Moshiach's LongEst From Communism to Fascism 

Moshiach's LongEst From Communism to Fascism 

Ꭲriʙulᴇ Ꭺnᴀlyᴛiᴄᴀl Ᏼurᴇᴀu

Happy new work week and wishing so many a good trip to federal prison this week!  Rainer Fulmich on vaccination as a method of depopulation . "Vaccines are designed to kill and depopulate the planet. Covid vaccines are designed to conduct an experiment on the human race and find out what dose of an as yet unknown toxin is needed to kill people."

Depopulation: Farm. genocide on the march.  45,316 deaths 4,416,778 maimed after vaccination against [COVID19] in the European database of undesirable effects. Sudden death in adults (SAD) is a new category for denying vaccine deaths. Evidence of collusion and malfeasance: "They intentionally harmed you!" Pfizer, Moderna, J&J and AstraZeneca chose the spike protein for their injections. Isn't that amazing? Vaccine development usually selects the least harmful part of the body, the least human-like and the least likely to mutate, but the spike protein was the most harmful, the most human-like, and the most unstable choice of all. Dr. Mike Yidon: "So, for three reasons: acute safety, preventing any autoimmunity, and keeping you active for a long time, you would have done something different than what they did, and all four of them [Pfizer, Moderna, J&J, and AstraZeneca] did it! ... If I were trying to convince a judge with all the references to support what I just said, I would say, "This is evidence of collusion and malfeasance." They intentionally hurt you!"

President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky waited a long time for a visit to the nurse in the United States, but the orderly was in no hurry. And now Kiev has long accumulated too many specific questions personally to the orderly Bidon. 

  Bravo 👏👏👏👏👏👏Madame XY🎉💐

Once they know the whole truth, they'll just "go crazy." Ed Dowd: "Those of us who have not taken poison will not become cruel. The people they [state terrorists] need to worry about and who need to hire bodyguards to protect them are their own religious fanatics, and once they realize that they have been betrayed and poisoned, [they] will be the ones who go crazy." Crimes against Humanity: "These things will not stop until they pay a personal PRICE" . Ed Dowd: "These crimes are so hard and hard to hide that there will be such actions ... and if you look historically, that's exactly what [the revolt and physical destruction of the elites] happens at the end. I mean, you remember Marie Antoinette saying, "Let them eat cake." Well, the French Revolution ended badly for the elites."

Athletes fall, record life insurance deaths: On a clear and compelling basis, this is due to [Vaccines]. Bradford Hill's causality criteria are: Is there a big signal? Yes, an astronomical number of deaths.
Is there a temporary association?  Yes. It turns out that 80% of these deaths occur within a week. 50% will happen within a few days. Is all this internally consistent and are there any misses?  Yes. Blood clots, heart attacks, myocarditis and so on. Does this fit outwardly?  Yes. Record life insurance deaths and a record number of athletes who died on the field. Do randomized trials confirm this?  Yes. More deaths in the Pfizer vaccine group than in the placebo group.

Dr Peter McCullough: "More likely than not, and probably on a clear and compelling basis, vaccines cause the death of people who take them." Meanwhile, around the world, not only athletes continue to drop dead here and there, many of whom died, and many, including Olympic champions, have forever given up their sports careers, but also famous singers, TV presenters, also fainting, to the point that lists of dead and fallen are already being compiled (433 athletes with cardiac arrest, 256 died-by-the-name list, it's on January 1).

What is all this if not the depopulation program in action and its consequences? This is the real DEPOPULATION, which the WHO manager Gates and his accomplices rave about.

Putin and Biden at the summit in Geneva, June 16, 2021

Nurse Joe has long been telling us from the trimmed greenish reddish-brown lawn of the White House about inflation in the United States and possible famine due to putin. Prices are rising, it ⛽️ is difficult for people on wheels to fill gasoline into the tank, it is good that everything in our household is battery-powered, everything is electric: scooters, bicycles, and we fly on an airplane and ride a car for two years on a special order from Elon Musk May and joe's fuel ⛽️ prices do not concern us at all.

Weak you had 3 , Elon , weak and this with knowledge 325 on special order I tell you baby 

And this sweet fatherly from Joe was remembered by us, the kind heart of the orderly Joe, a virologist and top 🔝 physician with fatherly care and love for his Ukrainian son Vova warned him back in 2021 about Putin's attack, and the Ukrainian son suffered disobedience and treated the words of Joe's father's orderly frivolously, since only an illiterate and stupid writhed idiot could attack Ukraine. What is interesting is why such a caring orderly Joe, who has a huge civil service of a dozen intelligence agencies alone, including in space, with billions of dollars in US taxpayer budgets, did not warn ukraine's son Vova and his own US population that this stupid and illiterate terrorist Putin has been supplying a PCR test for Covid 19 since 2017. Here is a detailed video with a comment on screenshots of PCR shipments to all major countries of the world since 2017: volume, delivery price, dates.


Programming the need to prick, the script of this cheap wrote a moron in 2010, the cheap itself was filmed in the form of 🎞 a cartoon for idiots in 2014 for 7 minutes. Faust Episode 10: Forest and Cave / Gretchen's Chamber . Yeah, here's the big old news we have that we're informing Orderly Joe and his budget hangers-on about.

for two years now, even more. Here she is this international gang of international hospital 🏥 under the guise of an international bank run by the Bulgarian revolutionary Kristalina Ivanovna Georgieva with Karl Marx from Todor Zhivkov from Soviet Sofia and revolutionary greetings from the Soviet  Ethiopian who terrorist, sorry us, we can't remember the name of this Hamitic macaque.

Hot American-Jewish-Slavic case of a state gang of international biological, biochemical, agricultural state terrorists. On the International Bank's "COVID-19 Test Kit" page, the description at the top now reads: The data here track previously existing medical devices that are now classified by the World Customs Organization as critical to tackling COVID-19.

5 years have passed, and the intelligence of the orderly Joe is silent that these false tests were produced on the territory and enterprises of the United States and Western Europe in 2015 and 2016. ALCHEMIST and Elixir Fausta, episode 10 . Just after watching David, apparently along with Marina Abramovic, David Rockefeller was inspired by his masterpiece LocStep. After all, it was in this movie that SITUATIONS were created among the population for the production of false drugs and vaccines for the sake of PROFIT PHARMA! The film is 2014 and is written around 2010. The false covid special operation 😷 is a 100% communist fascist project of real demon degenerates. The false covid special operation 😷 is a 100% communist fascist project of real demon degenerates. And the Bulgarian international revolutionary terrorist chief doctor of the world hospital 🏥 (bank 🏦) Kristalina Ivanovna Georgieva is one of the main sponsors of national biological - agricultural state terrorists.

We admit bell pepper 🫑 the doctor of their WB is not alone 😿. Putin's registration of the PCR test began generally 5 days before the appearance of the strain of the virus and 10 days before the appearance of the first patients.

This is a registration certificate for one of the first in the world and the Russian Federation, PCR tests for the well-known fashionable virus. On 6.03.2020, the certificate has already been received by the manufacturer, the Center for Strategic Planning and Management of Medical and Biological Health Risks of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation.  And the second date - the registration dossier of filing the document - 21.02.2020. 

       Chronology of events. 

On December 24, the Central Bank of Wuhan sent a sample of bronchoalvelary lavan fluid (not purified 🦠 virus) from an unauthorized clinical case to the sequencing company Vision Medicals. On December 27 and 28, Vision Medicals informed the Central Bank of Wuhan and the Chinese CDC about the results of a test showing the novel coronavirus. And on January 3, Chinese services reported 44 cases of pneumonia to the WHO (total) in the city of Wuhan, Hubei Province. Someone called the pathogen a coronavirus that had not previously been detected among the human population. On January 30, 2020, in connection with the decision of someone that there was an outbreak of no one isolated the virus, it was suddenly called Covid-19 😷 and the WHO declared an emergency of international importance in the field of health. COVID-19 PANDEMIC .26 FEB 2020, 16:51 Updated 26 Feb 2020, 17:42. Golikova: Russia did not get the coronavirus strain from China.

And from whom did you get Madame Arbidol?  Russian scientists have received a strain of coronavirus, now they are developing an appropriate vaccine, Deputy Prime Minister Tatyana Golikova told reporters on Wednesday. "We have a strain. We got it," Golikova said, adding that the strain was not obtained from China.  On February 26, Russia received the strain, and the documents for registration of the PCR test were submitted to it five days earlier? How can it be Tanya? The test should not only be done with an understanding of what exactly it is performed, but it must be tested, undergo clinical trials. What did you register? There is no virus. And your first patient in Russia will appear only on March 2.  Researchers from the Federal State Educational Institution "CSP" of the Russian Federation for 21 days from the start without any virus not only invented and invented their PCR test, but also prepared a whole package of documents for a new medical device?

The Language of Symbolism.

Hidden Masonic symbolism of the National Institutes of Health, which is headed by the granddaughter of Leon Trotsky in the United States and in which the message 666 is actually encrypted.

Meet Dr. Nora Volkov. This forces us to dig into the CDC (which acts as an independent organization, like the Federal Reserve), whose actions are copied by the WHO, and to which it actually obeys. I wonder how many people died from an overdose of fentanyl while she was on duty?

After the death of his father and the arrest of his mother, the upbringing of little Yulia Sedova-Rubinstein was carried out by her grandmother and grandfather on her mother's side.

Meanwhile, the three defendants Draghi, Scholz and Macron are going to go to Kiev on June 16.

Ethics in German allows the killing of infirm old people. The German Institute for Disaster Medicine instructed in 2020 to selectively kill its patients: "Patients over the age of 80 who require mechanical ventilation receive rapid care at the end of their lives in the form of opiates and sleeping pills from emergency services." Remarkably, this was sanctioned by the German "Ethics Committee", which is also stated in the document.

What will you go with uncles - Lyali ? 

The WHO is run by a terrorist, a black Hitler. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, who is on the international wanted list on charges of terrorism and genocide in Ethiopia. Nobel Peace Prize nominee has filed a complaint with . The International Criminal Court in this regard. In addition to being a doll of the pedophilia king Epstein Gates on his behalf, he is also a member of ter. the organization of the "Tigray People's Liberation Front", which was classified by the US government as a terrorist organization in the 90s, and which is still listed in the catalog of the global database on terrorism. It is shameful to understand that for 2.5 years the national administrations, de facto killers and domestic terrorists have been carrying out the instructions of this Soviet Ethiopian terrorist.

      Get ready at Moshiach Parish 

Moscow 1992, banner near the house of the government of the USSR (rf404)

Well, the visualization to you of this bearded man in a hat, calling Father Makhno to the world coronation immediately. For the fullness of the feeling of a new week. 

In Russia, there can be only one holiday. Everyone knows which one, but they don't know when

On Russia Day, police detained at least 47 people. Among them, 35 activists were detained in the Moscow metro using the Sobyanin facial recognition system. Police told them that they were wearing a "Day of Russia" orientation. The rest are for anti-war actions and pickets.

In Yekaterinburg, a monument to Putin's swastika, welded from railway rails, was solemnly opened.

From the outside, it looks like this: this country is completely, but does not want to notice it.

A UK government report, clearly compiled by the two Lords of the Swans, said all UK airports should be closed for the next 10 years, beef and lamb should be banned and the construction of new buildings should be halted. And all this in the name of climate change, in the name of meeting the legal obligation to zero emissions by 2050.

The report states that all airports should be closed between 2020 and 2029, with the exception of Heathrow, Glasgow and Belfast airports, which can only remain open provided that transfers to and from the airport are carried out by rail. All remaining airports must be closed between 2030 and 2049, as every UK citizen must "stop using aircraft" for a significant period of time to meet the legal zero emissions obligation by 2050. In addition, the report states that in order to comply with the law on climate change, the public must stop doing everything that causes emissions, regardless of the source of energy. According to the report, this will require people to never eat beef or lamb again. Beef and lamb consumption will fall by 50% between 2020 and 2029. Then, between 2030 and 2049, beef and lamb will be "gradually" eliminated from the plebs diet altogether. The report also confirms that the construction of new buildings should be stopped by 2050. The bottom line is that any asset that uses carbon will have virtually zero value in 2050.  The report was released in November 2019 and prepared by the UK Fires organization, created as a result of a collaboration between the universities of Cambridge, Oxford, Nottingham, Bath and Imperial College London and the FSB GRU RF 404, where the infamous Professor Neil Ferguson lives. This is the same mathematician from Imperial College, a member of Sage's special group, whose checkmate. the computer model [COVID19] changed the world and served as the basis for terrorist attacks in all countries of the world in the form of anti-Covid measures, claimed thousands and thousands of lives, broke thousands and thousands of destinies, launched businesses, farmers and more than one household around the world and generally brought a lot of grief to our World.

Communist Nazi George , 2015. 

"I hope there will be more opportunities for political reform, then you can have a New World Order in which China will be a very important member, a major power, and this will be a positive result..."The communist NWO is two mausoleums: Beijing and Moscow with a small clique of WEF degenerates who have invested in a study of "strengthening the functions of coronaviruses" in Wuhan, in a project to track HIV for young prostitutes in China and in the construction of a laboratory in Wuhan. David Rockefeller, scientists from Russia and the United States. , and the narrow-eyed grandchildren of Mao Beijing's communists gave only safe territory and conditions for preparing a terrorist attack on the world 🗺.

Time for heart examination in the EU decreased (from 8 months): normalization of sudden adult death syndrome (SADS)

Newspaper headlines:

🔻 "A young woman practicing machetes in a gym and taking 10,000 steps a day dies suddenly in her sleep"

🔻 "A lacrosse college player from Long Island has died at the age of 19"

🔻 "A bride, 30 years old, found dead in a tanning salon in Swansea after she fainted with a suspected heart problem"

🔻 "Healthy young people are suddenly and unexpectedly dying of a mysterious syndrome – and doctors are looking for answers with a new national registry."

Unless it's NWO farm. genocide, that then NWO farm. genocide?

Depopulation: Farm. genocide on the march. 

45,316 deaths 4,416,778 maimed after vaccination against [COVID19] in the European database of undesirable effects.

Sudden death in adults (SAD) is a new category for denying vaccine deaths

Evidence of collusion and malfeasance: "They intentionally harmed you!"

Pfizer, Moderna, J&J and AstraZeneca chose the spike protein for their injections. Isn't that amazing?

Vaccine development usually selects the least harmful part of the body, the least human-like and the least likely to mutate, but the spike protein was the most harmful, the most human-like, and the most unstable choice of all.

Dr. Mike Yidon: "So,…

The WHO is run by a terrorist, a black Hitler. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, who is on the international wanted list on charges of terrorism and genocide in Ethiopia. Nobel Peace Prize nominee has filed a complaint with

It is shameful to understand that for 2.5 years the national administrations, de facto killers and domestic terrorists have been carrying out the instructions of this Soviet Ethiopian terrorist.

For those who are already familiar with Barry and the vast amount of U.S. government spending on him, it shouldn't be a surprise that amounts go to no clear where.  $65,000 for hot dogs at one of the private parties organized by Obama. The amount looks absurd 

The Wikileaks leaked email shows the level of spending under this Soviet communist Barry, and this is just one of the events of its kind, "Chicago Hot Dog Friday": Re: Get ready for "Chicago Hot Dog Friday". 2012-10-19 08:00 GMT 


Re: Get ready for "Chicago Hot Dog Friday"

If we get the same "waitresses", I'm all for!!! Aarik S. Eisenstein

By: Fred Burton []

Posted: Thursday, May 14th, 2009 2:39 pm

I think Obama spent about $65,000 for a private White House party, and the money for Pizza came from Chicago, that we use the same channels?

By: Don Kaikendall []

Posted: Thursday, May 14th, 2009 1:59 pm

Let's celebrate all the hot dogs. Aaric, you can participate, well!

Don R. Kaikendall



512.744.4314 phone

512.744.4334 fax


The person invited to join the party is Aarik S. Eisenstein, senior vice president of Stratfor. It is still necessary to clarify for the unsophisticated in the paranormal reader what a hot dog, pizza is, and why the word "waitresses" is enclosed in a letter in quotation marks. Is the term "waitress" a code for something more unappealing happening at these elite private parties?

A letter from John Podesta, Hillary Clinton's main ally in her election race:


Date: 2015-09-03 18:17

Subject: Man, I Miss You

The next three months will be tougher than in Beijing. Between the 7th and 1600, not fun. I hope you can do it. I dream of your hotdog in Hawaii...

There are many questions about the contents of the letter:

Who dreams of a hot dog in Hawaii?

Why does this person refer to him when he writes "your hot dog", meaning he belongs to John Podesta?

Does Podesta have some secret exclusive "hot dog" on one of the Hawaiian Islands that ordinary people don't know about?

In fact, the seemingly meaningless sentences in Podesta's letters are code words and expressions previously pinned by the FBI as pedophile jargon:

🔻pizza = girl 

🔻hot dog = boy

🔻cheese = little girl

🔻pasta = little boy

🔻sauce =, etc. 

Replace the pedophile terms with the natural names of the "objects" used and everything becomes clear...

The check 🧾 discourages the U.S. taxpayer. Communist Barry sponsored satanic pedo parties with our tax money, being one of the main adherents of this nonsense. Barry floods again and tells where he really is from.  The legitimate president of the United States can only be born in the United States. However, this dark boy is not known where he was born and who, among other things, is also a pedophile. Was he born in Kenya ? It would seem to be rude, but how he divorced everyone, how he still made everyone and washed. 

The original birth certificate was obviously concocted in Photoshop. 

In the 0:19 sec video, he says, "... I wasn't born in the U.S. I came from Kenya... ".

🇺🇸VSD: The hepatitis B vaccine in the first days of life increases the risk of autism by 1135%.  According to National Health data published on 23.05.2020, the incidence of autism among Irish children is currently 4.3%, which is 82% more than in the last 5 years. One in 16 boys suffers from the condition.  American rates on autism are a bit behind those of Ireland, but I think only because the CDC is lying to minimize rumors and crisis.  In 2016, Judith Pinborough-Zimmerman, the CDC's chief investigator on the Autism Monitoring Network (ADDM), filed a federal disclosure lawsuit, accusing the CDC of regularly forcing its investigators to falsify data to cover up the autism pandemic. Half of autistic people will never go on a date, write a poem, play football, enter military service, pay taxes, vote, run, and so on. The total cost of caring for all registered autistic people in the U.S. is more than a quarter of a trillion dollars a year and continues to rise, forming crazy kickback percentages. Scientists at the EPA say the autism epidemic began in 1989, when the CDC dramatically expanded children's vaccination schedules, poisoning children's bodies with neurotoxins, including mercury and aluminum.  A 1999 CDC large-scale study of VSD — America's largest medical database — found that children who receive the hepatitis B vaccine in the first 30 days of life have a 1135 percent increased risk of autism.  However, because the CDC and Pharma knew that vaccines caused these kinds of side effects, they "hid" the VSD study, closed the VSD to independent scientists, and commissioned a bunch of rogue scientists, felons, and pharmaceutical biostudios to conduct a dozen fraudulent MMR studies purporting to "prove that vaccines do not cause autism."  They also blocked studies of all vaccines given to children under 6 months of age. Tony Fauci played a key role in this cover-up. Fauci distributes $6 billion annually in research grants and assures that research into the causes of autism will never be funded.  When the NIH Autism Coordination Committee voted in 2008 for $16 million to study the links between autism and vaccines. Fauci and Tom Insel killed this research. They committed one of the most serious criminal conspiracies in the history of mankind. The Sadistic Grip of the Communists and Their Public Health 

Robert F. Kennedy Jr.: "He owns stakes, very, very, very large shares, in almost all major farms. Companies. It then allocates to the WHO, in fact, about a billion dollars each year, but through Rotary International (Gates is pictured and in the center is the head of rotary), GAVI, SEPI and the Gates Foundation, but the combined [funding] is even greater than that of the United States, which is the second largest [sponsor of the WHO]. This gives it control over WHO policy, so the WHO analysis [is that] there is nothing that goes through the WHO that has not been pre-verified by the Gates Foundation... ".

Some of the defendants and the largest sponsors of WHO in 2021:

🔻USA - 1st place

🔻Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation – 2nd

🔻Gavi — 4th place

🔻Rotary International – 8th place

If you want to know the truth, always follow 💲the money. Among the recipients of dirty bloody money earned on the lives and blood of the innocent, a friend of the "king of pedophilia" Epstein, the eugenicist and the same pedophile, as many believe, Gates 

🔻the German Robert Koch Institute, whose lies are followed by the whole World;

🔻the famous Soviet Berlin Charité, the liar Navalny who "treated" the allegedly sent creature;

🔻the notorious "WHO" led by Gates' Ethiopian puppet, which received $ 4 billion;

🔻Merck & Dohme, one of the largest pharmaceutical companies in the world, received $ 6 billion

and a lot of magazines "Die Zeit", "Spiegel", BBC (40 million) and others, whose amounts there consist of at least 6 figures.

A former DARPA researcher said cell towers are used to transmit resonant brain frequencies that can disrupt the human brain, classifying one aspect of the technology as "synthetic telepathy."

He alleges that secret forces are deliberately engaged in "terrorist acts" against the general public by emitting dangerous frequencies in the area of St. Petersburg/Orlando/Tampa, Florida. 

Education: Princeton University (Ph.D.), Computational and Applied Mathematics; Computational physics and low-dimensional modeling of dynamical systems; turbulence theory.

Work experience: Los Alamos National Laboratory member October 2001–August 2004 (2 years 11 months) Los Alamos, New Mexico; Research Fellow at the Howard Hughes Medical Institute 1999–2001 (2 years); Visiting Fellow of the Courant Institute for Mathematical Sciences, New York University; Research position at the Howard Hughes Medical Institute is computational physics for molecular biology, quantum chemistry, and fluid dynamics. Here are the contents of some of the emails That Batcho sent to the relevant U.S. federal agencies.  Paul Batcho > April 8, 2016 8:08 PM: Office of Telecommunications Threat Protection, National Security Service. "I would like to draw your attention to the constant threat posed by the transmission of malicious messages from cell towers in central Florida and Tampa, St. Petersburg. It's not clear to me if this is related to USCENTCOM in Tampa or if it's targeting U.S. civilians.  I'm a former scientist at Los Alamos National Laboratory in New Mexico, where I had A Q-Clearance for several years (this is permission from the U.S. Department of Energy to access Top Secret Data with restricted access). I've also worked on DARPA research projects. I have a phD from Princeton, now I live in St. Petersburg and work... (Personal information deleted). I think I came across an advanced technology that I would call synthetic telepathy. It clearly uses cell towers to transmit illegal signals. 

It sounds incredible, but it's a real technology used against U.S. civilians. My fundamental research shows that such technology can exist, and goes back to the V2K (P300) mental wave technology of the 1970s. It seems to be a much more advanced version that allows for open communication between the human mind and the bridges of the mind.  Please forward my email to the appropriate department of security of the Ministry of Defense. I would like to see this issue investigated. The human brain appears to transmit and receive in the radio frequency range of about 450 MHz, and microwave transmission can be very disruptive due to the induced bioeffects. Please also forward my email to any CIA or U.S. technology team that may be investigating similar technologies.  It is quite clear to me that such technologies exist. Please feel free to contact me. I can offer some background and technical information. Thank you. Paul F. Batcho, Ph.D. St. Petersburg, Florida 33701". 

"DARPA Security & Intelligence. Ladies and Gentlemen, I would like to draw your attention to the fact that the technology based on the patents listed below is illegally used on cell and microwave towers in St. Petersburg/Tampa/Orlando, Florida. Please bring this matter to the attention of the security service and the relevant contractor for said technology. The technology is clearly being used by a non-U.S. government group with lethal intent on civilians. I believe that this case requires serious and immediate attention."

Thursday, March 31, 2016, at 9:57 p.m.

"Please note: the threat is in the area of St. Petersburg / Tampa / Orlando. This is a continuation of my previous letters about the illegal transmission of cellular and microwave signals through transmitting poles.

The technology used is clearly based on the methods outlined in the following microwave-based patents aimed at the frequencies of the human brain. Active technology has been in use for about three and a half years. 

1992 and 1994 patents funded by DARPA, U.S. Patent No. 5,123,844. June 23, 1992 U.S. Patent No. 5,289,438. Feb. 22, 199

These systems stimulate the brain with radio frequencies and waveforms. It is not cdma transmission 450MHz:450MHz-470MHz. There is illegal use of various deadly aspects of the technology. The technology is active and civilians are exposed to harmful health effects.,123,899.PN.&OS=PN/5,123,899&RS=PN/5,123,899

Please investigate the transmission of different frequencies of signals in the 450MHz band. Range from 437MHz to 478MHz with peaks...".

Rich Farver was a 29-year-old assistant professor of political science at san Diego State University (SDSU), where he earned his master's degree, and died of glioblastoma (GBM) brain cancer on October 11, 2008. 

Rich's mother, Virginia, began her investigation to find out why. Virginia found that several students and staff were dying on the campus of San Diego State University from various types of cancer. Virginia was later told that Rich's cell phone was the culprit. 

Soon after, she found an article titled "Brain Cancer Cluster on the Campus of San Diego State University." Virginia met off campus with several of the professors mentioned in the article. The professors told her that they had asked for a toxicological study because there was a huge cell tower next to the building where Farver lived and eventually died.

Studies by Virginia and others have shown that millions of people are at risk because of mobile towers installed on the territory of universities and schools.

Report Page