Portrait for David 

Portrait for David 

uoɹoɯʎxo uʎןʞooɹq .ɹɯ

David, as far back as 1852, in Louis Bonaparte's Eighteenth Brumaire, your distant relative Karl Marx wrote first: "Hegel bemerkte irgendwo, daß alle großen weltgeschichtlichen Tatsachen und Personen sich sozusagen zweimal ereignen. Er hat vergessen, hinzuzufügen: das eine Mal als Tragödie, das andere Mal als Farce. Caussidière für Danton, Louis Blanc für Robespierre, die Montagne von 1848–1851 für die Montagne von 1793–1795, der Neffe für den Onkel». He somewhere notes that all the great world-historical events and personalities appear, so to speak, twice. 

This is Hegelian "somewhere" - "Lectures on the Philosophy of History" published in 1837: "... wie denn überhaupt eine Staatsumwälzung gleichsam im Dafürhalten der Menschen sanktioniert wird, wenn sie sich wiederholt. So ist Napoleon zweimal unterlegen, und zweimal vertrieb man die Bourbonen. Durch die Wiederholung wird das, was im Anfang nur als zufällig und möglich erschien, zu einem Wirklichen und Bestätigten». 

... as in general, any coup d'état is done in the minds of people as if sanctioned, in the event that it is repeated. 

Thus Napoleon was defeated twice, and the Bourbons were expelled twice. By repeating what at first seemed only random and possible, becomes something real and confirmed...



Picture for David, he will be pleased, we know. The price is a mere trifle for him 💲66,666,666 . The mouth will be brought to Morgan on a platinum card until it is limited in rights. We don't include David's prison leisure in that amount. If he wants to spend the rest of his days interesting, he should get in touch with our Editor-in-Chief and discuss the Ryder of his lifelong entertainment. 

In words, he can convey from us: - we admire his artistic creativity. 

         Cheap plagiarism of morons!

"Dark Winter": Sberbank is preparing a cyber attack?

After the sensational podcast by Bill Gates and Anthony Fauci, where they talk about the indefinite wearing of masks and the changes in our lives that have come forever, the statements of wef Executive Director Jeremy Jurgens and WEF founder and director Klaus Schwab made at the World Economic Forum (WEF) in July 2020 have played with new colors.

An ominous warning

Bill Gates himself at the World Economic Forum in Davos in 2017 argued:

"We're in for a dark winter, pandemics, bioterrorism, vaccines."

The World Economic Forum is a place of communication and a platform for statements by authorized persons of the world elite, and these statements should be taken seriously, since often these statements are announcements of the events that await us in the near future.

Let's get acquainted with what the WEF commissioners predict for us.

WEF Founder and Director Klaus Schwab:

"We all know, but we still don't pay enough attention to the dreaded scenario of a comprehensive cyberattack that could shut up electricity, transportation, hospital services, and our society as a whole. The COVID-19 crisis will be seen as a small upset in this regard compared to a larger cyberattack."

WEF Executive Director Jeremy Jurgens:

"I believe that there will be another crisis. It will be more significant. It will be faster than what we've seen with covid. The consequences will be greater, and as a result, the economic and social consequences will be even greater."

Thus, we are warned that in the future we may be waiting for a catastrophic cyber attack. As you know, before any war, the command conducts command and staff exercises, the purpose of which is to establish operational interaction between large units and communications, to test a new strategy and tactics, to understand what the enemy can oppose, what reserves are needed, etc.

Before COVID-19, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation conducted a similar command post exercise called "Event 201, a month before the virus was detected in China.

What could be a sign of such a cyber attack, which is spoken of by respected WEF leaders? It's the same with the command post exercises on the topic of cyber attack!

So what do we see?

WeF founder and director Klaus Schwab warns of the possibility of famine in the very near future, from two to several months, since Joe Biden's team in the United States can gain power only after the inauguration in mid-January 2021:

"The World Economic Forum is working with the Biden administration to ensure that most people survive the coming food shortages. Citizens who have documents about vaccinations will regularly receive packages of protein products of plant origin. "

Thus, it becomes clear that we are preparing a man-made catastrophe that will lead to mass starvation and pestilence of the population from the shutdown of energy and heating, and only those who agree to vaccinate themselves from Bill Gates and Big Pharma, the world elites are ready to supply food. Most likely, protein products from genetically modified soy and other Monsanto products.

"Dark Winter": hunger and vaccination are getting closer than we would like...


Operation Dark Winter was the code name for a high-level bioterrorist attack simulation conducted on June 22-23, 2001. It was designed to simulate the covert and widespread smallpox attack in the United States. Tara O'Toole and Thomas Inglesby of the Johns Hopkins Center for Civilian Biosecurity Strategies (CCBS) / Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS), and Randy Larsen and Mark DeMier of Analytics Services were the primary developers, authors and overseers of The Dark Winter Project. Overview The Dark Winter Objective focused on assessing the inadequacy of the national emergency response during the use of biological weapons against the American population. The exercise aimed to develop preventive measures and response strategies by raising government and public awareness of the scale and potential of such a biological weapons threat. Scenario The simulated Dark Winter scenario involved an initial localized smallpox attack in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, with additional smallpox infections in Georgia and Pennsylvania. Then the simulation got out of hand. This would create an unforeseen situation in which the National Security Council will struggle to identify both the source of the attack and to contain the spreading virus. Failure to keep pace with the spread of the disease creates a new catastrophic situation in which massive civilian casualties could overwhelm America's ability to respond to emergencies. Catastrophic contingencies, which would have resulted in huge civilian casualties, were used to exploit the weaknesses of the US health infrastructure and its inability to cope with such a threat. These contingencies were also intended to address the widespread panic that could arise and lead to massive social decay and mob violence. The exploits also include the many difficulties the media will face in providing American citizens with the necessary information about security procedures. Discussing the outcome of Dark Winter, Brian Walsh noted: “The timing - just months before 9/11 - was eerily foreseeable, as if the organizers foresaw how the threat of terrorism, including bioterrorism, would wipe out the US government and public in the coming years ". Loading ... Summary of Findings According to the UPMC Health Security Center, Dark Winter has outlined several key findings regarding the ability of the US health system to respond to a localized bioterrorism event: A bioweapon attack on the United States could threaten vital national security interests. In addition to the likelihood of massive civilian casualties, Dark Winter highlighted the potential collapse of critical institutions, leading to a loss of trust in government, followed by civil unrest and disruption of democratic processes by authorities trying to restore order. A shortage of vaccines and other drugs has impacted the available response to contain the epidemic, as well as the ability of political leaders to calm the American people. This caused great public anxiety and the flight of people desperate to get vaccinated, and significantly influenced the decisions made by the political leadership. In addition, Dark Winter showed that a catastrophic biowarfare event in the United States would significantly reduce US strategic flexibility overseas. The existing organizational structures and capabilities are inadequate to manage a biological warfare attack. The dark winter showed that major “fault lines” exist between different levels of government (federal, state and local), between government and the private sector, between different institutions and agencies, and within the public and private sectors. Leaders are unfamiliar with the nature of bioterrorism attacks, the policy options available, and their consequences. Federal and state priorities may be unclear, different, or conflicting; authorities may be insecure; constitutional issues may arise. For example, government leaders wanted to oversee decisions about imposing disease containment measures (such as mandatory or voluntary isolation and vaccination), closing state borders to all traffic and transport, and when and whether airports should be closed. Federal officials, on the other hand, argued that such issues are best dealt with at the national level to ensure consistency and give the president maximum control over military and public security assets. The leaders of the states hardest hit by smallpox wanted immediate access to smallpox vaccine for all citizens of their states, but the federal government had to balance those demands with military and other national priorities. State leaders opposed the federalization of the National Guard, which they counted on to support logistical and community needs, while a number of federal leaders argued that the National Guard should be federalized. There are no leaps and bounds in the US health and public health system, as well as in the pharmaceutical and vaccine industries. The exercise was designed to simulate a sudden and unexpected biological warfare event for which the US health care system was not prepared. In the absence of sufficient preparation, Dark Winter has shown that the lack of sufficient vaccine or drugs to prevent the spread of the disease severely limits treatment options. The institutionally limited "capacity" of the American health care system quickly overwhelmed hospitals and became practically inoperable due to the sudden and ongoing influx of new cases, aggravated by patients with common illnesses who feared they might get smallpox and people who got smallpox. otherwise healthy, but concerned about their possible effects. The challenges of making the right diagnosis and rationing scarce resources, coupled with a shortage of health workers who themselves worried about getting infected or bringing the infection home to their families, placed an enormous burden on the health care system. The simulation also noted that while demand was highest in cities and states that were directly attacked, by the time the victims developed symptoms, they were geographically dispersed, with some far from the original site of the attack. The simulations also showed that without sufficient surge potential, it was significantly difficult for public health agencies to analyze the scale, source and development of the epidemic, as well as their ability to educate and reassure the public, as well as their ability to limit the number of victims and the spread of the epidemic. disease. For example, even after a smallpox attack was discovered, decision makers faced many uncertainties and wanted information that was not immediately available. (In fact, they were provided with more information about the whereabouts and numbers of infected people than would actually have been available.) Without accurate and timely information, participants found it difficult to quickly pinpoint the locations of the initial attacks; immediately predict the likely size of the epidemic based on the initial cases; find out how many people have been exposed; find out how many and where were hospitalized; or keep track of how many were vaccinated. Working with the media will become a serious problem for all levels of government. The Dark Winter has shown that information management and communication (eg, effective communication with the press, communication with citizens, maintaining the information flows necessary for management and control at all institutional levels) will be critical elements in crisis / impact management. For example, participants were concerned that it would not be possible to enforce vaccinations or travel restrictions for large populations without their joint cooperation. To achieve this collaboration, the President and other Dark Winter leaders recognized the importance of convincing their constituencies that vaccines and other limited resources are distributed fairly, that disease containment is in the public good, that every possible measure has been taken to prevent the further spread of the disease, and so that the government remains firmly in control of the situation despite the growing epidemic. When a contagious biological weapon pathogen is used, containing the spread of the disease will pose serious ethical, political, cultural, operational and legal challenges. In Dark Winter, some members advised the imposition of geographic quarantines around the affected areas, but the implications of these measures (such as interruptions in the normal flow of medicines, food and energy, and other critical needs) were initially not clearly understood. In the end, it is unclear if such draconian measures resulted in a more effective halt to the spread of the disease. Moreover, the allocation of scarce resources required some degree of rationing, which led to conflict and serious debate among competing interests. 

         Operation Dark Winter

Key participants President Honourable. Sam Nunn National Security Advisor The Honourable. David Gergen Director of Central Intelligence Hon. R. James Woolsey Jr. Secretary of Defense The Honourable. John P. White Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff General John Tilelli, U.S. (ret.) Secretary of Health and Human Services The Honourable. Margaret Hamburg Secretary of State The Honourable. Frank Wiesner Attorney General Hon. George Terwilliger Director of the Federal Emergency Management Agency Mr. Jerome Hower Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation The Honourable. William Sessions Governor of Oklahoma The Honourable. Frank Keating Governor's Spokeswoman Frank Keating (OK) Mr. Dan Mahoney NBC News Correspondent Mr. Jim Miklaszewski Pentagon Producer, CBS News Ms. Mary Walsh Reporter, British Broadcasting Corporation Ms. Sian Edwards Reporter, The New York Times Ms. Judith Miller Reporter, Freelance Fellow Mr. Lester Reinhold Loading... Reporter, freelance fellow Mr. Lester Reinhold Loading... 

Operation Dark Winter 🥶 

Russian colleagues, senior comrades-mentors and associates of Klaus Schwab in the Dark Winter 



This is followed by a rapid transition to a special regime of national totalitarian measures and the establishment of a new paradigm of economic, social, totalitarian digital rules of life of the world's population and the utilization of the population to 1.5-2.0 billion by 2050-2070. 

In fact, everything is ready ✅, except that in order to implement this plan, the criminal group needs to prick and send a QR code to at least 75% of the population of each territory of the State. In this case, they seem to legalize the barcode of 🔐 for the whole country. 








Leak knock on White House 🚪 door 🏡 documented 👇

For those who want to get a minimum term of imprisonment, and can even avoid punishment, pretending to be a victim of trafficking and a natural fool - our crib 👇 With this crib you can go red-handed to the police department / FBI in the place of residence and urgently write a statement about the essence of the conspiracy against the U.S. 🇺🇸 


A successful trip to the investigators! 

For the lazy, you can wait on the couch of united States Navy SEALs - the main tactical unit of the SDF Special Operations Forces 🇺🇸

Working Guys, let's go. 

202 tnevE .rM

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