TeacheR of GEogrAPhy and paiNting of JuNiOr cLAsSEs

The game takes place in the classic style - the genre of Bolshevik communists - fascists. 

Typing should be an ongoing process, before, during, and after an I&Q response, as illustrated in the above figure (FEMA, 2011). 

MGT 433: NIMS Typed Resources

Alum that the number of Covid cases is declining in the U.S., the Department of Homeland Security's training program has provided the federal government with a model for normalizing (making them permanent) mass public quarantine measures. 

On the website of the Rural Internal Readiness Consortium (RDPC), which provides training for the Department of Homeland Security, a program called "MGT-433: Isolation and Quarantine for Rural Communities: A General Social Approach" explains how to begin trapping unvaccinated American citizens for their referral to mass quarantine centers. 

Courses can be taken only by people of certain categories, that is, those who, in the course of their life, have already passed the preliminary selection and have different competencies from the type of activity: officials of health authorities, law enforcement agencies, fire protection, emergency medical services (EMS), hospitals, emergency departments, elected officials and officials of government bodies, members of local associations, members of the local emergency planning commission, representatives of large employers in the region, as well as volunteer organizations.

The participant must be a U.S. citizen. 

"This 8.0-hour instructor-led course is designed to provide the knowledge needed to begin planning situations requiring isolation and quarantine (I&Q) of a large portion of the local rural population," the RDPC website says, "This training will provide public and private sector emergency managers, community policymakers, public health and public safety professionals with the general knowledge needed to begin planning situations that require isolation and quarantine of a significant portion of the local rural population...

The ability of the rural community to collectively respond to an emergency requiring isolation and quarantine is essential not only to minimize the negative impacts on the community at risk, but also to minimize the long-term negative impacts on the U.S. economy and the health of the U.S. population as a whole..."

The participant must be a U.S. citizen. The course consists of an overview and five modules:

Module One: Introduction to Isolation and Quarantine.

The module focuses on the difference between isolation and quarantine, as well as the different interventions for each. 

Module Two: Legal and Ethical Issues of Isolation and Quarantine

This module focuses on the legal and ethical considerations of isolation and quarantine. Due process relating to isolation and quarantine will be reviewed.

Module Three: Roles and Responsibilities During an Isolation and Quarantine Incident

This module focuses on the roles and responsibilities of the entire community regarding planning and response to isolation and quarantine, including the role of state and federal stakeholders. 

Module Four: Communication Strategies for Responding to Isolation and Quarantine

The module focuses on communication structures and strategies to be implemented in the event of a public health emergency requiring isolation and quarantine.

Module Five: Emergency Response in Isolation and Quarantine

The module focuses on the roles and responsibilities of public health, public safety, the private sector and volunteer organizations across the community in response to an isolation and quarantine incident...

Each student who meets all the requirements for completion of the course will receive a pre-approved Certificate of Completion of the National Consortium for Rural Preparedness (RDPC) with the seal D of the United States.

All of this comes as the Biden administration prepares to deploy a "strike force" that will go door-to-door across the country and urge injections, which, according to internal documents, would entail tagging unvaccinated people.

MGT 433: NIMS Typed Resources

Ha factory, where the famous whiskey Jack Daniel's is made, has an unusual exhibit - "The Safe That Killed Jack". 

According to legend, the founder of the company kicked it with his foot when once again he could not open. Yes, so much so that as a result he broke his thumb and brought the infection. Blood poisoning began and the leg had to be amputated. But this did not help, since the infection had already spread throughout the body and Jack Daniel died right in the hospital. 

    A sad story, a heartbreaking story.

What is most cute is that the courses appeared back in August 2019, when no one had heard of covid yet and the evacuation law was not yet on the agenda of the parliaments of some countries, and to take this course to get the appropriate qualifications, it is proposed to take now on July 13, 2021, as if in the autumn it can be useful.

As we wrote, Friends, they go All-in, and now the pedophile eugenicists of global governance are determined to test the limits of their power and the patience of Humanity. Autumn, if you don't give up sooner, will be fun. 

Dr. Roger Hodkinson, Chairman of the Committee of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons in Ottawa, CEO of a large private medical laboratory in Edmonton and Chairman of the Medical Biotechnology Company selling COVID-19 testing:

Your new royal home in the UK.

A lot of what the states call FEMA camps have already been built in the world, and there is one in the Netherlands, in Zaandam. Canada and Australia have them too. Spain, Germany and other EU countries probably have such camps too. They can be found everywhere.

We know for sure these camps will not stand idle empty. Soon they will find the most status in the past of their permanent inhabitants 👇

"There is a completely unjustified public hysteria caused by the media and politicians. This is the biggest hoax ever committed against an unsuspecting public. There is absolutely nothing that can be done to contain this virus. It's just nothing more than bad flu season. It's politics playing medicine, and it's a very dangerous game. No action is required. Masks are completely useless. There is no evidence that they are effective at all. It is absolutely ridiculous to see these unfortunate, uneducated people walking around like lemmings/slaves, obeying without any evidence [their puppet governments]. Social distancing is also useless. The risk of death before the age of 65 is 1 in 300,000. The [Covid] answer is completely ridiculous."

Judging by all accounts, many of those who misunderstandingly call themselves journalists will now be a little embarrassed and their propaganda of panic, total submission under the absolutely false pretext of concern for health, as well as their spreading of enmity will now finally look completely stupid and severely constrained by the law on false information. 

      What a sultry boy this Barry 

Heil Barry 

Heil Barry 

Heil Barry 

Heil Barry 

Heil Barry 

Heil Barry 

Heil Barry 

It seems to us that such individuals are ready for concentration camps and prisons and home imprisonment. They accepted the lies and mockery not only of themselves, they gave the souls and hearts of their children into the clutches of the 🐾 devil. 

Marlene Dietrich is detained at the train station in Paris for the fact that she is in men's trousers, 1933. The law prohibiting women from wearing trousers was in force in France until 2013 (in recent decades, of course, no one has complied with it).

Have you ever seen anything more absurdist and so sad? 

Karl Marx in 1875

Was born

Karl Heinrich Marx

(1818-05-05) May 5, 1818 

Trier , Prussia , German Confederation

Died March 14, 1883 (1883-03-14) (age 64) 

London, England


March 17, 1883, Tomb of Karl Marx, Highgate Cemetery, London, England


Germany, France, Belgium, United Kingdom.


Prussian (1818–1845)

Stateless (after 1845)

Political Party Communist Committee by Correspondence (until 1847) 

Communist League (1847–1852) 

International Workers' Association (1864–1872)

Moscow, Romanov Lane, 4. Rothschild Corporation Finance, AO, consulting company. +74957758221.

THE company "ROTHSCHILD COORATE FINANCE, AO, consulting company" is located in the Company is located at: 123242, Moscow, Novinsky Boulevard, house 31, A sector, TDC Smolenskaya (615 m.) location_on Moscow, Novinsky Boulevard, 22, office 209.

Someone obviously does not allow to sleep peacefully this beard 

 The secrets of the Bavarian Illuminati were not immediately revealed, because this secret society carefully concealed the real goals. To understand the meaning of the doctrine of Adam Weishaupt, who became the prototype of the main character of Shelley's book "Frankenstein, or the new Prometheus", and what is the ideology of the Bavarian Illuminati, you need to consider a document known as "Satan's New Testament." The Illuminati kept it in the strictest secrecy, and it became available only in 1875, when a courier of the Bavarian Illuminati on the way from Frankfurt to Paris was killed by lightning.

We see Klaus 🤶 Schwab, he is a rothschild on his mother's side and an Indian yogi Sadhguru-Gref. 

Klaus Martin Schwab was born on 30 March 1938 in Ravensburg, Germany. 

Gref was born in 1964 in the village of Panfilovo in the north of the Republic of the USSR Kazakhstan. Herman was born in a family of Germans who lived on the territory of the USSR Republic of Kazakhstan. 

Indian yogi Sadhguru (real name Jaggi Vasudev) spoke to businessmen in Davos, gave advice at the SPIEF and mentored Herman Gref, he is also warmly friends with the non-philosopher who composed his clumsy capital "The Great Reset", Schwab (Rothschild on the maternal side). 

This Indian guy is the founder of the Isha Foundation, a charitable organization that has special consultative status with the UN Economic and Social Council. Feel, Friends, what a wingspan. 

He is also a motivational coach at major corporations and Ivy League universities. 

In Google, he read about the development of consciousness, at the head office of the World Bank he talked about global well-being, in Davos (Swabov's WEF) he taught to apply ancient wisdom in solving modern issues, and at the plenary session of SPIEF 2018, where he came at the personal invitation of the country's chief "teacher and teacher", the chief distance runner, the head of Sberbank German Gref, the guy in the turban explained how to adapt to the future. 

That is, Friends, to global structures, including the UN, whose recommendations are implemented by the world, he explained what, when and how to do, and what to turn our World into, and he explained to Russia how to adapt to what global structures will do with the World.

"Religion, countries are the fragile things that humanity has created, and this will collapse in the world of technology. Even the most ancient civilizations thought how to free people. Now this idea will become ubiquitous – technology will develop and people will be free. The state, religion or something else will cease to control us. With the development of technology comes a great world. The idea of national borders will also become meaningless. That's going to be the future of the world - not knowing what country you're in," this guy says Sadhguru.

The fascination of the head of the bank "Uralsib" Nikolai Tsvetkov advaita-vedanta and other "mystical practices based on Hinduism", the introduction of such "spiritual trainings" and other huini and esoteric, obscurantist shnyags for employees led one of the largest banks in Russia to monstrous losses, and as a result, its sale took place for a symbolic 1 wooden ruble. 

But history, as usual, does not teach anyone. Sber and Gref now lie in about the same position of the frame and are in the same frame. 

The State Action Bank of Russia, it contains the money of ordinary people in very large quantities, this money is definitely not related to the wet ideas of this Indian. 

Sberbank was one of the largest Russian partners of donors 🩸 of both Swab cyber exercises, and de facto terrorist exercises on large-scale blocking of Internet communications of different countries and the world as a whole. 

The uniform of the Berlin Security Regiment "Felix Dzerzhinsky" of the Ministry of State Security of the GDR, aka the Stasi.

🇺🇸Old Pelosi and her husband chop cabbage.

Speaker Pelosi and her husband purchased up to $10,000,000 worth of Microsoft options just weeks before the Pentagon announced a $22 billion contract with the tech giant for AR headsets. Yes, 👏 so simply this grandmother will not leave her money place. He will stand until the end, as after leaving she will face prison for insider trading and corruption.

The device for concentrating on reading and writing the text, invented by Hugo Gernsbeck, provided deep noise insulation, supplied pure oxygen and limited the view of the text through a narrow slit. USA, 1925

And according to the good old tradition, Friends, a small package of our past delicacies - delights 👇

Albert Hamilton Fish is an American serial killer, sexual pervert and ogre.

Also known as "Moon Maniac", "Grey Ghost", "Brooklyn Vampire", "Boogie Man", "Werewolf of Wisteria". Albert Fish admitted that the number of his victims is about 498 children. He was charged with the murder of a girl, Grace Budd, his own niece, who was eaten and raped by him. 

He was found guilty and executed by electric chair on January 16, 1936.

The first course will be dessert 🧁

Suicide dogs are designed to destroy enemy tanks.

Hungry dogs were accustomed to the fact that food can be found under the layout of a combat vehicle. In the conditions of battle, animals trained in this way were tied with a pack of TNT and an explosive device and released under the approaching tanks, where the dogs were to die. In fact, it can be any stationary or moving object 🎼, not necessarily a tank. 

MR. fORmuLa mELa

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