Basic National Conspirators Communist Project Fake Pandemic to Establish NWO 

Basic National Conspirators Communist Project Fake Pandemic to Establish NWO 

Kristin Anderson, EU Parliament: 

"I will do everything in my power to make the whole world aware that your once free and liberal democracy has become a totalitarian regime that tramples on human rights, civil liberties and the rule of law. I'm German, and one day we asked our grandparents how they could just stand by silently, allowing a terrible totalitarian regime to take hold. Anyone could have known that, all they had to do was open their eyes and look. The vast majority chose not to do so then.  So what do you say to your grandchildren? Will you tell them you didn't know[that fascism had already arrived]? Will you tell them you were just following orders? You have to understand that this is not about overcoming the fourth wave. It's about breaking people... We must prevent our governments from transforming our free and democratic societies into totalitarian regimes. We have to do it right now. We need to get up right now."

Frankness is one common devil that unites us with this ardent young revolutionary ...

End of the list of this gang and full material in the Telegramm channel  👇



1920 Political Cartoon

Barry, why did your Rockefeller friends and bosses create the Bilderberg Group?

The so-called Bilderberg Group consists of 120-150 members who meet annually to discuss issues of global importance. The Bilderberg Group is a meeting place for unelected world leaders – "shadow cardinals". It is attended mainly by extremely wealthy people from North America and Europe.  The first gathering of criminals took place in the Netherlands in 1954. The purpose of the initial meeting was to promote the Atlantis plan to improve mutual understanding between the world's national criminals.  It was proposed to create the Trans-Pacific Partnership – an economic partnership between US crime and European crime – with the sole purpose of uniting these two regions to create a new communist state with a new world order of private property and to make major decisions by a narrow circle of unelected criminal shadow individuals, with the further seizure of the rest of the globe. A member of the Bilderberg Group, former British politician Denis Healy, admitted to the Guardian newspaper: "We were told that the need for a one-world government is caused by the fact that without cohesion and unity there will be endless wars and impoverishment. We believed them"... The actual record of what is being discussed at the Bilderberg meeting is kept secret, adding fuel to our common fire. Participants are not allowed to disclose information to the public.  Among the former participants of the meeting are well-known virologists of the new false virus 🦠: David Rockefeller, George Soros , Angela Merkel, Gordon Brown (Prime Minister of the United Kingdom), Donald Rumsfeld (U.S. Secretary of Defense), Rupert Murdoch (international media mogul, billionaire and farmer 🧑 🌾) Tony Blair - unemployed male virologist homeless , Bill Clinton - Main at Home 🏡 Henry Kissinger - known to us as kgb agent Kisa , Peter Tail (founder of PayPal) – global financial laundress ,Reed Hoffman (CEO).

To understand the scope of the Bilderberg Group's decision-making, one need only look at one example: At a meeting of the Bilderberg Group, it was decided that Obama would be a nominee in the 2008 elections to replace Hillary. Hillary withdrew from the meeting two days after the race, which many believe is not just a coincidence. 

The Rockefeller Tripartite Commission: Recruitment and Control. David Rockefeller was the founder of the Tripartite Commission in 1973. The connection of its fellows with the Illuminati is no longer a secret to anyone. A certain number of David Rockefeller "fellows" are selected to participate in the meetings. There is a David Rockefeller program in Asia, America, and Europe to select these "fellows." Each region has its own selection process. Applicants must be under 35 years of age. The Tripartite Commission is renewed every three years and publishes annual reports. Four meetings of the Tripartite Commission are held each year at different locations. The original stated objective of the Tripartite Commission was to form an informal group of individuals to find solutions to some of the most common problems facing humanity. But whatever its original goals, it is now nothing more than a program to promote a "New World Order" that pushes integration under a single world government.  The Tripartite Commission is where current and future "puppet masters" meet and plan global events, manipulating governments and individual industries, using their power and influence. David Rockefeller is almost always referred to as the "chief cabalist" in the global establishment of elites seeking to dominate the world in various ways. The Tripartite Commission is also accused of having a hand in weather manipulation, viral diseases and, of course, in fixing election campaigns. President Carter was accused of working in tandem with David Rockefeller and the Trilateral Commission, as a fairly large number of members of the Trilateral Commission were recruited from the Carter administration. Many influential politicians have been and are members of the Tripartite Commission. Often you can find information about the Trilateral Commission from representatives of the Rockefellers. This is true, but the most important thing is not included in any of their reports - these are the items discussed at the meetings of the commission.  The Tripartite Commission is nothing more than a cover for the Council on Foreign Relations, another nefarious organization made up of influential members from different countries. This is because more than 90 per cent of the members of the Tripartite Commission are also members of the Council on Foreign Relations. Most of them are private citizens of America and Europe. CfR membership is by invitation only.  One of the projects of the Tripartite Commission was that it sought to reduce the population and place most of the world in "camps". The "new world order" and its goal is a planetary communist dictatorship and a reduction in the population of mankind to about 1.5 - 2.0 billion people.  Ardent Degenerate Fans: 

Joe Biden, Barry Obama, Mikhail Gorbachev, George W. Bush, Tony Blair, other decrepit physical burdens of the world, roughly speaking the entire composition of the EU, the G7, the entire G20 and the boob-fed Nazi children like Mark Zuckerberg and the Soviet Jew Seryozha Brin from GOGLE. 


Dr Michel Chossudovsky, Canadian economist: "We are dealing with a criminal enterprise at the global level. There is a war going on, it is being waged by the United States, it can be carried out by a number of puppet countries that obey washington's orders.  English entrepreneur M. Tatch: "The global war on terrorism is a US enterprise that is fake, it is based on false premises. This tells us that somehow America and the Western world are following the path of a fictional enemy."

... The global war on terror is a fake, a big lie and a crime against humanity", Dr. Michel Chossudovsky, a Canadian economist. Such modern theses as "international agreements" and "global stability" are just a thinly veiled control of international politicians, and ultimately, of the world as a whole. Sooner or later, all decisions will be centralized by one world government of "puppet masters", with one currency, one legal system, one culture, one education system, one medical regime and one repressive apparatus.  The economic chaos in the world today is a direct result of policies to promote a new international economic order, the New International Economic Order (NIEO), according to Patrick Wood. The Tripartite Commission was founded in 1973 by David Rockefeller and Zbigniew Brzezinski. Their early documents and Task Force reports clearly state plans to establish NIEO.
New International Economic Order

Jason Bermas movie Invisible Empire

More videos about the New World Order and the Trilateral Commission

More video about the New World Order and Trilateral Commission

Trilateral Commission: World Shadow Government

Arguments for a New World Order

A "Crisis" in America

Social Class Warfare in America

Taxes and the New World Order Who is enslaving your children with debt?

Additional materials : One World Religion The New Age AgendaWar on Christianity Socialists in the HouseJustice Redefined The False Green GospelWorld Views Philosophical Roots of Change Mark of the BeastNational ID CardsBanks Profile Customers! Wake Up ! Financial StewardshipFollowing The Money TrailLawyer Enrichment Program Manufactured Prosperity

About the Jeremiah ProjectPrivacy Policy Complete Index

Who are the movers and shakers of this New World Order and what is their agenda? 

The Illuminati Skull & Bones Society The Bilderbergers The Trilateral Commission The Council on Foreign Relations 

The United Nations The Club of Rome FEMA Department of Homeland Security War on Terrorism

More New World Order Information



*Executive Committee 


 European Chairman        North American Chairman      Pacific Asian Chairman 


     European     North American        Pacific Asian        

  Deputy Chairman      Deputy Chairman        Deputy Chairman 


      European      North American        

  Deputy Chairman        Deputy Chairman        


Founder and Honorary Chairman 


      European        European     North American      

 Honorary Chairman        Honorary Chairman        Honorary Chairman 


    European Director        North American Director        Pacific Asian Director 


Alexandre Adler, Scientific Director for Geopolitics, University of Paris-Dauphine; Journalist and 

Commentator, Paris 

Urban Ahlin, Member of the Swedish Parliament and Deputy Chairman of the Committee on Foreign 

Affairs, Stockholm 

Esko Aho, Executive Vice President, Nokia, Helsinki; former Prime Minister of Finland 

*Edmond Alphand;ry, Chairman, CNP Assurances, Paris; former Chairman, Electricit; de France 

(EDF); former Minister of the Economy and Finance 

Jacques Andr;ani, Ambassadeur de France, Paris; former Ambassador to the United States 

Jorge Armindo, Chairman, Amorim Turismo, Lisbon 

Jerzy Baczynski, Editor-in-Chief, Polityka, Warsaw 

Patricia Barbizet, Chief Executive Officer and Member of the Board of Directors, Art;mis Group, Paris 

Estela Barbot, Director, AGA; Director, Bank Santander Negocios; Member of the General Council, AEP 

-- Portuguese Business Association, Porto; General Honorary Consul of Guatemala, Lisbon 

*Erik Belfrage, Senior Vice President, Skandinaviska Enskilda Banken; Director, Investor AB, 

Stockholm 2 

Marek Belka, President, National Bank of Poland, Warsaw; former Director, European Department, 

International Monetary Fund, Washington D.C.; former Executive Secretary, United Nations 

Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE), Geneva; former Prime Minister and Minister of Finance 

of Poland; former Ambassador-at-Large and Chairman, Council for International Coordination, 

Coalition Provisional Authority, Baghdad 

Baron Jean-Pierre Berghmans, Chairman of the Executive Board, Lhoist Group, Limelette, Belgium 

*Georges Berthoin, International Honorary Chairman, European Movement; Honorary Chairman, The 

Jean Monnet Association; Honorary European Chairman, The Trilateral Commission, Paris 

Nicolas Beytout, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Groupe Les Echos; former Editor of Le Figaro 

and Les Echos, Paris 

Carl Bildt, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Sweden; former Chairman, Kreab Group of public affairs 

companies; former Chairman, Nordic Venture Network, Stockholm; former Member of the Swedish 

Parliament, Chairman of the Moderate Party and Prime Minister of Sweden; former European Union 

High Representative in Bosnia-Herzegovina & UN Special Envoy to the Balkans 

Manfred Bischoff, Chairman of the Supervisory Board, Daimler AG, Munich; former Member of the 

Board of Management, Daimler AG; former Chairman, EADS 

Antonio Borges, Chairman, Hedge Fund Standards Board, London 

Tzvetelina Borislavova, Chairperson of the Supervisory Board, CIBANK; Member, KBC Group 

Bulgaria, Sofia 

Dermot Gleeson, Chairman of the Governing Body of University College Cork, and of Travelport Jersey 

Ltd.; former Chairman, AIB Group, Dublin 

Stephen Green, Group Chairman, HSBC, London; Chairman, British Bankers’ Association; Chairman, 

Prime Minister’s Business Council for Britain 

Pierfrancesco Guarguaglini, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Finmeccanica, Rome 

Federica Guidi, Chief Executive and Vice President, DUCATI Energia, Bologna; Member of the Board 

of Directors, DUCATI Energia Group; National President of Confindustria Young Entrepreneurs 

Elisabeth Guigou, Deputy Chairman and Member of the French National Assembly; former Minister for 

European Affairs, Paris 

General The Lord Guthrie, Director, N M Rothschild & Sons, London; Member of the House of Lords; 

former Chief of the Defence Staff, London 

Nigel Higgins, Chief Executive, The Rothschild Group, London 

Wolfgang Ischinger, Global Head of Government Relations, Allianz SE, Munich; Chairman, The Munich 

Security Conference on Security Policy; former European Member of the Tro;ka on the Kosovo Status 

Determination; former German Deputy Foreign Minister and former German Ambassador to the 

United States and to the United Kingdom 

*Mugur Isarescu, Governor, National Bank of Romania, Bucharest; former Prime Minister 

Baron Daniel Janssen, Honorary Chairman, Solvay, Brussels 

Lady Barbara Judge, Chairman, UK Pension Protection Fund, London; former Chairman, UKAEA 

(United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority); former US Securities Exchange Commissioner 

*B;la Kadar, Member of the Hungarian Academy, Budapest; Member of the Monetary Council of the 

National Bank; President of the Hungarian Economic Association; former Ambassador of Hungary to 

the O.E.C.D., Paris; former Hungarian Minister of International Economic Relations and Member of 


Admiral Juhani Kaskeala, former Chief of the Finnish Defence Forces, Helsinki

Robert Kassai, General Vice President, The National Association of Craftmen’s Corporations, Budapest 

*Lord Kerr of Kinlochard, Deputy Chairman, Royal Dutch Shell plc; Member of the House of Lords, 

London; former British Ambassador to the United States; former Secretary General, European 

Convention; Chairman of the Advisory Group to the Trilateral Commission (Europe) 

*Sixten Korkman, Managing Director, The Research Institute of the Finnish Economy (ETLA) & Finnish 

Business and Policy Forum (EVA), Helsinki 

Arpad Kovacs, Chairman of the Supervisory Board, Hungarian Power Companies; Professor, Szeged 

University; former President, State Audit Office of Hungary, Budapest 

Gabor Kovacs, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Bankar Holding; Founder, KOGART (the Kovacs 

Gabor Art Foundation), Budapest 

Jerzy Kozminski, President and Chief Executive Officer, Polish-American Freedom Foundation; former 

Ambassador to the United States; former First Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs, Warsaw 

Jiri Kunert, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, UniCredit Bank Czech Republic; President of the 

Czech Association of Banks, Prague 

Meglena Kuneva, Chairman of the Board, European Policy Center; former Member of the European 

Commission (Consumer Policy); former Minister of European Affairs and European Commission 

Chief Negotiator, Sofia 

Ulysses Kyriacopoulos, Chairman, S&B Group; former Chairman, Federation of Greek Industries, Athens  

Anne Lauvergeon, Chief Executive Officer, AREVA, Paris 

*Eli Leenaars, Member, ING Management Board Banking; Member and Treasurer, Confederation of the 

Netherlands Industry and Employers (VNO-NCW), Amsterdam 

Ulrich Lehner, Chairman of the Board of Deutsche Telekom, Bonn; President of the German Chemical 

Industry Association (VCI), Frankfurt am Main; Member of the Shareholders; Committee of Henkel, 

D;sseldorf; former Chief Executive Officer, Henkel, D;sseldorf 5 

Enrico Letta, Member of the Italian Chamber of Deputies; former Under State Secretary in the Office of 

Prime Minister Prodi; former Minister of European Affairs, Industry, and of Industry and International 

Trade, Rome 

*Thomas Leysen, Chairman of the Board, Umicore, Brussels 

*Marianne Lie, Partner, Vox Politica; former Director General, Norwegian Shipowner’s Association, 


Erkki Liikanen, Chairman of the Board, Bank of Finland, Helsinki; former Finnish Minister of Finance; 

former European Commissioner 

Peter L;scher, Chief Executive Officer, Siemens, Munich 

Abel Matutes, Chairman, Empresas Matutes Group, Ibiza; former Member of the European Commission, 

Brussels; former Minister of Foreign Affairs, Madrid 

Lord Mandelson, Member of the House of Lords; former Secretary of State for Business, Enterprise & 

Regulatory Reform; former Member of the European Commission (Trade), Brussels; former Secretary 

of State to Northern Ireland and for Trade and Industry, United Kingdom 

Friedrich Merz, President, Atlantik-Br;cke, Berlin; Partner, Mayer Brown, Berlin; former Member of the 

German Bundestag; former Member of the European Parliament; former Chairman of the 

Parliamentary Group of the CDU/CSU in the Bundestag, Berlin 

Peter Mitterbauer, Honorary President, The Federation of Austrian Industry, Vienna; President and Chief 

Executive Officer, Miba, Laakirchen 

Dominique Mo;si, Special Advisor to the Director General of the French Institute for International 

Relations (IFRI), Paris 

*Mario Monti, President, Bocconi University, Milan; former Member of the European Commission 

(Competition Policy and Internal Market); Honorary President, BRUEGEL, Brussels; European 

Chairman, Trilateral Commission 

Sir Mark Moody-Stuart, Chairman, The Global Business Coalition on HIV/AIDS, Tuberculosis and 

Malaria; former Chairman, Anglo American; former Chairman, Royal Dutch/Shell Group, London 

Klaus-Peter M;ller, Chairman of the Board, Commerzbank, Frankfurt-am-Main; former CEO, 

Commerzbank, Frankfurt-am-Main; former President, Association of German Banks (BDB), Berlin 

Harald Norvik, Chairman of the Board, Telenor; Member of the Board, Conocophillips; former President 

and Chief Executive, Statoil, Oslo 

Ewald Nowotny, Governor of the Austrian National Bank; former Chief Executive Officer, BAWAG 

P.S.K., Vienna 

Denis O’Brien, Chairman, Digicel; Founder, Communicorp Group, Dublin 

Arend Oetker, President, German Council on Foreign Relations (DGAP); Vice Chairman, Federation of 

German Industries; Managing Director, Dr. Arend Oetker Holding, Berlin 

*Andrzej Olechowski, Founder, Civic Platform; former Chairman, Bank Handlowy; former Minister of 

Foreign Affairs and of Finance, Warsaw

Richard Olver, Chairman, BAE Systems, London 

Lucas Papademos, Former Vice President, European Central Bank, Frankfurt-am-Main; Honorary 

Governor of the Bank of Greece 

Lord Patten of Barnes, Chancellor of the University of Oxford; Co-Chairman, International Crisis Group, 

Brussels; former Member of the European Commission (External Relations), Brussels; former 

Governor of Hong Kong; former Member of the British Cabinet, London

Volker Perthes, Chairman and Director, German Institute for International and Security Affairs, 

 Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik (SWP), Berlin 

Carlo Pesenti, Managing Director, Italcementi, Bergamo 

Dieter Pfundt, Senior Advisor, Silvia Quandt & Cie., Frankfurt-am-Main 

*Ursula Plassnik, Member of the Austrian Parliament; Special Envoy for International Women Issues; 

former Federal Minister for European and International Affairs, Vienna 

Ignacio Polanco, Chairman, Grupo Prisa including El Pais and Timon, Madrid 

Roberto Poli, Chairman, ENI, Rome 6 

Beno;t Potier, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Air Liquide, Paris 

Borja Prado, Chairman, Endesa; Chairman, Mediobanca Spain for Iberia and South-America, Madrid 

Dieter Rampl, Chairman, UniCredit Group, Milan 

Luigi Ramponi, Member of the Italian Senate; former Chairman of the Defence Committee of the 

Chamber of Deputies, Rome; former Deputy Chief of the Defence Staff (Italian Army) 

Denis Ranque, Chairman, Technicolor, Paris; former Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Thales, 


Wanda Rapaczynski, Advisor to the Supervisory Board and former President of the Management Board, 

Agora, Warsaw 

Heinz Riesenhuber, Member of the German Bundestag; former Federal Minister of Research and 

Technology, Berlin; Chairman of the Supervisory Boards of Kabel Deutschland and of Evotec 

Steen Riisgaard, President and Chief Executive Officer, Novozymes, Copenhagen 

Alexander Rinnooy Kan, Chairman, Social and Economic Council of the Netherlands (SER), The Hague 

Gianfelice Rocca, Chairman, Techint Group of Companies, Milan; Vice President, Confindustria, Rome 

Fernando Rod;s Vil;, Chief Executive Officer, Havas Group, Barcelona & Paris 

Count Jacques Rogge, President, International Olympic Committee, Lausanne; former President of the 

Belgian Federal Committee and of the European Olympic Committees 

H. Onno Ruding, Chairman, Centre for European Policy Studies (CEPS), Brussels; former Vice 

Chairman, Citibank; former Dutch Minister of Finance 

*Ferdinando Salleo, Vice Chairman, MCC (Mediocredito Centrale), Rome; former Ambassador to the 

United States 

Enrico Salza, Former Chairman of the Management Board, Intesa Sanpaolo, Turin 

Jacques Santer, Honorary State Minister, Luxembourg; former Member of the European Parliament; 

former President of the European Commission; former Prime Minister of Luxembourg 

Andreas Schmitz, President, Association of German Banks (BDB), Berlin; Chief Executive Officer, 

HSBC Trinkaus & Burkhardt, D;sseldorf 

Henning Schulte-Noelle, Chairman of the Supervisory Board and former Chief Executive Officer, 

Allianz, Munich 

Karel Schwarzenberg, Member of the Czech Senate; Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign 

Affairs; Founder and Director, Nadace Bohemiae, Prague; former Chancellor to President Havel 

*Carlo Secchi, Professor of European Economic Policy and former Rector, Bocconi University; Vice 

President, ISPI, Milan; former Member of the Italian Senate and of the European Parliament 

*T;ger Seidenfaden, Editor-in-Chief, Politiken, Copenhagen 

Maurizio Sella, Chairman, Gruppo Banca Sella, Biella; former Chairman, Association of Italian Banks 

(A.B.I.), Rome 

Tomasz Sielicki , Vice Chairman, Sygnity, Warsaw 

Slawomir S. Sikora, Chief Executive Officer and Citigroup Country Officer for Poland, Bank 

Handlowy w Warszawie, Warsaw 

Yves-Thibault de Silguy, Chairman, VINCI, Paris 

Stefano Silvestri, President, Institute for International Affairs (IAI), Rome; Commentator, Il Sole 24 

Ore; former Under Secretary of State for Defence, Italy 

Lord Simon of Highbury, Member of the House of Lords; Non-Executive Director of GDF Suez 

Group; Senior Adviser of Morgan Stanley International; former Deputy Chairman of Unilever; 

former Minister for Trade & Competitiveness in Europe; former Chairman of BP, London 

Nicholas Soames, Member of the British Parliament, London 

Javier Solana, President, ESADE Center for Global Economic and Geopolitics; Advisor on International 

Strategy, Acciona Group, Madrid; former Secretary General of the Council of the European Union and 

EU High Representative for the Common Foreign and Security Policy; former Secretary General of 

NATO; former Minister for Foreign Affairs of Spain and Member of the Parliament, Madrid 

Sir Martin Sorrell, Chief Executive Officer, WPP Group, London 


*Petar Stoyanov, former President of the Republic of Bulgaria; Member of the Bulgarian Parliament 

and Chairman of Parliamentary Group of United Democratic Forces; Chairman of Union of 

Democratic Forces, Sofia 

Peter Straarup, Chairman of the Executive Board, Danske Bank, Copenhagen; Chairman, the Danish 

Bankers Association 

*Peter Sutherland, Chairman, Goldman Sachs International; Chairman of the London School of 

Economics; UN Special Representative for Migration and Development; former Chairman, BP p.l.c.; 

former Director General, GATT/WTO; former Member of the European Commission; former 

Attorney General of Ireland; Honorary European Chairman, Trilateral Commission 

Mihai Tanasescu, Senior Adviser and Member of the Executive Board, International Monetary Fund 

(IMF); former Minister of Public Finance of Romania, Bucharest 

Andreas Treichl, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Erste Group Bank AG, Vienna 

Marco Tronchetti Provera, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Pirelli & C., Milan; Deputy 

Chairman, Confindustria, Rome; former Chairman, Telecom Italia 

Elsbeth Tronstad, Executive Vice President, SN Power; former Executive Director, Confederation of 

Norwegian Enterprise (NHO); former Executive Vice President, ABB, Oslo 

Loukas Tsoukalis, Special Adviser to the President of the European Commission; Professor at the 

University of Athens and the College of Europe; President of the Hellenic Foundation for European 

and Foreign Policy (ELIAMEP), Athens 

Jens Ulltveit-Moe, Founder and Chief Executive Officer, UMOE Group; former President, Federation of 

Norwegian Industry; former President, Norwegian Shipowners Federation, Oslo 

*Raivo Vare, Owner, Live Nature Eesti O;; Partner, Sthenos Group and O; RVVE Group; Chairman of 

the Council of the Parliament’s Development Fund, Member of the President’s Academic Advisory 

Board; former Minister of State and former Minister of Transport and Communication, Tallinn 

*George Vassiliou, former Head of the Negotiating Team for the Accession of Cyprus to the European 

Union; former President of the Republic of Cyprus; former Member of Parliament and Leader of 

United Democrats, Nicosia 

Franco Venturini, Senior Editorial Commentator on Foreign Affairs, Corriere della Sera, Rome 

Margrethe Vestager, Member of the Danish Parliament; Chairwoman of the Social Liberal Party 

Parliamentary Group; former Minister of Education, Copenhagen 

Janne Virkkunen, Senior Editor-in-Chief, Helsingin Sanomat, Helsinki 

*Marko Voljc, Chief Executive Officer, Central and Eastern Europe and Russia Business Unit and 

Member of the Executive Committee, KBC Group, Brussels; former Chief Executive Officer, Nova 

Ljubljanska Banka, Ljubljana 

Alexandr Vondra, Member of the Czech Senate; Minister of Defence; former Deputy Prime Minister for 

European Affairs; former Minister of Foreign Affairs, Prague 

Joris Voorhoeve, Member of the Council of State; former Member of the Dutch Parliament; former 

Minister of Defence, The Hague 

*Panagis Vourloumis, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Hellenic Telecommunications 

Organization (O.T.E.), Athens 

Peter Wallenberg Jr., Chairman, Foundation Asset Management Sweden AB (FAM), Stockholm 

*Heinrich Weiss, Chief Executive Officer, SMS, D;sseldorf; former Chairman, Federation of German 

Industries, Berlin 

Nout Wellink, President, Dutch Central Bank, Amsterdam 

Hans Wijers, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Akzo Nobel, Arnhem 

Alexander Wilmot-Sitwell, Co-Chief Executive Officer, UBS Investment Bank, London 

Matthias Wissmann, President, The German Association of the Automotive Industry (VDA), Berlin; 

former Member of German Bundestag; former Federal Minister 

Emilio Ybarra, former Chairman, Banco Bilbao-Vizcaya, Madrid 


Former Members in Public Service 

Lene Espersen, Minister for Foreign Affairs, Denmark 

Grete Faremo, Minister for Defence; former Norwegian Minister of Development Cooperation, Minister 

of Justice and Minister of Oil and Energy, Oslo 

Lykke Friis, Minister for Climate and Energy and Gender Equality; former Pro-Rector, University of 

Copenhagen; Member of the EU Reflection Group on the Future of Europe (Horizon 2020-2030), 


Toomas Hendrik Ilves, President of the Republic of Estonia, Tallinn 

Francis Maude, Member of the British Parliament; Minister for the Cabinet Office and Paymaster 

General, London 


Graham Allison, Director, Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs, and Douglas Dillon 

Professor of Government, John F. Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University, Cambridge, 

MA; former Dean, John F. Kennedy School of Government; former Special Advisor to the Secretary 

of Defense under President Ronald Reagan and former Assistant Secretary of Defense under 

President William Clinton 

Roger Altman, Co-Chairman of the Board, Evercore Partners, New York, NY 

Zo; Baird, President, The Markle Foundation, New York, NY 

Alan R. Batkin, Vice Chairman, Eton Park Capital Management, New York, NY 

Nani Beccalli-Falco, President and Chief Executive Officer, GE International, Brussels, Belgium 

*C. Fred Bergsten, Director, Peterson Institute for International Economics, Washington, DC; former 

U.S. Assistant Secretary of the Treasury for International Affairs 

*Catherine Bertini, Professor of Public Administration, Maxwell School of Citizenship and Public 

Affairs, Syracuse University, Syracuse, NY; former Under Secretary-General for Management, 

United Nations; former Executive Director, UN World Food Program. 

Karan Bhatia, Vice President and Senior Counsel, International Law and Policy, General Electric 

Company, Fairfield, CT 

Robert D. Blackwill, Henry A. Kissinger Senior Fellow for U.S. Foreign Policy, Council on Foreign 

Relations, Washington, DC; former Senior Fellow, The RAND Corporation, Santa Monica, CA; 

former Deputy Assistant to President George W. Bush and Deputy National Security Advisor for 

Strategic Planning; former Ambassador to India 

Herminio Blanco Mendoza, Founder and Chief Executive Officer, Soluciones Estrat;gicas, Mexico 

City, NL; former Mexican Secretary of Commerce and Industrial Development 

Stephen W. Bosworth, U.S. Special Representative for North Korea Policy; Dean, Fletcher School of 

Law and Diplomacy, Tufts University, Medford, MA; former U.S. Ambassador to the Republic of 


David G. Bradley, Chairman, Atlantic Media Company, Washington, DC 

Scott A. Brison, Member of Parliament, House of Commons, Ottawa, ON 

David Brooks, Op-Ed Columnist, The New York Times, Washington, DC 

Gord Brown, Member of Parliament, House of Commons, Ottawa ON 

Harold Brown, Counselor and Trustee, Center for Strategic and International Studies, Washington, DC; 

former General Partner, Warburg Pincus & Company, New York, NY; former U.S. Secretary of 

Defense 9 

R. Nicholas Burns, Professor of the Practice of Diplomacy and International Politics and Member of the 

Board, Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs, John F. Kennedy School of Government, 

Harvard University, Cambridge, MA; former U.S. Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs 

Sylvia Mathews Burwell, President, Global Development Programs, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, 

Seattle, WA 

Louis C. Camilleri, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Philip Morris International, New York, NY 

Wendy J. Chamberlin, President, Middle East Institute, Washington, DC; former U.S. Ambassador to 


Raymond Chr;tien, Partner and Strategic Advisor, Fasken Martineau DuMoulin LLP, Montreal, QC; 

Chairman of the Board of Directors, Montr;al Council on Foreign Relations (MCFR); former 

Associate Under Secretary of State of External Affairs; former Ambassador to the Congo, Belgium, 

Mexico, the United States, and France 

Eliot Cohen, Robert E. Osgood Professor of Strategic Studies, Director of Strategic Studies Program, and 

Director of Philip Merrill Center for Strategic Studies, Paul H. Nitze School of Advanced 

International Studies, The Johns Hopkins University, Washington, DC; former Counselor to the U.S. 

Secretary of State 

William T. Coleman III, Partner, Alsop Louie Partners, San Francisco, CA; Founder, former Chairman 

and CEO, Cassatt Corporation; Founder, former Chairman and CEO and Member, Board of 

Directors, BEA Systems, Inc. 

William T. Coleman, Jr., Senior Partner and the Senior Counselor, O’Melveny & Myers, Washington, 

DC; former U.S. Secretary of Transportation; Lifetime Trustee, Trilateral Commission 

Timothy C. Collins, Chief Executive Officer and Senior Managing Director, Ripplewood Holdings, 

New York, NY 

 Richard N. Cooper, Maurits C. Boas Professor of International Economics, Harvard University, 

 Cambridge, MA; former Chairman, U.S. National Intelligence Council; former U.S. Under 

 Secretary of State for Economic Affairs 

E. Gerald Corrigan, Managing Director, Goldman Sachs Bank, New York, NY; former President, 

Federal Reserve Bank of New York 

David M. Cote, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Honeywell International Inc., Morristown, NJ 

Lee Cullum, Contributing Columnist, Dallas Morning News; Radio and Television Commentator, 

Dallas, TX 

H. Lawrence Culp, Jr., President and Chief Executive Officer, Danaher Corporation, Washington, DC 

Arthur A. DeFehr, President and Chief Executive Officer, Palliser Furniture, Winnipeg, MB 

Andr; Desmarais, President and Co-Chief Executive Officer, Power Corporation of Canada, Montr;al, 

QC; Deputy Chairman, Power Financial Corporation 

John M. Deutch, Institute Professor, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA; former 

Director of Central Intelligence; former U.S. Deputy Secretary of Defense 

Peter C. Dobell, Founding Director, Parliamentary Centre, Ottawa, ON 

Paula J. Dobriansky, Senior Vice President and Head of Government Affairs (Americas), Thomson 

Reuters, Washington, DC, and Adjunct Senior Fellow, Belfer Center for Science and International 

Affairs, John F. Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University; former U.S. Under Secretary of 

State for Democracy and Global Affairs

Wendy K. Dobson, Professor and Director, Institute for International Business, Jospeh L. Rotman School 

of Management, University of Toronto, Toronto, ON; former Canadian Associate Deputy Minister of 


 *Kenneth M. Duberstein, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, The Duberstein Group, 

 Washington, DC; former Chief of Staff to President Ronald Reagan 

William C. Dudley, President and Chief Executive Officer, Federal Reserve Bank of New York, 

New York, NY 

Michael Duffy, Assistant Managing Editor, TIME Magazine, Washington, DC 

 Peggy Dulany, Founder and Chair, Synergos Institute, New York, NY 10 

Jessica P. Einhorn, Dean, Paul Nitze School of Advanced International Studies, The Johns Hopkins 

University, Washington, DC; former Managing Director for Finance and Resource Mobilization, 

World Bank 

Dianne Feinstein, Member (D-CA), U.S. Senate 

Martin S. Feldstein, Member, U.S. President’s Economic Recovery Advisory Board; George F. Baker 

Professor of Economics, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA; President Emeritus, National Bureau 

of Economic Research; former Chairman, U.S. President’s Council of Economic Advisors 

Roger W. Ferguson, Jr., Member, U.S. President’s Economic Recovery Advisory Board; President and 

Chief Executive Officer, TIAA-CREF, New York, NY; former Vice Chairman, Board of Governors, 

U.S. Federal Reserve System 

Richard W. Fisher, President and Chief Executive Officer, Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas, Dallas, TX; 

former U.S. Deputy Trade Representative 

*Thomas S. Foley, former U.S. Ambassador to Japan; former Speaker of the U.S. House of 

Representatives; former North American Chairman, Trilateral Commission, Washington, DC 

Kristin J. Forbes, Jerome and Dorothy Lemelson Professor of Management and Professor of Global 

Economics and Management, MIT Sloan School of Management, Cambridge, MA; former Member 

of the U.S. Council of Economic Advisers 

Dionisio Garza, Honorary President and Member of the Board, ALFA, Garza Garcia, NL 

*David R. Gergen, Harvard Kennedy School Professor of Public Service and Director of the Center for 

Public Leadership, Cambridge, MA; CNN Senior Political Analyst; U.S. News and World Report 


Francisco Gil-D;az, Executive President, Telef;nica de Espa;a-M;xico and Central Am;rica, Mexico 

City, DF 

Peter C. Godsoe, retired Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Scotiabank, Toronto, ON 

Donald J. Gogel, President and Chief Executive Officer, Clayton Dubilier and Rice, New York, NY 

*Allan E. Gotlieb, Senior Advisor, Bennett Jones LLP, Toronto, ON; Chairman, Sotheby’s, Canada; 

former Canadian Ambassador to the United States; North American Deputy Chairman, Trilateral 


Bill Graham, former Member of Canadian House of Commons; former Minister of Foreign Affairs and 

former Minister of Defence, Ottawa; former leader of the Official Opposition and former interim 


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