The third part . Cutting carcasses of the 1st category according to GOST standard of the USSR. 

The third part . Cutting carcasses of the 1st category according to GOST standard of the USSR. 

Small secrets of the information killer. 

🇺🇸 If this screenshot of the document is not fake, then the Pentagon warns the US military against using recreational sets of genetic tests. 

"... In addition, there is growing concern in the scientific community that external parties are using the use of genetic data for questionable purposes, including mass surveillance and the ability to track individuals without their permission or awareness. Unless otherwise notified, Defense Department military personnel are advised to refrain from purchasing and/or using DTC genetic services. 

Joseph D. Keman, Under Secretary of Defense for Intelligence 

James N. Stewart, Assistant Secretary of Defense for Human Resources and Reserves, Acting Under Secretary of Defense for Personnel and Readiness.

The story of the genocide of old people across Europe came out in the media: 

"Have nursing homes used powerful sedatives to hasten death from covid?"

In order to understand the depth of the client's involvement/complicity, we first shoot his limbs (arms 🤚 🤚, legs 🦵 🦵, eggs 🥚 🥚). 

There comes a point when it is quite clear 100% that US television companies 🇺🇸 participants / accomplices of an unconstitutional conspiracy, we decide to add and do a control in the head, so that you Ari no longer twitch in your accounts and on TV 📺 loom, and with you did not twitch the female gang you cobbled together consisting of girls: Rachel Maddow - a colleague of MSNBC, Alexandra Daddario your mistress Ari and her friend from the same city 🌆 lights - Los Angeles Laura Clery. 

Of course, there are many more of you pussies, hundreds of times more in one America, but you know Ari, we say only what we are very confident in and know well. By the way, you know all this from us for a long time, did not know until this minute some of our other VIP readers. 

And so the control in the head: 

If you look at the statistics of Roskomnadzor's blocking, the most forbidden topic is the relationship between Putin's state banker friend Andrei Kostin and TV presenter Naila Asker-Zade. Hundreds of locks. And illegal. Just clean up the entire Runet, if only, God forbid, no one wrote "Asker-Zade - Kostin's mistress."

Well, as you understand it is not for us to block Putin's fools. We have a bitch blat there are picks, like any self-respecting bear cub (safe burglar). 

An estate in Zhukovka, a VIP apartment in the center of Moscow and a lot of cars - the total amount of gifts to the mistress of the head of VTB Andrei Kostin, Cashier Asker-zade, exceeds 1 billion rubles.

Secular lady Oksana Lavrentyeva sincerely hates the TV presenter of the state channel "Russia" Casha Asker-Zade. Before the leader of the business rating "Polygamists in the elite of Russia", the head of the state bank "VTB" Andrei Kostin made Naila his mistress and a billionaire woman, Oksana lived much richer.

Kostin is officially married to an elderly peer Natalia Gordeeva, which did not prevent Lavrentyeva from giving birth to his son Egor. Photos of the boy with his father, the head of the press service of VTB Vadim Sukhoverkhov for unthinkable money for years cleaned out of the Runet.

Andrey Kostin gave Yegor's mother an Aston Martin DB9, Mercedes Benz S 500 L 4-MATIC, Mercedes Benz SL500 and a 195-meter apartment in the Kuntsevo residential complex. Lavrentyeva moved into the mansion on Rublevka, she was showered as from the horn of plenty mind-wrenching contracts from the jewelry house "Cosmos-Gold" and the cosmetic brand Egomania, photo shoots in the magazines ELLE, L'OFFICIEL, InStyle, Collezioni, Menu Magazine, HELLO, OK, Grazia, shooting in the clips of Dima Bilan, Valery Meladze, Valeria and Stas Piekha, roles in the SERIES "Club" and "Margosha". The most valuable gift of Kostin Lavrentyeva, which undermined the financial performance of the unprofitable VTB Bank, was the rusmoda company, where several hundred people were employed at once.

Nail Vagif Kyzy Asker-Zade not in vain supplanted Oksana Lavrentyeva, her son and several younger mistresses from the life of Andrei Kostin. A mature man began to live with a young Nail, whom he introduced to employees as his assistant, in a 327-meter apartment on the 2nd Vrazhsky Lane. These apartments belonged to VTB, then the head of the bank re-registered them to his personal foreign offshore, and then to himself. For intimacy, Andrei Kostin immediately paid off asker-Zade another VIP-apartment in the center of Moscow, whose area was 228 meters (250 million rubles). Then he designed a 920-meter palace in Zhukovka with a personal estate (620 million rubles), BMW 650I X-drive, BMW X5 X-Drive 50I, BMW 325I and other cars in luxury configuration.

At the same time, the banker supported parallel novels and had other women on the maintenance. According to the documents of the Ruspres agency, the total cost of purchases that Kostin made for one Ori Asker-Zade exceeds a billion. The history of donations through offshore companies and Kostin's confidants awaits thoughtful researchers from the FSB. They can deal with this topic after the dismissal of a friend of Naili and the appointment of the head of VTB more monogamous, young and capable Igor Shuvalov.

Well, now Ari, we will remind you of the very recent past. Your gang of girls of easy virtue, moonlighting the last year and a half with a virus on their face and tongue, we also remind. 

Next, we translate the posts of a girl of easy virtue and give links only to what we consider tedious and relevant for us. Having a link telegram channel, perhaps, each of you can save money by having lunch at McDonald's, and for saved pennies to order a decent translation. We will finish the material with the last link and a brief summary.

Let's go 🛫 

           January 20, 2020


We start from January 20 and the movement of this plaque in the train to the gathering of the Communists in Davos in January 2020.

Many believe that Davos is a mirror of world politics and economics. But for Russia, this is more of a reflection of relations with the West. 

For the first time, officials of the Soviet Union came to Davos back in the 80s. But then it was an isolated case. The annual trips of our businessmen began in the 90s. They built relations with the West and along the way had fun from the heart. 

There are legends about how Oleg Boyko arranged parties with gypsies, vodka and bears here. Both Shokhin and Hakamada were here. In January 1996, two presidential candidates arrived in Davos: Zyuganov and Yavlinsky. Yeltsin was not, but almost all representatives of the so-called "seven-bankers" came to Davos: Berezovsky, Gusinsky, Khodorkovsky and others. Here they decided to support Yeltsin in his presidential race by all possible means. Having headed the country, Boris Nikolaevich did not come to Davos. 

But Vladimir Putin has been here twice. In the 90s, he was still part of the delegation of Anatoly Sobchak. In 2009 — as prime minister — in the midst of the financial crisis. Dmitry Medvedev spoke here in 2011 and 2013. Since then, neither the president nor the prime minister has come to Davos, although they are called every year. 

Our delegation in Davos was headed by Deputy Prime Ministers Shuvalov, Dvorkovich, Trutnev. Mayor Sobyanin invited everyone here to Moscow, and Dmitry Kozak in 2014 to the Olympics. Last year will be remembered by everyone not by the list of those who came, but by those who were absent (Trump, May, Macron). Many "ours" will never be here again. 

Once Russia was represented at the forum by Minister Ulyukayev, in 2018 the delegation was headed by Minister Maxim Oreshkin, this year he is also going here, either in the rank of acting Ministry of Economy, or as an assistant to the president. Previously, the head of VEB Dmitriev often went here. The owner of otkritie bank Vadim Belyaev also visited here. Now it is impossible to meet him not only in Davos, but also in Moscow. Davos is history, and it's always very interesting and exciting to cover it.

🍁 Evening Leaf. Today was full of surprises, but even in this regard, we will not break traditions. A selection of five not the main, but interesting news and events for the day, January 20.

💸 Most people in the world are disillusioned with capitalism

Edelman analysts presented their 20th annual Edelman Trust Barometer, which measures people's trust in social institutions. A study conducted in October-November 2019 showed that 56% of respondents believe that capitalism in its current form does more harm than good. 74% said that they feel injustice in society, about the same number want change.

🤡 Winners of the Screen Actors Guild of Usa Awards 

The film "Parasites" by South Korean director Bong Joon-ho received the main SAG Awards for best cast.The award for best actor was received by Joaquin Phoenix for his role in "Joker", best supporting actor - from Brad Pitt, who played in "Once Upon a Time in Hollywood". The best actress was recognized as Renee Zellweger for her role in the film "Judy", the best supporting actress went to Laura Dern, who starred in the film "Marriage Story".

🤵Analysts made a portrait of the head in Russia

The majority of Russians (82%) comfortable to work with their managers. This was shown by a survey conducted in December 2019 by the NAFI Analytical Center. Working Russians treat their leadership well. Respondents call bosses competent (77%), fair (73%), successful (71%) and developing (69%).

🇺🇸Candidate to the US presidency Joe Biden called game developers from Silicon Valley "small reptiles"

Former Vice President of the United States and presidential candidate of the United States in 2020, Joe Biden, called representatives of the gaming industry "small bastards". This impression was formed by the politician after a meeting with developers from Silicon Valley in 2013. Biden did not name those he mentioned in the interview. However, this is not the first time he has criticized the tech industries.

Davos is not rubber. There are not enough places for everyone. Some Russian businessmen stay in Klosters, Switzerland. From it to the congress center to go on average 30-40 minutes. 

On the ground floor of the Walserhof there is a legendary restaurant. Once there was a dinner acting Prime Minister Kasyanov. And for me, this restaurant is memorable because here I shot my first story about Davos in 2013. I remember talking to the chef and the cameraman and I took a lift high into the mountains for lunch organized by the Indian delegation. After waiting 2 hours, we finally made our way to the legendary Paulo Coelho and, despite the discontent of the guards, recorded an interview with the writer. 

Prince Charles and Princess Diana always stayed at the Walserhof hotel in Klosters when they arrived to rest in the Alps. Sometimes with children. Last year, Prince William flew to Davos alone. But the media discussed not so much his speech as the hole in the sole of the shoe. Although, perhaps it was just a black spot. By the way, this year his speech is also expected at the forum.

Greta Thunberg. One of the two main speakers of the forum is already in place ( video) 

With a colleague with CNN, Richard Quest , without exaggeration a legend of international and business journalism. Platforms such as Davos, among other things, provide an opportunity to observe the work of colleagues, learn something from them, and just discuss relevant news with interesting people.

Note. CNN seasoning can be proud, Russian vip fleas got the opportunity to call them colleagues and stand 🧍 ♀️ side by side. In general, everything is true. CNN is a den of Chinese fleas that Sleepy Joe has forbidden to talk about 🗣 Americans. But we're not Americans, unfortunately, so everyone will get your pussy, including your sleepy owner of the 🏡 house. 

Where on the forum can you encounter Greta Thunberg and Queen Matilda of Belgium? In the ladies' room🙈


It is on the toilets that the girl is no stranger to 🚽, it was on the toilet that she 🚽 began her ascent to fame. 

The American delegation drove to Davos with style, occupying all possible space. So much so that even the exit from the hotel is not easy to find. And Oleg and I, although we were looking for a bomb shelter, we never found it.


Question 🙋 

Who and why let the Russian fuck into Trump's house of residence? 


There was an unofficial gathering. 

note. The composition of the Government of the Russian Federation was changed immediately after the New Year. These were the conditions for entering the special operation corona 👑 Having agreed on the rest of the composition at a meeting at the Trump house, in the morning Putin began to appoint the rest of Davos. 











The head of Sberbank German Gref: "Everything will be fine, a strong prime minister and the government are always very good."

Greta Thunberg's speech once again attracted great public attention. It immediately catches the eye that over the past year she has realized herself as an opinion leader. 

Greta now practically does not communicate with journalists, although she does not miss the opportunity to accuse them, that is, us, of silencing the environmental agenda.

Note. 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

Idiot, baba flowers 🌺 children ice cream 🍦

Oleg @olegderipaska about Davos stability and good news from Russia.

After a long time, Oleg Deripaska returned to us on the air. Don't miss this Sunday. In the meantime, watch the short comment specifically for my channel.

The most important female financier in the world, the newly appointed head of the International Monetary Fund, Kristalina Georgieva, not only agreed to give an interview to our channel, but also preferred Russian to English. Here is an excerpt from today's issue about the probability of Ukraine receiving the next tranche from the fund.


Kristalina Ivanova Georgieva (born August 13, 1953 in Sofia) is a Bulgarian economist, Chief Executive Officer of the World Bank, European Commissioner for Bulgaria and expert on sustainable development, Managing Director of the IMF since 2019.[5] Vice President of the World Bank (March 2008 to February 2010)[6][7], member of the Board of Trustees[8] and Associate Professor of Economics at the University of National and World Economy in Sofia.[9]

Her mother was from the town of Lyubimets, and her father was the grandson of the revolutionary and politician from the city of Elena Ivan Kyrshovsky (Bulgarian). Russian. [14]. She completed her secondary education in the 7th secondary school "Holy Sedmochnumniks". She received her higher education in the field of political economy and sociology at the Karl Marx Institute (now the University of National and World Economy in Sofia), graduating in 1976. She began her scientific work at the university in 1977, where she later became an associate professor. In 1986 she defended her doctoral thesis on "Environmental Policy and Economic Growth in the United States"[15].

        Sberbank breakfast.

Personal transformation in the digital age. I shoot on video Gref, colleagues photograph me))


Question 🙋 

How can you fuck with billions of dollars? 


Only being the same way. 

The elusive @olegderipaska was ready to allocate only 4 minutes for an exclusive commentary for our broadcast and agreed to talk only about environmental problems and Greta. Although I, as an economic journalist, wanted to discuss with this rare guest of the air completely different topics: from the policy of the Central Bank and ending with US sanctions.

January 27🍫🥛🍼 2020

Coronavirus 2019-nCoV is starting to have an impact on markets.

It is reported that since the beginning of this year, the total investment of foreign investors in Russian funds has exceeded $ 1 billion. Experts note optimism, but at the same time doubt its stability in connection with the spread of a new type of coronavirus.

The Chinese market on Thursday closed on a decline before leaving for the long New Year holidays, shares of American companies dependent on the Chinese market sank.

Also today, the risk of spreading the disease has recouped on the ruble. The dollar and the euro are rising. Indices are also declining. RTS loses 2.9%, MICEX -1.85%

At the same time, shares of pharmaceutical campaigns began to grow in price.

Amid news of the spread of the disease, the foundation of Microsoft founder, billionaire Bill Gates and his wife Melinda – Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation – urgently allocated $ 10 million to fight the virus.

Tenths: computer viruses harm the economies of the world;

Twenties: Good old diseases harm the economies of the world.

note. On this we could put an end to . But we'll pamper you a little more. 

🦠 Medical leaflet. Chronicle of the spread of coronavirus 2019-nCoV. 9 main news on the topic on January 29 by 16:53.

🏛 Vladimir Putin instructed to minimize human losses from coronavirus in Russia

💊 Ministry of Health of Russia has developed guidelines for the treatment of the new coronavirus

👮🏻 ♂️ of the Ministry of Internal Affairs intends to oblige foreigners to provide medical information when entering Russia

🔬 The Russian Consulate General in Guangzhou reported that the Chinese side has transferred to Russia the genome of the new coronavirus 2019-nCoV, which will help scientists from the two countries in developing a vaccine against the virus

🇺🇸 More than two hundred Americans were evacuated from Wuhan by plane without portholes

💰 Jack Ma Foundation Donates $14.4 Million to Develop Vaccine for Novel Coronavirus

🛒 IKEA suspends half of its stores in China due to coronavirus

✈️ United Airlines, Air Canada, British Airways and other major airlines are stopping or reducing the number of flights to China.

⛷ The Alpine Skiing World Cup, which was to be held on February 15-16 in Yanqing County, China, canceled due to the coronavirus

Note. Bravo 👏 👏 👏 

A lot of incendiary posts of the girl about blocking flights and other horror went already from Davos. 

Greta Thunberg will register her trademark – but not for what you thought.

A young eco-activist said on her Instagram that her name and the social movement Fridays for Future, thanks to which schoolchildren were able to protest on Fridays for the environment instead of lessons, will become trademarks.

No, Greta is not going to compete with Disney in selling merch in supermarkets. All this is done so that her name could not be traded by random people. After all, according to the activist, recently her name and the name of the movement "are constantly used for commercial purposes without any consent."

Yes, Greta is doing everything right. I am sure that if now she was going to conduct an IPO, then the capitalization of her brand would go off the scale on any exchange.

Note. What a hell of a pussy you rolled. Do you understand the that we will put you in jail for life this time? You're not full-term.... Pidaras curves 

🦠 Medical leaflet. Chronicle of the spread of coronavirus 2019-nCoV. Top news on the topic on January 30 by 16:55.

🏛Premiere Minister of the Russian Federation Mikhail Mishustin signed a decree on the closure of the Russian border in the Far East to combat the spread of coronavirus 

🔐In Russia, the process of issuing electronic entry visas for Chinese citizens is temporarily suspended

💉The Russian Ministry of Health proposed to treat coronavirus with Ribavirin, recombinant interferon beta lb and Lopinavir / Ritonavir

⚡️ Express tests for coronavirus detection have already been sent to 15 regions of Russia

🍔 McDonald's canceled the action with the Big Mac for three rubles due to measures to combat the coronavirus

🇨🇳Premier of the State Council of China called on Chinese scientists to actively search for a vaccine, and also said that the situation with the virus remains complex and gloomy 

🇨🇦Canada decided to take family members of diplomats out of China

🛳On a cruise ship near Rome, 6 thousand passengers were stuck due to the illness of a Chinese couple

📉Russiysk tour operators estimate possible losses due to coronavirus at $ 100 million

🛢OPEK may meet before March due to the threat to oil demand posed by the coronavirus

January 31, 2020

Briefing by the Chairman of the operational headquarters for the prevention of the importation and spread of a new coronavirus infection in Russia, Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation Tatyana Golikova:

🔸Two first cases of coronavirus identified in the Russian Federation, in the Trans-Baikal Territory and the Tyumen region, both citizens of China

🔸A decision to start the evacuation of Russians from Wuhan and Hubei

🔸RF restricts citizens from crossing the border with Mongolia

🔸 The government is preparing a decree banning work visas for Chinese citizens

🔸All destinations with China will be closed, except for Aeroflot flights to Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and Hong Kong

🔸 Citizens of Belarus and China who have a residence permit in the Russian Federation will be quarantined when entering the country

🔸 Specialists of the Ministry of Health and Rospotrebnadzor can be sent to China to provide assistance

🔸The authorities urge pharmacy chains not to take advantage of the situation and not to inflate prices

🔸In Rospotrebnadzor assured that the risk of further spread of coronavirus in Russia today there is no


The head of Rospotrebnadzor called the date of the first case of infection with coronavirus in Russia

There is an update from 20:39 →

Authorities announced the outbreak of coronavirus at defense enterprises of Severodvinsk

Moscow. May 22. INTERFAX.RU - The first case of COVID-19 infection in Russia was recorded on March 1, said the head of Rospotrebnadzor Anna Popova.

"The first case was the first of March, except for two imports from China in February," she said on Friday at a meeting with President Vladimir Putin about the sanitary and epidemiological situation in Russia.

On March 2, the coronavirus operations center reported that a Russian citizen who returned to his homeland from Italy was diagnosed with COVID-19.

At the end of January, Deputy Prime Minister Tatyana Golikova said that the first two patients with a new type of coronavirus were recorded in the Russian Federation - in Transbaikalia and the Tyumen region. Both cases were citizens of China, they were discharged from hospitals in Transbaikalia and Tyumen in February.

In Russia, the registration of a PCR test began 5 days before the appearance of the virus strain and 10 days before the appearance of the first cases! 

This is a registration certificate for one of the first in the Russian Federation, PCR tests for the well-known virus. Please note that on 6.03.2020, the certificate was already received by the manufacturer, the Center for Strategic Planning and Management of Medical and Biological Health Risks of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation. And if we pay close attention to the second date - the date of the registration dossier, we will see - 21.02.2020. Let's turn to the chronology of events. On December 24, the Central Bank of Wuhan sent a sample of bronchoalvelary lavan fluid (rather than purified virus) from an unauthorized clinical case to the sequencing company Vision Medicals. On December 27 and 28, Vision Medicals informed the Central Bank of Wuhan and the Chinese CDC about the results of a test showing the novel coronavirus. And on January 3, Chinese services reported 44 cases of pneumonia to the WHO (total) in the city of Wuhan, Hubei Province. The pathogen turned out to be a novel coronavirus that had not previously been detected among the human population. On 30 January 2020, in connection with the Covid-19 outbreak, WHO declared an emergency of international health importance .

February 26. /TASS/. Russian scientists have received a strain of coronavirus, now they are developing an appropriate vaccine, Deputy Prime Minister Tatyana Golikova told reporters on Wednesday.

"We have a strain. We got it," Golikova said, adding that the strain was not obtained from China. 

STOP 🛑 Madame Arbidol.

On February 26, Russia received the strain, and the documents for registration of the PCR test were submitted to it five days earlier? How can this be? After all, the test should not only be done with an understanding of what exactly it is performed, but it must be tested, undergo clinical trials. But at that time there were no scraped registration procedures. And what to register if there are tests, but there is no virus. After all, the first patient in Russia will appear only on March 2. Super researchers 🧑 🏫 and 🧑 🚀 from the Federal State Educational Institution "CSP" managed for 21 days from the start without any virus not only to come up with their PCR test, but also to prepare a whole package of documents for a new medical device. how? For many decades, you can not even create a remote from TV, and here is a test for a completely new virus. 

Pizdabols storytellers, the same as pindos. 

             Is that possible? 

Well, huli? With these crooked freaks, anything is possible. 


The Covid "hotel" prison is located under some kind of bridge, like a shelter for the homeless, which makes all this medical enterprise with cameras under the bridge for covid very similar to humiliation and bestial treatment of a person.

The purest kind of besyatina and hellish hell freaks. 

🇬🇧 1 of 6 Mega prisons under construction in the UK

Location: Wellingborough, United Kingdom

🇦🇺 Adelaide authorities say they will gain access to bank details due to the fight against covid and will use CCTV and in-store shopping data for contact tracing and quarantine.

South Australia's capital, Adelaide, will be closed for seven days, and in announcing this, officials said they would use QR scan information to locate people to more effectively implement their contact tracing scheme.

🇦🇺 163 new cases have been reported in New South Wales, Australia, and it is now reported that the military may impose a lockdown in Sydney because of this. And this despite the fact that the population of the state is 8,157,735 people.

She calls it a "national emergency," though people are dying in much larger numbers from bee stings and diarrhea. Plus, these numbers are based on fraudulent protocols.

In addition, 141 positive tests on 102,233 tests conducted: Statistics of New South Wales.

Interestingly, the video on the site is geographically restricted, that is, someone would not really like someone from outside to observe what is happening in Australia/New Zealand.

🇬🇧 Prime Minister of Victoria, Australia, Daniel Andrews: "I will not understand what half of them are protesting against."

Reporter: "Against you."

In addition, the authorities will also have access to people's bank account details and CCTV cameras, while restaurant owners are said to be "aware of this" and work very closely with the state.

🇬🇧 the NHS is looking for a company that can provide them with more than £3 billion worth of oral direct-acting anticoagulants (DOAC) to prevent blood clots by March 2024.

"NHS Framework Agreement for the Supply of Direct Acting Oral Anticoagulants (DOAC) for the NHS in England. Published: July 22, 2021

Open opportunity – this means that the contract is currently active and the procurement department is looking for potential suppliers to fulfill the contract...

... Place of contract - England

Contract value - £3,185,000,000

The closing date is September 3, 2021."

The reason for so many blood clots?

🇬🇧 Sydney is running an emergency on the sexual variant of Joe and his Delta - the lockdown could last until October. The protests turn into scuffles with the police...

Demonstrators in Sydney chanted "Freedom" and blocked traffic. 

Dozens of people clashed with police who tried to use violence. A number of arrests were made. 

News 📰 lawn and its BigPharma.

🚩CDC: Laboratories across the country are encouraged to find an alternative testing method by the end of 2021 as PCR loses its emergency permit.

🚩Friend friend of pedophile Epstein's friend Gates, CDC chief, Fauci's swindler: 'People kind of raise their eyebrows a little' because of the apparent sharp decline in the effectiveness of the Pfizer vaccine, as Israeli data seem to show.

🚩Ruds of evidence and evidence that lockdowns that destroy small businesses and eat up people's lives and lives are complete with a jea, were useless and harmful.

How Long Should Vaccinated People Live?

I deferred this question to my friend, Dr. Milo Kanderian, Ph.D. [née Milos Iskanderianos, Corfu, Greece, 1938], who registered in 2015 a patent for graphene oxide for use as a hematological biological weapon.

In full transparency, Dr. Kanderian is what I would call a "Globalist-Genocidalist" who follows georgia's Rule of Ten [tablets of 0.5 mlr of people on Earth]. Dr. Kanderian is a medical fellow at the World Health Organization and is also very supportive of Klaus Schwab and his "Great Reset" opening up a single world digital currency, which is a secondary who goal for 2022.

Dr. Kanderian is of the opinion that 95% of the world's population are "useless eaters" who need to be euthanized as quickly as possible.

"Look downtown Chicago, Baltimore or Los Angeles," he once said, "and you'll clearly understand why Useless Eaters need to be pacified like rabid dogs."

He expressed his contempt for the "infectious educators" who promote Critical Race Theory, and is confident that the "vaccine" will put an end to "Human Cancer on Earth." Dr. Kanderian is an ardent supporter of the duty and duty of Freemasonry to rid the world of the "Plague of Mankind".

However, on a personal level, he and I share a passion for the same exotic dish served at L'emince de Veau in Geneva: hummingbird soup with cream followed by elk tongue.

We're both fans of Chef Gaston Sera de Riviera, who is a culinary genius. 

So, I asked Milo, "How can the 'vaccinated' know with certainty how long they have to live after being injected?"

He gave me information called the 'End of Cycle Formula.'"

He explained how easy it is to calculate.

"The power of simplicity," he said. "There is a maximum cycle of ten years from injection to the end of the cycle" [or death], he said. "And it's extremely easy to define."

He said any hematologist could see it for a few seconds under a microscope, and even more simply under an electron microscope. 

"The percentage of blood affected [or contaminated] with graphene oxide is the reciprocity of calculating the end of the cycle," he said.

In other words, a "vaccinated" [as he calls anyone authorized to experimentally use biological weapons for lethal injection of Eugenics for depopulation] who has a 20% deterioration of graphene oxide in his blood, except for any other input criteria, will live 8 years. [10 years less by 20%].

Someone who has a 70% wear of graphene oxide will live no more than 3 years. [10 years less than 70%].

Dr. Jane Ruby recently interviewed Sue Peters on his podcast and showed examples of what deteriorating blood looks like when exposed to graphene oxide.

Graphene oxide is at war with the heart, lungs, brain and blood for oxygen.

Graphene oxide is an oxygen sponge that deprives the body of essential oxygen and causes many complications, including anaphylactic shock, toxic blood clotting, fatal lung paralysis, mitochondrial cancer, and endothelial cancer.

Dr. Milo Kanderian's view largely coincides with that of Schwab, Gates, and the CEO of a Major Pharmaceutical Company: LET THEM ALL DIE!

I asked Milo what the effect of the second and third shots and boosters/boosters was and how that changed the end-of-cycle table.

Milo replied, "All of this can be measured with hematology testing. The more injections and accelerators the imbeciles receive, the worse their blood will look under the microscope and the faster they will turn into fertilizer."

Finally, I asked him how a conspiracy to kill so many billions of people could be kept such a secret by such a group of elites.

His response was, "You don't know much about Freemasonry, do you, Steve?" and here you have it. 

Stephen Fishman

A joint world conspiracy of criminal financial elites of the United States, Russia, Germany, France, Israel, Great Britain, Canada China are the main conspirators. Politicians of these countries are also invited and they play the role of talking heads, as well as tame lapdags and macaques from the TV 📺. In totalitarian China, Russia, the first persons are also the main businessmen. In Western countries, the structure is somewhat more complicated. Russia and China played a leading role in launching fear, as it was spelled out in the plan. The rest can be read in our past and future materials. 

The second part of the material :

To the right girls and boys from our point of view and angle of view, we send critical materials first. In this category are also ordinary people of world resistance groups and our colleagues scattered around the world. 

The second vip reference goes to suspects suspected personally by the Editor. Yes, there is reason to suspect VIP persons of complicity in the criminal special operation corona 👑 

Enjoy the beauty of the game and those others. 

Friends and Enemies need to know in person and be able to feel.

Connecting the dots in the old materials, for example, the latest material of the Editorial Board of the bottom ⬇️

Mr. Ꮲᴀᴛiᴇnᴛs' righᴛs

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