This is your compressed point from fear. Know this, we're already following you πŸ‘‡

This is your compressed point from fear. Know this, we're already following you πŸ‘‡

β€˜β€™ Fourth Industrial Revolution ’’ β€™β€˜ Restart β€˜β€™, β€˜β€™ Restructuring ’’ We are ours, we are building a new world ...

In simple words for those who do not know Marxism - Leninism - Bolshevism - fascism and have no historical knowledge explain on the fingers . Special operation crown πŸ‘‘.Β 

Covid 😷 - the special operation too long moving to Delta, Gamma and so on, the names are enough to stretch this criminal Bolshevik - fascist vaudeville to reach the goal of 🎯. The worst option of the special operation is that it is designed for an unspecified long time because of the decision of the specific defendants in the criminal case to keep the world's population in submission and fear. Fear of this is inflated man-made, artificially and we recorded in the spring of 2020 and on this account 🧾 there are sufficient video and text evidence. National and international investigators are now working with these materials.Β Evidence of daily information emissions from TV screens and official accounts of specific high-ranking conspirators in the political diocese of the world. The main defendants are China πŸ‡¨πŸ‡³, the United States πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ, Germany πŸ‡©πŸ‡ͺ France πŸ‡«πŸ‡·, Russia πŸ‡·πŸ‡Ί .Β 

Some of them are pictured below.Β 

First, we recorded the Chinese Folk Theatre 🎭 with the scorching of people in Chinese cities. It really is a theater 🎭 having nothing to do with the medical problem. 

Secondly, just behind the Chinese Folk Theatre, Moscow, the capital city of Russia, took the baton.

Thirdly, just a few days after China and Moscow, we learn about the cases of TheId detection in other countries, with the almost instantaneous appearance of many infected. In each country, 19 pre-delivered tests were held in each country and we will also present this in our volume documents.Β Β For a long time we have been preparing for the special operation. The first mentions of COVID-19 in the form of 19 patents are officially registered in the Netherlands by Richard Rockefeller in 2015 .Β 

In the fourth, the virus, no matter how small, can not have such a high speed "flight" in order to appear at once in many countries of the world at the same time from one point Wuhan. Therefore, when reviewing the reports of the virus spread around the world at the time, the simultaneous inclusion of this process was recorded and documented almost everywhere in all countries. The scenarios are similar, it's about one thing - the plan and the organization.Β 

The fifth is the physical essence, no matter how phenomenally fast she could not move, instantly it can not do. She just won't let her material physical nature. This property has only what has to do with the space metaphysical (modern communications - ether).Β It was on the screen πŸ“Ί put the spread of the guard of the spiritual entities of man and his thoughts. Modern communications permeate the world instantly.Β 

Why now in 2019? It couldn't have been 15 or 20 years ago. And such an operation requires a lot of time and other aspects of preparation. 10 years about, with all the approvals. About so it was -10 years and active phase from 2017.Β 

The screen πŸ“Ί monitor instantly took the information on the ground. No one showed themselves, and on the team all switched on the fan chain (the principle of falling domino chips). We gave a command: - we are working on the previously laid program, the process has gone. Almost all countries at the same time, if you notice.Β 

It's not conspiracyology, it's our operational surveillance documents. The majority of the world's population has no idea about the ideology of Marxism-Leninism, namely this ideology described by Klaus Schwab in his fourth revolution. Described badly, which writer is such and the book πŸ“•. Nevertheless, let's tell the reader again about Marxism so that everyone understands that this is true - the teachings of πŸ“– Marx put on a covid, or the epidemic put on the teachings of Marx, not so important. It is important that everyone understands - a special operation of the crown πŸ‘‘. And this is our main task to try to explain to the reader in the simplest words not simple things. It is the sale, because everyone pays for the use of communications, all pay for the consumption of electricity, plates and so on. For investigators it is extremely significant - the fear sold to the population for his own money πŸ’΅ So, with one sorted out - the catalyst for the launch of the special operation was animal fear of man - human psychology. Now the conspirators from the authorities are afraid of their exposure, but it is their problem. We begin to call names, people need to learn how all this became possible through information dependence to drive the world's population into a capsule of fear and make it obey the purest stupidity in the form of fear and the body of the drug.Β 

For a year and a half we have seen not just total censorship, but the blockade of information, the failure to allow any alternative information into the wide information field (television) and the creation of public intolerance of alternative information. It's part of the conspirators' plan.Β Fear of exposure, that's the main leitmotif of these actions. They cannot provide airtime for a wide discussion by the scientific community on this topic, because experts have long understood everything.

Β Β Β Β Β  Β Marxist-Leninist ideologistsΒ 

Karl Marx is a cousin of Rockefeller hired by him of his immortal work "Capital", admitted - capitalism is deadly. Carl pointed to the example of the "law of the trend of profit-to-decline" that this profit can fall to zero and capitalism will end there. Technically and in reality, it is difficult to imagine that such a relationship can evaporate by themselves.Β 

Capitalism is a social and economic model of society in which the main goal of society and individual members of society is to get the maximum profit derived from surplus value.

Why did Klaus Schwab have a hard 🎬 2's Fourth Industrial Revolution? The elites have a plan based on the robotics and labor of Karl Marx "the law of the trend of profit-to-lower." They put together the robotics and cost reduction of Carl, Klaus 🀢 veiled and so came to the decision to replace people with machines.

The added value arises as a product created by human labor, minus the necessary product, this is the added value. There is no hard work, so there is no additional product. But if everything will create a machine, where to put the population (8.5 billion people) ?Β 

Marx did not answer this question in those years, Malthus answered it through the theory of natural population regulation of people on earth: wars, epidemics, catastrophes, birth control and other ...

Us (the world population) has become too much considered upstairs. Robots are pushed out of human industries, life expectancy has increased, pensions, benefits, social infrastructure, hospital maintenance, transportation. All this is voiced many times from different stands by different speakers and in our materials all this is there. What to do? They asked each other for many decades after World War II. How to deal with it? Do we have to do something?Β 

They chose the most primitive method, the most banal banal way! They decided to fight capitalism and build a communist society in which the perfect electronic man will live.

The construction is based on a new socio-economic formation. This term was coined by Carlos Marx. This is a set of base and add-on. The basis is economic relations, and the add-on is everything else. Politics, ideology, law, religion, culture - all this add-on. Marx even said that as a result of the development of economic relations a religion is born !

What we see, Friends! Covid is a new religion, a false one, but a religion. The package on your head is religion, the TV πŸ“Ί 24 hours from each other is a religion, burning churches πŸ’’ here and there it is displacing our traditional religion. Changing the basic historical and medical postulates in Wikipedia is the construction of a new religion.Β 

If you start looking for πŸ”¦ karl Marx what is the source and engine of the change in productive forces in the base, even with a lantern and a magnifying glass πŸ”Ž you will not find an answer. The engine is always the same - the person. At the heart of any society, even in tribes - always a physical and spiritual sphere - a person with motivations and goals, not economic relations. Therefore, the socio-economic formation on Marx should be turned over 180 degrees, so that it is based on the spiritual basis.Β 

To improve a person belittling, through the extensive development of the economy, is a real madness.

The Soviet bloc barely existed for 60 years. It is worth subtract the civil and virus world from this Bolshevik song "We are our New World will build, who was nobody, he will become everything ...’’

About was nobody, in our editorial policy it's about these freaks above ⬆️ ⬇️ .Β 

One of the fundamental reasons for the short existence of the model of communist society for only 60 years: the Communists did not know the anthropology of man.Β Similarly, these upstarts above do not know the anthropology of their own population and their constituents.Β 

For a long time sitting around the taxpayers' neck of their countries and taking off their profits these freaks immigrated and adapted their activities to the digital reality in which the human creation of God should not be at all. The financial oligarchy and hired by it and planted in high offices of politics (managers) de facto the same communists, only mastered modern technologies of human improvement, about which the Communists did not even know about the Hungrys. It's time to reformat the world πŸ—Ί (New World Order), and de facto it is the unification and division of the multifaceted world into several small spheres of influence of capital. But it's a very big conversation, Friends, such a big topic is not for our main topic right now.Β 

The main theme excites you all today here, below in terms of visual photos and in the links πŸ‘‡

We are ours, we will build a new world...

We are ours, we will build a new world...

We are ours, we will build a new world...

Β T. R. Malthus, English priest, economist, demographer

We are ours, we will build a new world...

We are ours, we will build a new world...

We are ours, we will build a new world...

We are ours, we will build a new world...

We are ours, we will build a new world...

We are ours, we will build a new world...

We are ours, we will build a new world...

We are ours, we will build a new world...

We are ours, we will build a new world...

We are ours, we will build a new world...

We are ours, we will build a new world...

We are ours, we will build a new world...

We are ours, we will build a new world...

We are ours, we will build a new world...

We are ours, we will build a new world...

We are ours, we will build a new world...

We are ours, we will build a new world...

We are ours, we will build a new world...

We are ours, we will build a new world...

We are ours, we will build a new world...

We are ours, we will build a new world...

We are ours, we will build a new world...

We are ours, we will build a new world...

We are ours, we will build a new world...

We are ours, we will build a new world...

We are ours, we will build a new world...

We are ours, we will build a new world...

We are ours, we will build a new world...

We are ours, we will build a new world...

We are ours, we will build a new world...

We are ours, we will build a new world...

We are ours, we will build a new world...

We are ours, we will build a new world...

We are ours, we will build a new world...

Ulyanov - Lenin could not withstand such a great holiday - the achievements of the world socialist revolution around the world in 2021 and gained on the joys, draining 0.7 liters without snacks in a volley from the neck of the worker - a peasant drink for ordinary workersΒ 

The Macallan in Lalique and fell on the air dead right at the mausoleum, never reaching his bed πŸ›ŒΒ 

This is your compressed point from fear. Know this, we're already following you.Β 

The obscurantists. Dirty that thought of itself as the creators of billions of human lives. Burn πŸ”₯ you in hell.Β

The obscurantists.Β 

Dirty communist fascist who pretended to be kings and executors of billions of human lives. Burn πŸ”₯ you in hell.Β 

πŸ…œπŸ…‘. πŸ…‘πŸ…˜πŸ…– πŸ…πŸ…πŸ…“ πŸ…£πŸ…—πŸ…” πŸ…›πŸ…žπŸ…πŸ…– πŸ…”πŸ…πŸ…“

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