There are three kinds of lies : lies , damned lies, and statistics ๐Ÿ“Š

There are three kinds of lies : lies , damned lies, and statistics ๐Ÿ“Š

rotatsisnI eht fo setoN

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Great reboot or communist perestroika under a fake microscope.ย 

Who can answer where the S-protein came from?ย 

What was their task?ย 

Yes, of course, now everyone says, "It's not, it's different."ย 

Yes, it's different, but it's different done by the same people who did that. This is Ralph Baric, the group's leader, and other scientists.

No coronavirus has ever had such an S-protein. This is an artificial protein obtained in an American laboratory sometime around 2013.

A 2015 article in the journal Nature first appeared the name SARS-CoV (the virus we now have is SARS-CoV-2). The authors of the article for the first time managed to combine the human sars virus and the coronavirus of the Chinese bat. Then this notorious protein appeared.

What is its function?ย 

It allows the virus to enter human cells through the ACE enzyme protein, an angiotensin-converting enzyme. American scientists managed to change the target cell, which, generally speaking, is very difficult.

Viruses, in fact, millions, but in human cells can penetrate only a few dozen. There is some balance in nature. Each virus has its own niche and its target cell. Only in it he can penetrate. If a virus can't get into a cell using its surface proteins, then it can't cause any damage, so millions of viruses are completely harmless to humans.

The Americans were able to change the target cell through this S-protein. And the article showed that this hybrid virus grows well in human cells, multiplies with high titers and is not treatable with any drugs known at that time.

Parasites depend on organisms on which parasitize, juices of which feed.ย Previously, it was thought that matter is only two species: living and inanimate. But it appeared thanks to scientists a third species that combines various signs of living and inanimate matter, but is fundamentally different from both of them and it is a virus .ย 

And the fourth type of virus appeared in 2020 - the Social virus ๐Ÿฆ ย 

They behave in the same way. Just striking is the similarity of the actions of these primitive material objects with the logic of the behavior of architects and foremen of the 'Great Reboot'ย 

To better see the similarities, look at the U.S. patent ๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ธ. And after the patent, we will continue and remind briefly what a virus is from the point of view of modern science.

The use of weapons of mass destruction always divides time into "before" and "after".

The first or second mention of Kovid dates back to 2015, when he was "invented." in the American laboratories of North Carolina. The popular academic scientific ๐Ÿงซ journal of the U.S. ๐Ÿ““ ๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ธย 

In 2014, President Obama banned such dangerous experiments on U.S. soil. The whole team moved to China and continued their work, which they reported in an article in the journal Nature - the most famous in the world and the most authoritative scientific journal.ย 

And not everyone can be honored to make a publication in it.

Any work published in the journal Nature is a potential nominee for the Nobel Prize. Therefore, to say that it is something not serious, that it all does not matter is not necessary. If anyone, we guess who, has contributed more than $100 million to this project, then to hope that they did it just like that, without a back thought, is very stupid.

How much of this protein depends on the body, how much it gets? Or isn't it as important as it gets, and it's dangerous in itself?

It is important not how much gets into the body, but how much will penetrate the cell. The larger the protein and the more ACE receptors, the higher the probability of infection.

Many people suffer from hypertension and take so-called betablockers (various prila - pressure drugs - lysinopril, captopril and the like). They are good, prevention is exactly the infection of SARS-CoV-2. Because they block this enzyme and, accordingly, the virus through it can not penetrate into the cell.

We don't have accurate data about the amount of S-protein that enters the body when it is ill, but S-protein is mathematical proof that this virus is artificially obtained.ย 

None of the coronavirus had this S-protein. It first appeared here in this article from 2015, to which everyone is now referring.

And the idea behind vaccines is to inject this S-protein into the body and hope for an immune response, to hope that the body will then be prepared for a meeting with coronavirus. And since there were no full-fledged clinical trials on humanized mice, when it could be traced for 18 months, it is not known how much protein enters the body.

And to see what changes are taking place in the organs. If not, then this drug can be used in humans, but in mice began to test the vaccine in May ,2020, and in humans as early as June. There is no serious study.

In fact, humans are now these guinea pigs, which are being studied by a new unknown drug based on these matrix RNA. The mechanism of their impact on the human body has not been investigated in any way.ย 

That's the danger of everything.

No one has researched the long-term effects of inserting this protein into another matrix. And it's very dangerous. We see the statistic, it's in front of your eyes. The number of deaths after vaccination is on the rise worldwide. This is in the U.S., Western Europe, and Israel already established facts .

The main obstacle to the creation of CoV vaccines is the phenomenon of antibody-dependent infection, developing in response to the protein S coronavirus (it became known as the phenomenon ADE). The increase in the infectious process is associated with the formation of a complex between the antibody on the protein S (spike) and this protein, which contributes to the penetration of the virus into monocytes and macrophases, previously inaccessible to the virus. Hastily created S-protein candidate vaccines caused the development of hepatitis and the weighting of the infectious process in experimental animals infected with the SARS-CoV virus. The ADE phenomenon is a critical issue in the development of all SARS-CoV-2 vaccines. With repeated use of these vaccines, the risks increase significantly.

Those who are vaccinated with these new vaccines are, in fact, involved in complete ignorance in the medical experiment and forcing people to do this trivial crime, this is unacceptable. This is a flagrant violation of basic basic basic rights.

There are no full experimental data on vaccines, no composition, excess S-protein in the body with the vaccine.ย 

This is a serious antibody-dependent increase in infection (ADE)

The so-called "cytokin storm" when its own immune cells pounce on the same lung tissue. That's what a lot of people face as a result in intensive care. This is a very serious medical problem, among other new world orders. This was mentioned in 2020 by well-known virologists. Initially, scientists knew that there are a number of dangers, but they were driven by the owners of money and the plan of special operation, "soon, soon...". The Communist Doctrine of the New World Order must prevail over humanityย 

SARS-CoV virus created artificially, because it has no natural reservoir, and no animal to infect them can not. That is, it would not be necessary to use "humanized" mice if, say, the virus lived in the same bats or pangolins, or in any other animals. But he does not live in them, even in ordinary mice does not live, or in laboratory rats, which are usually used for medical experiments. Here's how you're going to explain it?

There is an article in the journal Nature, but there is no natural hearth. From this we conclude that this virus is artificial, and many scientists around the world, including Nobel laureates such as Luke Montagnier, who discovered the HIV virus at the time, are leaning towards this conclusion.

In each new doctrine, there are three stages: the first stage is "this nonsense," the second stage is "yes, there is something in it", and the third stage is "this is known for a long time."ย 

We are now finishing the first stage, that is, the number of people who say that this is a version of the artificial origin of coronavirus delirium, begins to rapidly decline. Very soon ๐Ÿ”œ will begin a massive re-examination of the raid of scientists, and they will see at once, especially when they help to get out of the safe all the evidence.

Russian scientists also worked with this virus. This project was curated from start to finish, financed, and there is no doubt that all the moves are recorded.ย The Communists of Beijing, the White House, the Kremlin have already buried themselves with their lies and the theory of the bat has paired with pangolin, and it has passed to man, and as a result of this operation in the "wet" market in Wuhan there was such a monstrous monster. This is an absolutely unfortunate lie and an unseding theory, it is completely exposed.

This photo was taken in Romania in early 2020, at the very beginning of the covid scam. Romania is an Orthodox country, and this picture is made in the style of a Byzantine icon depicting a doctor as some kind of saint.

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From day 1 of the scam, the obsession with crime and covid fraud became a cult movement and it was done from scratch. But such an infection could not work for a second if the elites did not work on it a lot - for many years preparing the ground for the displacement of traditions and dominant Christian values in culture, creating only enmity and emptiness. With this New Covid cult, they ๐Ÿ˜ท filled the world with ๐Ÿ—บ in a year and a half. Imagine what will happen in 3-5-7-10-15 years. You don't recognize the world. And we discover all this criminal creativity and show it in documents since 2015.ย

ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย  Go and get your vaccine.ย 

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A criminal group of epidemiological perverts 2021 on the march.ย 

Delta Lambda Phi (ฮ”ฮ›ฮฆ) is an international social fraternity for gay, bisexual, transgender and progressive men. It offers a social environment and structure similar to other Greek-model college fraternities. The fraternity was founded on October 15, 1986, by Vernon L. Strickland III in Washington, D.C.. The full, corporate name of the fraternity is Delta Lambda Phi Social Fraternity, but ...

Gamma-herpesvirinae : Epstein-Barr virus ๐Ÿ˜‚

This subfamily includes the Epstein-Barr virus๐Ÿ˜‚

Gamma may also refer to:

Gamma is the third letter of the Greek alphabet;ย 

Gamma - a sound sequence of eight notes, where the first and last coincide in name, but are separated from each other by an octave;ย 

Color scheme is a term in painting, color science and color reproduction;ย 

Gamma is a unit of measurement of the magnetic field strength;ย 

Gamma is an astrophysical research module;ย 

Gamma is a Ukrainian TV channel, the mouthpiece of the Communist Party of Ukraine;ย 

Gamma - a brand of piano produced in the USSR;ย 

Gamma is an outdated non-systemic unit of mass equal to 1 microgram;ย 

"Gamma" - the name of the women's football club "Kazan" in 1991 (in 1992 - "Gamma-TAN");ย 

Gamma is a parameter that describes how central a lunar or solar eclipse is;ย 

Gamma is a small Martian impact crater located on the Meridian Plateau.

Gamma is a powerboat.

It's a pussy, turn out the light drain the water. We are dealing with a theater troupe of a rural provincial theater with a rotten stage and an empty dressing room.ย 

Figures released today show that between December 14, 2020 and July 2, 2021, there were a total of 438,441 adverse events reported to VAERS, including 9,048 deaths - an increase of 2,063 compared to the previous week. There were 41,015 serious injuries in the same time period, 6,950 more than last week.

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The Russians registered a PCR test 5 days before the appearance of the virus strain and 10 days before the first cases.ย 

Learn student ๐Ÿง‘ ๐ŸŽ“ from the WEF and IMF,ย 

As well as schoolchildren from WHO, the UN and UNISEF,ย 

Learn lab technicians ๐Ÿ‘จ ๐Ÿ”ฌ red cross,ย 

Learn everything from the Russian cross.ย 

Lake County, Illinois, a suburb of Chicago, plans door-to-door door rounds to check vaccinations.

American astronauts ๐Ÿง‘ ๐Ÿš€ also did not lag behind ...

๐Ÿ’‰ Death syringes

Virologists are the most studied bacteriophage T-2. This virus resembles a syringe. It consists of a hollow cylinder without a piston. Above the cylinder is a head, inside which is a molecule of nucleic acid (DNA or RNA). At the bottom there are six legs with which the virus is able to attach itself to the membrane of a living cell. The entire structure is approximately one thousand diameters of an atom, and the diameter of the cylinder is equal to one hundred atoms.

In the right place of the membrane and at some point the virus pierces it with its rod and injects nucleic acid into the cell, which gets to one of the ribosome. Ribosoma is like a machine with software control, and nucleic acid plays the role of a management program here (it contains the information code of the development program). There are more than 10,000 ribosomes in one cell, and all of them continuously synthesize proteins, and only one of them, under the influence of a viral matrix, begins to produce the wrong thing. Therefore, until a certain time the cell and the body is not noticeable. The "reprogrammed" ribosomiama first produces individual parts of viruses, then they are collected, and gradually the cell is stuffed with viruses. Finally, the young virus breaks the shell of the cell and rushes to the neighboring living cells to do the same with them.

This method of reproduction contradicts all living things. Even parasites, producing their offspring, take away from the host only nutrients. The virus does not work differently: it does not assign means of subsistence, but life itself. He "lulls" the vigilance of the living cell and "convinces" the ribos that the implementation of his program (his recommendation) will benefit the living organism. It is quite obvious that cunning and insidiousness cannot be inherent in such a primitive material object as the virus. V. Reedov notes that these "syringes" are manipulated by the sophisticated mind and evil will of the one who imagines himself equal to God and has begun to create his parallel world of Evil and Darkness. However, only God can live, and Satan is only capable of creating inanimate material objects - hunters to other people's lives and souls. The virus is a "projection on the matter of some intangible given" - a crude model of the living on the inanimate. In it, lies are "life" itself - "you can't cheat - you won't live." Soul hunters and other people's lives can't fail to kill. People knew about them for a long time, they were called demons. Recent discoveries of scientists only confirmed these guesses.

Dolls and puppeteers

In January 2021, "syringes" whose heads contained only one DNA molecule and nothing else came to power in the White House, and they managed to lull the vigilance of most of the living cells of the U.S. state body ๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ธ and convince the executive branch (like that ribos) that the implementation of their program will benefit the country and the world. And so under the influence of a viral matrix made by sages from the WEF, the IMF, the UN ๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ณ the executive authorities began their wild adventures from the door ๐Ÿšช to the door of the ๐Ÿšช (the last of Theadon and his red chicks). Ministries, corporations and agencies are crammed with death and destruction. Already in convulsions the whole country from such offers to come to visit with a syringe, and small and medium-sized business beats in hysterics. A portion of killer viruses has rushed to the next victims of the "New World Order".

Castration can help men live longer

"Castrated male sheep can live 60% longer than their intact counterparts by delaying aging DNA," the study found. And it is even possible that the removal of testicles can bring the same benefits to human men ... โ€.

The theme, in light of the pence increase. the age to which not many will live is very relevant. And those in power, including all sorts of gates and swabians, have always been preoccupied with aging and prolonging life. I think it would be nice if these guys and things like that were extended.ย 

Paedophiles on the marchย .We got to Lego.

Advertising: Vaccine and pederasty go hand in hand as they are part of the same agenda, as well as part of the same agenda, the agenda to establish the NWO with its slavery and total control is #BLM. It is already possible toย

observe how in our country timid attempts are made to promote pederasty and organize the division not only on the basis of vaccination or not, but also on racial grounds.

ย "The New World Order" means improvement in their mouths. A sophisticated mind uses this word to confuse the gullible "ribos" and make them reproduce their future killers. "If you don't cheat, you won't live" is the original lie. Today, however, this deception is even the dumbest. To what extent the health of hunters "improved" to our lives, it is already clear to everyone. People die by the thousands. The undead and the non-human rule the ball. Medics who know the topic are banished from everywhere, do not let the world's luminaries. The same subjects have nothing to do with medicine and virologists in particular. Rejuvenation of the subjects after the election Obviously passed successfully, all have acquired new manners. Material objects created by Satan cannot be killed, they can only be broken, repaired, disassembled and reassembled. Is it any wonder that such objects at certain moments change mym names, gestures? They are only a "projection of intangible givenness," although they have a human-like appearance." Satan manipulates his objects, continues to play a puppet show in the expectation of a stupid spectator, feral during the period of "reforms" Homo democraticus. For this purpose it was necessary to renew the main doll and its surroundings.

However, the deficit on puppets is obvious. In the course of the whole gentleman's set of syringes, vaccines that have never been used before. Crafty puppeteers are lords. Lies are the main support of their parallel world of Darkness and Death. The creators of this potion are sophisticated villains, unpredictable puppets. After all, the purpose of this world puppet show is not to treat the viewer, but to acquire his soul.

Matter and consciousness.ย 

Dead and alive.ย 

Geneticist V.A. Ratner argues that genes are information units resembling linguistic units in the texts of human languages. For example, codons most resemble three-letter words, cystones - sentences. There are genes arranged on a hierarchical principle that encode paragraphs and even individual texts. The information recorded in the genome of the fertilized egg unfolds and, when interacting with the environment, ultimately determines the program of development of the future living organism. But this program can be spoiled by viruses. Like computer viruses, they destroy useful information and development programs. Just as under the influence of viruses, the computer loses friendly interfaces and stops working, so the body ceases to live its own life and becomes an appendage of someone else's will.

So, at the beginning of any life lies the text - information recorded in the genome, which is a scientific confirmation of the biblical truth - "In the beginning was the Word ...". Scientists have found that inanimate matter is also a carrier of certain information. Water, metals, minerals also have a "memory" - they carry information about the external environment, its past and present. However, in that information there is no program for their development. So they're dead. Living organisms are much more complex than ordinary material objects and are better adapted to the storage of hierarchically complex information. Each level of such a hierarchy can have its own grammar, which can change under the influence of programs of another level. Interacting, these levels rebuild both themselves and the structure of the carrier on which they are recorded. In the material world, these interactions manifest themselves as "processes of development and vital activity of material flesh. But it is only a shadow of the living - a vessel for the immaterial reality - the soul. Therefore, in a living organism, consciousness is more primary than matter. While he is alive, the processes of his development are directed towards reducing entropy and are not subject to the laws of thermodynamics (its second beginning). But as soon as the software and information support of ribosomes of a living cell under the influence of killer viruses (under the pretext of "improvements") changes, the soul will leave the body. The devastated flesh degrades, entropy increases, and, as one politician liked to say in such cases, "the process has begun."

ย "Anti-fascists" who are slashing death โ˜ ๏ธย 

The metaphysics of this sophisticated murder should be studied to the smallest detail. Syringes-killers have finally believed in their victory. They turn the once measured world into a "kingdom of electronic robots". Not only under the microscope you can see their true goals. They have lost all caution, believing that they are dealing with a stupid herd of Sheep and Sheep, openly declaring that they are remaking our genes, discussing and mastering more and more new methods of telezombification, programs for the complete destruction of the gene pool and reproduction functions of the population of different countries of the world. Child molestation is carried out within the framework of state programs of "sex education". Anti-fascists" from the brothel of Madame ''Y'' are carefully working out plans for mass murder. One such plan is known under the code "Lockstep". Syringes from the media and other satanic irons joined him. This very phrase is absurd from absurdities, a champion in insanity. After all, everyone knows what fascism is.ย Western individuals (people completely devoid of a social shell) cannot be united into a totalitarian society - from this they beast, turn into bloodthirsty creatures. So there is fascism - a sheap or a clique of oligarchs fused with power. The decrepit and depts of the New World Community are the architects of our genes, the hunters to our lives. They believe that they have long been dealing with dead matter, a faceless crowd devoid of national identity and genetic information, and take up the implementation of the most clumsy project in the history of Western civilization.ย 

Real clients of the auto salon Aloizic & Josef and a company with a pronounced pathology are marasmatic freemasons, political prostitutes and political impotents.ย 


Today, science knows that the human somatic cell contains information that can under certain conditions recreate a whole human body - a complete copy of the host of this non-sex cell. There is a new threat to humanity.ย Where is the guarantee that the lords of the world do not use this practice to bring out a new human race, more consistent with their ideas about the ideal voter. Will cloning labs grow obedient cans or harrises?ย In school, we see dark kids singing songs: -- I'm just like the Vice President.ย These fears are well-founded. The "false information bomb 2020-2021" has already been blown up, which has reformatted all knowledge and memory at the genetic level, and the countries of the world and the population have received 15,000,000 U.S. citizens hanging on the first dose of potion ๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ธ not passed on the second dose of potion! 15,000,000 said de facto no second injection of happiness and health . Is that possible?ย 

Now it's up to the man-made terrorist attack and cyber attacks neo Marx Klaus, then the bomb and the famine?ย 

The diversity of worlds is riddled with the same well-known problem of centuries - the problem of the struggle of Good against Evil. A living cell and a human body, a separate ethnic group and all mankind defend their right to life in a deadly battle with the lord of the kingdom of the dead. There are no Christians and there can be no dead. It's just the dead. They'll be out of their hour, and they'll be resurrected. The righteous will be resurrected - all those who have preserved their unity, who have preserved in their genes the life-giving idea of the Creator, have not turned into an avid and selfish individual, succumbing to the temptation of the evil one.

Keep the national as the apple of your eye. Don't give in to the Antichrist's adherents.ย Revolutionaries from the WEF want to reformat - erase information and prepare carriers to download new information, erasing life-giving programs of natural development of humans and societies, recording algorithms of synthesis of killers and other outrages. All these details of satanic objects - the fruits of the survivors of the mind ribosome, they are waiting for arrest or impeachment, the court and the highest measure. Stay away from those who have tarnished themselves with links to them. They have no forgiveness either. For each unit of one can, on average, there are two shooting articles. Do not fertilize your egg with credulity and ignorance.

Support scientists and politicians who conform to the European traditions of capitalism. We have the same genes with them, and the cans don't have that idea, and they have different genes. Today they rushed into the 'New World communism' this is their obsession. They do not understand what is written by the Creator in each of us. It's like redoing our genes, killing.

Beware of the slurry that satanic TV channels and presses with different mutations of lies are splashing on you. Beware especially during election campaigns.ย 

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Antรณnio Guterresa UN Secretary-General ๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ณ, a communist, a socialist at heart and a specialist in the movement of illegal refugees to Europe and the United States ๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ธ solemnly laid a wreath -

''New World Order''ย 

Remember, they can't lie, their credo of life - you can't cheat - you can't live.ย 

Oklahoma Governor Kevin Stitt:

"Vaccination against COVID-19 is a personal choice. I signed SB 658 so students could go to school without making that choice. The law also prohibits schools from requiring vaccine passports or masks for unvaccinated students."

CARS-CoV-2 is a very weak virus. That is, for staff exercises, a test system of low pathogenicity was used. And yet it caused panic around the world.

All this threatens the organizers of the special operation "Covid" with a sad end. It may end badly for them. They failed to shut up all information channels of counteraction, fool all people around the world and motivate all government officials. And the operation began to fail.

Maybe you didn't need to start with such a low level of knowledge and basic training? Such regular people who want to control the world we spin in one place with one hand, you know where. People came to a sense of common sense and everyone began to understand. Your boundless arrogance dissolved in an over-the-counter lie with your false humanists scientists will sit on the bench of an international tribunal. And that's at best. Or it may be: the demo tribunal may only seem like a child's joke.

Well, I couldn't wait to brag.ย However, then in 2019 all sharply tried to "forget" ...ย 

But it's not a needle ๐Ÿ’‰ in a haystack, Friends.ย

German lawyer Rayner Fulmich .ย 

He and a group of like-minded people compared the swine flu pandemic to COVID-19 and discovered, among other falsifications, that the catastrophic situation was 12 years ago and now has some authors.ย 

"The panic forecast turned out to be false."ย 

Rainer Fulmich.

Rayner Fulmich is one of four members of the Coronavirus Investigation Commission.ย 

The group has gathered enough facts and they prove: the coVID-19 pandemic is a crime against humanity organized by a group of individuals.

A new trend of creative guys from the Marxist circle is various teachings and preparation for a dark winter and "unexpected" cyber attacks around the world. Up to this point, that is, before these Marxists, the world somehow lived without massive hacker attacks, but after their cyber-exercises, which were held at least twice, they collapsed on the World one after another ... as with Covid and Event 201, as soon as the exercises were passed, covid came to visit, against which the exercises were held.

Most of all, the United States suffered from these alleged attacks. That is, the states became the main sufferer and the testing ground at the same time, but these cyber rehearsals were held on their territory. Suffered too loud a word, if you refer it to the global - kahal. We do not know the real damage, but the attacked companies received insurance and long ago compensated for the damage, and maybe even earned, as in the case of the Suez Canal. The supply chains on which the plans of the global kahal are aimed are in the narrative of creating hunger with the aim of total reformatting of the food preferences of Humanity. According to their plans to disrupt the chain is a holy thing, to abolish many things, including the agricultural producer to ruin, the restaurant business to let around the world with an outstretched hand, retail trade.ย 

What is their Goal ๐ŸŽฏ Their goal is to break supply chains, they achieve the goal with the help of a false accident, and there is no damage as such.

The plans are a global reformatting of the human diet, plans to replace natural meat ๐Ÿฅฉ if they have everything going as it goes.

. And what about meat ๐Ÿ–. Instead of meat, and it will become a delicacy, they will offer protein, it is synthetic and extracted from insects, which both Klaus Schwab and Gates take care of and plans to make us all eat this shit and wash down with water purified from shit. Although the waters on our planet at least zaleysya, just it's not managers for people. They are real bandits and thieves for themselves and a lot of them go according to a completely clear plan.ย 

And the owner of this yacht ๐Ÿ›ฅ Russian billionaire Igor Kesaev.ย 
Details of fishing yachts virologist Bezus and this gentleman near the accident in the Suez Canal here ๐Ÿ‘‡

The Cyberpolygon site and everything that comes to mind when skimming through the information. The cyber exercise was held on July 9.ย 

"200 teams from 48 countries have registered for the training. The information published on this page is not complete, as some participants have chosen to remain anonymous," reads the kibeuths held that year and July 9 this year.

Companies from 48 countries conducted cyber attack exercises under the roof of the most influential globalist organization, the SwabIAN WEF, apparently voluntarily draining their holes and vulnerabilities in this way.ย 

One of the leading roles was shown by Russian companies. Almost a third of the companies participating in the exercise are located in Russia and the CIS countries: NTV, Sberbank, Tinkoff, Ozone, TASS and others.

So, the information partners of the Swab cyber exercise were Russian and only Russian companies:ย 

๐Ÿ”นTASS is the leading state news agency of Russia, which is an active and respected member of the following global and regional organizations: World Media Summit (WMS); World Congress of News Agencies (NAWC); European Alliance of News Agencies (EANA); Organizations of news agencies in ATOR (OANA); Black Sea National Information Association of Agencies (BSANNA); Council of Heads of State News Agencies of the CIS (CIS Information Council); and the Association of National News Agencies of the CIS Member States (ANIA);

๐Ÿ”นNTV, one of Russia's leading federal broadcasting channels/companies and Russia's largest private broadcaster, is the first Russian TV channel to use 5G technologies.ย 

Simple participants who did not become anonymous and applied for participation in the Swabian event openly, were:

๐Ÿ”นMinistry of Digital Development and Communications of the Orenburg Region is the executive body of the executive power of the Orenburg Region for the management of information technologies.

๐Ÿ”นSber - The Sber ecosystem provides a wide range of services to meet the daily needs of individual customers and businesses, which is based on Sberbank, Russia's largest bank and the world's leading financial institution, which accounts for almost a third of the total assets of the Russian banking sector.ย 

๐Ÿ”นTinkoff - Financial online ecosystem focused on the needs of customers - individuals and legal entities, which actively uses artificial intelligence and machine learning technologies, the core of which is Tinkoff Bank, one of the world's largest digital banks with more than 13 million customers;

๐Ÿ”น Group is the largest Internet business in Russia by daily audience, owning VKontakte and Odnoklassniki, one of the five most popular email services in the world,, the international gaming brand MY. GAMES. Group, engaged in the promotion in Russia, as well as Sber with the head gref, online education;

๐Ÿ”นMTS is a leading telecommunications group in Russia, serving more than 86 million mobile subscribers in Russia, Armenia and Belarus and about 9 million subscribers in Russia, which also goes beyond its traditional infrastructure business and offers innovative offerings, including digital, financial, banking services, the Internet of Things (this requires a 5G standard), cloud computing, information security, system integration and e-commerce;

๐Ÿ”นHome Credit Bank - The organization specializes in retail banking in Russia and Kazakhstan, with a base of 39.7 million people.ย 

๐Ÿ”นUZCERT - the leading state institution of the Republic of Uzbekistan in the field of cybersecurity;

๐Ÿ”นTengri Laboratory - System integrator from Kazakhstan, created for the implementation of IT projects in the field of smart cities, big data processing, artificial intelligence, security and video analytics, actively cooperating with IBM, the autonomous educational organization "Nazarbayev University", Kazakhtelecom, BTS Digital, Transtelecom and other participants of the IT market;

๐Ÿ”นAgency of the Republic of Kazakhstan for Regulation and Development of the Financial Market - a state body that provides a sufficient level of protection of the rights and legitimate interests of consumers of financial services;ย 

๐Ÿ”นBKK.KZ - Bank CenterCredit, founded in 1988, is one of the first commercial banks in Kazakhstan.

So, only 13 Russian and near-Russian companies took part in the cyber polygon on July 9 and 20 companies from different countries, which indicates more than a significant participation of Russia in this event, organized by the neo-Marxian-eugenicist-transhumanist Klaus Schwab.

To the left of Bill Gates is the former Soviet defense scientist Alexander Galitsky. 1997.ย 

Alexander Galitsky (Russian: ะะปะตะบัะฐะฝะดั€ Vladimirovich Galitsky, born February 9, 1955, Zarechani, Zhytomyr region, UkrSSR, Soviet Union) is an international technological entrepreneur. He is the founder and president of ELVIS-PLUS, as well as the founder and managing partner of Almaz Capital, and is involved in many technology companies in Europe and the United States. In the Soviet years, he was a scientist-defender of the Soviet space industry.

We took only the Russians and their companies, taking into account the homeland of real communism, as well as the company of the so-called CIS (their New USSR), but this is quite enough to begin to suspect and think: "... and there is no confrontation between the West and Russia, Russia and the globalist Satanists, the Russian authorities and the global Kahal, but there is collusion and everyone works together, but against all of US, against the Peoples of the world.ย 

ย ย ย ย ย  What do you say now, Mr. Joe?ย 

ย Some participants in last year's cyber exercise, organized by WEF Director Juergens and WEF founder Schwab, who announced the upcoming "Dark Winter", the "Great Reset" and "a comprehensive cyberattack that can completely stop the energy supply, transport, hospital infrastructure and our society as a whole", compared to what "the COVID-19 crisis could be considered as a small adventure".

Inhumans warn the world about a large-scale cyber attack, which they themselves will arrange.ย

Watch all the video message German Gref (Chairman of the Board of Sberbank of the Russian Federation).ย 

Apparently, you really wanted and searched for the biggest adventure of your life and found, found on your own ass.

By historical standards, it was its own not so long ago. Given the 100-year historical cycle we wrote about earlier, begs the reader not to be confused with any other cycles.ย 

On April 28, 1945, at 4:10 p.m., Benito Mussolini and Clara Petacci were shot by Italian partisans led by Colonel Valerio (Walter Audisio) on the outskirts of the village of Mezegra.

The dead bodies of the Duce and his mistress, like the bodies of six other fascist hierarchs, were transported to Milan, where they were hung by their feet to the ceilings of the gas station in Piazza Loreto, where the crowd spat and threw stones at the corpses for several days. The face of the former dictator was disfigured almost beyond recognition.

๐Ÿ…˜๐Ÿ…ฃ'๐Ÿ…ข ๐Ÿ… ๐Ÿ…‘๐Ÿ…ก๐Ÿ…ž ๐Ÿ…•๐Ÿ…˜๐Ÿ…๐Ÿ…ข๐Ÿ…’๐Ÿ…ž

Libyan statesman and military figure, libya's de facto leader from 1969 to 2011.ย 

tHE PrOTocol WaS issuED by mR tREasurEr, SeNIor seRgeaNt OF The arMeD FOrCEs Of The resERve ๐Ÿ’ฒ

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