Philosophy 4 Revolutions 

Philosophy 4 Revolutions 

Pink Brigades B+

The historical cycle is 100 years old ,1918 -2018

Once again connect the dots - Rockefeller - Lock Step, 2010.

At least one piece of evidence found is half the success of solving a case. But to find it, the criminologist can spend a whole day checking every inch of the crime scene .

David Rockefeller Speaks 🖕at the UN about population control (1994)

 The most interesting thing is that opium was regularly used in the royal circles of Britain. In 1032, one of the favorites of these circles, the writer Coudenhov-Kalergi, published the work "Revolution through technology", in which he outlined a program for the return to the world of medieval society in order to reduce the population of the planet ...

 One of the influential members of the "Committee of 300" is, as already mentioned, G. Kissinger, who fulfills the duties of a strategic analyst and diplomat in this secret government. He uses the gigantic intellectual, informational, economic, financial, political and organizational potential of the world government, that is, in fact, he has tremendous power.

Creepy photos from the 1972 Rothschild Dinner.

Have you seen the movie "With your eyes wide closed"? If so, you can learn some things from what you will see next. This film tells the story of a man named Bill Harford, who discovers an elite secret society and the type of behavior they demonstrate during their secret "parties." Many believe that Stanley Kubrick tried to warn the world about the occult elite and its vicious ways, in the film "C wide-closed eyes." Because he had access to this secret knowledge, given his status as a director at the time.

THE company "ROTHSCHILD COORATE FINANCE, AO, consulting company" is located in the Company is located at: 123242, Moscow, Novinsky Boulevard, house 31, A sector, TDC Smolenskaya (615 m.) location_on Moscow, Novinsky Boulevard, 22, office 209.

Moscow, Romanov Lane, 4. Rothschild Corporation Finance, AO, consulting company. +74957758221. 

Friends, can any of you explain to us if COVID-19 appeared at the end of 2019, why were countries' orders for testing kits placed on the World Integrated Trade Solution (WITS) website back in 2018?

Pictured: Dafydd Rockefeller, Gates' dad, David Rockefeller Jr.

Historians Confirm: Karl Marx Was Hired by the Rothschilds.

In his most famous work, the book Capital (Das Kapital) you will not find any mention that money is printed from the air by his cousins Rothschild.

            Klaus and Hilda 



Phantomas, è chiaro che se a te ancora non convince, possiamo continuare a discuterne. Io tutto sommato posso accettarlo così, anche se non è quello che avrei scritto io. --Borgil (tí tò sophón?) 12:41, 26 feb 2013 ...

De facto, due to the meagre intellectual and educational level of the collective west, yes the East too the whole world of fools bought from neo Marx and now Marcus (terrorist) Klaus Schwab absolutely undesirable fascism. Fascism under a very aspirational, not even for specialists, medical larvae. 

Well, the biologist is a virologist, and who else do you think you're fucking fucked up? Did you get it? He was at home with his claws in a screen 📺 in front of people to shake the.

Go out to the evening check of the huess, on the first second count 

Event 201 was a 3.5-hour pandemic tabletop exercise that simulated a series of dramatic, scenario-based facilitated discussions, confronting difficult, true-to-life dilemmas associated with response to a hypothetical, but scientifically plausible, pandemic. 15 global business, government, and public health leaders were players in the simulation ...

Huesos, did you hear the question above? Or do you 👂 👂 clear your ears? 

This character is called in different sources: 

- the architect of the global world order; 

President of the secret world government; 

initiated the Fourth Industrial Revolution; 

- author of a certain "Great Reboot" ; 

- and other, and other, and other heresy of madmen ...

And now look at this miracle with wings and feathers historically-objectively. 

Schwab Klaus Martin was born in 1938, in the Third Reich, in the town of Ravensburg, and in 82 years of his life has done only one significant thing (now it is called "World Economic Forum in Davos"). First created and then sold a notorious pacifier with the renamed WEF in Davos pacifier , a complicated children's pacifier. Yes, this criminal shit has become a unique superfood, the most expensive ever monetary economy ...

First, because it brought the seller the biggest benefit in history.

Secondly, because it cost humanity the most. 

Historically, next to the WEF Davos can be put, except that, the pyramids of Ancient Egypt and the Catholic Church of Medieval Europe. 

Pyramids ravaged the richest Egypt of the Early Kingdom.

The church ravaged the richest Roman empire with a colonial periphery.

WeF Davos has ruined the world's richest apogee of the Scientific and Technical Revolution (NTR). 

The irony is that Klaus Schwab did not even come up with the idea of forcibly braking the NTR and building a new fascism. 

This idea has been in the air since about September 12, 1962, when President John F. Kennedy delivered his famous Houston speech," "We Choose to Go to the Moon." It was not in the flight on the moon the cat-up was filmed in the studio, but in the very principle of the NTR. The then trend of political economy of the developed part of the world was directed towards the expansion of material possibilities and material abundance. It was this trend that predetermined the beginning and then triumph of the Apollo Lunar Program 1969 - 1972.

Even earlier, in 1930 (after the Second Industrial Revolution) it was arithmetically possible that if the trend was maintained, each next generation would be about twice as good as the previous one. And then the economist John Maynard Keynes predicted that in the near future the working week will be reduced from 40 hours to 15 hours (for the average worker simply will not make sense to work anymore).

The Third Industrial Revolution (aka NTR) born of the Second World War, pushed material progress even more, and so arithmetically appeared forecasts for the 8-hour average working week at the beginning of the 21st century. 

Very briefly about it:

Can you reduce your work week to one day?

"The death of the gods is a 40-hour working week. On the way to Keynes' 15-hour week.

In a practical sense, this would, of course, mean not moving to a one-day working week, but an inversion of the working year and vacation. The average worker would work only two months of the year (e.g. October and March) and devote the remaining 10 months to rest and hobbies.

In short: a person who has to work less than a quarter of a year to pay for material comfort is practically unmanageable by the method of oligarchic politics: "loyalty and constant work - or hunger" formed in the 18th century. Since then, the oligarchy has not invented anything fundamentally different in politics - and therefore, the continuation of the NTR trend looked disastrous for her.

Thus, a request for the goods appeared on the oligarchic market, which was later described by Bertram Gross as "Friendly Fascism". 

In a nutshell about this:

Bertram Myron Gross, "Friendly Fascism : 

The New Power in America" (Bertram Myron Gross, "Friendly Fascism: The New Face of Power in America" 1980.

The idea to establish and sell oligarchies - a REALLY international platform for PUBLIC discussion and coordination of measures to build renewed fascism arose for the first time in Aurelio Peccei (1808 - 1984). He established such a site in 1968 under the name "Roman Club. The Club of Rome is now accredited to the UNITED Nations as a consultancy for the policy of global forced stagnation (the so-called "Growth Limits" aka "Sustainable Development"). 

But Peccei did not live to the moment when this platform began to bring exorbitant benefits.

Klaus Schwab was second in this theme. In 1971, he organized the European Management Conference. Then, expanding the platform, he established a foundation that becomes a unifying platform for discussion of global issues by leading politicians, economists and intellectuals. In 1987, the association was named the World Economic Forum.

Hunger and the monopoly of artificial poison and elite food. Why did this vaccinator still need so much land and why is neo Marx Klaus 🤶 congratulating this agent? 

            Add to 2 q2 q4 ? 

Schwab, 30 years younger than the Pechcei, was able to live not only to the exorbitant benefits of his platform, but also to the point when the world economy collapsed under the weight of the "friendly fascism" developed on it and massively introduced. 

The concept of a SPECIAL international platform for PUBLIC discussion and coordination of measures to build a renewed fascism.

PUBLIC should be taken literally. It is quite fascist events at the sessions of the Roman Club, and at the forums in Davos are discussed in public, and materials are published in the open media and in the form of separate publications (as the club reports and the collections of the forum reports). Publicity was absolutely necessary, as representatives of the financial and bureaucratic oligarchy are simply incapable of working in the secret society. 

Decency is essential for publicity, because it would be necessary to discuss publicly planned measures to build a new fascism in the traditional terminology of Mussolini... Inconsiderate, let's put it this way.

In general, the only thing that is interesting pechcei and Schwab, is the exorbitant rhetoric of stupidity . More precisely, a special dictionary of metaphorical language, which was very consistently developed to make the talking points of the new fascist platforms look decent in the public space. 

Recommendation to read and familiarize yourself with fascist opus:

- Aurelio Peccei's book "Six Goals for Humanity"

- Schwab's book "The Fourth Industrial Revolution"

- Schwab's interview "We must learn to be happy but not satisfied" echoes his masterpiecely silly book 

We have not once and twice written our reviews on these quite fascist materials, in which the purpose is veiled, unexpectedly intelligent and succinctly disclosed in one paragraph actually rather eclectic article published in the Polish Financial newspaper 29.10. 2019.

"The reason for Europe's problems with its identity in this way is not the next wave of migrants and not even terrorism or rampant intolerantness. It's just a consequence. The problem is the European elites themselves, who want to maintain power and the income-guaranteeing model of economic and social development. Their project involves managing the emotions and moods of the masses by depriving them of their national history and self-awareness. It includes the mutual distance of different groups, that is, the division of society into a well-fed political-bureaucratic class and impoverished masses, turned into a precariat. Imposed political correctness is an attempt at totalitarian brainwashing, the purpose of which is to exclude the expression of independent opinion, that is, the appearance of protest against the reality formed from above."

The author, Robert Cheda, titled this article: "Suicide of Europe," although perhaps it would be more correct to say, "Suicide is post-NTR-1.1." 

In general, the world economy has suffered greatly. Many factors are not yet visible and will float out for a very long time. When will the West come out of an induced coma created by a coronavirus quarantine coma? 

This is a snub-in-a-lot of fact and you can watch it either laughing or sobbing. Stupidity in a square multiplied by 100 and erected in the sixth degree. We are tired of calling everyone to mind.

On this occasion well and consistently can be found at Philip Lane on November 22, 2020 (expert of the Board of the European Central Bank).

What is the role of Peccey and Schwab in the fact that the world economy in the 1970s changed the trend, and now, having gone through phases of inertia, stagnation and degradation - is rapidly collapsing?

Their role is technical. Klaus Schwab ideologue hired David Rockefeller, just as David's relative hired Karl Marx's brother and he wrote a camouflaged terrorist teaching Capital .

The idea of forced braking of the NTR and the construction of a new fascism was in the air since about 1962. If it were not for The Caves and Schwab, someone else would have sold the oligarchy a public decent platform for appropriate discussion and agreement on a schedule of events. The 1973 oil collusion in Arabia and the 1976 emissions collusion in Jamaica would still take place (the exact time and place would not have played a principled role here).

An attempt to build a digital concentration camp would also be made. This is evidenced by the primacy of Continental China in this matter - despite the fact that quite totalitarian Beijing authorities do not even need decency. 

The final chord of degradation - an attempt of global control of mass consciousness through the illusion of a global catastrophe (when all other means have already been exhausted) - was also made without the business of Peccea and Schwab. As we can see, the technical initiator of this chord was Continental China 🇨🇳. maybe someone else, and the West is like a sheep 🐑 went to hell. 

Suicide is primitive, boring, banal and pretty much everything is clear in form and content. 

March 14, 2020 "Infection" 2011 predicted the epidemic coronavirus 😷? 

March 27, 2020 "Infection" 2011 predicted today's pandemic ? 

Scott Burns, Chamber Income/Expense Check and Tax Return 2010-2015! 

"Davos 2020: The authoritative world economic forum - now a show of frightened clowns" noted: "The time of managed processes in the global world - is out.

Now everyone hopes to somehow get out of it himself (and don't give a damn about everyone else). Perhaps this is what the destruction of financial and political globalism looks like."

That's what happened. The special operation "Great quarantine" aimed at saving some structures of the absurd global system predictably became an economic suicide.

Banal boring world vaudeville with bad actors. He will have to pay compensation and the debt 💸. But we will see to the end of this panopticon and add a check 🧾, including personal. 

Rothschilds patented Covid-19 biometric tests in 2015. And 2017. As we've shown in previous exposes, the whole Covidiocracy is a masquerade and a simulation long prepared by The World Bank / IMF / The Rothschilds and their lemmings, with Rockefeller partnership. Our newest discoveries further these previous revelations.

"The name of the Rothschilds has become synonymous with money and power to such an extent that perhaps no other family has ever reached this level before," The Daily Telegraph, a British newspaper.

This unique family began with the patriarch Mayer Amshel Rothschild. He was born into a Jewish family living in 18th century Germany. Mayer was a court banker for German kings in Hesse-Kassel. In 1760 he started banking in Frankfurt. Over time, he provided his services to nobles and royal nobles of Germany and accumulated a huge fortune. Amschel had five sons, and he gave them his wealth. These sons founded banks virtually all over Europe - in Austria, Great Britain, Italy, Germany and France. 

Without a test, the airline must refuse to board your flight. Photo: The Points Guy. One of the first orders of the Biden administration was to require all passengers of international airlines traveling to the U.S. to take a test on the tweed before... 

American grandfather 👴 What do you test and who is testing? 

The covid-19 test was officially patented by Richard Rothschild in partnership with a Russian surname in 2015. 

American grandfather, what do you have on your hands or in your deck of cards?

Well, the essence understood? 

Hieronymus Bosch - extracting the stone of stupidity

A tour of the museum. Today we sat down at the canvas Bosch and enjoy the stupidity . 

       Do you know who you are? 

And why are you just an American grandfather and that's just yet? 

COVID vaccine stops 4 out of 5 pregnancies in first or second trimester through "self-induced abortions"

A horrific study published in the New England Journal of Medicine shows that when pregnant women are given the COVID vaccine during the first or second trimester, they have 82% of spontaneous abortions, resulting in the deaths of 4 out of five unborn children.

This stunning discovery, explained below, is self-evident from data published in a new study entitled "Preliminary Safety Results of mRNA Covid-19 Vaccine for Pregnant Women".

Just as troubling as the data is the fact that the study authors apparently sought to deliberately conceal the truth about spontaneous abortion vaccines by obfuscating the numbers in their own calculations.

We initially drew our attention to the Life Site News article, and we contacted our medical contacts to check the data and double-check all the math. In doing so, we were able to confirm two things:

Yes, the study shows that pregnant women who received the COVID vaccine during the first or second trimester of pregnancy had 82% of spontaneous abortions.

Yes, the authors of the study either deliberately sought to conceal this fact by dishonestly manipulating the figures, or they were incompetent and made a blatant mistake that calls into question their credibility.

In other words, this study was almost certainly a cover to argue that vaccinating pregnant women is perfectly safe. But these studies actually suggest otherwise. Here's how:

Of the 827 women, 700 were vaccinated in the third trimester.

Table 4 of the study ,3) shows that a total of 827 pregnant women were studied.

Of the 827 women, 700 of them received the first vaccine in the third trimester of pregnancy. This means that 127 women (827-700) received the vaccine during the first or second trimester.

Of the 127 women who received the vaccines in the first or second trimester, 104 had spontaneous abortions before their pregnancy reached the 20-week mark. In the table, they are designated as "spontaneous abortions."

Simply put, 104 spontaneous abortions (within the first 20 weeks) of the 127 women who received vaccines in the first or second trimester of pregnancy accounted for 82% of spontaneous abortions among these vaccinated pregnant women.

It is important to note that the death of an unborn child in the third trimester is called "stillbirth" rather than spontaneous abortion. Thus, spontaneous abortions could not occur in women vaccinated in the third trimester, by definition.

Thus, the study authors dishonestly used the wrong denominator of 827 in their calculations of "self-abortion," while they had to use the 127 denominator, which represents the number of women who received vaccines during their first or second trimester.

In other words, a woman who was vaccinated for the first time in the third trimester of pregnancy cannot have a "self-induced abortion" within the first 20 weeks because they have not been vaccinated within the first 20 weeks (and pregnant women are not time travelers). 

Thus, these women should not be included in the denominator used to calculate the frequency of spontaneous abortions.

The authors of this study should receive an award in the category "How to lie with statistics" because they apparently tried to make a ploy to give the impression that vaccines are safe for pregnant women. 

In fact it seems that they kill more than 4 out of 5 unborn babies in the first 20 weeks of pregnancy, at least in this data set. 

It is clear to us and all specialists of other fields that non-medical factors are behind the unbridled company's lies. 

The award-winning spinal surgeon and former president of the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons believes that the current "vaccines" for coronavirus are dangerous biological weapons used against humans.

Dr. Lee Merritt, who previously studied biological weapons while working as an orthopedic surgeon in the U.S. Navy for nine years, served on the board of the Arizona Medical Association and published many peer-reviewed articles. 

She believes that mRNA-altering coronavirus injections currently being distributed in the U.S. rewrite the human genetic code to make us vulnerable to the new virus:

"In early February, I said it was a controlled biological weapon, but at that point, the data pointing to it was censored," she said in an interview last month with The New America. Moderna admits that mRNA injections are an "operating system" designed to program people.

Based on biological weapons research, Dr. Merritt believes that we live in an era of "fifth generation war" where, instead of using weapons on the battlefield, secret biological agents, economic warfare and propaganda are most effective. 

"Over the years we had a lot of biological weapons, and I was very concerned about smallpox. But most of these biological weapons are either difficult to distribute or there is treatment for them," she said. 

"I think there's a lot of evidence that coronavirus is a natural, very benign virus that doesn't even cause a cold in most people, but at best, yes, it's a cold."

"If we're fighting a biological war right now as part of this multidimensional war, if you have a cure in your back pocket, they can't terrorize you with viruses, and that's important because the vaccine doesn't prevent the transmission of the virus," Dr. Lee Merritt said.

Although prevention and treatment reduce the need for a vaccine, such information is regularly censored by social media companies and demonized by mainstream media.

Sharil Atkisson, a former CBS journalist, deleted one of her YouTube reports for passing on information that contradicted WHO's official position.

"We have vaccines because we didn't have smallpox treatment, and it was a very deadly disease. In this case, it made sense to have a vaccine. We didn't have a cure for polio, so it made sense to make a vaccine, but is it? 

Even without any action, this disease has a survival rate of 99.991% as opposed to the standard viral influenza season of 99.992%," says Dr. Lee Merritt.

The number of coronaviruses is widely contested, but dozens of doctors and scientists have spoken for most of the year about the disproportionate harm caused by blockages and forced wearing of masks. 

One Canadian researcher estimated that the long-term cost of blocking would far exceed the cost of the virus itself by ten times.

Merritt explains the difference between coronavirus vaccines and conventional vaccinations: "Vaccines against coronavirus do not transmit a pathogen to you, but program mRNA. mRNA is similar to DNA, but it's an RNA messenger. 

This is what creates proteins in the body. It's like a computer chip that you insert into a 3D printer and then tell him what you want him to do and he prints it out. 

We have it in technology, and it's the biological equivalent. Well, in this case, they made a part of this mRNA to create this spike protein in every cell of your body, and you're actually creating a pathogen in your body."

When you go to do a coronavirus vaccine, you don't actually get the vaccine as we've always known it. Instead, your body is injected with information RNA, which then changes your genetic code to start producing your own modified version of the coronavirus." 

Children may die from spike of protein transmitted from vaccinated people

In recent weeks, spike squirrels have become the subject of heated debate. "We made a big mistake and haven't realized it yet," said Canadian vaccine researcher Byram Bridle,

"We didn't know that the spike protein itself was a toxin and a pathogenic protein." "Spike protein SARS-CoV-2 is cytotoxic, this is a fact," confirmed Robert Malone, inventor of mRNA vaccination.

Another study, which has not yet been peer-reviewed, is likely to further discuss. Its name: "Vaccination against Covid-19 increases the mortality of unvaccinated children in Europe." Herve Seligmann, who is conducting the study at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, examined unvaccinated children between the ages of 0 and 14 from 22 European countries from January to May this year. In the case of the number of vaccinations carried out among the general population, he referred to "Ourworldindata" and, in the case of total weekly mortality, to Euromomo. 

One of its main findings: "The indirect effects of the Covid-19 vaccine, presumably through the release of vaccine spiked proteins or other molecules, increase overall mortality among the unvaccinated, especially at an early stage when vaccination has an adverse effect on vaccinated people." The secretion of the vaccine refers to the transfer of protein-studs or related substances from vaccinated to unvaccinated by secreting liquids such as mucus (by coughing or even in normal breathing) or breast milk. 

Seligmann's data show an increase in mortality within a few weeks of vaccination in Europe. Side effects occur three to four weeks after vaccination. "Especially in children, there are undesirable reactions to vaccines," Seligmann writes. 

Particularly worrying is that unwanted effects increase over time. However, this does not exclude that the spread of the vaccine will affect unvaccinated adults of all ages. 

A sad example is the death of a five-month-old baby in the United States who died within two days of being vaccinated by Pfizer, his mother. The mother was vaccinated on March 17, and the next day the child turned red, the temperature rose, he refused to eat and continued to cry. At the hospital, doctors found high levels of enzymes in the liver - a sign of poisoning. 

The infant died within two days. According to the U.S. Vaccine Vaccine Bacteria Register (VAERS), there was no other cause of death other than the indirect effect of vaccination that can be found in the VAERS system at event number 1166062-1.

"In children under the age of 15 who have not been vaccinated, the undesirable effects begin three to four weeks after vaccination and gradually increase until the end of the study period, that is, 20 weeks after vaccination," Seligmann said. In the general population of children under the age of 15 in 22 countries studied, the vaccination of one per cent of adults resulted in an 8 per cent increase in the average weekly mortality of unvaccinated children. 

According to Seligmann, comparing the health status of unvaccinated children who have no one, one or both parents vaccinated, it is possible to check the extent to which vaccine excretion is responsible for the indirect effects of vaccination that affect unvaccinated children. Long-term negative effects are to be expected for all age groups. 

A two per cent weekly increase in vaccination means 58 additional deaths among 60 million children under the age of 15. If this effect is shifted to 100 per cent vaccination coverage, it would mean five deaths per 100,000 children due to the indirect side effects of vaccination.

The special operation itself represents the grandiose manipulation of human consciousness, carried out with the help of conspirators, corrupt / blackmailed/engaged officials, stars of show business, scientists, medics, journalists, companies Fincap, Bigfarma and Bigtech, as well as criminal international structures such as WHO, WB, WEF and other other evil. 

    The outdated Wiki transcript states:

Bioterrorism is a form of terrorism that consists of the use of biological weapons against the population by the government, organization or individual.

We add this transcript above to the phrase added in 2020-2021: 

"Bioterrorism Information" 

And we show part of what it was 👇

U.S. Civil War veterans tell stories from the past at the celebration of the 50th anniversary of the Battle of Gettysburg. 1913.

Zyra Norbo is a Playboy model, 1958.

John Lennon and Rolls-Royce Phantom V. 1967

Fellow scientists, docents with candidates!

You're tormented with a virus, you're entangled in zeros,

Sit there, decompose the molecules into atoms,

Forgetting that the potatoes are decomposing in the fields.

From rot and from mold vaccine 💉 to extract trying

And the roots are extracted ten times a day...

Oh, you're going to, oh, you're doing it,

As long as the potatoes rot and mould!

So this is: we get to Louise by bus,

And there is a trotter, and do not moan 😮 💨 

We all respect potatoes,

When you smear her with a salsa.

You can be famous almost all over Europe, if

With shovels and pitchforks, you can show patriotism in our country,

You all got a kagal there and attacked the viruses 🦠,

People were tortured with injections, and this is terrorism! 
Newly enrolled in the tractor school Louise Ciccone is trained on a livestock farm with a specialty ploughman - mower and manual milking . Right away. 

ᗞᖇ. ᎢᖇᗩᑕᎢᝪᖇᏆᔑᎢ ᑭᏞᝪᗯᗴᗞ Ꭲᕼᗴ ᑕᏞᗴᗩᖇᏆᑎᏀ

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