Communist - fascist international with the trademark COVI🤴19 

Communist - fascist international with the trademark COVI🤴19 

Bureau Tribule 

COVID19 is a mega project that has nothing to do with healthcare. COVID19 is at its core the goal of rebuilding, reshaping nation-states and the world through mega lies of the world's greatest scale to unite nation-states into one single totalitarian collective farm of the communist type with Nazi concentration camps. COVID19 carries all the elements of war communism with a fascist bent on the basis of false medicine. This project is secret and absolutely utopian and deceitful, a project in the form of an international conspiracy of national administrations and the management of large budget businesses, which are under state control and dependence on state authorities. The project involves almost all administrations of national states that are part of the terrorist system of international organizations such as: UN, WHO, EU, financial organizations such as IB, WEF, national banks, other private funds. Virtually all administrations of nation-states, except for a large portion of African states, are involved in this criminal conspiracy. Admittedly, the negroes of African administrations turned out to be much smarter than the white western hemisphere of the earth. The COVID19 project has a stable criminal group with a national peculiarity - the main composition of famous criminals (defendants) has a Jewish nationality and deep Jewish roots, while they are citizens of different countries of the world. Also, the COVID19 project has another striking feature - this is the criminal narcotic sexual "glue" of the conspirators. The entire cast of the main defendants is glued together by drugs and non-traditional sex in the form of perversions. Their sex is not based on the initial natural basis of the biological structure of a person, not on the natural nature given to a person from birth. You have to keep in mind, this is a very strong criminal "glue", you can even say this is super cement in their foundation of the NWO office – drugs and sex crimes lie at the foundation of this group of conspirators. A group of conspirators is characterized by non-natural ways of changing their genitals and body, and their entire sex life is woven on personal ideas about proper sex, but it is all not natural and for the most part criminal. Simply put, we are dealing with flawed criminals of the highest financial and political hierarchy, mired in perversions and forbidden sex – pedophilia. It is also true that they were able to do a lot in a few decades to present us with their flawed perverted criminal world in the form of a progressive norm of existence, imposing their dirty perverted ideas on huge masses of people forcibly, starting with kindergarten and school imposed on the whole world using power. COVID19 is a joint NWO project from national administrations based on the old wet dreams of Communist Nazis who moved mentally in the form of ideas after World War II to the UN, the Club of Rome, the Tripartite Commission, private foundations and further spread out in the form of brain poison everywhere. This project was developed long ago by a group of Western ideological Marxists - fascist financiers, using rich technologies and practical knowledge of mass murder from Soviet, Russian, Chinese, American, British, Israeli, German and other special services. The experience is rich, but perhaps soviet - Russian experience, here occupies a special leading position. The ultimate beneficiary of this project are two criminal communist administrations: the Kremlin and Beijing. Their goal: economic, financial, territorial collapse of the economies of the United States and Europe, the seizure of these territories not by military means, but through the control of finance and other means of controlling territories through deep implementation and penetration into all structures: means of mass disinfection of the brain of the population, through the ownership of stakes in large enterprises, through the placement of their agents in the governing bodies of ministries and departments, medical enterprises, transaction enterprises, surveillance enterprises, police, special services and so on for all key positions of the territory. According to the main developers of this criminal project, only large concerns and a single bank should remain by 2030. Therefore, they are in such a hurry and make a lot of mistakes. And all the rest of the business and private property by 2030 according to their plan should be destroyed, this they have been successfully engaged in for more than 2 years. Someone from elite groups consciously participates in this criminal project, someone was forced through kompromat and money, someone is totally stupid, someone is cowardly. Very often, these reasons are combined into one big criminal tangle. One thing is certain - all national elite groups bear criminal responsibility for this crime against the world's population and the mass death of the population during this special operation "pandemic". All elite groups: army generals, chiefs of police and special services, journalists, officials, deputies, top management of large corporations, scientists, doctors and other responsible and irresponsible people, exactly all, absolutely all, absolutely all bear moral and legal responsibility for committing a cascade of criminal offenses, united in one single conspiracy of silence and voluntarily or unwittingly personally participating in this general attempt of national crime to carry out coup d'état with a cascade of state crimes and attempted coups d'état. 

No one should have any doubts, all those responsible will be identified by the national investigation and brought before the national courts and will testify and answer in the framework of the corner case of participation / complicity in state terrorism, treason and attempted coup d'état and not obstruction of state crimes in nation-states. 
All the materials of this Mega crime can be found here ⬇️
    Henry Kissinger as Soviet Agent

From gary Allen's book Kissinger. - The Secret Side of the Secretary of State (1976). Gary Allen (1936-1986) was an American right-wing conservative journalist, a supporter of "conspiracy theory", an open opponent of the Council on Foreign Relations, the author of several books on this topic, of which the most famous is "No one dares to call it a conspiracy." Chapter 11.

Moscow's man in Washington?

On August 14, 1975, during a press conference at the Hiatt Hotel in Birmingham, Alabama, Secretary of State Henry A. Kissinger was asked the most embarrassing question. The reporter asked: "Mr. Secretary, we have received a report that Colonel Michał Goleniewski, who was an officer of Polish military intelligence in World War II, has identified a list of KGB and GRU agents and officers who have since been arrested, put on trial and found guilty. Colonel... also identified you, Mr. Kissinger, as working for a Soviet intelligence network — codenamed ODRA — stationed in Germany during World War II, at the same time that you were a U.S. Army military counterintelligence investigator and a lecturer at the School of Military Intelligence. Is this really the case? And if not, how do you explain why your name is on Golenevsky's list?" With characteristic self-confidence, the outwardly unflappable Secretary of State replied, "I don't know who Colonel Golenevsky is, but I think he should be given the Pulitzer Prize for Fiction." But there's another story associated with that, and even, in fact, a few stories. To begin with, as one of the highest-ranking people in charge of national security, to whom and through whom all intelligence data flows to and from Washington, Henry Kissinger certainly knew who Colonel Golenevsky was. First, as we shall see, Golenevsky was one of the most important non-returnees from the Communist bloc's intelligence apparatus that was ever able to reach our shores. His "questioning" by the State Department and the CIA took years; during this time, Golenevsky identified hundreds of double agents, and his report was unsurpassed in accuracy. In addition, rumors of Kissinger's recruitment by the KGB have been circulating for years, and have been the subject of hundreds, if not thousands, of requests to the State Department and the White House. It is barely possible that Henry K is the man who collected gossip in the same way as J. K. Rowling. Paul Getty, who collected paintings, would not have heard about them. The story actually began in the early 1950s, when a colonel in Polish intelligence began supplying Americans with data on Soviet operations and agents. The man identified himself as Michał Goleniewski and said he was a staunch anti-communist. Over the next decade, Golenevsky supplied U.S. agents with more than 5,000 pages of top-secret documents, 160 microfilms of classified reports, 800 pages of Soviet intelligence reports, the names of hundreds of communist agents in Western Europe, and much more. Then in 1961, fearing that his espionage for the benefit of the United States would be discovered by the KGB, Golenevsky fled to the United States. He arrived in that country on January 12, 1961, in a U.S. Air Force military transport aircraft, accompanied by CIA agent Homer E. Roman. State Department security officer John Norple Jr. testified before the Senate Homeland Security Subcommittee that among the abundant information that Golenevsky supplied to Americans during three years of polling, not a single fact was found to be incorrect or inaccurate. It is known that Golenevsky's information led, among other things, to the exposure of the main sexual spy scandal in the American Embassy in Warsaw, the identification of the Soviet intelligence officer Colonel Kolon Molody and four members of his cell in England, the exposure of the Swedish Colonel Stig Erik Wennerström as a double agent and general in the Soviet KGB. Golenevsky testified that British intelligence officer George Blake was a Soviet spy, and he identified numerous other KGB and GRU officers in West Germany, Denmark, and France. So valuable were his discoveries that the 88th Congress issued Resolution 5507 to thank Golenevsky for his contributions to American security and to our intelligence efforts. The resolution stated in part that Golenevsky "cooperated with the government in an outstanding manner and under circumstances that posed a serious personal risk to him. He continues to make major contributions to the national security of the United States. His main motive in proposing to work with the government was and remains his desire to confront the threat of Soviet communism." In other words, this person could be trusted. He was a high-ranking communist intelligence officer; he betrayed literally hundreds of communist agents in the West – people who were traitors to the countries they supposedly serve. And what is the main meaning of this story? Exactly this: One of the people identified by Golenevsky in the early 1960s as Soviet agents was an unknown professor at Harvard named Henry A. Kissinger. Here's an incredible story described by Alan Stang, writing editor of American Opinion magazine in its March 1976 issue:

In the first days after World War II, the Soviets organized a network of agents in Poland under the code name ODRA. Its main purpose was to infiltrate British and American military intelligence. The ODRA network was led by a Soviet general, ostensibly by the name of Zheleznikov; his local leader was Colonel Kuyun (Kuzhun?). In 1954, Kuyun was recalled to Moscow to explain the mysterious murder of a Soviet courier woman and the disappearance of important material, including 480,000 from the intelligence fund. Fearing execution, Kuyun attempted suicide, but instead ended up in a hospital run by GZI, the Polish equivalent of Russia's KGB. The head of the GZI, Colonel Voznesensky, questioned Kuyun in detail. He kept the results of his investigation in a safe. Voznesensky was later replaced by Colonel Skulbashevsky, who was directly replaced by Golenevsky in 1956. The "Polish" agent told Stang that he had inherited Skulbashevski's office, his file and safe, the latter containing approximately 1500 pages of documents. Approximately twenty pages of these documents were in Russian language and written in Voznesensky's handwriting. They concerned the interrogation of Colonel Kuyun in 1954 and included a list of the true names, as well as pseudonyms, of the main agents of the ODRA network in Europe. One such spy was Ernst Bosenhard, who was hired as a clerk at the U.S. Intelligence Headquarters in Oberammergau, Germany. Bosenhard sent an unspeakable number of top-secret documents to Moscow before he was arrested and found guilty of espionage in 1951. Another name on Voznesensky's list was agent Bohr, who worked with Bosenhard in Oberammergau. A 1954 update indicated that Bohr had returned to the United States, was now at Harvard University, and secretly cooperated with the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency. According to the list, Bora's real name was Sergeant Henry A. Kissinger. Stang then reports on the following conversation he had with Golenevsky:

"Were you actually present when the KGB opened Colonel Skulbashevsky's safe?"

"Well, I opened Colonel Skulbashevsky's safe." "Did you discover it yourself?" That's right. "And in Colonel Skulbashevsky's safe was a list of Soviet agents — and that list had the name: Henry Kissinger." That's right.

Golenevsky also told Stang:

"At this time I learned about Sergeant Kissinger, Sergeant Kissinger was nobody to me. I didn't know who he was. I didn't know if he was Jewish, or if he was German, or what the hell he was. That I knew that he somehow got into the network of Soviet counterintelligence "Smersh" under the pseudonym "Bor", and this happened once in Germany after he got there with the American army. And in 1961, for me, it was one of hundreds of cases. I didn't pay attention to him. There have indeed been hundreds of such cases, as you can see.’’ If there is even the remotest possibility that these accusations are true, how could Kissinger have been given any government office, let alone the high position he holds today? First, remember that by 1968, Golenevsky's discoveries were buried deep in the bowels of government security departments. In addition, Richard Nixon was so eager to get Kissinger for office that the president refused henry's normal security check. By the time the issue was raised, Kissinger was King of the Hill, as far as security was concerned; he himself ordered the investigators who to do. Yeah, it could have happened... and it did. Thirty years ago, Alger Hiss proved by his example that a Soviet spy could sit at the right hand of the president. Only two years ago, West German Chancellor Willy Brandt was forced to resign when it was proved that one of his top aides, Günther Guillaume, was an East German communist spy. Guillaume fooled West German counterintelligence — which is very sensitive to communist methods of infiltration — for years. There were efforts to dismiss Golenevsky's accusations as "disinformation" carefully prepared by the KGB. One author, Richard Deacon, even suggests in his book The Chinese Secret Service that the KGB was willing to sacrifice key agents like Wennerström, Blake, Molodey, and Kroger to increase the credibility of the false non-returnee. Such an accusation suggests that the Soviets regard Henry K as a dangerous anti-communist opponent. But as far as we've seen, this is actually absolutely not the case! Henry is at least one of the most trusted friends and colleagues of the Communists. In addition, Golenevsky's accusations appeared at least twelve years ago – long before Henry K. achieved any national position or prestige. It is a fact that Golenevsky learned of Kissinger's name as a Soviet agent so long ago, when there was no reason to pursue any selfish goals against Kissinger, so we have the right to believe that the accusation is true. But it is strange that with the exception of a few articles in small intelligence magazines, the mainstream media refused to touch on Golenevsky's claims even with a ten-foot pole. Perhaps his plausibility was tarnished when a New York newspaper identified a "Polish" non-returnee as the son of Russia's Tsar Nicholas II. On June 11, 1971, the New York Daily Mirror announced the exceptional publication of the Memoirs and Observations of His Imperial Highness Alexei Nicholaevich Romanov, Tsarevich and Grand Duke of Russia, son of Nicholas II and survivor of the alleged communist massacre of the Russian royal family. His Imperial Highness Alexei Romanov and Michal Golenevsky were the same person! According to the Daily Mirror, the former head of the CIA's Division of Research and Analysis, Herman E. Kimsey, in an affidavit signed on June 3, 1965, verified the person's identity based on fingerprints (the only fingerprint), dental and medical records, handwriting tests, blood tests, and confessions and confrontations with childhood friends and relatives. Recent documents released by the British government lend credibility to Golenevsky's claims. The Tsarist family of Russia was obviously not killed by the Bolsheviks, as the public believes. The Tsar and his family were taken out of Russia by British agents, but were afraid to report the fact that they were still alive. Undoubtedly, they hoped that the Bolshevik government would fall and they would be able to return to Russia. Little did they know that the West would critically inject food, money, and technology to keep the bloody Bolsheviks in power. Perhaps we can get a better perspective by noting that the main witness of the prosecution, Michal Golenevsky, has already testified under oath and said that he would be happy to repeat his accusations in the trial of Henry Kissinger. While the defendant in this case, Henry Kissinger, dismisses the whole issue with a joke... and lies. At the very least, Congress should investigate these allegations — perhaps as part of a larger study of the Kissinger report. When such a hearing takes place, we hope that parliamentarians will also study other croaking creatures in kissinger's swamp. Among them, for example, would be Wilfred Burchett, an Australian communist who was stripped of his passport by his own government because of his aid to the Communists in the Korean War. Burchett was welcomed to Washington by Kissinger in 1971 for "consultations" on the Vietnam War. The man who helped provide false "evidence" of biological warfare from Allied prisoners of war during the Korean War was one of Hanoi's most trusted emissaries. How fun. Only that it was said that we will never know. But for Kissinger to base any part of the negotiations on Burchett's statements is like consulting al Capone about how to rid Chicago of crime! Kissinger's far more important contact is the mysterious Victor Louis, one of Moscow's most trusted agents — and the most important — KGB agents. Kissinger reportedly met secretly with Louis at the Soviet Embassy in London immediately after his first trip to Red China. "Victor Louis" is actually Vitaly Yevgenyevich Lui, who operates under the cover of a Moscow correspondent for the London newspaper Evening News. Even a random study of Kissinger's colleagues and staff at the State Department shows a surprising similarity in the ways in which this crowd looks, goes, and croaks. Among the many things that unite them all are an unwavering devotion to détente, a downgrade of American defenses, damage to our national security, flirting with the Soviets, and helping the communist world. One of Kissinger's key appointees, for example, is Helmut Sonnenfeldt, a longtime State Department official who is now in charge of trade with the Communists. Koresh, since Kissinger's military service in Germany, Sonnenfeldt has been known to be the subject of espionage research. According to intelligence specialist Frank Capell, three former U.S. foreign service officials testified under oath that Sonnenfeldt passed classified information to "agents of a foreign power" in the 1950s. Capell says Sonnenfeldt also compromised U.S. ciphers, and that security officers recommended opening a prosecution against him. Sonnenfeldt's appointment to the Treasury Department's high office was due to be withdrawn a few years ago when it became known that witnesses sought to testify that Sonnenfeldt had perjured himself during the confirmation hearings. But even though Sonnenfeldt was flagged as a security threat, Henry K. "cleaned up" his buddy through the Security Office. How? Appointing Jesse McKnight as a reviewer. McKnight was a confident sympathizer — he had been identified in the past as a Soviet intelligence agent and had provided Soviet agent Judith Coplon with government reports. A member of the Council on Foreign Relations, Sonnenfeldt could feel safe with McKnight in charge of catching subversive elements. Sonnenfeldt is the only member of Kissinger's circle to attend conferences behind closed doors with Soviet Ambassador Dobrinin. Of course, Sonnenfeldt worked closely with Kissinger in Moscow during the SALT I negotiations. It was Sonnenfeldt who said that no effort should be made by us — or allowed by others — to liberate enslaved peoples, and characterized the Poles' desire to free themselves as "romantic political inclinations." McKnight and Sonnenfeldt weren't the only security threats helping Kissinger's fake shop. Far from it. Kissinger hired William O. Hall, known to security officers as a partner and contact person of prominent communists and Soviet agents, as ceo of the U.S. Foreign Service, although he had been identified as a serious security threat as early as 1956. Hall was confident until The Review of the News revealed his background in 1972. Hall then decided to resign, and Kissinger chose James S. Sutterlin to replace him. Sutterlin was "deeply associated" with Edward Kelly, a security officer at the U.S. Embassy in Warsaw during the sex-spy scandals involving Soviet agents and other diplomatic personnel. While serious security threats were promoted after Henry Kissinger rose to the State Department, prominent anti-communists were expelled. One of the "purged" people was government official John D. Hemenway. Hemenway fell victim to an apparent conspiracy that used false reports and dishonest job evaluations to fire him. Unlike many others who left quietly, Hemenway, however, filed a complaint. The hearing fully rehabilitated Hemenway, who was recommended to be reinstated, promoted, apologized, and even compensated for legal expenses. But the CEO of Kissinger's good friend William Hall reversed the board's decision. And the purge continued. Another SALT man and high-ranking intelligence officer on Kissinger's team is Boris Klosson. It was Closson, as an American lawyer for political affairs in Moscow in 1961, who cleared the way for Lee Harvey Oswald's return to the United States. Oswald, John F. Kennedy's so-called "lone assassin," is known to have attended KGB school for nearly two years. Given the Soviets' experience in infiltrating agents into foreign countries, it is difficult to assume that Oswald's statement about the change of views could convince such a government official. (And if Oswald really had a sincere change of heart, could it be that the Russians would have allowed him to leave the country?) .This seems less puzzling, perhaps if we note that in the recent case of a State Department appeal, a Foreign Service official described how Closson prevented him from sending to Washington a report on KGB operations against Americans in Russia. And then there's the incredible case of Kissinger choosing the U.S. ambassador to Chile. Kissinger nominated the far-left David Popper to represent us in the country that had just overthrown the first elected communist government in Latin America. Popper, who was associated with the subversive Pacific Relations Institute, was hired by the State Department by Alger Hiss. He also served on the editorial board of Amereishi, a magazine that was later exposed as the center of the Soviet spy network. Our Secretary of State's choice of the U.S. Ambassador to the Republic of China (Taiwan)—that is, to Free China—was even more outrageous. It was none other than Leonard Unger, our former ambassador to Thailand, the man on stage during the suspicious overthrow of Prime Minister Tanom Kittikachorn's anti-communist government. More than two decades ago, a former Soviet agent named Elizabeth Bentley shocked a congressional committee by testifying that the Soviets operated four networks of agents within the U.S. government. Only two of the networks have ever been uncovered. According to one security agency, one of the undisturbed networks worked in the European division of the State Department; the confidential report identified six people, including Leonard Unger, as participants. At least one of Kissinger's close contacts admits that he was a communist. This is a man the FBI once identified as a top KGB officer — Soviet Ambassador Anatoly Dobrynin, the head of all KGB operations in the United States. It is now known that the CIA's investigation by the Rockefeller Commission (similar to how Jesse James would have investigated the Daltons) has revealed evidence of the kgb's intricate spy network on Capitol Hill. The Soviets even had the ability to intercept phone calls from Congress and the White House! What did Kissinger do when he learned of his friends' misconduct? He intervened in their favor! On August 25, 1975, Newsweek magazine reported:

Henry Kissinger's concern to avoid tensions in U.S.-Soviet relations extended to the editing of the Rockefeller Commission of Inquiry into Intelligence Activities. Original project... The report contained a long section on Soviet espionage in the U.S., including the KGB's ability to intercept White House communications through special antennas on the roof of the Soviet Embassy. The site was cut from the Rockefeller report when it was reviewed by the National Security Council, which kissinger chairs." By mid-1975, both the Rockefeller Commission and a committee chaired by Senator Frank Church were investigating both the CIA and the FBI. But anyone who believes that the committees were concerned about communist activities in this country is unfortunately mistaken. In fact, the committees were engaged in purging anti-communists. What was left of American homeland security was rapidly going down the cat's tail as the Great K. gained power over the national intelligence community. The conclusion is clear: the Department of Justice's Internal Security Unit was disbanded in March 1973; the Subversive Control Board was dismantled three months later; in 1974, the Attorney General's List of Subversive Organizations was removed; The House Internal Security Committee was dissolved in January 1975. This is what the situation looks like today this year, the year of the bicentennial of our Freedom. As the communist military threat expands due to Kissinger's secret diplomacy in the SALT negotiations, the United States has slipped — or been pushed — into second place. And as that country's communist infiltration and infiltration have increased, the ability of U.S. security forces to maintain surveillance and control of such infiltration has diminished. Security— at least Western security — seems to bother Henry K. at all. But with Kissinger's responsible team in power, with people like Hall, Sonnenfeldt, Klosson, Popper, Bunker and everyone else, led by an arrogant egoist who is a proven liar and an accused KGB agent, should we really worry about any foreign enemies? It is not difficult to agree with William Loeb, independent publisher of the Manchester, New Hampshire trade union newspaper, who wrote:

"Maybe Kissinger is really a communist agent. If anything, he could not have done more harm to the United States or done more good to the Soviet Union if he had been!"


Big investigation into Kremlin agents 

Start here

End here 👇

The alien inhabits the human body to find out the weak points of the earthlings before the invasion of his race. The film was released fatally in 1963. That is why they also got caught, because it was in that year that our source was successfully incorporated (introduced) on the basis of a beautiful legend into the Italian mafia and was witnessed as a young onanist Silvio, a friend of Putin, enthusiastically watched this movie 🎥 with 6 whores from Palermo. 

Directed by Hugo Gregoretti. I have repeatedly talked about the misperception of so many people. By the simplicity of their soul, they look for in these coincidences and unpleasant associations for them, some prediction of this false pandemic. Well, how could a director have predicted 58 years ago? Of course not. It's really simple. The conspirators stole absolutely all the scripts from the books of science fiction writers and movies 🎥 This is a fact! 

We work with a very large staff of information sources, all of them are located in different countries and even on different continents under different legends of the conventions. One works as a gardener on the lawn for Joe & Barry, the second personal hairdresser for Scholz, the third personal genealogist for Emanuel Macron, the fourth girl masseuse works as a personal masseur for Sylvie Berlusconi, and also, these are the two most valuable sources of information, these girls work in two mausoleums - Beijing and Moscow and follow the resting bodies of the leaders, as well as their grandchildren. These facilities have underground corridors connecting the chiefs' bedrooms with Mao Xi's grandson and Stalin's grandson Putin. 

A mysterious SARS outbreak in late 2019 was discovered at a wholesale seafood market in Wuhan, China 🇨🇳 with the help of actors of the Chinese popular front and theater falling on the streets. Within weeks, the World Health Organization announced a novel coronavirus, tentatively named the 2019 novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV) [2].

Sequencing metageromic RNA of a bronchoalveolar lavage fluid sample from a patient revealed a new strain of RNA virus from the Coronavirus family, which is designated here WH-Human 1 (and also referred to as 2019-nCoV). Phylogenetic analysis of the total viral genome (29903 nucleotides) showed that the virus was most closely associated (89.1% of nucleotide similarity) with a group of SARS-like coronaviruses (genus Betacoronavirus, subgenus Sarbecovirus), which were previously found in bats in China [3]. We received information that after the appearance of verbal diarrhea about Omicron, some users in different countries were excited about this alien Gregoretti and were so excited that they could not find a place for themselves, being by nature clinical idiots, without basic knowledge they suddenly began to reason that this unfortunate director in 1963 could know about COVID-19, so he took and made a film prophecy. to warn us fools.  🌎You," I'll dial it one time. I've been researching Antarctica for a long time. All routes, which are scientific expeditions, where you see public photos, lead to the tip of the Penninsula. They are run by "expeditions" operated at a distance by military vessels. Anyone who goes there by themselves dies or turns back. All information articles and "research" about Antarctica come from the same people who control any information related to antarctica. Politicians and even the pope fly to Argentina to go to an unregistered place on the outer edge of the continent. The church on the island that people have heard of is related to the study of Noah's Ark. There are edited pyramids, there are annually descends more than 5 trillion dollars. On the one side. All maps of Antarctica before 1967 are radically different from ours, a black hole 100 miles wide, found by Admiral Byrd, is in the upper right corner of the old map of Antarctica of the 1700s, which looks similar to the one that the Americans and the Nazi Party have since the 1930s. The gravity emanating from the hole that sucked Byrd during his 1930s expedition is what the Nazi party called Agharta. The Heat signature maps, which showed Antarctica until 2016, exactly correspond to the German map of Agarta in 1936. Remember that this thread slides a lot. Antarctica is not a piece of ice. Anon, study everything I just printed. Let your life work hard to prove me wrong, and eventually you'll find that I was right in everything I just printed.



 "Those who are now ten need us, neither us nor our ideas; they will not forgive us for hunger and bombing. But those who do not understand anything now will talk about us as a legend! And the legend must be fed! We need to create storytellers who will shift our words in a different way, accessible to people in twenty years. As soon as somewhere instead of the word "hello" they say "heil!" in someone's personal address, know that there they are waiting for us, from there we will begin our great revival. "  Since the false pandemic is a project of the Kremlin, Beijing, Washington, New York, Berlin, Paris, Brussels, our sources told us everything and this is in our previous materials. But one source from Lenin's mausoleum did not get in touch with us for a long time. And she has just reported how the Kremlin reacted to this planting. Immediately after this hoax about Omicron, their public news service reported that the absence of a severe course of the disease and consequences when infected with the omicron strain of coronavirus infection indicates the approaching end of the pandemic. Can you imagine the level of this Russian zoo - circus, when the Russian chief infectious disease specialist of the Federal Medical and Biological Agency (FMBA) of the Russian Federation, the head of the Department of Infectious Diseases and Epidemiology of the Russian National Research Medical University named after Pirogov, Vladimir Nikiforov, suddenly personally begins to comment on this nonsense?  So, this Russian terrorist specialist pointed out that soon COVID-19 will be classified as a seasonal disease. The sudden appearance in Wuhan (China 🇨🇳) of the information deadly coronavirus "COVID-19" for many insiders (those who are in the subject) is an expected phenomenon. It has long been announced: the XXI century will take place under the trend of three or even four times the reduction of the world's population!

Reference: "The word trend comes from the English trend - trend. A trend is an aspiration, a direction. Trend also means - a possible (probable) vector of development of events.  An anonymous nurse working at the Covid hospital where delta option patients lie says they are all vaccinated, i.e. "Delta is an option" is a consequence of vaccination.

😈Ritual on Ground Zero and the reunion of swamp creatures years later at the same place. Six of the most evil people in the world, all together. Missing, perhaps, Soros and Bush. The old man, as always, is in his repertoire.

- How to get to the Russian Holmes 🕵️?

- Elementary Watson, you take a dictionary and go anywhere! 

According to the latest information of the information headquarters, anti-lies 🤥 crown 👑 19 

Igor Kesaev, yacht Sky. At the end of 2017, the publication Superyachtfan reported that the co-owner of the distribution group "Megapolis" and retail DIXY Group, billionaire Igor Kesaev has a 50-meter yacht Sky worth about $ 40 million.

And the owner of this yacht 🛥 Russian billionaire Igor Kesaev. 

New York's new governor, Katie Hokul, said Wednesday on MSNBC that her administration will be more transparent than the authorities of her predecessor, Andrew Quinomo. After that, some American media accused Ouomo of announcing underestimated data on deaths from COVID-19.

The Associated Press claims that Ouomo, in his daily briefings, did not report on the deaths that the state reported to the CDC medical regulator, but only reported deaths confirmed by laboratory and recorded in the New York State system, which only takes into account data from hospitals, nursing homes and adult care facilities. That is, the figures announced by Kumomo did not take into account people who died at home, in hospices, in prisons, homes for people with disabilities, as well as the deceased in whom the coronavirus was not laboratory confirmed.

19 November 2021, 16:57

Infectious disease specialist Nikiforov called three "seasonal" diseases of this winter

One of them is still Covid: according to the expert, he is not going to leave yet, despite all efforts. Head of the Department of Infectious Diseases and Epidemiology of the Russian National Research Medical University named after N.I. Pirogov, chief infectious disease specialist of the FMBA of Russia and Doctor of Medical Sciences Vladimir Nikiforov listed three main diseases that threaten Russians in the coming winter months. "The flu is natural. This is as always, but the benefit against it is vaccination, which is still underway. It's free. We now have a wealth of choice, including quadrivalent vaccines. This is very important," he said in an interview with and added that SARS is still a "seasonal disease".

The physician said that there are a lot of types of the virus - more than a hundred, and clinically they do not differ from each other. The third disease this winter is Covid, Nikiforov said. According to him, despite all the efforts around the world, including vaccination, the virus is not going to go away yet. The chain of people behind Klaus Schwab are the fascists and communists of the Kremlin. 

Klaus met With Kisa Gena, better known on the island of bad luck as Henry Kissinger. Kissinger went to China 🇨🇳 to see Mao, now this grandfather Xi sleeps in the mausoleum of Beijing. Kisa and Mao's grandfather Xi, were bound by warm friendship and diplomacy with Mao Zedong. Moscow was also in the orbit of Kis. Henry did a lot with American business rockefeller and Rothschild. De facto, they made Mao's Chinese garbage dump respectable and socially acceptable to domestic consumption and the West. China became a communist precedent for gelijkheid and later welvaart. Kissinger thought of two legs over Mao's dreaded walls and two communist henchmen.

The Tweed Man Who Changed Schwab's Life. 

This is Monsignor Elder Camara. Camara was the Catholic Archbishop of Van Brasiliaanse Comaf, from 1909 to 1999. Including welding, additional printing, and classroom work.

Helder Kamara

Schwab recalls in the video: "One thought was about my life at a critical point in my life. First I went to Brazil, then the priest who came in the day said that he was a priest of the poor. Ziin Naam was the House of Helder Kamara." Later, Srif Schwab: "The European Symposium on Management in 1974 (at the WEF meeting) from the House of Helder Kamar, de room Catholic of the artsbyshoppe Olinda in Recife, Brazil, an open enhanced forum dedicated to a platform for provoking the main sources of life."  Camara wierp zichzelf bij het World Economic Forum op as «de woordvoerder van twee-derde van de mensheid die te lijden heeft onder de oneerlijke verdeling van de natuurlijke hulpbronnen». Schwab writes: "Dom Hélder voorspelde dat de developed land op een dag de suffering economic forces zouden can uitdagen en met hen in conflict zouden may come. Multinational corporations know that there is a large van de manscheid manufacturing business in erbarmelijke omstandigheden houden. Hij riep op tot een gertere sociale verantwoordelijkheid, een eerlijker verdeling van der rijkdom en een heroverweging van "de valse waarden van 'verpilde maatschappij'" om welvaart voor all mensen te bereiken.

Halder Kamara House speaks at the World Economic Forum.
Communist Party .

Het also if Jesse Claver heard it. Maar is also Fidel Castro, Mao Zedong and Che Gevera.

Cooked communist revolutionaries, activists of Steun Kregen van Camara. Hun moordpartijen en Roofpraktijken kreeg theologische Rechtsvaardiging en respectabiliteit door de bevrijdingstheologie die Camara uitdroeg. This is the theological direction of van de Armen's "bevryiding" on Altans, dated to Zegt Heth. If you want the poor, you want it to be natuurlijk niet in hun hoofd halen om traditional christelijke gezinswaarden uit te dragen en prijs te put op behoud van privé-eigendom. The poor would like to see works about the communist revolution: there was no private property, there was absolute freedom and omnipotent supervision. You will not own anything and will be happy forever.

Paus Francis

Naast Schwab heeft Camara also attracted the uitgeoefend op paus Franciscus. This is no more disturbing than the Marxist knowledge of van Bevryidingsteology op de verldleiders van vandaag te begriipen. Bij zijn bezoek aan Brazilië in 2013 roemda Francis de Impact van Camara. Zijn says spreekt Franciscus de taal van de bevrijdingstheologie: "De voorkeursoptie voor de armen" he constantly comes to terug. The pause is the "Agenda Bijdrager" from the World Economic Forum, as well as many other annotations written for the WEF.

Kirk offers ideas for the eighth Big Reset

Het droevig te zien hoe de, unfortunately, van de katholieke Kerk de Great Trick Reset. Terviil de Kerk van Audscher de Verdediger is van de Christelke besshaving. Because hebben pauses is different from Leo XIII and Pius XII de principes van subsidiariteit en real vrijheid uitgedragen. They understood the socialist ideas behind the Great Reset. Tegen de communisten, maar also tegen de fassten.

Kamara was a fascist

A notable detail is that Klaus Schwab's teacher, Helder Kamara, was a fascist fascist in 1930. He was a member of the van de Hoge Ra'ad van de Brasil Integralist Act (BIA), a member of the Fascist Club.  It was geen jeugdzonde, but was in direct connection with later Marxist aspirations. "De prelaat van vandaag is a dezelfde priest van gisteren," says the BIA — unfortunately, Plinio Salgado in 1966, toen Camara de bevrijdingstheologie uitdroeg. As always, the logical broad statement that fascism in socialism is two plumbs and a dezelfde boom zijn: de Revolutie. Fascist Indirect Propaganda in 1930s America: The Distribution and Exhibition of Italian Fiction Films

Fascist and Totalistic leaders came to power in the 1930s be

Helder Camara spreekt zijn fascistic groepering toe.

 Christelijke beschaving

 The largest vijand voor Camarra was the Christelijke beschaving, so as the uitgedragen wordt door de katholieke Kerk in front krijgt in soever a Koninkrijken Maar also in zelfstandige bedrijven en Hechtte gezinnen. In deze beschaving wordt het right op privé-eigendom recognized as a sacred right. In deze beschaving everything is not plagued by egalitarian state coercion, but it is due to hierarchy, tradition and subsidiarity. This is the biggest obstacle for the largest area in New Zealand.

The main tabs of constitutional law Constitutional law: an overview A broad topic of constitutional law concerns the interpretation and implementation of the U.S. Constitution. Because the Constitution is the foundation of the United States, constitutional law touches on some fundamental relationships in our society. This includes relations between states, states and the federal government, the three branches (executive, legislative, judicial) of the federal government, and individual rights vis-à-vis both the federal and state governments. The field of judicial review is an important subject within the framework of constitutional law. The Supreme Court played a decisive role in interpreting the Constitution. Consequently, the study of constitutional law has largely focused on Supreme Court rulings. While the topic also covers the interpretation and implementation of state constitutions, without qualification it is usually understood as a reference to the federal constitution. The Constitution establishes the three branches of the federal government and lists their powers. Article I shall establish the House of Representatives and the Senate. See USA Const. Section 8 lists the powers of Congress. See USA Const. Style I., § 8. Congress specifically used its powers to regulate trade (the trade clause) with and among states to pass broad and powerful legislation across the country. The Sixteenth Amendment gives Congress the power to collect national income tax without distributing it among the states. See USA Const. change. Section 9 of Article I prohibits Congress from taking certain actions. See USA Const. style I, §9. For example, before the adoption of the Sixteenth Amendment, Congress could not directly tax the people of the United States unless they were proportional to the population of each state. See USA Const. Style I, § 9. Article I, section 10, lists a number of specific actions that individual States may no longer take. U.S. Const. Style I, § 10. Article II of the Constitution establishes the presidency and the executive branch. The powers of the president are not as clearly enumerated as those of Congress. He is vested with "executive" power in section 1. Cm. U.S. Const. Style II, § 1. Section 2 establishes him as "Commander-in-Chief" and gives him the right to pardon, except in cases of impeachment, for crimes against the United States. See USA Const. Style II, § 2. Section 3 provides for the power to conclude treaties (with the advice and consent of two-thirds of the Senate) and the power to appoint ambassadors, ministers, judges of the Supreme Court and all other officials of the United States.

In the noise of the roads I will not hear a sound,

In the light of the lights, I will not see the day.

Just as the door is not afraid of knocking,

A tree is hardly afraid of a stump.

The sun will rise over the forest thicket -

I'll hide the in my hand.

The main thing is to remember what needs to be done next

Along the paths go to the river.

A tree can become a leshim,

If my path has gone wrong,

Noise – like light – to turn white

Just like the king was naked.

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