S.993 - Biological Weapons Anti-Terrorism Act of 1989 101st Congress (1989-1990)

S.993 - Biological Weapons Anti-Terrorism Act of 1989 101st Congress (1989-1990)

TRibUlE bUReaU

This article also has serious aggravations, in the form of a secret conspiracy with hostile states, the unleashing of military terrorist actions within the framework of a single NWO conspiracy. In general, for a lot of people, things are crap, let's be honest. And nothing can be saved except remorse and the appearance of guilt. 

- How does a Sunday afternoon at tribule's analysis bureau start? 

- Coffee ☕️, we drink coffee, always and always the morning begins with black fragrant coffee from the homeland of Kamal and a cursory viewing of events for the period of time while the girls and I slept. Looking at the opinions of experts, news agencies, for example, we read experts from Bloomberg on the imminent general mobilization of the Russian Federation, some statements of the commander-in-chief of the old orderly, who fell off his bicycle yesterday and foreshadowing Europe a protracted war with the Russian Federation, which is still ahead, something else we see and read fluently over coffee. 

- What are the conclusions of the Bureau after watching this Sunday content? 

- These are not even conclusions, this is a kind of spectral analysis of the smell of a garbage dump goes down the throat along with coffee ☕️ from India. And the conclusion is always the same: - in our psychiatric world hospital, everything works stably in the same mode as in the spring of 2020, when the world was struck down by terrible viral information content - the crown 🤴 of Chinese communist actors falling dead from the mausoleum of the Mao Theater in Beijing and then extinct blocked cities around the world, the howl of sirens from the Germans, curfews from Anna Merkel, beatings of Germans, arrests, police dogs unleashed on people in one of the cities of Europe, military equipment in peaceful cities of Germany, constant, daily statements about corpses in excess of all norms everywhere in all countries of the world and even packages with corpses and refrigerators for troupes in New York, bonfires 🔥 from corpses again in the homeland of Kamal, from where our black coffee ☕️ bureau and , there is a lot more creepiness somewhere and all this riot of colors lies in our archive. According to the picture from the box then, there was a feeling that in the national administrations of the states there is a real socialist competition for the number of cases and corpses in their countries, everyone sought through their media to prove to David Rockefeller that they have the best with tours and everything goes according to David's plan, so they broke ahead of the sick and corpses and other horror. and David will instruct his people to pay for their record of sick and dead. Yes, such motives are a narrative, because all these are millions, tens and hundreds of millions of corpses who have left our mortal world in nation-states untimely. In the United States alone, according to Chief Medical Officer Joe, the number of corpses then, back in the spring of 2021, had already surpassed the losses in the First and Second World War combined. They even bought candles with budget money and commemorated dead citizens; Joe with Jill and Kamala with his rogue is a Brooklyn Jew. It's strange why they didn't 🤴 make a memorial " crown 19 " with eternal flame and sentries with machine guns and why in the spring of 2022 there was again no memorial service as then in the spring of 2021. After all, based on the logic of events, over the year there were even more corpses and a good speech could have turned out for Joe, who fell from the bike yesterday. To the First and Second World War, one could well add the death of American soldiers in Vietnam and Iraq? 

"Remember those we lost": Biden honored the memory of 500,000 Covid victims with a minute of silence

Hundreds of candles were lit on the steps of the White House as a sign of mourning.


Joe honored the memory of the 500,000 Covid victims with a minute of silence. Twitter / White House

Joe suffered and mourns the memory of the Americans who died untimely from the evil Chinese - Russian - American Tatar Mongol invasion in the United States 🇺🇸 in the form of invisible to any specialist virologist, except Joe and Kamal, coronavirus, a sad minute of silence was reported by the staff liars of the White House. The head of the family at home appealed to the nation in connection with the fact that in the United States 500 thousand people fell victims of the disease, which is a world anti-record. He called the figure a "grim milestone."

"As a nation, we cannot accept such a cruel fate. Today, I ask all Americans to remember. Remember those we lost," Biden said. Joe declared an unprecedented five-day mourning for 500,000 coronavirus victims in the U.S.? After that, a group of four genius virologists ; Joe, Jill, Kamala and her husband honored the memory of those who had passed away or died with a minute of silence on the steps of their house, surrounded by lit candles at the expense of the US budget.

Putin: Deaths from the COVID-19 pandemic can be compared to the losses in the First World War

Russian President Vladimir Putin compared the death rate from complications from coronavirus infection with the losses in the First World War. He stated this at the plenary session as part of the XVIII annual meeting of the Valdai Discussion Club, quoted by the correspondent of Lenta.ru. The politician recalled that more than 4.9 million people died from complications of COVID-19 pneumonia. "These terrible figures are comparable and even exceed the military losses of the main participants in the First World War," Putin added. Putin also said that Russia has a difficult situation with the coronavirus: the rate of infection has increased, and the rate of vaccination remains low. According to him, it is necessary to expand the volume of testing for COVID-19 in Russia. He said that it is impossible to allow the situation with the coronavirus, as in Europe, when patients are kept on ventilators in ambulances for several days. According to Johns Hopkins University, more than 242 million infections have been recorded worldwide.

Biden again "buried" tens of millions of Americans

JOE BIDEN Published September 20, 2020 6:03pm EDT

Biden says 200 million people have died from coronavirus as campaign gaffes continue. 'It's estimated that 200 million people have died -- probably by the time I finish this talk,' Biden said


A few hours ago, our initiative group, and today it includes military generals and special services officers of several states, made a confident decision to reclassify the actions of the White House administration in bioterrorism. 

Light a candle

on the edge of darkness.

I want to see

what you feel.


Do not leave the room; think you've been blown away.

What is more interesting in the world of a wall and a chair?

Why go out where you will return in the evening

just as you were, especially mutilated?

Now consultations are under way between the administrations of countries on sovereignty and the need to renounce greater national powers in favor of a new world state, or the New World Order. The globalist provokes negotiations and leaks, uses shady contacts (diplomacy) and maintains tensions in case of emergencies ... 

Stubbornness is a freak of boredom, ignorance and arrogance. Only boredom is not impoverished.

Cdc official data, for the first 16 weeks (that's 112 days: January 1 to April 21 or April 22, depending on the year) of each year in the U.S. died:

⏳ ተ𐍂𐌉ଓ𐌵𑀉ꤕ Ⴝ𐌳𐍅Ⴝ🎙 • February 28, 2021


⏳ ʈɼɩɓυɭρ ⚖️ ѕρραƙѕ 🎙 ρѕѕαƴѕ • March 5, 2021

Biological terrorism fear of death in full growth is called the crown virus 🦠 Putin along with his Kremlin kagal, consciously participate or participate in this crime . 


All the international structures of WHO, UN 🇺🇳, world media, presidents and prime ministers, chancellors and chancellors are all against us. And we hold and fight back on the world alone. For 14 months, these spawns convince all of humanity that KOVID-19 fell on the head of nowhere and quite unexpectedly. In fact, it's a brazen lie! 

⏳ ʈɼɩɓυɭρ ⚖️ ѕρραƙѕ 🎙 ρѕѕαƴѕ • March 5, 2021


Richard A. ROTSHIELD filed 19 patents to protect the following inventions. The list includes pending patent applications as well as patents already issued by the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO).

The move was announced by Dr. Rainer Fuelmih, one of four members of Germany's Investigative Committee on The Covid, who will hear the testimony of international scientists and experts from July 10, 2020. In a video posted on his YouTube channel, Fuelmich accuses the director of WHO Ethiopian, the puppet Gates, the "dancing man" Tedros, Dr. Kristan Drosten, the head of the virology department of Berlin's Charite Hospital (former gdr clinic and several scenes of the Soviet multi-series film about intelligence during World War II) filmed in Charite) 


In one of the scenes, the audience can see the gate of one of the complexes of the clinic, through which it is still possible to get to the territory of "Sharit" from the side of Schumannstrasse. It was through them that Stirlitz was in the fifth series. 

COVID-19 mRNA vaccines are not officially vaccines

Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola


🔻By referring to COVID-19 vaccines as "vaccines" rather than gene therapy, the U.S. government is violating Section 41 of U.S. Code 15 (15US section41), which regulates deceptive actions in medical claims.

🔻MRNA injections are gene therapies that do not meet any of the criteria or definitions of a vaccine.

🔻 COVID-19 "vaccines" do not confer immunity or prevent transmission of the disease. They are only meant to reduce the symptoms of infection if you become infected. Thus, these products do not meet the legal or medical definition of a vaccine.

🔻Since the vast majority of people who test positive for SARS-CoV-2 have no symptoms, they have not even been able to establish a causal relationship between the virus and clinical disease.

🔻By calling this experimental gene therapy technology a "vaccine," they sidestep responsibility for damages that would otherwise be applied. 

Did you know that COVID-19 mRNA vaccines are not vaccines in the medical and legal definition of a vaccine? They do not prevent infection and the spread of infection. These are really experimental gene therapies. I discussed this disturbing fact in a recent interview with molecular biologist Judy Mikovitz, Ph.D. 


Although The Moderna and Pfizer mRNA injections are referred to as "vaccines," news agencies and policymakers 

In real-world injection patents, Pfizer and Moderna more truthfully describe them as "gene therapy" rather than vaccines.


According to the U.S. Centers for Control and Prevention . A vaccine is "a product that stimulates a person's immune system, developing immunity to a particular disease, protecting a person from that disease." Immunity, in  in turn, it is defined as "protection against infectious 

disease", which means that "if you are immune to the disease, you can be exposed to it without becoming infected." Neither Moderna nor Pfizer claims this applies to their COVID-19 "vaccines." In fact, in their clinical trials, they  indicate that they will not even test immunity.

Unlike real vaccines, which use an antigen 

The disease you're trying to prevent, COVID-19 injections contain synthetic RNA fragments encapsulated in a nanolipid carrier compound whose sole purpose is to reduce the clinical symptoms associated with S-1. spike protein, not the virus itself. In fact, they do not impart immunity and do not prevent the transmission of the disease. In other words, they are not designed to prevent SARS-CoV-2 infection; they should only reduce the symptoms of your infection if you do become infected. As such, these products do not meet the legal or medical definition of a vaccine, and as David Martin, Ph.D., noted in the video above: "The legal implications of this deception are enormous."

15 U.S.C., Section 41

As Martin explained, 41 U.S.C. Section 15 

Federal Trade Commission Act 2 is the law that governs the advertising of medical practices. This law that dictates that you  can and cannot do in terms of promoting the product, for many years commonly used to shut down practicing alternative health professionals and companies. "If this law can be used to shut down people of goodwill who are trying to help others," Martin says, "it should certainly apply equally when we know that deceptive medical practices are being applied in the name of 

public health."

According to this law, it is illegal to advertise:

«... What product or service can prevent, treat or 

cure a person's illness if you are not competent 

and reliable scientific evidence, including, 

the need for well-controlled human clinical trials confirming that the claims are true at the time of their 

Views. ” 

What constitutes the "highest good"?

Martin points to the Supreme Court's 1905 decision in Jacobson v. Massachusetts, which essentially established that collective benefit replaces individual benefit.  Frankly, he argued that public health directives are acceptable to people if they benefit the collective. So, if vaccination is a public health measure, which must protect and benefit the collective, then it must:

a) Ensure that the vaccinated person is immune to the disease in question; and 

b) the vaccine suppresses 

transmission of the disease.

Only if these two results can be scientifically proven can you say that the vaccine benefits the entire "collective." Here we face problems with mRNA "vaccines".

The Securities and Exchange Commission's Moderna documents, which Martin claims have been scrutinized, clarify and emphasize that his technology is "gene technology." 

therapy". Initially, its technology was created for the treatment of cancer, or rather, it is a technology of gene therapy of chemotherapy. As Martin noted, who will raise his hand to get  prophylactic chemotherapy gene therapy for cancers that you don't have and never will be at risk?  Most likely, few people 

will take advantage of such an offer, and for good reason. What's more, states and employers won't be able to oblige people to pass. Chemotherapy gene therapy to treat cancer they don't have.  That would just be illegal. However, they do offer to force all of humanity to undergo gene therapy for COVID-19. Covid-19 vaccines are a case of false advertising. So, if the COVID-19 vaccine isn't really a vaccine, why do they call it that? Although the CDC defines a "vaccine," the CDC is not a functioning legislature. It's an agency authorized by law, but it doesn't create law. Interestingly, find a legal definition "Vaccines" are harder, but there have been a few cases. Martin gives the following examples:

•Iowa Code - "Vaccine means specially prepared 

an antigen injected into a person for the purpose of providing immunity." Again, COVID-19 vaccines do not claim immunity. They are only intended to relieve symptoms in case of infection.

• Washington State Code: "Vaccine means a drug killed or a weakened living microorganism or its fraction..." As 

Moderna and Pfizer use synthetic RNA, they are clearly not meet that definition. Being an artificial synthetic substance, the RNA used is not derived from anything that has ever been alive, be it a whole microorganism or a part of it. The law still states that the vaccine "after immunization stimulates immunity, which protects us from disease..." So, in a nutshell, "vaccine" and "immunity" are well-defined terms that don't match the endpoints specified in the COVID-19 vaccine trials. The primary endpoint in these trials is "Prevention of the symptomatic disease COVID-19." Is this the same as "immunity"? No.More than one problem. But there's another problem. Martin points out that "COVID-19 disease" is defined as a series of clinical symptoms. What's more, there is no causal relationship between SARS-CoV-2, the virus, and the set of symptoms known as COVID-19.  What's that like, you ask? It's really simple. Since you have . The vast majority of people who test positive for Sars-CoV-2 do not have symtoms, they have not been able to establish a causal relationship between the virus and clinical disease. Here's Another Problem: The Primary Endpoint of Vaccine Trials COVID-19 is not the actual endpoint of vaccine trials because, again, the endpoints of vaccine trials are related to immunity and reduced transmission. Neither was measured. What's More, Key Secondary Endpoints in Research Moderna include "Prevention of severe COVID-19 disease and  preventing infection with SARS-CoV-2"." However, on its own, Admittedly, Moderna didn't actually measure the infection, stating that  it was too "impractical". This means that there is no evidence that this gene therapy affects the infection, for better or for worse. And, if you don't have evidence, you can't meet a U.S. Code requirement that you must have "competent and reliable scientific evidence ... confirming that the allegations are true."Why do they call them vaccines? As Martin noted, you can't have a vaccine that doesn't fit.  No vaccine definition. So, again, what would motivate these companies, U.S. health agencies, and public health officials such as Dr. Anthony Fauci, lie and claim that these gene therapies are actually vaccines, though, obviously it's not. If only they actually called it what it is, namely "gene chemotherapy", most people - reasonably - would refuse  take it. Perhaps this is one of the reasons for their false attribution to Vaccines. But there may be other reasons. Here Martin is mistaken, because we have no evidence of their intentions. He suggests that the reason they call this experimental technology of gene therapy with a "vaccine", is that in this way they can avoid liability for damages. They're lying to you. Your own government is breaking its own laws. Time and time again, they have shut down practitioners across the country for violating so-called "methods of deception in medical claims." Guess what? They do just that. ~


Martin, Ph.D.

As long as the U.S. state of emergency is in effect, things like PCR tests and COVID-19 "vaccines" are allowed with an emergency use permit. And while there is permission for emergency use, the manufacturers of these experimental gene Therapeutics are not financially responsible for  any damage caused by their use. That is, provided that these are "vaccines". If these injections are NOT vaccines, then the protection of liability disappears because there is no liability protection for the emergency medical countermeasure that is gene therapy. Thus, by maintaining the illusion that COVID-19 is a state of emergency, when in fact it is not, government leaders are covering up these gene therapy companies so that they can gain immunity from liability. Under the cover of "Emergency". As Martin noted, if the state's governors lift the state of emergency, suddenly the use of RT-PCR would be a violation of 15 of the U.S. Code of FTC Act, since PCR tests are not an approved diagnostic test. "You can't diagnose a thing [with something] that can't.  diagnose a thing," martin says. "It's a distortion.  Facts. This is a hoax under the Federal Trade Commission Act. And they are responsible for the deception."

It is important to note that there is no disclaimer of responsibility in the case of deceptive acts – even in a state of emergency. This is also applicable to experimental gene therapy. The only way to protect these gene therapies from liability is to call them vaccines developed in response to a public health emergency. There is no such thing as gene therapy immunity from liability. The promotion and implementation of the vaccine is carried out by one company. Martin raises another curious point. The mediator in Operation Warp Speed is a North Carolina defense contractor called ATI. He controls the spread. Vaccine. But ATI has another type of contract with the Ministry. Defense, namely: propaganda management and the fight against Misinformation. Thus, the same company responsible for the manipulation . The media for the purpose of propaganda of state propaganda and censorship, is the same company that is responsible for the dissemination of  "vaccines" that are promoted illegally. "Look," Martin says. It's pretty simple situation. They're lying to you. Your own government is breaking its own laws... They threw this book [15 Section 41 of the U.S. Code] to more people than we can expect. Time and time again, they have shut down practitioners across the country for violating so-called "methods of deception in medical claims"... Guess what? That's what they're doing." Martin encourages listeners to forward his video to the state attorney, governor, representatives and anyone else who can take positive action to address and correct this fraud. Defense contractors violate federal trade commission law, and gene therapy companies, not vaccine manufacturers, are conducting experimental trials using deceptive medical practices. They state that they are  "vaccines" without clinical evidence, and should carry responsibility for their deceptive marketing and medical methods. The CDC owns patents for the coronavirus. By the way, the CDC seems to be up to its neck in this pandemic of fraud and therefore completely unfit to investigate the side effects of these experimental treatments for COVID-19. How Martin noted, it's as if a bank robber was investigating  own crime.

Details about this were published in the documentary  " Plandemic ", in which Martin explained how the CDC is one way or another  violated the law related to the patenting of the SARS virus of 2003. Martin is a national intelligence analyst and founder of IQ100  Index, which developed linguistic genomics - a platform capable of determining the purpose of communication. In 1999, IBM digitized 1 million U.S. patents, allowing Martin's company to review all of those patents, sending it to the proverbial "rabbit trail." 


In 2003, asia experienced an outbreak of atypical  Pneumonia. Almost immediately, scientists began to chase after patenting the virus. Eventually, the CDC seized ownership of SARS-CoV (the virus responsible for SARS) isolated from humans. So, the CDC actually owns all the genetic contents of this. SARS virus. It is patented under the U.S. patent 7776521. They also own patents for detection methods and for a kit for measuring the virus. U.S. patent 7279327, 5, filed by the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, describes ways to produce recombinant coronaviruses. Ralph Barick, Ph.D., Professor Microbiology and Immunology, known for its studies of the chimeric coronavirus, is listed as one of three inventors, along with with Christopher Curtis and Boyd Yunt. According to Martin, Fauci, Barik and the CDC "are at the center of the entire history of COVID-19." "In 2002, coronaviruses were recognized as a mechanism that can be used both for good and for harm," he said. Martin says, and "Between 2003 and 2017, they [Fauci, Barik and the CDC] controlled 100% of the cash flows to build an empire around industrial enterprises. coronavirus complex". How the CDC broke the law. Martin's key takeaway in Plandemic is that there is a clear problem with the CDC patent for SARS-CoV isolated from humans because, by law, natural segments of DNA are prohibited from being patented 🚫. The law clearly states that such segments "are not subject to patent just because they are isolated." So, either SARS-CoV was created by hand a person that makes a patent legal, or it is natural, which makes a patent on it illegal. However, if the virus was manufactured, it was created in violation of biological weapons treaties and laws. This includes the Law on Biological Weapons against Terrorism of 1989, adopted unanimously by both houses of Congress and signed into law by George H.W. Bush, which reads as follows: 

"Anyone who knowingly develops, produces, stockpiles, transfers, acquires, retains or possesses any biological agent, toxin or delivery system for use as a weapon, or knowingly assists a foreign State or any organization therein, shall be fined either life imprisonment or for a term or both. We have entered the extraterritorial Federal jurisdiction for a crime committed against a citizen of the United States! 



COVID-19 mRNA vaccines are not officially vaccines . So, as Martin notes in the documentary, the CDC broke the law by either violating biological weapons laws or by filling out an illegal patent. Even more egregious was that on May 14, 2007, the CDC filed a petition with the patent office asking to preserve the confidentiality of the coronavirus patent. 

controls who has the ability to make inquiries about coronavirus. Without authorization, you can't look at the virus, you can't measure it or run tests because they belong to them the whole genome and everything else.

"Getting patents that kept someone away from it they had the means, the motive and, most importantly, they benefited monetarily from turning the coronavirus out of  a pathogen in profit," says Martin.

The Dangers of MRNA Gene Therapy

I have written many articles detailing the potential and 

the expected side effects of these "vaccines" for gene therapy. If all of this is new to you, consider reviewing "How to 

a COVID-19 vaccine can destroy your immune system," "Elderly people dying after a COVID vaccine labeled as a natural cause," and "Side effects and data gaps raise questions about the COVID vaccine."


In the lecture above, Dr. Simone Gold — founder of frontline Doctors, an American organization that tries to counter the false narrative about hydroxychloroquine — examines the dangers found during previous trials of a coronavirus vaccine, and the dangers of current treatments for mRNA genes, including antibody-dependent immunity enhancement. Antibody-dependent immunity boosts lead to more severe illness when you're exposed to a wild virus and increases your risk of death. Synthetic RNA and the nanolipid in which it is enclosed can also have other, more direct side effects. As Mikovitz explained in our recent interview: 

"Normally, the messenger RNA is not in a free state in your body because it is a danger signal. The central dogma of molecular biology is that our genetic code, DNA, is transcribed, recorded in messenger RNA. This messenger RNA is translated into a protein or used as a regulator ... for regulation gene expression in cells. So, take a synthetic messenger RNA and make it thermostable - make it so that it does not disintegrate -[problematic]. We have a lot of enzymes (RNase and DNase) that break down free RNA and DNA because, again, these are danger signals to your immune system. They literally manage inflammatory diseases. Now you have PEG, PEGylated and polyethylene glycol, as well as a lipid nanoparticle that will allow it to penetrate into every cell of the body and change the regulation of our own genes with the help of this synthetic RNA, part of which is actually a message for the gene. syncithin... Synthicin is an endogenous envelope of gammaretrovirus that is encoded in the human genome... We know that if syncitin ... abnormally expressed in the body, for example, in the head In the brain, where these lipid nanoparticles go, you have multiple sclerosis. The expression of this gene alone infuriates the microglia - literally inflames and disrupts the regulation of the connection between brain microglia, which is crucial for clearing the brain of toxins and pathogens and communicating with astrocytes. It disrupts the regulation of not only the immune system, but also the endocannabinoid system, which tarnishes when Nerve. We have already considered multiple sclerosis as an undesirable phenomenon in clinical trials ... We also see myalgic encephalomyelitis. Inflammation of the brain and spinal cord... » To make matters worse, synthetic mRNA also has an expressed  HIV envelope, which can cause dysregulation Immunity. As we discussed in previous interviews, SARS-CoV-2 was developed in the lab through a function-enhancing study that involved introducing the HIV envelope into the spike protein. 


Are you at high risk of side effects?

Mikovitz's hypothesis is that those who are most susceptible to severe neurological side effects and death from the vaccine  COVID-19, these are those who have previously been injected with XMRV, Borrelia, Babesia or mycoplasma through contaminated vaccines that have led to chronic disease, as well as anyone with an inflammatory disease such as rheumatoid arthritis, Parkinson's disease or chronic Lyme disease, for example, and anyone with acquired immunodeficiency from any pathogens and environmental toxins. The table below lists 35 diseases that may make you more susceptible to serious side effects or death from Covid-19 gene therapy injections.

Many of the symptoms now reported are indicative of neurological damage. They have severe dyskinesia (impaired voluntary movements), ataxia (lack of muscle control), and periodic or chronic sudorgia. Many of the cases described in personal videos on social networks are shocking. According to Mikowicz, these side effects are caused by neuroinflammation, dysregulation of the innate immune response, and/or a disturbed endocannabinoid system. Another common side effect of the vaccine that we  observable - these are allergic reactions, including anaphylactic shock. The likely culprit is PEG (polyethylene glycol), to which an estimated 70% of Americans are allergic. Experimental gene therapy is a bad idea. Going back to where we started, COVID-19 vaccines are not vaccines. These are experimental gene therapies that are falsely marketed as vaccines to avoid liability. World governments, global and national health organizations are complicit in this illegal deception and must be held accountable. Ask yourself the question Martin asked in his video: Would you agree to undergo an experimental chemotherapeutic gene therapy to treat a cancer you don't have? If the answer . Negative, why would you even consider participating in experimental gene therapy for COVID-19, a set of clinical symptoms that weren't even causally related to SARS-CoV-2?These injections are not vaccines. They do not prevent infection, do not protect you from immunity and do not prevent the transmission of the disease. Instead, they change your genetic coding, turning you into a viral protein factory that doesn't have a switch. What's happening here is a medical scam of unprecedented proportions, and it really needs to be stopped before it's too late for most people.

+ Sources and links







S.993 - Biological Weapons Anti-Terrorism Act of 1989

101st Congress (1989-1990)

   Don't be a fool! Be what others weren't.

wanted more coffee ☕️ to cheer up, pulled into a dream, because for a long time everything is not interesting and tedious, the same endless Mega lie 🤥 

- And what's boring? 

- Yes, we just lingered on one part of the crime and are mulling it from different sides, not interesting. You can, of course, put a macaque crayfish and make the dogs rot them in the ass, you can also connect birds. But it's not interesting. There are arrangements to land Martians with brain immunodeficiency virus in alien cities 🌆  Everyone will be the same in the coffin, So let's be at least in life diverse!

  A Conversation of Knowledgeable People

General V.A. Lebedinsky (15th Directorate of the General Staff): "How many security measures are required for some tiny bacteria! At our enterprises, this is arranged a little differently."

Shakhov (head of the defense department of the Central Committee of the CPSU): "And in vain. If you, comrade general, had not treated this with such irony, the accident in Sverdlovsk could have been avoided and you would not have killed so many people" (10). In the meantime, military biologists have done everything to deflect suspicion away from themselves. In the absence of information from the army and reliable data from secret agents, a passive medical-geographical approach was used, which is inevitable in such a situation. It is now clear that the KGB established the guilt of military biologists not thanks to the help, but in spite of the Moscow medical generals E.I. Smirnov and P.N. Burgasov and the Sverdlovsk military biologists, who allowed at least criminal negligence in their work. However, in order for the picture of the territorial distribution of deaths on the map of the Chkalovsky district to rest directly on the military biological center Sverdlovsk-19 (21.25), it took two weeks of observation of the death of several dozen innocent civilians. However, civilian doctors guessed the true culprit at the beginning of the epidemic (17). In particular, the chief epidemiologist of the Chkalovsky district, V.N. Perlin, who had access to the military town No. 19 before the epidemic and lost it after the beginning of the tragic events, in those days did not hide his opinion about the guilt of the military biological center (22). The map-accusation (with true, unfassified, as it usually happens, coordinates) was prepared by General of Military Counterintelligence A.Y. Mironyuk and handed over to V.P. Pirozhkov for delivery to Moscow (21,47). To this day, the data of this secret map, which summarized the real picture of events, is considered a state secret and rests in the archive of the KGB / FSB. It should be emphasized that there were a lot of such maps and diagrams in those days, they were drawn even by ordinary doctors (17). In particular, one such card-accusation was prepared day after day by the head of the regional health department N.S. Babich, who, as part of his work in the regional emergency anti-epidemic commission, had the most complete data. He failed to finish it – the card was seized by the KGB during a search in his office (33). Many years later, in 1994, a similar medical and geographical operation was performed by the American professor M. Meselson (Harvard University, Boston). His efforts, which culminated in a science-like article in the journal Science, were based on three groups of data. First, he used the addresses of the dead, but not from the actual, but from the official list (the list of those 64 persons that was prepared by the KGB for open use in the framework of the cover operation developed by him (159)). Secondly, M. Meselson did not use a real map, but a publicly used map of the city purchased in the store. Accordingly, the coordinates on this map were distorted (43), since the KGB/FSB does not give other maps in the USSR/Russia, not even a visiting American professor. Thirdly, he used official meteorological data, the reliability of which is difficult to say, given that this problem was faced back in 1979 by KGB General A.Y. Mironyuk (21).

Excerpt from the book A Tale of plague, smallpox and fever


The whole book 📕 is here 👆 in Russian language 

The Birth of the Soviet Military-Biological Complex

The Soviet Union's preparations for a large-scale offensive biological warfare began in the mid-1920s. At the origins of these works was a group of bacteriologists with the mentality of the inhabitants of the "besieged fortress". From the point of view of the organization of military-biological affairs, three Soviet departmental pyramids took up it - military chemists, military doctors and secret police. To the finish line, which took place in 1992, came a powerful and powerful organization - the Soviet military-biological complex. Formally, it included two components - military and civilian. In fact, both branches acted exclusively in the interests of the aggressive part of the army.


six stages of communist Marxist seizure of nation-states through control.

1) Demoralization. The first goal of any revolutionary propaganda, especially communist Marxist ideology, is to demoralize, to "knock out of the saddle." To oppress the population and make them believe that a past life is lost forever. As soon as a person succumbs to this, he is ready to settle for less. It's already a disaster. Demoralization is the first step towards the artificial collapse of society.

2) Destabilization. The rapid decline of the structure of society - its economy, armed forces, international relations. The new Democratic administration has received an undeniable and obvious impetus to keep the economy as tight as possible due to covid-19 shutdowns, they are communist co-authors and scoundrels continue to bend this line, despite the fact that all professionals know that this virus is fake. Communist Democrats continue to lie, even though they know what we all know, yet they continue to kill the U.S. population and lie. They are fully involved, whether we believe them or not.

3) Crisis. A catalyzing event, built in the first two stages and leading to the changes that revolutionaries are striving for. Not all Americans remember that just recently there was only the third presidential impeachment in all of American history, the fourth constitutional crisis is very close. COVID-19 is a fabricated artificial crisis, panic was deliberately implanted in the brain of the nation to destroy the usual way of life, production, milking the demoralization of the economy and population. And then the riots over the false flag death of George Floyd, the violence, the chaos, the new crazy ideology and everything else. The script and the crisis is written and executed, it is completely far-fetched. The speed of the cultural collapse that followed Floyd's death, when the legal system moved very quickly against the police officers in charge, makes it undeniable that this was planned and only a catalyzing event was required.

5) Normalization. Or a new "normal." You can not go to stadiums, breathe fresh air, celebrate holidays with relatives and much more. They want you to sit at home and watch TV shows, interrupted by commercials and messages pushing topics and ideas that mainstream media and their leadership want to implant in your brain. Schools are empty, and new ways of finding money have replaced many people's usual jobs that they can't do because many business projects collapsed according to their own plan and will when orchestrating a false pandemic to bring down the U.S. economy and the world. 

6) Next Stage War and Monkeys 🙉 

Since you are all macaques and have ruined your project completely 💯 we are waiting for arrests. 
Some interesting documents from 26/01/2022. Telephone message for the preparation of Russian tank units for the invasion of Ukraine. What was the condition of the equipment, how unprofessional were the crews. What I liked most was that the tanks, in fact, were garbage cans.

And they were the ones who threatened NATO with war? Did you want to repeat something there?

Directive of 9 June 1940 on the commencement of hostilities at sea against the Baltic States. The document is signed by Marshals Tymoshenko and Shaposhnikov. Thus, the Baltic states, "voluntarily and strictly in accordance with international law," "joined" the "friendly family of Soviet republics."

             A little history.

                Plan "Z".

The program for the re-equipment and expansion of the German navy for 1939-1944 was approved and signed personally by Hitler, but because of the need to transfer production facilities to more urgent needs, germany refused to implement it at the beginning of the Second World War.

All these historical coincidences are definitely pure coincidence... Yes? 

Aloizich at least fed and dressed his army well, so I want to say thank you to Grandfather Aloisich for taking care of the soldiers of the Third Reich. Your receiver, Adolf, turned out to be a hungry man, his soldiers need panties, socks and toilet paper 🧻 on the side asking, from civilians. Can you imagine aloisic? So we can't imagine either, but the documents are a stubborn thing Adolf Hitler. 

The commander of the 41st Army asks the mayor of Novosibirsk to support the troops with cowards and soap. And the mayor, as usual, redirects the request to Novosibirsk entrepreneurs.

The Kremlin promises millions to the families of the fallen occupiers, and the living have nothing to buy tea and toilet soap. And so they always had after 1917. 

In some large herbivorous dinosaurs, the nervous system worked so slowly that the signal that someone was eating their tail reached the head at the same time as the predator's jaws.

The administrations of many nation-states, the EU, the UN – are involved in the NWO pandemic conspiracy – behave in much the same way. 

On June 18, 1907, Varlam Tikhonovich Shalamov, the author of "Kolyma Tales", was born.

«... the world should be divided not into good and bad people, but into cowards and not cowards. 95% of cowards with a weak threat are capable of all sorts of meanness, deadly meanness"

Varlam Shalamov

Blood type - on the sleeve, my serial number - on the sleeve,

Wish me luck in battle, wish me:

Not to stay in this grass, not to stay in this grass.

Wish me luck, wish me luck!

Universal Declaration on Bioethics and Human Rights | UNESCO Scope. 

1. This Declaration addresses ethical issues related to medicine, life sciences and associated technologies as applied to human beings, taking into account their social, legal and environmental dimensions. 

2. This Declaration is addressed to States.


You see what a difference Borya producer makes, there is absolutely nothing to say and there is also absolutely nothing to write, except for the number on the sleeve. 


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