Cumshot + 18 ♋️ 🐓

Cumshot + 18 ♋️ 🐓

Why do we need targeted advertising and what advantages does the target have? Beginner Basics and Advanced Course for Young Onanists 

- You all need to quickly recover from such a long suspended animation and understand: the two parties of the United States are a collection of stupid criminals, they are living out their political age. Democrats are communist scum, scum and criminals. They will be sentenced to long prison terms and disappear from the political firmament. They defamed and libeled America and its people, brought an artificial political and economic crisis, and cut short the lives of innocent people and children. Talking to these bastards only makes sense to the investigators — otherwise it's an insult to a decent person. These people have become toxic to the entire professional community, even the pronunciation and spelling of their full names and their positions is not noteworthy. They do not deserve attention and respect at all. They are obscurantist communists, perverts and degenerates. They signed their own death warrant. 

Trump has been an agent of the Kremlin and the Russian mafia since the 1970s. And the Republicans themselves are the same liars, the party of thieves and crooks, participants in the special operation world crown 🤴 19 with different roles and actors of this criminal conspiracy. 

The U.S. has no more parties capable of leading the country forward and no public leaders. There are certainly leaders in the country, they just are not promoted and we do not know about them yet. The sooner you understand this obvious fact, the better it will be for you and for the US state. We need free elections on a non-partisan basis. And this applies to the entire composition of the G7 and G20. 

Brain care is necessary as well as for the face and body. The beauty of the brain and the results of its production is quite a sexy exciting action, no less attractive than the lips of the boobs, well, and then throughout the list of body parts going down below 👇 This is an exclusive in the market of the product. 

Grandpa,in you did her Cumshot in the ass? 

      What's the idea behind the rag?

The entire special operation world crown 🤴 19 is based on background noise and selling fear in the incredible. huge and hitherto unseen scale. The NWO conspirators, realizing that it is impossible to infect the entire globe, decided to invent an infection by creating a pestilence of information hell from mega manipulation of human consciousness. 

A large set of options has been applied that do not depend at all on the problems of epidemiology, virology, bacteriology and medicine in general. All these options worked in a well-calibrated complex! This is important to understand. They don't work without each other.

No one has yet, and 2.5 years have passed, has not said, made a clear clear statement that the applied set of concepts and measures was criminal against the individual of a person and the state, was a criminal violation of the criminal code, administrative and social laws of social relations in human society as a whole. So far, no administration in the world has done so. Moreover, the state criminals caught by the hand are trying to continue their criminal acts. 

Here's the list:

1) The announcement of the PANDEMIC of the new coronavirus, which has a high contagiousness and lethality, causing severe damage to the lungs and blood vessels, was not. The meal looks and is shaped differently. Perhaps an illiterate terrorist from Soviet Ethiopia simply does not know how it is done, perhaps. And these postulates in one or another sequence and filling with meanings must necessarily be uttered daily in the media. 

2) AN ASYMPTOMATIC CARRIER OF THE CORONAVIRUS, capable of effectively infecting other people is one of the most important components of this entire criminal structure of a special operation consisting of one manipulation.

3) To protect the population from this infection, the following anti-epidemic measures are used, WHICH HAVE NEVER BEFORE BEEN USED IN ANY EPIDEMIC AND PANDEMIC due to their absolute meaninglessness of ineffectiveness, but on the contrary of danger and harmfulness:

- SELF-ISOLATION - de facto house arrest;

- mandatory wearing of MASKS and GLOVES in public places;


- Application of SOCIAL MONITORING programmes and DIGITAL PASSES to allow you to leave the house and work;

- For violation of these obligations, initially declared as VOLUNTARILY assumed by citizens, HUGE FINES are imposed.

4) The use of false EXPRESS TESTING to detect virus carrier by a test with delivery to the countries of the world from 2017 -2018-2019.

5) Completely shameless brazen manipulation (juggling a clown in a circus in the right direction depending on the need for a manipulator) of numbers of patients, infected, identified, seriously ill and dead. Total lies about those killed by the coronavirus. Burial of people in closed coffins, lack of autopsy results, manipulation of criteria for causes of death. Previously, this paragraph was either not applied at all due to the preservation of the remnants of ethics in medicine, or was applied very limitedly, since it was rightly considered an ordinary criminal offense.

As we can see, we have a complex of criminal acts inextricably linked with each other, tied to the main term: 


If you remove this term, all this deceitful construction will collapse! Everything is built on it. All the horror is instilled in the population not by the danger of the virus itself or another pathogen! A person is not so afraid of the plague, leprosy, Ebola, because it is impossible to get sick with these diseases en masse without the symptoms manifested. These well-known dangerous diseases that cause mystical horror in the peoples of planet Earth, including anthrax, cholera, typhoid, diphtheria, poliomyelitis and malaria, oncoviruses, will not make people hide at home and shuffle from each other, because these diseases cause people obvious and noticeable symptoms to others and have a fairly high lethality. Patients with these diseases simply physically will not be able to wander around cities and towns, infecting others with impunity.

Cases of asymptomatic carriage of these diseases are extremely rare and constitute a statistical error.

For the first time, this term of asymptomatic carriage, dangerous infection, was tried to plunge people literally into panic, on the AIDS virus (HIV). People have been taught that it is possible to suffer from this disease so that it is invisible to others, therefore, everything is potentially dangerous! After all, it is not written on the forehead that a person has HIV!

With HIV, the following strategy of deception and manipulation was applied: 

carriage without pronounced symptoms, dangerous infection (100% contagiousness - with whom he contacted, he infected) was combined with the statement about the inevitability of death from this virus (100% lethality).

Thus, it was possible to sow colossal panic in the world. Sales of contraceptives increased by 1000%! Rubber babas and members also entered the market of goods and services of Bodro. On this basis, hundreds of thousands of family planning centers have been opened around the world. Thousands of people committed suicide after learning about contracting this unknown disease. A huge number of people around the world had their reputations and lives destroyed. Hundreds of families have broken up. Hundreds of marriages did not take place. Hundreds of thousands of children were not born. We need to talk about other figures for a long time and in another place. There is no 100% contagiousness, let alone lethality, and there never has been. At the same time, the syndrome of immunity deficiency itself was before the discovery of HIV and will be after its complete exposure (if any). Since immunity deficiency has a wide range of causes and absolutely identical symptoms. Consequently, recovery is possible by a wide range of methods.

In the preparation and conduct of the special operation World Crown 🤴 19 (coronavirus), previous mistakes were taken into account. The population, and before the population and the specialists themselves, were effectively driven crazy and had to accept this insane claim that a person WHO HAS NO SYMPTOMS OF ANY DISEASE CAN EFFECTIVELY INFECT THE PEOPLE AROUND HIM JUST BY PASSING BY AND ACCIDENTALLY TOUCHING HIS CORONAVIRUS! Oh Lord 🙄 

But this is not all, this is necessarily combined with the statement that a person can become infected with the virus at any time and nothing will save him, he is not even protected from infection in a mask and six masks and three gloves, so the false test is valid only at the time of their receipt.


It is important that it is the coronavirus, and not any other virus! Because everyone has the coronavirus! We suck up the coronavirus with our mother's milk and have been carrying them all our lives! Consequently, any of us can be diagnosed with coronavirus (one or the other). NO ONE has proven to us that these tests are sensitive to this particular coronavirus. It's just propaganda! Moreover, almost immediately, on September 20, 2020, deliveries of COVID19 tests to many countries of the world were detected by the international bank (hospital?) by the chief physician of the bank Kristalina Georgieva, and infected tests were also detected, which is part of the special operation world corona 🤴 19 "coronavirus".

Compared to HIV, the coronavirus operation is simply brilliantly planned by David Rockefeller. You're smart David, your invention with Misha Gorbachev's charming communist horse move.

1) Anyone can be made potentially to blame for infecting other people and put in jail.

2) Any person can be placed under house arrest without any crimes on his part.

3) Any person can be fined large sums simply for the fact that he got sick with a cold. It is especially convenient to fine if you have severe symptoms (high fever, God forbid, dizziness, nausea, weakness, severe body aches). In this state, sending a selfie is extremely difficult and inconvenient.

4) Control over small and medium-sized businesses increases indefinitely, which can be destroyed at any time under the plausible pretext of observing anti-epidemic measures and taking care of the health of the population.

5) A great option and bookmark, within the 19 patents of Richard the Lionheart of COVID19 Rothschild and the possibility of total digital control of the population through a mobile application.

6) Reduction of budget social expenditures (distance education, distance treatment, etc.).

7) Unlimited power over human life and freedom suddenly, outside of any laws, passed into the hands of unknown policemen and other people in civilian clothes from the administrations of cities, states, provinces and the main technical terrorist of the planet WHO - in the person of the Soviet black terrorist Ethiopian hamil from the department of Bill aka Barry ' horns and hooves ' . 

8. The possibility of unlimited influence on the psyche of people through the coercion to wear masks and gloves, with a destructive effect on the brain and critical thinking of a person, with the inculcation of his awareness of his civil and human freedom, the destruction of the institution of freedom of conscience and coercion to obey in medical care, which turns out to be obsessive, forced, very dangerous for the person and society in a way.

9. Unlimited possibility of manipulation at the level of security and geopolitics.

What is happening is so dangerous and destructive that it is difficult to fully understand and appreciate this danger that happened to nation-states and the world to the end. The special operation world crown 🤴 19 NWO under the brand name "coronavirus", gave rise to a real pandemic of deaths from other state-initiated causes of death and other diseases, including mental disorders, complete contempt of national rights and laws and international law, unlimited possibilities of deceiving entire peoples and mass manipulation of people's consciousness.

EVENT 201: The "pandemic" scenario has been developed by the devils-globalizers for a long time.

And everyone knows about it for a long time.

On October 18, 2019, an EVENT 201 meeting was held in New York, which was held

Johns Hopkins Center for Health.

Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation

World Economic Forum

All the characters and their firms exist in reality. 




Johnson & Johnson

Gates Foundation


Johns Hopkins University

ANZ Banking Group

American Sanepid (CDC)

Chinese Sanepid (CDC)

Johns Hopkins Health and Safety Center

World Bank.


It started among the looking healthy pigs.

Months ago, maybe years ago.

The new corona virus has quietly spread among the livestock.

Gradually, farmers began to get sick.

INSCRIPTION: South America.

Infected people showed symptoms of respiratory diseases

- from moderate, flu-like, to severe inflammation of the lungs.

Seriously ill patients required resuscitation, many died.

CAPS- Coronavirus Associated Pulmonary Syndrome - Corona virus associated with pulmonary syndrome.

The virus was transmitted through the air.

Experts agreed that the virus should be quickly brought under control.

otherwise, it could lead to a brutal pandemic on a global scale if it spreads across the globe and hits people everywhere.

An urgent meeting on the CAPS pandemic was convened to discuss recommendations for action in these circumstances.

Anita Cicero, Johns Hopkins University, Center for Health:

The Commission consists of highly qualified specialists from the field of business, health and civil society.

Dr. Kathleen Rivers may refer to:

We expect cases to double within a week and sixteen times at the end of the month if we can't stop the spread.

It is assumed that half a million cases and an exponential increase in diseases.

Within three months, 10 million people can get sick.

Tom Inglesby, Johns Hopkins University:

It's going to be a tough pandemic and it can only be stopped by working together.

global business and government.

- Yabani Bello, Negro immunologist

We've known about CAPS animal and human viruses for decades.

But they were not successful in making a licensed vaccine.

Sure, new technologies can help, but it will be difficult.

I'm not optimistic about making a working vaccine during this pandemic.

2:02 Antiviral drugs and necessary medications should be distributed globally.

Tom Inglesby, Johns Hopkins University:

How should governments, businesses, and international organizations allocate and distribute medicines to the people who need them most?

Adrian Thomas, businessman, Johnson & Johnson:

speaks very illegibly

.... for global funds to have a centralized mechanism financially, financially to be able on behalf of countries... and secondly, it is important for the business sector and manufacturers to know what is needed and where it is needed, and who makes the decisions.

Sofia Borges, UN:

I think the countries most affected, like middle- and low-income countries with unequal access to technology and finance, the countries in which the UN has worked, blah blah blah....

Christopher Elias, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation

The truth is that we don't have the logistical capabilities even with the help of the UN.

bring it all to one place and act. I think cooperation is important here.

between organizations and the private sector, which produces what is needed every day.

You need to understand where the necessary is produced and where it needs to be delivered for people who need it most.

Eduardo Martinez, UPS Foundation

Emphasizing the point that cooperation between suppliers or businesses,

which produce the necessary can make the whole process efficient...

- Avril Haynes, former U.S. National Security Advisor

The question is whether this international mechanism can really promote (promote) commitments to do things as quickly as possible to give people a sense that if they invest more, they will be better able to protect their own populations.

Jane Hulton ANZ Bank :

To be clear, most of these productions have already committed and will continue to execute contracts. It has never happened that the producers of the product did not have a consumer for their goods. So the first thing that needs to be done.... countries (national governments can't regulate it)... Governments should declare a state of emergency and cooperate with existing producers of goods.

Stefan Redd, US CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention)Center for Protection against Epidemics and Diseases.

I think it is implausible and I agree that countries are unlikely to make a big contribution in terms of the necessary reserves globally, without leaving more portions of what is necessary for their populations ...

4:46 CNN Special Message

Chen Huang, CiNN Announcer

Health organizations make recommendations for travelers:

Some countries have a poor level (safety) due to the existence of strong foci of infection. As a result, the tourism sector suffers losses - minus 45% of bookings, many flights are canceled.

States in which the tourism sector is very large suffer losses.

The travel ban and trade restrictions have a huge (negative) impact.

Tom Inglesby, Johns Hopkins University:

National leaders, businesses and international organizations are teetering on the brink of the risk of worsening the disease, which spreads because people are constantly moving around the world despite trade bans, (they are moving) because otherwise it threatens huge economic losses.

Tim Evans, ex-World Bank Group

If you think the UN can do all this, then I'm afraid we're suffering from a delusional disorder about the power of the UN.

It is very important to force these industries and trade organizations that are decentralized, but have collective responsibility and accountability, they need to be supported by public leaders.

Martin Knufel, Lufthansa

It is important to identify necessary travel and less important, we must clearly define this. Otherwise, if our ticket reservation drops by 25% within a long time, the airlines will go bankrupt.

Christopher Elias, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation

There are a lot of problems in this extremely dependent world.

We have to measure the limit of flexibility so that things keep working.

I think only the private sector can do that.

The UN can coordinate, but only manufacturers know how, where and how much,

Squabbling (decisions) is important in times of crisis.

George Gao, China, Center for Protection against Epidemics and Diseases

At the moment when we need money - where is this money?

The state can provide some quantity, the private sector some, but now you need real coordination! Centralization!

Latoya Abbott, Marriott International (hospitality)

Hotels suffer crushing losses due to travel bans... The hotel business makes 5% of GDP (gross national product)

Stefan Redd, US CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention)Center for Protection against Epidemics and Diseases.

Governments should do things that are outside of their historical traditions. we must, figuratively speaking, be on the path of war...

Brad Connet, "Henry Shine"

We should not underestimate the power of entrepreneurship. We have to increase subsidies from governments for production, everything can happen quickly, so we need a wartime plan... Martial law, which stimulates change very quickly.

8:14 CNN special message

Countries react very differently, especially it is necessary to understand how to regulate

An overwhelming level of misinformation and false information from the Internet.

In some cases, internet shutdowns are made in order to stop the panic.

Misinformation undermines efforts to control panic during a pandemic.

Tom Inglesby, Johns Hopkins University:

How much control over information should there be, and who should control, and how false information can be effectively defeated. And what if false information comes from companies or governments?

Hasti Taghi, NBC Universal

I think it is very important that there is a concise and effective connection with all medical organizations where patients are treated and observed, so that there is no mass panic.

Matthew Herrington, "Eidelman"

This is the moment when all social media platforms have to go out and engage in neat coverage, partner in scientific and medically correct coverage, shove the genie of misinformation back into the bottle – it's possible to do.

Lavan Thiru, Responsible Financier of Singapore.

The thing we haven't talked about yet, and I think it's time to talk about it,

one hundred forceful measures by governments against fake news.

Jane Hulton, ANZ Bank

Personally, I don't think forceful silencing of information resources is practical or desirable.

We have several strategies that should work.

The first is Floods (information) – rely on trustworthy resources and supply them with the necessary equipment and facts to broadcast them.

And we also have to think about the technological aspects of that.

( ***Ambiguity- may mean information suppression technology, without declaring punitive government measures)


The results of the 201 pandemic were a disaster.

65 million people died in the first 18 months (a year and a half).

The epidemic was not large at first and seemed easily suppressed,

but then it began to spread to poor neighborhoods and giant cities.

From that point on, the pandemic became explosive.

For 6 months, the disease existed in almost every country.

The global economy has fallen.

Gross national product fell by 11%.

Stock exchanges in the world recorded a drop of 20% to 40%.

Businesses did not take loans, banks did not give loans.

Everyone hoped to at least survive the storm.

Economists have predicted decades of negative effects from the pandemic.

The loss of trust in governments and the media could last even longer.

We want to ask, "Should this be so terrible?"

What can be done to reduce catastrophic losses?

We believe that it is possible.

Are we, as a global community, ready for the hard work of preparing for a new pandemic?


Are criminals ready to testify under oath? 

Long clips of the same event

1. EXERCISES IN PANDEMIC: Medicine (56 minutes)

2. EXERCISES IN THE PANDEMIC: Trading and Travel. (34 minutes)

3.EXERCISES IN THE PANDEMIC: Finance (37 minutes)

4.PANDEMIC EXERCISES: Communication and Epilogue (36 minutes)

5.PANDEMIC EXERCISES: Event 201 analysis hot on the heels of event and conclusion (41 minutes)

What was EVENT 201 - Professor Simon, tormented by YouTube.

He had never heard of SOBTII 201!

The video was published on November 4, 2019. According to the original scenario, the coronavirus was supposed to come from South America.

Specific individuals and state criminals are imprisoned:




Johnson & Johnson

Gates Foundation

Johns Hopkins University

ANZ Banking Group

American Sanepid (CDC)

Chinese Sanepid

Johns Hopkins Health and Safety Center

The World Bank...

From the fact that "there will be a global pandemic" they say openly. The temporary shutdown of the Internet in the event of "panic" and "a wave of misinformation on the network" is being discussed. What's next in the script, scares the grizzled madam at the end of the video: in short, banks will stop giving credit, tourism will collapse, the economy will sag, the effect can last 10 years. All according to plan. And the plan is 2030 and NWO – you will have nothing and you will be happy, of course, those who will survive. 

The table below shows the reactions to the Pfizer vaccine (according to Pfizer only) with the second vaccination:

The table below shows the reactions to the Pfizer vaccine (according to Pfizer only) with the second vaccination:

Reported reactions to the Pfizer vaccine

However, there is a nuance. This table focuses exclusively on a subgroup of 18- to 55-year-olds, mostly young and healthy people who rarely develop severe COVID-19, let alone death from it.

The frequency of side effects is high: 59% experience fatigue, 52% experience headache, 37% muscle pain. Almost every patient has experienced side effects. For example, 38% of young and healthy subjects experienced moderate to severe fatigue, and 26% experienced moderate to severe headache. "Moderate" means an obstacle to activity, and "serious" means the cessation of daily activity.

So, on the one hand, we have spent hundreds of billions of dollars of the US state budget according to the fame of the orderly himself is a free "vaccine" of happiness for Pfizer citizens with 100% guaranteed side effects, on the other hand, we have an 80% asymptomatic course of the disease caused by SARS-COV-2.

Does this vaccine cause more symptoms than the disease it needs to cure the grandfather 👴?

Note the grandfather and singer 👩 🎤 Dr. Gaga that in the table above, as well as in the table of adverse reactions to vaccines, only negative reactions are recorded shortly after vaccination. The occurrence of negative reactions more than two months after the first vaccination was simply not investigated.

This means that we have no idea at all about the medium- and long-term risks of a "vaccine."

Vaccine mortality

Death was listed as an ADVERSE REACTION BY THE FDA, and the FDA was right. Several deaths occurred shortly after vaccination. At first, these seemed like isolated incidents. One death, then a second death, occurred in Israel shortly after vaccination. Around the same time, a similar death occurred in Switzerland. Shortly after the Pfizer vaccination, a florida doctor died.

Norway's case is more interesting: 2 deaths from vaccinations in early January, followed by 23 deaths in one nursing home. That's a total of 25 vaccine deaths, while norway administered about 20,000 doses in the weeks before the "incidents."

Thus, the mortality rate from the vaccine is about 0.125%, which is comparable to the above mortality from [COVID-19]. And these vaccination-induced deaths are early, after just one vaccination.

Even more shocking is the case of nursing homes in Nice: on January 15, 2021, just 4 days after vaccination began, 50 people died. During these four days, about 16,000 doses of the Pfizer "vaccine" were administered to homes.

This puts a preliminary vaccine fatality rate above 0.3%, which is more than double the CFR of COVID-19, and again, this death toll is limited to a few days after the very first vaccination.

Norway and Nice are not an isolated case. Since the first vaccination of the Pfizer "vaccine" to 5,847 patients in Gibraltar, 53 of them have died within days. The mortality rate from the vaccine is 0.9%.

A nursing home in New York City that had no COVID-19 deaths before vaccination recorded 24 deaths immediately after vaccination in 193 residents. The mortality rate from the vaccine is 12%. The list of vaccine victims goes on and on, and this is right after the first dose.

Is it a medicine or is it a deadly poison ☠️ for the disposal of the population? 

Joe is like a 🐓 Chinese rooster cuckooing for 1.5 years and does not even try to realize what he did a bastard. They have gone into collegial unconsciousness by building a fence around the house as protection and deny any link between vaccination and these deaths. They blame comorbidities.

Back in February 2021, just after Grandfather's fake inauguration, his U.S. population recycling team ordered the vaccination-related injury reporting system to be hidden, temporarily not working for long.

And the passive VAERS system worked in February 2021 grandfather and 99% of the messages concerned the above false vaccines.

Since the beginning of January 2021, about 25 thousand cases of diseases have been registered in the system, which applicants associate with vaccines. You're going to have to take on your grandfather along with this nipple and your nurse. 

Meanwhile, a 2010 study by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services concluded that VAERS reported "less than 1% of vaccination-related injuries."

 Grandpa,in you did her Cumshot in the ass? 
Universal Declaration on Bioethics and Human Rights | UNESCO Scope. 

1. This Declaration addresses ethical issues related to medicine, life sciences and associated technologies as applied to human beings, taking into account their social, legal and environmental dimensions. 

2. This Declaration is addressed to States.

Powder alarm clock. Wakes up with an explosion.

Such a clock with a flintlock was used in the XVII century. You start at the right time, and at the time the shot is heard.

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