Bureau Tribule 

Investigation 🕵️ 

State biological terrorism, treason, attempted coup d'état. 


In the Louvre in Paris, once hung a painting by Friedrich Moritz August Rech "Shah and Checkmate". Currently, the canvas is in private hands, sold at Christie's auction in 1999.

Two chess players. One Satan and looks arrogantly opinionated. The other player is a man who looks miserable. If Satan wins, he wins the soul of a person. According to legend, and perhaps in fact, the story is as follows. The grandmaster stumbled upon this intriguing painting at the Louvre Museum next to other famous works of art such as the Mona Lisa. He stared at the chessboard in the picture for a long time and finally noticed something amazing. The typical interpretation of the painting - the devil put a person "checkmate" - was incorrect. Although the devil seemed to be the obvious winner, he didn't really win. The person who thought he was losing was actually winning.

Judging by the arrangement of pieces remaining on the chessboard, his king had another move. This fateful move will make him a winner in the game.

Enough tools for maneuvers are always available with a large game in the arsenal of the master in order to avoid a checkmate, or an accident, the main thing is not to give up even in the most hopeless situation. One correct move is a step that can make the loser a Winner.

We have a great example in front of our eyes – the USSR and their communism. These people were communists who spoke, persuaded, proved with foam at the mouth, those who disagreed with their delirium were imprisoned, shot, destroyed by all possible means, placed in mental hospitals 🏥, fought, exterminated 70 million people. And all for what? What would real Communism look like? What nation-state officials want to build through the false pandemics they have until 2030 is quite modeled. They liked the Chinese rating of a citizen and they want to get this rating for electronic money at home. But since they extinguish, the way they block and clean up any information exposing their plan and lies, as well as how synchronously they move the agenda and what forces and billions of dollars are thrown at this special operation, this alone is enough to understand their Megan scale and Mega plans in this special operation, with a well-known end result for them and visible to them as a benefit only for them. 

Here is a similar tale from the system of eternal fairy tales, which Putin is now trying to realize again by rolling his Tatar-Mongol degenerates across the east of Ukraine with the red rag of the USSR, and these morons in Putin's Russia like to tell each other that life in the USSR was good, fun and happy. True, it was so long ago that many purely by age can not know this, and the age of the orderlies Joe & Barry, or Klaus Schwab, we simply can not be seriously interested in for a banal reason - these people are not of working age and at 70 years old before death you do not need to tell anyone how the surviving children should live, this is nonsense. In general, you do not need to deal with the future so much, absolutely not dealing with the present. 

Communists, just like today's dreamers, were stubborn and persistent in their maniacal desire to remake people and even the world. That's how they saw themselves building Communism: through tens and millions of victims, through wars, gulags and other game and creepiness. To do this, they destroyed everyone who disagreed with this, who did not understand their happiness, and everyone was about to reach Communism, where everything would be free. Isn't that a good thing? - ask fans of the USSR and maybe someone else crazy. From each according to his abilities , to each according to his needs. I worked, came to the store, took everything for free - sit down and be happy!

It's funny, because all this "free" communism, or guaranteed income, is a common fool's tale for fools. 

Our colleagues offered us fools the whole truth about "free" communism and where this myth of the USSR came from and how it would really have lived under Communism.

The tale of something free under Communism in the USSR was born during the birth of Henry Kisa and the Civil War in the USSR, and finally this myth was formalized in 1961, when their communist XXII Congress of the Communist Party was held. It was at this congress that Nikita, who later banged his shoe on the UN rostrum, Khrushchev, declared communism by 1980 in the USSR. He firmly, like Klaus Schwab, declared the construction of communism under the current generation of Soviet people and that these people would live under him. At the same time, Nikita did not specify - and how should this be achieved? Usually, everyone was limited to general phrases - it is necessary to work even "better", to fight against bureaucrats, plutocrats, voluntaristics and non-Suns, to strengthen the defense and, in general, to work for the benefit of the Motherland.

In the USSR, schools did not study classical utopias (like thomas More's book), did not read dystopias (like the books of Zamyatin, Orwell, Platonov and Huxley), and also did not study the Bible and books of other religions, so almost no one noticed that the fairy tale of some ideal Communism by 1980 is an ordinary religious myth about the "ideal world", adjusted to modern realities - they say, we are moving there as a society and we will definitely get there. At the same time, no one really imagined what this communism should be like, and also they did not have a road map and a navigator of the way, that is, how to get there to this happiness.

After the XXII Congress of the Communist Party, all sorts of brochures and atlases began to be published in huge editions, which told how well you would live under Communism in 1980. It reminds us of all the COVID19 brochures. The pamphlets say that the beginning is half the battle, and Communism, which has been dreamed of for many centuries, is about to be built. "The program for building communism in the USSR is compiled according to accurate scientific calculations," the authors of the brochure assured. In 20 years, the beating of all products and goods will be created, people will work for 6 hours and get according to their needs, it seems that it is easier - came and took.

This brochure lists everything that under Communism will definitely be free - apartments, city transport, studies, kindergartens, sanatoriums and medicines, as well as, of course, all food and consumer goods (which follows from the text). What's funny is that some really believed that this was the way it would be.

But we know that there is nothing free in the state. 

The state does not have any "own" money - it only redistributes the benefits from the budget produced by all members of society and paying taxes on the income of their activities. Money for "free" apartments of the USSR, medicine, kindergartens, schools, etc., was withdrawn from the budget, which was filled with all working citizens. In practice, this meant that the locksmith Ivan Barry received not 300, but 150 rubles for his work, stood in line for 20 or 30 years for a "free" apartment, after which he received it - without the right of ownership and without the right to choose.

Wouldn't it be easier for locksmith Ivan Barry to receive a full salary, pay 50 rubles a month from it on a mortgage with the right to choose the type of housing, district, city and with full ownership of housing after payment? The Soviet state did not give such an opportunity, telling tales to the population about "free apartments". All of the above also applies to "free" kindergartens and "free" medicine - people simply did not know how much they really earn and how much taxes they pay on all this "free".

The same applies to "free" manufactured goods and "free" products - the resources, energy and labor time of citizens obtained in the country were spent on their production, which has a certain value. If these products are seized in one part of the country and "free" distributed in another- this does not mean that it is "free", it did not fly from the sky - other people paid for it with their labor, that's all.

In general, the whole feature of "free" communism was precisely this very distribution and redistribution. 

What would real "free" communism look like?

Meals are made only by factory coupons 


The translation of the text of the ad was made by our translator Lou with an excellent knowledge of the four languages of the world. 

And so we sit with Lou like two orphans without coupons and think about what our real "free" communism would look like. Let's say we come to a photo shop in the happy times of the coming Communism of the United States and want to take a phone 📱 "for free" – as Soviet fairy tale tell us, this would be possible if communism was built. The store has three types of phones - cheap children's for children three years old and semi-professional and professional, with three interchangeable lenses. Of course , as always, we wanted to take better rhinestones and diamonds. Then who will take cheap and simple - if everything is "free" and you can take what you want? In general, we took the road, but bad luck - on the first day it was broken by the bathroom, when we were swimming with our friend who came to visit us to wash, because in her apartment, Joe & Barry turned off the water, due to the drought in three US states. We washed, threw away our phones, played words at night, and in the morning we washed again and went to the store on foot for the same new product for three - under Communism we should immediately give the same second and third to our girlfriend - after all, everything around is free, so , Ladies and Gentlemen ? 

And here we encounter limitations. Most likely, "free" to take the most expensive we will not be allowed to remember our arrogant faces - for this you will need to have some kind of "class icon". And the second and third phone instead of the broken one was also not allowed to take - but allowed to come in a year or three. In general, under "free" communism, some regular "coupons" are issued for manufactured goods - which can be obtained at work in limited quantities. This is an analogue of money, only much worse - since it is more difficult to get them, and their purchasing power is very narrow, which forces us to switch to the natural exchange of coupons for coupons and other dances with a tambourine in feathers.

Let's move on. Free products. Here is the same story as with a camera - a phone - you come to the store, and take for yourself "for free" a whole salmon for 15 kilograms - you will eat the three best pieces yourself, and throw the rest to cats -dogs - monkeys - kangaroos 🦘, if it is David Rockefeller's Australia, or a bear from fidel Castro's son Justin Trudeau, at the entrance. And for the evening, take five cans of black caviar - just eat a spoon for beer 🍺 if you drink beer 🍻. Of course, no one will allow you to do this, they would impose restrictions - say, you can take 1 loaf and 1 packet of milk per day, and salmon - once a month. And a can of black caviar - once a year, otherwise there will not be enough "free" for everyone. Because they still leave a trace 👣 of CO2. All this is regulated by the same coupons.

In general, real "moneyless" communism is very similar to the field of fools from the society of the absurd - in which there is no longer money, and people are engaged in the natural exchange of quasi-money-coupons. You've been given a monthly salmon coupon at work, but you don't like fish — and you're looking for someone who can exchange it for a coupon for 20 packs of ice cream. And a colleague at work has a valuable coupon for a "free" washing machine - and you have been saving nail coupons for a year or two (with which you are stuffed at work) to exchange this rare coupon from him, but here's the bad luck - a colleague at the very last moment exchanges this coupon for a TV 📺 ticket or dies of an injection. And now you are left with a mountain of nail coupons and without a washing machine.

In this society of absurd "free communism", there is also an elite – it has access to all the necessary coupons in any quantity, as well as its poor class – which receives only a minimum number of food stamps and never – valuable coupons for equipment or cars. In addition, the state receives a new instrument of coercion - undesirables can be "fed" with nail coupons for months, and food stamps are not issued - let them do what they want. And vice versa - to encourage the especially obsequious with some rare coupons for video recorders or model shoes, free sets for the holidays. All this was with the Communists, so we are informed directly on the teletype tape by our source, through the translator decryptor Lou. 

Also, separate stores for different groups of citizens - depending on their "coupon solvency" (in order to prevent illegal manipulation of coupons). If you work as a simple locksmith - then of course, you simply can not have a coupon for black caviar, you are not entitled to it - which means that in the store there will be only sprat in a tomato for you (of course, free), and you will not even be allowed into a store with black caviar - since a coupon for caviar could only get to you illegally, and you have nothing to do in such a store.

On the sign is the inscription " present the document " 

In general, this free Communism of yours in the form of a false pandemic, injections, QR code 🔐, COVI - PASS 🪪 from this gang of Gorbachev Misha and his island friends of degenerates is a real prison and a society of absurdity, which has already been tested in the USSR at the whim of some bald Lenin, then a mustachioed criminal. De facto in the USSR, money was abolished, since it was extremely difficult to buy anything freely with money, there was no goods. That's how they plunged society into the real Middle Ages, but not like the capitalists. They are proud of this squalor and try to prove to the whole world that this is the best world Know Howe. It's called annoying mom's frostbite ears 👂👂


Several materials feature former Soviet Ambassador Vladimir Levonovich Israelyan, who represented the Soviet Union at the Geneva Disarmament Conference in 1984. Then he received an offer from his American counterpart Lewis Fields for a confidential meeting. Fields was authorized to informally report that during the conference, Vice President George W. Bush would like to meet with "one of the new Soviet leaders." Fields explained that we are talking about Mikhail Gorbachev. Israelyan, he said, did not dare to convey such an invitation through Foreign Minister Andrei Gromyko: it was still unclear who would become the next general secretary of the CPSU after the death of Yuri Andropov. What happened next? And then, on the eve of Bush's speech at the conference, Israelian received a phone call from the co-chairman of the UN International Humanitarian Commission, Sadretdin Aga Khan, the son of imam Aga Khan III, and arranged a personal meeting in his hotel room with George W. Bush, who told Israelyan in a tone that does not tolerate objections: "Your next leader will be Gorbachev."

Alexander Ostrovsky, the author of the meticulous and responsible study "Who Installed Gorbachev," does not ask why such a mediator was required for such a contact. However, he quotes Robert Gates as saying, "We've known him for a long time." Indeed, back in 1975, Gorbachev received in Stavropol the US Ambassador to the USSR Jack Matlock, which even now for some reason denies – but he was not allowed to lie by the then First Secretary of the Stavropol City Committee of the CPSU Viktor Kaznacheev. The same Matlock in 1984 was preparing a meeting between Gorbachev and Reagan, for which he used Finnish President Mauno Koivisto.

Another meeting with Gorbachev in 1984 took place with another old acquaintance from the profile, agricultural part – Duane Orville Andreas, president of the grain concern Archer Daniel Midlands. 

A. Ostrovsky claims that Andreas was also the chairman of the US-Soviet Trade and Economic Council (ASTEC), the agreement on the creation of which in 1973 was signed by the then head of the US Federal Treasury George Shultz and the Minister of Foreign Trade of the USSR Nikolai Patolichev. The initiative to create ASTEC belonged to David Rockefeller.

The name of Duane Andreas appears in the lists of two elite business clubs in New York – Knickerbocker (which actually means "New Yorker") and Lynx. A. Ostrovsky, who belongs to a rare category for Russia of historians of agents with flair, pays special attention to the presence in the composition of both clubs of Lawrence Rockefeller - the largest sponsor of environmental programs. The Knickerbocker, he notes, was a Sadruddin Aga Khan. In turn, Lynx included the head of Pepsi Donald Kendall, who together with Aurelio Peccei co-founded the Vienna Council (International Council for East-West Construction) and the president of the World Jewish Congress Edgar Bronfman.

Bronfman, as the majority shareholder of DuPont, was a lobbyist and beneficiary of the replacement of freons with hydrofluorocarbons under the pretext of the fictitious effect of chlorine on the ozone layer. Bronfman, as Ostrovsky notes, was also a member of the board of Rockefeller University and a member of the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR). Dwayne Andreas himself was a member of the Bilderberg Club, founded by Prince Bernard, the creator of the World Wildlife Fund.

The essence and meaning of the Club of Rome.

Gorbachev received an impressive amount of money from Andreas in 1984. George Shultz was also a key figure in his delicate relationship with Gorbachev.

A. Ostrovsky draws attention to Gorbachev's personal ties with the first secretary of the Bukhara regional committee of the Communist Party of Uzbekistan Abduvakhid Karimov, who turned out to be actually the first victim of the "Uzbek case" under Chernenko – thanks to the efforts of the Moscow group of Viktor Grishin, one of Gorbachev's two rivals in the struggle for the post of general secretary. Corruption ties with Uzbekistan are a very specific thing, given that only in this republic careers were made not only along the party line, but also along the "vertical" of Sufi orders. And that it was the economy of this republic during the Afghan war that was the first to "plunge headlong" into the shadows.

It is likely that Sadretdin Aga Khan found an approach to Gorbachev through the "agricultural" channels established under Andropov – at least, if you believe a series of memoirs of the thief in law Yerukham Abramov about the large-scale "near-cotton" drug trade under the auspices of the Soviet KGB, published in the Russian-language Israeli magazine "Twenty Two" in 1977. This topic also interested the team of Lyndon LaRouche – and cost him and his fellow researchers from 5 to 15 years in prison.

Maxim Ershov, a native of Tajikistan and a man in love with the Pamirs, describes the 1992 civil war in that republic as a clash between the "Vovchiks" and the "Yurchiks, as the local population called the two clans in the local Communist Party. Yurchiki, who revered Yuri Andropov, were mostly communists by party affiliation, but for some reason partnered with Russian democrats, as well as with the head of the Afghan Northern Alliance, Ahmad Shah Massoud. This "political perversion" was also described by the Indian colleagues of the LaRouche organization.

To supplement the picture of this "perversion", however, it is necessary to draw the contacts of Russian officials with the shadows of the Caucasus and Central Asia – and in particular to tell the story of the "peculiar dialogue" blessed by Gorbachev "between the pragmatic wing of the Karabakh Committee and part of the local Soviet elite, in some situations they acted as allies. After that, the underbelly of both Aliyev's resignation and Sakharov's "forgiveness" will become clearer. As well as the role of Chebrikov as the successor of the Andropov cause.

Despite the fact that unofficial contacts with the American establishment, tied to the shadow business, developed under Andropov (a curious detail in Ostrovsky: medical services to Yuri Andropov in recent years were provided by a certain Albert Rubin, a teacher at Rockefeller University), Lyndon LaRouche does not consider Andropov a corrupt person. 

"He was a hoax man," he says with a tinge of disdain. "He was interested in magic, UFOs and the like: such people distort reality."

Although Gorbachev was as interested in magic as much as his teacher, LaRouche, oddly enough, treated him more warily in the 1980s. Because the activities of the last Soviet general secretary, in his assessment, posed a threat to the United States – at least judging by the audience with which Gorbachev was associated. In the UN, which LaRouche in the mid-1980s began to consider a new embodiment of the world's Evil, which moved here from the slave-owning island empires - Venice and Britain. In Britain itself, where the Soviet secretary general, who pays lip service to world social democracy, "sang along" with Thatcher and her entourage. In Israel, where the unofficial partners of the Soviets were the individuals with the most dubious reputation – the former partners of Oliver North in the Iran-Contra case.

The Schiller Institute's special reports, known as kalmanovich Peport and Sharon Report, seemed to many readers on the left to be conspiracy nonsense. When The number one Israeli drug trafficker, Shaul Eisenberg, arrived five years later in person, the conspiracy theory turned out to be a monstrous truth.

Drugs are the "white death," and a community that is committed to symbols could not help but comprehend the combination of color and purpose. This goes back to the question of why, from the point of view of Freemasonry, the abstract White Lodge is better than the Black One. This goes back to the question of what happened back in 1929, when Joseph Stalin got rid of Leon Trotsky. This goes back to the question of why all of Trotsky's successors turned out not to be theorists of class emancipation, but preachers of anarchy under the self-governing flag, and why Trotsky's granddaughter, Yulia Bronstein, sits on the health of U.S. citizens! 

In the testimony of Alexander Barchenko, this path is indicated and disclosed. He explained his search for "the key to solving the problems of regulating human relations" in Shambhala-Agarti – literally – by the desire for "universal values". In his lodge, he said, he gathered "people free from attachment to things, property, personal enrichment, free from selfishness." But at the same time, these "people who have attained perfection" had to "respect religious cults" (including the cult of the Golbeshniks) and "recognize the hierarchy."

To what system, to what organization of society the "path of universal human values" leads, we can see from the description of Blumkin's adventures in Badakhshan: "After a tiring journey, the companions found themselves in Khorog, where they stayed in the house of Said Yusuf-Ali-Sho. The hospitable host was the leader of the local Ismaili sect and the personal representative in the Pamirs of the living god Aga Khan. All those who worshipped this deity every day offered a prayer, ending it with the indispensable: "There is no God but God, and the Aga Khan is his prophet!" He lived in a luxurious palace in Pune, near Bombay. Every year in the Pamirs, a sacred tribute to God was collected, and a caravan of pilgrims went to him. In Pune, they handed over the doom to the Aga Khan, who responded by presenting the Ismailis with a charter with his sacred autograph."

Preaching the "path of universal values" from the rostrum of the same party was the final and undoubted sign of trouble. The Communist General Secretary, who professes them, was sentenced to be the last. Fellow party members marveled at how Gorbachev was chopping down not only the levers of control, but also the basis of his own power. But he had long had a different ideological foundation on which he intended to go global – because he was promised to – to rise to a new global height. He climbed the ladder (the classic Masonic symbol) on which Jeddah Krishnamurti and Yuri Roerich could not climb before him.


In 1992, when Gorbachev delivered his own Fulton speech about "victory over the Iron Curtain," not only the Club of Rome, but also a more exotic organization, the San Myung Moon Unification Church, appropriated laurels for the collapse of the USSR. To this day, the Moonies take Gorbachev's decision to withdraw Soviet troops from Afghanistan.

Sun Myung Moon also climbed the Ladder; he, too, was promised something. He began his career by studying at a Korean monastery called the Monastery of Israel. Then he served twice in prison for rape and thus earned himself the image of a "martyr" of the communist regime, with which he arrived in the States. He served conservatives well, because his ornate philosophy, which proclaimed the unification of world religions, at the same time contained family values close to the American right and a rejection of homosexuality. This philosophy was suitable for the consolidation of nationalists against the Soviets – as a temporary means, a light drug on the way to a heavy one.

Sang Myung Moon became unnecessary when Gorbachev appeared on the world horizon. His visit to Moscow was a sign of capitulation to his superior on the Stairs. The content of their personal conversation will someday be known, and it will be interpreted in their own way by religious scholars and psychiatrists. But one way or another, by that time the decision had already been made in the highest ideological circles – Bilderberg and the World Wildlife Fund. Sadretdin Aga Khan (WWF Vice President at the time), Prince Philip of Edinburgh and Lawrence Rockefeller have already had their say.

Another intermediate means, only rather for the religious community on the left, was the World Council of Churches of 130 religions and cults – which, as the current president of the WCC, Olaf Thwaite, in principle, do not and cannot have a common answer to questions about the values of the family, procreation, the role of men and women, the relationship between faith and science. They can't – but they do, that is, they share "universal values" – which means that they have long been preparing for the current stage of knocking humanity into a herd.

Gorbachev's Fulton speech, which proclaimed – literally – "the creation of a new world government under the auspices of the United Nations," marked the transition to a new agenda. This was evidenced by the subsequent unprecedented events in Rio de Janeiro, The Hague and London.

The UN Conference on Population and Development, called the Earth Summit-92, in the main document, and called "Agenda XXI", for the first time officially set the task of reducing the number of terrestrial civilization. The U.S. delegation to Rio is led by Al Gore, who has just published Earth in Balance. The inspirers and preachers of the concept of global degradation of mankind could be particularly delighted due to the fact that leading scientists of the KGB of the USSR and politicians of the former Soviet Union fell to their "innermost knowledge" - in particular, the head of the Siberian Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences Valentin Koptyug, who managed to introduce the "theory of sustainable development" into the program of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation.

The Earth Charter initiative, announced in 1994 by Mikhail Gorbachev and Morris Strong with the support of the Royal Family of the Netherlands, for the first time at the highest international level equalized human rights and the insect. In the first of the "four pillars" of the Earth Charter, respect for "all living communities" is linked to "the creation of just, cooperative, sustainable and peaceful democratic communities." In the latest list of democracy imperatives, the usual requirements for "transparency" and "tolerance" of societies are supplemented not only by the requirement to "introduce into formal and non-formal education systems the knowledge, values and skills necessary for sustainable development", but also the instruction "to treat all living beings with respect and attention". The one who disrespects the bug is no longer a Democrat.

Finally, the World Summit in Support of Religion and Conservation in London on May 2-5, 1995, deliberately timed to coincide with the 50th anniversary of the end of World War II, for the first time "erected a spiritual bridge" between the world's major religions and environmentalism. In any case, this was the mission of the event, which was sponsored by the Pilkington Trust, aka the Pilkington Anglo-Japanese Cultural Foundation, established in the early 1980s by the glass giant Pilkington and the aforementioned Japanese sect MOA (Mokichi Okada Association). The head of Pilkington PLC, Sir Alistair Pilkington, was the founder of Prince Charles' Business in the Community and contributed to the spread of its activities in Japan. Previously, Alistair headed both the Bank of England and British Petroleum and generously sponsored WWF and Club 1001.

The association of Pilkington, moa and the Wildlife Fund was called ARC (on the consonance of the words "arch" and "ark" – a question for the Freemasons), the goal is proclaimed "in the name of the public good to contribute to the protection of the natural environment throughout the world, in accordance with the teachings and beliefs of world religions that promote respect for nature." These were listed in alphabetical order: Baha'ism, Buddhism, Christianity, Hinduism, Islam, Jainism, Judaism, Sikhism, and Taoism. Representatives of each of these "equal in importance" faiths presented an "action plan for the preservation of the environment."

It was decided to establish the International Institute of Religions and Conservation, as well as a fund to support relevant religious activities. An "impressive list of projects" was presented, including the Taoist Holy Mountains in China, as well as the establishment of the Center for Christian-Muslim Relations and Conservation at the Syriac Orthodox Church of Antioch, on the basis of the ancient monastery of Tel-Ada in Syria (all Christianity was represented in bulk by Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew, a close friend of the prince).

It was also reported that the World Bank "sent a proposal to religious leaders (sic) to establish a dialogue" on the ethics of the modern economy. In turn, the UN Environment Agency (UNEP) "appealed to religions to act as monitoring agencies (sic) for the environment to monitor its changes at the local level." At the same time, religious leaders were encouraged to participate in UNEP and in decision-making processes.

In his speech, Prince Philip stressed the need for decisive action to protect the environment from the "dramatic growth of the world's population." This "dramatic growth" is "the only significant determinant of the devastation of the planet's health during our century... The key point in the preservation of the natural environment is the search for ways to protect it from the consequences of the population explosion..." "When you inflate a balloon, no one warns you that it is about to burst. We inflate the Earth's systems like a small child inflating a balloon. If we keep inflating it, it's important to know when it's going to burst."

The gathering of WWF terrorists was preceded by two actions. On the eve of the San Francisco Episcopal Cathedral, the former Catholic monk Matthew Fox, who was forged in the Ideology of the New Age, held an "ecologically oriented planetary service", which was, according to the Dallas Morning News, "a mixture of Christian ritual, occultism, theosophy, worship of the goddess of the Earth and Mother Nature." Just before the congress in London, Patriarch Bartholomew met with the Dalai Lama XIV in Tokyo.

The event in London was followed by many regional initiatives, including in Russia. Exactly a week after the "valuable instructions" of the prince, 21 "charismatic" churches united in St. Petersburg, an environmental department was created under the joint structure, and the South Korean pastor Lim, who at that time advised Anatoly Sobchak on preparations for the then conceived 2004 Olympic Games in St. Petersburg, was elected head of the association. The congregation of the Emmanuel Church, represented by the pastor, performed a "prayer" with bouncing and rocking for some reason in Hebrew.

However, the main mise-en-scene unfolded in the "Lemurian" San Francisco, where in 1992 the main office of the Gorbachev Foundation opened, headed by the former head of the Soviet program of the Esalen Institute, Jim Garrison. It was located in the former Mexican fortress of Presidio, next door to the Temple of Seta, a sect that practices teaching children sexual perversions from infancy.

In the autumn of 1995, preparations began for the most "landmark" event, which was to express the central meaning of the "Agenda XXI", and for which the London conference, with its symbolic ARC, was only preparing the ground. On the eve of the most "fateful" international religious and environmental action, the Washington Times, at that time owned by the San Myung Moon Unification Church, published a propaganda article "The religion of our time is Buddhism." The separation of Buddhism from many other faiths was explained by its growing popularity: according to the newspaper, in the United States and Canada, about 600,000 people had already converted from Christianity to Buddhism by this time. Helen Tvorkov, editor of the Buddhist magazine Tricycle, was quoted as saying:

"Buddhism gives a very accurate understanding of dying and death. Buddhism always affirms impermanence (frailty), as opposed to a culture that stubbornly rejects death. It's becoming part of American culture..."

After such a preface, the event itself opened, designed to finally fulfill the covenant of Master Hilarion, aka Uton Llatto, the "mahatma" of the Great Brotherhood of Asia, to create the United Religion. On September 27, 1995, the First Forum of the World Forum, chaired by Gorbachev, opened at the Fairmont Hotel in San Francisco. The name State of the World Forum echoes the annual State of the Union Address of the President of the United States. Gorbachev really believed that he was more influential than the American president. The presence of more than 400 influential people predisposed to this, from UN Secretary-General Boutros Ghali to Kyrgyz President Askar Akayev, a guest of particular honor: his country became a "testing ground for Asian democracy", and his daughter headed the local Aga Khan Foundation.

The First Forum was co-chaired by former U.S. Secretaries of State George Shultz (Lyndon LaRouche considered him Gorbachev's main patron in Washington) and James Baker. Gorbachev was approached by a whole cohort of former heads of state - George Bush, Margaret Thatcher, Brian Mulroney (Canada), Oscar Arias (Costa Rica), of the current - Czech President Vaclav Havel, Turkish Prime Minister Tansu Chiller and South African Vice President Thabo Mbeki. They were joined by world celebrities - Bill Gates, Alvin Toffler and Carl Sagan.

Gorbachev called Havel and Mbeki "the true world leaders of the new generation." The California press was ironic about the large number of different religious figures, occultists and futurologists. Environmentalism has been personified by Worldwatch President Lester Brown, "eco-billionaire" Maurice Strong, and leading New Age philosophers Fridtjof Capra, Jeremy Rifkin, Willis Harman, Deepak Chopra, Habert Mueller, Matthew Fox, theosophist Rupert Sheldrake, chimpanzee expert Jane Goodall, and writer Sam Keane.

Sam Keane, also a regular lecturer at the Esalen Institute, said from the rostrum of the event that if the world's population were reduced by 90%, the remaining number would not be able to cause significant harm to nature. To achieve the stated goal, he said, it is necessary (literally) to "promote sexuality, contraception, abortion and all other methods that guarantee a reduction in the population."

This was applauded by a "multi-confessional" audience, much more diverse than in London. The list of churches and cults involved in the first SWF congress shocked even the experienced Russian researcher of secret societies and cults, Oleg Platonov. In the list that he managed to get, there were, in particular, several dozen "Wiccan churches" uniting witches. Now there was no doubt: the project of the "Third Temple", in accordance with the legend, involving both angels and demons, was planned to be carried out in all seriousness.


The problem was obviously only in place: it was necessary to prove that "Lemurian" California was the new Jerusalem. This is not to say that no effort has been made to do so. So, one of the picturesque peaks of Mount Diablo (Diablo) in California at the beginning of the century was called Mount Zion. In turn, the California Zen Buddhist Society, located in the former synagogue, from the 1960s to the present day is certainly headed by Buddhists of Jewish nationality.

Until humanity – at least at the level of truly influential church hierarchies – matures to high Lemurian revelations, the projected United Religions Organization officially calls itself only the "United Religions Initiative" (similar to the Earth Charter). However, the project of the Temple – of course, postmodern – exists. The future OER itself is modeled after the UN, with the General Assembly, the Security Council and the Secretary-General, as "a permanent center where the world's religions will engage in daily prayers, discussions and activities for the benefit of all life on Earth." Under the auspices of OER, it is also planned to create a Bank of Moral Values for investment in humanitarian projects.

At the second State of the World Forum on October 2-6, 1996, the draft was discussed in a more practical way: the "creation of teams of peacekeepers" was discussed, as well as proposals for "the application of international sanctions against religions that refuse to cooperate with OER", or will be unacceptable for admission to membership due to "rigid theological attitudes". At the same time, criticism was expressed against "fundamentalist churches that restrain the progress of the new world order and the evolution of the universe to divinity." Among these churches was the Serbian Orthodox Church.

Subsequently, 3 more State of the World forums were held in San Francisco - from 1996 to 1999. OER propagandists had something to report on: the initiative was actively promoted in all parts of the world, including, of course, in criminal communist Russia, and in different public circles - from the liberal democratic establishment, drawing "intimate knowledge" from the Magisterium magazine (where the revelations of the Aga Khan were printed under one cover with the sexological research of the professor Igor Kon), to a wide range of environmentally concerned soil scientists. Thus, the silhouette of the future temple was depicted in the publication of the Center for Cosmic Intelligence, distributed at the founding congress of the All-Slavic Cathedral in Moscow in the spring of 1995, in the office of the Russian Union of Writers. It is noteworthy that the same newspaper also propagandized Nicholas III (together with the head of the UOC-KP, Metropolitan Filaret), and the impostor himself opened a headquarters in Moscow, in the office of the Academy of New Thinking, and influential persons swarmed there - from contenders for the presidency to criminal authorities of the highest caliber.

Academy of New Thinking (3)



operated from 13.12.1995 to 04.03.2010

INN 7704045995

PPC 770501001

No data on the main type of activity

Zabrodotskiy Yu N

Head of legal entity

Authorized capital100 thousand ₽


The Academy of New Thinking (3) was registered at the address 101000, Moscow, 7. The head of the legal entity of the organization ACADEMY OF NEW THINKING NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATION Zabrodotsky Yu N. The main activity of the company is not indicated. The size of the authorized capital is 100 000 rubles. 


Not valid, valid from 13.12.1995 to 04.03.2010

But something didn't come together. The obstacle did not arise in Israel, where the postmodern International Tolerance Center was built quite obsequiously on the site of an ancient Arab cemetery. Obstacles arose simultaneously in the United States, Russia and the Islamic world.

Let down the notorious Millennium: apocalyptic fears about a global computer catastrophe turned out to be a dummy. 

But the American office of the Gorbachev Foundation so actively spread panic - D. Hickman even compiled a book-instruction on how to behave in a "Y2K emergency". And even magisterium magazine was distributed among the advanced Russian establishment for the symbolic figure of $ 2,000.

And everything went awry. Al Gore, whose rise to power was prepared by the "smartest Jew in America" (according to the Jerusalem Post) Leon Furth, failed in the elections in Florida. Bush won, and as a result, the States refused to implement the Kyoto Protocol. The president of Russia was not Viktor Chernomyrdin or Sergei Stepashin, but Vladimir Putin. As a result, Russia dissolved the Chernomyrdin Ministry of Ecology, and also closed all World Bank programs on family planning and curtailment of the health care system in the regions of Russia. The Islamic world clashed in a planned feud, but again it did not turn out according to the project: the democratization undertaken under the pretext of 9/11 gave a side effect in the form of a triumph of conservatives in Iran. Finally, the UN has replaced – including with corruption scandals – the most "environmentally concerned personnel".

At the beginning of the xxi century, the OER Initiative did not blossom, but on the contrary, slowed down. Mikhail Gorbachev lost his most generous sponsors, partly also for accidental reasons: Mark Thatcher, for example, was caught in a banal conspiracy in Central Africa and went to jail.

However, the weak result of world propaganda was something else: the audience stopped gathering at the lecture of the ex-secretary general, and they simply did not pay off. Although the Club of Rome continued to exist and convene conferences, its authority was incomparable to that of the past.

The followers of Master Hilarion had to wait by the sea for the weather. And in 2008, their underground Luciferian light finally dawned.

It shines from California's Berkley Labs, from where Barack Obama invited Chinese Stephen Zhu to the post of energy secretary, and official China, which until now did not allow encroachment on its political foundations, this time pecked at the bait – judging by the design of the Shanghai Expo 2010 and the obligations that the Chinese agreed to take on.

It shines from California's Stanford, by analogy with which the rebooting Moscow is ready to build a "Silicon Valley", instead of building roads, factories and missiles, launching the economy under an energy-saving knife, and through the efforts of the secret Jerusalem studios Dvorkovich, an occult-philosophical center in Kalmykia will be added to the "valley".

It shines and acts. Germany legalizes euthanasia, Denmark allows the distribution of marijuana. Latin America on the brink of inter-clan drug war; Latin Americans did not understand the main contradiction of the world, and the convenient Indian Morales, fighting the bourgeoisie, safely fulfills and even promotes a program both to grow cocaine and to combat emissions of allegedly harmful carbon dioxide, and the most vocal speakers of Gorbachev's State of the World Forum come to his alternative summit.

Once again, the harbingers of degradation can capture unprecedented achievements. For the first time in Russia, a special department was created under the president to control the notorious emissions; the youth ministry has been "forged" into environmentalism by the efforts of the Civic Chamber (fortunately, the chairman of the profile commission, Vladimir Zakharov, heads the Center for Environmental Policy and Culture, since last year - the official representative office of the Earth Charter Initiative); new legislation on non-governmental organizations will help the mold of eco-funds and eco-firms to bloom no worse than in the pilot country of Kyrgyzstan.

The accident in the Gulf of Mexico, if you soberly reason, is also no less convenient thing for environmentalists than the Ukrainian Chernobyl. At the forum in Cancun, Mexico, delegates from the "third world", of course, will make noise, but in the end they will approve the most stringent measures to modernize oil and gas production, and therefore make the rising energy resources inaccessible to the excessive mass of the population. For the sake of such a Luciferian achievement, BP is not sorry.

Later, one of the main achievements of those years was the summit of the "eight" in the Indian village of Muskoka, where the heads of state imbued with environmental concern agreed to cut industrial emissions by 80% by 2050, and the "transition economies" were prescribed to halve not from 1990, but from the "average level", that is, from today. This achievement was supposed to be consolidated at the next climate summit next year in Russia. 

Kudos to Lucifer. 

"Secret" knowledge differs from scientific knowledge in that for the time being it is not disclosed to the uninitiated. Until the "mahatmas" agree on "exteriorization"...

They won't stop there. They will contrast peoples with their traditions and history, passing off white as black; they will quarrel children with their fathers, and neighbors with each other. They will buy politicians and hierarchs of churches (not through Bartholomew, so through Olaf Tveit, not for Kiev Sophia, so for Jerusalem's Sergius Compound); seduce, intimidate, blaspheme, twist arms. They will come up with not only a fresh world guru to replace Krishnamurti, Roerich, Gorbachev, Moon, Benjamin, Vissarion or Sai Baba. They will come up with a new Blavatsky: the looted money is not a pity.

But to obey or resist the "mahatmas" and "mahatmochkas", to accept or not their spiritual or physical opium, to give life to descendants or to destroy them in the womb, to engage or not to engage in debauchery, to exhale or not to exhale normal, natural carbon dioxide – this is our human choice! 

We don't exemplify this order of Lucifer's lies based on fact: this is our home and we live here! Our survival is sabotage of their plans. Sabotage is a great thing. It means in practice: you are ordered to destroy your history, culture, the result of the work of your ancestors: yourself – and you say, out loud or to yourself: no, such an order is criminal, and I will not fulfill it, go to the ass all in formation. 

Our historical experience shows that disobedience to the forces of evil is effective, even random circumstances derail degradation plans.

Macaques twitch and get nervous, 

let them twitch. Let the Black and White Lodges fight, let them beat each other in the tail and in the mane, and as usual with these faggots in the ass, in the ass too, hammer, just gently chisel. 

After all, as for the "mahatmas", there is no such Uton Llatto or Mark Theon, who would be really impossible to twist his neck, especially with our ability to work from long distances. Even if someone happens to have paranormal abilities, that doesn't mean they're invulnerable. 

In our value system, special training and some new opportunities that have arrived recently... Oh yeah, we were taught well, and we were good at doing all sorts of useful work. 
Rockefeller Sr., aka polygamist and father of the world in 1994 worried about his large family with offspring by 2020.

"It is ironic that by being so inventive in improving human well-being, we are at the same time creating new challenges that lead to the alarming catastrophic disasters of the biosphere in which we all live. And here lies the dilemma we all face. Let me illustrate that improved health has led to a 60% increase in the world's birth rate over the past 40 years. During the same period of time, the average life expectancy increased from the 46 years of the sixties to 63 years today. This development, on the one hand, increases the number of persons who can be employed in the economy, on the other hand, entails an increase in the world's population, which by 2020 will increase from 6 billion to 8 billion. The growing exploitation of the world's energy and water reserves is a matter of deep concern. Toxic waste, widespread in industrialization, increases emissions into the atmosphere to dangerous levels. Unless peoples agree to cooperate and enter into negotiations beyond borders and boundaries to address population growth and environmental degradation, the opportunities for a future life on the planet will be threatened."



Morons, Bleat, Clinical Morons, Macaques. 

 Morons, Bleat, Clinical Morons, Macaques. 





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