MSNBC and its little history of betrayal of the U.S. Constitution 🇺🇸 

MSNBC and its little history of betrayal of the U.S. Constitution 🇺🇸 

A friend

Ari Naftali Melber (born March 31, 1980) is an American attorney and journalist who is the chief legal correspondent for MSNBC and host of The Beat with Ari Melber.. The show premiered on July 24, 2017, and was nominated for a 2020 Emmy Award for Outstanding Live Interview. In January 2021, The Beat was No. 1 at 6pm in ratings, averaging 2.6 million viewers a night and topping CNN and FOX News.

It's a pity the guy, young, all life was ahead. Decided to increase the fortune from $20,000,000 on .....? Also at 20! 

It's a pity the guy, young, all life was ahead. Decided to increase the fortune from $20,000,000 on .....? Also at 20! 

Girls are also pathetic, they are fools, they first in bed 🛏 dragged, and now they are suspected of complicity in a particularly dangerous state crime ..

This Don Juan 20 exactly reeled in the totality, if without aggravating R … circumstances, Floyd, Kerry, California forest 🌳 before Kamal's approval, a visit and intercourse on the money right on the balcony of the old hillary ....😂

Some circumstances that are exactly what we know about them, the rest now will find their quickly.

But we warned you asshole in the spring of 2020. And you all boasted with your teeth 😂 you fooled cardboard ...

The faint-hearted can end reading 📚 volumes.

⚠️🇺🇸Auded: Killing Floyd-Theo Operation Under the Fake Flag.

On May 25 (Monday), police in Minneapolis, Minnesota, detained 46-year-old George Floyd on suspicion of using a "fake payment" to shop at the store. The rest you know. We decided to put together a small selection of inconsistencies in this narrative.

By the way, in the photo below next to the stuck vessel is also visible another vessel and its name is also entertaining - "Baraka."

The Suez blockade, Clinton and Co. and our flashback due to the trajectory of the vessel.

Girls are also pathetic, they are fools, they first in bed 🛏 dragged, and now they are suspected of complicity in a particularly dangerous state crime ….

This Don Juan 20 exactly reeled in the totality, if without aggravating Russian circumstances, Floyd, Kerry, California forest 🌳 before Kamal's approval, a visit and intercourse on the money right on the balcony of the old hillary ....😂

Some circumstances that are exactly what we know about them, the rest now will find their quickly.

Ꮪᴩᴇᴄiᴀl ᴏᴩᴇrᴀᴛiᴏn ᴛhᴇ sizᴇ ᴏf ᴛhᴇ wᴏrld ᴏf 🌍

But we warned you asshole in the spring of 2020. And you all boasted with your teeth 😂 you fooled cardboard ...


On 18 October 1945, the indictment was handed over to the International Military Tribunal and handed over to each of the accused through its secretariat. A month before the trial began, each of them was handed an indictment in German.

Results: The International Military Tribunal sentenced:

To death by hanging: Goering, Ribbentrop, Keitel, Kaltenbrunner, Rosenberg, Frank, Frick, Streicher, Saukel, Seiss-Inquart, Bormann (in absentia), Jodl (who was posthumously fully acquitted, when the case was reviewed by the Munich court in 1953). 

To life imprisonment: Hessa, Funk, Redera. 

To 20 years in prison: Shirah, Speera. 

To 15 years in prison: Neurath. 

To 10 years in prison: Denitsa. 

Acquitted: Fritsch, Papen, Mine. 

The Tribunal recognized the SS, SD, SA, Gestapo and the Nazi Party as criminal organizations. The decision to criminalize the Supreme Command and the General Staff was not handed down, which caused dissent of the member of the tribunal from the USSR.

A number of convicts have applied: Goering, Hess, Ribbentrop, Saukel, Jodl, Keitel, Seiss-Inquart, Funk, Denitz and Neurath - for clemency; Reder on the commutation of life imprisonment with the death penalty; Goering, Jodl and Keitel are on the replacement of hanging by firing squad if the request for clemency is not granted. All these applications were rejected.

The executions were carried out on the night of 16 October 1946 in the Nuremberg Prison.

In convicting the main Nazi criminals, the International Military Tribunal recognized aggression as a grave crime of an international nature. The Nuremberg Trials are sometimes referred to as the "Court of History" because it had a significant impact on the eventual defeat of Nazism. Funk and Reder were pardoned in 1957. After Speer and Shirah were released in 1966, Hess was left alone in prison. Germany's right-wing forces have repeatedly demanded pardons, but the victorious powers have refused to commute the sentence. On August 17, 1987, Hess was found hanged in his cell.

The international trial of former leaders of Hitler's Germany took place from November 20, 1945 to October 1, 1946 at the International Military Tribunal in Nuremberg, Germany. The original list of the accused included the Nazis in the same manner as I had in this post. On 18 October 1945, the indictment was handed over to the International Military Tribunal and handed over to each of the accused through its secretariat. A month before the trial began, each of them was handed an indictment in German. The defendants were asked to write on it their attitude to the prosecution. Reder and Ley didn't write anything (Leia actually committed suicide shortly after the charges were filed), and the others wrote what I had in line: "The last word."

Even before the beginning of the court hearings, after reading the indictment, on November 25, 1945, Robert Ley committed suicide in the cell. Gustav Krupp was recognized by the medical commission as terminally ill, and the case was dismissed before the trial.

Because of the unprecedented gravity of the crimes committed by the defendants, there were doubts whether all democratic norms of justice should be respected. The prosecution of England and the United States offered not to give the defendants the last word, but the French and Soviet sides insisted otherwise. These words, which have entered eternity, I will present to you now.

List of defendants.

Hermann Wilhelm G'ring, Reichsmarshal, Commander-in-Chief of the German Air Force. He was the most important defendant. Sentenced to death by hanging. Two hours before the execution of the sentence he was poisoned with cyanide, which was given to him with the assistance of E. von der Bach-Selevsky. 

Hitler publicly declared Goering guilty of failing to organize the country's air defenses. On April 23, 1945, on the basis of the Act of June 29, 1941, Goering, after a meeting with G. Lammers, F. Bowler, K. Kosher and others, turned to Hitler on the radio, asking for his consent to accept his - Goering - the role of the head of the government. Goering announced that if he did not receive a response by 10 p.m., he would consider it an agreement. On the same day, Goering received Hitler's order prohibiting him from taking the lead, while at the same time on the orders of Martin Bormann Goering was arrested by the SS on charges of treason. Two days later, Goering was replaced as commander-in-chief of the Luftwaffe by Field Marshal R. von Greim, stripped of his titles and awards. In his Political Will, Hitler expelled Goering from the NSDAP on April 29 and officially named Karl Denica as his successor. On the same day he was transferred to a castle near Berkhtesgaden. On 5 May, the SS handed Over To Goering's security to the Luftwaffe, and Goering was immediately released. On May 8, he was arrested by U.S. forces in Berkhtesgaden.

The last word: "The winner is always the judge, and the vanquished - the accused!".

In a suicide note, Goering wrote, "The Reichsmarsalovs are not hanged, they leave themselves."

Rudolf Hess," Hitler's deputy for the Nazi Party. 

During the trial, his lawyers claimed that he was insanity, although Hess gave generally adequate testimony. He was sentenced to life imprisonment. The Soviet judge, who expressed a dissenting opinion, insisted on the death penalty. He was serving a life sentence in Spandau prison in Berlin. After the release of A. Speer in 1965 remained its only prisoner. Until the end of his days he was devoted to Hitler.

In 1986, the Soviet government considered for the first time since hess's imprisonment the possibility of his release on humanitarian grounds. In the fall of 1987, during the presidency of the Soviet Union at Spandau International Prison, it was supposed to decide on his release, "showing mercy and demonstrating the humanity of Gorbachev's new course."

On August 17, 1987, 93-year-old Hess was found dead with a wire around his neck. After it there was a note of testamentary nature, handed to his relatives a month later and written on the back of a letter from relatives:

"Please send this home to the directors. Written a few minutes before I died. I thank you all, my sweethearts, for all the dear things you have done for me. Tell Freiburg that I am extremely sorry that since the Nuremberg Court I had to act as if I did not know her. I had no choice, because otherwise all attempts to gain freedom would be in vain. I was looking forward to seeing her. I did get her photo and you all. Your eldest."

The last word: "I have no regrets."

Joachim von Ribbentrop (German Friedrich Willy Joachim von Ribbentrop), Foreign Minister of Nazi Germany. Adolf Hitler's foreign policy adviser. 

He met Hitler in late 1932, when he provided him with his villa for secret negotiations with von Papen. With his exquisite manners at the table Hitler so impressed Ribbentrop that he soon joined first in the NSDAP, and later - in the SS. On May 30, 1933, Ribbentrop was awarded the title of SS Standard-lander, and Himmler became a frequent guest at his villa.

He was hanged at the verdict of the Nuremberg Tribunal. It was he who signed the non-aggression treaty between Germany and the Soviet Union, which fascist Germany with incredible ease violated.

The last word: "The charges are against the wrong people." 

Personally, I consider him the most disgusting type that appeared at the Nuremberg Trials.

Robert Ley, the head of the Labour Front, who ordered the arrest of all the trade union leaders of the Reich. He was charged with three counts of conspiracy to wage an aggressive war, war crimes and crimes against humanity. He committed suicide in prison shortly after the indictment began, hanging himself on a sewer with a towel.

Last word: I refused.

(Katel signs the act of unconditional surrender of Germany)

Wilhelm Keitel, Chief of Staff of the Supreme Commander of the German Armed Forces. It was he who signed the act of surrender of Germany, ending the Great Patriotic War and world War II in Europe. However, Keitel advised Hitler not to attack France and opposed the Barbarossa plan. Both times he resigned, but Hitler did not accept it. In 1942, Keitel last dared to object to the Fuhrer, speaking in defense of field marshal Liszt, who had been broken up on the Eastern Front. The Tribunal rejected Keitel's acquittal that he had merely followed Hitler's orders and found him guilty of all charges. The sentence was carried out on October 16, 1946. 

The last word: "Order for a soldier - there is always an order!"

Ernst Kaltenbrunner, head of the SS Imperial Security Directorate and Secretary general of the Imperial Ministry of the Interior of Germany. For numerous crimes against civilians and prisoners of war, the court sentenced him to death by hanging. On October 16, 1946, the sentence was carried out. 

The last word: "I am not responsible for war crimes, I was only fulfilling my duty as head of the intelligence agencies, and I refuse to serve as some ersatz himmler."

Alfred Rosenberg, one of the most influential members of the National Socialist German Workers' Party (NSDAP), one of the main ideologues of Nazism, the Reich Minister for Eastern Territories. Sentenced to death by hanging. Rosenberg was the only one of the 10 executed who refused to say the last word on the scaffold.

Last word in court: "I reject the charge of "conspiracy." Anti-Semitism was only a necessary defensive measure."

Hans Frank, head of the upculated Polish lands. On October 12, 1939, just after the occupation of Poland, Hitler was appointed by Hitler as head of the office for the population of the Polish occupied territories, and then the governor-general of occupied Poland. He organized the mass extermination of the Polish civilian population. Sentenced to death by hanging. The sentence was carried out on October 16, 1946.

The last word: "I see this process as a God-like supreme court designed to understand the terrible period of Hitler's reign and complete it."

Wilhelm Frick, Minister of the Interior of the Reich, Reichsleiter, head of the NSDAP parliamentary group in the Reichstag, lawyer, one of Hitler's closest friends in the early years of the power struggle. 

The International Military Tribunal at Nuremberg held Frick responsible for Germany's rise to Nazi rule. He was accused of drafting, signing and implementing a number of laws prohibiting political parties and trade unions, establishing a system of concentration camps, promoting the Gestapo, persecuting Jews and militarizing the German economy. He was found guilty of offences against peace, war crimes and crimes against humanity. On October 16, 1946, Frick was hanged. 

The last word: "All charges are based on the assumption of participation in a conspiracy."

Julius Streicher, Gauleiter, editor-in-chief of the newspaper "The Stormtrooper" (German Der St'rmer - Der Sturmer). 

He was charged with incitement to murder of Jews, which was subject to four counts of crimes against humanity. In response, Streicher called the process a "triumph of world Jewry." According to the test results, his I.I. was the lowest of all the defendants. During the examination, Streicher once again told psychiatrists about his anti-Semitic beliefs, but he was found sane and capable of answering for his actions, albeit obsessed with obsession. He believed that the prosecutors and judges were Jews and did not try to repent of what he had done. According to the psychologists who conducted the survey, his fanatical anti-Semitism is rather a product of the sick psyche, but in general he gave the impression of an adequate person. His credibility among the other defendants was extremely low, many of them openly shunned such odious and fanatical figures as he. He was hanged on the verdict of the Nuremberg Tribunal for anti-Semitic propaganda and calls for genocide.

The last word: "This process is a triumph of world Jewry."

Yalmar Schacht, Imperial Minister of Economy before the war, director of the National Bank of Germany, president of the Reichsbank, Reich Minister of Economics, Reich Minister without portfolio. On January 7, 1939, he sent Hitler a letter stating that the government's course would lead to the collapse of Germany's financial system and hyperinflation, and demanded the transfer of control over finances to the Imperial Ministry of Finance and the Reichsbank.

In September 1939 he strongly opposed the invasion of Poland. Shaht reacted negatively to the war with the USSR, believing that Germany would lose the war for economic reasons. On November 30, 1941, he sent Hitler a scathing letter criticizing the regime. On January 22, 1942 he resigned from the post of Reichsminister. 

Shah had contacts with conspirators against Hitler's regime, although he was not a member of the conspiracy. On July 21, 1944, after the failure of the July conspiracy against Hitler (July 20, 1944), Shaht was arrested and held in the concentration camps of Ravensbrueck, Flossenburg and Dachau.

The last word: "I don't understand why I'm being charged." 

This is probably the most difficult case, on October 1, 1946, Schacht was acquitted, then in January 1947 the German denacification court sentenced to eight years in prison, but on September 2, 1948 he was released from custody.

He later worked in the German banking sector, founded and headed the banking house "Schacht GmbH" in Dusseldorf. He died in Munich on June 3, 1970. You could say he was the luckier than all the defendants. though...

Walter Funk, German journalist, Nazi minister of economy after Mine, president of the Reichsbank. Sentenced to life imprisonment. Released in 1957.

The last word: "Never in my life have I acted either consciously or out of ignorance to give grounds for such accusations. If I have standed or because of misconceptions and have committed the acts listed in the indictment, I should consider my guilt in terms of my personal tragedy, but not as a crime."

(right; left - Hitler)

Gustav Krupp von Bolen und Galbach (German Gustav Krupp von Bohlen und Halbach), head of Friedrich Krupp AG Hoesch-Krupp. From January 1933 - Press Secretary of the Government, since November 1937 imperial Minister of Economy and General Commissioner for Military Economy, simultaneously from January 1939 - President of the Imperial Bank. 

At the trial in Nuremberg, he was sentenced to life imprisonment by the International Military Tribunal. Released in 1957.

Karl Denitz, Grand Admiral of the Third Reich, Commander-in-Chief of the German Navy, after Hitler's death and in accordance with his posthumous will, was the President of Germany. 

The Nuremberg Tribunal for War Crimes (in particular, the so-called unlimited submarine war) sentenced him to 10 years in prison. This verdict was challenged by some lawyers, as the same methods of underwater warfare were widely practiced by the victors. Some allied officers expressed their sympathy after the verdict. Denitz was found guilty of 2nd (crime against peace) and 3rd (war crimes) counts. 

After his release from prison (Spandau in West Berlin), Denitz wrote a memoir, "10 Years and 20 Days" (meaning 10 years of fleet command and 20 days of presidency).

The last word: "None of the charges have anything to do with me. Inventions of Americans!"

Erich Raeder, Grand Admiral, Commander-in-Chief of the Third Reich Navy. On January 6, 1943, Hitler ordered Reder to disband the surface fleet, after which Reder demanded his resignation and on January 30, 1943, was replaced by Carl Denica. Reder received an honorary position of chief inspector of the Navy, but in fact had no rights and duties. 

In May 1945 he was captured by Soviet troops and transferred to Moscow. He was sentenced to life imprisonment by the Nuremberg Trials. From 1945 to 1955 in prison. He applied for a prison sentence to a firing squad; the supervisory commission found that it "cannot increase the penalty." He was released on January 17, 1955 for health reasons. Wrote a memoir , "My life."

Last word: I refused.

Baldur von Shirah (German Baldur Benedikt von Schirach), head of The HitlerJugend, then Gauleiter Vienna. At the Nuremberg Trials, he was found guilty of crimes against humanity and sentenced to 20 years in prison. He was imprisoned in Berlin's Spandau military prison. Released on September 30, 1966.

In 1967 he published in Hamburg a book of memoirs "I believed Hitler." He died in Cref on August 8, 1974.

The last word: "All troubles are from racial politics." 

I completely agree with this statement.

Fritz Sauckel, head of forced deportations in the Reich from the occupied territories. Sentenced to death for war crimes and crimes against humanity (mainly for the deportation of foreign workers). Hanged.

The last word: "The gulf between the ideal of a socialist society, nurtured and protected by me, in the past by a sailor and a worker, and these terrible events - concentration camps - deeply shocked me."

Alfred Jodl, Chief of Operations of the Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces, Colonel-General. At dawn on October 16, 1946, Colonel-General Alfred Jodl was hanged. His body was cremated, and his ashes were secretly removed and dispelled. Jodl was actively involved in the planning of the mass extermination of civilians in the occupied territories. On May 7, 1945, on behalf of Admiral K. Denitz, he signed a general surrender of the German armed forces to the Western Allies in Reims. 

As Albert Speer recalled, "Jodl's precise and restrained defense made a strong impression. It seems that he was one of the few who managed to get above the situation." Jodl argued that soldiers could not be held responsible for politicians' decisions. He insisted that he was honestly doing his duty, obeying the Fuhrer, and considered the war a fair thing. The Tribunal found him guilty and sentenced him to death. Before his death, in one of the letters, he wrote: "Hitler buried himself under the ruins of the Reich and his hopes. Let the one who wants to curse him for it, I can't." Jodl was fully acquitted when the case was reviewed by a Munich court in 1953 (!).

The last word: "A mixture of just accusations and political propaganda is regrettable."

Martin Bormann, the head of the party's office, was charged in absentia. Chief of Staff deputy Fuhrer "since July 3, 1933), head of the party office of the NSDAP since May 1941) and personal secretary hitler (since April 1943). Reichsleiter (1933), Reichsminister without portfolio, Obergroupenfuhrer SS, Obergroupenfuhrer SA. 

It has an interesting story. 

At the end of April 1945 Bormann was with Hitler in Berlin, in the bunker of the Reich Chancellery. After the suicides of Hitler and Goebbels, Bormann disappeared. However, in 1946 Arthur Axman, the chief of the Hitler Jugend, who together with Martin Bormann on May 1-2, 1945 tried to leave Berlin, reported during interrogation that Martin Bormann died (more precisely, committed suicide) in front of him on May 2, 1945.

He confirmed that he had seen Martin Bormann and Hitler's personal physician Ludwig Stumpfegger lying on their backs near the bus station in Berlin where the fight was taking place. He crawled up to their faces closely and clearly discerned the smell of bitter almonds - it was potassium cyanide. The bridge on which Bormann was going to escape from Berlin was blocked by Soviet tanks. Bormann preferred to crack the vial.

However, these statements were not found to be sufficient evidence of Bormann's death. In 1946, the International Military Tribunal in Nuremberg tried Bormann in absentia and sentenced him to death. The lawyers insisted that their client was not subject to trial because he was already dead. The court did not find the arguments convincing, considered the case and handed down the sentence, stipulating that Bormann in case of detention has the right to apply for clemency in a timely manner.

In the 1970s, workers found the remains of Martin Bormann, who had been previously identified as Martin Bormann's remains, while laying a road in Berlin. His son, Martin Bormann Jr., agreed to provide his blood for DNA analysis of the remains.

The analysis confirmed that the remains did belong to Martin Bormann, who really on May 2, 1945 tried to leave the bunker and get out of Berlin, but realizing that it is impossible, committed suicide by taking the poison (in the teeth of the skeleton were found traces of vials with cyanide). Therefore, the "Bormann case" can be safely considered closed.

Franz von Papen(German Franz Joseph Hermann Michael Maria von Papen), Chancellor of Germany before Hitler, then ambassador to Austria and Turkey. He was acquitted. However, in February 1947 he again appeared before the denacification commission and was sentenced to eight months in prison as the main war criminal.

Von Papen tried unsuccessfully to re-start his political career in the 1950s. He died on May 2, 1969 in Oberzasbach, Baden.

The last word: "The prosecution horrified me, firstly, with the realization of the irresponsibility that led Germany to plunge into this war, which turned into a world catastrophe, and secondly, to the crimes committed by some of my compatriots. The latter are inexplicable from a psychological point of view. It seems to me that years of godlessness and totalitarianism are to blame. It was they who turned Hitler into a pathological liar."

Arthur Seiss-Inquart (German Dr. Arthur Seyz-Inquart), Chancellor of Austria, then Imperial Commissioner of the paid Poland and Holland. In Nuremberg, seiss-Inquart was blamed for crimes against peace, planning and unleashing an aggressive war, war crimes and crimes against humanity. He was found guilty of all charges, excluding criminal conspiracy. After the verdict was announced, Seiss-Inquart admitted his responsibility in the last word.

The last word: "Death by hanging is what I never expected anything else... I hope that this execution is the last act of the tragedy of the Second World War... I believe in Germany."

Albert Speer, Imperial Reich Minister of Arms and Military Industry (1943-1945). 

In 1927, Speer was licensed as an architect at the Higher Technical School in Munich. Due to the despresiae taking place in the country, there was no work for the young architect. Speer updated the interior of the villa for free to the head of the western district's headquarters, the NTSAC Khanke, who in turn recommended the architect Gauleiter Goebbels to remodel the boardroom and furnish the rooms. After that, Speer receives an order - the design of the May Day rally in Berlin. And then the party congress in Nuremberg (1933). He used red cloths and an eagle figure, which he proposed to make with a wingspan of 30 meters. Leni Riefenstahl captured in her documentary-staged film "Victory of Faith" the grandiosity of the procession at the opening of the party congress. This was followed by the reconstruction of the NSDAP headquarters in Munich in 1933. This was how Speer's architectural career began. Hitler everywhere was looking for new energetic people on whom to lean in the near future. Considering himself a connoisseur of painting and architecture, and having some abilities in this field, Hitler chose Speer in his inner circle, which, combined with the strong careerist aspirations of the latter determined all his fate.

The last word: "The process is necessary. Even an authoritarian state does not absolve responsibility from each individual for the terrible crimes committed."


Konstantin von Neurath (German Konstantin Freiherr von Neurath), in the early years of Hitler's reign, was foreign minister, then viceroy in the protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia. 

Neurath was accused at the Nuremberg court of "contributing to the preparation of the war,... participated in the political planning and preparation of aggressive wars and wars by Nazi conspirators that violate international treaties,... authorized, supervised and took part in war crimes... and crimes against humanity,... including, in particular, crimes against persons and property in the occupied territories." Neurath was found guilty of all four counts and sentenced to fifteen years in prison. In 1953, Neurath was released due to ill health, exacerbated by his heart attack in prison.

The last word: "I have always been against charges without possible protection."

Hans Fritzsche, Head of Press and Broadcasting at the Ministry of Propaganda. 

During the fall of the Nazi regime, Fritsch was in Berlin and surrendered with the last defenders of the city on May 2, 1945, surrendering to the Red Army. He appeared before the Nuremberg Trials, where together with Julius Streicher (in view of goebbels' death) he represented Nazi propaganda. Unlike Streicher, who was sentenced to death, Fritsch was acquitted of all three charges: the court found that he did not call for crimes against humanity, did not participate in war crimes and plots to seize power. Like both others acquitted in Nuremberg (Yalmar Schacht and Franz von Papin), Fritsch, however, was soon convicted of other crimes by the denacification commission. After receiving nine years in prison, Fritsch was released for health reasons in 1950 and died of cancer three years later.

The last word: "This is the worst accusation of all time. There is only one thing that can be worse: the coming charge that the German people will bring for abusing their idealism."

Heinrich Himmler, one of the main political and military figures of the Third Reich. Reichsfuhrer SS (1929-1945), Reich Minister of internal affairs of Germany (1943-1945), Reichsleiter (1934), head of the RSCA (1942-1943). He was found guilty of numerous war crimes, including genocide. From 1931, Himmler was involved in the creation of his own secret service, the SD, in which he placed Heydrich.

In 1943, Himmler became Imperial Minister of the Interior, and after the failure of the July Conspiracy (1944) - commander of the Reserve Army. Beginning in the summer of 1943, Himmler, through his proxies, began to make contacts with representatives of Western special services in order to conclude a separate world. Hitler, who learned about it, on the eve of the collapse of the Third Reich, expelled Himmler from the NSDAP as a traitor and deprived him of all ranks and positions.

After leaving the Reich Chancellery in early May 1945, Himmler headed to the Danish border with a passport in the name of Heinrich Hitsinger, who had been shot shortly before and a bit like Himmler, but on May 21, 1945, he was arrested by the British military and committed suicide on May 23, taking potassium cyanide.

Himmler's body was cremated and the ashes scattered in the woods near Lueneburg.

Paul Joseph Goebbels (German Joseph Goebbels) - Reich Minister of Popular Education and Propaganda of Germany (1933-1945), Imperial Head of Propaganda NSDAP (since 1929), Reichsleiter (1933), penultimate chancellor of the Third Reich (April-May 1945).

In his political will, Hitler appointed Goebbels as his successor as Chancellor, but the day after the suicide of the Fuhrer Goebbels and his wife Magda committed suicide, having previously poisoned their six young children. "There will be no act of surrender for my signature!" said the new chancellor, when he learned of the Soviet demand for unconditional surrender. On May 1, at 9 p.m., Goebbels took potassium cyanide. His wife Magda, before taking her own life after her husband, told her young children, "Don't be alarmed, now the doctor will vaccinate you, which is done to all children and soldiers." When the children under the influence of morphine fell into a semi-sleep state, she put in the mouth of a crushed vial of cyanide.

It is impossible to imagine how she felt at that moment.

Stalin decided to portray that Hitler SN OFF FROM BERLIN. To this end, he released that group of German troops. But Hitler wasn't in it. Hitler was already on his way... to Moscow. Or I've been to Moscow before.

To save Hitler from death Stalin killed the Hero of the Soviet Union General Berzarin ...

And of course, the motorist Fuhrer of the Third Reich. Well, it's more complicated than that. Our version is described earlier : Usatyi took Adik out of Berlin and he lived the rest of his days near Moscow. 

Hess. What deprivations did a Nazi criminal experience in prison?

Rudolf Hess, the second man in the Nazi Party, was sentenced to life imprisonment by the Nuremberg Tribunal. He spent the longest time in Spandau prison than any Nazi criminal, more than forty years. At the mention of prison, the imagination of most readers surely draws a cramped and dirty cell, a meager ration of the prisoner. rude wardens. And in relation to Nazi criminals all these restrictions and deprivations are perceived as a triumph of justice. How could it be otherwise? The executioner and the great-believer were convicted and punished, so he must suffer for many years to realize the gravity of the crimes committed and repent of what he has done!

However, all ideas about that. that Nazi No. 2 did experience deprivation during a long prison sentence, to a large extent, misconceptions. Hess was limited in contact and movement. 

The prison was a castle located in the English sector of Berlin. During the month, the main surviving fascist chiefs took turns guarding American, British, French and Russian units. There were 27 officers and soldiers of the emergency service in the guard near the building. In addition, there was an internal administration of 23 people: wardens, translators, lawyer, gardener, cooks, medical staff. There was not a single German among them: under the conditions of the Nuremberg Tribunal, they were forbidden to enter the prison.

The three remaining prisoners, Shirah, Speer and Hess, were housed in an internal block about 30 metres long, with 32 cells. In order to prevent prisoners from passing on any information to each other, there were empty rooms on both sides of each cell occupied.

The prisoners were held alone, but together they attended churches and strolled.

Under German law, convicts must work daily, except sundays and holidays. Initially, the work therapy consisted in the fact that prisoners sitting at a long table glued envelopes. They were not allowed to talk. But it was recommended to combine work with reading, so one of the criminals serving a sentence read aloud some book allowed by censorship. Subsequently, the prisoners worked in the garden, which, in fact, was an additional stay in the fresh air.

Hess never worked. He walked along the paths of the garden or, citing malaise, sat on a bench, looking at one point. Margarita Nerucheva said that she witnessed a curious scene: Nazi No. 2 swept the corridor. That alone was amazing. It is not known for what reasons he took up the broom - perhaps he felt remorse in front of his party comrades, who, unlike him, did not give up work ... However, Hess's labor enthusiasm was short-lived: he collected the garbage in the scoop and, thievingly looking around - does not anyone look? "I scattered him with anger again.

Nazi criminals ate as well as prisoners of other German prisons. Although the former allies bought the products at their own discretion. The Soviet unit of fascists did not indulge - no delicacies - but the regime and the diet withstood very strictly. The Americans, on duty, fed the prisoners almost as much as the servants and guests in the officer's canteen. They brought fresh tomatoes even in winter, bought milk in Denmark. Convicted by the Nuremberg Tribunal criminals literally chewed on prison grunts. In one letter to his mother, Speer wrote: "Unfortunately, my abdomen is starting to appear... and again I had the old question about weight." Doctors who observed prisoners were unanimous that in such conditions they could live up to 100 years.

Restrictions on contacts for the Nazi isolated from society were also not very severe. Each week, prisoners had the right to send and receive one letter containing no more than 1,300 words. It was written in German, legible, without abbreviations, numbers and verbatim signs. The contents of the letters were limited to personal matters. In addition, prisoners were given a half-hour monthly visit with their loved ones.

Shirah and Speer cherished these dates. As for Hess, to the surprise of the staff, in more than 20 years, he never invited his wife or son to come to Spandau. Hess explained it this way: "I find it unworthy to meet anyone in such circumstances." He first asked for a meeting with his family in 1969, when he became seriously ill and feared death. After his recovery, Hess did not refuse to visit relatives.

He did not repent of anything, continued to idolize Hitler and stay in prison subordinated one goal: even after the death to remain in the memory of generations in the same way as it was during the Third Reich. An example is Hess's letter to his wife. From it, the censor on duty cut out the following words: "If I had to start life again, I would repeat everything." 

SS Standardfuhrer Paul Blobel

In 1947-1948, 24 SS men were tried before the American military court in Nuremberg in the case of Einzatzgroup and Sonderkommando, 14 sentenced to death. 

Among them was Paul Blobel.

In 1947-1948, 24 SS men appeared before a U.S. military court in the ninth Nuremberg trials of the Einsatzgrup come and the Sonderkommando. Fourteen death sentences were handed down, two were sentenced to life imprisonment, the rest to various terms of imprisonment. However, Dr Otto Rashe avoided trial "due to illness." 

Nuremberg trials of the main war criminals

 From November 20, 1945 to October 1, 1946, the trial of the main war criminals took place in Nuremberg. The International Military Tribunal sentenced:

 • To death by hanging: Hermann Goering, Joachim von Ribbentrop, Wilhelm Keitel, Ernst Kaltenbrunner, Alfred Rosenberg, Hans Frank, Wilhelm Frick, Julius Streicher, Fritz Sauckel, Arthur Seyssochno-Bormannuf.

 • To life imprisonment: Rudolf Hess, Walter Funk and Erich Raeder.

 • By 20 years in prison: Baldur von Schirach and Albert Speer.

 • By 15 years in prison: Konstantin von Neurath.

 • By 10 years in prison: Karl Dönitz.

 • Justified: Hans Fritsche, Franz von Papen and Hjalmar Schacht.

 The Tribunal recognized the SS, SD, Gestapo and the leadership of the Nazi Party as criminal.

 Ninth Small Nuremberg Trials of the Einsatzgruppen

 After the Main Nuremberg Trial over Nazi criminals in 1946-1949. 12 more passed.

 185 accused were brought before these 12 trials, of which 142 were found guilty. 24 were sentenced to death (11 pardoned, 13 executed), 20 to life imprisonment, 98 to various terms, 35 acquitted. The remaining 8 defendants were not sentenced for various reasons (they were declared insane for medical reasons, died before the trial). In 1951, many of those convicted at these trials were amnestied or their terms were significantly reduced.

 The ninth of them, which took place in 1947-1948, was devoted to the cases of the Einsatzgruppen.

 At the trial, 14 criminals were sentenced to death (9 of them, the death penalty was replaced by a prison). 8 people were sentenced to imprisonment.

 July 31, 1941 G. Goering instructed SD chief R. Heydrich to create the SS Einsatzgruppen (A, B, C, and D) for the extermination of Jews exclusively, which indicated the number of Jews to be exterminated - 11 million, specifying how many should be exterminated in every country. Even Albania, where 200 Jews lived, was not forgotten. The goal of the Nazis, therefore, was total, i.e. total extermination of Jews.

 War criminal Reichsmarschall Hermann Goering

  Reinhard Triistan Eugen Heydrich (German: Reinhard Tristan Eugen Heydrich; 1904 - 1942) - statesman and politician of Nazi Germany, head of the General Directorate of Imperial Security), deputy (acting) imperial protector of Bohemia and Moravia. SS Obergruppenfuehrer and Police General.

 One of the initiators of the "final solution to the Jewish question", coordinator of activities to combat the internal enemies of the Third Reich. Heydrich was killed in Prague by saboteurs of British military intelligence, an ethnic Czech and a Slovak, who were parachuted from an airplane.

 War criminal Adolf Eichmann was captured after aoina and executed

 Eichmann joined the SS in his native Austria, but soon moved to Germany, where the NSDAP had already come to power. After working for several years in the security service of the Reichsfuehrer SS, Eichmann ended up in the newly created "Jewish" department. One of the main goals for Nazi Germany at that time was the operational "cleansing" of the territory from Jews through mass emigration. Eichmann came up with a plan of forced deportation, which he successfully implemented first in Vienna, where he was transferred after the Anschluss of Austria and where he created the first "re-education" camp, and then in Prague. His people, intimidating and threatening with violence, forced Jews to leave the territory of the Third Reich.

 After the Wannsee Conference adopted the protocol on the "final solution of the Jewish question," the total extermination of the Jews, Eichmann followed Himmler's orders with particular zeal: he killed millions of people without leaving his desk.

 Responsible for solving the "Jewish question", he personally oversaw the deadly conveyor belt of genocide, sending about five million people to concentration camps.

 “I will go to the grave laughing, because the fact that the death of five million Jews is on my conscience gives me extraordinary satisfaction,” he boasted during the war years.

 After the surrender of Germany, Eichmann fled to Argentina, where, having received a new passport, he got a job at a Mercedes-Benz branch.

 Already living in Argentina, Eichmann was proud of his crimes and told the journalist that the only mistake he regretted was that the Jews could not be completely exterminated.

 His whereabouts were known to the German intelligence service BND and the American CIA since 1958, and according to some reports, much earlier. However, they were in no hurry to hand him over to Israeli justice: they were afraid that Eichmann knew too much about the past of some members of the Adenauer Cabinet of Ministers and could harm the new image of Germany.

 However, in 1960, Eichmann was captured right on the street by agents of the Israeli intelligence Mossad and sent to Jerusalem.

 Denying guilt, Eichmann said that he was only following orders: he did not kill anyone, but simply did his job.

 The death sentence was carried out on the night of May 31 to June 1, 1962 in the Ramla prison.

Marilyn Jane Russell. Gentlemen Prefer Blondes," USA, 1953.

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