).

Admission to the school of party members (with an experience of at least three years) was carried out on the recommendation of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Union republics, regional committees and kraikoms of the CPSU. An additional requirement for applicants was the experience of party, Soviet, Komsomol, journalistic work or demonstrated organizational skills in elected party and Soviet bodies.

The curricula of personnel training and the composition of the departments of the HPS changed depending on specific conditions (national composition, educational level of students, the requirements of the political moment). In the 1970s and 1980s, the VPS included the following departments: history of the CPSU, Marxist-Leninist philosophy, political economy, scientific communism, party building, Soviet state-building and law, international communist and national liberation movement, Soviet economy and management of the national economy, journalism, Russian language, foreign languages, etc.

The need for ideological training of cadres for party work was first substantiated by V. I. Ulyanov in 1906. The training of the leading cadres of the party cells in the period up to 1917 was mainly carried out in Marxist circles.

The first educational institution for the training of party cadres was the Party School in Longjumeau, established in the suburbs of Paris in 1911.

After the October Revolution of 1917, the active construction of a new education system built on the ideology of the class struggle began. Schools or short courses of party work were established in almost all major cities.

The predecessors of the Higher Party School under the Central Committee of the CPSU (Bolsheviks) / CPSU were the courses of agitators-instructors at the All-Russian Central Executive Committee, created in June 1918, the Communist University named after Y. M. Sverdlov (1919), the Higher School of Propagandists named after Y. M. Sverdlov.

Being initially a school of advanced training with a duration of training of 6-8 months, the Communist University gradually moved to training personnel for 2, 3 and 4 years. Lectures were given at the university by V. I. Ulyanov (Lenin), Y. M. Sverdlov, A. M. Gorky, M. I. Kalinin, V. V. Kuibyshev.

In 1921, at the Tenth Congress of the RCP (Bolshevik), it was decided to establish Soviet-Party schools with accelerated education in almost every provincial city, communist universities in the major cities of the country. Three types of Soviet-Party schools were identified. The Soviet party school of the first stage, with a three-month course for the working districts and a four-month course for peasant districts, set out to give elementary political knowledge to local workers. After graduation, the bulk of the cadets returned to their former places of work. The Soviet party school of the second stage trained Soviet and party workers. It was staffed by persons who graduated from the school of the first stage or have knowledge in this volume. The Soviet party school of the second stage was supposed to give students a versatile Marxist development. The course was designed for a year - six months of theoretical classes and three months of study in special departments. The Soviet Party School of the third stage was a communist university with a three-year course of study (two years - a general theoretical course and one year - a specialization). It was to train "educated Marxists called upon to replace the old party guard."[1]

Subsequently, such schools were repeatedly transformed, including reorientation to the training of specialists for various sectors of the national economy (especially agriculture). Coordination of the activities of such schools was carried out by local party bodies. By the end of the 1930s, most of the Soviet Party schools were liquidated.

In addition to others, the Soviet-Party schools also implemented the national task of ensuring the indigenization of cadres in the regions of the country. The indigenization of the state apparatus implied, on the one hand, the conduct of records management in all state bodies in national languages, and on the other hand, the involvement in the authorities, administration and courts of representatives of the local population familiar with its traditions and way of life. In the conditions of still unresolved distrust of russians, inherited from tsarism and diligently incited by nationalists, it was necessary that the working people of the national regions should see their representatives in the governing bodies of the autonomous republics, regions, and labor communes.[2]

In 1921, in accordance with the resolution of the Council of People's Commissars of the RSFSR, the Institute of Red Professors was formed, designed to train teaching personnel for teaching theoretical economics, historical materialism, the development of social forms, modern history and Soviet construction in the country's universities.

In 1938, on its basis, the Higher School of Marxism-Leninism was established under the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party (Bolsheviks), which was transformed in 1946 into the Academy of Social Sciences under the Central Committee of the CPSU. In addition, the Institute of Red Professors became the basis for the creation of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, fully or partially entering it with its institutes (philosophy, economics, history, Soviet construction and law, etc.), along with the institutes of the Communist Academy (was established in 1918) and the Russian Association of Research Institutes of Social Sciences (RANION) in the late 1930s.

During the Great Patriotic War, the need for civilian managerial personnel increased, since 1944 on the territory liberated from the invaders began to be recreated courses (from one to six months) of advanced training.

In 1946, a special resolution of the Central Committee of the CPSU on the training and retraining of party and Soviet workers was adopted, according to which a system of party educational institutions was created, which included the Higher Party School under the Central Committee of the CPSU (VPSH), republican, regional and regional party schools, retraining courses at the VPS and at local party schools, the Academy of Social Sciences under the Central Committee of the CPSU[3].

The curricula of party schools were subordinated to the task of indoctrinating students. Suffice it to note that in the curriculum of the VPS the share of historical disciplines (history of the CPSU (b), history of the USSR, general history, history of international relations and foreign policy of the USSR) was 30.8%, the share of disciplines in the management of branches of the national economy did not exceed 19.2%, in party building - 41%. Nevertheless, even such training was important because it raised the status of a worker trained in party schools. Education at the VPS ended with a diploma of graduation from a higher party educational institution, and in regional party educational institutions - a diploma of graduation from a party school. This was especially significant if we take into account that among the secretaries of district committees, city committees, district party committees in 1946 there were 81.3% of workers with secondary education and below, including 25.4% with primary education, and among the secretaries of regional committees, kraikoms, central committees of the Communist Parties of the Union republics, respectively, 49.8 and 10.8 percent[4].

The system of party education was built on the nomenclature principle and had a closed character. Admission of students to schools took place in the direction of the relevant party committees and depending on the position held by the applicant.

In total, during the period 1947-1956, about 80 thousand people graduated from all types of party schools, including 3.5 thousand people.[5]

The reforms of N. S. Khrushchev could not but affect the sphere of placement, training and retraining of personnel. At the Twentieth Congress of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, Khrushchev resented the fact that party educational institutions trained workers who "often do not know the basics of a particular economy."[6] As a result, he demanded a decisive restructuring of the party education system. Given that some of the political cadres had already been trained, the Central Committee decided to reduce the existing network of party schools and create a number of large interregional party schools that would give students a complete higher party-political education.

Were created (or saved)[7]:

Higher Party School under the Central Committee of the CPSU (Moscow);

interregional and inter-republican party (four-year) schools (Moscow, Leningrad, Vologda, Gorky, Kuibyshev, Saratov, Stalingrad, Voronezh, Rostov, Kazan, Sverdlovsk, Perm, Novosibirsk, Barnaul, Krasnoyarsk, Irkutsk, Khabarovsk, Yaroslavl, Ufa, Kharkov, Lviv, Odessa, Dnepropetrovsk, Stalino, Minsk, Vilnius, Chisinau, Alma-Ata, Tashkent, Baku);

three-year party courses (Kursk, Penza, Smolensk, Tambov, Saransk, Makhachkala, Chkalov, Kurgan, Omsk, Vladivostok, Yerevan, Frunze, Stalinabad.

The structure of the curricula was drastically changed, which switched to a 4-year cycle of study. Now historical disciplines began to occupy only 18.1%, and the economic cycle of disciplines - 53.3% of the teaching time[8]. Such disciplines as "Economics, organization and planning of industrial, construction and transport enterprises, as well as agricultural enterprises" were introduced; "Energy base of industry", "Technology of the most important industries", "Production and civil construction", "Animal husbandry", "Trade", "Finance and credit" and others. Graduates of party schools had to be generalists in matters of economics and know "a little" about party building (about 5% of the training time was devoted to this).

In the 1960s, the process of staffing managers at the expense of specialists with higher education was completed. Now not only the highest echelon of power in its majority had a higher education (this task was solved under Stalin), but also the lowest level. It was during the time of Khrushchev that the regional elite began to acquire an "enlightened" appearance.

The change of power in October 1964 once again affected the content of education in the system of party education. At the first party congress after the removal of N. S. Khrushchev, it was stated that it was necessary to seriously improve the training and retraining of party, Soviet and economic cadres[9]. The subsequent series of resolutions of the Central Committee of the CPSU introduced changes in the structure and organization of the system of higher political education. The study of technological subjects was reduced, instead the study of the main directions of scientific and technological progress and best practices was introduced.

From 1967 to 1969 until the beginning of 1991, there were permanent courses for the retraining of party and Soviet cadres. The main purpose of the courses is to improve the skills and ideological and political training of the released secretaries of primary organizations, heads of departments, instructors of city committees, district party committees, editors and their deputies of large-circulation newspapers, chairmen of the Soviets. Full-time lecturers of regional party committees, as well as leading teachers of higher educational institutions, were involved in conducting classes.

In 1971, the training of regional political cadres was reoriented to a deep study of Marxism-Leninism, the historical experience of the CPSU, the principles of party and state leadership, and the processes of the development of socialism into communism. The importance of studying the basics of political work (the foundations of party propaganda, social ideology and pedagogy in party work, issues of cultural construction) increased.

In 1974, there were 14 VPs. During the period 1946-1974, more than 166 thousand people graduated from the VPS.

The former system of party-state management began to rapidly become obsolete only after a large-scale political reform was carried out in 1990. The abolition of Art. 6 of the Constitution of the USSR in March 1990 abolished the former political and legal status of the CPSU. The party has lost the most important legal argument that justified its interference in all spheres of public life. After the elections of people's deputies of the RSFSR and local Soviets on an alternative basis, held in the spring of 1990, the party committees could not establish close cooperation with the Communists in the Soviets, so their political influence on the bodies of state power was greatly weakened. The XXVIII Congress of the CPSU, held on July 2-13, 1990, decided to switch to a regulated market and, accordingly, to remove the party from managing the economy. The congress decided to eliminate the nomenclature of cadres and to endow the apparatuses of party committees only with information-analytical, forecast-sociological and advisory functions.

During 1991, the controlling influence of party bodies on specialized educational institutions was weakened, and new educational institutions appeared on the basis of party schools and advanced training coursesโ€” institutes of management (socio-political sciences), schools or courses for organizers of management and political science.

By the end of 1991, the property complex of the Academy of Social Sciences under the Central Committee of the CPSU, the former higher party schools in the regions, was under the jurisdiction of the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation. On the initiative of representatives of former party schools, a system of training and advanced training of personnel for the federal public service was created on their basis: the Russian Academy of Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation and regional public service academies (Far Eastern, Siberian, Ural, North-Western, North Caucasian, Volga-Vyatka, Volga, Volga, Volgograd) were formed.

The Leningrad Higher Party School was located in the Tauride Palace.[10]

Russia's foreign intelligence is playing its game and fulfilling Putin's task of waging open war in its own interests within the framework of a memorandum with the WEF developing algorithms for planting its new global religion by purely military methods.ย 

Note that Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin calls the team of digital transformers under the Government of the Russian Federation a "digital special forces".ย 

Each minister of the Russian Federation with powers at the level of the deputy is assigned a "senior officer of digital transformation".ย 

They are being prepared by the Center for Digital Transformation of the GOVERNMENT UNIVERSITY RANEPA. Who developed a training program for the World Bank?ย 

A whole section of the website of the communist Klaus devoted to the post-Covid transformation of the world is called Strategic Intelligence.ย 

Who are these Kremlin guys fighting with, what are these Kremlin guys scouting? The answer is extremely simple: they break the foundations of traditional economies, social structures, sovereignties of the nazis. States.ย 

And in his latest lecture, Pavel Luksha, a Chubaisovite, a Skolkovo foresighter, tells in detail how and even partially - for what, they are doing it.ย


Lecture Hall of the Archipelago 2121: Pandits of the Future: Who and How Will Help Break Through to the 22nd Century?

Lecture Hall of the Archipelago 2121: Pandits of the Future: Who and How Will Help Break Through to the 22nd Century?

It's a rift of the world through trained agents.ย 

Center for Evaluation and Personnel Development of Digital Transformation SpecialistsExperience in the selection and evaluation of personnel for DH

Excellent service

Quick and easy recruitingMAN RECRUITMENTPERSONNEL ASSESSMENT COMPETENCY ASSESSMENTCentre's work directionsAssesย 

team competenciesย 


in recruitment

RANEPA Digital Transformation Managers Training Center presented an open course for a wide audience

ยฉ ComNews


[0, -0, +0]

The Center for Training Leaders of Digital Transformation of the Higher School of Public Administration RANEPA presented an open course "The Era of Digital Development: The Foundations of Digital Transformation".

The course was created on the basis of materials developed by the Center in 2019 for the training of civil servants in educational programs of advanced training "Implementation of digital transformation projects", "Digital transformation and digital economy: technologies and competencies", "Fundamentals of digital transformation in state and municipal management" and "Head of digital transformation". The open course is designed for a wide audience and does not require special training.

"In the conditions of self-isolation, the availability of educational products for a wide audience is important. In order to feel confident in the digital environment, it is not enough to learn how to work with a particular platform: it is important to get an idea of what data is, how modern services work, what laws regulate the digital environment, "comments Dmitry Chernyshenko, Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation. "Such a need existed earlier, but today the relevance of knowledge about what digital transformation is has become obvious to all citizens. Under these conditions, we, together with the Ministry of Communications and ranePA, made a joint decision to open the best materials that were created last year as part of the Digital Economy program for state and municipal employees. It is important for us that citizens see exactly how and what we train civil servants, and that this knowledge is useful for all citizens of the Russian Federation."

The open course "The Era of Digital Development: Fundamentals of Digital Transformation" is posted on the Stepik platform and consists of several thematic modules: digital transformation and the digital economy, digital technologies and trends, digital platforms, working with data, competencies in the era of digital transformation, project and process management, regulatory regulation in the digital economy.

The course is structured in such a way that the student can get an idea of how digitalization is changing the usual processes in various spheres of life, including in such resistant areas as public administration. In addition, the course allows students to get acquainted with the materials that are used in professional retraining and advanced training programs for civil servants, including senior managers at the level of deputy ministers and deputy heads of federal agencies. In addition, the online course includes materials of educational programs for training managers and specialists of public authorities of the EAEU member countries on technologies and mechanisms of digital transformation: the program was developed by the Competence Center for Digital Transformation of the Analytical Center under the Government of the Russian Federation with the support of the Ministry of Digital Development, Communications and Mass Media of the Russian Federation, as well as with the participation of the Center for Training Digital Executivesย transformations (GSSU RANEPA) and ANO "Infokultura".

"The principal position of the Center is that the educational programs developed for budget money should be as open and accessible as possible for the citizens of our country," said Maria Shklyaruk, academic director of the Center for Training Leaders of Digital Transformation. "To create an open course, the materials were selected and structured in such a way that all students could both gain general knowledge about the digital economy and new approaches to public administration, and deeply study individual topics if there is interest or professional need."

Video lectures of the course alternate with tests to check the material learned, and also contain additional materials for in-depth study, illustrations and infographics that will allow you to better assimilate the material.


12:44, 23 August 2021 (UTC)

RANEPA Begins Training of Digital Vice-Rectors

Moscow. August 23. INTERFAX.RU - A special stream of the program "Implementation of Digital Transformation Projects" has started, within the framework of which university teams will be helped to develop digital strategies, the press service of the Center for Training Managers and Teams of Digital Transformation of the Higher School of Public Administration (GSGU) of the RANEPA told Interfax.

Earlier, Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Chernyshenko instructed the Ministry of Education and Science to introduce the post of Vice-Rector for Digital Transformation. The duties of the new head will include planning initiatives for the digitalization of the university. The work of the heads of the digital transformation of universities will be evaluated by the Ministry of Education and Science and the Ministry of Digitalization.

The Center for Training Managers and Teams of Digital Transformation of the Higher School of Public Administration RANEPA trains state and municipal employees in the basics of digital transformation and the digital economy in four areas.

"The program "Implementation of Digital Transformation Projects" is designed for managers of digital transformation, and is distinguished by the fact that students are trained in priority sectors of the social sphere and the economy. Flows are implemented jointly with ministries - the program is adapted to the requests of departments, taking into account current tasks. So, employees of the Ministry of Natural Resources, the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Energy, the Ministry of Health and the Ministry of Industry and Trade have already completed the training," the report said.

It is noted that "if the teams of other departments created prototypes of digital projects, then the students of the new stream of the Ministry of Education and Science will develop strategies for the digital transformation of educational institutions."

"Digital vice-rectors face an ambitious task - to create an environment conducive to the digital transformation of universities, to organize interaction with employers, on which the demand for graduates depends. And for this, university specialists need to become students themselves. 94 managers in the field of education and science will be trained in three modules and will learn how to use digital technologies to transform educational and scientific processes, while taking into account ethical risks," the report said.

According to Ksenia Tkacheva, Director of the Center for Training Managers and Teams of Digital Transformation of the Higher School of Public Administration RANEPA, despite the fact that the process of digital transformation has long been not news, but a necessity for most organizations and structures, not everyone manages to move with the same speed and flexibility. "In the traditionally conservative field of higher education, only due to the pandemic and the need to organize remote work and training, universities began to actively introduce new digital tools and services. To speed up this process, the government issued a decree on the need to appoint the head of digital transformation (RCT) in each university. Since 2019, the Center has trained more than 20 thousand people: managers and teams of digital transformation of the public sector. We have summarized this experience, attracted experts and are ready to help university teams effectively cope with the tasks set," Tkacheva said.

The training will last until October 15. During this time, 15 teams will be trained on the stream.

The Russian Academy of National Economy and State Service under the President of the Russian Federation (RANEPA[1], Presidential Academy[1][3]) is a Russian higher educational institution engaged in the training of specialists of socio-economic and humanitarian orientation[4], as well as the training and retraining of specialists of the highest managerial level[5].

Russian Academy of National Economy

and Civil Service under the President of the Russian Federation


International name

The Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration (The Presidential Academy, RANEPA)[1]

Former names

Academy of National Economy under the Government of the Russian Federation, Russian Academy of Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation






V. A. Mau


more than 180,000 students, including more than 1700 foreign students


Flag of Russia Russia, Moscow


56 branches[2]

Legal address

119571, Moscow, Prospekt Vernadskogo, 82


Wikimedia Commons logo Media on Commons

It was established in 2010 by reorganizing the Academy of National Economy under the Government of the Russian Federation in the form of joining the Russian Academy of Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation, as well as 12 other federal state educational institutions.

That's a lie ๐Ÿคฅ to Wikipedia โ€ผ๏ธโ€ผ๏ธโ€ผ๏ธโ€ผ๏ธ





In October 1977, the Academy of National Economy under the Council of Ministers of the USSR was established in Moscow on the basis of the Institute of National Economy Management[6][7][8].

A great contribution to the development of the Academy of National Economy was made by its first rector, N. V. Melnikov, who invited people with a broad outlook to give periodic and single lectures. He took care of the living comforts of the students of the educational institution, relating to accommodation in dormitories, meals in the canteen and visits to the medical center. Melnikov was directly involved in the development of the general plan of the building of the Academy of National Economy: the location of classrooms, laboratories, a large reading room of the library, a large assembly hall[9].

In Soviet times, the Academy of National Economy under the Council of Ministers of the USSR was called upon to retrain and improve the skills of managerial personnel for the successful solution of issues related to the socio-economic development of the national economy, as well as to conduct research work on the development of theoretical and methodological issues for improving management, pricing, planning, social development, financial and credit relations, economic mechanism,ย material and technical support, contractual and legal work and organization and stimulation of labor. The Academy of National Economy trained scientific and scientific-pedagogical personnel in the field of economics and management with the highest qualifications. The Academy of National Economy was engaged in scientific and methodological guidance and assistance to the main sectoral and intersectoral institutes that train and improve the skills of managerial personnel, as well as the training of their teaching staff, assisted ministries and departments on the issue of economic training of managers. The Academy of National Economy was engaged in the study, generalization and analysis of advanced management practices in the USSR and abroad, the use of economic methods of management, as well as leading methods and forms of training[10].

At that time, the students of the Academy of National Economy were heads and leading specialists of central and republican, sectoral and territorial governing bodies, as well as heads of large associations, enterprises and organizations. In addition, the Academy of National Economy provided for the training of foreign managers and specialists.[10]

The duration of training ranged from 3 months to 2 years.[11]

In 1988, the Higher Commercial School was established as part of the Academy of National Economy, which, being an educational institution, received the right to carry out its activities both at the payback of the state order and through cost recovery[11].



In 1992, it was named the Academy of National Economy under the Government of the Russian Federation[7][12].

In 1993, the Higher School of International Business was opened at the Academy of National Economy.[7][8]

The Academy was engaged in the training of managerial economic personnel[7], as well as specialists of the senior management level[5][8]. In 2004-2005, the Academy had more than 20 divisions, including 15 faculties, where more than 6.5 thousand students studied.[5]

On September 20, 2010, the Academy of National Economy under the Government of the Russian Federation was reorganized into the Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration (RANEPA) by joining the Russian Presidential Academy of Public Administration (RAGS) and 12 other federal state educational institutions[1][13]:

The Kremlin's Brazen Lies โ€ผ๏ธโ€ผ๏ธโ€ผ๏ธโ€ผ๏ธโš ๏ธ

- Why lies, Tribule?ย 

- I served this academy in 1987-1989. I'm not going to dwell on that in detail. It employs the strongest cadre of Marxist communist professors. I knew a lot of people personally, I visited their dachas and apartments. This academy is under the Central Committee of the CPSU. It was commissioned in 1984-1985, then for several years it was saturated with furniture, computers and so on. The whole special operation is taken from here, there are no such perverts in the west and there has never been. It was these people who twisted the brains ๐Ÿง  of the Western conspirators. Dot.ย 

Graduate of the Academy under the Central Committee of the CPSU

Vladimir Berdichevsky


ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย Prologue.

I'm on the internet. Every day. I read, in Russian, in English, listen, watch. Of course, the Russian-language Internet is closer to me, after all, for 56 years I used exclusively the Russian language. A very memory-resistant language. I met in the United States and other countries people who left Russia half a century ago, but retained an excellent Russian language: Jews, Serbs, even Chinese. One day, I was talking to a hundred-year-old American who emigrated from Belarus in 1920. He told me that the neighborhood boys teased his "Jew." I asked him what he was telling them. An American in the purest Russian language said:

- Kiss me in the middle..!

Sholem Alehem's granddaughter, the American writer Bel Kaufman, who lived in Odessa for 12 years, spoke Russian until her death, died at the age of 103. She said that she was not hired in the United States for a long time because of the Russian accent.

It is not surprising that I am interested in the Russian-language Internet.


Everyone met with scammers, both in Russia, and in America, and in Ukraine, and in Belarus. They are everywhere, regardless of the state system. Sonka the Golden Pen, Vlastilena, Lustig, who sold the Eiffel Tower, Trofim Lysenko, who promised Stalin and Khrushchev "branchy wheat" with unprecedented yields, mmM and other large and small fraudsters. There are also ideological fraudsters who deceive the people.

ย What is a necessary attribute of a scammer?

1. Pleasant appearance, inspiring confidence in the client. Who would believe a man without charm? No one.

2. Knowledge of human psychology and the ability to "get into the stream".

3. Selection of the client.

ย And then it's a matter of technique.


ย He graduated from the Academy under the Central Committee of the CPSU. Sam said. How did I find out about him? By chance, he opened the Internet on the name "Jewish Republic of Crimea". A person acts, middle-aged, self-confident, emotional.ย 

Noble gray hair, the right facial features, is worried about her external image, so she does not wear glasses, holds it in her hand, using only when you need to look into a cheat sheet. There are problems with the Russian language. For example, he said, speaking about Putin:

- "Let's proceed from the 'sanity' of the president."

ย There were not enough words in the Russian language for the "writer". I invented a new one.

I started listening. The astonishing nonsense of a "blue mare." Open, dear reader, this speech. Oh my gosh. I listened to the end with great interest and surprise that many people would surely believe in this lie and galimatia.ย 

I set out in my own words the main thoughts of the speaker:

- Lenin planned to give the Crimea to the Jews, Stalin received the idea as an inheritance. Agro-Joint gave money, 900 thousand dollars a year from 5% per annum until 1954. They began to sell land on issued bonds for shares. Franklin Roosevelt, Eleanor Roosevelt, Marshall, Hoover bought shares. If the USSR does not pay the money by 1954, Crimea will go to the United States.

Jews "pyorli" to the Crimea from everywhere: Bulgaria, Belarus, the Tatars rebelled, staged pogroms, the trains were sent back. Stalin did not want national discord, so he supported the creation of Israel, gave it weapons so that Jews could go there. This idea did not come true, and he gives Novaya Zemlya to the Jews. In the process of the operation called "White Partridge" 17 (exactly indicated figure) steamships with barbed wire were sent to Novaya Zemlya. (I wonder where you can escape from the islands of Novaya Zemlya if there is no barbed wire fence? Even on the island of Alcatraz, where dangerous criminals were kept, there was no fence. Where will you run if there is water around?)

These "secret data" were reported by a former member of the poltoranin government. Authority. It's impossible not to believe.

Another "authority" is mentioned by the speaker โ€“ a certain Davidyuk.

- America is ruled by Jews.They are in all government, wherever possible. The entire Senate is made up of Jews. (A startling compliment to the Jewish people; there are only about six million of them in the U.S., and run the most powerful and prosperous country in the world for 316 million people.ย (I wish Russia could find such wonderful stewards to make decent pensions, medicine and education, no communal services!)

In his book, Davidyuk cites, according to Mironov, 600 documents confirming this thesis. Palestinians are outraged that Jews rule America. (Money, however, is taken.)

And in the writings of Karl Marx, if you replace the words "proletariat and working class" with the word "Jews", then everything will fall into place.

On yeltsin's government:

It was 75% Jewish, and they, the Jews, plunged the country into war with Chechnya.ย 

On the events in Ukraine:

- Well, it can't be that the Russians go at the Ukrainians, Well, no way. After all, brothers! Who quarreled with them? what don't you know? Jews, Jews are the same!

In Odessa, they deliberately repeated the scenario of 1995, only instead of the White House they set fire to the House of Trade Unions.

Who brought the country to the pen? All sorts of Abramovichs, Fridmans, Deripaskas, Alekperovs.Do people need to shed blood for the Jews?

The last phrase of the "oracle":

- We have cat soup in the Crimea, if we do not consider Jewish interests.

ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย CONCLUSION.

What can be answered to this lie,p..... and provocation?

It's bad in the country. A complete failure of domestic and foreign policy. But the courage remained. The authorities need to blame the failures on someone. There is a tried and tested "goat", especially in the year of the "goat".Everyone knows him. Harmless, non-Muslims, tea. They won't shoot. They will spit on Mironov and leave, and some will "ski" on Mount Hermon, where a lot of snow fell this winter, almost 2 meters. And in addition to Berezovsky, Abramovich, Khodorkovsky, Friedman, Smolensky and a couple of Jewish oligarchs, other 87 billionaire oligarchs who bought half of London, Nice, filled expensive hotels in Europe, the Emirates and exotic places of the planet will remain in Russia. Here they are:

Gutseriev, Khachaturov, Potanin, Rybolovlev, Timchenko, Sechin, Igor Shuvalov, Evgeny Shuvalov, Pugachev, Pupeyko, Golovnev, Galuev, Pecheny, Andrey Filatov, Andrey Melnichenko, Kaspersky (the only one honestly earned his money),Lyubomudrov, Mordashov, Alexander Abramov, Yuri Zhukov, Balakin, Tsvetkov, Molchanov Andrey, Gleb Fetisov...... Maybe enough is enough? Believe? There are a lot of them.ย Not Jews.ย M. Chernoy, G. Nisanov. (3.6 billion), Iliev, (3.6), F.Akhmedov (1.4),A.Agalarov(1,8),Z.Magomedov(1.2),G.Yushvaev(1,7), T.Ismailov(1,7)

Boris Mironov "does not know" about them. Fools the people. All the attributes of the MMM creator fit him:

1. Looks decent.

2.Knows psychology. No wonder he studied at the Academy of Social Sciences under the Central Committee of the CPSU.

3. "Hit the stream."ย "Finding the Guilty" is on the march.

4.Found "customers", and many.

And then โ€“ "a matter of technique!"ย 

The flag is in his hands!

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