Russian - American - Chinese case of the crown 🤴 19 

Russian - American - Chinese case of the crown 🤴 19 



— Yes it did! 



- Why Tribule? 

- Because they're pushing the topic they got ready. And there are no Chinese scientists by definition, there are Chinese assholes, children and grandchildren of Mao's communists, they are thieves and arrogant people sitting in top positions in the United States. For us, this is a real evil and faggots finished creatures of these particular top Chinese in US television and other delicate point state, medical and other institutions. Also, all the Chinese wives of known American criminals are agents of the CCP of China. 

Americans yes, high-level scientists, as well as Russian scientists. U.S. scientists were sent to China 🇨🇳 from the U.S., following Barry Obama's closure of a number of studies in the U.S. territory. Tribule has previously written about this. In order to do everything covertly, they decided to do everything on the territory of China. The Russians came there and there they worked. I don't know about Australian scientists. De facto, it is not an indigenous population living in this country, there is a hodgepodge of kangaroo 🦘 from all over the world. I'm not sure about Japanese scientists either. 


All articles about the company in one place : 

Every year hundreds of winners of school Olympiads flocked to Akademgorodok. I flew to Akademgorodok for the summit on nanomodified materials at the invitation of Yuri Koropachinsky, my university friend, and now the president of the company with...

"The project company OxyLab of the North-West Technology Transfer Center, which is part of the FIOP investment network, has established the production and start of sales of the Carbix Epoxy masterbatch for epoxy self-leveling floors. The material is made using single-walled carbon nanotubes of OCSiAl, which is part of the investment portfolio of rusnano Management Company, the press service of Rusnano said in a statement.

Masterbatch is a modifying additive that improves the performance properties of the final product: giving antistatic, heat resistance, increased chemical resistance, adhesion and strength.

The first buyer of products was a Russian manufacturing enterprise engaged in the development of special-purpose building mixtures and materials for the installation of industrial floors. A batch of Carbix Epoxy masterbatch will ensure the production of 1.5 tons of products.

Russian Technology: Graphene Nanotubes

The November Novosibirsk Akademgorodok met me with the purest pine air, fluffy snow and a temperature of minus 26 degrees. I immediately remembered how almost 35 years ago I flew here with a plywood suitcase to the famous physical and mathematical boarding school.

He flew to Akademgorodok for a summit on nanomodified materials at the invitation of Yuri Koropachinsky. He is his university buddy and now president of OCSiAl. 

There he began to talk about the world in which they were going to live.

Sydney Beach

Our story began about ten years ago, when Yuri Koropachinsky, drinking a glass of prosecco in the early morning at his home in Sydney, was going to go to the beach. The previous 15 years, he was quite successfully engaged in business, and by the age of forty he and his friends already had a timber business, a large holding of agricultural machinery and shares of a large bank. The work was nerve-wracking and they decided to sell all their assets. And instead of 35,000 employees and a constant financial deficit, they have a thousand times more money and a thousand times fewer employees. What else does a person need to calmly meet old age? And with this thought in his head, Yuri glanced at his five-year-old son and suddenly thought: "Who will my son grow up to be, if he sees his father in the morning already with a glass of prosecco, and at lunch he goes with a surfboard to the beach? This was a turning point for me," says Yuri, the son of the famous scientist-dendrologist Igor Koropachinsky. I remember when I was five years old, as soon as the snow melted, my dad would get in the expedition car and drive away. And when the snow fell, the expedition car would come back, and Dad would come out with a beard up to his chest. That was the most important thing he did for my upbringing." Therefore, Yuri decided to return to business. Previously, he was heavily involved in the management and management of a half-dozen factories with several tens of thousands of people in three countries, and now he has decided to do something unrelated to industrial assets. Remembering his scientific youth in Akademgorodok, he decided to invest in a high-tech business and bought a ticket to Novosibirsk.

I thought: who will my son grow up to be if he sees his father in the morning already with a glass of prosecco, and at lunch going to the beach? That was a turning point for me.

Joy Phone

Koropachinsky and his partners searched for ideas and people in the institutes of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences. 23 academicians at the presidium of the Siberian branch at the legendary Lavrentiev round table arranged for Yuri to be interrogated with passion. "I said that I am not interested in the money of the Siberian Branch, I am not interested in the real estate of the Siberian Branch, I am not interested in the patents of the Siberian Branch," Koropachinsky recalls. - One of the academicians sitting in the presidium snidely said: "And the earth?" "And the land is not of interest." I heard a collective sigh of relief, and someone said, "We don't have anything else." I said, "I'm interested in ideas." The reaction was fantastic: "Ah, ideas! We have plenty of them. Take it away!'" Yuri received a license, and his team from 2006 to 2009 shoveled 23 institutes in Novosibirsk's Akademgorodok, Tomsk, Krasnoyarsk and Irkutsk. We looked at more than 1500 ideas in three years. Yuri and his team were interested in the field in which they considered themselves competent: physics, chemistry, biology. Since the company did not have programmers and mathematicians, the IT sector was immediately swept away.

The scheme of work was built as follows: the guys came to the director of the institute and said: "Please show us your most outstanding scientists." Two to five people were invited and asked only one question: "Tell me, please, what can you do alone in the world? Or better than everyone else in the world? Something." If the answer seemed to be at least somehow applicable to real life, the following questions were asked. As a result, we collected 1500 ideas. Of these, 364 projects were identified, in which a small amount of money was invested in order to explore each of them for technical feasibility, the necessary investments, a potential market. There were some pretty fun projects. One scientist has claimed to be able to make the phone joyful. And after that, he took out a paper with the seal of the Ministry of Communications of the Russian Federation - on it the Ministry confirmed that this person knows how to make phones of joy. "Well, you can imagine, just like all cell phones, only when they start talking about them, everyone is happy."

No way out

It's been like that for three years. Yuri and his partners spent more than $ 2 million on preliminary work, and out of 364 projects, 12 were allocated, which were transformed into companies and financed. By this time, there was an understanding that it would not be possible to simply get out of venture investments. 99% of successful exits from such investments of funds, for example, Silicon Valley, are the resale of technology, teams and companies to investors of the next level. In Russia, to do this, you must not just assemble a team and raise it to a certain level, but bring it to a full-fledged status, to sell the product on the market and make a profit. There is almost no other way to get out of the investment. But this is a task of a fundamentally different scale. Creating, raising a team and selling, for example, in three years or 15 years to steer, create management, production are different tasks. And so to sow, create 50 teams in 50 industries and bring them to adult companies is unrealistic. Yuri began to look for alternative moves. In addition, of the selected 12 projects, there was not a single one that could really change our future. As Koropachinsky says, "tear up reality." And then he was introduced to Mikhail Predtechensky, a real genius, who also lives in Akademgorodok.

Just a genius

Why they met so late remains a mystery – predtechensky is known throughout Akademgorodok. One of the youngest zavlabs, a favorite student of Academician Nakoryakov, who at the time of the meeting was engaged in a high-tech business for almost 20 years, developing technologies for HP, Air Products (the world's leading manufacturer of industrial gases), Samsung. In the West, Mikhail is called simply: "Russian genius". And when Koropachinsky asked him the same question: "What can you do better than anyone else in the world?", Predtechensky briefly replied: "That's it." Talking to Predtechensky is a rare but extraordinary intellectual pleasure. He doesn't just think much faster than you, he thinks beautifully and paradoxically. And after a few minutes of conversation with Koropachinsky, Mikhail suggested that he come from the other side, deductive: "Let's do the opposite. I understand my area of expertise. Name the product you want to get, and I'll create breakthrough technology, if it's feasible at all. If you ask if I can implement fusion, I'll say no right away. For everything else, I'm likely to say yes."

Yuri and his partners saw the light at the end of the tunnel and enthusiastically began to come up with such products. Quite quickly, they agreed that we need to focus on materials, energy and their transformation – there is nothing more fundamental. As a result, six ideas were formulated. In fact, all technological ideas were formulated by Predtechensky, the rest analyzed them for implementation and prospects as a business.

Very small tubes

"And I also know how to synthesize nanotubes," Predtechensky said during a brainstorming session. "What are nanotubes?" wondered Koropachinsky. Mikhail said that for half a century no new materials appeared in the world. And that modern supermaterials are not much different from simple ones. The strength coefficient of titanium against steel is in the region of three. The coefficient of 10 simply does not exist. Carbon fiber with high-modulus fiber has a strength coefficient in the region of 1.5−1.7 GPa, and a single-walled carbon nanotube has a strength coefficient of 50. And that's not all. It's five times lighter than steel. Therefore, the coefficient is 250! An equal-strength steel part created from single-walled carbon nanotubes, if connected perfectly, will be 250 times lighter. The car is 250 times lighter, can you imagine? It will be blown away by the wind. Four-kilogram car.

In addition, there is no production of such tubes in the world, they are obtained by laboratory means, and the price is off the scale for $ 150,000 per kilogram. This conversation took place in 2009, and in February 2010, Yuri Koropachinsky, together with Oleg Kirillov, Yuri Zelvensky and Mikhail Predtechensky, created the company OCSiAl. It was decided to close all other projects in the field of high technologies.

Plasma reactor

A month later, Predtechensky in the experiment received the first nanotubes. There were a negligible number of them, a few black dots on the snow-white filter. But the electron microscope showed that these are the same single-walled carbon nanotubes. And Mikhail Predtechensky received them on his plasma generator, another of his fundamental inventions. The fact is that plasma generators – plasma torches – are used in many fields. Predtechensky encountered them while working on a project with Air Products. Powerful plasma torches could not work for a long time even in an inert gas - the electrodes burned out. For decades, scientists and technologists have tried to create an electrode material that would "stand", but nothing worked – the operating time was measured in seconds. When Michael says, everything seems simple: "I thought, why should the electrodes be solid? I'll make them liquid. Two baths with melt, and between them let an arc. The arc lights up, melts the initially solid metal, and two metal puddles are obtained, to which the arc is closed. The liquid is not subject to erosion. I made a machine that can work forever, in any environment, with any power."

Conventional plasma torches run on inert gas because electrode erosion is proportional to chemical activity and temperature. For example, on water vapor, they are destroyed instantly. And in the plasma torchron of Predtechensky, you can at least introduce chlorine - in fact, this is a plasma-chemical reactor. Many metallurgical and chemical processes can be changed fundamentally. Mikhail tried to attach his invention for a long time, met with oligarchs, even tried to make a reactor on it to destroy super-toxic waste. "The key moment was our meeting with Yuri," he recalls. "He turned out to be that person. On the one hand, a representative of a large business with money, on the other hand, the son of an academician, with our classical education. They quickly found a common language with him. Just before our meeting, I was at the Rusnano exhibition and carefully looked at what can be done with nanotubes. I've been following them since they were discovered, but I didn't know what they were for. And when I saw how they went in the materials, I realized that they have a fantastic future. "

For decades, scientists and technologists have tried to create an electrode material that would "stand", but nothing worked – the operating time was measured in seconds. "I thought, why do the electrodes have to be solid."

Graphene nanotubes

If you search the Internet, it turns out that carbon nanotubes on an industrial scale are produced not only in Novosibirsk. The difference is in a small detail - in Akademgorodok they make single-walled nanotubes, and in the rest of the world - multi-walled. And this difference is fundamental. "A multi-walled tube is a tube 'rolled up' of graphite," Yuri Koropachinsky explains popularly, "and a single-walled tube is made of graphene. If graphene had been discovered earlier than nanotubes, they would have been called graphene. These are different materials with completely different properties. The difference between them is the same as between diamond and coal, although both are made up of carbon. A multi-walled nanotube is a marketing hoax. Like we have a very similar product, but a little thicker than the wall. The correct way to speak is graphene and graphite. We make a tubular modification of graphene, from a single atomic layer. And they don't. Not only that, in some modes, our reactor synthesizes graphene, but we have not yet seen market niches in which graphene is superior to nanotubes. As soon as we see, we will be the first in the world to release an industrial batch."

However, the industrial batch of graphene nanotubes in OCSiAl did not turn out soon. From 2009 to 2012, $ 20 million was pumped into the project, building 11 prototypes. And after that, Koropachinsky took filters with black dots of nanotubes and flew to the head of Rusnano Anatoly Chubais. Anatoly Borisovich looked at them carefully and said one word: "Impressive." After a moment of silence, he added: "Do you want to build a reactor? How much will you produce? A ton a year? Did you know that Bayer last month launched a reactor with a capacity of 500 tons of multi-walled tubes per year?" Koropachinsky replied, "I know, so what? Will close in three years." Telling this story, here Yuri begins to laugh: "And you know, a month after three years, Bayer closed its reactor. Because no one needs multi-walled tubes."

"To appoint Anatoly Borisovich Chubais as the special representative of the President of the Russian Federation for relations with international organizations to achieve the goals of sustainable development," reads the decree of President Vladimir Putin, which was published on the evening of December 4, 2020.

At the time of publication, neither the presidential office nor the representative of Anatoly Chubais gave extended official comments clarifying what exactly the former head of Rusnano will do in his new position. Chubais in the course of his career has already been engaged in negotiations with international organizations: in particular, in 1995-1996 he was the manager of Russia in the International Monetary Fund and the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development.

Read more on RBC:

Chubais believed the arrogant entrepreneurs from Siberia, and Rusnano invested $ 20 million in the project, becoming the first external shareholder of the company. They say that this is the best investment of a state-owned company. When asked why OCSiAl was needed by Rusnano, if investors had their own money (at the moment, more than $ 150 million has been invested in OCSiAl), Koropachinsky explains: the scale of the project is such that at a certain stage investors will still be needed. When you build a company with your own money, you get a family company. Investors do not come to the family company, in the family company management, decision-making system, requirements for management are arranged differently. For a company to go public — and only public companies take over the world — it has to be built differently from the start. And from the very beginning, learn to take into account the opinion of an external investor. "Rusnano" in this regard is an ideal option.

Graphetron 1.0

With the money of Rusnano, the first industrial research reactor Graphetron 1.0 was built in Novosibirsk's Academpark, a more successful analogue of Skolkovo. Last year, the reactor synthesized 1250 kg of single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWCNT) under the trade name TuballTM. In 2016, there were four tons, this year it should produce from seven to ten tons. And through the wall, the construction of the already industrial Graphetron 50 is in full swing, which is designed, as the name implies, for 50 tons per year. Is it a lot or a little?

Prior to the launch of Graphetron 1.0, the world price of SWCNT was $150,000 per kilogram. "Wow, they buy a ton for $150 million! And we can sell a hundred times cheaper. It's what a queue will line up at the entrance! Koropachinsky rubs his hands. - But I think all agencies have been wrong and are wrong. I think that commercial sales before our appearance were nowhere and never. There were small batches for research purposes. They bought like cocaine in grams." For example, NASA tried to apply this material to satellites, but could not launch the project because it did not find a supplier for 100 kg per year. It just wasn't in nature.

A few years ago, the global market for single-walled nanotubes was potentially estimated at 10 tons per year, but every year the estimate increases significantly. If two years ago OCSiAl estimated it at 145,000 tons, now it is more than 500,000. "I see the potential for the company to grow a thousand times over ten years," Yuri is getting serious. "At the moment, we are the only manufacturers in the world."

As production progresses, the applications of graphene nanotubes are also rapidly expanding. At the very beginning, OCSiAl counted on the market of lithium-ion batteries, carbon fiber composites and the tire industry – it is logical to go to those areas where other forms of carbon were previously used. What can be made from amorphous carbon, from nanotubes will turn out hundreds of times better. For example, adding about 0.01% single-walled nanotubes to the electrodes of lithium batteries increases their capacity by 20%. But new areas of application are emerging right before our eyes. More recently, Professor Orbach of Israel's Bar-Ilan University has saved nearly an entire industry — the more than $38 billion annual market for lead-acid batteries. The fact is that in the near future all car manufacturers will be forced to install "start-stop" systems in cars, which at times increase the requirements for the number of charge-discharge cycles - from the current 300 for existing batteries to 800. Now this is possible only with the help of lithium technology. So, Orbach developed a technology for adding single-walled nanotubes, which increases the number of these cycles in lead batteries from 600 to 900. And there are hundreds of similar examples.

A few years ago, the global market for single-walled nanotubes was potentially estimated at 10 tons per year, but every year this number increases by orders of magnitude. If two years ago, according to OCSIAL, it was 145,000 tons, now it is more than 500,000. "I see the growth potential of the company in ten years a thousand times."

This year, OCSiAl held talks with 2500 potential customers – 10 meetings a day. Now the company's offices operate in Luxembourg, Tel Aviv, Seoul, Mumbai, Hong Kong, Shenzhen, Ohio, there are representatives in Malaysia, Germany, Great Britain, Australia and Japan. In the coming years, the company is going to build its reactors on all continents and in all developed countries. Not only that, they had that opportunity from the start. Then why is modern production located in Akademgorodok? "Because Predtechensky is here," Smiles Koropachinsky, "and because while we have a research reactor. At Graphetron, we conduct fundamental physical research, and we employ academicians, professors, doctors and candidates of science. Akademgorodok is an ideal place for such research. Why did we synthesize 4 tons of tubes this year, and not 7? Because half the time the reactor worked in research mode. It's a powerful scientific setup. Well, as a side effect, it synthesizes 98% of the tubes in the world."

The X-Files

In the room where Graphetron 1.0 stands, it is strictly forbidden to take pictures. "Even I don't have a selfie near the reactor," Koropachinsky laughs. "Not only that, you can't even look at Graphetron — when I walk into a room, it's covered with black matter, like a rock in the Kaaba. An exception is not made even for a university friend. I haven't seen such secrecy even in munitions factories." Therefore, the logical question is how OCSiAl is going to protect its technologies. "OCSiAl has an umbrella patent," says Yuri. When an invention does not have a fundamental feature, they try to invent a strange design, patenting, for example, a synthesis mode or a catalyst. Any such patent will necessarily be bypassed - it is impossible to close everything by a hundred parameters. A classic example: hovercraft were invented in the USSR, and the patent specified the angles of attack. Immediately came the English patent, in which all other angles of attack were patented. "Do you know what the singer sewing machine patent sounds like, which has never been bypassed? Koropachinsky laughs. - "Needle with an ear on the front". All. You can't make a sewing machine without such a needle. We have such a patent. Roughly, it sounds like this: "In any conceivable and unthinkable way, you create a true nanoparticle that flies in the stream of any hydrocarbon gas in any modes and a single-walled tube grows on it." If yes, then our patent, if not, then no. This means that we can not disclose anything: neither catalysts, nor the method of manufacture, nor the modes. " 

"Of course, Predtechensky, - I am infected with Koropachinsky's laughter- and who else on the planet could have invented such a patent?!".

Germany new law: There is no social assistance without vaccination!

🇩🇪The Minister of Health of Germany, Karl Lauterbach, confirms that there will be a "subscription for vaccination":

Vaccination against corona will be every 4-6 months in the future.

The Lauterbach Party, the SPD, its sponsor is the manufacturer of biological weapons under the guise of a useful vaccine - Pfizer.

10 minutes, very popular and intelligible for dumb and frostbitten morons. 

Biological weapons in a state syringe.

What "vaccines" contain and how it affects a person. A very important video, must be viewed.

🇨🇳 China, Shanxi Province. At the exit to another province, you will be met by machine gunners in special protection and check the QR code 👀

The Chinese American photo gallery can go on for a very long time. I'm sick of these narrow-eyed totalitarian faces, it's easier for me to pull their eyes 👀 on my ass than to explain to you what you can't understand. This is a totalitarian communist Nazi project of Putin and Xi. America and the West don't understand anything about it. Yes, all known by name U.S. citizens are participants in this project. The entire Oval Office and its staff are involved in the future investigation and trial, to a greater extent people of Jewish origin have gathered there and I am forced to repeat again and again this simple truth - they are all degenerates. 

This definition has nothing to do with the Jewish nation as a whole. In any large family there are freaks. 

Russian technology: graphene nanotubes : Noyabrsky Novosibirsk Akademgorodok met me with the purest pine air, fluffy snow and a temperature of minus 26 degrees. I immediately remembered how almost 35 years ago I flew here with a plywood suitcase to the famous physical and mathematical boarding school.

Dual-use material and technology. Method of obtaining carbon nanotubes and reactor (variants) : Other languages English Inventor Mikhail Rudolfovich PredtechenskyOleg Mikhailovich Tukhto Ilya Yurievich Koval

a method for producing carbon nanotubes and a reactor (variants). Grades of IPC: C01B31/02 carbon production. B82B3/00 Fabrication or processing of nanostructures. B82Y40/00 Fabrication or processing of nano-structures. Author(s): Predtechensky Mikhail Rudolfovich (RU), Tukhto Oleg Mikhailovich (RU), Koval Ilya Yurievich (RU) Patent holder(s): MSD Technologies Private Limited Company (LU)

Priorities: Application:

2011-04-19publication of the patent:


ATOMIC BOMBSHELL: ROTHSCHILDS PATENTED COVID-19 BIOMETRIC TESTS IN 2015. AND 2017. It's not disputable, since the information comes from official patent registries in the Netherlands and US. And we have all the documentation

Dual-use material and technology. Method of obtaining carbon nanotubes and reactor (variants). Other languages English Inventor Mikhail Rudolfovich PredtechenskyOleg Mikhailovich TukhtoIlya Yurievich Koval

      Take a look at the screensaver.

Fresh snow ❄️ and houses. Where else is there such snow and such houses except for the homeland of the fourth industrial revolution located in Moscow? And the world economic gathering in Davos. Klaus is just a puppet and hints from third parties to a financial cyberattack that is destroying the global financial system. Who is this old man? Yes, no one, the horse 🐎 in the coat. It doesn't solve anything.

We also respect and love the signs, just as the members of the international gang love and revere the number 666. The difference between us and them is only the numbering of the numbers . For example, today we are choosing the number 10 and 10 types of violations of the Nuremberg Code in the false Covid-19 pandemic.

Merry Christmas guys! Happy New Year 🍾🎉🎆 🎄 

  Merry Christmas guys! Happy New Year 🍾🎉🎆 🎄 

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