I wonder how long their honeymoon will last 🤴 19? 

I wonder how long their honeymoon will last 🤴 19? 

Mr. Tribule's Intergalactic Project 


🇺🇸 From Washington on December 31, 2021, the CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) came charmingly frank data. These individuals withdrew approval of PCR tests from January 1, 2022. Now, after two years of lying, these people have decided that this crap is not suitable for differentiating Barano-19 from other fairy tales they invented from flu-like infections. This authority consisting of a paramedic withdrew the recognition of the PCR test. From this it follows that from 2022 it is practically impossible to make their "terrible" statistics. 

And what did you do from January 21, 2021 to January 1, 2022 🏥 Oval Hospital paramedics? 

In 2020 and 2021, colds have practically disappeared from the statistics of diseases. Diagnoses were systematically and intentionally falsified and renamed "Barano-19" using a false PCR test.

Comment by Anselm Lenz, editor of DW: "With the end of the PCR pandemic, the whole construct of lies in the Covid campaign is crumbling like a house of cards in the US. Relevant news is currently spreading in the U.S. at the speed of a wildfire. Tech companies and propaganda groups ("fact-checkers") are already indirectly censoring the original report on the CDC website in an attempt to cover up and prevent its spread. However, the entire coronavirus campaign must actually end in the U.S. and around the world."



Western Australian Prime Minister Mark McGlone, who has not yet been arrested, is having fun in public with a false doctor and booster. Yes Mark, your brother Mark will be unhappy with your entertainment with the false doctor and you will definitely receive reverse karma. 

Fact check: Posts falsely claim cap was on Nancy Pelosi's COVID-19 vaccine


In little Napoleon's France, hospitals are so crowded that the orderlies do not always cope with their duties as clowns, in which case they forgot to put their hand on the mannequin. 

The world's media continues to splash saliva from all over the body platforms carrying bags of shit like cargo ishaks fertilizing the viral soil of deaths from Injections of BigPharma poison. including narrow-eyed CNN experts, false doctors, and other communist Nazi errands. Yes, none of these pocket journalists write for us the news about the billionaire founder of the Emerson Collective, who, in addition to all the other worries of her working days, is also concerned with CHILDREN. ,ostensibly it's about education. Also concerned about climate and menopause, is also a sponsor of ex-prostitute Kamala Harris and the father of pedophile hair sniffer Joe Biden, who, according to him, CHILDREN stroked the hair on his leg. She is also the co-founder and chairman of the board of directors of College Track and also deals with CHILDREN. And Lauren Powell Jobs is friends with the girlfriend of the friend of the main pricker of the Planet, the main sponsor of the WHO, who pays salaries to its functionaries, Gates the king of pedophilia Epstein, convicted child pedophile Gislane Maxwell, and also, despite the archival nature of the topic, none of the so-called world media writes that the sister of "Madame" Epstein (Gislaine) Isabella is a "technological pioneer" of the Swabian WEF, with which the Russian Putin government signed a memorandum on the creation of a memorandum in Russia The Center for the Fourth Industrial Revolution and has already signed a memorandum on the establishment of the Associated, independent member of the WEF with an office in San Francisco and a base in Russia. 

Pedophiles, perverts, pederasts, child trafficking, murder, forgery, the complete gentleman's recruitment of any self-respecting criminal, this is the set without which BigPharma and the national administrations of the world cannot work. 

BTC is the Global Cabal's currency for dealing with people, drugs, child trafficking, and eugenics. BTC will die sooner or later, but part of it can be used in the QFS blockchain. When you hear about the QFS login, know that the end of BTC is already in front of you.

Melania Trump: It is widely known that

The market capitalization of Bitcoin exceeds 1 trillion US dollars. Today marks the 13th anniversary of the Bitcoin Genesis Block. Happy Anniversary, Satoshi. #SatoshiNakamoto #MelaniaNFT

Why does Melania congratulate BTC? It's that simple. Remember who her husband Kushner is. Plus, the Pope is Putin's friend one side of the coin, with Biden on the other side (read Obama). All these families are part of one global kahal. Otherwise, everyone would have been poisoned 🤮 the mushrooms of Joseph Dzhugashvili Stalin, got sick, would have begun to splash with diarrhea, choked on splashes, suffocated and all lay down in one common, damp, cold earth. And they still walk, ride and congratulate each other.

Former Slavic President Trump's son-in-law has ties to former Soviet Union, these are the Great Pages of Russian History 


Meet Jared Kushner; born January 10, 1981) is an American businessman who owns a development company and the New York Observer newspaper. In 2009, he married Ivanka Trump, a Slovak, and they have three children. 

R-Pharm is an absolute leader in state procurement of medicines. The company was able to get ahead of such giants as, for example, "Pharmstandard" associated with Victor Kharitonin. 


Again our dear Vitya Christ and his Madame Arbidol on the editorial Sunday proscenium .




 The Chabad Jewish Community Center of Port Washington on Long Island in Manhasset Bay is housed in a squat brick building opposite a Shell gas station and shopping mall. This is an unremarkable house on an unremarkable street, if you do not take into account one peculiarity. The shortest paths connecting Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin run through it.


 Torossian, who said, among other things, that he is a friend of Sater and his public relations representative, explained that this balance is especially attractive to Jews from the former Soviet Union, who value the combination of traditional trappings and an indulgent attitude towards observance of customs and rituals. “All Russian Jews go to Chabad,” he said. "Russian Jews are uncomfortable in a reformed synagogue."


The Hasids - a small minority in modern Judaism (about 5 percent) are perhaps the richest and most influential part of world Jewry. Recently, they have increasingly claimed to be the spiritual and political leaders of the entire Jewish people.


Abramovich reportedly was the first to recommend Putin to Yeltsin as his successor. In their 2004 biography of Abramovich, British journalists Dominic Midgley and Chris Hutchins write: became a voluntary accomplice for him. " Biographers write that the relationship between these two people developed as between a father and a son, and they report that Abramovich personally interviewed candidates for positions in Putin's first cabinet of ministers. According to the available information, he gave Putin a yacht for $ 30 million, although Putin himself denies this.


 Abramovich's business interests and his personal life intersected with Trump's world many times and in various directions.


Islamo-Jew Timati gave a good retreat to let on the show Bachelor. This is the Maybach A394AA777 by Anastasia Reshetova, Timur's ex-wife. Her firm has a new Rolls Royce. Reshetov Maybach is parked by Timati's assistant, Grigory Matveevichev. He is the son-in-law of the humorist Vladimir Vinokur. That's not what Anastasia Vinokur dreamed of. That's why Gregory scrapped it. And many girls are ready to consider a man an enviable groom. There's a fleet of cars that Grisha has accumulated:

Like a Heifer to You, Aviator ✈️ Seems to be Your Size Leo)

No, not my mom. Mom is under the protection of my unit and personally me Leo. It works for me and do not twitch baby, if you do not want to lose the most valuable thing in your body - 🥚 🥚 

Mama Ilona Anna and I opened the Museum of History 2022. I work at the box office and sell tickets 🎟 retail and wholesale all over the globe. Now Mom is on another excursion and conducts another exaltation through the halls of our temple of art. 

Orsini is an Italian noble family.

The earliest information about Orsini dates back to the XI-XII centuries. The rise of Orsini occurred with the election to the papal throne of Giacinto Bobone, son of Pietro Bobone, under the name Celestine III (1191-1198). His nephew Orso di Bobone (from his name the name is derived) is considered the founder of the family. During the struggle between the Holy Roman Emperors and the Papacies, Orsini supported the Popes and led the Guelph Party in Rome (see Guelphs and Ghibellines). Matteo Rosso (died 1246) became famous for his struggle against Emperor Frederick II Staufen. In the XIII century, several representatives of the Orsini family were ordained cardinals, and one of them - Giovanni Gaetano - was elected Pope under the name of Nicholas III (1277-1280).

In the middle of the THIRTEENth century, the house of Orsini was divided into several branches: Bracciano, Montegiordano, Monterotondo owned lands in the Papal States; Gravina, del Balzo in the Kingdom of Naples; Pitigliano - in Tuscany. Orsini's feud with the Roman colonna family, accompanied by bloody battles in the 1330s, led to the establishment of a republic in Rome led by Cola di Rienzo. After the end of the Avignon captivity of the popes, Gregory XI (1370-1378) transferred to the ownership of Niccolò (1331-1399) a number of lands on the west coast of Italy, as well as the administration of the Papal States. In the 1st half of the fifteenth century, the most famous are: Paolo (died 1416), condottiero (see Condottieri) in the service of several popes; Giordano (died 1438), cardinal, collector of manuscripts (later included in the Vatican Library), who patronized artists (his palace on the hill of Monte Giordano in Rome was painted by Masolino da Panicale and Paolo Uccello), scientists and humanists (Nicholas of Cusa, Poggio Bracciolini, Lapo da Castiglionchio). Granddaughter of condottiero Orso (died 1424), who served king Ferdinand I of Naples of Aragon, Clarice (1453-1588) became the wife of Lorenzo de' Medici, their son Giovanni was elected pope in 1513 under the name leo X. In the pontificate of Alexander VI, Orsini were subjected to repression: in 1497, Gentile Virginio, constable of the Kingdom of Naples, was poisoned; in 1503, as a result of the suppression of a conspiracy against Cesare Borgia (see Borgia), Cardinal Giovanni Battista, condottiero Paolo and Duke Gravina Francesco died. The representative of the Pitigliano line, Count Niccoló (1442-1510), from 1508 was the commander-in-chief of the Venetian troops during the war against the League of Cambrai (see Italian Wars). In 1511, Giangiordano (died 1517), a close associate of Pope Julius II (1503-1513), signed a treaty of peace with the Colonna family. In the XVI century, the following are known: Pier Francesco (Vicino) (1528-1585), who ordered the late Renaissance Monster Park of Villa Orsini in Bomarzo (province of Viterbo); Fulvio (1529-1600), keeper of the Farnese Library and collector of coins, inscriptions, ancient manuscripts, as well as paintings; his collection includes works by El Greco, with whom he was friends. Fulvio published the works of a number of ancient authors, and also acted as a compiler of biographies of famous people. Paolo Giordano (1541–1585), Duke of Bracciano, participated in the Battle of Lepanto (1571) he was married to Isabella de' Medici (1542-1576), daughter of Cosimo I de' Medici, Grand Duke of Tuscany (see medici article), and his second marriage to a relative of Pope Sixtus V, Vittoria Accoramboni (1557-1585).

All branches of the Orsini, with the exception of Gravina, which exists to this day, were suppressed at the end of the seventeenth century. In 1718, Pope Clement XI (1700-1721) granted members of the Gravina branch the title of prince-primates of the papal throne. In 1724, Pietro Francesco was elected pope under the name Benedict XIII (died 1730).


Another sincere confession from the depths of 2018 about the new policy of the Marxist circle of the WEF towards the future of Humanity: fascism, slavery with a digital false medical accent was made by the Israeli professor of the Hebrew University, the author of the bestseller "Sapiens: A Brief History of Mankind" Yuval Noah Harari at the meeting of the Communist Nazis of the WEF in 2018. Even then, tests were supplied around the world by the international Bulgarian bank MB PCR and criminals were inspired by preparations for a terrorist attack on the world. 

"People will give up their private lives in exchange for medical care, and perhaps in many places they will have no choice at all. They won't even get insurance if they don't want to give them access to what's going on inside their bodies."


"Unfortunately, at VAERS we went through two stages. More than 1 million adverse events and more than 21,000 deaths. 30% of these deaths occurred 0, 1 or 2 days after vaccination."

Senator Ron Johnson

The Rothschild family dates back to the Orsini, along with the Rockafellers and many other large families. All these ruling families have the same ancestry and all come from the Orsini, a Roman feudal family, separated in the eleventh century from the Boboni family, descended from the Julio-Claudius. Incest is the norm for them. And incest is degeneration, it's a scientific fact. 

Pure Evil was never overthrown, it went into the shadows. Nazism, Communism, Maoism, Zionism, all serve the same purpose, even despite external antagonism, everything is subordinated to evil and the goal of establishing evil.

The Conspirators' Club is made up of the highest levels of global politesse, and they were the ones who planned, funded, and created the false pandemic. They go out of their way in the live broadcasts of social accounts and TV, in order to introduce their poison into the bodies of everyone, including children. This is a dystopian surre never seen before in advertising. It all comes down to a choice: live in fear of dictators or end human oppression by bringing them to open combat and holding them accountable. There is no one of the laws that they have not transgressed. We will not lie down and play a victim of the plans of psychopaths. 

The national guarantors trampled the constitution with dirty criminal legs. It's no longer a constitution, it's a cheap magazine 📓 You need to act now, while the World is still standing. We have to do our part and hold everyone accountable. Life and power are already beginning to disappear from under their feet for no apparent reason. 

It's time to act!

And cowards have no place among us!

I met a brave soldier, On a rocky seashore, Oh, girls, the regime with hygiene Violated by us at every turn! Passion plunged into the abyss, About one thing I remember, Oh, such was a man, Well, a real colonel.


This Guy is somewhat like you, Leo, is also the same exquisite pervert .

    No, he's more like Bezos, same guy. 

In 1944, M. Gandhi's wife died and he began to share a bed with young girls to "test his willpower." It turned out that Gandhi often suffered from the cold at night. He asked several young girls and women to sleep with him in turn to warm him with their bodies. Abha Gandhi, his nephew's wife, began sleeping with Gandhi at the age of 16. After a while, Gandhi asked her to sleep with him naked. Abhi's husband was upset when he found out about this and told Gandhi that he himself would warm him with his own body. Gandhi refused the offer of a caring nephew.





Cartoon in an American magazine in 1939 after the partition of Poland between the USSR and Nazi Germany. I wonder how long the honeymoon will last? 

mr. trIBule

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