Criminal contract between the Israeli government and the Pfizer campaign Below is an analysis of the contract between Pfizer and the State of Israel 🇮🇱 with illustrations of selected items 

Criminal contract between the Israeli government and the Pfizer campaign Below is an analysis of the contract between Pfizer and the State of Israel 🇮🇱 with illustrations of selected items 

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Analysis of the treaty between Faiser and the State of Israel 🇮🇱 

The clauses of the treaty can be seen in the following materials, in three parts.

Now the contract, it's interesting to everyone and especially the police.

Translated from Hebrew 

1. This is the third stage of the "vaccine" trials, no doubt as frightened by some, the Helsinki Committee of Israel may not be trying to call black white. This is clearly stated in the clauses of the treaty. Quote:

2.1 The goal of the project. To measure and analyze epidemiological data obtained from the introduction of the product to determine whether collective immunity is achieved after reaching a certain percentage of vaccination coverage in Israel. 

Actually, here it is, the purpose of the test in phase III of any vaccine study. Quote:

Phase III clinical trials, during which companies must provide the drug to a large number of people in controlled trials.

When there is a real vaccination, the purpose of the project is formulated differently, for example, "to create herd immunity" or "to protect the population from infection."

2.2 Principles of Cooperation. The parties agree that the project aims to obtain and analyse epidemiological and population-level vaccine efficacy data, vital for public health purposes, which can be used to develop technical recommendations for vaccines worldwide. The project's data are aimed at helping to stop the global COVID-19 epidemic for the benefit of all patients inside and outside Israel. The project will be based on modern medical literature and guidelines adopted by respected medical organizations. In order to carry out the Project and measure the impact of products at the population level, the Ministry of Health relies on the receipt of doses of Products in accordance with the terms of the Manufacturing and Supply Agreement, which can be amended from time to time, as well as on the speed at which PFIZER products are delivered to maintain a level of vaccination sufficient to achieve collective immunity and disease data as soon as possible, and must be approved by the two parties. Nothing in this Agreement can change or in any way change the terms of the Manufacturing and Supply Agreement. In the event of a conflict between the terms of the Production and Supply Agreement and the present Manufacturing and Supply Agreement, the terms of the Production and Supply Agreement will prevail.

(Three lines are darkened) as well as all the numbers of the contract pages.

2. In fact, this goal is facilitated by two annexes of the treaty, A and B, which can be seen in the main contract. But since it's in Hebrew, I'll give you a transcript in the following materials 

3. And here is another interesting quote explaining the intrusive care of the whole government and even the local authorities:

Both Parties recognize that the viability and success of the Project depends on the number and volume of vaccinations in Israel.

Blackened text 

The Ministry of Health will ensure the rapid distribution, deployment and use of the Product...

Now you have to understand why I started materials from 1945 and the city of 🌃 Nuremberg . This is a 100% violation of the Nuremberg Code. Later, I will present a letter to the lawyers to those responsible for this contract. Israel's Attorney General Mandeblit is buckled there as a person observing and monitoring the law by members of the government and the Knesset. 

So, citizens of Israel, as indeed any other country in the world forgot to notify that they are participants of the experiment with all the ensuing legal consequences and their personal medical data is transferred (sold, because it is a business project) to a third party. Oh, yes, you'll read a lot of the letters in the contract to keep the patient's identity secret, but what's the point if it's your DNA 🧬? 

We were just given to the experiments 🔬. We were not even asked, apparently we are the same "affiliate" of paragraph 1.1 of the treaty:

an individual who is directly or indirectly ... Controlled

party or is under its general control. About how pharmaceutical companies save money at the third, most expensive stage in developing countries, in the following materials. As I promised at the beginning of today we will close this crime almost completely. It will remain for citizens around the world to ask companies and governments of their countries for similar agreements. They are all the same model contracts having only different country details supplying potions. 


It is estimated that about 90 per cent of the cost of drug development is in Phase III trials. But these companies can avoid costs by testing in so-called developing countries.

The cost-cutting strategy was outlined by US consulting firm McKinsey, which proposed including "developing markets" in drug trials to reduce "loss of significant revenue." So it's no surprise that the Gates Foundation, a McKinsey client, said its "goal" is to help pharmaceutical companies bypass safety tests and speed up the drug approval process for pharmaceutical companies. Or, as they put it, "to refine potential interventions, such as candidate vaccines, before they get into expensive and time-consuming late-stage clinical trials." Conducting clinical trials on the poor is financially beneficial. A South African newspaper once said, "We are guinea pigs for drug manufacturers."

But this is not the end of the topic of violation of the Nuremberg Code. 


The so-called Israeli Ministry of Health, Minister Julius Edelstein and Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu have a "vaccine" and, behind them and everyone else, the treaty is predominantly referred to as a "product". Except for two cases:

This is on the first page of the contract:

The parties agree that from a public health perspective it would be very useful to monitor pandemic data in accordance with vaccination compliance in a real context for assessment

whether the protection of collective immunity is observed during the deployment of the drug vaccination program.

And in paragraph 1.6:

1.6 "Product" means all vaccines produced in full or in part, or delivered directly or

indirectly, PFIZER or BioNTech, or on their behalf or on their behalf in accordance with the Manufacturing and Supply Agreement, which are designed to prevent human disease COVID-19 or any other human disease, in each case caused by any SARS-CoV-2 virus and/or any or all related strains, mutations, modifications or derivatives from the above.

And it's no accident. Because the product of Fiser and Moderns, and all the other firms making the mRNA vaccine is not what is called, i.e. a vaccine. It's gene chemo. Not authorized to use in humans for prevention. And this is a violation of U.S. law, deceptive actions in medical statements: 15US Code section 41. MRNA injection is a gene therapy that does not meet any criteria or definition of a vaccine. "Vaccines" covid-19 do not give immunity and do not prevent the transmission of the disease. They are designed to reduce the symptoms of infection if you become infected. And it's not the same thing and it can be quite bad.

The "vaccine from covid-19" is a case of false advertising. The company "Faiser" was fined a huge sum not so long ago for false advertising. As part of the pre-trial deal, the fine is more than $2 billion. 

Only under two conditions is there a benefit to society from vaccination: 

1. Vaccinated person has immunity to disease

2. The vaccine inhibits transmission of the disease.

Prevention of symptoms is not the same as immunity. 

Cowid's disease is determined by a series of clinical symptoms, but since most people with a positive PCR test do not have these symptoms, there is no proven link between the "virus" and the set of symptoms known as Covid-19. The vaccine is immunity and reduced transmission. Neither was measured in the tests. This is a direct violation of the U.S. code, which requires competent, scientific and reliable evidence to prove that the allegations are true. The Covid-19 state of emergency permits PCR tests and "vaccines" for emergency use: there is no financial responsibility for any damage, but there is a frenzied profit. Politicians and the media are involved in this by upholding the illusion that Covid is an emergency. 

Both the "vaccine" and the PCR test are in violation of 15 FTC law because they are not approved by the Federal Trade Commission. Only an emergency permit because of the illusion. However, even an emergency and state of emergency will not save if the deception is proven.

In their patents, Faiser and Moderna call their product gene therapy. 

3. Why the "Global Trade Control Act" act , U.S. International Traffic in Arms Regulations - is specified in paragraph 1.2 of the Global Trade Control Act. "Vaccines" Faiser weapon?

4. Interesting are some of the points in section 4 "term and termination": 

4.2.3 if PFIZER or the Ministry of Health find the project scientifically useless;

4.2.4 in the event of a disaster, such as a serious patient safety issue with the Product as a result of the recall of a Product requiring the early termination of the Project;


4.2.6 either (i) any law, rule or ordinance to which amendments are made or made public, or any new interpretation of any law, rule or ruling or (ii) of any legal action,

including any investigation initiated by the government against the

any of the Parties or their Affiliates who, in the case of (i) or (ii),

(x) it can reasonably be expected that they will have a significant adverse impact on the ability to meet their obligations under this Agreement or (y) makes THE FREE or

the material obligations of the other Party under this Agreement;

Yes, they actually know that all this is illegal and are waiting for the moment when they will be stopped. Previous "games" with viruses and vaccines have gone unpunished for them, so they hope to stay profitable and get out of the water as always. 

In paragraph 1.4, Intellectual property in section (h) states:

(h) reagents, kits, chips, micromatrixes, devices, devices used for genetic tests, compositions, methods, markers and direct treatment; 

I do not even know how it is possible to comment on such a brazen violation!? And it's not professional conspirator David Icke said it's in the contract written by Friends! And yes, there are patents.

And, in conclusion, what was hidden from the citizens and how to understand it ?

✔️At the original contract, it was before we started living with Covid.

✔️Strest in the contract - means there are completely removed pages except painted items

✔️Roky for how many days can alert the party about the publication or discovery of information. Apparently, our interests of personal information are here.

✔️We're going to have a compensation section. Vaccine victims don't need to know.

✔️ The Taser for some reason showed great modesty and all the names of the signatories are hidden from him. By the way, everything will be decided in the U.S. courts, so I would like to know the names.

There is such a concept in the procedural code of criminal law: "the identity of the suspect". It's forensics. Appendix C from Faiser pulls on just that. They were caught red-handed on false advertising and left the court on a pre-trial deal (which implies a guilty plea) with a huge fine. And the section on gifts, as this is just the case #1000 of the Prime Minister of Israel . It is possible to assume this app is made because of the reputation of the Prime Minister in the world . Although this reputation is no longer whiten ..

There is evidence that The wife of Julia Edelstein and his mother-in-law own shares in Big Pharma. Investigators should find out if these vaccinators have a conflict of interest that they did not see fit to say. However, everyone has interest and everywhere. Otherwise, how to explain this desire of the authorities of many countries to prick their population with a strange product and at the same time call it a vaccine. 

A short break of 2 hours and continue the introductory material on the criminal authorities of The Pharma Mafia 2021 .


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