New weapons - injection 

New weapons - injection 

    left, Pfizer vaccine; R. Graphene

Spanish researchers placed the Pfizer vaccine under an electron microscope and found that it contained 99% graphene oxide and almost nothing else.

There is virtually no evidence that this "vaccine" is a gene therapy. There is zero genetic material: mRNA, DNA or spike protein. This means that this "vaccine" has nothing to do with the so-called virus. This product was not designed to avoid infection caused by the virus. The true purpose of this product remains hidden. No official statements have been made from governments or health facilities. The toxicity of graphene oxide is reason enough to end the global vaccination programme.

Toxicity of graphene-family nanoparticles: a general review of the origins and mechanisms

First comment from E (on Gab) MUST READ:

It appears that anti-coe vaccines contain graphene oxide, according to a scientific report from the University of Almeria (5th column), and it is likely that they all contain it because their side effects are similar.

The 5G combination, which is due to be launched worldwide this summer, with graphene particles, which hundreds of millions have been introduced to "vaccines," will be the next virus. Graphene is magnetic and conductive inside the human body and can even settle in the brain, affecting the transmission of neurons; it also enhances the frequencies received and acts as an antenna.

The Chilean president himself said that 5G would change and discover the thoughts of the population and change its behavior. This requires a graphene antenna that acts as a receiver and transmitter of information from the brain. Let's think that Sars Cov 2 hasn't been sequenced yet. We also cannot be sure that the spike proteins are real, although the Japanese report concluded that these proteins - presumably in injections - had reached all organs of the body.

Covid Vaccine Delivers Nanoparticles for Mind Control

Vaccines Deliver Graphene Oxide Nanotubes for 5G Mind Control

Vaccines Deliver Graphene Oxide Nanotubes for 5G Mind Control

The whole world is following the story published on the Spanish website of the program la quinta Columna.

The June 28 report of the University of Almeria (Spain) confirms the conclusions of two researchers conducting daily broadcasts.

The suspicions of the two researchers proved correct. In the Pfizer covid-19 bottle there is almost NO biological substance. What the laboratory of the University of Almeria discovered has nothing to do with mRNA.

The main substance detected was a substance more similar to graphene nanoparticles or very similar nanomaterials. The extraction and quantification of mRNA in the sample showed that 99% of all the matter inside the vial was most likely graphene oxide or something very similar, just very little genetic material was found. So far, lipid nanocapsules have not been identified.

The study mentions that there is a restored form of graphene oxide (GO.), when graphene oxide is mixed with hydrogen, it becomes magnetic (MGO.).

It is also known as regenerated graphene oxide (this also occurs when it is injected into the bloodstream)

Layers of graphene oxide from scientific literature and from a commercial sample of graphene oxide compared to microscopy performed on the Pfizer sample,

show identical patterns in both electron and optical microscopy, leaving doubt that we are talking about the same material. 

The study provides conclusive evidence of possible graphene derivatives, as the structure seen in microscopy is characteristic. Scientists who previously worked with graphene oxide consulted and agreed that there was no doubt about the presence of graphene oxide in the bottle.

The study, required by biostatist Ricardo Delgado, compares a sample of graphene oxide purchased on the market with mRNA covid-19 Pfizer Comirnaty , a commercial name from Pfizer/BioNTech product "Vaccine."

This preliminary study includes optical and electron microscopy conducted by Professor Dr. Pablo Campra, team leader. 

Digital signature here 👇

It was just one brand prick, but you need to conduct a few more tests with other vials. More research should be accompanied by some other different techniques. La quinta Columna encourages other institutions and universities to join this research crusade for the truth.

Jim Stone says this Graphene story is a hoax.

If the vaccine consisted mainly of graphene, it would be black as pitch... and can't get through the needle.

Des Marksan replies: "In coating technology it is also possible to use graphene oxide, multi-layered films of graphene oxide are optically transparent and impervious in dry conditions. 

Des Marksan replies: "In coating technology it is also possible to use graphene oxide, multi-layered films of graphene oxide are optically transparent and impervious in dry conditions. 

Des Marksan replies: "In coating technology it is also possible to use graphene oxide, multi-layered films of graphene oxide are optically transparent and impervious in dry conditions. 

Des Marksan replies: "In coating technology it is also possible to use graphene oxide, multi-layered films of graphene oxide are optically transparent and impervious in dry conditions.

Under the influence of water (or water vapor) they pass molecules of smaller size. Glassware or copper plates covered with such graphene "paint" can be used as containers for aggressive acids. Plastic films with graphene coating could be used in medical packaging to increase the shelf life of the "... wish him luck with his black nose when the nasal version of the covid-19 vaccine is released

Why is graphene transparent? and the stone is wrong about graphene

---French company is ready to launch 5G / Covid-vaccine packages for "added people" who have received nanoparticles, allowing to merge human and machine.

among the partners of this society - at the bottom of the page - there is the Think Center "Next Humanity" which has already defined what will be our future as augmented beings.

Al Thompson wrote

According to the manufacturer, the Pfizer BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine includes the following ingredients:

Active ingredient

nucleoside-modified messenger RNA (MODRN) encoding viral spiked glycoprotein (sic) SARS-CoV-2Lipids

(4-hydroxybutil)azandil)bis (hexan-6,1-diil)bis (ALC-3015) (2 - hexyldecanoate),2-z (polyethylene glycol))-2000-N,N-dietetradecelacetamide (ALC-0159)1.2-dystearoyl-cislicero-3-phosphholine (DPSC)cholesterolSsoly

potassium chloride-based phosphate potassiumlorid sodium dihydrate sodium phosphateProche---saccharosis



Commentary by the Editor: 

Graphene is 60 times thinner than the smallest of viruses.

Three thousand times thinner than a bacterium.

300,000 times thinner than a piece of paper.

Graphene has good thermal conductivity, flexibility and elasticity, it is 97% transparent. At the same time, graphene is the most durable of known materials: stronger than steel and diamond.

A separate application of graphene takes the creation of new materials based on it with unique properties by doping graphene with various elements. This allows you to develop materials for different applications, for example, for energy, sensors, photovoltaics, nanoelectronics, catalysts, supercapacitors, magnetic materials, biomedicine, etc. most often used as doping additives non-metals (N, B, S, P, Se, O, Si, I) and metals (Mn, Co, Ni, Al, Ti, Pd, Ru, Rh, Pt, Au, Ag) 

❗️ Latest Editorial Updates with significant circumstances of volume documents and facts 


The use of graphene, doped by B and N atoms, as sensors for various biomolecules, for the maintenance of cellular structures, for targeted delivery of drugs, in mass spectrometry is especially important. In general, the use of graphene and its derivatives in biomedicine now accounts for more than 63%.

Professor Georges Appencepter IBM 

Graphene can replace copper in future chips

Copper tracks, now used for compounds inside integrated chips, may eventually give way to thin carbon tapes. Graphene structures are superior in copper parameters, when the thickness of compounds becomes less than 30 nanometers. Researchers working at the Georgia Institute of Technology came to these conclusions.

In addition to less resistance, graphene bonds are characterized by higher electron mobility, better thermal conductivity, greater mechanical strength, and less capacitive communication between neighboring lines.

The scope of applications of graphene and generally two-dimensional materials is growing. Applied in flexible and transparent electronics, high-end and fast-charging energy sources, lightweight and durable aerospace materials and even interfaces to connect the brain to a computer. 

A group from the laboratory of nanooptics and plasmonics, part of the center of nanoscale optoelectronics MIPT (RF), develops biosensors based on the use of surface plasma waves - electromagnetic waves that occur at the boundary of the conductor and dielectric as a result of resonant interaction between photon and electrons. The parameters of this resonance depend on the properties of the surface so much that even insignificant amounts of "foreign" matter noticeably affect them. Biosensors are able to detect the presence of trillions of grams of detectable substance on the site per square millimeter. Such "powers" allow many research procedures in medicine and biology to be fundamentally simplified, but the most interesting feature of biosensors is that they allow scientists to observe the interaction of molecules in "real time".

The chip can be used in the development of drugs for infectious, cancer and other types of diseases. Russians are counting on the sale of technology and interest from pharmaceutical companies in this development.

💉🇺🇸 Biden:

"We need to go from community to community, from neighborhood to neighborhood and often door-to-door, literally knocking on doors" to get vaccinated unvaccinated." 

💉🤡Pski: "We will go door to door to Americans who have not been vaccinated."

But worry, Friends. They're studying your reactions. Everything that is published in the news is aimed at grazing and controlling the plebs. They want you to freak out, so don't. 

If it even happens, just do not open the door...)

💉 Friends, but they are brazen, not hiding, openly mock those who believe in all their nonsense with super dangerous "options" following one after another, where one is scarier than the other. 

🐏NYP: Scientists fear that a new highly contagious version of #COVID19 that devastates Peru could be resistant to vaccines. Lambda'LAMB-DA'-mutation, or S.37, appears to have appeared in Peru last August.

LAMB (-DA) - Lamb, a young sheep that is less than one year old or has no permanent teeth. 

That is, Friends, they consider plebs, to which they rub everything not even for sheep, but for a lamb, which is less than a year old, that is, for creatures that do not have not only mind and will, but also teeth, apparently hinting that the plebs is stupid, will not understand anything, and will not bite.😂

Itak, Friends, right now and everyone in his place We are going through very dark times, examples of which the History of the World has not yet known.

It is known and obviously not knowing that throughout history censorship and coercion have always been tools of tyrants.

Today, they are tools used by the criminal clique of transhumanist-Swabian bureaucrats-feminist- paedophiles in health care, BigTech, BigWax and BigPharma, who (and no one will argue with this) want to introduce their experimental 💉 and total digital surveillance into the world.

We will have to fight for our freedoms and protect our generation of children, Friends, from these intoxicated power and opportunities that it gives them, unmanageable maniacs.

An example and one of the ways of action that is available to everyone could be letters to and to those who could somehow influence the situation, if not on a global scale, then on a national scale, as did one of the citizens of Australia, who wrote a similar letter ✍️ his MP 👇

💉🤡Aperant, radio host and Sky News presenter Alan Jones says the over-management and disproportionate measures we see today to fight the virus are "a case of martial law masquerading as medical law."

"Measures like standing 1.5 meters away from someone ... and restrictions on visiting your home or allowing you to leave your home for a reason only; these are North Korean things," he said.

Well, it's just amazing, Friends, not two years of scam with a covid as someone begins to understand something in Australia.

The delta is no longer relevant. A nightmarish Lambda is coming 

The lambda variant, which is believed to have been first discovered in Peru about a year ago, poses a new challenge for scientists who say the mutations could potentially be resistant to COVID-19 vaccines.

WHO said mutations in this variant could increase its transmission or possibly increase its resistance to "neutralizing antibodies." 

"So far, we are not seeing any indication that lambda is more aggressive," WHO virologist Hailo Mendes-Rico told Deutsche Welle. He also told a German publication that as SARS-CoV-2 develops, the new strain may become more common, but not so deadly.

Jeff Barrett, director of the Genomics Initiative COVID-19 at the Wellcome Sanger Institute in the UK, told the Financial Times that the reason it is difficult to "understand the threat posed by Lambda using computational and laboratory data is that it has a rather unusual set of mutations compared to other variants."

The UK Ministry of Health reports that in the last four weeks a new strain of Covid-19, which is much more dangerous than the Delta variant, has been detected in more than 30 countries.

"The Lambda strain is reported to originate from Peru, the country with the highest mortality rate in the world," the tweet said on Monday (July 5).

The Department of Health also reported on a report by the Australian news portal that a lambda strain had been detected in the United Kingdom.

The portal reported that to date, six cases of lambda strain have been detected in the UK. 

He noted that researchers are concerned that this option may be "more contagious than the Delta variant."

There are lies, there are great lies, and there are the greatest lies of the conspirators and their pocket warped media mind.

Deliberate poisoning with graphene oxide - the cause of symptoms covid-19

Graphene oxide poisoning (graphite oxide) is possible what is now also called Covid 19. Graphene oxide poisoning (it can be in vaccines and many products) causes the same symptoms as covid 19. 

Lung damage, blood clotting, loss of taste and odor (this is a frequent argument of coydla proponents) and explain why many people who received a couid vaccine report the magnetism of metal objects at the injection site.

This is a very rare study conducted by Spanish researchers from la quinta columna

Graphene oxide in large quantities was injected into flu shots until 2020, which for the most part was done by older people. This explains why older people suffer more. 

Graphene oxide can be naturally excreted from the body by glutathione, a powerful antioxidant that already decreases with age. 

The younger the glutathione. It is also produced in large quantities during exercise, so athletes are not affected by covid and in most cases have not had any symptoms.

That is why strict coid restrictions have been introduced that have prevented many people from playing sports and naturally producing glutathione. 

Yes, many have trained outdoors, but many have also previously relied on a gym for exercise, and after it was closed, they no longer trained.

Spanish researchers also point to the risk of graphene oxide when the 5g network is activated, giving an idea of a new "pandemic" in a few years when the network is activated and installed. 

In fact, it causes the famous cytokin storm, which you've probably already heard of, and makes the immune system useless. This time the number of deaths will be huge. 

This coincides with the Rockefeller Foundation's "Operation Lockstep, which laid out a blueprint for what we see happening now. After the initial pandemic, there will be a secondary pandemic in which approximately 30% of the world's people will die.

And one more detail. Taking N-acetylcysteine (NAC) is the best way to dramatically increase glutathione. It is sold as a supplement. 

It is used in cough medicine, as it is also effective in skimming mucus, has antioxidant properties and liver detoxification. 

The FDA is now in the process of banning THE NAC as a supplement and this is the perfect point. He expressed his intention to ban the substance in 2020, ideally timed to coincide with the outbreak of coronavirus 19.

NAC is on Amazon, but unavailable on myprotein, many brands disappear with Amazon .

There is also this study. It shows that graphene oxide, among other things, inhibits spermatogenesis.

Accelerated standard injections (which were observed in 2020) each year or several times a year would guarantee high levels of graphene oxide in the body and would not give enough time for the body's natural removal of nanoparticles through antioxidant pathways. 

It is important to add that graphene oxide is present in all modern vaccines, nasal spray vaccines and flu shots. So it is best from now on to forget about any vaccinations.

 And again to the narrow-eyed communists 

Green synthesis of graphene oxide by seconds timescale water electrolytic oxidation

Who, Friends, we've all seen an unprecedented scale when real science is suppressed by the medical and political complex. Politicians and governments suppress science. They do so in the interest of the supposed society, saying it is in order to speed up the availability of diagnosis and treatment. They do this to supposedly support innovation, bring products to market at an unprecedented rate, to supposedly save lives from what is not AIDS, tuberculosis and other, and that is successfully treated.

Science is suppressed for political and financial gain with far-reaching consequences and goals - on a global scale, medical fascism and slavery. Covid-19 unleashed state corruption on a huge scale, and it is harmful to public health. 

Politicians and industry are responsible for this opportunistic behavior, as are scientists and health experts silent in a rag to keep their places warm. The pandemic has shown how the medical and political complex can be manipulated, perhaps without even having any emergency, but calling it reality. 

Politicians often claim to follow science, but this is a misguided simplification. Science should be followed by doctors, not politicians. To voice the measures of the doldge doctors who are who are responsible for the medical measures imposed. Plus, science is never absolute. The best approach is for politicians, publicly appointed decision-makers, to hold an open table and publicly discuss with those they suppress by censoring and sometimes depriving them of jobs, jobs and careers. But we don't see it. Instead, we are seeing unprecedented levels of propaganda and price. Ask yourself "why and for what?".

How can science be protected in these exceptional times in terms of the world's lawlessness? The first step is to fully disclose competing interests on the part of governments, politicians, scientific consultants and other designated individuals, such as test managers, diagnostic test purchases and vaccine deliveries. The next step is full transparency of decision-making systems, processes and knowing who is responsible for what. Plus the need to apply "responsibility," especially a lot to whom there is for that, despite the attempt to censor the coverage of the processes.

As soon as transparency and accountability become the norm and morality, people will run to vaccinate themselves or on the contrary will stop doing so. Examination of "truth and untruth" is possible only without competing interests. In the meantime, all ill-considered, and sometimes thought out with evil intent, steps make science, media, medicine, after all, those areas, which people every day less and less trust. The clear, open and in advance publication of the scientific foundations of policies, procurements and medicines/vaccines is a fundamental requirement for honesty before the People who elect politicians. The stakes are too high to be ignored. 

In the meantime, few of those responsible can say "honor we have." You will object, if you can, Friends, it is time to start an open discussion, because such a health policy will lead us very far.

You need to finish beautifully 😂

💉🤡 Honey. Fascism on the march. Excerpted from the New York Times daily briefing.

"A year and a half since it began, the pandemic is gaining momentum again in much of the world, mainly due to the highly contagious Delta variant and other new types. Scientists believe that this variant, first identified in India, may be twice as transmitted as the original coronavirus.

In Indonesia, when oxygen and vaccine supplies are dwindling, gravediggers work at night. In Europe, countries impose quarantine and travel bans. And in countries such as South Korea and Israel, which seemed to have largely defeated the virus, new groups of diseases have emerged.

Unvaccinated populations can serve as incubators for new options that can develop in surprising and dangerous ways. Delta has spawned what Indian researchers call delta Plus. There are also gamma and lambda variants."

That is, Friends, as this "official message" comes from the MSM controlled by the Swabian WEF, they are now going to blame the "unvaccinated" as "incubators of new options".

The logic of the Communists - fascists always fasting - is to find the extreme and to tell the innocent by making them so. This is their new phase of the plan, used to justify some kind of labeling/identification of "failed/vaccinated" people that (as in Germany of the 1930s ✡️) will lead to even greater division/hatred/accusation and other. By the way, some time ago vaccinated were called those who make the virus find ways for their later life, that is to mutate. Now, as we can see, unvaccinated citizens become incubators.

Delta Lambda Phi (ΔΛΦ) 

is an international social fraternity for gay, bisexual, transgender and progressive men. It offers a social environment and structure similar to other Greek-model college fraternities. The fraternity was founded on October 15, 1986, by Vernon L. Strickland III in Washington, D.C. The full, corporate name of the fraternity is Delta Lambda Phi Social Fraternity, but it ...,_D.C.

The amazing interweaving of phrases, syllables and meanings we find, Friends, in the epidemiological news 

🔹Pfizer is a company that has the advantage of media coverage of its products, including its boiler vaccine, compared to other members of BigPharma.

🔹New versions of the cooid: Delta, Lambda

Delta, Lambda and Pfizer, Delta Lambda Phi.

Delta Lambda Phi is an international social fraternity for pederasty and other sexual perversions, including bisexuals, transgender people and others. It offers a social environment and structure similar to other student fraternities of the Greek model. The Brotherhood was founded on October 15, 1986 by Vernon L. Strickland in Washington, D.C. 

His motto: For our presence to matter 🤦🏻 😂

'He was crying, laughing, then bristle like a s laughing man, 

He was making fun of us, well, crazy, what are you going to take.'' 

Why did you forget me

Why don't you feel sorry for me

I went out to Piccadilly,

Throwing a shawl on his shoulders.

You stroked the gates of the fur coats

And looking into my eyes,

Searched lips lips

And everything you can't look for.

On Piccadilly Street I walked, accelerating the step,

When you loved me, I did it all wrong.

On Piccadilly Street I walked, accelerating the step,

When you loved me, I did it all wrong.

All night long the violins were worn out,

And the cigar smoke floated,

I gave you smiles,

Washing away the tears of makeup.

I went out to Piccadilly,

Throwing a shawl on his shoulders,

Why did you love me

Why don't you feel sorry for me?


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