Races on armored carriages of royalty ๐Ÿคด 19

Races on armored carriages of royalty ๐Ÿคด 19

๐“๐ซ๐ข๐›๐ฎ๐ฅ๐ž ๐ˆ๐ง๐ญ๐ž๐ซ๐ ๐š๐ฅ๐š๐œ๐ญ๐ข๐œ ๐€๐ง๐š๐ฅ๐ฒ๐ฌ๐ข๐ฌ ๐๐ฎ๐ซ๐ž๐š๐ฎ


Chronology of events for the near medium term: arrests, international and national investigation teams, international and national courts, long prison terms, including the electric chair, extrajudicial killings, military coups and revolutions and a host of other joys of life. All this is the most immediate prospect and payback for the crime committed for many individuals who considered themselves for too long the elite of nation-states and the world as a whole, de facto being only carriers of large fortunes and dreamers finished with illiterate degenerates.ย 

ย ย ย ย ย ย ย Five Years of Lavish Funeralsย 

So, there were five of them โ€“ the main geronts of the era of Soviet stagnation, who decided the fate of their country and the world at the height of the Cold War During their lifetime and in the first days after death, they were given incredible honors. I list them, so to speak, in descending order โ€“ Mikhail Suslov, Leonid Brezhnev, Yuri Andropov, Dmitry Ustinov, Konstantin Chernenko. Five had five Gold Stars of the Hero of the Soviet Union and nine medals "Hammer and Sickle" of the Heroes of Socialist Labor, the rest of the regalia of the USSR, fraternal socialist and developing countries could not be counted at all. Five cities renamed to perpetuate the memory. Of all of all, only suslov, who died first, was not honored with a mention on the geographical map of the country. But in honor of the latter - Chernenko named two small villages at once with the letter "sha", apparently because it follows immediately after "ch" in the Russian alphabet - Sharipovo in the Krasnoyarsk Territory and Soldanesti in Moldova. The Tatars, for example, were very amused by the fact that in honor of the eyebrow general secretary, the city of Naberezhnye Chelny was crossed. In fact, they believe, there was no renaming, just some extra letters were removed from the former name. But the residents of Izhevsk were actively indignant that their favorite capital of Soviet Udmurtia became Ustinov for three years.ย In Rybinsk, in turn, people were no strangers to this practice. This ancient Volga city of the Yaroslavl region in the 20th century was already once visited by Shcherbakov (there was such a party Soviet figure of the middle hand), and after 1984 for some time took the name of the almighty chairman of the KGB Andropov, who replaced Brezhnev as general secretary. As for the factories, steamships, kolkhozes and sovkhozes, which acquired sonorous names of outstanding party and Soviet figures, faithful successors of Lenin's work, they also could not be counted.ย 

In the 70s of the last century, if anyone did not catch that time and does not remember, because of the late conception, then the Tribule Bureau will always come to the rescue both for conception and for reminding those distant years when the trees were even larger and you were young. There was a cartoon in one of the American magazines - old people are lying in the hospital ๐Ÿฅ room and the Soviet military are standing near the beds, one Soviet officer of the KGB of the USSR asks the second: - who will be our next general secretary of the Central Committee of the CPSU, and the second points to one of the old people lying on the bed with his index finger and says: - this one will be !ย 

- Why did you decide that?ย 

- because he's still moving.ย 

These jokes in the United States, when there was at least some healthy life in the white house, constantly joked about the advanced age and insanity of Soviet leaders.ย 

Leonid Brezhnev:

- Comrades! I want to raise the thorny issue of senile insanity developing among the members of the Politburo. Yesterday, at the funeral of our comrade ... - tears away from the paper, - by the way, something I do not see here ... So, when the music started playing, only one I guessed to invite the lady to the dance.

Brezhnev speaks at the meeting:

- Who says I read on a piece of paper? Ha, hell, ha, dash, ha, dash."

Leonid Brezhnev:

- Comrades! I propose to honor the memory of Comrade Gromyko.

- Leonid Ilyich, but he is alive!

- Yes, but I lost my memory!ย 

Early '80s. Funeral. Brezhnev suddenly asks:

- And who is being buried?

- You, Leonid Ilyich!

- Me?! And why at the Novodevichy Cemetery, and not at the Kremlin Wall?! ...

Now all this is fully understood where and these anecdotes should be told to CNN and MSNBC instead of smallpox macaques for Americans. It's definitely more fun and cheerful than telling jokes about macaques. Terrible shame and disgrace for Great America is not a matter of glory and pride.ย 

Pensioners live a long time, something must be done about it. Remember who said that?ย 

ย ย ย ย ย ย  That's kind of how they died.ย 

Brezhnev died at the age of 75, Chernenko at 73, Andropov at 69...

Trump is now 7 years old, Biden is 7, Pelosi is 7, Sanders is 7...ย 

- Who was joking about racing on carriages?ย 

- One Tribule jokes here, the rest laugh and die.ย 

Comrade Susliyย 

Mikhail Andreevich Suslov, the permanent "gray cardinal" of the Brezhnev era, an ascetic to the core, was indifferent to luxury, regalia and other trinkets. But he was very fond of hanging such on dear Leonid Ilyich. For these ceremonies were invariably accompanied by stormy caresses, which party colleagues loved to indulge in so much. And the ass, which the main ideologist of the country put to the Secretary General during the awarding of the third Gold Star of the Hero of the Soviet Union and the seventh Order of Lenin in 1978, is generally recognized as textbook, and, according to rumors, captured in the photo, is stored in the exposition of the World Museum of Kisses.ย 

Lenya was acutely aware of the death of his beloved "kisser". He felt like he was left without support. Suslov had been a very influential man in the CPSU since the time of Stalin, and when Khrushchev was overthrown in 1964, all the "conspirators" led by Leonid Ilyich ran to him half-bent and did not take any action until he gave the go-ahead for the removal of Nikita Sergeyevich from power. Suslov once made a mark, leading regional party structures in the Rostov region, then in the Ordzhonikidze (now Stavropol) territory and, finally, in Lithuania, where he uncompromisingly fought against manifestations of "bourgeois nationalism".

But the name of Yuri during his lifetime still led all the Soviets into awe. Our source journalist already living here in New York told me yesterday in a restaurant 4 Apocalypse in Manhattan, one event with his participation and how any journalist could lose his job overnight. Such a case occurred at his faculty of journalism is indicative: - then one student was asked to print each of his twenty-five fellow students a set of questions for the exam on the theory and practice of the party-Soviet press, promising plus a score when passing. The old, hollowed-out Erica punched no more than three sheets embedded in it and "sandwiched" with copy paper. The work of a journalist was titanic. When the work was completed, the professor who ordered it began to scrupulously check the text for errors. One of the tickets contained a question about the "historical decisions" of the next ideological plenum of the Central Committee of the CPSU with reference to Suslov's speech. The meticulous letter-eater could not believe his eyes, having read the "report of Comrade M.A. Suslogo" He rejected the distorted name of the "gray cardinal" in his mind, and in his nominative case it turned out to be "Comrade Suslyi". In all sets, the error was erased with an eraser and the letters were typed correctly. And the hapless student, when he reminded the teacher about the agreed "plus score", he, on the contrary, lowered the score, warning that for such a typo in relation to such an important and significant person, you can even fly out of the university.

Suslov died on January 25, 1982, in November he was supposed to turn 80. On the third day after this regrettable incident, the mortal remains of the main ideologist of the CPSU in a coffin upholstered with red batiste were perched on an old gun carriage and taken to the Kremlin wall. An unprecedented race has begun. It was decided to bury him in the Granite Line hidden in the shadow of Lenin's Mausoleum with the installation of a bust, reopening it more than twenty years after the last burial. Then, in 1961, in it secretly, under the cover of night, buried the leader of the world proletariat, mummified Stalin, who was taken out of the tomb.ย 

Leonid Ilyich Formerย 

So they said in those days: Mon Chery, and what, suppose, will happen, if, and look, tomorrow Leonid Ilyich Brezhnev dies and what will happen? The third world war will be as soon as Lyonya lets out the last exhalation from the womb of a communist, many people said. In the process of such discussions, it turned out that more than the world Armageddon, the participants in the discussions were concerned about whether they would sell alcohol in stores. It's the same now in 2022, everyone is asking when fuel โ›ฝ๏ธ will become cheaper at gas stations. And the answer is obvious when we lead them all to eternal rest.

Those who sit in oval chambers and secret spins with little girls sipping collectible vinzo and snacking on a black sparkle in the murky gatherings of the Bilderberg Group and tell us about their "great plans" and the same "great role" in the world, are very similar to these young buggy racers below, under the brand "bug boat race ๐ŸŽ", or "bulldog fighting under the carpet". The race is now over like any race ๐ŸŽ - the finish line ๐Ÿ, all as then, nothing new should be expected - a complete change of power and a send-off to the cemetery ๐Ÿชฆ of artifacts of insanity and supostats of the 20th century - a gang of criminals who, as part of two US parties, signed a political and historical death sentence in the first half of the 21st century. Drug-ridden infirm elders, cocaine-drenched young Jews and blacks with free budget money, stripped from head to toe and drenched in red and brown Goebbels propaganda of Mega Lies, we remind you today of mentally retarded crippled degenerate racers in as many as two categories. And you young onanist, communist grandfather and orderly Joe know all these riders personally and it seems that you came out on top in this race confidently leading grandfather. I, as an enthusiastic racing driver and spectator, am sincerely glad for your race in the last lap of the race and a very fast finish first:ย 

Putin is 69 years old, Patrushev is 70, Bortnikov is 70, Matvienko is 73, Ivanov is 69, Gerasimov is 66, Naryshkin is 67, Shoigu is 67, Lavrov is 72.

These are the same "bulldogs" as the composition of the Oval Chambers and the Bilderberg Group, the EU, NATO and other rabble of morons = the Politburo of the USSR. You're all at a high start before the race ๐ŸŽ ends on the carriages.ย 

Under the Heel of the State Forever: We Must Resist the Imposition of a Digital Governance System

Dr Mike Yidon: "If they decide to say, 'You have to show up for an annual vaccination, and if you don't, your digital ID (which is tied to your ability to travel, shop, etc.) Will become invalid," which they will do."


Pedophile Gates, CDC, NIH ignored his call: Gert knew from the beginning that the vaccination program would not end well

Dr Gert Vanden Boscher: "I got one response from the person I copied, a very famous vaccinologist[whom] I know personally... [He] literally answered me and said, "Gert, you're right. These vaccines will only spawn variants [of the COVID virus], but no one will listen to you because you are going against the mainstream."


On the new U.S. coins, George Washington turned his back on "The God We Trust In."


The NWO coin narrative david Rockefeller Sr. and the cadence of the Soviet negro Barry Obama continues and is quite understandable - there is a seizure of the world and its color in black, in sin. They, according to their beliefs and status as Mega Criminals, are obliged to warn the investigation, in which they invite us to participate, so that our participation in their evil is voluntary and conscious.ย 


Will anyone notice these efforts of David Rockefeller's counterfeiters? It's been a few weeks...


We also respect and love the signs, just as the members of the international gang love and revere the number 666. The difference between us and them is only the numbering of the numbers . For example, today we are choosing the number 10 and 10 types of violations of the Nuremberg Code in the false Covid-19 pandemic.


Klaus Schwab is a terrorist. In 2020, this neo Marx released the terrorist pamphlet Covid 19 - The Great Reset. p. 292

Today isย 666โ€”06/06/2022.ย 

Meanwhile, Bilderberg's past is hardly reported in the media, presumably in part because of his ties to the transatlantic intelligence community.

The conference, created in the mid-1950s as a joint project of the intelligence services of Great Britain and the United States, has preserved its maps so well that the world press could not even describe, but also look at them.

This year's conference, led by CIA Chief William Burns, reflects those roots.

Interestingly, career intelligence officer Burns is also a former U.S. ambassador to Russia, and now he was elected to the Bilderbergs' steering committee just a few months before the Old Man handed him the post, after which he quietly resigned from his seat.

Three more active intelligence chiefs participated in Bild.-ge: the head of the British Government Communications Headquarters, the director of the French Foreign Intelligence Service DGSE, the head of the US Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency and Biden's national security adviser Jake Sullivan.

Among the former leaders of espionage, although there are no former, as you know, who participated in the meeting are David Petraeus (CIA) and Sir John Sowers (MI6), now a member of the board of Bilderberg and BP.

And, of course, Klaus Schwab's mentor and recruiter Henry Kissinger (CIA), who, despite his age (99 years) has been involved in Bilderberg since 1957. He is the prince of realpolitik - the ideological godfather of the Bilderbergs, as far as you remember.ย 

By the way, he recently, along with Bilderberg's steering committee member Eric Schmidt, the former head of Google, wrote a book called "The Age of AI," which, if you want to better understand where these degenerates are moving the world and what this Hell of them looks like, where they are moving the world ๐Ÿ—บ, you should read.ย 

Destruction of the Social Contract: Pensions abolished, state budgets torn up, social security annulled...

Edward Dowd: "What you see is that the social contract has been violated; Between 95% and 99% of the world's population is not yet aware of this, and they are struggling to find excuses for why this social contract will be violated. And what I mean by that is the lack of pensions, the lack of social security, the gap in government budgets... first it will start outside the U.S. and then spread around the world."

Criminal and pedophile Gates cannot resist the painful desire to dominate everything he touches with his dirty money.

Dr. Robert Malone: "This [the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation] was a strategic turning point to improve his reputation after he lost litigation related to monopolistic practices related to the Microsoft Explorer browser, and so it was a way to rehabilitate himself. He was going to do a good job, but it's almost as if he couldn't resist the urge to be a monopolist and dominate things with his money. And he came, and he definitely dominates and distorts world health."


ย ย Normal people can't trust the WHO.

Only the abnormal can trust the WHO after the World Health Organization provided Africans with 50 million vaccines against smallpox with an admixture of the AIDS virus.

On May 11, 1987, the headlines of the London newspaper The Times reported this around the world. I'm sure it's now called "conspiracy theory," a term coined by the CIA after the JFC's assassination to stigmatize those who know the truth.

Great-grandfather โ€“ Abram Petrovich Gannibal. The right to be called the birthplace of this remarkable companion of Peter the Great is claimed by several African states at once.ย 


Most Russian Pushkinists call Abram Petrovich Abyssinia (aka Soviet Ethiopia and the homeland of the Ethiopian terrorist WHO) the birthplace.ย 

Alexander himself noted this in the records of his conversations with the son of the Arapa Peter Abramovich Hannibal, poems and letters, the novel "Arap of Peter the Great", notes to the first chapter of "Eugene Onegin". At the same time, the poet emphasized his "Negro" blood with special defiance:ย 

And I, hanging forever idle,

The descendant of the Negroes is ugly...

In the "German Biography", recorded in German from the words of Peter Hannibal by Adam Rotkirch (husband of Abram Hannibal's youngest daughter Sofia Abramovna), it is said that Abram Petrovich "was a native african arap from Abyssinia."

In a petition for the acquisition of nobility in the name of Empress Elizabeth from 1742, the "arap of Peter the Great" himself wrote: "I come from Africa, the noble nobility there. He was born in the possession of my father in the city of Lagon, which also had two other cities under him."

Thus, in an official document, Abram Petrovich Gannibal does not name Abyssinia. We can only talk about the oral transfer of this information to their Russian descendants of the USSR and their native Ethiopian.ย 

The Kremlin's Soviet Communists spat on the document ๐Ÿ“ƒ and what the poet himself wrote there in a petition addressed to Elizabeth. They don't say he's a Negro at all. They want confirmation of the Russianness and Soviet Ethiopian origin of the Poet. So much nicer in the Kremlin, poet and who terrorist of the same blood.ย 

In the well-known catalog of texts on the history of African-American literature - the "Dictionary-Catalog of the Schomburg Collection of Negro Literature and History" of the Public Library of New York", Pushkin is assigned 118 positions. Moreover, a number of annotations state: Pushkin is a Russian writer with a share of Negro blood or even a Negro writer.ย 

Pushkin was known to almost all dark-skinned drivers!ย They know that Pushkin was a Negro! Black drivers proudly consider him a fellow tribesman and poet of African descent.ย 

White taxi drivers knew nothing about Pushkin. This is surprising, since it is traditionally believed that among the taxi drivers of New York, a significant part are Russians. In any case, if you believe the chanson singer Vili Tokarev, who in a song about the "Big Apple" reports:

And why is New York yellow in winter and summer?ย 

And because there are too many taxis in it.

And it's fleshy.

Taxi drivers sit and

In Russian, they bot whoever you ask!

Apparently, Lownsbury conducted her survey among drivers who do not bot Russian...

A descendant of blacks and the battle around Pushkin. Dark-skinned poetry lovers cannot divide Sasha Pushkin. For example, Black Batman and his white slaves are beating in ecstasy from Sasha's syllable!ย 


Gates is a broken man, as 72% of Americans now object to his [COVID19] vaccine.ย 

Dr. Andrew Wakefield: [72% of Americans] either don't get the first dose, don't get the second dose, or don't get the booster. This is a blatant failure on the part of this vaccination program. If you [saw] Bill Gates [in his interview], he was a completely broken man. Bill Gates was a broken man. This [vaccine] was a complete failure, and it was a failure on so many levels. But what they did was win the public's trust. They won't get it back. The public no longer trusts them."

Quarantine by September ? Slap you on Brijuni's collar and a new costume in the form of a prison robeย 

Edward Dowd: "He [Dr. Malone] doesn't have 100% evidence, but it seems that early data on the variant [monkeypox] that has been circulating recently for the last two weeks has been analyzed and it looks like they have been tampered with. So there's been some kind of increase in function [as with covid]."


"We're not complying with anything. No permits to wear masks, no distance of six feet, no passports to go anywhere. We're going to go on with our lives, and we're not going to comply."

Who made Bill Gates a global health expert? Barry Obama!ย 

Dr. Robert Malone: "You have a person who is inclined to one decision, which is a solution for vaccination, almost excluding all the others, which has such a huge impact on decision-making that the phrase [from] Animal Farm comes to mind." All pigs are created equal, but some are more equal than others." And Bill Gates is clearly more equal than the others in voices, and he's not an expert, and he clearly has a bias. And it has been well documented that he has distorted public health around the world and continues to do so."


Infertility: The Devil's Program - A New Film.

Austin Fits: "They didn't expect these samples to actually be tested. Someone really had something to hide."

"If you don't stop the World Health Organization, when they're done with Africa, they're coming for you."


"The vaccine is in the brain. Point": We must confront everything and everything with the mRNA platform

Dr. Richard Urso: "Right now, there's no way to create any controlled delivery package, so every time you hear about lipid nanoparticles, messenger RNA, or anything else, know it's going to hit the brain. Period."


Newspaper "Light".

Own data shows a shocking number of deaths and side effects officially associated with fake false vaccinations against non-existent offspring [COVID19]ย 

ย - What was their favorite sport in the Central Committee of the CPSU?ย 

"Carriage races on Red Square."

The carriage is a special support on which the barrel of an artillery gun is fixed. There is a tradition of seeing off prominent assholes on the carriage on the last journey.

The last three general secretaries of the degenerates of the USSR are associated with a meme called "racing on carriages" - a term that originated in France in the XIV century.

With the death of King Philip the Handsome in 1314, the kings of the senior branch of the Capetian dynasty died one by one, which ended with the suppression of the dynasty and the largest geopolitical catastrophe of that century โ€“ the Hundred Years' War. Four centuries later, the race was repeated by the Bourbons: the aging Louis XIV shortly before his own death buried his son, two grandchildren and a great-grandson in three years, so that the French throne only miraculously did not go to the bastard.

In the USSR, the term became popular due to the fact that in a short period of time (from 1980 to 1985), called in the USSR the "Five-Year Lavish Funeral" (or "Five-Year Plan in Three Coffins"), the Union buried its influential degenerates and members of the Politburo of the Central Committee of the CPSU (A. N. Kosygina at the age of 76, M. A. Suslova at the age of 79) and three consecutive General Secretaries of the party,ย the actual leaders of the USSR: L. I. Brezhnev at the age of 75, Y. V. Andropov at the age of 69, K. U. Chernenko at the age of 73. There was no effective system for the entry of "fresh" personnel into the Communist system at all, which is why the average age of the leadership of the Union of Secretaries exceeded 70 years. The abbreviation of the USSR was often jokingly deciphered as "Country of the Oldest Leaders". The leadership of the USSR simply began to die out like mammoths ๐Ÿฆฃ.

The Kremlin Communists had a stylish funeral using a carriage after the death of another top degenerate and statesman of their Soviet communist pederasty "in order to perpetuate the memory" of this moron for a decent life for children and relatives, renamed any of the country's settlements in his honor, and today such shames are persistently demanded by the Soviet negro Barry Obama. So, after the death of Brezhnev, the city of Naberezhnye Chelny was renamed Brezhnev, after the death of Andropov, the city of Rybinsk was renamed Andropov, and after the death of Chernenko, the city of Sharypovo was renamed in his honor (later all named settlements were returned to historical names). Renaming was perceived by the Soviet eternally drunk population of the USSR with humor. Here's an anecdote told to us yesterday by a former Soviet journalist in the restaurant 4 Horseman of the Apocalypse in Manhattan who went during the years of Congressman Joe Biden and the reign of Chernenko:

"Station, queue at the ticket office. Dialogue between passengers and the cashier:ย 

Passenger 1: " Please, I have one ticket to Brezhnev.ย 

Cashier: "Please.ย 

Passenger 2: โ€“ I have two tickets to Andropov.ย 

Cashier: "Please.ย 

Passenger 3: - And I have a ticket to Chernenko.ย 

Cashier: "Citizen, well, it's written in Russian! The pre-sale ticket office is around the corner!"

The head of the Commission for the organization of Brezhnev's funeral was Yuri Andropov. Thus was born a folk omen that worked flawlessly - the next head of the USSR is the one who heads the funeral of his predecessor.

On November 15, 1982, brezhnev's coffin was loaded onto an artillery carriage. Accompanied by an honorary escort of soldiers of the Moscow garrison, generals and admirals carrying numerous awards of the deceased on red pillows, the carriage with the coffin moved to Red Square. On November 16, the country exhaled with obvious relief. Brezhnev was buried, the mourning passed, the country had a new leader - a young and quite energetic employee of the KGB of the USSR Yuri Andropov.

The fact that the new general secretary was seriously ill, many people in the Soviet country knew, because Leonid had been chavka with his jaw for 10 years the sheer delirium of a madman. The very fact of his squalor and total shame did not frighten Lyonya absolutely. Brezhnev was ill until his death for eight years in a row. And since the summer of 1983, the condition of General Secretary Leni has been seriously deteriorating. He spends a lot of time in the hospital, even the most important state meetings are transferred there. Doctors admit: for Andropov, any cold and any flu such as the modern COVID19 flu is deadly.ย 

The procedure of farewell to Yura Andropov repeated the procedure of farewell to Lyonya Brezhnev - a three-day mourning, the Column Hall of the House of Unions, an artillery carriage and an expensive state grave near the Kremlin wall. Yuri was buried on February 12, 1984. David Rockefeller Sr. was in a cordon that day, the boss and friend died, this torpor of David Rockefeller was transmitted by airborne droplets to the entire US Congress, and Joe Biden even dropped a miserly tear of a congressman from the US ๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ธ Communist Party into his sleeve. His successor caused the Soviet and American people to laugh hysterically. The new general secretary of the CPSU Central Committee, Konstantin Chernenko, who headed, as expected, the Commission for the organization of the funeral of his predecessor, was 72 years old, and his state of health was extremely bad. Such a choice once again turned the USSR into a laughing stock in the eyes of the whole world. The funeral in Moscow was attended by representatives of foreign countries, quite similar degenerate communists from the countries of the puppet regimes of the Kremlin, Biden could not come then and was very upset by the opportunity to say goodbye to Yuri. Then, on that distant and tragic day for the Communists of the USSR, in February 1984, all foreign guests were offered the beautiful oktyabrskaya Hotel on an all-inclusive basis, including evening and night bars with Moscow whores from the KGB of the USSR and offered everyone to stay and live in a hotel for themselves and their homeland, so as not to travel in the style: back and forth - back - you please me once again. Of course, this proposal of the Kremlin Communists became widely known to Joe through David Rockefeller and Joe then naturally suffered from the loss of such an option, looking in the evenings before going to bed at the order of already tired and not at all young as once, 14-year-old housekeeper Jill. Yes, as we understand you, Joe Barry!ย 

Funeral of K. U. Chernenko (Gorbachev & Klaus Schwab from San Francisco in the center photo with a red armband)

A feature of the period of our anecdote of time:

MSNBC Evening Edition of Announcer Ari Melber's Sad Face:ย 

"Comrades, of course, you will laugh, but we are once again bereaved!"

"Funeral on Capitol Hill. The man is stopped by security:ย 

- Your pass!ย 

- I have a subscription to these events! The Mexican replies proudly.ย 

- Why were Andropov and then Chernenko elected unanimously at the meetings of the Politburo?ย 

- Because Andropov had the worst kidney analysis, and Chernenko had the worst cardiogram.ย 

If there is mourning music on the radio in the morning, it means minus one in Moscow.ย 

Rabinovich from Manhattan calls the Central Committee:ย 

- Tell me, where do you write in the general secretaries?ย 

-Comrade, are you an idiot?ย 

- Exactly, idiot. Besides, old and sick!ย 

Without regaining consciousness, he began his duties as General Secretary of the Central Committee of the CPSU.ย 

Resolution of the Central Committee of the CPSU:ย 

1) Appoint Comrade Chernenko as General Secretary of the CPSU Central Committee.ย 

2) Bury Comrade Chernenko on Red Square."

Why is Biden speaking in front of three microphones?ย 

"He holds on to one, oxygen is transferred to him on the other, and in the third he is whispered what to say.ย 

Ari Melber is asked questions by his spy and listeners of the erotic evening newscasts of MSNBC:ย 

- What is the difference between the monarchy and the two party systems of soviet power in the United States?ย 

- Under a monarchy, power is passed from father to son, and under American rule, from grandfather to grandfather.ย 

The year is 1984. Andropov's funeral returns to Margaret's Iron and calls Ronald!ย 

- Hi Ron. Why didn't you go to the USSR?ย 

- Yeah, Margaret. Can you tell us better what was there?ย 

" Oh, Ron, it's so cool and fun in the swamps! Last year it was great, and this year it was fun and great, next year I will definitely go.ย 

Socialist commitments of the Central Committee of the CPSU: "Five-year plan for three coffins!ย 

On Gorbachev, the current trend failed - he competently and technically accurately carried out all the agreements of his employment with David Rockefeller. Misha stayed alive,

He quickly ๐Ÿ’จ collapsed the USSR and moved to a new job on the collapse of the United States ๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ธ in San Francisco.

Gorbachev Foundation Usa in San Francisco, California (CA) Advertisements. ... Gorbachev Foundation Usa: Employer Identificationย 


Gorbachev Foundation USA

Gorbachev Foundation USA in San Francisco, CA

San Francisco, CA 94129

(415) 561-2345

Dark Winter ๐Ÿฅถ in San Franciscoย 

One day, in a cold winter,

He walked out of the office; it was freezing cold.

Looks, climbs slowly uphill

The Man with the Axe and the Logย 

And, marching importantly, in the tranquility of the order,

Leads a man under the bridles of a man

In large boots, in a sheepskin coat,

In large mittens, himself bald with a spot!

- Great, man!- "Step by!"

"Oh my gosh, how dare I look!"

Where does Lenin come from?- From the Kremlin, vestimo;

It is not needed there, but only here ...ย 

(A woodcutter's axe was heard in Moscow.)

- Is there a big family there?

"The family is big, yes two people.

Just men: Rockefeller Sr., yes I..."

World Economic Forum Beijing Representative Office. World Financial Centre 1801, West Tower No.1 East 3rd Ring Middle Road ... 37th Floor 1-12-32 Akasaka, Minato-ku, Tokyo, Japan. Centre for the Fourth Industrial Revolution Network. 1201 Ralston Avenue The Presidio of San Francisco San Francisco, CA 94129, USA. Centre for the Fourth Industrial ...


120 Kearny Street

94104 San Francisco


(415) 839-6885

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