Murzilka 24. 

Murzilka 24. 

"ᝪẞᜱᜧᝪᝀ𐍃 ᜧᜬᢗᜠᠻ᠗ᜧẞ᠘ᠻ ᜬᠻᜦ𐍃"

🌎Dawn of a New Day/Dawn of a New Day and Global Communism.

All world leaders are talking about a new era, a new day or a new world order. Since this is unfolding before us right now, most cannot understand the words and terms they use. As soon as you take the time to study the occult and study the code used by those who have real and real power, the picture for you, Friends, will become stunningly clear.

For example, the rising sun is a symbol that has been used for centuries by both kings and corporations. The sun symbolizes the Dawn of a New Day, a day that was predicted as the time when all humanity will unite to serve one ruler. The Illuminati and other mental deviants of the Sun have accepted the Sun as their symbol, because "the light of the Sun reaches all life on the planet."

All this shows how close we are to the implementation of their plan, if suddenly it is not once again delayed by something unforeseen. At the moment they have moved away from the "all-seeing eye" to the rising sun; this means that they are embarking on the final and final phase of their plan. 

We can only state, Friends, that as their plan spreads around the world, it literally emerges from the darkness of the night into the New Light of the New World Order, flashing on the air "666", carelessly scattered symbols and marks and so on.

All who promised heaven on earth,

created a semblance of hell. 


The parallels between fascism and communism cover all aspects of life. Fascism and communism are actually the stings of each other with one unknown: which of them cost humanity, German and Russian people more expensive. Alas, the whole history of communism and fascism is a history of underestimating the danger, including underestimating their deep unity. Let's look at this internal affinity, so to speak, point by point.


The political ideals of liberalism, democracy, freedom, the priority of the individual and human rights, the triumph of the law, the whole complex of Western ideas have never been associated with "blood and soil", chauvinism, nationalism, anti-Semitism, racism, extremism, terrorism. But as soon as we touch the complex of "great ideas," all this invariably pops up like a hell of a snuffbox. why? Because whenever it is necessary to hide the inner devil, Lenin, Hitler, Stalin and the other with them need "great values" - demonic temptations for the temptation of the masses.

Alas, the movements of the masses are often based on natural human reflexes: hunger, lust, offended feelings, desire for revenge. We just need to inflame dark passions, speculating on classiness, nationalism, infringed dignity or something else, and aunt-hunger will help. Plus - the proverbial "science" ...

With the development of knowledge, the misunderstood "science" has become an indispensable component of the ideology of the masses. Previously, the mass was able to fool the reflex, now - argument. Science is a great power. Nazism and Bolshevism showed that pseudoscience is even stronger. Both there and there - reasoning is untenable: references to logic, arguments, consistency, consistency of opinions, consistency of parts, comparison with practice - all this lost meaning in comparison with primitive instincts. G. Rausching testifies:

"For the National Socialists, the more contradictory the doctrine, the better, the more effective. The mass is never able to cover it as a whole. Those who were able to do so had to either join the elite or be beaten as an intellectual and a liberal.

Doctrine exists for the masses. It is an instrument of domination over the masses. The elite, on the other up, stands above the doctrine. She uses it as she sees fit to pursue her aspirations."

With outright cynicism it preached to like-minded people and the "Fuhrer of all Germans":

"We must put an end to the notion that the crowd can be satisfied with the help of ideological constructions. Cognition is an unsustainable platform for the masses. A stable feeling is hatred. It is much more difficult to shake than an estimate based on scientific knowledge. The broad masses are imbued with the feminine principle: they understand only the categorical "yes" or "no." Mass needs a man with Kirasir boots, who says: this way is correct!"

Yes, the Nazis openly admitted that silently, but much more virtuosic and on a much larger scale carried out ours. But for all their differences not so irrationality and our not so rationalism the result was one. Both there and there, following their Fuhrers, the "agitators and wrestlers" relegated any concept to a simple slogan, the sense of irrefutability of which was created by continuous repetition.

"The primitiveness, the reduction of ideas to slogans, periodically changed as the course changes and often incompatible, affecting not so much the mind as the feeling - these are the features of the propaganda of totalitarianism, "scientific" or mythological, but equally designed for passivity, fear, darkness.

It's only been three years, and Germany couldn't be recognized. It turned into a colossal barracks, where the owner was a Prussian corporal of Austrian origin. Cruel and insidious soldafon, cunning, purposeful and fanatical."

The peculiarity of mass ideology is invariably eclecticism, what in Marxism is called unity and struggle of opposites... "Great tasks" always require great destruction, decisive measures, solemn oaths, complete and final victory.... Nazism included elitism and vulgarity, leadership and "nation," chauvinism and "internationality," anti-capitalism and corporateism, autarky and trade, contempt for the masses and the proclamation of human labor by the salt of the social order. But the main thing was still anti-communism. In May 1933 at the Congress of the German People's Front Hitler said: "14-15 years ago I told the German nation that I see my historical task in destroying communism. These are not empty words, but a sacred oath that I will continue to fulfill until I let out my spirit." 

Most of this applies to communism, and in both cases the general requirement is continuous "strengthening" in the name of one desired goal - the consolidation of power, the dictatorship of the leader, the tekacracy. Nazi ideology, as outlined in Mein Kampf, is unappealing and aggressive - all dissenters are declared enemies and subject to destruction. All the truths are final. With the inherent Nazis and the lack of frankness for the Communists, without a doubt, Hitler ranted: "National socialism cannot be proved and does not need proof. He justifies himself with his activities that ensure the life of society." In short: practice is the criterion of truth... What is our practice is our truth. The practice is well-known...

Nazism and Bolshevism were supposed to smooth out social contradictions on the basis of the national idea, which Lenin became the world revolution, and Hitler - the Third Reich as the center of world expansion. Here and there the workers received a promise that they would share the proceeds of looting - exploiters or conquered states.

 Communism and fascism revived traditional values such as "nation" 

"statehood," the cult of a strong personality and service to it. Here and subordination of the freedoms of the citizen to the interests of the state, the right to formulate which is usurped by the ruling clique, and the hierarchy covered by the fictions of equality - the fundamental principle of communism and fascism, separating people, segregating them on class, national, social, religious or other grounds. Although fascists and communists liked to appeal to the future, the roots of their ideologies similarly went into ancient cults and myths. The Nazis and communists had a negative attitude towards the church, but widely used the millennial church, Jesuit techniques of managing their flock, full submission to the spirit of the human will of the "father."

There is an effect, which I would call inversion, flipping, replacing "black" "white." In brainwashing, the Communists went to the point of obscurantism, to the point of no return, when the converts turned into dissidents.


The state construction of totalitarian states, regardless of the ideologies they use, is based on the same principles of etatism, chiefism and the fiercest hierarchy (the vertical of power). What I will further quote relates to fascism, but equally refers to Bolshevism when the corresponding replacement of some concepts by others:

"Mass was inspired by the idea, entducing it into passion. The idea-passion became an action that concentrated around the personality of the leader. A leader is a living doctrine, an active principle, a soul marked by the seal of electability. And, quite according to Carlyle, the leader was clothed with veneration, worship, ordained, surrounded by a superhuman halo. The Ideocracy turned into autocracy. Personality is the medium of an idea.

Ultimately, it was authoritarianism, which as a method of dictatorship implies excessive centralism of power, strict hierarchy between its members, terror against the opposition and, finally, the concentration of supreme power in the hands of the leader. 

The party has now become a state! The identity of the party and the state - in other words, the party apparatus and state bodies - is one of the main principles of Nazi teaching. Another dogma was also in addition to this principle: "The party is the Fuhrer." 

Both here and there the party was an organization standing over the state. It was the top of the party that commanded everything and everyone. According to the official farinacci doctrine, fully copied from Lenin, the leader is taller than the king, and the federal secretary of the fascist party is above the prefect. It is no coincidence that the Reichstag (substitute - the Supreme Council) was called the highest-paid choir in Germany - its functions were reduced to a unanimous vote and singing of the national anthem after the meetings. The party, using the organs of intimidation, cut and redraw the country, exiled peoples, repressed the undesirables, arranged hunger, erected the Gulag, turned Germans and Russians into slaves. 

Both here and there the ruling party was built on the basis of "democratic centralism", which in Russian means the cruelest and unbreakable hierarchy. According to the statutes of the Bolshevik and Nazi parties, the lower part of the party must blindly submit to the highest, and all, ultimately, the ruling elite, combining the state and party leadership in their hands. At the top of this hierarchical pyramid stood a great leader (duce, Fuhrer), each, even accidentally dropped word of which became law. In it, in his personal cult - the center and pathos of Bolshevik and Nazi-fascist psychology.

Interesting parallel: at first the Great Fascist Council (BFS) in Italy was not formally neither a government nor a state body. It was up to you. Later, in order to consolidate the leadership of the fascist party, the BFS was declared the supreme body, implementing all the activity of the regime, which emerged from the revolution of 1922.

"The main "principles" of the Nazi regime were the undivided domination of the party, the complete subordination of the state and all its institutions (local self-government, court, army, etc.) Nazis; a sophisticated system of propaganda and social demagoguery, monopolization of propaganda and the isolation of the masses from all sources of information from which they could draw truthful information about the internal and external situation of the country; branched apparatus of violence and terror, the creation of a huge network of informants.

The slogan of fascist propaganda read: "One party, one Reich - one Fuhrer." In fact, this meant that the country was given to the power of the party, and the party to the power of the Fuhrer. All non-Nazi parties were dissolved to establish an unrestricted dictatorship."

The commonality between the communist and Nazi parties is that both "relied on all the healthy forces of the nation, on all classes of society equally, seeking to become the selection of the nation leading its vanguard. The fascist party - against all partisanship, the existence of many parties fighting among themselves, believing that in each nation should be one leading selection, one national-state party, bearer and embodied of the state idea" - here I quote not Italian fascists and not German Nazis, but the Russian "ABC of fascism" G.Taradanov and V. Kiba. G.Taradanov, V.Kibardin, ABC of Fascism, Star and Swastika. M., 1994, p. 198). Both here and there candidates for power were nominated not by individual citizens, but by organizations - in coordination with the party bodies, and the list of selected candidates consisted, of course, of 100% adherents of the regime. However, the fascists in order to preserve the appearance of democracy the number of candidates twice as many seats in the parliament. Ours could afford it, because in the end it was not the elections, but the Grand Fascist Council (FBS) that were decided there, too. Article 5 of the Political Representation Reform Act read: "The Great Fascist Council compiles lists of deputies, selecting them at their discretion from the total number of candidates, as well as outside it, if it is dictated by the need to include in the list of persons known in science, literature, arts, politics or military affairs who are not among the candidates."

Admission to the Nazi and Communist Parties was limited and differentiated. It was impossible to leave it in good faith, but it was expelled "unworthy", which meant for them political, and often physical death. "Moral" demands and partymaximum did not prevent to occupy the highest party and state posts homosexual Rem, treasury and sybarit Goering, not to mention hundreds and thousands of bloodthirsty improvised Himmler (for the exercise can substitute our analogues).

"They and we had an important meeting. However, there - because of the speed of the regime - it was held on the enthusiasm of both organizers and the masses. People volunteered to the places of gathering, jam-edbing the halls. Exciting marches supported the crowd in an elated euphoric state... The Nazi congresses were spectacular, propaganda events. They turned their gatherings into circus performances. The big role was given to the so-called "talking choirs" ... Actually, the meetings of the congresses consisted in the fact that some party officials and representatives of local organizations read pre-written "reports" ... Everything was thought out to the smallest detail, each movement is carefully learned and rehearsed, everything is pre-constructed, calculated... The congress was a kind of symbol of the "third empire": here they did not think, did not argue, here only listened attentively, greeted, marched, sang, shouted "Heil!" ... The man dissolved in the crowd, the individual no longer existed..."

D.W. Prokudin, B.M. Meerson: "NSDAP was a "new type party", that is, not a political party in the usual sense. It was not focused on parliamentary activity, however, when the opportunity to get to the Reichstag, the party used it. The party was very strictly centralized, the Fuhrer was a completely indisputable authority, the Fuhrer smaller - too, within his competence, the party member was obliged to obey his leadership in all without exception. The leadership has delved into everything, down to the intimate, side of the life of party members. The party had paramilitary units, i.e. it was aimed at terrorist activities; The combination of parliamentary debate and terror made NSDAP politics a game without rules, unpredictable for normal politicians."

The same "social equality" - with special rights, nomenclature rations, Kremlin distributors, hospitals, sanatoriums, "envelopes", numerous privileges. The party apparatus of the Bolsheviks and the Nazis was built on the hierarchical-Fuhrer principle: power and privileges grew from the bottom up. Personal sympathies and dislikes meant more than business qualities, Aryan origin more than ability, absolute subordination more than initiative. The upward movement was associated with membership in the party and the fascists were called "vertical social mobility." Over time, this "mobility" led to the de facto separation of the Nazi apparatus from all classes, so characteristic of any totalitarian regimes. Membership in the party, especially for the surviving "old guard" - those with party tickets from No 1 to No. 500,000 - gave the Nazi bons and the Bolshevik "LeninIst Guard" many other benefits, but at the same time turned the seduced by them into cogs of the party machine.

"To govern and unquestioningly subjugation, Hitler introduced a complex hierarchy of privileges, which received the entire governing layer of Nazi society, as well as a small part of the working class, peasantry, intellectuals.

The Fuhrer personally made appointments to more or less significant positions. There was no democracy in the Nazi cohorts. Hitler considered the discussions "empty chatter."

Already in the twenties a special institute was created in the party apparatus 

"observers" who were obliged to record the statements of NSDAP members and to refer them to the authorities. Even the Gauleiters were deprived of any independence. 

The slightest deviation or the slightest criticism of prescribed dogma within their own ranks was considered a mortal danger. NSDAP members constantly sought out "individualists" and "heretics", whose discoveries and destruction were considered more honorable than to convert half a dozen open opponents.

Back in Mein Kampf, Hitler demanded a clear distinction between fellow travelers and party members. Party members had to recognize the principle of Fuhrership, maintain a "fighting spirit."

Already in the mid-twenties Hitler established a special party court called Udoly - "Commission for Investigation and Settlement."

Hitler and his personal friends could interfere in all matters in all instances. Many party departments duplicated each other- and this was not an accident, but a system, especially after the Nazis came to power, when party and state bonzas performed the same functions, controlling each other.

Hitler deliberately incited discord to hold the reins.

To strengthen Hitler's personal power, constant shake-ups within the party were also needed. Even the great Nazis had to remember that their positions and influence depended entirely on the Fuhrer.

In short, the Nazi party was a hierarchical-bureaucratic entity, built not as a military, not as a kind of terrorism-stic organization, a kind of "mafia"".

Here I quote the book of D. Melnikov and L. Black "Criminal number 1", although I personally believe that in fact Hitler, at best, was the criminal number 3. Everything else - one to one - is equally about fascism and Bolshevism. Both systems created huge bureaucracies, under which they were buried. The phalanx apparatus, read in the book "The Stories of Fascism in Western Europe", has grown so much that the functions of various phalanx services have generally duplicated the services of most ministries. But the phalanx has not existed for a long time, and the legacy of the Bolshevik apparatus, alas, lives and thrives: the grandchildren of the Bolsheviks, who staged a bloody coup in 1917, are now at the head of the domestic fascists.

The peculiarity of Stalin's nomenclature compared to Hitler's was only a never-ending animal fear of another wave of terror: no one was immune from Stalin's repressions or protected by high office.  

"None of the party-state officials of the second, for example, generation of nomenklatura, who took office during and after the "great terror" of 1937-1938, could not feel firmly established in the "leadership of the service" in an environment of continuous rotation, each of them, even the most senior, lived and worked under the fear of severe punishment, expulsion from the governing class, in anticipation of the worst that could happen to any Soviet man. The system of management by directives, when failure to comply with any order from above threatened imminent reprisal, was a normal practice of everyday life. Tolerant treatment of subordinates who, for some reason, failed to cope with their duties, not to mention their own miscalculations, threatened to lose the trust of the highest managers."

The Germans exterminated Jews and Gypsies, the Bolsheviks - entire classes and strata of society - entrepreneurs, intellectuals, peasants, Cossacks, their own associates ... Hundreds of thousands of Cossacks were physically destroyed, driven from their land, repressed. Lenin testifies: "To hell with them and the peasants - after all, they are also petty bourgeois, which means - I am talking about Russia - let them also disappear from the face of the earth, like a rudiment ..."

 To carry out mass terror against the rich Cossacks, the instructions of the Bolshevik authorities said, by exterminating them without exception: "to carry out a merciless mass terror against all Cossacks in general who took any direct or indirect participation in the struggle against Soviet power."

 There was still no SMERSH, no SS, no Einsatzkommando ... But already in 1932, only along one edge, someone arrested hundreds of thousands of HIS population ... someone evicted tens of thousands of families with children, old people and old women, sick, only in three villages ... someone "seized" thousands and thousands of these families and threw them into prisons, someone shot hundreds of peaceful people at a time when the Civil War was over long ago, and before the Great War, which - Patriotic, it was still far away. So who is it? Nails. Remember, Nikolai Tikhonov wrote: “Nails would be made of these people. There would not be in the world stronger than nails. " The "crown" of fascist aesthetics is the "lampshade", the crown of Stalinist aesthetics is the nail. The country badly needed "nails" and stamped them. Nails sprout nails. Skybed is the surest confirmation ... "

 "And the concentration camps! They are also not an invention of the fascists. To bring Rus' rebellious to Bolshevism to its knees, the Leninists, by the will of the leader, drove millions of Russians, including families with children, behind the barbed wire, thereby creating a system of compulsory use of gratuitous communism on great construction sites for many decades. The faithful Leninist - Stalin will bring this obligatory attribute of the communist dictatorship - the GULAG - to perfection, and through it he will also let hundreds of thousands of soldiers return from Nazi captivity, where they ended up through Stalin's fault. To lie to the world community about the humanism of the socialist system, they will invent closed mental hospitals for political opponents, imposing on the world the idea that in the USSR the opponents of the communist regime are just crazy and idiots ... the destruction or enslavement of their fellow citizens Hitler and Mussoli nor youths to be a model for the Russian fascists. They have more preferred idols for violence and cruelty - Lenin and Stalin. "

 Terror, surveillance, denunciations were introduced into party, public and state practice here and there - with the only difference that they were not hidden and not camouflaged, as here, but officially recognized, as there ... Mussolini testifies: "We must transform the special police inspection into a mysterious, powerful and all-encompassing organization All Italians must feel every minute that they are under control, that they are being watched and studied by an eye that no one can detect. The new organization will have unlimited power and unlimited possibilities. must cover the whole country like a monstrous dragon, like a giant octopus. Just like a giant octopus. "

 "A free people is ruled by laws, an enslaved people are ruled by denunciations, violence, cruelty," once wrote K.A. Helvetius. In this respect, the Nazis were more free: denunciations, violence, cruelty in Nazi Germany somehow, at the very least, got along with the law. Bolshevism initially trampled on the right, completely placed at the disposal of ghouls and ghouls such as Vyshinsky and Beria. Above the right stood the party, a pitiful handful of party functionaries headed by a dictator - the general secretary.

 The analogies between Bolshevism and fascism are especially clear in terms of the creation of an apparatus of intimidation and terror. Both here and there arrests, repressions, psychiatric hospitals became means of struggle against the enemies of the state, which hindered the realization of the "great goals" of the people.

 “Of great importance for any totalitarian state is PHYSICAL TERROR, the system of mass repression, which, along with the intellectual terror, is the anchor of the new regime. Enthusiastic admiration for the leader and his party and love for them is complemented by fear, which binds the population and the government even more firmly. , in addition, it is one of the means of politicization, because in order to maintain the mass mentality in an active state, this mass should constantly point to the evil and dangerous enemy that the leader is fighting with, counting on everyone's support and help. "

 "Initially, the basis of the fascist terror apparatus was assault detachments - SA ... The persecution of political opponents and all" unwanted "persons took on a mass character. Stormtroopers broke into apartments, dragged them out into the street, humiliated them. Personal scores were settled on the quiet. race.

 After the first wave of terror subsided, for the sake of appearance, some of the most zealous stormtroopers were expelled from the SA. [This is very typical for all totalitarian regimes: most of the executioners and punishers are also subject to liquidation in the future - a lesson for the future!].

 In reality, the wave of terror was the result of a deliberately planned policy and pursued two main goals. First, it had to create an atmosphere of fear, panic in the country, paralyze the opponents of the regime. It was only in such an atmosphere that the party could, in the shortest possible time, carry out the unification of the entire state apparatus. Secondly, it had to give vent to the accumulated passions of the winners, who were waiting for "real results" from the coming to power of their party. The possibility of settling accounts with impunity, on the one hand, distracted the masses of stormtroopers from social demands, and on the other hand, tied them hand and foot with the regime, made them direct participants in the persecution of enemies organized by it.

 Not trusting the apparatus of intimidation, the party demanded unwavering faith and fanatical commitment from the performers. And she still doubted her loyalty. The next stage of intimidation was the massive cleansing of the assault squads. In Berlin alone, 3,870 people were expelled from the SA. In total, by the end of 1933, two hundred thousand people were expelled from the SA. Some of them [note - some, not most!] Soon ended up in the very concentration camps that they created with their own hands.

 The SS began to play an increasing role as an apparatus of intimidation. Having taken a decisive part in the reprisal against the leaders of the assault detachments, the SS dealt with its main rival in the struggle for dominant positions in one blow. "

 All of the above applies to German Nazism, but to the smallest detail coincides with a similar practice in the USSR. Numerous processes began here and there.

 "In total, before the war, Nazi judges conducted 86 mass trials. In the course of these, as well as numerous other trials (!) [All the same, no, but judicial ...] 225,000 citizens were sentenced to about 600,000 years in prison conclusion (on average, no more than 3 years for each). [The reader can compare with the corresponding practice of our "triplets"].

 About one million people [one! how much do we have? ..]

 All Germany was covered with a network of secret agents. At any enterprise, in any organization, not excluding the bodies of the NSDAP, there were agents ... "

 Reference: the terrorist apparatus of the Fuhrer included: police - 140 thousand people; SD security service - 70 thousand people; Gestapo - 40 thousand people.

 And here? And we have? - "If you count the number of people employed in our police, security, investigation, prosecutor's office, court, etc., it turns out that Hitler, even in his best times, together with the Gestapo, did not have the power that we had."

 Another note: in Italy, from 1927 to 1935, less than 3,000 anti-fascists were convicted, the average prison term did not exceed 5 years.

 An important element of the terror was the "nights of long knives" against competitors, as well as the "purges" of the party aimed at eliminating warring cliques and old cadres. According to the doctrine of Mussolini, which theoretically substantiated the "purges", the party cannot retain power with the same cadres with whom it was won. Here is a mini-list of the biggest bosses who were dealt with by the "great leaders": Gregor, Rem, Schleicher, Blomberg, Schneidhuber, Geynes, Ernst, Fritsch, Strasser, Mukhov, von Bredow, Kar, Jung, Bush, Witzleben, Beck, Fromm, Rocco ...

 The "purges" of the party, reprisals against "dissidents", that is, with potential competitors, pursued several goals at once: elimination of rivals, intimidation, inciting suspicion and - at the same time - rallying the party around the "wise, all-seeing and invincible" leader.

 Both here and there, the victims, who knew well who had sent the executioners to them, were dying from the bullets of the SS or Chekists with exclamations: "Long live the Fuhrer!", "Long live Stalin!"

 History knows only two states where the executed died with a cry glorifying the real murderer ... Even the pervert Rem, who a few minutes before his death said: "All revolutions devour their children" - even Rem died with a cry: "My Fuhrer!"

 The extermination of their own - at first glance unnecessary and senseless - gave the Bolshevik leaders and fascist bosses certain benefits, allowing at the same time to strengthen personal power and "restore order" in the party by rooting out the slightest signs of dissent in the bud.

 "Purges", terror, and unremitting control as their necessary consequence had a progressive negative (unnatural) selection: the elimination of dangerous, objectionable, obstinate individuals who possessed individuality, knowledge, skill, and talent. Gradually, at all levels of the bureaucratic hierarchy, here and there were cunning, quirky proteas, who were not capable of anything other than mimicry: bastards and werewolves, feigning devotion, activity, activity.

 And what about punitive medicine? .. There is an organic fusion in one person of a doctor and an SS man, here are two pillars of Soviet psychiatry A. Snezhnevsky and G. Morozov, who unquestioningly fulfilled state orders ... If only two. Thousands, hundreds of thousands ... According to General Grigorenko, “the idea of ​​special psychiatric hospitals was precisely to create institutions of uncontrolled and not based on the law of political terror. It was for this that the inmates of these hospitals were deprived of all rights, even those enjoyed by prisoners in prisons and camps, and criminals were assigned to them as “nannies” and they were given the opportunity to do whatever they want with their wards. "

 "The broadest opportunities have been created for interspersing mentally healthy political people, among the masses of mentally seriously ill patients. To do this, we need at least doctors who would simultaneously represent a repressive body, doctors who could openly say:" Someone must be admitted insane ”and who, possessing a medical diploma, or even better, high scientific knowledge, could invent pseudo-scientific formulations for recognizing normal people as insane.

 So, special psychiatric hospitals and psychiatric examinations, headed by a single body of political terror, represent a well-oiled system of transferring a certain category of normal people to the status of mentally deranged, with their subsequent processing as such. "

A long time ago, we recommended that MSNBC journalists stop doing this, which is described above. In addition to journalists, there were several other subscribers with the same recommendations. We warned: - it is bad to end for the country and for you personally. We didn't give a reason to think of this part of the warning as a joke. We don't joke about such serious things. Apparently, it was you who decided to joke with us the announcers from MSNBC and their colleagues - idiots from CNN . 

Well, please joke, let's make a joke next. 

⚠️ sur in our panopticon with the marginalization of those whom the liberal-minded MSM are called conspiracy theorists, continues. 

Breaking news:

🔹World Economic Forum: The Great Reset creating future resilience to global risks.

🔹The New York Times: The unfounded conspiracy theory of "The Great Reboot" rises again.

We hope, Friends, that in this case the media are not us writing about the "Great Reboot" but the founder of the WEF Schwab with his "Dark Winter" called "conspiracy theorists" and the World Economic Forum in Davos.

⚠️ "Dark Winter": Not only was Sber spotted😳

"Event 201" - teachings and preparations for what was called a co-shaped pandemic, held by the foundation of a friend of paedophile Epstein Gates. 

WEF Director Juergens and WEF founder Schwab said of the coming "Dark Winter," the "Great Reboot" and "a comprehensive cyberattack that could completely stop the energy supply, transportation, hospital services and our society as a whole", compared to what "the COVID-19 crisis could be seen as a small adventure". 

Interestingly, as in the case of the covid, before the appearance of which were the exercises, before the WEF announced the numerical, electro, infrastructure world crisis, also held exercises called "Cyber Polygon 2020", which was attended by 120 organizations from 29 countries. Many participants in this teaching chose to remain anonymous, but given our increased attention it is almost impossible now to do covertly to anyone 👇

Political commentator Owen Benjamin: 

"Guess who wrote the article about this uncomfortable truth? Mr. Fauci (CDC chief). 

In case the sleeping sheep don't know:

Spanish Influenza is the biggest killer in the 20th century, right? Millions have died! No, it was bacterial pneumonia caused by the mass wearing of masks (face diapers). Masks protect nothing but your ego-signaler of virtue, Fauci wrote about it in his study about five or seven years ago."

The results of the study that masks may be the source of bacterial infection of the lungs, as Fauci also wrote (now he says that masks are needed) in his more wound study, can be found here and here.

By the way, according to NIAID, it was bacterial pneumonia that caused the greatest number of deaths in the influenza pandemic in 1918, which we are apparently seeing now.

The chairman of a biotech firm that sells co-ort tests has admitted that all this covid nonsense and measures are a hoax.

Dr. Roger Hodkinson, Chairman of the Committee of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons in Ottawa, CEO of a large private medical laboratory in Edmonton and chairman of the Medical Biotechnology Company selling the COVID-19 test:

"There is a completely unfounded social hysteria caused by the media and politicians. This is the biggest hoax ever committed over an unsuspecting audience. There is absolutely nothing that can be done to contain this virus. It's just nothing more than a bad flu season. It's politics playing medicine and it's a very dangerous game. No action is required. Masks are completely useless. There is no evidence that they are effective at all. It is absolutely ridiculous to see these unfortunate, uneducated people walking around like lemmings/slaves, obeying their puppet governments without any evidence. Social distancing is also useless. The risk of dying before the age of 65 is 1 in 300,000. The answer is ridiculous."

Judging by all, many of those who misunderstanding calls themselves a journalist, will be a little confused now and their propaganda in the broadcasts of the central channels of panic, total subordination under the absolutely false pretext of concern for the health of the plebs, as well as their sowing of hostility between the so-called masked, subordinated politicians, against sane people, will now be a little difficult. 

When he took over his own central bank 🏦 and did not calculate the smallness. 

How many words have been said about the embezzlement of national and local budgets? A lot of words are said, but there will be more of them as part of the investigation. 

Italian doctor and statesman, ex-commander of the Italian Civil Protection Department Guido Bertolazo: 

"2,000 per day for every hospitalized person with COVID. If they're for a z35 per day per migrant going crazy, then what are they willing to do for a fee of 2,000 B in a day. That's what I say to Bertlazo. Now you understand the history of tampons, masks, hospitalizations, police outside hospitals. They don't want you to film, because all the hospitals are getting coy. Because they make patients with another pathology declare themselves coe-like in order to be able to receive treatment."

In 2008, the current head of the CDC, who calls himself a doctor, and Anthony Fauci, epertay, co-authored an article showing that most of the deaths during the 1918 pandemic (Spanish) were caused by bacterial infections of the upper respiratory tract Streptococcus and Staphyphyloccus, that is, precisely because the masks were provoked 👇

🇺🇸The time she removed it, let's share it for her several hundred thousand times:

AOC (Alexandria Ocasio-Cortes) - "It's imperative that governors keep business restrictions until the November election, because economic recovery will help Trump get re-elected. A few business closures or job losses is a small price to pay to get rid of his presidency."

WHO has declared a "pandemic", largely funded by private foundations, under their influence and interests. The announcement of the "pandemic" was made four months before the pandemic bond expires (July 15, 2020), which gave WHO access to at least hundreds of millions of dollars. Now we are talking about billions. 

What is this? It's money again 💰 out of the air babe)

In 2017, the World Bank, in parallel with the supply of COVID-19 tests to the countries of the world, also placed pandemic bonds, providing them with a narrow circle of people of political elites of different countries interested in creating and fanning panic. 

And billions of people in this situation acted as a cash cow and a source of income for large corporations (production and disposal of personal protective equipment, medicines, vaccines 💉; creation and implementation of platforms for remote ways of working and learning; etc.). And the states were able to replenish their budgets through illegal fines. Such a criminal gang was formed back in 2017.

 Then the World Bank placed "pandemic bonds" for $ 322 million. It was assumed that these funds should go to help poor countries facing infectious diseases. The bonds were issued for three years, which, taking into account the coronavirus pandemic that began in 2020. And this is some more evidence to our collection of knowledge about the special operation corona 👑.

 Then the head of the department of derivatives and structured finance of the World Bank, Michael Bennett, said: in the event of an outbreak of the disease, part of the proceeds will go to the Pandemic Emergency Fund (PEF). Thus, investors had to act as insurers.

At the same time, analysts noted that investments in PEF have an increased risk, as investors can lose money in case of a large-scale epidemic and funds will be directed to fight it, and it is very difficult to predict the development of the epidemic. 

The first tranche of the World Bank with a yield of 6.5% q semi-annual dollar LIBOR was to cover pandemic influenza and atypical pneumonia, the second tranche (11.1% LIBOR) was designed for various types of fevers, including Ebola. 

During the first wave of the "pandemic" in March 2020, it was reported that investors had lost most of the face value of bonds. The total payment was about $196 million (on bonds and swaps, which were issued simultaneously). The majority of shareholders were based in Europe and the United States. 

But, the devil always lies in the details of Friends. 

In all this criminal vaudeville, not only is Hillary Clinton known for her passion for health, does not wear a mask and generally despises all the anti-cancer rules of who is, but also that in the so-called "red zone" of one of the German hospitals the mask is needed only during the interview, and after the interview it is useless.

Cheap urks 🖕

🇩🇪In late November 2020, armed German police raided the doctor's home, who was skeptical of more than strange, anti-tic-like measures. At the same time, followers or heirs of the Reich while the Doctor was broadcasting live, treated those who devoted their lives to saving lives and alleviating the suffering of people, literally as a terrorist.

We hope now you understand, Friends, why co-shaped hospitals all over Europe are less like hospitals, being essentially closed places, more like high-security prisons. 

As early as 2020, 50,000 doctors and scientists, 630,000 citizens signed a global anti-lock proclamation calling for a 'return to public health practices backed by data and science' 

If you ask us how you see mask fans who have adopted the rules of perverts who control the world, our children, often seeing what happens to the maskers because of hypoxia, then everything is very simple - with an impersonal mask on the face, with a cart of toilet paper in his hands and with dirty expletives on the lips of the category "Put your damn mask, you're a selfish pig."

Medical fascism 🖕on the march: The U.S. military confirmed that forced vaccinations are coming in the states. Or the case when Rockefeller and the business manages the actions of the army, you can call it so. 

The economist (Rothschild) was tired of calling for plebs to submit to the NWO and decided to use the text of the famous German gynecologist Ursula: 

"Our message to the world is clear," writes Ursula von der Leyen, President of the European Commission in the World in 2021, "Let us join forces for our common good." |'s point of view will humanity finally play as a team in 2021? Exit to the finish line to the New World Order.😂

We are presented in the coming year the role of special units trained to carry out military operations, will greatly increase and will be useful for humanitarian actions in aid of the police forces (conducting lightning-fast harsh detentions of the world criminal elite of the first level). 

🇺🇸 New York restaurant will start taking COVID-19/DNA tests from visitors before they can sit down and eat in its premises. City Winery, a swanky restaurant with a winery and entertainment venues, said it would be the first diner in the U.S. to test every customer starting Tuesday. The restaurant says a certified practitioner will conduct rapid testing using a shallow nasal tampon for all employees.

What's the catch, you, Friends, us? It's as simple as that. Customers will have to pay $50 for the test.

Bill Gates: "Another round is probably 6 to 8 months. We ask people to make sacrifices to save many lives."

If someone does not understand what the goodness and positiveness of this message Gates, we are happy to explain to you, Friends. 

Berkshire sells banks. Wells Fargo also cut investment as well as JPMorgan by 96%. The banking system will collapse in 6-12 months, starting with non-profit banks and regional banks. The central banking system will remain functional with the Central Bank's Digital Currency System (CBDC) in the foreground with universal underlying income as the only option for plebs.

The fact is that according to their plans, humanity should be fully bound by the "masters of life" by the end of "Dark Winter" 2021, and this kind of revelation of one of their main functionaries, where he reports that the plans are shifting a little, tells us that not all of them are going smoothly, and that there is still a place where you can stand up and fight against them not by physics, but by "Word".

⚠️ I advise you here as a Harvard-educated specialist in new diseases and the media who has been brutally harassed, slandered and censored for my efforts to promote the science of the origins of AIDS in particular. I work in the U.S. District Court in Hawaii, under the provisions of the Criminal Justice Act (CJA), an expert witness who is paid to testify on medical research, biological and bioterrorism, vaccinology, and public corruption. In addition to my doctorate in public health, I am the Editor-in-Chief of Medical Veritas International, I 501 (c) of a non-profit organization; author of the best-selling book in the field of new viruses: ADS and Ebola; and has won numerous awards for my books and films in these fields. I have also testified before the legislature on the politically incorrect issue of the risks of vaccination (mRNA) by viral recombinants, the risk of genetic damage, pandemics and cancers, including cancer, HIV/AIDS, HPV/cervical cancer, microcephaly caused by zika, Ebola and suppression of immunity, torso, swine flu and more.

In these circumstances, and in accordance with the doctrine of public duty, I offer you this advice. Recombinant drug 2019 nCoV/HIV/SARS is a laboratory biological weapon. The coronavirus under study is undoubtedly a laboratory-designed biological weapon.

Clear and compelling evidence of this is the scientific publications published by nine respected experts, led by Prashant Pradhan, IBM's Chief Technology Officer at Assa. Pradam's team used Watson's computer to analyze the genetic similarities between coronavirus and other pathogens. Unmistakable, the covid contains a piece of the AIDS virus. This discovery of the 2019 nCoV weapon with the HIV mechanism is compounded by the discovery of evolutionary biologist Dr. James Lyons Weiler of the Institute of Clean and Applied Knowledge. Dr. Lyons testified that he was a genetic mate. Coronavirus contains a unique "medium fragment" encoding the SARS protein inserted presumably into respiratory distress using "pShuttle" technology used exclusively in laboratories and not in nature.

Accordingly, it is unreasonable to assume that the covid originated from bats, snakes or nature. On the other hand, we must assume that this microbe was manufactured as a biological weapon and also produced for political and commercial gain (e.g. bioterrorism).

🇺🇸Obama changed his profile picture from full color to black and white. The Obama Foundation logo used to be colored, but now it's black and white. What would this be, Friends, we will give you a reflection on the weekend...

Friends, it turns out all of our suspects, including Hillary and Soros, not just Obama and his foundation, are immersing their Twitter profiles in black and white. Well, we think it's a good step in the name of demonstrating the truth of their faces, for these creatures have never had color. 

Perhaps it is a symbol of the coming racial or some other war or "dark winter".

🌎 Gulliver 🤦🏻 😂

⚠️ Country that no one is embarrassed that Gates is a paedophile, and that in fact, after the release of the records of the on-board magazine of the paedophile board Epstein Lolita-Express that Gates repeatedly visited the island of young sex slaves Jeffrey. But, in fact, the scandal with the paedophilia of Bill Gates affects WHO and, given its influence, in general the entire farm. vaccination industry. 👇

A sad example from India:

We know and love jokes. But he thinks everything has its place and time, and also the measure should be. And since we talked about the measure, in this regard remembers the golden collection of winged phrases associated with alcohol.

"Vodka is alcohol!" said de Gaulle.

"There is vitamin in vodka," Ho Chi Minh said.

"Come on, pour it," said Mr. Enlai.

"Let's drink everything that's poured," Broz Tito said.

"You have to drink in moderation," Jivaharlal Nehru said.

"And we drink sated," Khrushchev said.

So we see that you eat money tons of tons is not a mouth, but also a ass, because in the mouth 👄 does not fit. 


𝓔𝓭𝓶𝓸𝓷𝓭 𝓓𝓪𝓷𝓽𝓮𝓼


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