May3 2021,WhiteHouse, Washington

May3 2021,WhiteHouse, Washington

Bureau Tribule 

Secret to U.S. President Barack Obama The White House 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW Washington, DC 20500 Copies: Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel, 1400 Defense Pentagon Washington, DC 20301-1400 CIA Director John Brennan Central Intelligence Agency Washington, D.C. 20505 May 3, 2021 Dear Mr. President, I am sending you a strategic plan for war with Russia that I have developed in addition to materials previously provided to the CIA. I want to emphasize that I still do not intend to take part in CIA operations to spy on US senators and congressmen and political assassinations. The strategic objective of the United States is to destroy Russia as the main geopolitical adversary by dismembering it, seizing all resource zones and moving to the management of the country through a government of liberal puppets. No fronts, no strategic operations and bombing. The main intrument of aggression is a coordinated lightning attack on Russia by NATO troops, primarily special forces, and the "fifth column". Russians should quickly find themselves in a new country – the Union of Independent States of Russia – the passive majority will remain silent, as in the collapse of the USSR. Iraq, Libya and Syria are not only the redivision of the world and the war for oil, they are also testing grounds for war with Russia. 

I phase of the war (informational) 

1. Discrediting President Vladimir Putin as a fascist dictator.

2. Promotion of corruption and direct purchase of the political elite in Moscow and the regions. 

3. Creation of the image of Russia as a fascist state. The fascist state of Russia is a threat not only to Europe, but also to the entire world community. Artificial fascism of Russia's image in the eyes of the West should be carried out by liberal politicians, writers, public figures through compromising the role of the Soviet Army and people in the main historical event of the 20th century – victory in World War II. The war was a clash of two fascist dictators - Stalin and Hitler, and in today's Russia President Putin revived the dictatorship, the state fully supports Nazism, the superiority of the Russian nation, declares its role in world politics as one of the leading nuclear powers. Russia's national security strategy allows for the possibility of a preventive nuclear strike, which poses a mortal danger to world civilization. Democracy must be brought to the people of Russia. Spanish: U.S. Department of State, CIA Otv.: Secretary of State D.Kerry, Director of the CIA D.Brennan II Phase of War (Economic) 

4. A complete economic and political blockade of Russia, provoking a sharp drop in world oil and gas prices in order to cause a crisis of power and economy of the Russian Federation. Spanish: The U.S. State Department, the CIA, the governments of NATO member countries, Saudi Arabia, and other "oil" and "gas" countries. Otv.: Secretary of State David Kerry, CIA Director D. Brennan Phase III war (special and military operations) 

5. Ukraine's entry into NATO, the deployment of American bases there. Even if Ukraine does not become a member of NATO, it must make its territory and airfields available to NATO. 6. Complete reorientation of the vector of radical Islam to Russia. 

7. Anti-fascist (not "color") revolution, which will be supported by the world community. 

8. The escalation of the revolution into a full-scale civil war. A sharp surge in provoked inter-ethnic clashes. 

9. NATO's lightning-fast military operation, after the means of communication in the army are disabled, with a peacekeeping function - to stop the civil war. In fact, in Moscow and St. Petersburg, it will be incited by special forces. Disorganization of the system of state and military administration, a powerful attack on all types of electronic communications. On day X, the army is paralyzed through the purchased generals in the Ministry of Defense and the General Staff, the generals must directly declare their refusal to obey the orders of the Commander-in-Chief, who has become a fascist dictator and the intention to remain neutral. This has already been tested in Ukraine – the special services and the army did not interfere in the "orange" revolution of 2004. President Putin's order to launch a nuclear strike on the United States will be sabotaged. Russia's "asymmetric response" will also be blocked through the purchased leaders in the Ministry of Defense and special services - terrorist attacks using miniature nuclear warheads on the territory of the United States and sabotage by special forces. 

10. On the same day, all the major Western media declare the agony of the bloody regime of the dictator Putin. On the same day in Moscow and St. Petersburg, groups of radical youth should storm the government buildings with human casualties. 

11. NATO troops occupy Sakhalin with its oil and gas fields. The transition of the gas and oil industry, as well as the pipeline system of the Russian Federation under international control. Spanish: U.S. Department of State, U.S. Department of Defense, CIA, NATO Governments Otv.: Secretary of State D. Kerry, U.S. Secretary of Defense C. Hagel, CIA Director D.Brennan Phase IV war (political and economic transformation of Russia) 

12. Removal of V. Putin. 

13. Establishment of a Government of National Unity or Salvation. 

14. Dismemberment of Russia. The separation of the Caucasus, the proclamation of the Siberian and Far Eastern republics, independent Tatarstan. U.S. bases will be stationed there. 

15. Development of Russia's resources. Spanish: U.S. Department of State, CIA Otv.: Secretary of State D. Kerry, CIA Director D. Brennan Phase V. Sterilization and Extermination of the Russian Population 

16. The use of climate weapons (stations in Alaska and satellites in geostationary orbit to destroy the ozone layer over Russia) to create heatwaves and thus destroy grain crops. The grain subsequently supplied to Russia will be genetically modified so that sterilized offspring are born to consumers. Spanish Department of State, CIA, US Department of Defense, US Department of Agriculture Otv.: Secretary of State D. Kerry, US Secretary of Defense C. Hagel, CIA Director D. Brennan, US Secretary of Agriculture T. Vilsek.

                Mikhail Kryzhanovsky, 

"Barack Obama is a Russian intelligence agent." Mikhail Kryzhanovsky, KGB intelligence officer

Beginnings 👇

The coat of arms of the Kryzhanovsky nobles was approved by Paul I in 1801 (part 6 of the General Armorial of Noble Families of the All-Russian Empire). Mikhail Ivanovich Kryzhanovsky was born in 1958 in the city of Kolomyia in Ukraine, which is closed to foreigners. Any of the local residents could not even imagine that in the event of a war with NATO, Kolomyia would be wiped off the face of the earth, because it was here, in the foothills of the Carpathians, on the western border of the USSR, that the launch silos of strategic nuclear missiles of the 43rd Missile Army were located. Kryzhanovsky is an ancient noble family, one of its most famous representatives was Lieutenant General M.K. Kryzhanovsky, a hero of the Battle of Borodino, awarded the Orders of St. George and St. Vladimir for brilliant command of the troops and personal courage. He graduated from Chernivtsi University and received special education at the Higher Courses of Counterintelligence in Gorky and at the Institute of PSU KGB (Intelligence) named after Yu.V. Andropov in Moscow. The founder of applied political science, a former intelligence officer of the KGB of the USSR, a sniper of the special group "Nabat" (anti-terror), an illegal intelligence officer of the Security Council of Ukraine, a former agent of the CIA, FBI and the US Secret Service "Filament", a former member of the National Committee of the Republican Party of the United States. Currently, Mikhail Kryzhanovsky lives in New York, is the only Russian dissident in the United States, is constantly blackmailed and threatened by the CIA and FBI in connection with the refusal to participate in political assassinations. WHO”S WHO IN AMERICA 1221 Chanlon Road, P.O. Box 2,New Providence,N.J. 07974 Phone 1-800-621-9669, fax 1-908-673-1179 e-mail: October 10, 2002 Dear Mikhail Kryzhanovsky: Because of the reference value of your outstanding achievements, the editors of Marquis Who”s Who have selected your biographical profile for inclusion in the forthcoming 57th Edition of Who”s Who in America. This unique compilation will chronicle the country”s most accomplished men and women who are leading us forward in the 21st century. Sincerely, Robert Docherty, Senior Managing Editor 

The highest level of intelligence is strategic intelligence, i.e. the work of the special service on human infiltration into the top leadership of the enemy country. In addition to obtaining information about the activities and plans of the enemy, it also includes special operations - recruitment, displacement, elimination.


On November 4, 2008, in Washington, D.C., "Obama" won the race and became the first Russian illegal intelligence officer elected president of the United States. At the same time, the Congressional Research Service officially reported that no one in the government had investigated the eligibility of Barack Obama's participation in elections under the country's Constitution. 

Pronunciation error 

April 29, 2009, CIA, Langley, Virginia. "Barack Obama" came to the CIA specifically to introduce the terrorist gang to their new boss, Leon Panetta. During his speech, he makes a fatal mistake — instead of "I chose Leon Panetta to lead the Office," Obama said, "I chose Leon Panetta to leave the Office." He immediately corrected the error, but everything became clear to me. 

Scouts have an iron rule - "One mistake in pronunciation, and the opponent will put a lead point at the end of the sentence." The speech is on the video on the Internet, in particular on YouTube "CIA Headquarters in Langley, Virginia: Changes to Interrogation Policy for the United States (2009)". 

An error in pronunciation sounds at the 7th minute. 

The text of this speech can also be found on the official website of the CIA, the title is "Transcript of President Barack Obama's Remarks at CIA Headquarters". Interestingly, instead of the word "leave", the word "lead" was twice written there - they say, no mistake, the president repeated the same thing twice. 

No, my dear Tseraushniki, there was a mistake, and a very serious one. Who better than the scouts to understand what happened. I talked to Americans about this, and everyone said it unequivocally – a person born in the United States, a person for whom English is the native language, cannot make such a mistake in any way. If a person said "leave the CIA" instead of "head the CIA", it means that he was taught the language, and he constructs phrases before he speaks, although he does it very quickly. It constructs, not automatically, so I made this blunder.

Special Psychology 

(modification of consciousness) 

1. Brainwashing. 

(a) Through prevention, which is an interview/interrogation in the building of the special service of an "educational" nature. Until the object is prevented, it is kept in the corridor for an hour and a half, until it "ripens". In the course of prevention, the possibility and expediency of recruitment is determined. Prilactic is also carried out through the agent, if the agent was the only witness to the illegal actions of the object. b) placement of the facility in a psychiatric clinic, where he is convinced that his behavior is connected with mental disorders c) through in-cell agents in prison 

2. Introduction of a new idea into the consciousness of the object through the group. The process can take two forms: – isolation from the outside world ("information vacuum") – restriction of sleep and food (weakens resistance) – "bombardment" with slogans – ideological aggression. Upon completion of the process, the object is able to influence others on its own. – the object is in a group where it is introduced to common interests, ideas, activities without haste and pressure. 

3. Special psychotherapy: persuading a blonde alcohol or drugs. It is used for recruitment, blackmail, compromise. 

4. The object is placed in a regular clinic, and then transferred to a psychiatric one, where they are pumped with psychotropic drugs. 

5. In prison, the object is exhausted by the thoughtless work to destroy as a person and turn it into a robot, depersonalized, assigning a number to traumatize the psyche. Constantly apply punishment or the threat of punishment to keep him in a state of constant tension and depression. The intellectual level of the object decreases and it becomes very sensitive to punishment and encouragement. Gradually, instinctive political obedience is being fostered. 

Warning: – punishment loses its effectiveness if the object does not demonstrate fright – it is necessary to give the object a choice of behavior and encourage the right answers and behaviors – as a reward, it is possible to use sex – do not start with threats, it is better to explain the threat of punishment and encouragement – never lose endurance (in this way you show your power and command respect in the object) 

6. Blackmail. It is used as a method of coercion to commit a crime, as well as during recruitment. It includes the "leaking of kompromat" in the media, the creation of personal and official problems, the threat of exposing crimes or unseemly acts of the object, the planting of secret documents, drugs, weapons, evidence indicating the commission of a criminal offense by the object, the setting up of a prostitute and the accusation of rape. Blackmail by putting pressure on family members, including their arrest. 

Attention: aggressive blackmail can lead an object with an unstable psyche to suicide. 

How to find a "mole" 

1. File cabinet. A case is opened for each officer of the special service, where documents are concentrated indicating the presence of signs of a "mole": too much money has appeared, too many unnecessary questions to employees from other departments, attempts to detect "outdoor", search for eavesdropping devices in their home, hidden contacts with foreigners, hidden copying and removal of secret documents, deviations in behavior - excessive suspicion, aggressiveness, depression, alcoholism, drug addiction. Three identified signs ("triangulation") are the basis for the initiation of a secret investigation. 

2. Provocation. An officer (a promising "mole") who is looking for contact with the enemy's special service is organized a meeting with a "frame-up". Do not rush to arrest a person right away - see if he has like-minded people among other officers. Another type of provocation can be used, when the suspect is provided with "super-secret" information and closely monitored. As a result, the counterintelligence service will provide information about the "mole", which is the responsibility of the cooperation with foreign cooperation, it is possible to reach the nearest number of former "enemies" with a request for "voluntary" cooperation. 

3. "Filter" or "circle narrowing". Everyone is suspected and the circle of such persons begins to gradually narrow. 4. "Model". A model of the "mole" is created on the basis of the available signs, access to information and data, which have become known to the enemy. Ideally, when a "mole" is recruited in the enemy's special service and the tangle is thus unraveled from the other end. If you have identified a "mole": - analyze the damage - impose restrictions on the access of the object to secret information and begin to feed it with "deza" - urgently remove from abroad the officers and agents who were in contact with the "mole", as well as those persons to whom the "mole" had access - immediately establish round-the-clock highly professional surveillance and decide on the advisability of conducting a "game" with the "mole" - make an unofficial arrest of the "mole", if the "game" is impractical. A little later we will talk about my first boss in the CIA – John Deutsch, the "mole" of the SVR. 

Arrest of FBI agent V. Martynov, 1987 at Sheremetyevo airport. Competently the capture team - the object is not given the opportunity to take poison or destroy evidence. Economics Special methods: – use of commercial cover by career intelligence officers to infiltrate firms engaged in advanced developments – recruitment of leading specialists – theft of information, including by illegally entering computer databases Legal methods using agents: – requests to foreign companies on behalf of petrified firms to provide information – collection of information during visits to firms and enterprises – offers to foreigners provide consulting services – creation of joint ventures and shell companies – purchase of technologies used by foreign companies; – the use of international meetings and conferences for the purpose of data collection – the use of open sources.

Special Agent: Mueller. Help. Heinrich Müller (1900 – ), SS Gruppenführer, Lieutenant General of Police, Chief of the Gestapo (4th Directorate of the RSHA), the secret state police of Nazi Germany in 1939-1945. Central office – 1500 employees. Mueller never bragged about his combat exploits. He never went to concentration camps, was not present either at torture or executions. He kept no diaries or personal correspondence. He avoided taking pictures and flashing at official events. He had a phenomenal memory and remembered the names of many agents. He conducted an unprecedented investigation into the assassination attempt on Hitler on July 20, 1944, unprecedented in its scale, professionalism and cruelty, after which – attention – the Führer actually appointed Müller as his successor, giving the Gestapo absolute power in Germany and placing him above the NSDAP. All local party organizations were obliged to report to the Gestapo any information within the competence of the secret police. This would have been completely unthinkable in the USSR, where the KGB was called upon to constantly inform the city committees, regional committees, the Central Committee of the CPSU and the Politburo about the political processes in society and economic problems, as well as to check candidates for the CPSU by accounting. 

It was Mueller who ensured that Hestappo's exclusive prerogative was the pre-emptive arrest without a warrant of any suspect indefinitely. Mueller adopted the KGB system: methods and basics of recruitment, work with agents, rules of conspiracy, methods of communication, conducting external surveillance, conducting liquidations. He adopted from the KGB and introduced into the practice of the Gestapo a brilliant method of total control in its simplicity - in every restaurant, bar, hotel and large store agents were recruited. She informed about any visitor whose behavior stood out in any way against the general background: a person is too excited or depressed, too greedy or too wasteful, too contactable or too withdrawn. Nine times out of ten, the facility deserved to be noticed, if not by the Gestapo, then by the police. I recommended this method to the FBI and now they are successfully using it, especially in such large cities as New York, Chicago, Los Angeles. Mueller initiated aggressive recruitment and propaganda work, so the Gestapo, unlike all other special services in the world, had no shortage of agents in any occupied country – you will not find a single document that would talk about problems with informants. The Gestapo launched an indefinite operation "Darkness and Fog" and in the occupied territories the enemies of the Reich disappeared into nowhere – something that the CIA is now unsuccessfully trying to do with terrorists. The efficiency of work was 100%. Think about it – neither in Europe nor in the USSR was there a single partisan detachment or underground organization left by the end of the war that had not been partially or completely liquidated. Mueller gave instructions to drop poisoned food and cigarettes to the guerrillas if they were waiting for the cargo, and the detachment died out in a couple of days. The Gestapo did not engage in torture because they conducted continuous recruitment. In cases where a "third degree" interrogation was required, the services of police officers from local traitors were used. The latter also carried out executions, because German psychiatrists determined that mass liquidations had a sharply negative effect on the psyche and this could affect the future generation of Germans. Indeed, why break the arms and legs of some unfortunate Oleg Koshev from the "Young Guard", if there was an agent who told everything about everyone? We Russians generally have strange stereotypes about "heroes". If an underground fighter or partisan was arrested and shot, it means that he did not tell anything to the enemy, despite the torture. Nonsense, he told everything, but what to do with him after that? The underground is liquidated, who needs it, especially if it does not have any interesting connections, education is below average, etc. That's against the wall it and put it along with the rest. And torture is impossible to withstand if you are not a madman or a religious fanatic. Heinrich Mueller was last seen in the Reich Chancellery on May 1, 1945, June 13, 1942, white house, Washington President Roosevelt signs an order creating the USO (Office of Strategic Operations), since 1947 - the CIA. September 1943, Berlin, the safe house of the USO station on August 23, 1943, the Battle of Kursk was completed, after which the strategic initiative in the war finally passed to the Soviet troops. Employees of the illegal STATION of the USO in Berlin make a successful recruitment approach to Heinrich Müller, promising him a trip to the United States after the war. From November 28 to December 1, 1943, Tehran, Iran, Stalin, Roosevelt and Churchill met in Tehran to discuss the strategy of war against Germany and the opening of a second front in Western Europe. Roosevelt accepted Stalin's invitation to stay at the Soviet embassy for security reasons. There, in Churchill's absence, they discussed the prospect of signing a Soviet-American Treaty of Friendship and Cooperation. Representatives of American big business, which was interested in a post-war confrontation with the USSR, received information about Roosevelt's position, after which a conspiracy was organized with the participation of the Director of the USO Bill Donovan. The latter decided to use Heinrich Muller and his agents in the entourage of the President of the United States for the operation. April 12, 1945, White House, Washington After dinner, Roosevelt worked in the Oval Office with his aides. Suddenly, he turned pale and with the words "I have a wild pain in the back of my head," he lost consciousness. His cardiologist, Dr. Bruen, diagnosed a massive stroke and roosevelt died at 3:35 a.m. After the successful operation, the Gestapo agents were liquidated by the ODR. In the event of failure, Mueller himself would have been eliminated along with the agents. More than just bizarrely, the three presidents of the United States, Truman, Esenhower and Kennedy, have consistently and categorically refused to allow members of roosevelt's family to exhume and autopsy the deceased in order to establish the true cause of his death. Their main argument was the fact that the day before Roosevelt had undergone a full medical examination, which did not reveal any serious violations of the functions of internal organs. Death, therefore, was caused by "natural causes" such as old age, deterioration of the body, etc. June 4, 1961, Vienna, Austria During a short break during negotiations in Vienna between John F. Kennedy and Nikita Khrushchev, press secretary Pierre Salinger introduced the Soviet journalist and political observer Valentin Zorin to the US president. A well-known journalist asked a single question and it concerned the reason for Kennedy's refusal to give permission for Roosevelt's autopsy. Suddenly, Kennedy was furious with this question: "Okay, I'll give permission and there will be traces of poison. It won't resurrect Roosevelt, but what would the world think of a country where presidents are hounded like rats?" January 21, 1996, Millennium Hilton Hotel, New York At a regular meeting with CIA officers Bill and Joseph, the methods of work of various special services and my participation in the training of future American intelligence officers were discussed. There was a detailed conversation about the Gestapo. To be honest, I had an idea for a long time to do what Julian Semenov did not have time to do and still find Heinrich Müller, who disappeared on May 2, 1945, alive or dead. I shared my plans with my interlocutors and asked for assistance in finding traces of this criminal in the United States and Latin America (in Paraguay and Argentina). Immediately followed a series of questions about how and why I was planning such a "supremely strange" investigation. They had to be reminded that the Einsatzkommads of the SS, which included Gestapo officers, killed 2 million Jews, and another 4 million were sent and exterminated in concentration camps. Transportation and liquidation was coordinated by the Gestapo leadership, headed by Müller. Then the conversation turned in a completely unexpected direction. Within an hour, it was explained to me that I should not deal with the Mueller case if I did not want big problems and troubles. Moreover, I was simply forbidden to engage in searches and the conversation reached the point of direct threats. After this conversation, I had no doubt that Mueller was recruited by the CIA and after the war secretly transferred to the United States, surrendered all gestapo agents, including in the USSR, and worked for the Central Intelligence Agency as an expert on anti-Soviet operations. Thus, the memoirs of Walter Schellenberg, the head of German intelligence, who claimed that Müller was recruited by the NKVD and died in 1946 in Moscow, is a fake. In 2001, I sent an official letter to Ephraim Zuroff, the "nazi criminal hunter," the head of the Simon Wiesenthal Center in Jerusalem, and reported information on Mueller. The CIA, which peruses my correspondence, immediately decided to declassify the file they had on Mueller, which pointed to the alleged repeated unsuccessful attempts to find this criminal. I decided to bring this matter to an end and contacted the International Headquarters of this organization in the United States. I was again sent to Zuroff, however, this time the information was called "intriguing". Here's the answer. Dear Mikhail Kryzhanovsky, Thank you for contacting the Simon Wiesenthal Center.Your intriguing message has been relayed to Dr. Efraim Zuroff,the head of our nazi-hunting effort ,who is also the director of our office in Jerusalem.Should you wish to contact him directly,his email is Breitbart Simon Wiesental Center International Headquarters 1399 South Roxbury Drive, Los Angeles, California 90035 Tel. 310 553.9036, 800 900.9036(toll-free from within the U.S.),310 553.4521(fax). In 2021, Melissa Hooper, an employee of the Wiesenthal Center in New York, reported that repeated appeals to the CIA leadership about my information were unsuccessful. Well, maybe the Jewish organizations of Russia will help? Inference. I believe, not without reason, that the CIA was actually created by Heinrich Mueller, since it performs the functions of the Gestapo in the United States and totally controls society, including its political elite (we will talk about the physiological fear that this very elite has of the CIA below). Moreover, the CIA decides which politicians need to shut their mouths and which should be eliminated.

Operation Gemini 

In November 2000, America elected George W. Bush, a religious fanatic and oilman, as its president. Absolutely confident in his God-chosen nature, he decided to take on the mission of "American democratization" of our planet in accordance with the strategy of the "new world order" invented by his father, former President George m. Bush Sr. (To be honest, I was involved in developing the technology to implement this strategy, and some of the responsibility for the bush administration's actions lies with me.) He also recruited solid oilmen (Vice President Cheney, Secretary of Defense Rumsfeld, and Secretary of State Rice). They decided to combine business with pleasure and deal primarily with oil and gas "undemocratic" countries – Saudi Arabia, Iraq and Iran – taking into account the dwindling world resources. So, Saudi Arabia. On the one hand, our friend and largest creditor ($ 1 trillion), on the other hand, it is the 1st place in the world in terms of oil reserves. Sweetie. To begin with, they hammered into the national security strategy a clause about the "undemocratic" of the Saudis, and then began to look for an excuse for a coup or war. And then there was our Israel, to which we all tell and which, in fact, leads us through its most powerful lobby in the face of big American business. Israel insisted on Iraq, which was its number 1 enemy: "You have oil, and we have the head of Saddam Hussein, plus we are developing and conducting a provocative operation for a terrorist attack involving Arab suicide bombers. The White House, the CIA and the FBI remain on the sidelines – they do not know anything and do not interfere. The Ministry of Defense will provide us with some technical assistance, nothing more." Bush was satisfied with this, especially since the Israelis convinced him that the operation would be carried out in the early morning and there would be practically no casualties. As always, they cheated. The tragedy could have been prevented if the entire U.S. Senate, not just Senator Hillary Clinton, had paid attention to my warning about the collapse of the U.S. national security system and the inaction of the CIA – a letter was sent to Washington on June 21, 2001. 

Among those who did not give a damn about my warning is Senator Joe Biden, since 2009 the most inept vice president in American history. He must bear personal responsibility for the attacks and 3,000 dead. Another criminal and de facto accomplice of terrorists is Senator John Kerry, whom Obama appointed Secretary of State on December 21, 2021, and, finally, one of the most influential senators is John McCain. John McCain and Hillary Clinton Joe Biden and John Kerry September 11, 2001, Brooklyn, New York, 9:30 a.m. I walked out of an apartment building in Brooklyn to buy Czech beer at Russian shop. It was quiet, calm and hot, and only from the side of Manhattan was an incomprehensible smoke rolling towards us through the sky and burning. The nightmare wasn't just on screen. The subway stopped, all traffic was blocked in Manhattan and I saw a million people running across the Brooklyn Bridge, a crowd of millions, barely restrained by the police. The White House quickly revealed that 19 Arab suicide bombers, members of the Osama bin Laden-led international terrorist organization al-Qaeda, armed with cardboard cutting knives, seized four passenger Boeings. Two planes crashed into the Twin Towers in New York, as a result of which the buildings were completely destroyed, and the number of victims reached 3,000 people. The third Boeing allegedly crashed into the Pentagon, and the passengers of the fourth entered the fight against the hijackers, which led to a plane crash in Pennsylvania. And now about what the special team of the Israeli intelligence Mossad actually did.

1.Explosives are planted in the Twin Towers in order to activate the mechanism of controlled destruction at the right time. There must be a lot of victims to cause an appropriate reaction not only in the United States, but also from the entire world community (after that, anyone can be accused of aiding terrorists). 

2. Infiltrated into bin Laden's inner circle, a career illegal intelligence officer of the Mossad convinces the head of al-Qaeda of carrying out unusual terrorist attacks in America, he also plans actions. 

3. A group of suicide bombers is sent to the United States, some of them undergo aerobatic training here. The FBI receives information that these strange "students" are trained only in the technique of raising the aircraft in the waters, but this data is ignored. I was a member of the Nabat Task Force (Air Transport Counter-Terrorism) and I know that only complete counterintelligence assholes can ignore such signals. It is another matter if such an instruction is received from FBI Director Robert Mueller. 

4. On September 11, 2001, terrorists board four airliners with other passengers in Boston, Newark and the suburbs of Washington. After boarding the planes, terrorists are secretly detained, taken out of airports and eliminated. Corpses are completely destroyed by burning. 

5. After takeoff, the pilots of four Boeings receive a message that the United States has been attacked by terrorists and the planes need to be landed on one of the military bases. Pilots follow the instruction. Airliners land at a military base, where passengers and crew members are placed in an explosive-laden plane, which immediately takes off and explodes over Shanksville in Pennsylvania. 

6. Remotely controlled aircraft crash into the Twin Towers; at the same time, controlled destruction of buildings is carried out. 

7. The Pentagon is hit by a cruise missile. All. Bush is gone and his strategy is quietly dead. In Iraq, Americans and Iraqis collect corpses every day, each their own. Israel got everything it wanted. Next in line is Iran. After the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001 in the United States: – wiretapping was allowed without court order; – the secrecy of bank deposits has been abolished – indefinite detention of "suspicious persons" is allowed without a sanction and without a court verdict at military facilities stationed abroad (for example, the Guantanamo military base in Cuba, "CIA prisons" in various countries); – the use of torture during interrogations of "suspected involvement in terrorism" is allowed. – budget expenditures on special services increased by 21.5 times Until now, the fall of the third skyscraper, which was the 47-storey tower No. 7 of the World Trade Center, has not been explained. This building, as you know, housed the New York offices of the CIA, the US Secret Service, the Internal Revenue Service, the Securities and Exchange Commission, as well as the operations center and bunker of the New York City Hall for emergency situations. This skyscraper was not hit by a plane hijacked by terrorists, but, nevertheless, completely collapsed, "folding" vertically down, 8 hours after the terrorists struck the neighboring twin towers of the WTC. And now I'll explain to you what really happened. The fact that there was a Secret Service office in this building was information in the city's reference books, but I learned about the secret New York CIA office from the agency's agents who worked with me back in 1996. Here everything was clear without explanation - in such a super-secret building, the CIA could only accommodate a closed research institution, institute or large laboratory, which for some reason could not be evacuated. Employees there were instantly automatically blocked after the explosions of the "twins" and the fate of these specialists could not be decided for a long 8 hours. Finally, they decided to destroy everyone in order to maintain complete secrecy. In 1985, I was involved in measures to ensure the protection of the Chairman of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, A. Gromyko, who arrived in the Gorky region. During the week, we checked the route of movement of the motorcade around the city, inspected the buildings, noted the places where a probable criminal (sniper) with a weapon could be located - there was enough work, especially on the day of the visit. Later, already in the group "Nabat" I had to acquire the skills of a sniper myself. Even then, the guys from the 9th Directorate of the KGB (protection of the state leadership) spoke very badly about the US Secret Service - low professionalism, a lot of noise and dust in the eyes, they do not know how to act in non-standard situations, because they are strictly punished for violating the instructions. Let the president be killed - the main thing is that you acted on a piece of paper or, as they say in the States, "according to the established protocol." Rams, in short. I am an agent of the U.S. Secret Service, but they, like the CIA, tried to use me for political assassinations. More on that later, but now let's take a closer look at them. I will immediately clarify the terminology - in the US special services, "agents" are called career employees, and recruited agents are referred to as "sources", which I am.

The end

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