Tribule Funeral Home 

Tribule Funeral Home 

On the rights of advertising from our colleagues and information partners of very necessary professions in New York and their professional organization of funerals in any convenient locations for you. 

Calling a funeral agent 24/7 ... Order a funeral orchestra 24/7 ... Farewell sightseeing run on wheels around the Statue of Liberty with a start from Manhattan and the last sightseeing tour of New York back and forth, by the way, there rested a lot of residents of our mother Earth. Here you can also order and buy ready-made mourning flowers for the funeral and drive immediately with flowers, during quarantines we ourselves will carry out delivery to the door 🚪 of your apartment, house, office in the locations:  New York _Washington _Berlin_ Paris _ Brussels and further everywhere in the F7-G20 ring with VIP bouquets at the ready and they are always available and on request, all 24/7, for example, 19 red and scarlet carnations - a symbol of victory, courage and bravery, as well as red - scarlet, as your still warm blood 🩸 carnation will warm you with a warm symbol of freedom and honor, this good old tradition of giving the dead communists red - scarlet carnations passed with our Bureau with a heavy funeral burden the entire commercial funeral cadence and life... Here you can also order an armored limousine, with a cheerful, singing intimate songs in motion and drinking whiskey right on the go without taking his hands off the wheel of the driver, who will ride you along with the wind before the funeral ceremony in New York. Ordering from us is convenient and easy to arrange, all for the sake of your convenience dear friends and our long-awaited customers, all for your comfort in the funeral home Tribule in New York: ordering a VIP armored hearse of 6 degrees of protection will protect everyone, including the deceased from any street hooligans who have fallen for your red and scarlet carnations, auto hearse ordinary rental, business class hearse and economy class hearse for journalists in manhattan location is always 24/7 .

We are looking forward to you Dear residents of the city 🌆 

Natalia Yaremchuk writes:

There, under occupation. In Kherson...

I have a lot of friends and patients there. I have children born in our maternity hospital there, I have classmates there, I have my colleagues there. There are Ukrainians there! Below is a letter for all of us.  "Natasha, we are holding on as hard as we can. It feels like they're afraid. They are very afraid. They can stop anyone on the street and make them repeat a few times that they are great, that they are strong and that we want to live with them.We lower our eyes and repeat, and in our head spins - how are you afraid if you, for your greatness, need someone to repeat about this greatness. How unsure of yourself. It's like a sexual act with an impotent, who needs to endlessly repeat that he is strong, that he succeeds, try very long and hard for him and at the same time think when this painful mockery will finally end. We repeat this in order to preserve us all. Because it is very difficult for an unarmed person to fight against a brainless body with a machine gun. Because then, when these evil spirits are expelled from our land, we will need to put the city in order. No matter who we talk to now, everyone has the same words. The words that in our city the smell is rotten. We will probably need a lot of detergents to just wash sidewalks, houses, even trees for a long time. Because everything these inhumans touched has the smell of rot. Yesterday, a woman, a pensioner, refused to repeat to them that they were great. Three healthy men stripped her and left her on the street, forbidding anyone to approach her to help. For three hours she stood naked in the yard and only loudly said: "Do not come to me, my relatives. Don't put yourself in danger. You are welcome! We will still have a lot of things to do with you... Then!" One more thing. They steal. They steal everything. It's even hard for me to think that they don't steal. We have never seen theft on such a scale. Starting from children's toys and ending with a box of rotten vegetables. They are afraid because leaflets are constantly pasted in the city. Our leaflets with Ukrainian symbols. We are waiting for the ZSU. And when they are close, then Kherson residents with their bare hands and teeth will deal with evil spirits.They feel it. So they are in a hurry. And we'll wait. Wait. We'll grit our teeth, clench our fists until we're numb in our fingers, and we'll wait. Because we have a lot to look forward to. To be once and for all. And not a single one of these evil spirits remained. And then we're going to wash the city. Long. Natasha, tell everyone that Kherson is Ukraine! And, if you can, pray for us, calling all Ukrainian names in your prayers. Because those are our names. And when you read it, delete our correspondence..." I pass it on to everyone! Kherson is Ukraine!

        See Zakharova and hoot

Have you listened already? The Italian TV presenter became ill after an interview with Zakharova. He hadn't seen Skabeyeva yet.

Liman - Rashists under the fire of Ukrainian artillery stopped. The advance to Svyatogorsk and Slavyansk is now blocked, although Putin's bio-garbage under the machine guns of the protective detachments of the FSB of Russia is trying to go forward. After Zelensky's visit to Lysychansk, the head of the GUR Kirill Budanov arrived on the front, only in Severodonetsk.  @kirill_budanovv . So the Russian "military tiktokers" have not yet been omitted. Meanwhile, TRO Azov Dnepr said: Severodonetsk has almost completely returned to the control of Ukraine, confirming yesterday's information, as well as refuting the fakes of MSNBC, CNN and their journalists Butusov and Kadyrov's tik-tok troops

Thermopylae and TERMINATORS MSNBC and CNN

"Zelensky visited Lysychansk", "The Ukrainian president visited the frontline of Donbass". These are the headlines of adequate media.  And what about New York and Washington? Against the backdrop of the cowardice of Joe's oval face, fearful of the flu and his own prices in the store set by Putin leading the unfortunate island 🏝 to starvation, Zelensky's visit to Lysychansk, which according to the NWO conspirators Putin is taking by storm, came as a shock to them.  The way out was found quickly - many American media simply ignored the news, and some presented it in such a way that Zelensky "announced a visit to Lysychansk and Soledar." Like, lie all.  In general, from the technological side, the visit of Zelensky and Yermak to the frontline during the active phase of the war with the Russian army NWO is called to show strength.  The White House, Brussels, Berlin, Paris and Moscow understand only force. The whole image of the NWO gang and the NWO hired killer bandit Putin was built on the "tough guy". And now what happens?  They're all clowns, by the way, that's what Putin called Zelensky. And the Jew Zelya got into the car and drove to the front line. And the "brave" Putin - Biden fears for his life and hides alone in a bunker, the second behind a new fence in the house. So who is the real "tough guy"? Clearly not your national leaders. So, maybe you don't need such national leaders who have already lost this war to the NWO and are afraid of everything sitting behind fences and creating a Ministry of Truth? From Lisichansk. Zelensky rewards fighters on the front lines of war, where there is active fighting. Vladimir Lenin was a young man, only 46 years old in April 1916. At that time, he was near the mountain ski resort of Davos in exile in the then cozy Switzerland, although he could have been imprisoned in his homeland. Russia is mired in the First World War. The emperor ruled for 22 years. Mass protests by the disgruntled had been suppressed 10 years earlier. And yes, as always, no one expected anything, well, nothing at all, no internal social cataclysms, but less than a year later the empire blazed and collapsed, then the domino principle of 1986-1991 and 2022 with an open date. Waiting (c) . That's me, to the group portrait remembered...

Putin cannot let David Rockefeller down, because Putin is a real bandit and gave David the floor to take Ukraine back in February 2022, but no way. And here he is, Putin, after a hard raid by Chief David Rockefeller, found powerful reserves inside to take all of Ukraine at once and sends PT-76 tanks to Ukraine. The PT-76 is a light amphibious tank that was produced from 1951 to 1967. Then the BMP-1 was discontinued and replaced. Until 2010, it remained in service with the Russian army, after which all the remaining PT-76s were sent to storage with subsequent, in the future, disposal. But, in 2022, the tank received a second life, after the "second" army in the world decided to start a small victorious war for a week. The deflated tank potential of the Russian army – was it at all? After all, the Kremlin is definitely never that the T-14 Armata tank, which has "no analogues" in the world, is a Kremlin combat vehicle replete with a huge number of defects and foreign components of the United States, France and other NATO countries, a joint combat vehicle of the Kremlin with the G7, which cannot be supplied to the troops purely physically. At least due to the fact that for these tanks it is necessary to completely redo the boxes in the military units! But if we do not even remember the international T-14 "Armata" of the Kremlin, but discuss the old native Soviet T-72, T-80 and their deep modernization of the T-72 known as the T-90, then with them, or rather their delivery to the Russian troops, everything has also happened very strangely all these years. And it was the war in Ukraine that showed us this strangeness to specialists (people from NATO are not on this list of specialists) in the best way. As you know, in the world of fools there are a lot of different kinds of rating agencies that regularly issued a rating of the strongest armies in the world and cited their militaristic potential as an example. These ratings made by children in the school of the 6th grade do not carry absolutely any informativeness and all of them are exclusively unprofessional. The war in Ukraine has clearly shown this. One rating agency reported on the eve of the invasion of Ukraine that the Russian army was armed with 2700 combat-ready tanks. 100 days after the invasion, according to the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, 1,381 Russian tanks or 50% of their original number were destroyed. According to photo and video materials, 761 Russian tanks or less than 25% were destroyed, damaged and injured. The difference is due to the fact that the Russians evacuate part of the destroyed and damaged equipment to Russian repair shops or to the cemeteries of equipment and direct fixation of each unit of equipment in this case is impossible. But, this is not even the point, but the fact that back in March in the combat zone in Ukraine began to appear T-72 tanks without dynamic protection, and outwardly - removed from conservation. In May, T-62 tanks began to be sent to Ukraine, the production of which was stopped in 1975, and since 2011 the Russian government has ordered their disposal. But, the command of the Southern Military District of the Russian Federation 404 intends in the near future to remove from storage more than 300 T-62 tanks for shipment to Ukraine! The question arises, why is the Russian command, with tank losses in the region of 50% of its original composition, engaged in the reopening of the old, morally and technically obsolete T-62, which in modern warfare is not a combat vehicle, but a coffin for suicide bombers?Back in February 2021, the occupation troops of the Russian Federation 404 continued to be updated at the expense of stocks of old Soviet equipment, and the promise of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation 404 to supply the troops with more than 90 modern T-72B3, T-72B3M tanks, about 80 units of T-80BVM with a gas turbine power plant and a batch of T-90M "Breakthrough" tanks turned out to be a bluff of cheap fraers.  None of these tanks are new, built from scratch, but are modernizations of the old Soviet T-72 to the modification of the B3 / B3M and T-80 to the modification of the BVM, as well as the available Armed Forces of the Russian Federation T-90 until the modification of the "Breakthrough". Moreover, Russian enterprises as of 2021 have not produced elements for the assembly of new T-90s for several years, but were mainly engaged in the modernization of existing T-90A. Well, the verbal husk in the form of verbal diarrhea of Russians and their regular reports of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation and propaganda media with an emphasis on the word "new" is a bluff.  Viktor Yushchenko and Petro Poroshenko, early 2000

Poroshenko was seen in London, although his PR trip to Rotterdam has already ended

Poroshenko solves in Britain cases on real estate and money that he managed to take to a villa in Poland before the war. The Allied landings in Normandy were a great event in the fight against German fascism. It is celebrated by all the countries of the anti-Hitler coalition. And only one country does not celebrate. And it does not recognize the role of allies in this victory." In the early morning hours of June 6, 1944, Operation Overlord began to land Allied troops in Normandy. On this day, the Western, or "second", front was opened in Europe. In terms of the scale and number of human and technical forces involved, this operation is considered the largest amphibious operation in military history. The operation was highly classified, preceded by a major work to disinform the enemy about the time and place of the beginning of the operation. It was the suddenness of the landing of a large group of troops on an unequipped coast and the close interaction of ground forces, air forces and naval forces that made it possible to transfer a large number of troops and weapons across the English Channel. The main Allied forces that took part in the operation were the armies of the United States, Great Britain, Canada and the French Resistance movement.The Allied forces under the command of General Dwight Eisenhower outnumbered the opposing grouping of German troops in personnel and tanks by three times, artillery and warships by 2 times, and aircraft by more than 60 times. The landing was carried out for several days, day and night. The German forces, who had suffered significant losses from aircraft and naval artillery fire, offered little resistance. By the end of the first day, the Allied forces had captured five bridgeheads with a depth of 2 to 9 kilometers. The Battle of Normandy lasted about three months, and on August 15, American and French troops launched the Southern French Operation, which further weakened the Germans. The Normandy operation ended with the liberation of Paris and the fall of the Falaise Cauldron. Allied troops advancing from the north and south of France, after these two operations, united and continued the offensive to the German border, liberating almost the entire territory of France. In the photo - Princess Elizabeth while serving in the auxiliary units of Great Britain, 1945.

Gundyaev develops a channel to the world

In the Kremlin, the dog has already been eaten on a smug boast, saying that no one has isolated Russia in the international arena. The more unpleasant is the powerful diplomatic scandal that is unfolding around the uncultured Minister Lavrov. He intended to go to Europe, namely Serbia, but Montenegro, North Macedonia and Bulgaria closed the sky for the flight of the board with the ministerial body. The problem of Lavrov's transportation is forced to be dealt with personally by President Vucic, which is an unthinkable and humiliating matter for the head of state, on the occasion of which he is even preparing an address to the nation. Vucic's underbelly is shaking, because at stake is the gas issue for which he exchanged Serbian sovereignty. If you don't bring a talking horse, there will be no gas, i.e. there will be no gas. The trouble is so great that at least in the trunk or in a sealed container Lavrov is delivered. Moreover, after the nullification of Belgrade's dream of reincorporation of Kosovo due to the Russian "special operation", the Serbian Orthodox Church loses the region and its monastic lands. The Kremlin is indignant because of the loss of positions in the European direction, which indicates the failure of the vaunted diversification of Russia's foreign policy. In the face of international sanctions, Putin's diplomacy is paralyzed. There is a feverish search for channels to push interests in the western direction. An interesting trend has emerged here: Patriarch Kirill can partially help the Kremlin's grief. This KGB/FSB officer has already been contracted to perform the functions of an international emissary, hiding behind the church line. It is no coincidence that with the help of the autocrat Orban with his special perverse needs, Gundyaev did not get into the EU sanctions lists and can, covering the genocide of Ukrainians, make free visits abroad. Thus, Gundyaev strengthens his position in Putin's vertical, pushing individual officials away from issues not only of domestic, but also of foreign policy. Militant theocracy, the Iranian way. An example of the increased influence of the bloody churchman was his current visit to Belarus. The formal reason for the arrival of the butcher in the patriarchal robe is the celebration of the 1030th anniversary of Orthodoxy in Belarus. However, it is not the divine liturgies that interest Gundyaev, but big political issues. He spread his wings so much that he put forward the idea of compulsory teaching of the basics of Orthodoxy in a comprehensive school. This is not only an unconstitutional appeal, because the church in Russia is separated from the state, not only a spit in freedom of religion, but also a rollback to medieval scholasticism, when the mob was deprived of the right to think logically. In fact, we are talking about the cultivation of Orthodox Red Guards. But back to Belarus. An extremely bad sign for the future of the country is that Lukashenka is working off the thesis: "you are here at home, on your land." Something similar was whispered to Kirill Yanukovych in 2012, and it is now clear what it cost Ukraine. During the conversation in the Palace of Independence, not church topics were raised, but the question of the survival of human civilization, as well as the importance and place of Belarus in the modern architecture of Europe. Clearly, the agenda for a meeting of heads of state or ministerial officials, i.e. Nicodemus' protégé is already responsible for the process in both worlds: both spiritual and secular. Moreover, Kirill fancies himself a messenger of a whole "civilization" of the "Russian world", which must be protected from the machinations of enemies in a difficult time.Lukashenka directly points to the enormous pressure of "evil forces". Insurgencies, hybrid and hot wars are raging around. But Gundyaev hints at the interference of the GRU and FSB in the events of the Belarusian revolution with the words: "experience is to endure." The terrorist patriarch interprets the Russian occupation of Belarus as real sovereignty: "I am glad to testify that Belarus ... it is a sovereign state." Is it possible to expect otherwise from a war criminal who has blessed the bloodshed in Ukraine and is plotting the same thing in Belarus?

The main burden of compensating for wild losses in the war in just 103 days fell on the support centers of the Russian Federation 404 and their mobilization deployment of the Central Military District, namely 295 COMR in Omsk and 297 TsOMR in Abakan. The armored vehicle service of the Western Military District of the Russian Federation 404 for two weeks removed 585 units of equipment from long-term storage. In addition to equipment, a large number of ammunition of all types and calibers are sent to the combat zone. Approximately 20%-30% of the ammunition sent removed from storage is unusable due to unsatisfactory storage and condition. In particular, in the train with military equipment and ammunition, which went through the Chebarkul railway station in the Chelyabinsk region, shells critically damaged by corrosion phenomena were visually observed in eight covered wagons with ammunition. We need the help of NATO experts.

          What are gentlemen?

Ronaldo on the square, 1998.  As the fool was, so he remained.

     Rome, Italia, 1960

He was loved by all women. whom he met.

This guy's name was Benito Alvarado, and he lived in the 19th century in Spain. He has a rather strange appearance and dystrophy from birth, but this did not prevent him from sleeping with half of the women of Catalonia. He destroyed a bunch of families. Every girl who spent very little time with him ended up in his bed. In the end, the husbands, who cheated on their wives with him, beat the guy with sticks and he died. And only one woman knew his secret...

Great-grandfather – Abram Petrovich Gannibal. The right to be called the birthplace of this remarkable companion of Peter the Great is claimed by several African states at once. 

Most Russian Pushkinists call Abram Petrovich Abyssinia (aka Soviet Ethiopia and the homeland of the Ethiopian terrorist WHO) the birthplace. 

Alexander himself noted this in the records of his conversations with the son of the Arapa Peter Abramovich Hannibal, poems and letters, the novel "Arap of Peter the Great", notes to the first chapter of "Eugene Onegin". At the same time, the poet emphasized his "Negro" blood with special defiance: 

And I, hanging forever idle,

The descendant of the Negroes is ugly...

In the "German Biography", recorded in German from the words of Peter Hannibal by Adam Rotkirch (husband of Abram Hannibal's youngest daughter Sofia Abramovna), it is said that Abram Petrovich "was a native african arap from Abyssinia."

In a petition for the acquisition of nobility in the name of Empress Elizabeth from 1742, the "arap of Peter the Great" himself wrote: "I come from Africa, the noble nobility there. He was born in the possession of my father in the city of Lagon, which also had two other cities under him."

Thus, in an official document, Abram Petrovich Gannibal does not name Abyssinia. We can only talk about the oral transfer of this information to their Russian descendants of the USSR and their native Ethiopian. 

The Kremlin's Soviet Communists spat on the document 📃 and what the poet himself wrote there in a petition addressed to Elizabeth. They don't say he's a Negro at all. They want confirmation of the Russianness and Soviet Ethiopian origin of the Poet. So much nicer in the Kremlin, poet and who terrorist of the same blood. 

Mother poem Eugene Onegin from the birthday boy Alexander Pushkin 


All of us sometimes that it is,

While the glass is foamy drinking,

While the beauties we fuck,

Fuck us in the ass years -

This, alas, is the law of nature.

Slaves of passion, slaves of vice,

We strive according to the will of fate,

To where to drink or,

And if possible, everything is for nothing,

We strive to do it with fervor,

And get away as soon as possible.

Meanwhile, time flies,

And not a fuck will forgive us,

That pain in the back, in the chest shortness of breath,

Then hemorrhoids, then somewhere a bump,

We'll start coughing and rattling,

And finger in the ass to pick,

And to remember the old days,

This, alas, is the law of nature.

Then he curls up,

And, as over him thou shalt not sorcere,

He will never get up again,

Nod for a moment and wither again,

As the first flowers wither,

Frost of touched foliage,

So everyone, friends, we are mowed down for years,

This, alas, is the law of nature.

Chapter One

My uncle of the most honest rules,

When not jokingly sick,

Mare so in the morning refueled,

What the janitor couldn't pull out.

His example to other sciences:

If there is such a thing between the legs -

Don't poke her mare in the ass,

As an uncle, you won't be happy.

In the morning, as Uncle Zorke corrected —

And then the heart attack grabbed him.

He left the state:

Only a quarter of it.

And this example to other science:

What's life? Not life is pure torment,

All your life you work, save

And you don't sleep, and you don't sleep,

It seems that you have achieved everything,

It's time to give up all worries,

To live in pleasure to begin,

And screw up, and stick around...

Oh no. Cooking Rock Again

One last hard lesson.

So, pussy comes to uncle.

Goodbye forever, vodka, fuck...

And, in the thoughts of the gloomy immersed,

He lies on his deathbed.

And in this sad hour,

To the village whirlwind to my uncle rushing,

Mouth greedy to the neck of the prinik

Heir to all his savings books,

Nephew. His name is Eugene.

He, having no savings,

In some position he served

And by the graces of his uncle lived.

Eugenia the Venerable Dad

He was an important official.

Though carefully, moderately hapal,

And he didn't like to spend a lot,

But still one day I got carried away,

It popped up what was and what wasn't...

As the saying goes, Dad sings

And it thundered for ten years.

Continuation of the poem here 👇

Primed the plot of the last tour of New York with a cheerful singing driver in the paradigm of " ride with the wind " 

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