Murzilka 10. 

Murzilka 10. 

the mAGaziNe 'ObVIoUSly increDIblE'

It's never happened before. The White House said it will and have begun working with major dating apps Tinder, Hinge, OkCupid, BLK, Chispa, Plenty of Fish, Bumble and Badoo to offer perks and badges #COVID19 those who have been vaccinated against kovdiosis. 🤦🏻 ♂️

 WE'RE definitely on the path that idiotic Satanists, sometimes not even know what we're doing, are definitely on the road that we've been put in.

1,800 years ago, people had to have a special certificate confirming their loyalty to the Roman emperor and the pagan gods. It was called the Certificate of Sacrifice, or libellus, and it is very similar to today's Covid medical certificates.

The edict stipulated that everyone in the Empire, with the exception of the Jews, make sacrifices and exclaim the incense to the gods and well-being of the emperor in the presence of a Roman magistrate and receive written permission and a certificate that it was done, signed by a judge and witnesses.

That is, in the reign of the Roman Emperor Dezia (249-251) the early church faced persecution throughout the empire. The only way to avoid persecution was to sacrifice the pagan gods on behalf of the emperor. This was mandatory for all citizens and was put in place at the local level. As soon as you made a sacrifice, you were given the Certificate of Sacrifice, which was the ticket of life. 

That is, the certificate testified to the loyalty of the "gods." 

"Commissioners of sacrifices from Aurelia Demos, who does not have a father, daughter Elena and wife Aurelius Irina from the neighborhood of Ellinium. I have always had a habit of making sacrifices to the gods, and now I am also in your presence, in accordance with the command, made sacrifices and libations and tried the offering, and I ask you to confirm my statement. I, Aurelia Demos, submitted this declaration. (Aurelius Irina wrote for her, as she is illiterate). I, Aurelius Sahin Pritanis, saw you make sacrifices. "

Grief to the People, led by the ignorant, most of whom likened to leading him, becoming as idiots as leading him to Hell to be slaughtered.

EEF positions itself as the "International Organization for Public-Private Cooperation." To achieve their goals, they work with various private companies, charities and governments. Researcher Stephen Guinness recently described how the WEF collaborates with various institutions to achieve its stated goals and how the strategic intelligence platform is "coordinated with leading thematic experts from academia, think tanks and international organizations."

"Co-curators are perhaps the most important aspect to consider here, given that they have the opportunity to share their experiences with an extensive network of Forum members, partners and participants, as well as a growing public audience," Guinness writes. "Then it is safe to assume that when co-curators speak, members and partners of the World Economic Forum listen. This is partly how the WEF agenda is formed."

As Guinness points out, the co-curators of the strategic intelligence map of the globalist vision are Harvard University, massachusetts Institute of Technology, Imperial College London, Oxford University, Yale University and the European Council on Foreign Relations. Some of these institutions continue to play an important role in shaping the narrative of the covid.

The highest level of WEF partnership is known as strategic partners. There are only 100 international companies on the list of strategic partners. Each partner receives an invitation if it "complies with the values of the forum." These "partners" shape the future by making a significant contribution to the development and implementation of the forum's projects and advocating public-private dialogue.

The WEF's strategic partners are the Johnson and Johnson Foundation of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. Bill Gates has also long been a "contributor to the agenda" of the WEF. As mentioned above, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation collaborated with the Johns Hopkins Center for Medical Security and the WEF as part of the Event 201 exercise in October 2019. Johnson and Johnson were also partners in this teaching.

As TLAV has previously documented, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation operates in a similar way to the WEF: their publicly stated goals mask a global control program. Thus, it is not surprising that Klaus Schwab, the founder of the WEF, is a former member and member of the Steering Committee of the secret Bilderberg Group.

The WEF itself is akin to the more public Bilderberg Group, which brings together some 3,000 business leaders, international political leaders, economists, celebrities and journalists for a five-day conference to discuss global issues. The WEF meets every January in Davos, Switzerland, to discuss its agenda. The ELitism of the WEF led to the fact that Schwab and his associates received the nickname of the Davos class.

In January 2021, the theme of the WEF meeting will be the "Great Reboot." It's important that you all keep an eye on the WEF and their desire for a Great Reboot as we, Friends, approach the 2020 U.S. election and the potentially "dark winter." Klaus Schwab, Bill Gates and others like them are determined to present themselves as saviors of humanity. They are using panic with #COVID-19 as an opportunity to advance their agenda by selling it as a cure for our problems.

This class of predators tries to mask their true intentions in a colorful language designed to lull the waking masses. To be clear, our world absolutely and without a doubt exists in abs. unsustainable paradigm. Many problems were obvious before the covid, but the fragility of the systems has become more apparent in recent months. However, these psychopaths would prefer that we allow them to stay in their driver's seat with a ram in their hands, as they lead us into the future of technocratic control and the end of individual freedom.

While Schwab and Gates would prefer the peoples of the world to give in to their vision, we must resist this desire to centralize power and technology. The great reset is the finish. We have a lot of problems facing our species that need to be solved. However, central planning, oversight and the loss of individual freedom are not the answer. The answer lies in decentralization, mass rejection, non-compliance and non-participation in the systems that have led us to this predicament.

We, the free people, must decide which way we choose. Will we stand by and allow perverts and predators to seize control of all resources and power over us and over our children, on the future generation? Or will we finally free ourselves from their violent systems? The answer is up to you.

Davos January 2020👇

List of names from Maxwell's files.

Huma Abedin

Laura Silsby

Rachel Chandler

Jeffrey Epstein

Gisele Maxwell

John Podesta

Michael Podesta

James Alefantis

Anthony Spoone

Leslie Wexner (Chairman of The Board of Directors of Limited Inc.)

Herbert Strauss

Isidore Strauss

Martin A. Novak

Steven Spielberg

Edgar Bronfman-Senior (Chairman of Seagram)

Charles Bronfman (Seagram Co)

Michael Steinhardt (former hedge fund manager)

Sarah Bronfman

Claire Bronfman

Niles Lehman (Professor at Portland State University)

Seth Roger

Ruth Ginsberg

Alison Mack

Robert Maxwell

Wendy Murdoch

Jonathan Cheban

Naomi Campbell

Maximiliam Chau

Val Kilmer

Marina Abramovic


Steven Spielberg

Michael Jackson

Kevin Spacey

Alison Mack

Mark Collins-Rector (founder of Den)

Chad Shackley

Brock Pierce

David Geffen

Tom Hanks

Dustin Hoffman

Andrew Kreisberg (producer)

Bryan Singer

Harvey Weinstein

Bob Weinstein

Roman Polanski


Charlie Sheen

Kethy Peri

Miley Cyrus

Errol Flynn

Billy Graham

Walt Disney

Michael Laney (former Vice President of Walt Disney)

James Gunn (Disney)


Heidi Fleiss

Jeffrey Epstein


Alison Mack

Stormy Daniels

Rachel Chandler

Gisele Maxwell


Gisele Maxwell

Chris Tucker

Larry Summers

Lisa Summers

Bill Murray

Bill Hammond

Ehud Barak

Andres Pastrana (former President of Colombia in 1998-2002)

Jean-Luc Brunel

Doug's Group

Ron Burkle

Woody Allen

Sarah Kellen

Ray Barzanne

Andrea Mitrovic

Peter Marino

Shelley Lewis

Pavel Halali

Richardo Legoretta

Tom Pritzker

Kelly Spamm

Tiffany Gramsa

Claire Hazel

Paula Epstein

Mark Epstein

Ralph Alison

Sophie Biddle

Audrey Reimbo

Shelley Harrison

Melinda Luntz

Gwendolyn Beck

Albert Pinto

Linda Pinto

Gary Roxburgh

Mandy Alison

Jean Michel Gatti

Virginia Roberts

Christie Rogers

Greg Holbert

Alice Rogers

Juliet Bryant

Heather Mann

Ed Tuttle

Glen Dubin

Ellen Spencer

Chris Wagner

Casey Wasserman

Laura Wasserman

Paul Mellon

Oliver Sacks

Henry Rozovsky

Lynn Forester (de Rothschild)

Joe Pagano

Naomi Campbell

Nicole Junckermann

Rodney Slater

Magali Blajon (Deperier)

Svetlana Gryaznova

Emmy Tyler

Larry Iesoschi

Juan (Pablo) Molyneux

Freya Vilanovas

Adam Perry Lang

Fleur Perry Lang

Karen Casey

Hank Koller

Cindy Lopez

Mark Lloyd

Alan Dershowitz

Seth Greene

James Gunn

Steven Spielberg

Tom Hanks

Stephen Colbert

Jimmy Kimmel

Barack Obama

Kevin Spacey

Kathy Griffin

Oprah Winfrey

Sean Carter

Beyonce Knowles

Anthony Kiedis

John Legend

Chrissy Tibern

Jim Carrey

Steven Tyler

Ben Affleck

Stephen Collins

Will Ferrell

Aliaaune Damala Badara Thiam (Akon)

Jeffrey Jones

Victor Salva

Mark Collins Rector

Charlie Sheen

Tyler Grasham

Kathryn Hudson

Gwen Stefani

Stephanie Hermanotta

James Franco

Will Smith

Justin Roland

John Cusack

Anderson Cooper

Demi Moore

Brian Affleck

Meryl Streep

Wanda Sykes

Chelsea Handler

Michelle Wolff

David Jaroveschi

Pharrell Williams

quentin tarantino

Courtney Love

Alec Baldwin

Robert Downey Jr.

Disney Corporation (offers children "snorkeling" on Epstein Island)

🇺🇸Sign Christina Maxwell's sister, Giselle Maxwell, Epstein's pimp, her software company Chiliad provides database software to the FBI's counterterrorism team. In the photo, Christina Maxwell and her husband a friend of Gates, responsible for the rumors, panic and blocking in the U.S. conman Fauci. 

By the way, the daughter of this couple Alison ("Ali"), directly deals with censorship of the coding topics on Twitter, occupying the relevant position in the company. 

A you, Friends, can continue to listen to these paedophile perverts broadcasting to the world what he needs to do. 

No one would deny the existence of a record in the onboard magazine of the plane Epstein named as Gates, who changed his mind to kill everyone until the population of the ball is reduced to 1 billion, and now suddenly decided to treat everyone from the couid to save and multiply the citizens of the planet .

🇺🇸U NIAID director Scam Fauci has a daughter named Alison ("Ali"). Fauci's daughter, it must be said, is far from beautiful and more like a middle-aged man, but she is a software developer for Twitter. 

We hope now you understand, Friends, why Twitter so controversially blocks any truthful information about the covid, paedophile elitaria and so on.

WHO Emergency Committee: Pandemic will persist for decades

The World Health Organization (WHO) expects the Covid 19 pandemic to be "protracted" and remain a "public health emergency of international importance" for decades. This was announced on Saturday by the WHO Emergency Committee. 

"The pandemic is a century-old health crisis whose effects will be felt in the coming decades," WHO Director Tedros Adhanom Ghbreesus, previously seen uns masked at a party, said on Friday. "Many countries that thought they had experienced the worst are now struggling with new outbreaks."

😳In the time that WHO has taken care of the Ethiopian statesman, Ethiopian Foreign Minister, Marxist and former terrorist, today the Director-General of the World Health Organization Tedros Adan Gebreisus has for some reason completely removed all the cap-and-treating restrictions along with his clothes and neglects not only the gloves but also the mask. 

An in-depth comparative diagram of various respirators, masks and the comparative size (photo 2) of the virus and the cells of the mask that you usually wear for some reason.

Medical technology company ApiJect is developing a brand new ultra-low-cost "soft" syringe to quickly spread the vaccine to every American and at the same time track who received it using an RFID microchip, which is implanted on the syringe itself. 

An introductory video from ApiJect Media's YouTube account, which summarizes the process of producing this new syringe using a program called Rapid Aseptic Packaging of Injectable Drugs (RAPID):

On May 12, 2020, the U.S. Department of Defense issued a press release titled "The U.S. Department of Defense enters into a $138 million contract allowing the use of pre-filled syringes for the future COVID-19 vaccine."

"Today, the Department of Defense and the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services announce a $138 million contract with ApiJect Systems America for Project Jumpstart and RAPID USA, which together will significantly expand the U.S. ability to manufacture domestic medical-grade injecting devices starting in October 2020."

🇺🇸NN "microprocessor syringes" with a microprocessor chip from the U.S. Department of Defense and Gates will be used to distribute doses of the COVID-19 vaccine in the United States. 

Axinal "Beast label" with quantum dots is tested on corpses. 

Researchers at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology have developed a new way to record the history of patient vaccinations: storing data in the form of invisible to the naked eye dye, which is injected under the skin at the same time as the vaccine.

🔹"In areas where paper vaccination cards are often lost or do not exist at all, and electronic databases are not available, this technology can provide rapid and anonymous detection of patient vaccination history to ensure that every child is vaccinated," said Kevin McHugh of MIT, now associate professor of bioengineering at Rice University.

A few years ago, the MIT team decided to develop a method for recording vaccination information so that a centralized database or other infrastructure would not be required. Many vaccines, such as the measles vaccine, mumps and rubella (MMR), require multiple doses at certain intervals; Without accurate records, children may not receive all the necessary doses.

🔹"To protect yourself from most pathogens, you need to do several vaccinations. In some parts of the developing world, this can be very challenging because there is a lack of data on who has been vaccinated and whether they need additional vaccinations or not."

To create a "stationary" decentralized medical map, researchers have developed a new type of copper-based quantum dots that emit light in the near-infrared spectrum. The dots have a diameter of only about 4 nanometers, but they are encased in biocompatible microparticles that form spheres about 20 microns in diameter. This encapsulation allows the dye to remain in place under the skin after the injection.

The microneedles used in this study are made from a mixture of soluble sugar and a polymer called PVA, as well as a dye with quantum dots and a vaccine. When the patch is applied to the skin, the microneedles, which are 1.5 millimeters long, partially dissolve, releasing their payload for about two minutes.

By selectively loading microparticles into microneedles, patches create a pattern on the skin that is invisible to the naked eye, but which can be scanned on a smartphone like the proverbial three-six-year-old code that has an infrared filter removed. 

Tests using human corpse skin have shown that quantum dot patterns can be detected by smartphone cameras after five years of simulating sun exposure. The researchers also tested this vaccination strategy on rats using micro-igol patches that delivered quantum dots along with the polio vaccine. They found that these rats generated an immune response similar to that of rats who received a traditional polio injectable vaccine.

🔹"This study confirmed that the inclusion of a dye vaccine in microneedle areas did not affect the effectiveness of the vaccine or our ability to detect dye. Storage, access to and control of medical records is an important topic with many possible approaches," said Mark Prousnitz, head of chemical and biomolecular engineering at Georgia Tech, who was not involved in the study. "This study presents a new approach in which the medical card is stored and controlled by the patient in the patient's skin in a minimally invasive and elegant way."

The study was funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and the Koch Institute Support Grant of the National Cancer Institute.

And you, you're not chipping, and we're idiots. You're obscurantists yourself.

I'm Bill Gates, co-chair of Bill and Melinda Gates' Fourdation. 

-The question of what things should be going in a tricky way. Of course, food and health care. We still need water, electricity and the Internet. The supply chains of critical goods must be maintained. Countries are still figuring out what to do.

After all, we'll have some digital certificates to show that who has recovered or been recently tested, or when we have a vaccine, who got it.

-Digital certificates? Are you saying that each individual will receive a document that says we have been tested? Can this be used against us?

-No, he says that Microsoft and MIT have developed "tattoo markers" that show whether you have received the vaccine or not. This will be due to Gates' new invention, ID2020, which is a digital identification microchip implanted under the skin.

Of course, he has more public relations practices than me, so he can say it more gently. This is the most disturbing site I've ever seen...

Is there a malicious master plan behind all this? 

Yes, there is, it is the desire for totalitarian control and the New World Order. 

There is such a concept in the business of "Lac" , so in 2020 by 2022 the world will be the most terrible in the history of mankind. 

1. The U.S. economy fell by a third in the second quarter. This means that if this continues (which is for sure) 100 million people in the UNITED States alone will lose their livelihoods.

2. The global aviation industry employs about 65 million people. This is roughly the equivalent of the UK population. On top of that, some of these people have families. In general, about 130 million people in the world receive basic income (or a very large part) from the aviation industry. Currently, the industry is declining by 80% worldwide, which means another 100 million people without a livelihood in a way they are also likely to lose most of their income.

3. The global hotel industry employs more than 200 million people. The industry has also shrunk, in some areas of the world as much as twice, in some to 90%. At least, it is another 100-200 million people who will need to find another job.

4. Most countries have not yet published their GDP figures for the second quarter, Germany has reached "only" 10% of the decline. Which is also the biggest drop in German history. Many other countries will suffer even more, as will the United States.


a. By the end of next year, we will probably have about 1 billion new unemployed people on the planet. 

b. Governments can set up a rescue fund for them - but it can only work temporarily. You can't print money out of thin air forever. Ask the government how the printing of the money ends. 1 billion people who sit at home and watch the monthly payment of benefits, what will happen to them? Laziness and aggression will accumulate. 

c. In some sectors of the economy so far everything is good, because still busy people just buy things online. They start new hobbies that they didn't have time for before. 

The entire global economic system is built on ridiculous piles of debt - which was necessary to maintain the system and grow the economy. If the economy no longer grows, these huge piles of debt will just overheat everything in the world and explode like Chernobyl. When this happens, in fact EVERY FINANCIAL, BANK OR INSURANCE COMPANY ON THE GROUND IS JUST ABOLISH. To begin with, it only needs a chain reaction, with several detonation points. It's math. 

Check 🧾 

All of the above is really based on facts, and the conclusions from the facts are reliable. It really means that our way of life will no longer exist. We've all driven it to the limit, and now there's enough of something as small as this coil virus to disable the entire global system.

Epstein's black 🖕 book is uncensored.

Bill Gates was young, even before he decided he was an epidemiologist and a vaccinator.

👆Sed by Epstein victims paedophile Dershowitz in new psychedelic video.

🖕A nightmare that even Orwell, Friends, could not have imagined was quickly becoming a reality. When these perverts (many of them, including Gates, are mentioned in the on-board magazine of the paedophile plane Lollita-Exp.) in the truest sense of the word finish, all of you, Friends, will need permission to go somewhere and buy something. Just like it was with the zR codes. That is why they lied to us with the mouths of WHO functionaries sitting on their hook about the pandemic. But they're using it to fully enslave people once the population of the ball comes close to the 1 billion -0.5 billion people. This is the new world order and it will be hell for you if of course you stay alive to see it.

Remember this scam by Fauci, a friend of Gates, who says "throw out those damn masks" then "wear it."

So, he is not only a specialist in covid, but also well versed in circumcision. In 2008, he argued, despite the fact that many doctors encourage circumcision for purely financial reasons, that circumcision reduces the risk of HIV infection.

By the way, now Fauci says that it is necessary in addition to masks to wear glasses or lenses, so as not to pick up a covid.

They said, quote, "the second wave will attract their attention." And then they smiled like all psychopaths.

August 2020.

After the U.S. Government, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and GAVI, the Vaccine Alliance, are WHO's second and third largest financiers. After the U.S. withdrew from the funding program of this discredited organization, led by China's henchman Gebreus, the Gates Foundation and GAVI took on a major financial role. In addition, GAVI was founded and largely funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, which, in fact, tells us that Gates and China, which we are confident of working with him hand in hand, are full-fledged hosts of WHO. In 2010, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation launched the Decade of Vaccines and called for the development of a "Global Vaccine Action Plan." Since then, it has only expanded its network and influence over WHO, GAVI and other organizations to shape public health policies in a way that makes a profit for the Gates themselves.

Interestingly, and thought-down, in early June, the Trump administration announced $1.16 billion in GAVI support through the first virtual Global Vaccine Summit. At that summit, GAVI exceeded the $7.4 billion target and raised $8.8 billion and received commitments from most of the world's major countries, as well as a $5 million donation from the Rockefeller Foundation. More than 25 heads of state and 50 leaders of international agencies, NGOs and the private sector participated in the fundraising event. Among the participants were German Chancellor Angela Merkel, UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres, European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen and World Health Organization Director-General Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghbreesus.

U.N. Secretary-Of State Guterres said the vaccine would not be enough and instead called for "global solidarity ... to ensure that everyone around the world has access to the vaccine," noting that "our individual health depends on our collective health."

Donald Trump, GAVI and Bill Gates. It was at this Global Vaccine Summit. In a video message, Trump said British Prime Minister Boris Johnson had asked him to write down the message: "It's great to be a partner with you. We will work hard, we will work hard." Trump also called COVID-19 "average" and "nasty" and said he showed that "there are no borders."

Trump's support was echoed on Twitter by the U.S. Agency for International Development, infamously known to us by USAID when it organized social media. tensions in Russia and tensions. "USAID echoes Trump's words and is proud to be working with Gavi to make $1.16 billion to protect people with vaccines because vaccines work," the tweet said. (It should be noted that not long ago USAID was accused of creating fake news on social media in an attempt to incite unrest in foreign countries). 

All this, Friends, once again puts Bill Gates and his organization at the top of the Food Chain.., or rather, we wanted to say, the World Pyramids of Health and Finance.

The most important thing, Friends, is to remember and understand in connection with this kind of usurpation of the world's levers of control by one person or one institution behind that person, that WHO is part of the United Nations, which itself is an "intergovernmental organization" that is trying to replace national states as we know them today in favor of global governance schemes. GAVI is a "public-private partnership" where government agencies and private organizations cooperate. Neither WHO, nor GAVI, nor the Gates Foundation, nor any of the above, nor any of these organizations have been elected by the free people of the countries in which they operate, nor have they been given a mandate to govern.

Consequently, those Rulers in the national States that conduct the policies of these people, organizations that in turn do not have a mandadta to govern from the peoples of these States, against the will of the people, in fact delegitimize their own rights to govern the country, which the People gave them during the elections, giving them confidence. 

Think about it, Friends. Think hard.

🇺🇸Epstein frontman of the megagroup.

"I read an article by Alan Dershowitz, which claims that the key witness in the Epstein case is an "anti-Semite". In the article, it claims that Deszowitz is part of the Megagroup. They searched and found out that Megagroup is a secret group of Jewish billionaires who blackmail politicians, and Epstein was their frontman! They were responsible for Clinton's impeachment because they withheld information about his relationship with Lewinsky.

Epstein's only client was Lex Wexner, owner of Victoria Secret. The Bronfmans who ran the NXVIM sexual cult are members, as is the president of the World Jewish Conference. I decided to share so you guys can dig into this a little bit more..."

🔹Epstein was Wexner's frontman

🔹Members of mega elite group

🔹Dershowitz is a member of the MEGA group

🔹Megagroup succeeds in impeachment of Clinton

Later, for unknown reasons, the post was removed from an anonymous forum popular in the U.S., but we managed to creak it. 

Bill Gates says people act like they have a choice, but they don't. Everyone should be vaccinated. Although the vast majority of people in the world already have immunity to COVID-19, Bill Gates says that everyone in the world should get an injection of his mysterious vaccine. "People have no choice" - so think fascists and communists. Please note that Bill Gates has many options, secured by his vast wealth. When he says, "people have no choice," he means that you and I have no choice, because he excludes himself and his fellow Luciferian nihilists from this list.

😳🇺🇸 American families may soon have to wear masks if the advice of White House co-counsel Dr. Birks becomes the rule. 

"What we see today is different from March and April. This is unusually widespread. It's in rural areas like equal urban areas," Birks said in an interview with State of the Union host Dana Bash, before suggesting That Americans take even more extreme precautions against the kovid, "If you live in multigenerational households, and in your rural area or in your city there's an outbreak, you need to think about wearing a mask at home." 🤦🏻 ♂️

What kind of doctor is this that advises this, you ask. What times, such and doctors, we will answer. Think of fauci, who thinks circumcision will save you from HIV. And the saddest thing is, no one will sit down from these defendants. Pretend to be fools, although there is nothing to pretend, everything is painted on the face. 

😳🇺🇸 Remember how five members of the Brazilian parliament went to hospitals to infiltrate them and check how many coe-like patients there were when the thieving Brazilian doctors were caught, so to speak, red-handed - not a single person in the hospital, the hospital was empty. Then one of the Brazilian nurses showed another Brazilian hospital/hospital for boiler-like citizens, which was also empty, and which the media said that it was packed with corpses and koi-like citizens. 

Now, taking advantage of the confusion in the states, one of the Americans went to such a boiler room in the states, and also found no one and nothing, no sea of corpses, no sick, no one and nothing:

Where is the pandemic? Where are all the people? Why is it empty here? Why is it empty? Where is the pandemic? Where is the pandemic?

If someone has not yet understood how to make a co-like panic in the media, then it's very simple

⚠️ In the "crowded" boiler room of the Brazilian hospital was not a single boiler.

Video of what we wrote above: Members of the Brazilian Parliament break into a hospital that claimed to have 5,000 infected covid and 200 coe-like deaths and catch doctors red-handed - not a single person, they deceived the whole world

⚠️ We showed the video and reported how members of the Brazilian parliament stormed the hospital to see if the second wave of coviids were true, which the hospital said left 5,000 infected covids on the hospital, plus 200 covid deaths. Then thieving Brazilian doctors were caught, so to speak, red-handed - not a single person in the hospital, the hospital is empty.

However, WHO continues to wreak havoc in Brazil, whose President Bolsonaru may be Maidan, and rumors of a second wave of cowids in Brazil. One of the nurses, surprised by this information, showed another Brazilian hospital/hospital for boiler-up citizens.

🇺🇸Pedophile, Epstein's lawyer in a new psychedelic video rubs his hands just as thieves did in the Middle Ages. Thieves rubbed their hands apart to sweat their palms and put their hands in the pocket of passers-by and small coins stuck to their palms.

In September 2019, students from the queen Maxima were told how important it is to study artificial intelligence: "Artificial intelligence will change our lives and what we want to do for a living."

Students were introduced to artificial intelligence during a junior national AI course, a free package developed by FutureNL among others. The president of this organization is billionaire Steven Schurman, the advisory board includes Prince Constantine of Orange and Microsoft Netherlands Director Ernst Jan Stigter.

During the lesson, a number of suggestions were presented where students had to enter "right" or "wrong" to the questions "can you become smarter with a chip in your brain?" or "with a chip in your thumb" when "your files are with you everywhere".

Students were told that in 20 years the OV chip cards would disappear and if they wanted to travel on public transport, they would need to insert a chip in their hand. They were also told that "in 15 years, all children will be chipped at birth..." ❗️

🇺🇸Inspecies of the Fed speaks about another 4 to 6 weeks of co-locking.

A senior official at WHO and the Federal Reserve expect the US to close for four to six weeks. He argues that the state government can afford to continue printing cash. Nil Kashkari, that he believes that we need to focus on controlling the covid.

"If we don't, and we just have this violent virus spread across the country with aggravations and local blockages for the next year or two, which is quite possible, we'll see many more, many business failures," said CBS' Federal Reserve Bank president Neil Kashkari, "Face the Nation." Those of us who are lucky that we still have a job save a lot more money because we don't go to restaurants, cinemas or vacations. In fact, this means that we as a country have much more resources to support those who have been laid off."

Officials need an annual psychiatric examination and admission of a doctor to work in critical areas. Everything is like the pilots and drivers of locomotives, subway 🚇.

In August 2020 plans the chief mechanic of the socialist from the UN makes plans for September .

Indicator of progress by September 2020: The United Nations Secretary-General, together with who's Director-General and Under-Secretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs, strengthens coordination and identifies clear roles and responsibilities and timely triggers for a coordinated United Nations system-wide response to health emergencies in various countries and in different contexts of health and humanitarian emergencies.

The United Nations (including WHO) conducts at least two system-wide training and simulation activities, including one to highlight the deliberate release of a deadly respiratory pathogen.

An interesting fact from the history of the appearance of the Chizhevsky chandelier. 

Chizhevsky took the mice, placed them in an airtight chamber, the air into which was fed through a thick filtering layer of cotton wool. After 5-10 days the animals became sluggish, as in avitaminosis. Gradually the painful condition turned into comatose. The mice flatly refused food, and finally agonized and died.

As they say, about obscurantists and witnesses of masks put the word...

"This is the type of people who in the comments calls us conspiracy theorists and "crazy". Her body is slowly becoming anaerobic due to the lack of O2. Then yeast and mold will begin to grow."

The indirect answer is why in India after Brazil began cat-like fakes with corpses and why the world media were broadcasting about these fakes. (Argentina in turn).

In April, the Indian government signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with Microsoft, enabling its local partner CropData to use the main farmers database. The memorandum of understanding appears to be part of AgriStack's political initiative, which involves the introduction of disruptive 'technology and digital databases' in the agricultural sector...

CropData will have access to a government database of 50 million farmers and their land records. Imagine, Friends, the scale of the draining state and its citizens. 

As the database develops, it will include farmers' personal data, land profile (cadastral maps, farm size, land ownership, local climatic and geographic conditions), production details (grown crops, production history, input history, product quality, available equipment) and financial details (input costs, average return, credit history)...

The displacement of farmers is happening everywhere. In the United States, Gates has already become the largest landowner. Ukraine sold the land, and so on. Now India has begun to promote an active land market for the corporate interests of freaks.

The plan is to own everything and control everything. And this plan, friends, as anyone is not an idiot can see, is global, but first it is implemented locally. So if you see something terrible going on somewhere in one place and then something terrible is happening in another, you can argue with anyone and anything that if they succeed there, then eventually it will get to us.

Someone sailed to the final destination:

The American Red Cross says you can't donate blood plasma if you've had a vaccine because the vaccine destroys the body's natural antibodies. 

🤡 "All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others" (c)George Orwell, "The Animal Farm"

Orwell's allegorical novel predicted that pigs would eventually rule the world. And pigs, as we see now, really rule the world. Although, there is a country where not all their decisions are 100th, as they would like, but which is ready for surrender. 

"The true equation is "democracy" - the government of the world's financiers R. R. Tolkien

"Welcome to Orwell's Brave New World!

Orwell's words (1984) were prophetic. Huxley was Orwell's schoolteacher at Eton College. They both attended elite symposiums in the 1920s and 30s, where all this, what we see now, albeit with some deviations due to the time in which they lived, was discussed with all seriousness. It was something like the early versions of the Bilderberger meetings. So the accuracy of their books was not accidental. 

They really knew what was planned and what the world was waiting for in the future. Huxley simply focused on more socialist elements, while Orwell focused on the fascist. They were both right, because both aspects were always part of the plan - how to help the plebs and how to take care of it and kill. It is clear that the Rulers have always intended to use both approaches as part of their CONTROL structure. And that would be the perfect plan if the world were binary. 

Looking at their personal lives and past, it seems that Orwell tried to warn us. Huxley was more of a blue blood, he was from the British top. He seemed to agree with what the Rulers planned, and with his brother Julian, he did help them.

Were they used by the rulers as textbooks? It's hard to say for sure without rushing into criticism, but I'll say yes. One warned, taking care of the world, another warned with a pitchfork of their beliefs and teachings, according to which people/plebs should voluntarily consciously accept evil. Evil imposed by deception or force will not be lasting. 

While Orwell tried to warn in his care, Huxley tried to execute the plan by veiling the message. Everything was done, as in Scripture - "having eyes, may see" and other, as well as "hearing hear - and do not understand, and look with your eyes - and will not see, for the heart of people is hearted and ears with difficulty to hear, and their eyes closed, but they will not see with their eyes and will not hear ears, and will not understand the heart..." 

"Armament, universal duty and planned moral obsolescence are the three pillars of the West's prosperity. If war, waste and moneylenders were abolished, you would collapse" (c)Aldous Huxley

This is a very deep and comprehensive quote, from which absolutely everything is clear, if you know who Huxley was. If you connected the dots, Friends, what would you see today? 

I think you would see our world today: 

🔹South- is;

🔹s all the debt is there;

🔹intelectual and moral degradation.

Humanity is dealing with a global system of privately owned nation-states. 256 different franchised armed states, owned and controlled by entities, perverted to the impossible. The world is on the brink and it is obvious to any sane person that he has very little left.

ℰ𝒹𝓂ℴ𝓃𝒹 𝒟𝒶𝓃𝓉ℯ𝓈

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