Letter: Israeli Prosecutor General Avihay Mandeblit, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, Health Minister Yulia Edelstein:

Letter: Israeli Prosecutor General Avihay Mandeblit, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, Health Minister Yulia Edelstein:

⏳ ተ𐍂𐌉ଓ𐌵𑀉ꤕ Ⴝ𐌳𐍅Ⴝ🎙

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 Dear 👆👆👆sed in the headline.

Subject: Violation of the Nuremberg Code by the Israeli government and other parties

We appeal to you on behalf of the Association of people of Truth (אנשי האמת), an association founded by lawyers, doctors, community activists and the general public who have chosen to exercise their democratic right not to receive experimental medical care with a Vaccine against the Crown and believe that they are subjected to cruel and unlawful pressure on behalf of the Government of Israel, members of the Knesset, ministers, high-ranking elected officials, mayors and others. Let's start with a basic understanding of the subject. The Corona Vaccine is an innovative medical treatment that has only recently received FDA approval in the U.S. (emergency only), not definitively approved and detailed descriptions of the 22 side effects of the vaccine. In addition, it is clear that for all medical factors, the long-term effects of the vaccine have not been tested and researched, and the long-term effects of treatment and its safety for recipients are not yet known. It is important to note that so far worldwide no vaccine has been administered to humans with this medical technology inserting synthetic m-RNA, and all previous vaccines have worked very differently, introducing a killed or weakened virus and naturally awakening the immune system against it. The Nuremberg Code is a code of medical ethics issued under laws that tried Nazi criminals convicted of horrific medical experiments conducted during World War II in the trial of doctors known as the Nuremberg Trial. Later, the Nuremberg Code formed the basis for the adoption of the Helsinki Declaration, and also became the basis for the adoption of the Patient Rights Act in Israel. We intend to present to you and describe in detail how this year in the State of Israel the Israeli Government, its ministers, members of the Knesset, mayors and many other high-ranking officials violate the Nuremberg Code in a criminal, egregious and extreme manner, and unfortunately not only in one aspect, but in many. Very many!

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The fourth principle is that the experiment will be conducted in a way that prevents suffering or physical injury. It is known that the treatment led to the death of many people and serious injuries (including disability and paralysis). However, after receiving the vaccine, the Government did not order an investigation into the matter. It is interesting to note that the Ministry of Health fully recognized that 41 per cent of the police, military, educational and medical personnel who took the vaccine suffered from serious and life-threatening side effects. It is also puzzling that there are no complete reports on the number of deaths or injuries expected from such a medical procedure in the interests of the public involved in the trial. 

2. Contract - Bibi - Pfizer. It turns out that the Prime Minister of Israel signed an agreement with Pfizer, a production company, under which he receives a huge number of millions of doses of vaccine and priority over other countries, and in return vaccinated (residents of Israel) will serve as scientists of the pharmaceutical company guinea pigs 🐁. It was agreed that the pharmaceutical company would receive all their confidential personal medical information from Israel without their knowledge and without their prior consent. We should also note the complete ignorance of citizens prior to the publication of the contents of the agreement, as the majority of the residents are very personal, and as part of the transparency required by law, it was published with the "cover-up" of most of the information mentioned in the agreement. It is clear that such an agreement should be fully transparent to the general public. 

3. Alternative treatments. With regard to informed consent to treatment and based on the principles of the Nuremberg Code, the patient should be identified and offered several alternative treatment options with a detailed description of the medical process (and all that is included), as well as the benefits and disadvantages that exist in any treatment to enable him to make a conscious and personal decision regarding his preferred treatment. It should be without any pressure and freely, by the right of a free person. Despite the above, the State of Israel and the Ministry of Health do not represent Israeli citizens. There is a therapeutic treatment that has proven to be effective and has few non-dangerous side effects, and they persuade citizens and put pressure on them (with flagrant violation of the process of informed consent), while hiding information about vaccines and creating a complex atmosphere of fear and coercion. 

The fourth principle is that the experiment will be conducted in a way that prevents suffering or physical injury. It is known that the treatment led to the death of many people and serious injuries (including disability and paralysis). However, after receiving the vaccine, the Government did not order an investigation into the matter. It is interesting to note that the Ministry of Health fully recognized that 41 per cent of the police, military, educational and medical personnel who took the vaccine suffered from serious and life-threatening side effects. It is also puzzling that there are no complete reports on the number of deaths or injuries expected from such a medical procedure in the interests of the public involved in the trial.

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5. The fifth principle is that an experiment should not be conducted when there is reason to believe that there will be a real death or injury. As for the violation of this principle, see Section 8 above, as it is said about the death data, we citizens hear only by word of mouth on social networks (from friends, neighbours or relatives) and not in the mainstream media. 

6. Another principle is that the person responsible for the experiment will be prepared to stop all stages if there is reasonable reason to believe that this will result in injury, disability or death of the experiment participant. It has already been proven that many people have died from treatment, been injured, disabled and paralyzed, but the Government of Israel continues to impose this dangerous experiment on Israeli citizens.

7. The following are quotes and publications from the last period that illustrate the flagrant and criminal violations of the Nuremberg Code by the Government, ministers, smiling mayors and high-ranking public figures, as well as employers.

Here are some examples (of many types) of violations of the Nuremberg Code (as outlined below, in applications)

Economic pressure 

1. The Manufacturers' Association, based on a legal opinion, threatens to exclude all those who have not been vaccinated. 

2. Health Minister Julius Edelstein is seeking to pass a law prohibiting unvaccinated people from entering the workplace. 

3. Threat of denial of unemployment benefits, social pressure:

1. Threat of preventing access to entertainment, recreation and public services. 

Leading artists, as well as elected officials who under each tree try to preach, aggressively and offensively, and even offer ways of punishment and sanctions. 

MP Ayelet Shaked, MP Smutrich, Health Minister Julius Edelstein, DEPUTY Bennett, Avri Gilad, presenter of the morning program, singer Yehoram Gaon, Judy Nir Moses and others) 

And aggressive messages from the hospital cash registers and even an appointment to the doctor forcibly. Insurance and other incentives that are prohibited unvaccinated: 

1. Hotel accommodation, weekends and more that owners of various companies offer their employees.

 2. Discounts in various private and public enterprises, as well as preferential cards promoted by the state.

The Prime Minister of Israel has repeatedly stated that the citizens of Israel participate in an innovative medical experiment for the benefit of all the citizens of the world, who for some reason are in no hurry to be treated by this and see what will happen to the egyptian Israelis. 

The same agreement signed by the government with Pfizer in many places has blackened, raising questions about the agreements reached by the government with Pfizer.

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This highlights that the measures currently applied against citizens, including proposals for legislation against those who have not been vaccinated, are contrary not only to the Nuremberg Code and human autonomy, but also to the current legislation in the country. including the Basic Law of Human Dignity and Freedom, the Equal Employment Opportunity Act, the Prohibition of Discrimination against Products, Services and Access to Entertainment and Public Places, and other laws. Therefore, in the light of the foregoing, we address two basic requirements: 

1. Immediately stop medical experiments and the introduction of the vaccine to the population of the State of Israel.

2. Order the Government to discontinue any legislative procedure that violates the principle of the person's voluntary and informed consent to receive the above treatment and is contrary to the legal situation in Israel and Israeli democracy, including the renunciation of green passport legislation, the transfer of names unvaccinated to local authorities or other misconduct legislation 

3. Act with all rigour against any public/business/staffing structures that violate state employment laws or other necessary issues to prevent coercion or incitement to vaccination, as well as discrimination against those who choose not to be vaccinated with an innovative medical injection.

4. We would like to inform you that a copy of this document will also be sent to the media around the world, as it violates the Nuremberg Code, which applies to all countries of the free world. The authorities are prohibited from exerting any pressure or persuasion on people to be vaccinated against the crown in any way, so what is good for developed European countries is certainly good for Israel.

With respect ✍️


Ruth Mahnas

Arie Sukhovolski

One can only add that the ways of the Lord are not confessed and very short from the status of a witness to the status of a defendant in serious crimes against humanity. After all, in September 1939, none of the Nazi criminals, unleashing the Second World War by an attack on Poland 🇵🇱 and further partition of Poland with the USSR under the Molotov-Ribbentrop pact and secret protocols to this pact, did not think that the legislative loop of the ➰ would be tightened on their necks in 7-8 years. 

In the following material 

how pharmaceutical companies save money at the third, most expensive stage in developing countries. 


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