This is from Vissarionych and I a musical 🎶 pause and toast 🥂. So to speak from our table for your table in the Indian - African - Ukrainian - Moldavian - Gypsy hut. 

Be healthy and most importantly rich in 🥃 🥃 

Born in the spring of March 28, 

In the beautiful city of New York, 

Saw our world - driven into standards, 

The arrival of the vaccine 💉 on the way to the end of the needle 💉 

After all, beauty once did not shine, 

And she was fat, and her nose was big... 

But Stephanie overcame the trouble, 

She was herself. 

Peers laughed at clothes, 

Over bright, catchy tinsel. 

Gaga still had hope. 

That the world would love her like that. 

And what did you think? Happened! 

The whole world saw her clip, 

Madonna, Britney - everything is forgotten, 

With delight to the TV stuck ! 

Now she's the star of the vaccine 💉. 

And there is no equal to that star, 

Not Stephanie, but Lady Ga-Ga : 

Let everyone know her name! 

Now she's beautiful! 

The enemies of her vaccines burn for envy, 

And most importantly - now she is happy, 

And she is in love with the beautiful Man 

- Who is he? He's Theodore, Napoleon!  

Believe me, the exception was not . 

After all, Theodoros is a world hero, 

And loves Gaga to all he WHO. 

Why? Yeah, just was born like that. 

On stage she no longer needs. 

She's all in medicine, with her head, 

Still, next to such a man, 

Formed ,vakatsionnyh our duet ...! 

This is from Vissarionych and I a musical 🎶 pause and toast 🥂. So to speak from our table for your table in the Indian - African - Ukrainian - Moldavian - Gypsy hut. 

Be healthy and most importantly rich in 🥃 🥃 

Sorry 😥, we forgot to sign a variety of birds 🦢 in the latter case, immediately correct, do not judge us strictly dear our 🤩 And the old woman is ruined, we are not so young to remember all the details of the plumage of the 🦜 

           Blue-faced amazon


Sorry dear, we not only forgot about the feathers of 🪶, but also our traditional editorial bouquet of 💐 flowers also forgot, do not dissuad the sweet 🥰, the age of youth has spread along with memory and conscience. Take this exotic gift from us complete with gloves, so as not to injure your hand and hot heart ❤️ 🔥 from unbearable pain. Always dress. By the way, they are also very practical and convenient for many other things. Wear and don't even thank you. All to your feet love 😻 you are our frozen in sperm.

Yes, 👏, sweet Ga-Ga-Ga 🥰, if you do not know all the possibilities of using these cute gloves, then call 📱 Alexandra Daddario, he and his sister are very great specialists in the use in everyday life of especially large sizes of different rubber products and for different things. Their mentor Ari Melber is a great master of 👨 🔧 and a specialist from his youth in rubber, this is his profile, good luck to you dear Ga-Ga-Ga👌

Evening to your hut my favorite 🤩 bird 🇺🇸 sweet-voiced nightingales 🇺🇸😻
Wake up in the morning Lady is not rooster 🐓 prokukarekav, Hunter will raise as a Man. 
Girls 👧 please wipe the ass girl, she is all in 💩 and we from the world of 🗺 call and complain that they are very attracted to suppurate Ga- Ga - Ga. Boys do not need to be instructed, they only themselves will be smeared and will not wipe out well 👌 ass. Thank you 🙏 in advance, 
I love 😻 you cute 🥰 and wash your hands before learning from Ari Melber, Alexandra Daddario and Laura Clery how to wash 🧽 hands properly. 
Maybe about the ass, full of shit, they will also tell and show. Do not catch a cold, dress warmer, there is a dark cold WINTER 🥶 
By the way, if suddenly Ari is hidden on Alexandra, then this guy down 👇 should also know how to properly wash 🧽 hands 👇
DR. 👩 ⚕️ LADY 💉AGA 🇺🇸 21. 
Ethiopian state terrorist, former Minister of Foreign Affairs of Ethiopia, Director General of the World Health Organization, who is waiting for criminal charges of genocide in his homeland, Tedros Adanom Ghebreyesus for some reason completely removed all covid restrictions and in erotic dance neglects not only gloves, but also a mask. It's also good that 🩲 didn't take off my panties. 
 Satanists in life and reality show us not only their underwear 🩲, coke and how to properly inhale this coke, as well as advertising injections and their sign 666.
Erotic striptease 🎭 from Ethiopia without Lady Gaga. 
             Friendly family 
They've been lying around the clock for over a year and a half. We know they're lying. They know we know they're lying, but they're lying anyway.
On the rights of free advertising for the Lady in connection with the financial difficulties of the woman. 
DR. 👩 ⚕️ LADY 💉AGA 🇺🇸 21. 
DR. 👩 ⚕️ LADY 💉AGA 🇺🇸 21 👆 

They've been lying around the clock for over a year and a half. We know they're lying. They know we know they're lying, but they're lying anyway.

🚩BBC, Dec. 1, 2020: No plans for a "vaccine passport" - Michael Gove says Covid immunity passports are "not in the plans."
🚩BBC, 5 September 2021: #COVID19, Vaccine Passports will be available in England this month.
Vaccination and Reproduction
🚩"Reproductive health clinics report after the injection that male sperm and female eggs are almost dead." (c)WebinarVds
🚩"Over the past 20 years, sperm count has decreased by 40%. Will we see another blow to male fertility due to the ACE2 receptor in the testes and untested gene drugs that produce spike protein toxins targeting ACE2?" (c)Dr. R. Hodkinson, former Chairman of the Royal College of Physicians/Surgeons of Ottawa.
🚩"In short, the bottom line is this: we made a big mistake, we didn't realize it until now, we thought spike protein was a great target antigen. We never knew that spike protein itself is a toxin and a pathogenic protein. So when we vaccinate people, we inadvertently inject them with a toxin. In some people, it goes into circulation, and when it happens, it can cause damage, especially in the cardiovascular system [blood clots, heart attacks, intestinal bleeding, penetrates the blood-brain barrier, is observed in breast milk, which has been observed to cause intestinal bleeding in infants]. My question is, because of the accumulation of spike protein, especially in the ovaries, do we make some of them infertile?" (c)Dr. Byram Bridle, Associate Professor of Viral Immunology, University of Guelph 5/28/2021
Is it really worth the plebs in the west to risk introducing this unknown compound offered free of charge by the world's worst governments to protect against the disease with a 99.8% chance of a full recovery? 
Hansen, IDID 2021. The first case of post-post-post examination in a vaccinated patient. He died of a COVID19 breakthrough/aspiration, interestingly, mRNA was detected everywhere after 25 days! As for the consequences-pdf
False mRNA shots from Pfizer and Moderna are not traditional and are not vaccines at all. Since there is no separate COVID-19 virus in nature, no one has singled it out. These are experimental injections with very dangerous contents to everything else use RNA messenger in order to force the body to produce proteins-spikes. Not the whole virus, but only part of it. 
Countless side effects, tens of thousands of official deaths, useless and futile condemnation of the widespread violation of national administrations for violating the Nuremberg Code and the Helsinki Agreements on the Non-Proliferation of Bacteriological Weapons. All that our Grandfathers fought for in the Second World War, many of them laid down their lives. Now, after 75 years, there is a widespread violation of Nuremberg. 
It's time to start a new war. 
The war is not against nation-states, not against the peoples of nation-states, but against governments, whether out of boredom, out of addiction to sin or for any other reason who have fallen into the service of perverts. War against the possessed and finished scoundrels who arranged this world Hell. 
A war against those obsessed with their own personal madness and end in their fixation on the sum of everyone's personal madness.
In addition to plans to kill the national population of different countries of the world with poison in syringes, called vaccines and repeatedly voiced by a friend of the king of pedophilia Epstein Gates, the ideologist of the perversions of neo Marx Klaus Rothschild (Schwab) in 2015 talked about their plans to use pranks to change our DNA and make us inhuman, not belonging to themselves, slaves obeying his orders. 
Just imagine, Friends, the level of their madness. They are extremely dangerous to society. Given the resources and assets they possess, there is only one way to rid Humanity of them – physical elimination. Their elimination, well, or a people's war followed by an international investigation and tribunal.
We have very little time left...

The mind is our most powerful tool. There's nothing he can't do. According to numerous studies, it actively generates new ideas, even when we rest or do nothing. Often we can find a solution to complex problems simply after a full night's sleep.

Just as our physical condition depends on what we feed our bodies, our mental state depends on the quality of the information we feed to our brains. If we fill our brain with real data that allows it to solve fundamental problems, it will process that data in the background and offer unexpected solutions.

Unfortunately, most people prefer to feed their minds not with real facts that can allow us to change the world, but with random Netflix series or TikTok videos. On a deep level, our brains can't tell the difference between fiction and reality, so the abundance of digital entertainment forces our subconscious mind to search for solutions to non-existent problems.

To be creative and productive, we must first clear our minds of the sticky dirt of irrelevant content that "recommendation algorithms" flood it with on a daily basis. If we want to regain creative freedom, we must first regain control of our minds.

Pavel Durov

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