Circuit race 🏎 Race Race For Tribule prize in the last lap 

Circuit race 🏎 Race Race For Tribule prize in the last lap 

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Shame so disgraced to the end, what can I say?                  🗣 

- What and what morons was all this designed for? 

- It was designed for the same wretched morons as all this well-known by name, known by name, main residence, office, of terrorists of the coup d'état in nation-states, so to speak, a large company of the main terrorist - the hunchback stooped slouchy David Rockefeller and his communist ideologist of the revenge of communism on a world scale marked on the head with a stain from birth. Misha Gorbachev .

Yes, all these characters are finished morons, this is a banal insinuation of urine of the early 20th century color of children's surprise (the urine of an infant in diapers is definitely those who have had these diapers since childhood). 

What new world are you going to go to, old decrepit stumps, with such a meager baggage of knowledge and intelligence, morons? 

- And what will happen, Tribule? 

- In each case and in each territory, everything will be different. 

The result will always and everywhere be the same, only the ways to solve the problem will be different. Somewhere they will decide civilized within the framework of the law - arrest and trial, somewhere liquidation, somewhere the crowd will decide on how many parts to tear the bodies of these scumbags. 

- What did they not take into account, Tribule? 

- Almost everyone did not take into account. 

Firstly, it is the Internet. It is significantly larger in scale than the capabilities of american platforms captured by NWO terrorists. 

Secondly, it is an attempted coup d'état all over the world, they decided to swallow a very large chunk - all 190 countries of the world that are members of the terrorist organization UN and WHO, the EU, the financial levers of bribery and pressure - through the International Bank, the WEF and other territorial units of state terrorists. Only a clinical idiot psychopath could come up with this, which all the main defendants are, it does not take much intelligence to conclude the main thesis - OCG is a group of mentally and morally sick people. Yes, it is possible to build a dictatorship for a short period from the salad of communism = fascism, but only in one - two - three countries, but no more. Then , the century matters. What took place in the 18th century was no longer possible in the 19th century and so on. In the 20th century, history is familiar with communism = fascism. This disease suffered and was distinguished by three countries at once with a doublet: the USSR - Germany - Italy. 

Well, that's it, in general- then, drain gentlemen and ladies your communal water from shit Bill Gates and dry Klaus Shaab crackers from worms, they will soon be useful to many, useful to those who are lucky enough to stay alive after this meat grinder. No newly built fences, and old fences too, will not help anyone, salvation behind the fence and security is an illusion with such a scale of crime.


Acrylic on canvas, 50 x 40 cm.

Author: Sebastian Bieniejek

We must bear in mind another very important circumstance – specialists from the special services of several states are now working on you. It's not truck drivers in Canada or whatever. There is no need to stop, continue all your crime in the same spirit and in the same composition of degenerates, including the judges of the HAGUE. 
Find ten differences: Rothschild aka Schwab, Mao, Stalin, Hitler aka Schicklgruber, Putin 

"I mention now such names as Mrs. Merkel, even Vladimir Putin and so on, they were all young world leaders of the World Economic Forum. But what we are very proud of now is the younger generation, such as Prime Minister Trudeau, the President of Argentina and so on.

We're sneaking into the offices! Yesterday there was a reception with Prime Minister Trudeau, and I know that half of the Cabinet or even more than half of the Cabinet are actually young world leaders of the World Economic Forum. This is the case in Argentina and so it is in France..." (c)Rothschild aka Schwab2017. 

"We will not shy away from the plan of revolutions. We will have friends who will help us in all enemy countries. We will know how to get such friends. Mental turmoil, contradiction of feelings, indecision, panic - these are our weapons. Do you know the doctrine of a coup d'état? Study this. Then you will understand our task. What is war if not cunning, deception, delusion, attack and surprise? People only killed when they could not achieve their goal in other ways.

Merchants, robbers, warriors - once they were all one. There is an advanced strategy of war with smart weapons. What is the purpose of war? To force the enemy to capitulate.

If he does, I have the prospect of destroying him. Why should I demoralize it militarily when I can do it better and cheaper in other ways? When I'm at war in the middle of the world... the confusion will be incredible!

But I will have a long relationship with the people who will form a new government - a government that suits me. We will find such people, we will find them in every country. They will come on their own. Ambition and delusion, party squabbles and self-serving arrogance will guide them." (c)Hitler aka Schicklgruber.

Everything has happened before....

"We do what is illegal immediately. Unconstitutional takes a little more time." (c)Henry Kissinger

(Mass murderer, war criminal and mentor of Klaus Schwab)

"Most people, fearing the danger that [COVID19] poses, would agree ... with the fact that in such circumstances state power can rightfully prevail over the rights of the individual" (c)Klaus Schwab (mentor of Trudeau, Putin, Merkel, Macron, Ardern, Newsom, etc.)

Senator Rand Paul appeared on Fox News on Thursday and discussed the ongoing World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland. 

Paul said the WEF was looking for a "one-world government," which said "their mission statement." Paul insists that a one-world government is not a conspiracy theory, but what the WEF is seeking.

He also insists that "the real danger here is even more dangerous than all their false concern for the carbon footprint, the real danger is as follows; look at how bad your government is in a country where you can vote for these people."

"It's going to be a government, a world government, where you can't vote for anybody. It's everyone's worst nightmare," Paul said, referring to the WEF's "infiltration," in the words of its head, Klaus Schwab, into national governments, "The bureaucracy with which we have problems in the United States. We can't vote for them, we vote indirectly... So I'm adamantly against it, and they've called people who have talked about world government and said it's a conspiracy. We've always said no, it's stated in their mission. They talk about this [one government] at every meeting. That's what they're for," Paul declared, adding that "the absence of sovereignty means a lack of freedom, a lack of reaction, and is completely at odds with everything our country stands for."

  Kristin Anderson, EU Parliament: 

"I will do everything in my power to make the whole world aware that your once free and liberal democracy has become a totalitarian regime that tramples on human rights, civil liberties and the rule of law. I'm German, and one day we asked our grandparents how they could just stand by silently, allowing a terrible totalitarian regime to take hold. Anyone could have known that, all they had to do was open their eyes and look. The vast majority chose not to do so then. So what do you say to your grandchildren? Will you tell them you didn't know[that fascism had already arrived]? Will you tell them you were just following orders? You have to understand that this is not about overcoming the fourth wave. It's about breaking people... We must prevent our governments from transforming our free and democratic societies into totalitarian regimes. We have to do it right now. We need to get up right now."

Materials on the international conspiracy NWO can be found here 👇 in our telegram channel from October 2021 and ask any questions on the topic of the special operation "World Crown 🤴 19". We will try to answer all serious questions, except for questions that are not relevant to the case and personal questions.

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