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NWO 🔛 🚻 🚽 🔝


    O Brave New World 🗺 , Hello 🤝 

Joe Biden swore allegiance to the New World Order in a 1992 article.

An article written by the great commander Joe Biden in 1992 shows how he swore allegiance to the New World Order system.

In the Wall Street Journal, titled "How I Learned to Love the New World Order," Biden, then a senator from Delaware, explained his plans to cede America's sovereignty to the United Nations and create a one-world government by "breathing life into the UN Charter."

Most Americans, myself included, reject 1930s-style isolationism. They expect to see a strong hand of American leadership in world affairs, and they know that economic retreat will bring nothing but a lower standard of living," Biden wrote.

"They also understand that many security threats — the proliferation of high-tech weapons, environmental degradation, overpopulation, drug trafficking, migration — require global solutions."

Joe Biden in 1992: How I Learned to Love the New World Order

Watch a video of Joe Biden's speeches discussing the New World Order and analyze his 1992 Wall Street Journal editorial titled "How I Learned to Love the New World Order":

In a leaked video from 1991, Rockefeller speaks openly about the new world order.

In 1994, Rockefeller said at a dinner at the United Nations: "We are on the verge of a global transformation. All we need is the right serious crisis and countries will accept a new world order."

And in 2002, David Rockefeller wrote in his memoirs: 

"Some believe that we are part of a secret clique working against the interests of the United States, characterizing my family and me as 'internationalists' colluding with other people around the world to build a more integrated global political and economic structure – one world, if you will. If it's an accusation, I'm guilty and proud of it."

How far state criminals have gone in shaping their own perceptions of a new world order with a single government can be judged by the 1991 leak. Then when it became known about the collusion of a small handful of people with the media, which together initiate the creation of a single world with a single ruler.

It is important to know that long before 1991, the media knew about this and not only did not disclose this information to the public, but also actively promoted this agenda. The SMi turned a blind eye to this 👀 the elites attended such meetings, they are the very people who finance and control this coup. 


World Order . In 1974, Richard N. Gardner wrote a article titled, The Hard Road to the New World Order. The following is a quote from that book: The "house of world order" will have to be built from the bottom up rather than from the top down. It will look like a great "booming, buzzing confusion," to use William James' famous description of ...

The New Order is the ideal of a society in which social harmony is realized, absolute order is realized. The dream of an ideal social order, a New Order, first appeared in ancient Greece, and the basic principles of this ideal were formulated by Plato in the book "Utopia", but the ideas of the New Order remained in oblivion until the Protestant Reformation.

 During this period, under the influence of Platonic ideas, socialist utopias were written by Thomas More and Campanella, and they were associated with the discovery of a new continent, America.

 Only in the New World could mankind's dream of an ideal society be realized, since, according to the humanistic thinkers of this time, the Old World, mired in vices, was doomed, and in Europe there were no forces capable of clearing these Augean stables. The hero of "Utopia" by Thomas More, Gitlodey, participating in the journey of Amerigo Vespucci, asks to leave him on an island near the American continent, where he ends up in the state of Utopia, living according to the laws established by the wise legislator Utop.

 There is no private property in Utopia. All citizens, without exception, work, "no one is idle and everyone is engaged in their own craft." The exception is not the governing elite, but the service bureaucracy, the bureaucracy that devotes itself to creating laws and putting things in order. All products of labor are distributed equally. Everyone's clothes are the same, as are the dwellings and the cities themselves, which "are so similar to each other that the one who saw one city will recognize all the cities of Utopia." The principle of standardizing life in a "correct" society appeared in the earliest socialist theories and experiments.

 One hundred years after the appearance of "Utopia", Campanella's "City of the Sun" was published, which describes in more detail, with many details, a society built on the same principles of equality and standardization. Labor is obligatory for everyone. Common wives. Children are raised not by their parents, but by society. For deviations from generally accepted norms of behavior and uniformity of dress, severe punishments follow. The principles of life proposed by the utopians were later called socialism.

 But, even before their scientific substantiation by the humanists of the Enlightenment, the ideas of socialism were applied in practice in the medieval communes-sects of the Anabaptists, Cathars, Hussites, Albigensians, Moravian brothers and many others.

 The life of each of the sects was limited to only a few years, primarily because they did not have an economic base - land, the land belonged to a hereditary aristocracy, therefore the practice of communes, heretical sects of the Middle Ages, could not spread to the entire society. The American Puritans, unlike their European predecessors, had an economic basis for building God's Kingdom on earth. The land in America belonged to those who cultivated it. The Puritans, who established the first colonies in the New World, fled from an immoral, vicious Europe, and saw their future as a model for the rest of the world.

 The first British colonists, at Plymouth in the north and Georgetown in the south, experimented with the creation of the New Order. Captain Smith, the first community leader in Georgetown, introduced the principle of life expressed in the early Christian idea of ​​the apostle Paul: "He who does not work does not eat." The next step in the development of this idea was the Time-Money formula, which grew out of the Protestant postulate that every hour spent in inaction was stolen from labor for the glory of God.

 Beginning with collective, communal farming, the early American colonists soon moved on to a more productive economy based on individual interest. But attempts to create a collectivist model of the New Order continued into the 19th century.

 As the American historian Kumar writes, "More communism was practiced in 19th century America than at any other time, in any other country." One of the theorists of communism was the educator Charles Fourier. In his system, the society consists of phalansters, each phalanster, which includes 1620 people, is housed in one six-story building with several buildings, where each of the buildings is intended for work, social gatherings and recreation. Fourier believed that the entire variety of human types is exhausted by 810, therefore the entire population of the Phalanster was classified according to its typical psychological and physical qualities. Everyone does their job and gets their fair share of entertainment. "From each according to his ability, to each according to his work." The distribution of pleasures and entertainment according to this principle was supposed to be the means that would allow maintaining order in the phalanx.

 Another utopian communist, Robert Owen, was the first to introduce the word socialism, and the first commune he created in the United States, New Harmony, was a factory owned by members of a cooperative commune. Subsequently, it became a model for the rational conduct of industrial production.

 Fourier's utopia was anti-industrial. The members of the Fourier phalanx worked, but did only what was attractive to them, doing the work that was unpleasant for everyone in turn. Groups within the phalanx were formed not on the basis of industrial relations, but on the principle of personal attraction to each other, according to Fourier, on passions, on the absolute value of the individual and self-expression in various forms of activity.

 Fourier believed that the satisfaction of the instincts, the passions of the individual, is the main force in the development of society, - “There is not a single passion that is useless or bad, they are all the embodiment of the qualities given to man by nature, that is, God. " A true socialist society should encourage everything that is considered a vice. Moral principles that forbid the manifestation of a person's natural qualities are harmful, because they forbid a person to manifest his divine nature. "All these philosophical quirks, which are called duty, are invented by people, and passions, inclinations, are given by God."

 Labor is necessary only to create the most necessary, and the creation and accumulation of wealth, as the goal of society, contradicts the true goal of the individual - self-realization in the creative process of communication with other people, in happiness, in enjoying life itself.

 The center of Fourier's concept was the individual, the personality, whose flourishing, in all its manifestations, society should help in every way. The collective, according to Fourier, is a collection of personalities in which all human qualities, suppressed in a “normal” society, flourish freely, and the narrowing of a person to a “norm” is nothing more than the destruction of the personality.

 But all American communes built on a collective economy had a short life, since universal equality led to universal poverty. The commune "New Harmony", created by Robert Owen, was founded in 1825 and existed for 3 years, Etienne Cabet in Illinois created "Ikaria" in 1850 - existed for 5 years, Wilhelm Weitling "Commune" in 1851, in Iowa, 5 years.

 American communist experiments could not fail to attract the attention of Russian socialists. According to Korolenko, "Emigration to America attracted many Russians who dreamed of communist experiences."

 Of all the social utopias, Fourier's communist utopia was closest to the general ideals of the Russian intelligentsia. Natalya Pavlovna's fourth dream in Chernyshevsky's novel was a literary interpretation of Fourier's idea of ​​free love. Dostoevsky, for his participation in the circle of the Petrashevists, who studied the ideas of Fourier, paid with hard labor. Fourier's ideas were popular in Russia among the Russian intelligentsia, brought up on a European individualistic culture, but they could not take root in a country where more than 90% of the population were illiterate and lived in conditions built on the collectivism of a rural community, without any connections with the world culture.

 However, the ideals of the pre-revolutionary intelligentsia were used by the Bolsheviks, and Fourier's ideas were included, as an important component, in the slogans of Soviet propaganda, the flourishing of the personality was declared the goal of communism.

 Fourier's ideas, however, were not popular in American society, which was based on the principle of individual interest, and the personality itself was evaluated only by the amount of wealth created by a person. The Fourier system, in which relations within society were based on the principles of trust and selflessness, contradicted the basic postulates of universal competition and individual success. But, although the Fourier system was rejected, the ideas of other enlighteners, Rousseau, Saint-Simon, Diderot, Voltaire were used.

 The central theme of the Enlightenment is the liberation of the natural principle in man, but the natural can be understood in different ways, it can be kindness and responsiveness, selfishness is also natural, caring only about oneself. Of all the natural qualities of a person, America singled out those that corresponded to the conditions of competition, the struggle for power and wealth. They arose organically, without external pressure, in the process of survival, the struggle of all against all. Europe, following in the same direction, in fostering the "natural qualities" necessary for the development of the economy, used traditional methods - state violence.

 In Britain in the second half of the 19th century, unemployed urban dwellers and landless peasants were forced into factories, where they lived in workers' barracks under military discipline. Long before the British experience, at the beginning of the 19th century, Arakcheev conducted a successful, but local experiment of creating labor camps and military settlements. In Russia at that time, his experience did not take root, but the Bolsheviks were able to reproduce it on a different, massive basis, on the scale of the whole country, when, on the initiative of Trotsky, labor armies began to be created.

 America did not follow the European path of barracks socialism; it had other means of educating the masses. There was no need for forced coercion to work, since immigrants from all over the world voluntarily accepted living conditions in which the factory, factory and workers' slums, consisting of family huts around, were only a temporary epicenter of their existence, the first stage of their life in a new country providing opportunities that they did not have in the countries where they came from. The centuries-old dream of mankind about a society of general prosperity began to be embodied for the first time in the life of the United States, where its foundation was created, the production of consumer products, which turned into an instrument for educating the masses.

 For centuries, religion has been the main social institution that regulated all aspects of life, fostered morality, morality (public interest), rules of behavior. But religion did not seek to improve the living conditions of people, it simply did not set itself such a task. The Protestant Reformation that followed the Renaissance proclaimed the values ​​of a new, bourgeois class - labor of the highest religious value. Catholicism spoke of man as the center of the universe, but was unable to change people's lives for the better and began to give way to Protestantism, in which man is valuable only by what he creates.

 The Protestant Reformation was the first true revolution in the history of Europe, it turned the direction of development of civilization by 180 degrees, it changed the foundations of the world outlook of all peoples inhabiting Europe. All subsequent revolutions were only a continuation and development of the fundamental ideas of that era.

 "Give people their daily bread, and then ask them about spiritual life" was the main tenet of the Enlightenment, the successor of the Protestant Reformation. The materialistic worldview was instilled by science, which the Enlightenment turned into a new form of religion.

 In the 19th century, the century of Progress, science became the driving force of the industrial society, it created new, efficient methods of production and effective methods of controlling workers, and the result was enormous material wealth. The United States was the leader in introducing a new, scientific approach to production.

 Lenin wrote in 1918 “... (it is necessary) to introduce the American scientific system throughout Russia. ... Labor productivity is in the last analysis, the most important, the most important for the victory of the new social system. The main thing for us is the scientific organization of labor and control. "

 Lenin, speaking of the American scientific system, had in mind the system created by Henry Ford, who, in his political views, was a socialist. Ford built houses for workers, nurseries and schools for children. Evening schools and refresher courses were created. The workers received loans to buy houses from the factory administration, not from banks, and with less interest than banks, and were entitled to buy their company's cars at reduced prices. Workers at Ford factories were dependent on their employer not only economically. Saloons, cinemas, entertainment centers in the Detroit area were controlled by Ford. The security guards of Ford factories of 5,000 people monitored not only order at production, but also the privacy of workers. It was an attempt to “build socialism in one separate campaign,” not without reason that the Ford empire was called “Ford socialism”.

 Ford formulated the ideas of the New Order not in political but in economic terms: “Social change must come not as a result of a political revolution, but in the process of economic evolution. The culture of car production must become the culture of life, this is our common future, and the United States will be the leader on this path. "

 This culture of the machine society subsequently came to be called “corporate socialism” when the state began to merge with corporations into one system. Benito Mussolini called this system Fascism, "Fascism can be called Corporatism because it is a fusion of the state and the power of corporations."

 Ford saw the future in the corporate system and provided tremendous financial and technical assistance to the pioneers who began to build corporate socialism in other countries, Germany and the Soviet Union. The opposition of the civilized world to the New Order in Germany and Russia did not negate the fact that all countries, each in its own way, built their own version of a machine society, in which, as the poet of the revolution Mayakovsky said, labor will be the Master of the world.

 An American lawyer who visited the Soviet Union in 1931, “The living conditions here remind me of the state of affairs at home. The same enthusiasm, the same desire to succeed in the industry, the same energy and passion for the job. There is also a parallel in the mobilization of patriotic feelings and social activism. "

 The countries building the New Order differed in their practice, but the ideological postulates that they proclaimed were largely the same. So Bernard Shaw noted, - "The Stalinist Constitution looks like it was written by Thomas Payne (one of the creators of the American Constitution)." Differences in the practice of implementing the New Order were associated with various historical traditions, culture and self-awareness of the peoples of these countries.

 Particularly difficult tasks faced the Bolsheviks - it was necessary to change the negative attitude towards labor, which came from the centuries-old Russian experience, labor itself did not bring tangible results. It became necessary to cultivate a new attitude towards economics and labor. The Soviet slogan "Labor is a matter of honor and valor" was a paraphrase of the main idea of ​​Protestantism "Labor serving God", which was deeply alien to the Russian consciousness, brought up on the Orthodox idea, "Labor is a curse on man for his sins."

 It was necessary to teach people to work, to cultivate a new attitude towards work, and for this it was necessary not only a repressive, but also a huge propaganda apparatus. At the initiative of Lenin, in the early twenties, the CIT, the Central Institute of Labor, was created. The Soviet leadership of the country began a campaign to educate new ethical categories, work discipline, asceticism in behavior and desires. The need for a new science, anthropotechnics, the science of creating and designing a new person was also widely discussed. In the West, it received a different name - social engineering.

The qualities that the “New Soviet Man” were supposed to possess almost completely coincided with the Protestant ethics of work and ascetic life, but they did not give the same results as in the United States, where they naturally led to a clear improvement in living conditions.

 American propaganda, unlike the propaganda of the Bolsheviks, did not call for self-sacrifice in the name of lofty goals, it acted from the opposite, "Think only about yourself, about your personal well-being, and this will increase your wealth and the wealth of the whole society." In the United States, labor, as the meaning of human life, was proclaimed not only by Protestant ethics, it was also proclaimed by state policy and ideology. Thus, President Calvin Coolidge in 1927 put forward the slogan "American business is business" as the basis of American ideology.

 Already at the time of Alexis Tocqueville, in the first third of the 19th century, the order of relations began to take shape, which he called the “despotism of democracy”: “... it (democracy) covers the entire surface of society with a net of small but complex rules, they are invisible and uniform , and therefore even the most powerful minds and the most energetic people are not able to penetrate into the essence of what is happening. No one is able to rise above the understanding of the manipulated crowd, including the manipulators themselves. "

 The traditions of individualism made it possible to manipulate the “crowd of dictators” through the idea of ​​personal success, which was understood as an economic interest, and this narrow sphere was easily superimposed on a “grid of small but complex rules”. People with one life purpose can be easily manipulated, as in the process of achieving their individual goals, they lose interest in what happens outside of their only goal. Everything that exists outside the economic sphere loses its attractiveness for them, and this “economic man” with all his lifestyle forms and strengthens a total control system.

 Using constant and imperceptible, but all-encompassing pressure, economic democracy blocks any resistance, “... and as a result, the entire nation turns into a herd of cowardly but hardworking animals, doing everything that the shepherds demand of them. This slavery is of a special nature, it offers various forms of external freedom, imperceptibly and gently depriving them of their internal freedom. " Alex Tocqueville

 The New Order, which began its triumphant march in Europe, Russia and the United States, acquired various forms, used different methods, but one tendency was to destroy the old ideas about good and evil, religious morality, morality, and create a new vision of the world, a new morality, a new moral.

 The credo of the Bolsheviks, "Everything that is useful for the revolution is moral." The credo of economic democracy, "Everything that is useful for economic growth is moral." American democracy created a new morality, using the most flexible and adaptable religion, Protestantism, its authority, modifying and adapting religious morality to the needs of economic growth.

 The European countries that were building socialism were supposed to neutralize the influence of religion on the masses, but it had deep roots in public consciousness, therefore Nazi propaganda gradually replaced the ideals of religion with the mythology of the Aryan, barbaric, pre-Christian civilization. Italian fascism tried to reconstruct the barbaric, pre-Christian Ancient Rome. Christian morality, with its compassion for the weak, had to give way to the ideals of a Force capable of remaking the world.

 The most effective was the position of American democracy, which used the ideas of Protestantism to create new forms of social relations. American Protestantism differed from its European version in that it introduced into Christianity not only a powerful element of rationalism and pragmatism, but also the idea of ​​constant adaptation of religion to the changing conditions of social life. One of the most influential Protestant sects in America, created in the late 19th century, proclaimed the idea of ​​rationalism, unlike other sects, openly, in its name, "Cristian Science", a sect of Christian science.

 Popular culture, which first emerged in the United States, like science, has become an effective means of changing public consciousness. Adapting to the demands of the market, popular culture inculcated new values ​​of life based on economic interests, and, in the process of the general race for material wealth, eternal values, morality, morality, spiritual principle, lost any meaning.

 What caused the emergence of socialism as a real social practice of total control? Where is the dividing line between capitalism and socialism. Lenin believed that socialism "comes from capitalism, historically develops from capitalism, is the result of the action of such a social force, which is born of capitalism."

 If we continue Lenin's logic, socialism is nothing else, the next stage of capitalism. Socialism, no matter what form it takes, first of all cancels the main postulate of traditional religion, the priority of spirit over matter - the meaning of human life is primarily in the satisfaction of material needs.

 "Socialism is the flesh of the flesh of capitalism, they strive for complete power over humanity, and their goal is control over the most intimate areas of the human spirit." N. Berdyaev.

 Even before the emergence of socialism in European countries, many Marxists saw the United States as a country in which socialism had already begun to build. Michael Harrington, founder of the Democratic Socialism Party (the forerunner of the US Communist Party), stated in 1907, "What is commonly called Americanism is socialism in a specific American form."

 American sociologist Samson spoke about this in 1937, "The American idea that everyone can become a capitalist is a variant of socialism with an individualistic refrain." Leon Trotsky, after spending two months in the United States and leaving America for Russia in 1917 to build a new world, wrote: “I left America with the feeling of a man who only looked with one eye inside the forge, where the fate of mankind would be forged.”

 In the period between the First and Second World War, almost all European countries began to build socialism, although their pace of development was limited by the post-war devastation. Russia in 1917, Italy in 1924, Germany in 1933, which announced the construction of a "New Order in the Millennial Reich", then France, Spain, Bulgaria, Romania and others. Some countries chose the path of National Socialism, entering the fascist coalition, while others joined the world socialist International.

 The German fascist party was officially called the “workers 'national socialist”, and had the same social program as the workers' parties in other countries: “We demand that the government provide citizens with jobs and guarantee a living standard. Workers must share in the profits of large enterprises. Freedom of the individual's selfish interests must not be allowed. It is not society that obeys the individual, but the individual obeys the interests of society. Assistance programs for the elderly should be expanded. A system of free public education for the poor in universities should be created. The state must improve the public health system, take children and mothers under its protection, and prohibit child labor. "

 Totalitarianism today is associated with fascism and Soviet communism - with torchlight processions, bonfires from books, with the Gestapo and the SS, the KGB, the Gulag and the genocide of entire nations. But the state and economic structure of fascist Germany and Soviet Russia, at its core, differed little from democratic countries. The difference was in the idea of ​​a person's place in the system - the interests of the state are more important than the interests of the individual, which was part of public consciousness, part of German and Russian culture, national traditions.

 In democratic countries, the individual did not belong to the state, he belonged to the economic machine.

 “The death camps and labor camps were not a deviation from the basic ideas of an industrial society, they were built on the principles of rationalism, bureaucratization and standardization, characteristic of any production. The concentration camp brought to its logical conclusion the idea of ​​the priority of the economy over human life.

 “The Holocaust could not have happened in a pre-industrial society. The destruction procedure has been streamlined and standardized in full compliance with the requirements of modern production. " German sociologist Sigmund Baumann.

 The pre-industrial society did not have the technical capabilities to create concentration camps, but the idea of ​​a concentration camp was, it arose in the 18th century, during the Enlightenment. "Only those who work and are useful to society should live, the rest should be destroyed," wrote one of the educators, Saint-Simon.

 The 18th century prepared the theoretical basis for the transition to the New Order, the 19th century began to create a technical base, by the beginning of the 20th century it was built, which made it possible to bring ideas to life. It was not for nothing that the Nazis called Germany the Third Reich. The Third Reich was the direct heir to imperial Germany, the Second Reich, which created a powerful industry and organizational structure that was totalitarian in nature. The fascists did not create the totalitarian system anew, it already existed, this is evidenced by the very period during which it was created (rather recreated) - six years. The only new thing that the fascists introduced into the life of Germany was the state ideology. Fascism, in Italy and Spain, could not even come close to the German, tough model of totalitarianism, they had neither a developed economy nor the traditions of a strong state. But all the industrialized countries of the world, regardless of the proclaimed ideology, were moving in the same direction.

 “If Germany had not declared war on the entire civilized world, the destruction of population groups that hinder the concentration of power and the establishment of absolute and undisguised control over the life of all strata of society would have passed more or less unnoticed, the capitalist world, with its priority of materialistic values, would have come to terms with the excesses of its economic and a trading partner ... ... fascism is just a crude, primitive form of capitalist democracy. " German philosopher Adorno.

 The totalitarian countries used state violence to build a powerful military economy, and they created it in a short time. But in times of peace, in a peaceful economy, state violence is not productive. Germany and Russia were destroying huge labor resources and spending huge amounts of money on the repressive apparatus.

 Democracy, on the other hand, uses the form of a business agreement in which the population receives tangible compensation for submission to the interests of the economy. Therefore, the masses abandoned the old ideas about the goals of human life and accepted their role as the cogs of the economic machine, voluntarily, by contract. American political scientist Galbright called this process convergence, the convergence of two seemingly contradictory systems. “In essence, after all, the two ideological forces that confronted most of the twentieth century, argued only about the details of the same bright future. It was not ideals but methods that distinguished them from each other. " Russian journalist Genis.

 For the philosophers of the Frankfurt School, Fromm, Adorno, Marcuse, who saw the process of creating a totalitarian fascist regime in Germany and fled from it to the United States, the specifics of American life did not prevent them from seeing the familiar features of totalitarianism in the country of the most advanced democracy. The Soviet dissidents, Solzhenitsyn and Alexander Zinoviev, finding themselves in the West, expected to find true democracy here, but they found the same thing that they fought in the Soviet Union, only in other, more sophisticated and more civilized forms.

 Pope John Paul II, a former Polish prelate who devoted much of his life to fighting the Soviet version of socialism, noted in his 1998 encyclical that capitalism today has evolved into an improved version of communism.

 Hannah Arendt, in her book The Origins of Totalitarianism, said that, for the average person, totalitarianism has become so everyday and habitual that he no longer pays attention to it. […] To create a system of total control, technological civilization has provided a huge set of tools that implement a comprehensive regulation of the forms of social life, replacing the diversity of social ties with those few that are purely functional in nature.

 By manipulating individual interests, the system creates public consensus, total support, and violence ceases to be a necessity. The modern methods of creating the New Order are not in any way associated with what happened in Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union. It is believed that the ideology of fascism, communism and the ideology of modern liberalism are antipodes. Liberals traditionally held anti-fascist positions, they were at the forefront of the fight against totalitarian regimes, but the idea of ​​endless development of the economy, on which liberalism stands, turns the individual into a faceless part of the masses, the economy standardizes all aspects of society's life, control becomes more total than in all its previous , violent forms.

 Marxism declared that society lives according to unshakable historical laws, reducing the entire complexity of social development to the struggle of classes. Economic liberalism speaks of the existence of other laws, laws of the free market, in which there is no class struggle, but only a struggle between individuals.

 The license to know the truth of the laws of history led the Soviet system, with its “scientific communism,” to complete collapse. Today the place of the communist ideology with its “scientific character” is taken by the no less “scientific” ideology of the free market. Happiness will come to humanity as a result of the subordination of society to the demands of the market. And the market will be able to fully use its entire gigantic potential by creating a standard price tag for all forms of human relations. Everything should be put on the market - love and hate, respect and contempt, ideals and beliefs. Everything has to be bought and sold. The simplicity and convenience of this system is obvious, the economic approach to all problems simplifies the complexity and confusion of human life, it introduces living conditions, all forms of relations, behavior, thinking, culture into the framework of the standard.

 "The complete unification of life, like an asphalt roller, flattens, flattens the landscape of society and leads us to totalitarianism.", Noted in 1957 Bernard Rosenberg, author of the book "Mass Culture". The starting point in the emergence of totalitarian forms is the emergence of fascism. But the tendencies to his appearance were laid already in the first period of the creation of a materialistic or industrial civilization, during the time of Tocqueville, about which the Washington Post wrote in April 2007, “Alexis Tocqueville is an outstanding figure of political thought of the 19th century, along with Karl Marx and John Stuart Mill, and far more discerning than any of them. More than anyone in Europe of his time, he saw where history was heading. "

 Alex Tocqueville, 1836, “I think that the power of the means of control over society that a democracy possesses is incomparable to anything that has existed in the past. I am afraid that in the future society will create unified institutions, the same dreams and desires for all, standard demeanors ... There will be no thirst for new ideas, and a person will waste his energy to achieve some nonsense. External movement will occur constantly, but humanity will stop in the process of its true development. "



Magnetism and the presence of nanomagnetic particles in the bodies of poor poor people vaccinated with BigPharma poison.

Meanwhile, seven years ago, many were well aware of this technology. One of them is Roberto Cingolani, Draghi's Minister of Environmental Transition and Leonardo's former technical director. 

He perfectly explained the functioning of these particles, capable of remotely (by "order" from the outside) to release pharmaceutical substances.

That is, Friends, the global kahal has been preparing everything for many years, and Draghi in advance placed in his government a person who knew the technology of nanoparticles, which, apparently, were in vaccines-injections of mRNA therapy.

In general, nano-things that are able to respond to EM signals, 5G, in vaccines - not a joke and not a conspiracy theory, Friends. Do not think that what Chubais was doing, and he was doing it "nano-", a conspiracy theory...)

"... when used as containers of nanoparticles with a metal core and a polymer shell in which the medicinal compounds are contained, it is possible to cause their release with limited heating of the nanoparticles.

This is achieved by imposing an alternating magnetic field or irradiating a laser light in the near infrared range, which is weakly absorbed by biological tissues, but is well absorbed by metallic nanoparticles.

The vector attached to the target cell with the drug can be captured by the cell by endocytosis or by merging the membrane of the vector (liposome) with the cell membrane.

In any case, the drug is delivered inside the cell and, in principle, with the help of special techniques can be directed to the nucleus, mitochondria, endoplasmic reticulum and other organelles.

The concept of intracellular drug delivery is under active development. For its practical implementation, knowledge about the signaling sequences of proteins, with the help of which proteins are sent to various cellular structures, is important. "

Given the special love of the first persons for graphene having the structure of honeycombs, it is not superfluous to recall that the program of the NEW WORLD ORDER 2050 goes in parallel with the program of nation-states. In the plans until 2030, it is proposed to introduce "nano-robots" into the bodies of people, which will monitor the state of the body, transmit data, and someone else will make a decision on each individual. 


This material explains the Stakhanov construction of 5G towers in Cyprus and around the world.

The whole problem is that you've created a deceitful pandemic. Otherwise, it cannot 🚫 never be implemented. And now this communist- fascist shit 💩 stinns to the whole world 🗺 

They all have the same articles of accusation! 

It is permissible for analysts to formulate arbitrarily, in our international resistance team strong lawyers and other specialists with m

World famous. They will clothe our proposal in legal form for a claim paragraph. 

1) collusion with a foreign state;

2) high treason; 

3) facts of falsification of the first persons of the USA and other states (Israel 🇮🇱) during personal injections in order to promote toxic liquid for US citizens 🇺🇸 and other countries of the world;

4) lying under oath. 

Does the day cease to be lanming? Aren't the gentlemen criminals? 

Or what? 

There we go. 

𝕸𝖗. 𝕻𝖗𝖔𝖙𝖔𝖈𝖔𝖑

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