Plan [C] 19 .Agenda 21 – A Plan to Reduce Humanity by 95%

Plan [C] 19 .Agenda 21 – A Plan to Reduce Humanity by 95%

TRibUlE bUReaU

Plans of state criminals by 2030. This is the whole point of the ongoing lawlessness of their false epidemic, war, prices from the administrations of national perverts and moral freaks, the NWO conspirators pushing the world into the abyss. 

Agenda 2030

🔻The Great Reboot

🔻One World Government

🔻The Fourth Industrial Revolution

🔻Technocratic corporatocracy

🔻Complete dependence on the state

🔻Social credit system

🔻Carbon Dioxide Emission Control System

🔻Universal Basic Income for Obedient Citizens

🔻Central Bank Programmable Digital Currency


🔻Mandatory vaccinations for all ages

🔻Controlled fertility and reproduction

🔻Radical laws on suicide and abortion through radical methods

🔻100% genetically modified food and soil

🔻Ban on all natural remedies and treatments

🔻Robot workforce

🔻Internet of Things and Internet of Tel

🔻Microchips and Implantable Brain Interface Technologies

🔻Constant exposure to non-native EMFs and RFS (5G, 6G, 7G)

🔻Breaking gender boundaries

🔻Destruction of the institution of motherhood and fatherhood

🔻Rationing of energy and all natural resources

🔻Restriction on air travel

🔻Smart Cities

🔻Drones, face recognition cameras, motion sensors

🔻Abolition of private property

🔻Control and observation of nature

🔻Limited access to wildlife (human-free zones)

🔻 "Sustainable Development" of the New World Order

It seems impossible, and too improbable to be true, but the information is publicly available and anyone can verify it. Did you know that the UN has developed a plan called "Agenda 21" and, thinking about the environment, proposes, among other things, to depopulate the Earth? 

Depopulation of 95% of the world's population by 2030.

We live in a world filled with lies beyond measure, where there is such a thing as "Agenda 21: Depopulation of 95% of the world's population by 2030." Few people know this UN 🇺🇳 terrorist document, but it is a real plan to depopulate 95% of the world by 2030 to create a new world order.

The United Nations appears to some people as a charity dedicated to preserving human life where there is conflict. It seems that the organization primarily promotes international cooperation and peace.

But in fact, these are the real state terrorists with a plan to forcibly reduce the world's population by 2030, and it is a reality, bearing the name "Agenda for the XXI century". All that these degenerates have achieved within the framework of the NWO project is the imbalance of finances, the imbalance of economies, regression, the political widespread crisis and the fierce hatred of the population down to every city. People didn't accept the lies. All active and thinking people of nation-states no longer respect their Governments fiercely and hate them. 

The Covid-Plan / Rockefeller Lockstep 2010. They hypothesize a simulated global outbreak required steps, various phases, overall timelines, and expected outcomes. This was posited in the Rockefeller Lockstep 2010: Create a very contagious but super low mortality rate virus to fit the needed plan. Using SARS, HIV, Hybrid Research Strain created ...


This whole terrorist document is fine in the form in which it was written in 2010, as well as special parts of this plan, we have been working for more than 12 months. We have studied the origin of this document well and found it authentic and truthful. As everyone can now see and know too, of course, who wants to put behind bars Mega accomplices David Rockefeller & Gorbachev and Putin, since February 2020 this agenda has been implemented exactly and so far it has not been completed, since the entire terrorist gang is still walking free and even holding summits. By itself, rest assured, this program will not end without the arrests or physical elimination of the criminals who staged the world genocide and war against nation-states and their peoples. The Fort Dietrich Level 4 Laboratory is an operation of the Black Hats, or rather fools in foil hats riding on armored hearses. 

The plan itself:

To create a highly contagious but ultra-low mortality rate virus that fits the necessary plan using SARS, HIV, a hybrid research strain created at The Fort Dietrich Lab Class 4 from 2008 to 2013 as part of a research project to find out why corona viruses spread at the rate of wildfires. in bats, but they find it extremely difficult to infect humans. This plan did not work out for humans, as there are no viruses in nature capable of infecting entire continents. This plan was adjusted to pump biological weapons into a syringe 💉 and called it "vaccination". 

Nevertheless, David and Gorby worked hard and did their dark work and in order to counteract this, they added 4 hiv injections to the virus. The missing key to infecting humans is the Ace-2 receptor. As a backup plan, they pointed out: create a version of the virus with a much higher mortality rate. Ready for release in Phase 3, but only when needed. SARS, HIV, MERS, a strain of tribite armed with weapons created at a Class 4 laboratory at Fort Dietrich in 2015. Move the research strain to another Class 4 lab, the National Microbiology Laboratory in Winnipeg, Canada, and let it be "stolen and smuggled into China," Xi Chang Li, specifically and delivered to China's only Class 4 laboratory, which is the Wuhan Institute of Virology in Wuhan, China. For additional plausible denial and to help anchor a public backup scenario that can be resorted to if necessary. The basic scenario is natural. The backup scenario is that China created it and released it by accident. Fund all talking heads: Fauci, Birx, Tedros and agencies, the World Health Organization, NIAID, CDC, and the United Nations, who will be involved in the pandemic response until the planned release of the research strain to control the wanted scenario throughout the period. operation. Create and fund a vaccine development and deployment plan so that it can be deployed globally. Gates: A decade of waxins and the Global Action Vaxxine Action Plan 2010-2020. Create and fund vaccination, verification and certification protocols, Digital IDs, to ensure compliance/validation of the vaccination program once mandatory deployment is in place. Gate: ID2020. Model the local step hypothesis just before the planned release of the Research Strain, using a real exercise as the final war game to determine the expected response, timing, and results. Event 201 in October 2019. Release a research strain at the Wuhan Institute of Virology itself, and then blame its release on the natural scapegoat as the required core scenario. Wet market in Wuhan, November 2019. Just like in the simulator. Downplay the likelihood of human-to-human transmission of the virus for as long as possible so that the research strain can spread globally before any country can block a response to avoid initial infection. Once the country detects an infection, block inbound/outbound travel. Keep the spread of infection within the country as long as possible. Once enough people in the country/region are infected, introduce a compulsory quarantine/isolation for that area and gradually expand the lockdown regions. Overestimate the mortality rate by deceiving the Research Strain about deaths that have little to do with the real virus to keep fear and compliance at its maximum. If someone dies of any cause and is found to have [C] 19, consider it a death [C] 19. And if someone suspects they may have symptoms of [C]19, assume they have [C]19, and regard that as death [C]19. Maintain public quarantine for as long as possible to disrupt the region's economy, cause civil unrest, disrupt the supply chain, and cause massive food shortages. And also cause a weakening of the immune system of people due to the lack of interaction with other people's bacteria, the outside world, that is, with things that support our immune system in vigilance and activity. Downplay and attack any potential treatments and keep repeating that the only cure for this virus is a vaccine. Keep tightening the quarantine over and over again at "two-week intervals" (it's a two-week spell again, it's a CIA program), causing more and more people to eventually get up and protest. Challenge them.

(And now the key part 😎 is eventually ending the Phase 1 quarantine once they get enough public responses expected in June 2020 and publicly state that they think it's "too early to end the isolation, but I'm going to do it. anyway"

Once the population is back to normal, wait a few weeks and continue to exaggerate the death rate from the research strain from August to September 2020, and combine this with an increase in deaths due to people dying from common illnesses at a higher rate than usual due to a severely weakened immune system after months of isolation (which confirms what I said): you have to distance yourself from people who regularly wear masks. That's what they just told you. They have a very weakened immune system) to help further mitigate the mortality rate, as well as the hype over the approaching Phase 2. Eventually, putting the Phase 2 quarantine in place, from October to November 2020, on an even more extreme level and blaming the protesters, mostly people who no longer trust their governments, as the reason for the biggest second wave, in which the media would say, "I said so," it was too early. It's your own fault because you needed a haircut. Your freedoms have consequences! 

   Nazi fool repeated word for word task 

(If all of this unfolds this way, the U.S. election will be canceled, postponed, or suspended. My opinion. How can you vote with a Phase 2 quarantine? You can't?)

Enforce a Phase 2 quarantine at a much more extreme level by increasing the penalty for disobedience. Replace fines with jail time. Consider all trips insignificant, increase the number of checkpoints, including military assistance. Increase tracking/tracking after check-in with the mandatory app. Take control of food, gas, and create large-scale shortages so that people can only access basic products or services if they are given permission first. Maintain a Phase 2 lock for a much longer period of time than a Phase 1 lock while continuing to disrupt the global economy. Further deterioration of the supply chain and further intensification of food shortages, etc. Suppress any public outrage using extreme measures or force, and make anyone who challenges them appear to be the No. 1 public enemy for those who wish to comply. After a fairly long Phase 2 lockdown that lasted 6 months plus, roll out the vaccination program and vacccine certification and make it mandatory for everyone, giving priority access to those who have applied from the beginning, and let those who are for it attack those who are against it. he said, "They pose a threat and the cause of all problems," using words such as "We can't go back to normal until everyone has taken the vaccine." And the people challenging them "harm our way of life and are therefore our enemies." (In other words, they turned people against each other.) For the most part, people agree with the agenda and then allow those people to enter the new system, the new normal, while limiting the minority that challenges the program's ability to work, travel, and live. If most people go against the agenda, then release the "Sars/HIV/MERS Weapons Tribit Strain" as a Phase 3 operation. A virus with a mortality rate of 30 +% as the last fear to punish the minority, to quickly become the majority and give the final "We told you so" to those who did not listen.  Adopt a new model of the economy. Microsoft's patent 060606, a cryptocurrency system that uses data on body activity based on human behavior and willingness to provide. This is an improved version of the black mirrors program of 15 million merits using food, water, housing and other basic necessities as a coercive weapon to the new economic system. In general, we do what we want and get rewarded. Score points and get more access to things you need to survive. Or go against what we want and get punished. Lose credits and lose access to things you need to survive. And this is your New World Order of scum: technology on chips in the body, communication through 5G towers, steroids, where all freedoms are taken away from people, they are like cattle with no choice but to obey you bastards. And if anyone thinks that's not true, then go and check out some parts of China because they've already launched a lot of david Rockefeller systems. 

Albert Pike: On Freemasonry & Force

"Tell me who your friend is and I'll tell you who you are" 

I don't know if you noticed, for some time Yermak has been voicing the wishes of Ukraine. Green doesn't even want to talk to you, so you are worthless to all steel and disgusting at the same time, scum. 

What is this whore doing on the G7 and what is she talking about with Orderly Joe Barry?  Albert Pike's Plan for the New World Order . Who was Albert Pike?

Few outsiders are aware of the secret plans of Albert Pike and the architects of the New World Order. In the 19th century, Albert Pike laid the foundation for the establishment of the New World Order. Based on the vision revealed to him, Albert Pike wrote a plan of events that would play out in the 20th century, and even more of these events ahead. We believe that this is the plan that invisible leaders are following today, consciously or not, to carry out the planned Third and Final World War.

About Albert Pike

Albert Pike was born on December 29, 1809, in Boston and was the eldest of six children of Benjamin and Sarah Andrews Pike. He attended Harvard and later served as a brigadier general in the Confederate Army. After the Civil War, Pike was found guilty of treason and imprisoned, but on April 22, 1866, he was pardoned by Masonic President Andrew Johnson, who met with him the next day at the White House. On June 20, 1867, Officials of the Scottish Rite conferred on Johnson 4–32 degrees of Freemasonry, and later he went to Boston to consecrate a Masonic temple. Pike was considered a genius, able to read and write in 16 different languages, although I can't find records of what those languages were anywhere. In addition, he is widely accused of plagiarism, so be careful. At various stages of his life he was a poet, philosopher, border guard, soldier, humanitarian and philanthropist. A 33rd degree Freemason, he was one of the founding fathers and head of the Ancient Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry, was Grand Commander-in-Chief of North American Freemasonry from 1859 and retained this position until his death in 1891. In 1869, he was the supreme leader of the Knights of the Ku Klux Klan. Pike was a Satanist who practiced the occult, and apparently had an amulet that he used to summon Lucifer, with whom he constantly communicated. He was Grand Master of the Luciferian group known as the Order of Palladium (or Sovereign Council of Wisdom), which was founded in Paris in 1737. Palladism was brought to Greece from Egypt by Pythagoras in the fifth century, and it was a cult of Satan that was introduced into the inner circle of Masonic lodges. He was associated with the Palladium of the Templars. In 1801, a Jew, Issak Long, brought a statue of Baphomet (Satan) to Charleston, South Carolina, where he helped establish the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite. Long apparently chose Charleston because geographically it was at the 33rd parallel of latitude (by the way, Pike was Long's successor, and he changed the name of the Order to the New and Reformed Palladian Rite (or Reformed Palladium). The Order contained two degrees:
Adelph (or Brother) and Ulysses' Satellite (or Penelope's Companion). Pike's right-hand man was Phileas Walder of Switzerland, a former Lutheran priest, Masonic leader, occultist and spiritualist. Pike also worked closely with Giuseppe Mazzini of Italy (1805-1872), who was the 33rd person to found the mafia in 1860. Together with Mazzini, Lord Henry Palmerston of England (1784-1865, Freemason of the 33rd degree) and Otto von Bismarck of Germany. (1815-1898, Freemason of the 33rd degree), Albert Pike intended to use the Palladian Rite to create a satanic umbrella group that would unite all Masonic groups. Albert Pike died on April 2, 1891, and was buried in Oak Hill Cemetery, although Pike's corpse is now at the headquarters of the Scottish Rite of Freemasonry Council 33 in Washington, D.C. cm. Monument to Albert Pike

Albert Pike left his mark on the Arkansas War as a lawyer and writer, but as a Confederate brigadier general, he was, in the words of an Arkansas Democrat on July 31, 1978, a complete "nothingness," not a hero. However, General Albert Pike is the only Confederate general whose statue is federally owned in Washington, D.C. He was revered not as a commander or even as a lawyer, but as a southern regional leader of the Scottish Rite of Freemasonry. The statue stands on a pedestal at the foot of Capitol Hill, between the Ministry of Labor building and the municipal building, between 3rd and 4th Streets, on D Street, northwest. More information about the statue's colorful history can be found on the Masonic website. During the 1992 presidential campaign, Lyndon H. LaRouche and his running mate, the Rev. James Bevel, began mobilizing to remove a statue of General Albert Pike from The Court Square of Washington, D.C. On February 1, the campaign drew an angry attack from Masonic leader Fred Kleinknecht, who was trying to protect Pike and the Ku Klux Klan from an attack by LaRouche and Bevel.

The Illuminati and Albert Pike

Adam Weisgaupt (1748–1811) formed the Order of Perfectionists (still celebrated as May Day in many Western countries) on 1 May 1776, which later became known as the Illuminati, a secret society whose name means "Enlightened". Although the Order was founded to provide an opportunity for the free exchange of ideas, Weisgaupt's past as a Jesuit seems to have influenced the real character of society, so that the explicit purpose of this Order was the abolition of Christianity and the overthrow of all civil authorities. .

Italian revolutionary leader Giuseppe Mazzini (1805-1872), a Freemason of the 33rd degree, was chosen by the Illuminati to lead their worldwide operations in 1834 (Mazzini also founded the Mafia in 1860). Because of Mazzini's revolutionary activities in Europe, the Bavarian government took harsh measures against the Illuminati and other secret societies that were allegedly plotting the mass overthrow of European monarchies. When the secrets of the Illuminati were revealed, they were persecuted and eventually dissolved only to re-establish themselves in the bowels of other organizations, one of which was Freemasonry. During his leadership, Mazzini recruited Albert Pike to the (now formally disbanded, but still active) Illuminati. Pike was fascinated by the idea of a one-world government and, when asked by Mazzini, readily agreed to write a ritual tome that led the transition from the average high-ranking Freemason to a high-ranking Illuminati Mason (33rd degree). Since Mazzini also wanted Pike to lead the American Branch of the Illuminati, he clearly felt that Pike was worthy of such a task. Mazzini's intention was that as soon as the mason climbed the ladder of Freemasons and proved himself worthy, members of the highest rank offered membership in a secret "society within society". It is for this reason that most Freemasons categorically deny the evil intentions of their brotherhood. Since the vast majority never reach the 30th degree, they do not realize the true purpose of Freemasonry. Instructing Pike on how to design a folio, Mazzini wrote the following to Pike in a letter dated January 22, 1870. Remember that Freemasonry was not founded by Pike – rather it was introduced by the Illuminati, who were looking for a respectable forum in which they hide their underground activities:

"We must allow all federations to remain as they are, with their systems, their central authorities and their various ways of conforming between the highest levels of the same rite, organized as they are now, but we must create a super-rite that will remain unknown, to which we will invoke those Freemasons of the highest degree whom we choose. As for our Fellow Freemasonry, these people must be sealed with oaths of the strictest secrecy. Through this supreme rite, we will govern all Freemasonry, which will become a single international center, more powerful, because its direction will be unknown." In 1871, Pike published an 861-page Masonic handbook known as The Morality and Dogma of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry. After Mazzini's death on March 11, 1872, Pike appointed Adriano Lemmy (1822-1896, Freemason of the 33rd degree), a banker from Florence, Italy, to direct their subversive activities in Europe. Lemmy was a supporter of the patriot and revolutionary Giuseppe Garibaldi and may have been active in the Luciferian society founded by Pike. Lemmies, in turn, were replaced by Lenin and Trotsky, and then by Stalin. The revolutionary activities of all these people were financed by British, French, German and American international bankers; among them was dominated by the House of Rothschild.Between 1859 and 1871, Pike developed a war plan for three world wars and various revolutions around the world that he believed would bring the conspiracy to its final stage in the 20th century. In addition to the Supreme Council in Charleston, South Carolina, Pike established high councils in Rome, Italy (headed by Mazzini); London, England (led by Palmerston); and Berlin, Germany (led by Bismarck). He created 23 subordinate boards at strategic locations around the world, including five central directories in Washington, D.C. (North America), Montevideo (South America), Naples (Europe), Kolkata (Asia) and Mauritius (Africa), which were used to gather information. Since then, all these departments were and still are the secret headquarters of the Illuminati activities. Reorganizing Humanity?: The Tyrannical Designs of the UN's Agenda 21 and Agenda 2030

U.S. Chief Medical Officer Joe Biden and His Fake Shot 👇

Here they are covid scum, some of them are already dead, but the followers of scum are enough. Conferences | Environment and sustainable development

Group photo of world leaders meeting at the 'Earth Summit' in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 13 June 1992. UN Photo/Michos Tzovaras

United Nations Conference on Environment and Development, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 3-14 June 1992

Agenda 21: The UN manipulates sky and time. Some believe that these worthless degenerates from the UN 🇺🇳 are the authors of Agenda 21. But these are petty crooks working solely on the orders of other people, for example, David Rockefeller. And the authorities are manipulating the weather to simulate the climate crisis. Why would they do that? Agenda21 is a direct conspiracy of criminal elites and an attempt to take freedom away from the masses. Gain global control and introduce a totalitarian state.

What is Agenda 21?

Agenda 21 is a large 351-page document divided into 40 chapters. These chapters contain proposed solutions to earthly problems such as world hunger, the climate crisis, and human rights injustices.

UN Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro 179 degenerates from 179 states. 

Doesn't sound so bad, does it? Yes, if you take the document literally, but is it possible to believe everything that David's liars at the UN say? The UN has received criticism since the 1950s mainly for its questionable effectiveness, possible corruption, and the promotion of globalization. The objectives of Agenda 21 are mainly: restrictions on movement; the abolition of personal property; redistribution of wealth; public administration of land resources; state control of food resources; reducing education and restructuring movement.


The objectives of the agenda are divided into 4 categories, each of which is obviously aimed at improving environmental measures; respect for human rights and social and economic aspects. According to a document published by the United Nations. They plan to increase education on health, exercise and nutrition. Communists are degenerates.  In Agenda TWENTY, degenerates also seek to make everyone and perverts, and through budgets, strengthen minority groups and involve them in key decision-making processes. That is why they gathered in the national administrations all the degraded pidaras, trances and lesbians. This is the main requirement now for applicants for public office.  How do they manipulate time?
The UN is managing the weather to simulate the current climate crisis. Chemical air routes are also their hands on, they also set fire to forests, try to control hurricanes, earthquakes, floods. While the UN itself is literally not manipulating the weather, they are recruiting speakers for this false agenda on climate change. Throughout the history of planet Earth, we know global temperatures have naturally risen and fallen over the years. Glaciations came and went, glaciers formed and melted. Yes, we see huge amounts of plastic pollution as a result of human consumption. By the way, these creatures have covered the whole world with their muzzles for 2 years.  The climate crisis has been sucked out of the finger. It's not in the form of a threat.  What can be achieved by managing time? By controlling the weather, the United Nations steals huge amounts of money and destroys less desirable development areas to pave the way for new urban development zones. They also simulate natural disasters to support the false theory of global warming. To introduce a "favorable climate" for a global centralized government and bankrupt businesses.  Although the United Nations does not manipulate the weather literally. It certainly shifts the burden of climate change to individuals. We've all seen a rise in once-rare natural disasters in recent years, and we've all felt that the weather has changed from extreme cold to extreme heat. But that doesn't mean it's your fault that you didn't overwork the cup after drinking coffee. Agenda 21 is aimed at achieving global governance by making the population think that it is the fault of the population. What does the UN actually do? The United Nations, they say, seeks to maintain peace among peoples and to improve human rights. However, their effectiveness is questionable. How many wars have they prevented since the creation of the UN after World War II? Since the founding of the UN, millions of people around the world have been killed and forced to flee their homes. And now this bunch of worthless morons has once again disappointed the whole world by maintaining the Mega Lies over the pandemic.  The UN has been criticized for promoting globalization since the 1950s. The John Birch Society, based in the United States, ran the famous "Withdrawal of the United States from the United Nations" campaign in 1959. This opposition was largely due to the theory that the UN was formed with the aim of establishing a world government. And this campaign, Agenda 21, aims to create a global government. Under the pretext of false pandemics, the imposition of a "favorable climate" for life, they are engaged in a completely different dark project. Their new favorable false climate for life includes limiting the use of fossil fuels; reducing deforestation; restriction of freedom of movement; switching to a planetary diet (why fake meat 🥩?); reducing consumption and limiting resources. They are imposing on everyone their twisted false globalist agenda without property rights and other rights. People were even fined for collecting rainwater from their homes.

Means of depopulation

This programme of genocide against humankind is already being implemented, and there are many means to achieve this goal. The list of funds includes chemtrails (or "Geoengineering"), vaccines, irradiated food, GMOs (Codex Alimentarius), smart meters, 5G deployment, etc. One such means, relatively ignored in the alternative media, is the mass migration of the population from Africa and the Middle East to the United States and Europe. Some 100,000 migrants from Africa have been brought to Israel, who have taken over entire neighborhoods in southern Tel Aviv and other cities where the local population has literally become refugees in their own country and forced to flee to other parts of the country. They're terrorizing the locals, and it's terrible what's happening in these areas. However, all of these tools sound great when they are called "sustainable development" within the framework of Agenda 21. But how could people who barely earn $300 a year afford a trip from Africa to Israel, which costs (according to some immigrants) $3,000? This emigration is paid and these immigrants are protected by NGOs (Non-Governmental Organizations) that are funded by Governments and foundations. This is organized immigration to Israel, similar to that which originates from Syria and Africa to Europe and the United States, in order to destroy from within Western countries and those associated with them.  At first, the Israeli media called them "refugees." However, after UN officials checked their status, it turned out that only 6% of them are real refugees. This required the mainstream media to change its terminology in relation to them as "asylum seekers". How is Agenda 21 being implemented locally around the world? Agenda 21st century is implemented by NGOs funded by budgetary and otherwise funded administrations, such as the Israel Foundation (funded by the Ford Foundation and others, including Muslim countries), as well as by the open society foundations (the Nazi bastard walking corpse George Soros) and Oxfam, with the intention of destroying Israel from within, like other Western countries. This plan by Nazi Magyar Soros is called the "Great Replacement." 

According to the UN's own website, these are:

"a comprehensive plan of action to be adopted at the global, national and local levels by the organizations of the United Nations system, Governments and major groups in each area in which human beings have an impact on the environment". According to Rosa Coiré, an activist and educator who works tirelessly to educate the uninformed public about the dangers of this plan , this plan is present in all aspects of our lives.

The UN's Xxi Century Agenda/Sustainability is a corporate manipulation using the green mask of environmental concern to advance the globalist plan (

It seems that using the word "sustainability" helps them easily advance their depopulation plan. It sounds so "green", advanced and progressive. Doesn't that tell you anything? That's why most people consider this plan to be positive. So, what's the catch? Pay attention to the actions of those who implement it, not to "pleasant", soothing words such as "sustainable development".

There is a clear structural connection between all these different topics.

The programme is implemented by the United Nations through an NGO called the International Council of Local Environmental Initiatives, commonly known as ICLEI. It is implemented at the local level by municipalities of major cities around the world, including London, Berlin, Rome. According to our research, fifteen cities in Israel joined this NGO in 2008. Not surprisingly, Ron Huldai, the mayor of Tel Aviv, is the chairman of ICLEI Israel (or as he is called, Forum 15, which is the forum of the 15 cities of Israel that have adopted the ICLEI rules). This plan is paid for by taxpayers around the world without their knowledge or consent, as none of them were informed of it and obviously had no say in its implementation.  This UN Agenda for the 21st Century is responsible for the development programs of your city that you are not aware of, for mass artificial immigration to Europe and intensive surveillance of the population everywhere (as is the case with "smart meters" and 5G). You can check out the 21-Year Agenda programs in your city or locality by searching for Agenda 21 and your city's name on Google. You'll find them that way. We see these programs wherever we want, including in Haifa (Israel 🇮🇱) 

According to ICLEI's official website, the NGO includes "12 megacities, 100 supercities and urban areas, 450 major cities, and 450 medium-sized cities and towns in 84 countries." The goal stated by the NGO is that "By 2050, a third of all people will live in cities." They are also forcing children to use sustainable (environmentally friendly) transport (COVID PASS 🪪), which is closely linked to the Agenda 21 Agenda Population Management Programme, in an attempt to move most people to megacities, away from rural areas, which will be considered "open spaces" for wildlife and will be more easily controlled by public transport. Greta Thunberg picked up somewhere on the street, down's child didn't finish school, promotes the 21st century agenda and global warming/climate change, and helps raise awareness of climate issues with the pope. Yes you fucked up completely degenerates thought that no one would catch you by the hand fucking scammers. Where did you learn so badly to lie? 🤥 

Sick children and adolescents are bribed for use in promoting this program. If the conspirators do not succeed in one direction (as in the case of the degenerate Gore), they are advancing their agenda in a different way. The hidden agenda masquerades as a beneficial plan for humanity, when in fact it is state terrorism. In fact, this is a very poorly made plan and a well-thought-out lie, eluding only the inattentive passengers of life. The result of all this is the elimination of national sovereignty and the empowerment of the UN 🇺🇳 to gradually take control of what were once nation-states.  Their plans include the abolition and destruction of all constitutions of nation-states, the restriction of freedom of speech and the disarmament of the people. The plan for the completion of the 21st Century Agenda is full implementation and the UN plans to announce it.  Paul McGuire, writes in his book Babylon Code that:

"The true agenda of Agenda 21 [2030] is the creation of a global government, a global economic system, and a global religion. When U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon spoke of "the dream of a world without war and dignity for all," it is no different than when the Communists promised people a 'paradise for workers.'"

- How legal is this? 

It's a mega crime and a state crime that they do all together.  Since this plan is secret, it is implemented by the NGO ICLEI, in the name of the UN Agenda 21, no one from the population was informed about it or voted for it in any way; it basically leads to the loss of personal freedom and sovereignty throughout the world. It is the deception of humanity, rooted in the darkness and complicity of so many in this criminal project, and also the ignorance of the population that allows the UN to carry out this insidious plan. It is absolutely criminal, undemocratic and relies on police forces and intimidation of a passive population that is poorly informed and accepts the nonsense of national administrations. 

What is the Codex Alimentarius?

It is a term used for food regulations that were written and ratified in 2009. In the investigation, we found a link between IG Farben (formerly BAYER, BASF, HOECHST) and food laws ratified by the UN. This raises many important questions, such as: How do these rules relate to the depopulation program?  Why is the food of nation-states filled with toxins and elements that threaten our health?  Are there really too many people on earth? Is the World Health Organization interested in the overall well-being of the population? A Nazi, Fritz ter Meer, a former executive member of IG Farben (producing and delivering Zyklon B to death camps during World War II), who was imprisoned for fifteen years at the Nuremberg War Crimes Tribunal, was hired by the UN upon release. He became a member of the Committee for Planning Food Resources for Humanity and developed the Codex Alimentarius. It's a UN-sponsored global food standards body that criminalizes the production of healthy foods both commercially and at home, whether it's organic food, food additives, or even your organic garden 🪴. Dr. Rima Laibow spoke about these rules. According to her, the rules determine that vitamins are toxins and therefore should be limited in consumption to ineffective dosages, the rules also include irradiating foods to destroy all the nutrients in them and switching to products with GMOs consumed by the masses. According to Dr. Rima Laibow, this alone will lead to the death of three billion people around the world in the next few decades. The World Health Organization confirms these estimates. Here's another observation made by the Dr. Rath Health Foundation about those behind the outline:

"Just fifteen years after they were convicted at the Nuremberg War Crimes Tribunal, Bayer, BASF and Hoechst are once again the architects of the next major human rights violations. In 1962, they established the Codex Alimentarius Commission." 

Why don't people hear about this plan?

Most people use the official media, including television, newspapers, radio, and other media, that suppress this information. Those in power control the mainstream media and don't want you to know about the plan. These media outlets have denied the existence of such a plan for years, despite the existence of a book called "An Agenda for the 21st Century" (350 pages) published by the UN.

So unless you rely on alternative media, it's unlikely that you'll find information about this vast global plan and all of its goals.  Fearing public outrage and criminal liability, they introduced this plan gradually, using attractive language such as "sustainable development" or something like the "green" term, so that people would gladly accept it (as fascist regimes have always done). However, this is not about environmental sustainability. The true goals of the plan are realized by deception, hiding its real goal - the seizure of the entire planet and all its assets by a handful of people. Among those pushing this agenda are members of royal families (already the dead Prince Charles, he was an ardent supporter of this plan, even from his speech "New Environmental Agenda"). Soviet negro Barry Obama with husband Misha and their common wife Bill Gates. During the tenure of this criminal, Barry passed a lot of bookmarks of the project, and speaking at the UN General Assembly on September 27, 2015, the communist Pidaras stated that this UN project "is one of the most reasonable investments we can make in our own future." Yes you went in the ass to your Jew Misha, Barry, you, black bitch, waiting for a very quick arrest along with your cocks in your ass. Bureaucrats, CEOs, and CEOs of international banks and corporations such as Hugh Grant, CEO of Monsanto, said:

"This place (the planet) is becoming more lively and crowded. As long as you have money in your back pocket and you drive your station wagon to the supermarket on weekends, then it's out of sight, out of mind, bye." The lifestyle of the "global elite" with their private trains and planes, car parks, palaces and their businesses is excluded from this plan and continues to be considered sustainable. Chemtrails do exist. They are recorded by well-known activists, Dane Winnington. They gave us testimony as two planes spray and leave behind such white traces that other planes did not leave. This has happened in many countries around the world and everything has been documented for a long time. In Spain, they are hooked specifically and there is recognition and solution.  A lot of photos and videos of these aircraft are unmarked, they spray state poison ☠️  Not only do they spray from airplanes, but they also use underwater jet streams in the oceans aimed at beaches where appropriate. The founder of the Geoengineering Watch website, Dane Winington, along with others, filed a lawsuit against the authorities (regime) behind this crime against humanity, claiming that HAARP is used as a weapon that causes climate change. The patent is for H.A.A.R.P. (High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program), and it has facilities around the world that, together with chemical traces, can really create earthquakes, tsunamis and other "natural" disasters. The Cobra (resistance movement) calls these installations ionospheric heaters (the most famous of them is in Alaska, but such installations can be found all over the world), and they have placed a map on the network. We have at our disposal a large number of videos that people around the world posted on YouTube, showing strange colorful "clouds" half an hour before the "natural" disaster occurred. Here's what Dane Winnington has to say about chemical traces and geoengineering:

"Historical records no doubt prove that climate engineering has been fully deployed on a significant scale for more than 65 years (suppressing hurricanes for more than 53 years), so why do official publications continue to lie about this glaring reality? Because they get paid to do it."

"Once the world's population is fully aware of the seriousness of the collapse of the biosphere that is rapidly unfolding around it (further exacerbated by geoengineering), our paradigm will be reversed. The power structure is desperately trying to hide this reality for as long as possible." "Unfortunately, most environmental groups and organizations are major contributors to the denial of geoengineering. I and several other activists just attended the presentation of global warming, where there were so many people that the apple had nowhere to fall, we made sure that the topic of geoengineering was not excluded from this event. " According to this agenda (Agenda 21 and The 2030 Agenda), humans are on the same level as animals. According to their plans, the management of people will become like flora and fauna. Behind all this is a materialistic and secularized view of humanity, rejecting the idea that humans are sacred and part of the divine! Needless to say, this is just the tip of the iceberg regarding this disgusting program. It encompasses the real intention to control humanity by cutting people off from higher sources. But they've already lost that battle. We will show even harsher methods to criminals, which we begin to use in order to preserve our land, peace 🗺 and rebuff the scoundrels of the communists - the Nazis. You pussy bitches. 

It is a plan to destroy humanity as we know it. Population control is mentioned. It is a plan to subjugate the people to a tyrannical dictatorship. Agenda 21 Course – 5G – Smart Cities – Green New Deal – NWO – AI – Geoengineering Reorganizing Humanity?: The Tyrannical Designs of the UN’s Agenda 21 and Agenda 2030

Understanding Sustainable Development and How It Affects You –

Lesson 1: Learn the definition, short history, and the 3 E’s of Agenda 21.

Lesson 2: How America has been made to accept the scam called Agenda 21.

Lesson 3: How through the Wildlands Project private property rights will be destroyed and a One World Order implemented.

Lesson 4: Once confined to human settlements human behavior must be strictly controlled by Smart Growth strategies.

Lesson 5: Taking control of Wall Street and Main Street and their associated wealth must occur to create a One World Order.

Lesson 6: How the Feds use grants to help implement Agenda 21.

Lesson 7: Regional governments, created by the fed. gov’t., use grants funneled down from the fed. gov’t. to undermine the control of our local representative government.

Lesson 8: Explains how our people must be dummied down and indoctrinated to create good Global Citizens who think that they are here to serve the needs of the government (includes info. on Common Core).

Lesson 9: Explains how Non Governmental Organizations (such as the Sierra Club, Zero Population Growth, etc.) use of the Delphi Method to implement Agenda 21.

Lesson 10: Many ideas for how to activate yourself to stop the implementation of Agenda 21.


Help us to defend Earth:

#5GEarthUnderAttack #thishastostop #tell2people2tell2people

Australian Fire Series by Max Igan:

Part 1: Australia – Wake Up Or Die!

Part 2: Drought by Design – The Genociding of Australia

Part 3: Water Deprivation – Incendiary Fueled Fires

Part 4: The Perfect Firestorm – Created By Design

Part 5: An Australian Holocaust

Part 6: Directed Energy Weapons The Importance of Critical Examination

Australia: More than 10,000 camels to be shot because they drink too much water


According to our latest data, the planning and development of this PLANDEMIA began more than 20 years ago! This is also confirmed by all the numerous Patents for Covid-19 that existed before the so-called "outbreak".

           First stage : 


Pieter Bruegel Jr., "Payment of Debts"


       In a word , ROMANCE 😝

Everyone remembers the start date of what was called the three guys in black "Covid Pandemic."

Another significant milestone is the date of commencement of work on a covid vaccine.

The famine winter was a mass famine that struck the civilian population of the Netherlands at the end of World War II. Pictured is a 9-year-old boy, 1945.

L_Tribule Factor 

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