Vaccine triangle

Dear transfer!

On Saturday, almost crying,

The entire New York 🏥 Hospital 

I was eager to see the TV.

Instead of ingestion, wash,

Prick and forget,

All the crazy artists 

At the screens gathered .

He spoke, breaking his hands,

Krasnobay and balamut

About the impotence of science

Before the mystery of vaccines.

I broke all my brains into pieces,

All the convolutions were spliched.

And New York artists, 

They prick us the second injection!

Dear Editor!

Maybe better about the reactor?

About your favorite lunar tractor?..

After all, you can't - a year in a row

That plates frighten -

They say, vile, fly, -

Then you have a vaccine 💉 barking,

That ruins say!

We're ad at what,

We beat plates all year round,

We've already eaten the dog on them.

(If Louise doesn't lie to us),

And there are piles of medicines.

We are in the toilet, who is not a fool.

That's life, and suddenly - Bermuda 🇧🇲.

Those times! You can't do that!

We didn't make a scandal -

We lacked a leader:

Real violent few,

So there are no leaders.

But on the machinations and nonsense

We have networks and nonsense,

And they won't spoil our impoverished.

Evil machinations of enemies!

It's their skinny devils.

Take water in the pond!

This is all, I will tell you, Came up with Churchill

In the eighteenth year!

We are about explosions, about fires

Composed a note to All ...

But then the orderlies rushed in.

And they fixed us.

Those who were particularly combative,

Screwed to the backs of the beds.

A paranoid was beating in the foam,

Like the Witcher on the Sabbath:

"You'll entry the towels,

Inovers, outsweres!

We are pregnant with heart

And we're hearted!"

Forty souls howoy in shifts,

Hot to white -

How much they bother

Vacacation business!

Everyone was almost crazy -

Even who was crazy, -

And then chief physician Kamala 

The TV viewer banned.

Out of the snake, looming in the window,

Behind the back of the plug hides !

I gave someone signs.

The paramedic pulled out the wires!

And we're left to prick.

And fall to the bottom of the well,

And there is an abyss, at the bottom of the well,

As in Bermuda, forever!

Well, tomorrow the children will ask,

Visiting us in the morning:

"Dad is Mom! What did these people say?

Candidates for doctor?"

We will open to our children

The truth - they care -

"Amazing - nearby,

But it's forbidden!"

And out of the -dentist-homemaker Klaus 🤶.

He has a receiver- Sonic.

He spins it at night -

Catches, Merkel's contra in it  

He was born there in the thirties -

And he moved his mind,

And to us got in the excitement of terrible,

With a disturbed stomach

And with a number on his leg.

He ran, excited extremely,

And the message shocked us,

Like a CDC science liner

In the triangle mired,

I have perished, I have spent all my life,

Everything fell to pieces...

But two crazy brothers of ours.

Picked up by fishermen.

Those who survived the cataclysm,

They are pessimistic.

Their yesterday in a glass prism

They brought us to the hospital,

And one of them, the mechanic,

He said, having escaped from the nannies,

That the Bermuda polyhedron -

The unclosed navel of the Earth!

"What was there? How did you escape?"

Everyone climbed up and molested.

But the mechanic was only shaking.

And the Chinariki was shooting.

He cried, then laughed,

That bristled like a thorn...

He mocked us!

Well, crazy - what will you take.

A former alcoholic soared,

Matershinnik and seditious :

"You have to drink a triangle!

For three of him! Give!"

Dispersed, and pours :

"The triangle will be drunk!

If he's a parallelepiped,

If he's a circle, a louse!"

Let it be a crazy idea,

Don't decide in a sly way!

Call us soon

Through the doc-chief physician.

With respect.Date, signature.

Answer us, and then,

If you don't respond,

Oh, we'll write in "Sportloto"! ⬇️ 

Tell Friends, and mechanic Anton Guterres is he definitely healthy? This flat-earth map image hangs in our main housing company, right there is a UN office 🕰️🤔

On the album cover of Shawn Mendes, half of his face is divided. The pure symbolism of MK-Ultra.

WHO terrorists have just announced monitoring a new variant of the coronavirus known as Mu, which may be resistant to vaccines 😂

The communist project "Covid" will never end, it is for them the last attempt to twist the world and destroy conscious people.

Our task is to resist, to protect peace 🗺 and ourselves, our children and grandchildren and not to allow the destroyers of peace, the enemies of mankind to seize our world 🗺 

Friends! There is a real battle for the future.

Japan has discovered 3 different variants of the Pfizer vaccine

This cannot happen unless it is done on purpose.

Three different poisons (vaccine 💉): 

1. Vaccines with pink filling. 

2. Vaccines with black matter. 

3. With shiny metallic, magnetic matter.


The international criminal group consists mainly of citizens of Jewish nationality. All these high-ranking officials are citizens of different countries of the world. They are all working hand in hand with China and Russia to create a COVID hoax and a vaccine as a biological weapon.


U.S. citizens 🇺🇸 German citizens, Israeli citizens, Russian citizens, French and other citizens of the world. A separate line is Communist China 🇨🇳. 

Video to your attention as circumstantial evidence of a crime. 

𐋏isᴛ᧐ry rᥱρᥱᥲᴛs iᴛsᥱᥣf ᴛᥕiᥴᥱ, ᧐ᥒᥴᥱ iᥒ ᴛɦᥱ f᧐rⲙ ᧐f ᴛrᥲgᥱɗy, Friᥱᥒɗs, ᴛɦᥱ sᥱᥴ᧐ᥒɗ ᴛiⲙᥱ iᥒ ᴛɦᥱ f᧐rⲙ ᧐f ᥲ fᥲrᥴᥱ. Aᥣᥣ ᥙᥒɗᥱr ᴛɦᥱ ᥴ᧐ρy.

More than a hundred years ago, the Rothschilds hired their cousin Karl Marx to fail the theoretical basis and philosophy, and also formalized the ideology for the total subordination of the World to a bunch of degenerate perverts, when half the world dreamed of a worldwide conflagration of world revolution, just as now Klaus Rothschild (Schwab by his father) in his terrorist masterpiece "The Great Reset" at the request of people from the same circle brought the theoretical base, philosophy under the total subordination of the World to a handful of perverts from the same cohort.

What are you pretending to be a fool? Or are you really a round fool who does not know about the availability of these documents? 

Well, with you Dr. Menge we have long understood everything and to you questions are only at the rope and the diameter of the loop. 

Our favorite 🤩 character is David! 

Why a favorite? He's the only one of all who knows the end of this Hell's Script, as everyone else has clearly missed history classes at school. And with David personally engaged in the elder Rockefeller, so we respect this lanky slouched torso that owes us a round sum and we are calm for his full knowledge of the project "World War Communism". Respected as a worthy ideological enemy. All the other defendants are small spans. 

The only difference between these absolutely identical events, differing in time, can be considered only that a hundred years ago no one planned to dispose of the population of the Earth to 1.5-2.0 or 0.5 billion, as it is planned and is already being done today.

Not to see this, Friends, can not only be a complete idiot and cretin, absolutely irresponsible approach to what legacy our generation will leave to our CHILDREN. This is a 100% sign of clouding of consciousness.

Even Alexa, when asked "is Bill Gates the killer?" unequivocally answers that he is the killer and the author of the plan to reduce the world's population by vaccination, during which they must die or become infertile, or give infertile and / or offspring with deviations. Those who understand the law and the principles of existence, as well as those who are aware of the way in which representatives of the global kahal act, cannot but understand that Alexa says this not by chance. Alexa warns you and me, and in plain text, that our participation in evil and the mass march to Hell should be voluntary, conscious, and that pressure and spud, organized by them against us, circumstances would not take part in it.

The Law of the Universe, the World, is the Law of Love, the Law of Free Will. If an individual born into the world manifests his own will for something, then no one has the right to secretly oppose it without violating the Law, and no one can, against the will of the individual, secretly establish on the way of the individual the circumstances of an irresistible force for him. All processes in the universe must occur openly, and the participation of beings with the will in them must be conscious and voluntary. Otherwise, there is a violation of the Law, which as if gives the right to the Universe, and to be precise, it encourages, as they say, to erase from the face of the Earth and the processes launched secretly and against the will and their initiators / actors.

To the question "sociopath is Geis", Alexa also gives an unequivocal answer. By the way, Gates is the same guy who once said at the very beginning of the Covid journey that "the question is now being discussed: Do we just need to provide ultra-high coverage with the current vaccine, or do we need exactly the same third dose, or do we need a modified vaccine?" As we now know, Friends, the West has had "exactly the same third dose," and "third dose," and "ultra-high coverage with the current vaccine," and "modified vaccine."

The WALL STREET JOURNAL wrote of Gates in the context of "Billionaires Shrink the World's Population," the report said.

The meeting of the Great and The Good (Rich and Greedy) a year ago, about which the publication wrote, could not but cause criticism. The New York meeting of billionaires Bill Gates, Warren Buffett, David Rockefeller, Eli Broad, George Soros, Ted Turner, Oprah, Michael Bloomberg and others was described by the Chronicle of Philanthropy as an informal gathering aimed at encouraging philanthropy. Just amid what the global Kahal called the pandemic, a bunch of billionaires came together to have a drink, dinner and a friendly chat about how to promote charity and so on. Do you believe that, Friends?)


"We were told that there was no agenda. And no plan for a follow-up meeting. It's just a friendly dinner. That's how they described it to us," the source said at the time. 

Some of America's leading billionaires met secretly to discuss how their wealth could be used to slow world population growth and accelerate improvements in health care and education. Philanthropists attending the summit, convened at the initiative of Bill Gates, co-founder of Microsoft, discussed joining forces to overcome political and religious obstacles to change..."

It is surprising against this background to read the statements of a friend of the pedophile Epstein Gates that the "golden billion" and many other things, all this is a conspiracy theory.

Believe the sperm collector on the island of pedophile Epstein, whose friend he was, Gates? 

This bald "cosmonaut" from the WEF Rothschild, the author of "The Great Reset", the co-director of "Dark Winter" together with the Russian Sberbank and other foolishness that has nothing to do with the human aspect of life, is hardly normal and healthy mentally, his cuckoo (head) has long helped him with a pen and moved under the plinth.

We hope the sight of "space" clothes a la Darth Vader, which is preferred by the "astronaut" Klaus at official events, gives you an understanding of who he thinks he is and sees himself and, accordingly, by whom, or rather, than he considers the rest of the World.

And the founder of Microsoft, not a physician, paying for the activities of the WHO Gates was connected with the late financier Jeffrey Epstein with strong bonds of friendship and more: who sent a plane to Antarctica ✈️ or a plane with Jeffrey Lolita Express? The New Yorker wrote about their close relationship back in 2019. It was reported that the editorial board received emails from the directors of the MIT Media Lab, which said that the convicted sex offender "instructed" Gates to donate $ 2 million to his research laboratory in October 2014.

The two have been known to have met in New York in 2013 that preceded Gates' trip to Palm Beach on one of Epstein's private jets, a Boeing that the tabloids nicknamed Lolita Express. And at that meeting, it seems, was Barry Obama, according to undocathed data. 

Despite the barrage of evidence of the two's close friendships between the two, "King of Medicine" Gates and "King of Pedophilia" Epstein, a Gates spokesperson told Business Insider that "while Epstein persistently pursued Bill Gates, any history of business partnerships or personal relationships between them is categorically wrong."

However, flight records, common interests in biotechnology, eugenics, and a pedophilia fascination and internal emails don't lie. The two had more in common than it might seem. Both had a common interest in eugenics, a perverse form of science that seeks to genetically modernize the human population (think of the "RNA vaccine" against Covid that "programs" your DNA). Bill Gates speaks openly about depopulation, and Jeffrey Epstein was passionate about creating a genetically superior race, using his sperm to impregnate select women. 

According to scientists who spoke with Epstein, "he expressed an interest in impregnating up to twenty women at the same time on his ranch in New Mexico" to create "genetically superior" children from some of the most successful people in society. Who are these successful people? But Gates' most interesting connection to Epstein, which was strongly denied by the mainstream media, is beginning to surface after the FBI's arrest of Epstein's pimp Gislen Maxwell.

The same NBC reported that "it was a shock to us, the Gates-Epstein connections are coming to light."

It is our duty to cite again what our source told us about Epstein's ranch, as it finally connects all the dots in this story: 

I was at a party tonight with a friend I'll call "Frank." Frank is quite rich and has very good connections thanks to his work, which I will not go into detail about for obvious reasons. Near the end of the meeting, he invited me into his office, and we were just chatting all sorts of nonsense when he talked about Maxwell's arrest: "You know, the audience misunderstands everything."

I was clearly intrigued, so I decided to continue. Here's my recollection of what he told me then:

Epstein and Gislen were not just sex dealers, but owners of a major secret operation. The island he owned, little St. James, was at the center of it all. Although there is a mansion and a few other objects scattered on the surface, they are nothing more than a diversionary maneuver.

When the FBI finally obtained the appropriate search warrants after his final arrest, what they found was like "something out of a sci-fi movie." Beneath the surface of the island is a massive "imagine a nuclear bunker on steroids."

Dormitories the size of a football field with hundreds of beds. Huge warehouse for storing food/water/fuel and other miscellaneous items. School, cafeteria, even a recreation area with tennis courts, ping pong tables, basketball hoops, etc.

There was also a medical facility - and this is where things get really weird. Row after row of cryogenically stored sperm and eggs. Carefully organized and with tagged samples - albeit under a pseudonym (e.g. RJ150709).

Researchers believe that sperm and eggs were donated by numerous visitors to the island, prominent, the world elite, caught in a honey trap and now doing everything they demand for the global kahals. 

... That's where the trail cools. All of the recovered computers, other than the personal ones, are equipped with "military-grade hardware encryption," and they have not found any physical documents explaining what the operation was intended for.

We will allow ourselves to leave this message without specifying the source, as well as express our hope that now you understand, Friends, why the United States collected genetic samples of the Slavs and what, in addition to blackmailing the right people who fell into the honey trap, old Epstein actually did.

Schwab: "We all know, but we still don't pay enough attention to the frightening scenario of a comprehensive cyber attack that could lead to a complete shutdown of electricity, transportation, hospital services, our society as a whole. The crisis of COVID19 will be seen in this regard as a small disruption compared to a major cyberattack. Use the Covid crisis as a timely opportunity to reflect on the lessons the cybersecurity community can learn and improve our unpreparedness for a potential threat..."

The main issue for our Motherland, Friends, now is the nationalization of the elites and when our ignorant media will wake up and become principled "For the Motherland, for the People" and begin to talk directly about the cyber attacks planned by freaks, the breakdown of food supply chains, oil, the banking crisis and many other things, as well as who is behind all this, including covid. After all, these sick and crazy people will not stop until they have committed all the crimes that they have planned. 

Covid is not the goal. 

You don't think, Friends, that the Covid story will go on forever and that it has no purpose.

AstraZeneca once revealed details of its Covid vaccine trials, which were third in a wave of rare disclosures of this headlight. Companies. The release was published after the second voluntary testing of the vaccine due to the fact that "neurological problems developed." 

According to sources who claim to be familiar with the vaccine trials, a second volunteer suddenly began to say, "They killed God; I no longer feel God - my soul is dead."

Are we seeing people muting? Are vaccines evil? All we have in the form of documents Of course it is 100% evil 🦹 , starting with the false covid and ending with the same false poison called the vaccine 💉. 

Sumerian of the word "vaccination" is "666", and that Gates said that he wanted to remove the "God gene" by vaccination, I think you know many. 

In every last case, not outside of cult-related cases, of shit and perverted, absolutely and unwaveringly with cutting off bridges of return to humanity, the global kahal leader of the cult was shit from the New Silent Generation. These people are born authoritarianisms. They are sick from birth, they are the parents of Generation X. That's why we know them and their tactics very well, they raised us and mocked us in the 60s and 80s. Their favorite phrases are "My way," "Because the Bible/Science says so." "Not in MY house", "Well, in THIS house we...", "You will do as I say, or will be destroyed, beat.", "Anyone who disagrees with what I just told you is evil/enemy/wants to kill you. Trust only me."

It sounds very familiar to us. Now let's look at some dates. The period of birth of the silent generation, as a rule, fell on 1925-1943.

Study these dates of birth. Charles Manson November 12, 1934, Anthony Fauci December 24, 1940, Klaus Schwab March 30, 1938, Nancy Pelosi March 26, 1940, Joseph Robinette Biden November 20, 1942,

The list goes on and on, and five click names are enough. All this shobla hearses built is hardly a global and near-global political elite, folded into one harmonious system, both parties, the media and almost all the major CORPORATIONS of the United States right now are headed by members of the Quiet Generation.


This is a group very prone to authoritarian tendencies associated with shoes [red shoes, Satanists]. They all see themselves as teachers and religious leaders with "something important" that needs to be urgently said and forcibly offered to all people. This partly explains why all their songs of the sixties expressed this and why during the same decade and the seventies many of them became religious figures, many traveled to India to interact with the "guru", and returned, founding their own little cults.

If Fauci had not been in a blue suit or a white lab coat, he would definitely have been in religiously spacious robes, robes in roughly the same as the main psychopath Klaus Rothschild (Schwab) often chases them in when he announces his gallactic decrees from his podium, without even thinking how crazy he looks. 

Same disease. The same silent thirst for power. The same "I am a religious leader", the same image addressed from him to him. Like everyone else. Like all of them.

As people age, they become more obsessed with medicine. There comes an understanding that soon everything will end. They hope to conquer or deceive death and live forever.

Notice how everything revolves around this vaccine and around the virus, as if there is nothing more important in the country and the world than this, as if there is no love, no youth, no old age, culture, no life in life, and how everything now that gives medicine and the virus (and this now "gives" everything) carries a certain religious connotation, a sense of cult. 

The 1970s were the beginning of cults and we ended with this string of hearses also cults.

In 2020-2021, living life left the world and we entered the medical cult. A real cult and Faith. With sacrifices. Real sacrifices. Everyone stands with needles and demands to give them a hand, and at the same time persistently and brazenly ask why you refused to introduce their pigment. After all, the Rev. Jim Fauci Jones instructed you. Don't you want to be saved? Don't you want to see paradise? This is again 1969-1972, behind this is the same generation, they are on the verge of death, decrepit, obsessed with germs, fear and mortality, sprayed right and left, and also because they are in power and have been there since 1950 and refuse to let it go and apparently decided to take the whole world with them to the grave. How long will we all allow a bunch of old degenerates of the totalitarian warehouse from the category of knocking on every door 🚪 destroy our future, the future of our children and grandchildren? All just for the sake of their whims of expanding their cult.

They're decrepit. They're crazy. They will die on their own, killing themselves with their own bile, flowing like rivers from the realization that soon "everything, and will drag the whole World with it, if they are not stopped, if something is not done about it.

Life is truly a spiritual, mental, and to the leaster extent physical bank. You can only withdraw what you have deposited on your life deposit. 


🇺🇸And this is the same video leaked from the Pentagon, where a scientist explains what the "God gene" is, how to kill/turn it off, and also discusses the potential of vaccines to curb the minds of "religious fundamentalism." 


NBC reveals the close Epstein-Gates connection. 

How did the Rothschilds hire their cousin Karl Marx? 

Yes, as usual, people are hired to work, as McDonald's took Charlemagne 😂

Amazing information about the scam known as Karl Marx and Capital is walking around.

A 19th-century Jewish political ideologue posing as a journalist and economist, Rothschild's cousin Karl Heinrich Marx (May 5, 1818 – March 14, 1883) is best known for undermining the nascent socialist movement, probably at the behest of his mentor Moses Hess, who created a supposedly "scientific" theory known as Marxism.

Karl Heinrich Marx was born in Prussia on May 5, 1818 in Trier to Ashkenazi Jews Hirschel Mordechai and Henrietta Pressburg, who named him Chaim Hirschel Mordechai. It is known that the Marx family comes from Talmudic rabbis, and his paternal ancestors were in Trier rabbis since 1723; the last time this "position" was held by his grandfather.

During the Napoleonic War in 1883, Hirschel Mordechai became a Freemason, joining their ansatika Loge L'L'Ltoile (Hanseatic Star) in Osnabrück. After the war, in order to better penetrate Prussian society, he feigned conversion to Lutheranism and pretended to be an "assimilated" bourgeois enlightened liberal interested in "freedom of thought." One of Marx's grandmothers was Nanette Salomon Barent-Cohen, who belonged to a wealthy Amsterdam family. And her cousin married Nathan Mayer Rothschild and gave birth to Lionel Nathan Rothschild, the "Baron" and MEMBER of Parliament from the richest City of London.

Despite his wealthy ancestors, he himself lived in poverty on Dean Street in London. He visited the Red Lion pub on Great Windwill, soho, where he and his spine Friedrich Engels were once asked to write what would later become the Communist Manifesto.

In his most famous work, Das Kapital, you will find nowhere any mention that money is printed out of thin air by his rothschild cousins.

In this regard, some of his critics have suggested that Marx's mission was to drain the nascent socialist movement. The socialist movement existed in Germany, France, Great Britain and other countries even before Marx wrote his Capital after the Industrial Revolution.

 Already after the ideological base, Marx tries, as the KOB-sheep say, to take over control and the Marxists begin to cheat and usurp / monopolize socialism and insist that if you do not follow the theories of Marx, you cannot be a socialist.

 One of the adherents of the idea that Marx was an imperialist mole in the socialist environment of the international workers' international, and that his goal was to seize control of the process, is the German historian and writer Wolfgang Waldner.

 In his book Der preußische Regierungsagent Waldner suggests that Marx originally worked as a spy and agent of influence for the Prussian regime. Waldner mentions the fact that in 1843 "poor" Marx married Jenny von Westphalen, who comes from the richest Prussian family. Her brother was the Prussian Minister of the Interior (1850-1858) Ferdinand von Westfalen.

 "Ferdinand, Marx's brother-in-law, is a 'reactionary' who ran an extensive spy network that spied on dissidents ..." Waldner writes of Marx's brother-in-law.

 After moving to London in 1849, Marx began creating his Das Kapital in the reading room of the British Museum. At the same time, his famous cousin Lionel de Rothschild was already a Member of Parliament for the City of London (1847-1868 and 1869-1874).

 By the way, in 1869, Marx was very much concerned about his modern rival in the First International, Mikhail Bakunin, who did not even know that Marx and the Rothschilds were cousins, but nevertheless, with the insight of a genius, wrote about the connection between Marx and Rothschild.

 “This world is now, at least for the most part, at the disposal of Marx, on the one hand, and Rothschild, on the other. This may sound strange. What can be in common between socialism and a leading bank? The trouble is that authoritarian socialism, Marxist communism, requires a strong centralization of the state. And where there is a centralization of the state, there must be a central bank, and where such a bank exists, a parasitic Jewish nation, speculating with difficulty people will be found. "- wrote the Professor of the democratic socialist Russian organization in 1869 Mikhail Bakunin.

 Given that Bakunina was also unaware that the Bund der Gerechten (Justice League), later known as the Bund der Kommunisten (League of Communists), which paid Marx to write the Communist Manifesto and was the predecessor of the Communist Party, was actually funded Rothschilds, surprised by his insight.

 But back to the German writer. In discussing Marx and his role in Russia, Waldner suggests that perhaps the most pronounced and consistent aspect of Marx's ideology was his extreme and radical hatred of Russia, which he perceived as the last bulwark of Christian civilization. He and Engels viewed the Russians and Slavs in general as inhuman (völkerabfall) barbarians.

 “If he lived to the point where he could see firsthand his ideological heirs Vladimir Lenin, Leon Trotsky, Grigory Zinoviev, cracking down on millions, he, no doubt, would have choked with orgasmic joy from the horrors that befell them [Slavic] men, women and children. "- Waldner writes," Marx used the newspaper Neue Rheinische Zeitung to try to provoke a war against Russia. "

 Waldner also writes that "the Soviets tried to hide some facts about Marx", citing his quotes:

 “The Jew freed himself in a Jewish way, not only by gaining financial power, but also because through him and without him money became a world power, and the practical Jewish spirit became the practical spirit of the Christian nations. Jews went so far that Christians became Jews. Yes, the practical domination of Judaism over the Christian world has reached its normal, unambiguous expression in North America <....> What was the real basis of the Jewish religion? Practical need, selfishness. The God of practical need and selfishness is money. Money is Israel's jealous God, before whom no other God can resist. Money humiliates all human gods and turns them into goods. The God of the Jews became the God of the universe. The real God of the Jews is money. Their God is only an illusory bill of exchange. Therefore, we recognize in Judaism a generally recognized antisocial element that has been raised to its current peak by historical development, in which the Jews have willingly helped, and now needs to dissolve itself. <....> In its final meaning, the emancipation of the Jews is the liberation of mankind from Judaism. Classes and races too weak to master the new conditions of life must give in. They must perish in a revolutionary holocaust. "© Karl Marx, People's Newspaper Marx, April 16, 1856, History of Idea, 1981.

 “The main mission of all other races and peoples, large and small, is to perish in the revolutionary Holocaust.” © Karl Marx De Noah Rainisch Zeitung, NZR, January 1849.

 It should also be understood that the 35th British Prime Minister Henry John Temple, Lord Palmerston, who hired Marx to write his manifesto, was the main instigator of the Crimean War, the Taipei Uprising, the US Civil War and various difficulties in India / Burma. in which 35 million people died.

 Lord Palmerston hired Marx to come up with a new system of governance and economics specifically designed to respond to Lincoln National Bank. Lord Palmerston and his bankers believed that Lincoln's National Bank posed a direct threat to British hegemony and imperialist predatory banking.

 The British regal banking cartel pursued the goal of turning the Russians against Germany and replacing nationalist tendencies with a bogus system called communism, hoping in this way to maintain its hegemony.

 Russian Economy Minister Sergei Witte worked on the incitement at the National Bank of Russia, while Bismarck did it in Germany.

 If we talk about the present day in the light of the above, then testify that today, before our very eyes, the Anglo-Dutch imperialist banking system is crumbling with incredible speed.

We clearly see and record in the historical perspective of 100 years similar in structure destruction of the system. The only difference is that the technological excellence and financial control of the world banking system has provided an opportunity for criminals to cover not only Russia as it was 100 years ago, but the whole world 🗺 at once. 

The conspirators of world war communism on the basis of false medical fascism, of course, are extremely stupid and all of them. The project itself is the ravings of crazy people, and with their ridiculous actions to carry out a special operation, the crown 👑 they gave themselves away almost immediately. We have our own recordings 🗒 that we've made and they're all live 🗒 records. They are not at all difficult to raise. They are known, read and seen by other famous people. In our recordings of different formats (test, photo, video) back in the spring of 2020, we called this criminal performance special operation corona 👑. Yes, Of course, at that time we did not have documents and such a volume of knowledge on this topic. But our personal general knowledge of the tactics of special operations, a huge and very specific experience, as well as a number of other specific features that we will be able to tell a little later, gave us serious reasons to make such statements in the spring of 2020. We made these statements not only under our noses, but very seriously and loudly. 

And the fact that we could not or did not want to hear, then sorry, this is not our problem. 
Luciferians have ruled the world since the beginning of human history. They ruled and shaped the cultural vector long before the Empires. 

Their cult is rooted in the distant past and is also known as the "Old Religion". They maintained direct contact with a fourth-dimensional creature known as Lucifer for thousands of years. Lucifer-parasitic, asexual phantasmagoria. It has been anthropomorphized into human recognizable forms and names throughout time and around the world. It and legions of other fourth-dimensional beings like it had a human race. The Luciferians communicate directly with Lucifer through the ritual practice of child sacrifice. 

And this is a photo image of a hexagram with an eye on the chest of a modern statue of the Canaanese god Moloch, where what is on it is very similar to their tool, to the fact that they corrupt the masses very similar to the TV of 📺 

Fritz Springmeier, author of the bestseller "Illuminati Bloodlines," drew the second photo based on an actual ritual conducted by a satanic sect known as the Ordo Saturn (Order of Saturn).

The triangle inside the circle is also a symbol of today's Alcoholics Anonymous group, which leads us to think 💭.









Apparently there will be a big party 🥳 in New York and we will have to get drunk well with the girls after handing over a lot of material ...

In OUr BUsINess, tHE main ThInG IS ReAlisM. 

the topIc oF THe LectUre IS New YOrK – ThE CIty OF coNtraSTs... InvEnTOrY, PRoTocol, PassEd, accepTeD, FingER priNTs.

YOu cAn And ShOulD TalK To US YeSterdAy, wE do nOt BItE. 

aNd SIleNCe aNd dOInG NOtHiNG CosT and cOSt extrEMeLy dEArlY To THe wORld.


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